Recommendations for parents on the development of phonemic perception. Tips for parents to develop phonemic awareness

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 000 "Aistenok"


Didactic games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception and hearing in middle-aged children preschool age.

Prepared by:

Educator MBDOU No. 000 Egorova Oksana Valerievna


ECHO game

Objective: To practice phonemic hearing and accuracy of auditory perception.

Game progress:

Before the game, the adult asks the children: “Have you ever heard an echo? When you are traveling in the mountains or through the forest, walking through an archway, or in a large empty hall, you may encounter an echo. That is, of course, you will not be able to see it, but you can hear it. If you say: “Echo, hello!”, Then it will answer you: “Echo, hello!”, Because it always repeats exactly what you say to it. Now let's play echo. ”

Then the driver is appointed - "Echo", who must repeat what he is told.

It is better to start with simple words, then move on to difficult and long ones (for example, "ay", "rather", "windbreak")


Objective: To develop sound discrimination.

Game progress:

Cards of pairs of letters: 3-Ж, Ч-Ц, Л-Р, С-Ц, Ч-С, Щ-С, С-3, Ш-Ж are laid out in front of the children on the table, face up. Two letter cards are also used. On command, children should choose objects whose names include this letter and put them into piles. The one who picks up more cards wins. The game continues until they are all taken apart.

The game "CONFUSION"

Game progress:

It is necessary to draw the child's attention to how important it is not to confuse sounds with each other. To confirm this idea, you should ask him to read (or read to himself, if he does not already know how) the following comic sentences.

The Russian beauty is famous for her goat.

He drags the mouse into the hole a huge grain slide.

The poet finished the line, at the end he put his daughter.

It is necessary to ask a child a question, what did the poet confuse? What words should you use instead of these?


Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing and sound analysis of words.

Game progress:

The adult presenter tells the children a story about an evil wizard who bewitches words so that they cannot escape from the wizard's castle. Words do not know what sounds they are made of, and we need to explain this to them. As soon as the sounds of a word are correctly named in the right order, the word is considered saved, free. The game is carried out as a usual plot-role, and the adult, as the only literate, always remains the leader, the children play the role of saviors, and one of the participants represents an evil wizard who is absent from the castle from time to time; that's when letters can be saved.

The adult names the word - the victim of imprisonment, and the saviors must distinctly repeat the sounds of which it consists. It is necessary to ensure that they are pronounced carefully, with the pronunciation of all vowels. They start with simple three to four letter words, then complicate the “bewitched” words. For example, "disenchant" the word "apple" - "I, b, l, o, k, o".


Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing.

Game progress:

It is best to play with three or an even larger company. The exercise is a modification of the famous game "Broken Phone". The first participant quietly and not very clearly pronounces a word in his neighbor's ear. He repeats what he heard in the ear to the next participant. The game continues until everyone gives the word "over the phone".

The last participant must say it aloud. Everyone is surprised because, as a rule, the word differs markedly from those transmitted by the rest of the participants. But the game doesn't end there. It is necessary to restore the first word, naming in turn all those differences that "accumulated" as a result of the phone breakdown. An adult should be careful to ensure that differences, distortions are reproduced by the child correctly.

Purpose: To develop auditory attention, learn clearly, pronounce polysyllabic words loudly and in a whisper, distinguish words that sound similar.

Game progress:

The teacher, imitating the voices of animals, that is, pronouncing various sound combinations, invites children to guess who is shouting like that. When the children guess and correctly name the animal, he invites them to determine whether it is large or small. For example, the teacher loudly pronounces kva-kva-kva and asks: "Who is this?" Children: "Frog". Then the adult pronounces the same sound combination quietly. "And who is this?" he asks. Children: "Frog." - How did you know that this is a frog? " Children: "The frog croaks softly, and the frog loudly."

The teacher makes sure that all children listen carefully, answer the questions correctly.

Game: "RED - WHITE"

Purpose: Finding the sound in the words perceived by ear.

Game progress:

The teacher invites children to listen carefully and determine which word has a given sound. If there is a given sound in the word, the children should raise the red circle, if not, they raise the white circle.


