From the experience of working as a speech therapist teacher at school. Presentation of the pedagogical experience of a speech therapist teacher

The use of logos fairy tales in correctional work with children speech therapy groups

IN last years There has been a steady increase in speech disorders in children. Moreover, the nature of speech pathologies has become more complex and mainly has a combined form: in children, speech, the development of higher mental functions, the state of general and fine motor skills, orientation in space, emotional-volitional sphere, creative activity. It is considered normal if a child’s first words appear at the age of about a year, but meanwhile, many children begin to speak after 2.5 - 3 years. A child with speech impairment may be aggressive, or, conversely, withdrawn and depressed. Problem speech development and speech education is one of the most significant in modern kindergarten. Every year life places increasingly higher demands on children. To help them cope with the complex tasks that arise, you need to take care of the modern and complete formation of their speech. What should be done so that the child’s speech develops correctly, on time, so that the baby grows sociable, active, active, harmonious developed person?
Having carried out pedagogical observations of children in general education kindergartens, it is revealed a large number of children with a poor vocabulary, impaired sound pronunciation, and undeveloped coherent speech.
For a long time, fairy tales have been one of the widespread genres of oral poetry. Having its roots in folklore, and for centuries absorbing human wisdom and life experience of many generations, fairy tales have always been perceived with great interest. This unremitting attention is due to the fact that fairy tales are characterized by a wealth of ideological content, educational and didactic essence and invariably artistic expressiveness.
A fairy tale is the most universal, complex method of influence in correctional work. Today we associate the term “logostale” with this phenomenon.
The main idea of ​​a logo-fairy tale is the comprehensive, consistent development of children’s speech and associated mental processes through the use of elements of fairy tale therapy.
Logostales is a holistic pedagogical process that promotes the development of all aspects of speech, the education of moral qualities, as well as the activation of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination). Logostales can be a whole lesson, part of a lesson or a didactic game.
The development of personality and speech through logostories is carried out in the following areas:
Activity(from the need for emotional release to positive emotional manifestations).
Independence(from orientation in the means of linguistic expression to search the best ways self-expression in speech and movement).
Creation(from imitation of an adult to verbal fantasy).
Emotionality(emotional infection with images of a fairy tale).
Arbitrariness(From the experience of the emotional states of fairy-tale characters - through the assessment of their actions - to the dynamic balance of the movements performed in the game).
Connected speech(from continuation of adult phrases to creative improvisations based on the plot).
All these areas are logically connected and are implemented in a complex.
Famous foreign and domestic scientists turned to fairy tales in their work: B. Bettelheim, E. Fromm, E. Bern, R. Gardner,
A. Meneghetti, K. Jung, V. Propp, M. Osorina, E. Lisina, E. Petrova,
R. Azovtseva, T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva and others. It was in our country, in St. Petersburg, that the first Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy was opened, which is developing a methodology for complex work with fairy tales for children with developmental disabilities. According to E.N. Vinarskaya, emotional discomfort negatively affects the development of all aspects of speech.
Preschool children from general underdevelopment speech and other developmental features, they will have to remember, understand information, and acquire skills that are several times larger than those of normally developing children. All work is based on general didactic principles: systematicity and consistency, taking into account age characteristics, taking into account individual characteristics, taking into account the structure of the defect, and the phasing of speech education. The following are also taken into account: interest, joy, imagination, improvisation, emotional attention and memory.

Methodological techniques for logos fairy tales:
Verbal director's game.
1. To develop the ability to guess from the mood of the music about the actions and emotional states of characters and natural phenomena.
2. To develop the ability to expressively intone the voices of fairy tale characters with different voice strengths.
3. To introduce figurative expressions and fairy-tale repetitions, to activate in speech the forms of the imperative mood of verbs, the semantic shades of words.
1. Encourage expressive transmission of emotional states in facial expressions and movements, voluntary release of tension and relaxation of body muscles.
2. Display emotional images in tempo.
Verbal commentary.
Zada chi:
1. Bring to children the meaning of the fairy tale, evoke an appropriate response, and encourage them to make statements about familiar content.
2. Lead to the joint compilation of verbal descriptions, activate figurative expressions and fairy-tale repetitions in speech.
Collaborative verbal improvisation.
Solving individual episodes of a fairy tale.
Verbal imagination based on musical composition.
After listening to a musical excerpt, children come up with possible options for continuing the fairy tale.
Word drawing.
By discussing how to recreate the image of fairy tale characters using paints, children penetrate into the sphere of their thoughts, feelings and states.
Logostale can be used in different types of activities:
Productive activity.
Theater activities.
Musical activities
Cognitive activity
Types of logo tales:
Fairy tales that promote the formation of coherent speech
Literacy Tales
Imitation game:
I consider songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, sayings, and rhymes to be an invariable means of awakening cognitive activity, independence, and bright individuality. Affectionate jokes and nursery rhymes bring joy to children. With the help of folklore it is easy to establish contact with children. It is most often through elements of folklore that you can convey to a child your tenderness, care, love and faith in him. I consider it especially important to turn to folklore in the first days of visiting kindergarten. Persuasion especially helps speed up the child’s adaptation. But we speech therapists constantly use nursery rhymes and folk poems in our work.

Articulation and breathing exercises V game form, using logo fairy tales, also helps to increase children’s interest in performing exercises.

One of the indicators of a child’s full development is the level of development of fine motor skills.. Scientists have proven that the development of the hand (fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements) is closely related to the development of speech and the child’s thinking. The influence of manual activities on brain development has been known since ancient times. It is known that the greater the number of systems involved in the upbringing and education of a child, the more effective his development. The use of finger theater, cardboard theater, glove theater, using flat figures - heroes of fairy tales - is one of the forms of developing fine motor skills and at the same time forming all sections of children's speech.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. One of the main sections in the work of a teacher is a speech therapist. When examining children from the senior speech therapy group at the beginning of the year, I found out that only
2 out of 15 people use sentences of 3-4 words, the rest have a phrase of 2-3 words and with grammatical errors. . Based on these data, I consider the main tasks for speech development to be:
expand vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of speech, also using non-traditional types of work, such as logo tales.