Purpose: To fix correct pronunciation children of certain sounds in words, to teach them to select words from a group of words, from a speech stream with a given sound.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children a picture, for example, "Vegetable Garden". After examining the picture, the teacher offers to tell what the pioneers collect in the garden. Then the children are given the task of saying which objects have the sound p (sound s) in the name. A cardboard circle is given for each word. The one with the most circles wins.


Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words by children, to teach them to separate them from a group of words, to develop phonemic hearing.

Game progress:

Children take turns catching various objects with a fishing rod. They call them. Determine the presence or absence of the necessary sound in the name (for example, p), its place in the word (at the beginning, end, middle of the word). For the correct answer, the child receives a point. The one who scores more points wins.


Purpose: To exercise children in the selection of words that differ from each other by one sound, to develop phonemic hearing.

Game material:

1. A disc, divided into 2 halves, along the edge of which the same number of velvet paper circles (5-7 pcs.) Are glued in the upper and lower parts. A double arrow is attached to the disc, which is easy to move.

2. Object pictures (on circles of the same size as circles on a disc), glued on the back with velvet paper or flannel:

Goat-scythe bear-mouse whale-cat

Grass - firewood roof-rat mustache-wasps

Coil-shell helmet-mask com-som

Duck-fishing rod poppy-cancer house-smoke

The course of the game in the lesson:

The teacher in front of the children is a disc with pictures (in the upper half). The rest of the pictures are located on the flannelgraph or lie on the teacher's table. Offers to play the game "Find a Pair". Explains: “This disc is divided into two parts. The upper half contains different pictures. One arrow points to the picture, and the other to the empty circle below. On this circle you need to place a picture with an object, the name of which sounds similar to the name of the object pointed to by the upper arrow. "

The teacher calls the children to the board. Having picked up the picture, the child pronounces both names, emphasizing their similarities and differences in a voice ("Spit-goat"). Then the teacher moves the arrow to the next picture.

The course of the game outside the class:

Each player receives one or two pictures. The teacher places one arrow on a picture and names the object depicted on it. Children look at their pictures, choose the right one. The one who has the picture will play.

Game: "turn on the TV"

Purpose: To train children in determining the first or last sound in words, in composing words from the selected sounds (three to four), to exercise in reading words of three to four letters.

Game material:

A table on which 2 long pockets are glued on the left, one under the other for object pictures and letters, and on the right is an image of a TV; behind the screen - a pocket (for displaying pictures). Object pictures and cards with letters. Pictures for the TV screen: ball, lump, catfish, cancer, whale, cat, rose, vase, duck.

The course of the game exercise in the lesson:

The teacher explains to the children: “To turn on our TV and see the image on its screen, you need to determine the first sound in the words - the names of the pictures placed in the upper pocket. From these sounds, you will form a new word. If the word is formed correctly, the corresponding object will appear on the TV screen. "

The teacher inserts object pictures into the upper pocket, for example: matryoshka, stork, cat, asks the children to name the first sound in each of these words (m, a, k) and guess which word can be made from these sounds (poppy). Then he demonstrates a picture with a poppy on the screen.

Children designate the selected sound with the corresponding letter and read the resulting word.

Words that can be formed by the first sounds: lump (cat, donkey, poppy), cat (key, hoop, ax), cancer (fish, watermelon, chicken), ball (cone, watermelon, fish), catfish (sleigh, wasps , hammer), rose (lynx, hoop, hare, bus), vase (wolf, orange, castle, pineapple).

Words that can be formed from the last sounds: lump (lock, bucket, catfish), cat (hammer, chair, plane), cancer (ax, saw, wolf), ball (lily of the valley, whirligig, tractor), catfish (bus, coat , lump), duck (kangaroo, helicopter, sock, boat).


Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound C by children in words; learn to highlight the presence of a given sound in a word by ear.

Visual material: Toys in the name of which there is a sound with (smiling): an elephant, a dog, a fox, a pig, a goose, as well as other toys: a bear, a crocodile, a doll, a car, etc.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the toy and asks several children to name it, then he calls it himself and invites the children to listen carefully and say if there is a sound with in this word ("song of water").

For a child who answered this question correctly, the teacher offers to ride the toy in the car around the table.

The teacher makes sure that the children correctly pronounce the sound with (s) in words, determine by ear the presence of this sound in the word; the teacher should pronounce the words lingeringly, highlighting the sound with a voice (ssslon)

Children with intellectual disabilities entering the first grade are almost unprepared for school due to their lack of formation phonemic perception... Phonemic perception is the skill of word perception in terms of the number and sequence of sounds (letters) in a word.

When phonemic perception is not formed, students find it difficult to master syllabic and sound-letter analysis, which leads to a violation written speech... In the future, in the written works of primary school students, the following mistakes are most common:

  • skipping letters and syllables; at the same time, vowels are often missed, which is explained by the lack of kinesthetic support (for example: city - "proud", sparrow - "vrbei), and consonants at their confluence (dragonfly -" strkoza "," dragonfly ");
  • incomplete writing of letters or syllables (shouted - "I will shout", blue - "blue", came - "step", sawed - "drank");
  • building up words with extra letters or syllables; most often, extra vowels are inserted between the concatenation of consonants (grass - "tarawa", December - "decabor", shirt - "shirt") or one of the syllables is repeated (dragged in - "dragged in");
  • permutations of letters or syllables within a word: usually observed when consonants converge (mower - "kosikla"), and in words with repeated vowels (on a tree - "on dever", kolobok - "kobolok");
  • gross distortion of words (brave - "khabab");
  • continuous spelling of words (he climbed a tree - "onlesnaderva");
  • arbitrary division of words (jumped on a branch - "jumped on a branch");
    The main, most important points in the formation of phonemic perception are the following directions:

I. clarification of the concept of vowels;

II. formation of the concept of the syllabic composition of words and the skill of working with 2, 3, 4, complex words;

III. clarification of the concept of hard and soft consonants;

IV. the formation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of words.

An important point in the work is clarity, illustrated material, because reliance on auditory perception does not give the desired results.

Exercises by directions.

I. For children, the idea of \u200b\u200bvowel sounds and letters of the I and II rows is clarified. They learn to hear and distinguish them from syllables. different types and words of various structures using the graphical scheme method, taking into account its syllabic structure... With a graphic representation, the word is pronounced by syllables. Thus, children learn to hear vowel sounds, to feel the movements of the organs of articulation at the time of their pronunciation, to see the corresponding letters in the composition of a word, and in the future not to miss them when writing.

Write out vowels among other letters, syllables, words;
... slap on a vowel;
... name pictures, highlight vowel sounds in their names, depict words graphically;

Supplement the word with a vowel;

Make up words, name vowels in them;

Add captions to pictures with the necessary vowels;

Copy words by inserting missing vowels;
... read pairs of words, insert missing vowels;

Determine missing vowels (by pictures and without using pictures);

Find mistakes, correct them, underline inserted vowels;

II. Pupils practically assimilate the syllable composition of the word, as a separate part - the syllable. The number of syllables in a word, they acquire They learn to hear, understand the sequence and number of syllables in a word, acquire the skill of correctly dividing words into syllables, taking into account the confluence of consonants in words, for example: cat, not ko-shka. This approach to dividing words into syllables is due to the fact that consonants standing next to each other are separated, i.e. one consonant closes the syllable, and the second opens it. Parallel work in progress with vowels. This way, students are better able to perceive each vowel and do not miss it when writing such words. The work is structured according to the scheme: 2 complex words, 3 difficult, 4 difficult.

Write off words by syllables, emphasize vowels;
... write off words, divide them into syllables according to the pattern, emphasize (name) vowels;

Find words for diagrams;

Write words from memory (2-4 words);
... connect syllables, read the received words by syllables, write down, underline vowels;

Name pictures, name an unfinished syllable in a word, emphasize vowels;

Name an unfinished syllable in a word, emphasize vowels (without reference to the picture);
... name pictures, read signatures, rearrange syllables and write; read the words correctly;

Compose words from syllables, write them down, highlight vowels (without reference to the picture);

... solve puzzles, write down the resulting words;

Assignment assignments.