Development of coherent speech an important stage in the work of a teacher-speech therapist of speech therapy groups. I usually end each individual lesson during the period of automation of sounds by memorizing a poem, retelling a story, a fairy tale. And if this is done in a playful way using facial expressions, masks, musical accompaniment, and dialogic retelling, children’s interest increases and memorization of the text improves. As the final stage in sound pronunciation, development of grammar, and coherent speech, I conduct frontal exercises in the form of travel to fairy-tale countries or using fairy-tale characters.

IN preparatory group , when we begin to conduct literacy classes, if these classes are conducted in a playful, fairy-tale form, children quickly remember letters and master syllable reading.

I consider the result of my work that for a long time now my children, even with severe speech diagnoses, rarely end up in speech school, go to general education.

Natalia Shvedyuk
Generalization of work experience “Innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist”

Speech is one of the most important mental functions of a person and a complex functional system, which is based on the use of the sign system of language in the process of communication. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for development various forms activities. A child’s mastery of speech contributes to awareness, planning and regulation of his behavior.

We all know very well that well-developed speech of a preschool child is an important condition for successful learning at school. It is necessary to help the child overcome speech disorders, as they negatively affect all mental functions and affect the child’s activities and behavior.

Today, everyone involved in the upbringing and teaching of preschool children has at their disposal extensive practical material, the use of which contributes to the effective speech development of the child.

But we are faced with the difficulties of correction work due to the increased number of speech pathologies.

Any practical material can be divided into two groups: firstly, helping the child’s direct speech development and, secondly, indirect, which includes non-traditional speech therapy technologies.

Innovative methods of influence in activities speech therapist are becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental working with children with speech impairments. These methods are among the effective means of correction and help achieve the maximum possible success in overcoming speech difficulties in preschool children. Against the backdrop of a complex speech therapy assistance innovative methods, without requiring much effort, they optimize the process of correcting children’s speech and contribute to the health of the entire body.

Modern Speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with special educational needs.

Innovative technologies are implemented, new methods and tools with increased efficiency, techniques that are the end result of the teacher’s intellectual activity.

In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the child; these are introduced, new, highly effective methods and tools, techniques that are the end result of the intellectual activity of the teacher.

The main criterion « innovativeness» technologies is to increase efficiency educational process due to its use.

Any innovation, used in speech therapy practice, refers to the so-called « micro-innovations» , since its use does not change the basic organization speech therapy assistance, but only locally modifies its methodological component.

The lexico-grammatical aspect of the speech of older children with general speech underdevelopment differs significantly from the speech of normally developing peers, their vocabulary, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Poor dictionary. Children use well-known, frequently used words and phrases in active speech.

Misunderstanding and distortion of the meanings of words, as a rule, manifest themselves in the inability to select from the vocabulary and correctly use in speech the words that most accurately express the meaning of the statement, in the imperfection of the search for nominative units.

Difficulties in coordinating words in phrases and sentences, which are expressed in the inability to correctly choose the endings of words.

In this regard, in parallel with the task of accumulating, enriching, and clarifying vocabulary, another no less important: creating conditions for its activation and actualization of one’s own statement. And here didactic syncwine can come to the rescue.. This technology does not require special conditions for use and fits seamlessly into work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren with ODD.

Cinquain with French translated as "five lines", a five-line stanza of a poem. Didactic syncwine is based on the content and syntactic specificity of each line. Compiling a didactic syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. These abilities are in great demand in modern life.


Art - therapeutic technologies;

Modern speech therapy technologies and finger massage;

Modern technologies sensory education;

Body-oriented technology;

Su-Jok therapy;

Information technologies.

Positive results are brought by the inclusion of art therapy in the correctional and developmental process (art therapy in relation to special education as a synthesis of several areas of scientific knowledge (art, medicine and psychology, and in medical and psychocorrectional practice as a set of techniques based on the use different types art in a unique symbolic form and allowing, by stimulating artistic and creative (creative) manifestations of a child with problems to carry out the correction of disorders of psychosomatic, psychoemotional processes and deviations in personal development., the main functions of which are cathartic (cleansing, liberating from negative states) and regulatory (relief of neuropsychic tension, regulation of psychosomatic processes).

Types of art therapy:

Music therapy (vocal therapy, playing musical instruments);

Kinesitherapy (dance therapy, body-oriented therapy, logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics);

Fairytale therapy;


Creative play therapy (sand therapy).


Music therapy is listening medicine. Light calm music during correctional classes has a calming effect on nervous system, brings into balance the processes of excitation and inhibition.

I use the following techniques in my classes: music therapy:

Listening to music.

Rhythmic movements to music.

Combination of music with work on the development of manual praxis.

Singing pure sayings to musical accompaniment.

Music therapy direction work promotes:

Improving the general condition of children;

Improving the quality of movements ;

Correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas;

Stimulation of speech function;

Normalization of the prosodic aspect of speech .

Corrective tasks:

normalization of neurodynamic processes of the cerebral cortex, normalization of biorhythm;

stimulation of auditory perception (activation of right hemisphere functions);

improvement of the general condition of children;

improving the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, smoothness develop);

correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas;

stimulation of speech function;

normalization of the prosodic aspect of speech (timbre, tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of intonation);

formation of word formation skills;

formation syllable structure of the word.

While having a relaxing speech therapy During massage, works are used that have a sedative effect, and during active massage, works that have a tonic effect are used.

It is also possible to use tonic musical works during dynamic pauses and articulatory gymnastics.


stretching - alternating tension and relaxation in various parts body, normalize muscle hypertonicity and hypotonicity;

relaxation exercises – promote relaxation, introspection, memories of events and sensations and are a single process;

breathing exercises – improve the rhythm of the body, develop self-control and volition.


is a set of movements that allow you to activate the interhemispheric impact:

develop the corpus callosum

increase stress resistance,

improve mental activity,

help improve memory and attention.

Exercises type "Fist - rib - palm", "Bunny - ring - chain",

"Bunny - goat - fork" and etc.

Speech therapy massage

Massage of the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus helps to normalize muscle tone and thereby prepare the muscles to perform complex movements necessary for the articulation of sounds.

Performing techniques speech therapy massage requires a clear diagnosis of the state of muscle tone not only of the muscles involved in articulation, but also of the muscles of the face and neck.

However, differentiated massage techniques used for different forms of speech pathology developed relatively recently and not yet sufficiently introduced into widespread practice. However, it becomes clear that speech therapy massage as one of technologies must take its strictly defined place among others speech therapy technicians. On the one side, speech therapy massage is an important component in complex speech therapy work, on the other hand, massage is not a panacea for the formation of sounds.

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself (a teenager or an adult suffering from speech pathology.

Self-massage is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage, which is performed speech therapist.

Purpose speech therapy self-massage is primarily a stimulation of the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in work peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, normalization of muscle tone of these muscles.

In practice speech therapy work Using self-massage techniques is very beneficial for several reasons. Unlike speech therapy massage conducted speech therapist, self-massage can be performed not only individually, but also frontally with a group of children at the same time. child's pronunciation.


massage of the palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls;

pin massage;

massage with nuts and chestnuts;

massage with hexagonal pencils;

rosary massage;

massage with probes, probe substitutes;

massage with Su-Jok therapy devices.


Corrective tasks:

creating a communicative focus for every word and statement of the child;

improvement of lexical and grammatical means of the language;

improving the sound aspect of speech;

development of dialogic and monologue speech;

the effectiveness of playful motivation for children's speech;

the relationship between the visual, auditory and motor analyzers;

cooperation speech therapist with children and with each other;

creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the child’s emotional and sensory sphere;

introducing children to the past and present of Russian culture and folklore.


Mnemonics translated from Greek - the art of memorization, memory development technology. This is a system of methods and techniques that ensures successful and effective memorization of information. Idea: for each word or phrase, a picture is invented and the entire text is sketched out schematically. Any story, fairy tale, proverb, poem can be "write down" using pictures or symbols. Looking at these diagrams, the child reproduces the information received.

The diagrams serve as a visual plan to help the child recreate what he heard. I use such support diagram cards very effectively in work. Mnemonics and kinesiology(the science of brain development through certain hand movements) used by Aristotle and Hippocrates.

Such techniques are especially important for preschoolers, since their mental problems are solved with the predominant role of external means, and visual material is absorbed better than verbal material. I use mnemonic tables in classes on the development of coherent speech, which allows children to more effectively perceive and process visual information, recode, store and reproduce it in accordance with the set instructions. learning objectives. The peculiarity of the technique is the use not of images of objects, but of symbols for indirect memorization. This makes it much easier for children to find and remember words.

Mnemonics helps in development:

coherent speech;

associative thinking;

visual and auditory memory;

visual and auditory attention;


accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

The essence of mnemonic diagrams is next: for each word or small phrase a picture is created (image).

Thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.


The diverse possibilities of sand therapy contribute to better speech correction and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Problems that I solve at classes:

Improving practical communication skills and abilities using verbal and non-verbal means.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child.



improving practical communication skills and abilities using verbal and non-verbal means;

enrichment of vocabulary;

development of coherent speech;

encouraging children to take action and concentrate;

development of imagination and imaginative thinking.

When playing with sand:

The level of muscle tightness and psycho-emotional tension decreases.

The game is enriched experience and, as a result, creative activity and independence in the game.

Children develop the capacity for sympathy; the ability to provide support, help, show attention, care, and participation is formed.

The skills of constructive way out of problematic situations are developed.

Computer technologies are among the effective teaching aids increasingly used in special pedagogy. An analysis of the literature shows that computer tools represent for a specialist not part of the content of remedial education, but an additional set of possibilities for correcting deviations in the development of a child. A defectologist who uses work computer equipment, it is necessary to solve two main problems of special training: to develop in children the ability to use a computer and apply computer technologies for their development and correction of psychophysiological disorders.

The priority task of using a computer in work is not to teach children the adapted basics of computer science and computing technology, but in the comprehensive transformation of their habitat, the creation of new scientifically based means of developing active creative activity.

During classes, the computer helps with physical exercises, eye exercises, interactive games for the development of phonemic processes.

, teacher-speech therapist at MDOU No. 36, Samara urban district

Important in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is the implementation correctional work, which is aimed at the timely identification and elimination of violations of the speech and personal development of preschool children.

In order to carry out correctional work, the kindergarten operates speech therapy center, which provides an individualized and systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders.

The speech therapy center operates in accordance with the requirements of the main regulatory documents:

  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266 – I “On Education”;
  • Model regulations on a preschool educational institution (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. 666);
  • Instructive letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the organization of a speech therapy center for general educational institution” dated December 14, 2000, No. 2;
  • Instructive letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1979. No. 345-M “Regulations on speech therapy centers at secondary schools”;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPk) of an educational institution dated March 27, 2000 No. 27/906-6;
  • Recommendations of the Department of Science and Education of the Samara Region No. 239 dated 12/08/03. on the selection and use of educational programs and documentation maintenance;
  • Regulations on the speech therapy center of the preschool educational institution;
  • tariff and qualification characteristics of a speech therapist teacher, set out in Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 463/1268 dated December 31, 1995 “On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees of educational institutions”;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN –10 dated July 22, 2010. No. 91 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool educational institutions.”