Choose from words first words from 1 syllable, then from 2, from 3;
... to write off a text or a sentence: Option 1 - not dividing words into syllables; Option 2 - dividing words into syllables;
... the inclusion of these exercises in sentences, texts;

III. Students learn to hear and distinguish between hard and soft sounds of a consonant, learn ways to indicate the softness of consonants in writing: using vowels of the second row (first way) and a soft sign (second way). Show the softness of the kinesthetic difference in sound, learn to rely on these sensations.

Write out (read) syllables, first with hard consonants, then with soft ones;
... analysis of words - paronyms (with and without pictures);
Compare a couple of words:
- within the meaning of;
- by the sound of the first consonant;
- by writing a vowel;

Pick up pairs of words, write down the resulting pairs;

Name pictures, name an unfinished syllable in a word, emphasize soft consonants;
... find mistakes in words, spell words correctly;

Determine, in the captions, to which pictures the soft sign "escaped";

In preschool children, speech develops very quickly: vocabulary increases, the sound design of words improves, phrases become detailed. After all, from the very birth, the child hears speech and non-speech sounds. Speech sounds are words. With the help of words, the child communicates with adults, receives the information he needs, gets involved in activities, and masters the norms of behavior. By the age of five, a child can already be critical of his speech. He may understand that he is speaking incorrectly and is ashamed of it. This can serve as a reason for refusing to communicate with peers, the child withdraws into himself. He tries to speak less, answers questions in monosyllables and does not take part in speech games. If you do not deal with the correction of sound pronunciation at preschool age, then later, at school, this can affect the mastery of written speech - reading and writing. The correctness and purity of speech depends on various factors: on the development of speech hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, vocal and speech apparatus. Since the voice of preschoolers is still unstable, they speak either very quietly, barely audible, or loudly. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the fact that words can be pronounced with different loudness (in a whisper, quietly, moderately, loudly). Learn to control the power of your voice. All this suggests that it is necessary to interest the child so that he himself would want to participate in the correction of speech. Specially selected games allow solving pedagogical and correctional problems in natural conditions for a child - in a game. Games introduce and teach children to listen to the sounds of the surrounding nature, to the sounds of "house", "street", listen to the sound of words, establish the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, differentiate sounds, pronounce one-, two-, three- and four-syllable words, answer questions. I use the games below to develop auditory attention, correct speech perception in children 5-6 years old. The purpose of these games and exercises is to develop auditory attention and phonemic perception. one. Finger game "Thunderstorm" Purpose: to coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in dynamics and tempo of sound. An adult reads the words of the game, and the child performs movements according to the text. Drops dripped (knocks on the table with two index fingers). It is raining (softly knocking with four fingers of both hands). He pours like a bucket (knocks loudly with four fingers). Hail has gone (knocking with the bones of his fingers, knocking out a fraction). Thunder rumbles (bangs on the table with his fists). Lightning flashes (draws lightning in the air with his fingers, makes a sound w). Everyone quickly runs home (clap their hands, hide their hands behind their backs). In the morning the sun shines brightly (describe a large circle with both hands). 2. Listen and name the right word. Purpose: to improve phonemic hearing, to learn to name words with a certain sound in the text. An adult reads a poem or story filled with a certain sound, the child must name words that contain a given sound. F - Beetle hums in an iron can - Beetle does not want to live in a tin. The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter. Sorry for the poor beetle. Z - Hare, hare, what are you doing? - I'm gnawing the stump. - And what are you, hare happy? - I'm glad my teeth don't hurt. 3. Game "Jokes-minutes" Purpose: To improve the ability to distinguish by ear words that sound wrong. Develop phonemic hearing. Develop a sense of humor. An adult reads lines from poetry, replacing letters in words. The child finds a mistake and corrects it. Ponytail with patterns, Boots with curtains. The cat floats on the ocean, the whale eats sour cream from a saucer. GOD'S BOX, fly to heaven, Bring us bread. Here are some games and exercises that help develop phonemic perception, teach children to do sound analysis: determine the presence of a given sound in words, highlight the first and last sound in words. 1. "Answer - take your time." Purpose: to improve phonemic hearing, to name words with a certain sound, to determine the place of sound in a word, to select words in a sentence with the same sound. Suggest several tasks for quick wits: - Think of a word that begins with the last sound of the word palace. -Remember the name of pets, in which there would be the last sound of the word nose (dog, pig ...) -Choose a word so that the first sound is m, and the last sound is a (Masha, car, fly ...) -What word will be obtained if k the syllable ro add one sound? (Mouth, rum, horn ...) -Compose a sentence in which all words begin with the sound p (Petya gave Pavlik a pyramid.) -Find in the group the objects in the name of which there is the sound k (pencils, book, pen, cubes ...) 2. "Correct Dunno's mistakes." Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing, to distinguish by ear words pronounced incorrectly, to determine the place of sound in a word, to divide words into syllables, to come up with simple and complex sentences. Dunno was visiting his grandmother in the village and that's what he saw there. Listen carefully and correct mistakes. Kosa jumped over the fence. Kolova gives delicious milk. The ross chews the succulent grass. Kochka catches the mouse. SobaKha guards the house. 3. "Are you ready to go to school?" We answer the questions: -What is the first (last) sound in the word dog? -Name a pet, in the name of which there is a sound Ш, where is this sound? -How many syllables are in the word cat (cow)? -Come up a 2, 3, 4 word sentence about pets. MBDOU MO Krasnodar " Kindergarten №5 "REMINDER FOR PARENTS Preparing children for school Tips for parents on the development of phonemic hearing 4." Catch the word. " Purpose: to develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Adult: all the words crumbled into sounds. I will name the sounds, and you make a word out of them: K-O-M-A-R - mosquito, Z-U-K - beetle, O-S-A - wasp, M-U-H-A - fly, B -A-B-O-CHK-A - butterfly ... 5. "Scatter the word" Purpose: to form the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. An adult invites the child to divide words into sounds: porridge - K-A-Sh-A, house - DO-M, paper - B-U-M-A-G-A ... Compiled by: teacher - speech therapist S.A. Rassovskaya