The main tasks of the speech therapy center of the MDOU are:

  • timely detection of speech development disorders in pupils;
  • determining their level and nature;
  • elimination of simple speech disorders;
  • referral of children with severe speech impairments and developmental disabilities to the State Medical and Practical Center to determine an adequate form and program of education;
  • prevention of more serious speech disorders in pupils, including disorders writing;
  • advisory, methodological, educational work among specialists of preschool educational institutions, parents (legal representatives) of pupils of preschool educational institutions.

During the academic year, the speech therapy center carries out work in various areas:

  • organizational;
  • diagnostic;
  • correctional;
  • preventive;
  • scientific and methodological;
  • relationship with other participants in the correction process.

As a result organizational work The speech therapy room is being prepared for the new academic year (until September 15): systematized and replenished methodological material(on production and automation of disturbed sounds); illustrated and handouts for children enrolled in the speech center (printed board games have been prepared aimed at automating and differentiating sounds).

The medical records of children enrolled in the logotherapy center are being studied to clarify the anamnestic data in speech cards ah (in September and throughout the year).

At the beginning of the year, a schedule and cyclogram of the speech therapist’s working hours are drawn up.

Diagnostic work includes speech therapy examination of all ages groups of preschool educational institutions(beginning and end of the year), for the purpose of making speech therapy reports, as well as enrolling children of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten to the speech center. Among this group of children, a control section of speech development is carried out in January to clarify speech therapy conclusions. And in May, the results of correctional work among children enrolled in the speech center are summed up.

Based on the conducted speech therapy examination“Oral speech examination protocols” are filled out for all age groups of preschool educational institutions. The purpose of the protocols is to show the presence of a speech defect in order to formulate a primary conclusion.

Children from preschool and older groups with oral speech disorders are enrolled in the speech therapy center; indicators of their speech development as a percentage are recorded in the “preschool speech center monitoring protocols,” and individual “speech development graphs of children enrolled in the speech therapy center” are also constructed. All protocols are drawn up in accordance with the structure of speech disorders in preschool children. Using these protocols, you can clearly trace the dynamics of the speech development of children enrolled in a speech therapy center.

Protocols and individual schedules for monitoring the dynamics of speech development of preschoolers are accompanied by an analytical report, which provides a comparative analysis of examinations at the beginning and end of the year and identifies several groups of children: normal, significant improvements, improvements, no improvements, interrupted classes. The reason for the slight dynamics after correctional and speech therapy work in a group of children that remained without improvement is indicated (for example, children rarely attended kindergarten due to illness).

The presence of such documents allows you to quickly make calculations and clearly monitor the results of speech therapy work.

The teacher-speech therapist sends the children selected for training at the speech therapy center to the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of the preschool educational institution, based on the results of the examination of which he makes a decision on enrolling the child in the speech therapy center. For each enrolled preschool child, the speech therapist fills out a speech card in accordance with the structure of the speech disorder:

  • speech map for children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, where features are noted in detail phonemic awareness, syllable structure, sound pronunciation;
  • a speech map for children with mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, where the state of vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech, features of phonemic perception, syllabic structure, and sound pronunciation are more fully revealed.

The use of such speech cards allows you to track the child’s speech development and create an individual development program according to the structure of the speech disorder. In speech cards, the speech therapist not only notes speech disorders, but also examines the children’s intact speech abilities. Therefore, an individual development program is drawn up taking into account these opportunities to correct identified violations.

Individual development programs highlight areas of correctional work that make it possible to eliminate identified speech and non-speech disorders and gaps in the child’s abilities and skills, relying on his intact speech abilities.

Such a plan will allow us to systematize classes, increase their effectiveness and strengthen the correctional focus, as well as implement a person-centered approach to training and education.

An individual development program is drawn up for six months and implemented in individual lessons. At each stage of correction, this program includes blocks, work on which can continue in the future, or be completed within one period, etc.

Since there is no program for working with children in a speech center, the speech therapist teacher relies on methodological recommendations, and the only form of correctional work is individual lessons, so there is no thematic long-term planning of group work with children. Speech therapy classes are held with each child at least twice a week. Duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. The “log of attendance at speech therapy classes” records the number of classes held during each month. This magazine reflects the actual work of a speech therapist teacher with children, the number individual lessons corresponds to the specialist’s working time cyclogram.

Correctional and developmental work in accordance with speech therapy conclusions is carried out directly with children enrolled in the speech center throughout the school year.

Preschool children attending preschool educational institutions and having:

  • phonetic underdevelopment;
  • phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment;
  • mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech.

Children identified during the examination with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment, alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering), with other developmental disorders (mental retardation, visual impairment, hearing impairment, intelligence, etc.) are sent to the primary medical center for clarification. speech conclusion and resolving the issue of further education in preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type or in compensatory groups.

Admission to the speech therapy center is carried out during the school year as places become available, with no more than 25 children attending speech therapy classes at a time.

Since the speech center enrolls children with simple speech disorders (phonetic, phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, mild general speech underdevelopment), it is important that individual correctional work includes exactly those areas that correspond to the structure of the speech disorder.

Oral speech disorders

Directions of correctional work

Phonetic speech underdevelopment

Correction of sound pronunciation

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

Development of phonemic awareness

Correction of sound pronunciation

Mild general speech underdevelopment

Replenishment of the dictionary

Improving grammatical structure

Improving coherent speech

Development of phonemic awareness

Improving the syllabic structure of words

Correction of sound pronunciation

In case of phonetic underdevelopment of speech, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, and mild general underdevelopment of speech, correction of sound pronunciation includes the following steps:

I. Preparatory;

II. The stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills;

III. Stage of formation of communication skills.

Work at the preparatory stage is aimed at:

Development of clear coordinated movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus, preparation of the articulation organs for the production of certain sounds;

Development of speech breathing and a strong, long-lasting air stream.

Stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills:

1. Production of disturbed sounds using various methods: imitation, mechanical, mixed.

2. Automation of delivered sounds:

1) isolated pronunciation;

2) in syllables;

3) in words;

4) in phrases;

5) in sentences;

6) in the text.

3. Differentiation:

1) isolated sounds;

2) in syllables;

3) in words;

4) in phrases;

5) in sentences;

6) in the text.

The stage of formation of communication skills involves the automation of delivered sounds in spontaneous speech.

With phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and mild general underdevelopment of speech, one of the important areas of work is the development of phonemic hearing.

Corrective work includes the following stages:

I. Development of auditory perception, attention;

II. Development of phonemic hearing;

III. Formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and word synthesis.

At the stage of development of auditory perception and attention, the following is carried out:

1) exercises aimed at differentiating sounds that differ in tonality, pitch, and duration;

2) reproduction of the rhythmic pattern by ear.

The stage of development of phonemic hearing includes:

1) exercises in recognizing a given sound among other phonemes and isolating it from a word in various positions;

2) exercises to differentiate sounds that are similar in articulatory or acoustic properties.

The stage of formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of a word involves:

1) consistent isolation and combination of sounds in words of different syllabic structures;

2) consistent isolation and combination of syllables in words of different syllabic structures;

3) designation of vowels and consonants (hard and soft) sounds with chips of the corresponding colors;

4) drawing up conditional graphic diagrams.

In case of mild general underdevelopment of speech, in addition to the above, they include the following directions works:

Dictionary addition:

  1. nominative dictionary;
  2. predicative dictionary;
  3. dictionary of signs;
  4. numerals and pronouns;
  5. word formation skills.

Improving grammatical structure:

  1. inflection;
  2. agreement.

Improving coherent speech:

  1. retelling;
  2. a story based on a series of plot paintings;
  3. story based on a plot picture.

Planning the content of speech therapy classes is carried out weekly: the main directions in which it is planned to work in the lesson are described, the names didactic games, articulation exercises, for what purpose they are performed.

Such planning allows you to more clearly track the stages at which work was completed in previous lessons and, therefore, carry out correction more effectively.

A special room has been allocated for the work of the speech therapy center at the preschool educational institution,

which meets pedagogical and sanitary-hygienic requirements, fire safety rules and is adapted for individual and subgroup classes with children, consultations for parents.

The entire space is divided into four zones:

1. The spatial-organizing element of the first is a wall mirror, in front of which a significant part of the classes on staging sounds and their primary automation is carried out, the height above the floor is correctly determined, the lighting for daytime and evening classes is thought out, and the appropriate table and chairs are selected. There are individual cotton swabs, disposable handkerchiefs, and symbol pictures for performing articulation exercises and diagnostic examinations in the required quantities. 2. The second zone of the office is intended for conducting subgroup classes with children and its elements are tables and chairs appropriate to the height of children, a wall board, and a flannelgraph. There are coloring books, colored pencils, and visual aids and games that are used as needed during classes (depending on the goal). All material is systematized, grouped by topics and areas of work. The logopunkt has the following visual aids and games:

To develop phonemic awareness and sound skills

analysis: sound rulers, chips, “Speech therapy lotto”, “Sound clock”, “Hear”, “Magic patterns”.

To form the correct sound pronunciation: “Loto mosaic”, “Pyramid”, “Shop”, “Locomotives”, “Piano”, “Caterpillar”, “Packing your bags”.

For the development of fine motor skills: “Magic ropes”, “Collect beads”, “Laces”, “Rain”, “Path”, “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”, “Boot”.

3. The equipment of the third zone - the speech therapist's workplace - includes a desk, chairs for adults, cabinets for books, toys, visual aids and equipment, an hourglass, and a stopwatch. Visual and didactic aids are colorfully designed and multifunctional.

It should be noted that in order to effectively work with parents, he widely uses auxiliary visual aids: in each group special “speech therapy corners” are equipped, in the locker rooms of each age group information is posted on the types and causes of speech disorders, the tasks of correctional speech therapy and preventive work with children, and offers specific techniques for strengthening correct sound pronunciation in preschoolers and improving grammatical means of speech, which are recommended for use in the family.

The use of visual aids and TSO help the speech therapist teacher decide

a wide variety of tasks:

Communicating new knowledge and consolidating existing knowledge,

Activation of children's vocabulary,

Development of imagination,

Formation of cognitive processes,

Ability to creatively process information.

Classes using TSO are planned in such a way that the use

technical teaching aids do not interfere with the overall duration of the lesson and do not lead to overwork of children.

When constructing classes, the teacher takes into account psychophysical and individual

characteristics of children.

During preventive work in September and May, a speech therapy examination of the junior and middle groups of the kindergarten and an analysis of medical records are carried out. Examination protocols are filled out, speech therapy reports are clarified, and parents and educators are individually consulted based on the results of the examination, where appropriate recommendations are given.

Teachers whose children are enrolled in a speech therapy center are offered information

about the results of correctional work at a certain stage, thereby stimulating them to continue this work in the group. In turn, educators share with the speech therapist their observations of the child’s speech in the group (outside speech therapy classes) at this stage. The program of joint activities is adjusted for a week with each child.

Caregivers whose children are not enrolled in a speech center are provided with information for the purpose of prevention speech disorders.

Every year, the teacher-speech therapist conducts thematic consultations for educators and parents of pupils, and organizes workshops where appropriate recommendations are given.

Throughout the year there is scientific and methodological work: attending seminars and methodological associations organized by the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education and Education, Children's Educational Center "Help".

Since the time for correctional classes with children in kindergarten is strictly limited, and speech therapy classes cannot include all lexical and grammatical material, then relationship with participants in the educational process: teachers, music director, instructor physical culture, a psychologist - very relevant.

The speech therapist teacher pays special attention to correcting sound pronunciation in the classroom. But if a child’s grammatical structure, vocabulary, and coherent speech are not sufficiently developed, then the teacher includes improvement of these aspects of speech in his work plan.