"And we play at home, we develop phonemic hearing"

I hear correctly - I speak well!

What is phonemic hearing and how does it affect the development of speech?

What exercises can parents use to develop their child's accurate sound perception on their own?

Phonemic perception

It is about a person's ability to distinguish the sounds of speech by ear. Phonemic hearing is the basis for understanding the meaning of what is said. Indeed, replacing even one sound in a word, we can get a completely different meaning: "goat-scythe", "house-tom", "barrel-kidney". And now they are mowing the meadow with a goat, and Mishin's car turns into mice by car. Parents often complain: my child has a "porridge in his mouth", he misses or replaces sounds and syllables in words ... The culprit of such annoying speech disorders may well be an undeveloped phonemic hearing.

Formed phonemic perception is the key to clear pronunciation of sounds, building the correct syllable structure of words, the basis for ease of mastering the grammatical structure of speech, successful mastering of writing and reading.

Paying attention at home to the development of phonemic hearing, you will facilitate the child's process of mastering the correct sound pronunciation, and in the future - reading and writing. An uncomplicated system of games will allow you to independently and productively help your baby to master his native language, avoid possible difficulties and prevent the occurrence speech disorders... If there are already violations, then the development of phonemic hearing will be the first step towards overcoming it.

Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing are built on the principle from simple to complex. Having identified at what stage the child ceases to cope with tasks, start at this level.

First level

Recognition of non-speech sounds. Distinguishing non-speech sounds by ear is the foundation and basis for the development of phonemic hearing.

Game "Guess what sounded". Together with your child, listen carefully to the sound of water, the rustle of the newspaper, the clink of spoons, the creak of the door and other everyday sounds. Invite the child to close their eyes and guess what sounded right now.

The game "Noisy bags". Together with the baby, pour cereals, buttons, paper clips into the bags. The child should guess by the sound of the shaking bag what is inside.