Thus, the work of the teacher and speech therapist is coordinated: the speech therapist teacher selects material for his classes that is as close as possible to the topics studied by children in classes with teachers, and also takes into account the requirements of the training program implemented in kindergarten. The teacher during classes, individual work with children, takes into account the stages of speech therapy work carried out with the child, the levels of development of the phonemic aspect of the child’s speech, grammatical, vocabulary and coherent speech skills.

The teacher-speech therapist also recommends that educators carry out sets of articulation and finger exercises in the morning and evening hours and include in individual work the reading of poems and riddles, isolating words with a given sound from the text, sound-letter analysis of two or three words, inventing pure tales - fables, pure sayings - “ laughs."

To successfully overcome speech disorders in children, the relationship between the speech therapist and the music director is important.

The importance of developing correct non-speech and speech breathing, a sense of rhythm, and coordination of movements in preschoolers combines the efforts of both specialists.

Listening to music, the child learns to distinguish its dynamic shades, determine the tempo, rhythm, and also subordinate his movements to all musical changes. Thus, the child’s motor skills are corrected and improved, which is important for the development of general motor skills and is one of the stages in the correction of violations of the syllabic structure of words.

It should be noted that the teacher-speech therapist participates in the selection and development of speech material for holidays and entertainment, taking into account the individual capabilities of the children.

The joint work of a speech therapist and a physical education instructor is carried out in several aspects. The development of all types of breathing is carried out by including in physical education exercises that regulate physiological and speech breathing; synchronicity of speech and non-speech exhalation, its smoothness and duration. When planning classes, the physical education instructor takes into account the state of general motor skills of children enrolled in a speech therapy center.

When drawing up individual long-term plans, a teacher-speech therapist takes into account the results of diagnostics carried out by a teacher-psychologist. Together with him, further correctional work is being built to develop higher mental functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking). When conducting classes, the teacher-psychologist takes into account the stages of speech therapy work carried out with the child.

The achievements of children in relevant classes (music, physical education) are discussed with specialized specialists according to the stages of the speech therapist’s work with these children. Teachers share with the speech therapist their observations of the speech of children enrolled in a speech therapy center in the appropriate classes. Changes are being made to the individual development program for children for the next stage of correctional work. Thanks to such close work of the speech therapist and all preschool teachers, good results are achieved in the correction of speech deficiencies in children, as well as their prevention.


1. Collection of documents for speech therapists at preschool educational institutions: Guidelines/ N.N. Bolyasova, E.V. Baranovskaya, I.L. Vaenskaya, E.V. Mazanova, O.F. Frolova. - Samara: MIR Publishing House, 2009.

Lyudmila Nakhasheva
Generalization of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher on the topic “Interaction between a speech therapist teacher and a teacher primary classes»

Generalization of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher on the topic: "Interaction between a speech therapist and a primary school teacher in solving problems of quality of education."

Cooperative activity speech therapist and primary school teachers starts on the first day of school. Collaboration at work occurs in almost all types educational activities. Many of the problems that interfere with the successful acquisition of academic skills can be corrected by speech therapy classes.

According to a jointly drawn up plan, the speech therapist takes part in work:

Methodical association primary school teachers;

Teachers' councils;

Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation, where the reasons for children’s underachievement are considered and ways of their psychological-medical-pedagogical support are developed.

One of the most important conditions for joint the work of a speech therapist and teacher is to develop unity of requirements for students.

Me speech therapist and primary school teachers, requirements developed, to achieve the goal of each lesson with children logopaths: - comprehensively develop the personality of the student - speech pathologist;

Training should be educational in nature;

-consider age characteristics of children;

-consider the structure of the speech defect and, in accordance with this, select the available material;

Provide an individual approach against the backdrop of collective activities;

Achieve the strength of acquired knowledge and skills;

Provide software requirements, taking into account possible specific (speech) errors;

Make extensive use of visualization, gaming methods and techniques.

During the academic year from teachers consultation is being carried out Job.

In September teachers were familiarized with the results of the initial speech therapy examination. Together with teachers a schedule of speech therapy classes was drawn up, directions for individual correctional working with children. During the school year, all teachers receive the necessary consultations. On lessons teachers use a set of breathing and articulation exercises suggested by a speech therapist. As a speech therapist, I include lexical topics that children study in class in the structure of the lesson, For example: "School", "My family", "Wild and Domestic Animals" and others, lexical topics reflecting the regional component are also used, For example: "Animals and birds Krasnodar region» , “Features of spring in Kuban”, "Our village", "Fauna of the Krasnodar Territory" etc. Teachers, in turn, secure spent in speech therapy classes, skills for correcting oral and written speech. Teacher and the teacher, with the help of a speech therapist, monitors the children’s correct speech and participates in the formation of their self-control. In addition, he helps the child formulate answers in class and organizes the student’s verbal communication with peers. This is especially important for people who stutter, who have acute communication problems, as well as for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Children show their knowledge and skills at a speech therapy matinee, which is held as part of the week "Psychology and correction".

For students 1 class, together with the teacher, during the additional winter holidays, an entertainment event was held "Entertaining speech therapy".

WITH teachers home-based training provides individual consultations on topics: “A variety of methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech”, “How to help a child who stutters?”, “Development of visual perception in younger schoolchildren” and etc.

IN speech therapy room in the speech corner, recommendations for teachers and parents are updated. Systematic Job in close contact with teachers, attending classes teachers for the purpose of monitoring speech students, they provide high efficiency of each lesson, timely identification of difficulties that the child experiences in the lessons and determination of goals for each lesson.

Publications on the topic:

This work will be of interest to both a novice speech therapist and an experienced speech therapist. It consistently reflects the stages of correctional work.

Today there have been changes in the Russian education system and updates in its quality. In connection with the approval and entry into force, Federal.