Game "Magic Wand". Pick up a pencil or any stick and tap it on various objects in the house. The magic wand will make a vase, table, wall, bowl, etc. sound. Then complicate the task - let the child guess with closed eyes what object sounded.

Game "Zhmurki". The child is blindfolded, and he moves to the sound of a bell, tambourine, whistle.

Clap game. The child repeats the rhythmic pattern of claps. For example: two claps, pause, two claps. In a more complicated version, the child repeats the rhythm with his eyes closed.

Second level

Distinguishing speech sounds by timbre, strength, pitch.

Game "Loud - Quiet". Arrange for the child to do certain things — when you say the words loudly and when you’re quiet.

Game "Three Bears". The child guesses which of the heroes of the tale the adult speaks for. A more difficult option - the baby himself speaks for the three bears, changing the pitch of his voice.

Third level

Distinguishing between words that sound similar to each other.

Game "Listen and choose". Pictures with similar sounding words (catfish, lump, scrap) are placed in front of the child. The adult names the object, and the child must raise the corresponding picture.

The game "True - False" ... An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first sound (forot, short, morota, gate, porot, hoot). The child's task is to clap his hands when he hears the correct pronunciation.

Fourth level

Distinguishing between syllables.

A slap game. The adult explains to the child that there are short and long words. Pronounces them, intonationally separating syllables. Together with the child, pronounces the words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na), slapping off the syllables.

Game "What's superfluous?" An adult pronounces rows of syllables "pa-pa-pa-ba-pa", "fa-fa-fa-wa-fa-fa", etc. The child should clap when he hears an extra syllable.

The fifth level

Distinguishing sounds. It is necessary to explain to the child that words consist of sounds, and then play a little.

Game "Who is this?" Komarik says "zzz", the wind blows "sss", the beetle buzzes "zzhzh", the tiger growls "rrr". An adult utters a sound, and a child guesses who is making it.

Clap game. The adult pronounces rows of sounds, and the child claps his hands when he hears a given phoneme.

Sixth level

The child's mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis.

The game "How many sounds." An adult names one, two, three sounds, and a child identifies and names their number by ear.

Clap game. An adult speaks rows of words, and a child should clap when he hears a word starting with a given sound.

Game "Guess the word". The child is offered words with a missing sound - they need to be guessed. For example, the sound "L" escaped from the words (... ampa, we ... oh, ... uk, cook ... a, mas ... oh)

Keep everything under control

Even when children are busy playing themselves, without adults, try to hear what and how they say, and correct if the child pronounces a word incorrectly or uses it incorrectly - most speech errors are fixed in memory from early childhood. Watch your own speech as well.

Used sources:

    Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old:

    Kirilova E.V. The development of phonemic perception in preschoolers.

To acquaint parents of children with the concept of "phonemic perception", to substantiate the need for its development, to give recommendations for the implementation of this direction at home. Demonstrate some views game tasks, help parents master them.

Workshop - workshop for parents

"Formation of phonemic perception through play"

prepared and conducted by a speech therapist: Glukhikh S.A.

Purpose: To acquaint parents of children with the concept of "phonemic perception", to substantiate the need for its development, to give recommendations for the implementation of this direction at home. Demonstrate some types of play tasks, help parents master them.


    What is phonemic perception, phonemic hearing, and how does it affect the development of re

    How does phonemic hearing develop normally and how to identify its violation in a child?

    What exercises can you use to develop phonemic processes (practical part).

    Summing up, questions from parents.

    Notes for parents on the formation of phonemic hearing.

Expected Result: Train parents in specific methods of correctional work. Encourage them to actively collaborate on a systematic basis.


(Slide 2)

"In cooperation, under the guidance, with someone's help, a child can always do more, solve more difficult problems than on his own ..."


Phonemic hearing - This is the distinction by ear of speech sounds. Phonemic hearing is the basis for understanding the meaning of what is said. Indeed, replacing even one sound in a word, we can get a completely different meaning: "goat-scythe", "house-tom", "barrel-kidney". And now they are mowing the meadow with a goat, the scythe nibbles the grass, and Mish's car turns into a mouse on the car.