Slide No. 1 Popova Natalya Valerievna, teacher – speech therapist, kindergarten No. 40 “Brigantina”, city of. Balashikha. Slide No. 2 Dear jury, dear ones.

Message “Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional educational process” Message on the topic: “Interaction speech therapist teacher with a teacher in the correctional educational process" Elena Karaganova From coherence.

L. S. Vygotsky also noted that a defect in some analyzer or intellectual defect does not cause an isolated loss of one function.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a combined type, kindergarten "Rosinka"

Presentation of work experience on the topic:“The system of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and teachers and parents in kindergarten”

Speech therapist teacher: Shutrova O.P.

pgp. Pionersky, 2014

Currently, the interaction of a teacher-speech therapist with families of children with speech disabilities is the most relevant. The modern concept of preschool education marked the beginning of the reform of preschool education, which indicates that the family and preschool educational institutions, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that one ofmain tasks , facing the kindergarten is interaction with the family to ensure family education of children with speech impairments. Modern changes in the preschool education system are also reflected in the content of correctional and developmental education for children with speech disorders.

Undoubtedly, every parent dreams of his child growing up healthy and successful, being able to achieve more than he himself, learning to better understand people and interact with them. But few people thought about how important a role a child’s ability to speak correctly and beautifully plays in all this. Speech is one of the most powerful factors and stimuli for development in general. We can say that a person’s speech is his calling card.

Relevance The problems of family education of children with speech development disorders are determined by successful work with families of pupils of a preschool educational institution. The effectiveness of the work itself depends on what this work will be like. preschool, his material support and interaction with his family, forcing him to look for new forms of this work.

Efficiency pedagogical activity speech therapist teachers in working with preschool children with speech disorders will be fully represented if one of the most difficult problems is solved - eliminating the differences in the positions of teachers and parents on issues of children's speech development. Parents often spontaneously withdraw from the work of correcting speech defects in children, since they do not possess the necessary pedagogical knowledge and skills. As a rule, they experience difficulties because they cannot find free time to study with their child at home and do not know how to study.

In addition, a certain part of teachers underestimates the importance of the life activity of preschool children in the family, and finds it difficult to implement this significant factor in correctional work. The lack of systematic feedback from the family deprives teachers of the opportunity to be sufficiently informed about the nature of children’s speech activity in everyday life situations.

The conscious inclusion of parents in the correctional process together with the speech therapist teacher can significantly increase the efficiency of work. Creating a unified space for a child’s speech development is impossible if the efforts of the speech therapist and parents are carried out independently of each other and both parties remain in the dark about their plans and intentions.

I build my communication with parents based on the principle" A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the preschool team ", because I think that we have one common task- education of a highly moral personality. Interaction between the speech therapist and the family - necessary condition full speech development of preschool children, since best results are noted where speech therapists and parents act in concert. The concept of “interaction with the family” should not be confused with the concept of “working with parents,” although the second is an integral part of the first. Interaction necessarily implies control, or feedback; At the same time, control should be unobtrusive and indirect.

Work experience has shown that the family is competent parents who take on reinforcing and supporting functions in working on speech, thereby creating favorable conditions for development of your child.

All our interaction with colleagues, family, friends, is based on communication. Sometimes what and how we say becomes very important. Convince that you are right, impress the person you like, protect your rights, win your proper position in life - all this can be done with the help of eloquence.

Unfortunately, recently such a phenomenon as speech impairment and slowdown in a child’s speech development is quite common. This, of course, complicates his communication in society and, subsequently, can affect the social adaptation and success of an adult. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to possible violations in the baby in this area and prevent their development.

The purpose of speech therapy work with children in kindergarten is the development of speech, the correction of its phonetic and phonemic deficiencies, the formation of the ability to use speech as a means of communication for further successful socialization.

Correct speech is the merit not only of the teacher and speech therapist, but also of the parents, those whom the little ones imitate, for whom parents are an example, an example not only at the moment, but for the rest of their lives.

The family is the first social community that lays the foundations for a child’s personal qualities. In the family he acquires initial communication experience. Here he develops a feeling of trust in the world around him, in close people, and already on this basis curiosity, inquisitiveness, cognitive and speech activity, and many others appear. personal qualities. All this must be taken into account when planning work with your family.

The significance and variety of forms of work of a teacher-speech therapist with parents cannot be overestimated. The need to use them is important not only for teachers, but, above all, for parents whose children attend preschool. The problem of many modern parents is poor pedagogical knowledge, detachment, the reasons for which are hidden, first of all, in the lack of basic psychological and pedagogical knowledge and the reluctance of parents to understand the complex world of the child. Therefore, success in raising and teaching children in a preschool institution largely depends on how the pedagogical education of parents is organized. Work with children with speech underdevelopment includes correctional and educational influence on the part of the preschool institution and parents.

For the education and development of these children, I define a modern conceptual approach, strive to search for variable developments, using new approaches to teaching, and carefully select forms and methods aimed at correcting speech disorders.

In my correctional work I use the following: theoretical approach s:

personality-oriented and competence-based approaches, involving analysis and generalization, development of methodological conditions for studying the needs of a modern family, the formation of parental competence;

a spheral approach, which involves studying the state of interaction between a teacher and the families of students, and the introduction of such forms of cooperation that make it possible to harmonize pedagogical guidelines for the development, upbringing and education of children;

a differentiated approach aimed at developing an individual correctional and educational route for a child together with parents.

Main activities and (scheme 1)

 Analytical.

Study of the family of a child with a complex defect structure, monitoring.

 Planning and organizational.

Planning and organizing work with parents to overcome the structure of children's defects.

 Methodical.

Development of methodological support for a system of working with parents to correct ODD in preschool children within the framework of full-time and correspondence work.

Correction of preschool age is carried out according to a developed system, which includes:

defining goals and objectives;

planning work with parents;

individual child development route together with parents;

organization of correctional and educational activities together with parents;

methodological support;



Success in raising and educating children largely depends on how the pedagogical education of parents is organized and how diverse and interesting the forms of interaction are. I'll namemain forms of interaction with families:

Family Club "School of a Successful Parent" (Appendix No. 1 – regulations on the work of the family club, notes on parent-child activities, video recording “Autumn Garden”)

This form allows you to interest parents, activate them, and make them participants in the event. Holidays are useful for developing communication skills, increasing self-esteem, awareness of the need for correct speech, and consolidating the material covered. After all, it’s not for nothing that the proverb says, “A child grows not from bread, but from joy.”

Parental participation in project activities

Parent meetings (Appendix No. 2 – parent meeting model, presentation slide No. 1)

It is important that parents act at the meeting and get involved in one or another work proposed to them. At the first group parent meeting, I explain to parents that adult family members are responsible for creating the child’s motivation to study at home, conducting classes with the child in various forms outside kindergarten, taking additional measures in the presence of disorders accompanying the main defect (consultation with a neurologist, psychoneurologist, orthodontist). I emphasize the importance of systematic work with the child. Parents also receive information on how to study at home and how to keep individual notebooks.

Information booklets (Appendix No. 3 - memos, booklets) contain brief information material on the correction of speech disorders

Workshops (Appendix No. 4, notes of workshops)

“Parent + Child” to provide parents with joint forms of activities with children that are correctional in nature, while solving the problems of an individual program of work with the family. A prerequisite is the presence of parents, especially mothers, at them: “We learn from those we love.” Efficiency also increases significantly because the parent gradually masters purely speech therapy skills and abilities; a good parent inevitably becomes “a bit of a family speech therapist.” By observing the work of a speech therapist, parents are more willing and better able to complete homework with their child, and the process speeds up twice as much.

Joint learning of articulatory gymnastics techniques by mother and child, finger games etc.

Days open doors (Appendix No. 5 - GCD notes, video recording of GCD).

Open days are held 1-2 times a year to familiarize parents with the organization of correctional and educational work with children in kindergarten, the successes and problems of the child, and the peculiarities of working with him.

This form introduces parents to the organization of educational and correctional work in a group

Thematic exhibitions

Develop the ability to act together, developing knowledge about the environment, gaining communication experience

Holidays and entertainment

During the school year, various entertainment events are held for children and parents. I take an active part in them, children and parents hear correct speech and appropriate intonation not only in classes, but also in leisure hours.

Questionnaire (Appendix No. 6 – questionnaires, survey analysis)

The content of the questionnaires is changed and supplemented annually. Constant awareness of the level of satisfaction of parents allows us to build work with each family in its own direction.

Sound automation notebooks (Appendix No. 7 – notebook for individual work)

Allows you to automate sounds at home and introduce them into speech

Parental five-minute meetings - short personal consultation

Introducing parents to interesting games for the development of logical thinking and speech

Consulting on requests

Includes: a statement of the dynamics of speech development (what he has coped with, what else causes difficulties), exchange of impressions and observations of the child’s speech, individual workshops, adjustments to the plan for joint activities on speech development, recommendations and tasks for the child’s parents, setting an approximate date for the next meeting .

Home library of author's manuals

They can be successfully used as methodological and visual material for individual lessons between parents and children on the instructions of a speech therapist. A detailed description of all concepts, terms, tasks and exercises allows those who do not have special training adults can successfully engage in correctional and developmental activities. Used as methodological and visual material for individual lessons between parents and children on the instructions of a speech therapist

Mass media (I maintain a personal page on the website )

Material is offered not only for parents of preschool educational institutions, but also information material is provided for the general public on working with children with speech pathology.

Corner for parents (Appendix No. 8 – folder “Vexical topics for parents”)

In addition to its main task (informing the parent about the organization of the educational process, documents, announcements, announcements of seminars, trainings and other events, etc.) it also solves other problems. Here a parent can read an article from the series “In the speech therapist’s office” (which is updated periodically), how to study at home on a lexical topic, etc.

Sliding folders (Appendix No. 9 - mobile folders) contain material with developed sets of games, exercises, as well as material reinforcing children’s knowledge on lexical topics for practical use with children at home.

The conscious inclusion of parents in the correctional process together with the speech therapist teacher can significantly increase the effectiveness of joint work. There is an understanding that the creation of a unified speech space for the development of a child is possible subject to close cooperation between the speech therapist and parents. Cooperation between the family and the speech therapist is becoming increasingly popular; teachers are looking for new points of interaction and forms of working with parents. Promotion pedagogical culture parents are the basis for improving the full development of the child. The involvement of parents in the educational process, their interested participation in correctional pedagogical activities is important not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child.

Interaction with teachers

The success of correctional speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution largely depends on the coherence in the work of the speech therapist and group teachers. Only close contact between a speech therapist and educators can help eliminate speech disorders in preschool age, and therefore further full-fledged education at school.

Together with teachers we draw upparent corner , prepare and conduct and parent meetings(see minutes of parent meetings).

In interaction with teachers I use the following form of work:workshops (“Effective techniques for teaching preschoolers with special needs to write descriptive stories”, etc.).

I take part in the work"School of a young teacher" (“Organization of interaction with the family to prevent OCD in preschool children”).

Together with teachers, I organizeproject activities (presentations creative projects: "The Tale of cheerful tongue", "Children-parents club as a form of interaction between the teacher-speech therapist and the family").

With teachers of the compensating group, “Notebook for interaction with a speech therapist teacher,” where educators, on the recommendations of a speech therapist teacher, practice and reinforce speech material with children in individual form.

On MO of teachers We share our teaching experience with preschool teachers (speech “Professional standards of a teacher in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”).

I take part in the work together with teacherscreative group "Correctional work in preschool educational institutions."


Today we can say that I have developed a certain system in working with parents and educators, a system of mutual respect has been created. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistants to the speech therapist teacher.Increased parental interest and involvementin correctional work with children with speech disorders.