Parents often complain - my child has a "porridge in his mouth", he misses or replaces sounds and syllables in words - undeveloped phonemic hearing may be the culprit for such violations.

Formed phonemic perception is the key to clear pronunciation of sounds, correct syllabic structure of words (even without having the opportunity to pronounce all the sounds, the child retains the structure of the word "kart-na" - "ti-ti-ta"), the basis for the ease of mastering the grammatical structure of the language, successful mastering of writing and reading.

Age norms for the development of phonemic hearing

First year of life - already in the third week, the child should show concentration on harsh sounds, and at two months he should begin to listen to quieter noises. At three months, the baby easily looks for the source of the sound, reacts to it with a smile, a complex of revitalization. He listens to music with pleasure. From four months, the child begins to imitate sounds, by six months he can distinguish his name.

By the end of the first year of life, with the normal development of phonemic hearing, the baby can distinguish frequently spoken words.

In the second year of life phonemic hearing is actively developing. Despite the fact that speech is still far from perfect, the child can already distinguish all the phonemes of his native language. By the end of the second year, the baby is able to determine by ear the incorrectly pronounced sound in the speech of adults, but his own pronunciation is not yet controlled.

Most important achievement third year of life - the child's ability to independently determine the incorrectly pronounced sound in his own speech. If this skill of phonemic perception is not formed by the age of three, then the child will not be able to master the correct sound pronunciation.

In the fourth year of life phonemic hearing improves, becomes more differentiated. The child already has the skill of distinguishing similar phonemes by ear and in his own pronunciation, which serves as the foundation for mastering sound analysis and synthesis.

In the fifth year sound analysis is formed - the ability to determine the sequence and number of sounds in a word. Only with the skills of analysis and synthesis, the child will be able to successfully master reading and writing.

Developed verbal hearing allows:

    Pronounce sounds correctly;

    Pronounce words clearly;

    Master vocabulary and the grammatical structure of the language;

    Successfully master writing and reading.

I bring to your attention a step-by-step program for the development of speech hearing in a child.

This"speech therapy ladder" is widely used by speech therapists.

First step - recognition of non-speech sounds.

Game "Guess what sounded?"

There are several sounding toys on the table in front of the child: a tambourine, a bell,

rattle, etc. An adult invites the child to listen and remember the sound

each item. Then the child needs only by ear, without visual support.

define what sounds. The name of each sounding object is pronounced.

The number of toys is increasing.

Woodpecker game

reproduction of a rhythmic pattern (rhythm) when clapping or sounding on any instrument.

"The woodpecker hollows the tree,

The echo will repeat for sure:

I - I, II - I, I - II - I "

A game « Find bell »

Children stand in a circle. Imperceptibly for the driver, they pass a bell behind each other's backs. The driver must guess and show which child the bell was ringing behind.

Game "What do you hear?"

To acquaint children with the sounds that various objects make:

Ball hitting the floor

Ball rolling in a glass jar

Newspaper if ripped

Flipping a book

Cutting with scissors, etc.

Then the same actions, but in a different sequence, are performed by the teacher behind the floor screen.

Children should tell as fully and accurately as possible what they hear each time.

Second step - distinguishing the pitch, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of the same sounds, combinations of words and phrases.

A game: An adult invites the child to determine whether a sounding object is far or near, and then reproduce the sound complexes with a voice of different strengths (loudly, quietly).

Children shout: AU (loudly), AU (quietly); a cat meows, a cow mooes, frogs croak, etc.

Game "In the woods"

Children take turns calling the name of the driver (the driver has his back to them). The driver identifies and shows by ear who called him.

Then the game becomes more difficult: all the children call the driver (Ay!), And he guesses who called him.

The last option to complicate this game is that the driver says (Ay!), Now quietly, now loudly, and the children determine whether he is far or near.

Then each child in turn says (Ay!), Now loudly, now quietly - depending on what the teacher says:

"Gone far into the woods"

"Calls close, from the very edge."

Game "Who Said Meow?"

(A toy kitten is shown to the children, the teacher asks to remember, listen carefully to how he meows when he is close (loudly) and when he is far away (quietly). Then he says "Meow", changing the strength of his voice, and the children determine whether the kitten meows close or far

Then the children themselves meow at the teacher's signal: "close", "far."

    A further complication of the game is that children will distinguish meows, focusing on the timbre and individual characteristics of the voice

    • speaker. The teacher explains that the kitten is very afraid of the puppy and meows plaintively, trembling and freezing with fear.

      Each child in turn meows, depicting fear, and the driver guesses. Similarly, classes are conducted in which children learn, for example, to distinguish where the steamer is buzzing (oo-oo-oo) - far (quietly), or close (loud);

      Which pipe plays, big (oo-oo-oo) - pronounced in a low voice) or small (oo-oo-oo) - in a high voice.

      Who is crying? - a boy (ah-ah) - in a low voice, or a girl (ah-ah) - in a high voice, etc.

    Pictures depicting pets and their cubs are laid out in front of the children:

    Cow and calf (mu-mu);

    Goats and kid (be-be);

    Pig and piglet (oink-oink);

    Goose and gosling (ha-ha);

    Cats and kitten (meow meow), etc.

    An adult pronounces each onomatopoeia in a low voice (cow), then in a high voice (calf). Children, focusing on the quality and pitch of the sound at the same time, find and raise the corresponding picture
    (for example, a cow or a calf).

    The third step is the differentiation of the words of loved ones

    by sound composition.

    Game "Right - Wrong"

    Of the four words clearly pronounced by an adult, the child should name the one that is different from the rest:

    Lump - lump - cat - lump

    Dudka - booth - booth - booth

    Game "Tell me a word (rhyme)"

    An adult reads a rhyme, and a child says the last word that fits in meaning and rhyme:

      A nimble bear walked through the forest,

    It fell on him ... (bump)

      Hush, Tanechka, don't cry

      Will not drown in the river ... (ball)

      • We collected cornflowers

      On our heads ... (wreaths)

        Wind, wind, you are mighty

      You drive flocks ... (clouds)

        Not a bird on a branch -
        Small animal
        The fur is warm like a heating pad.
        His name is ... (squirrel).

        Don't be afraid - it's a goose
        I myself ... (I'm afraid).

        I always get dirty
        Helps out ... (water).

        An ox is afraid to enter the house:
        - It will bend under me ... (floor).

        The siskin whistled:
        - Whew, whew, whew!
        I have dewdrops in the morning ... (I drink!)

      The fourth step is the differentiation of syllables.

      By the fourth stage, children are already prepared to learn to distinguish between syllables. The easiest sounds to pronounce are: f, v, p, b, n, therefore, it is better to start distinguishing syllables with elementary combinations that include these particular sounds.

      Game "The fourth odd"

      The teacher pronounces several syllables, for example:


      Children determine what is superfluous here (pa).

      Then the syllable rows become more complicated:

      Na-no-na ma-ma-mo-ma

      KA-ka-ga-ka ti-ki-ti-ti

      Pa-ba-pa-pa wa-wa-woo-wa

      Pure phrases.

      The adult begins, and the kid finishes the last syllable.

      Ba-ba-ba - there are two tables by the road ... (ba).

      For-for-for - go home, to ... (for).

      Ti-ti-ti - to the moon le ... (ti).

      te-te-te - let's sit in the dark ... (those).

      Liu-liu-liu - green onion, I am ... (liu).

      Fe-fe-fe - I'll sit on the co ... (fe).

      Gradually, during this period, children should master the ability to distinguish all opposition sounds: sibilant and hissing, voiced and deaf, fricative and explosive, hard and soft.

      The fifth step is the differentiation of sounds.

      At this stage, children learn to distinguish between phonemes (sounds of their native language).

      It is imperative to start with the distinction of vowel sounds.

      The game "Make no mistake" ("Light the flashlight")

      I will call a series of sounds when you hear a sound AND, clap your hands (light the flashlight):


      Game "Guess"

      The teacher distributes pictures of a wolf, a girl, a bird to the children, and explains:

      The wolf howls - oo-oo-oo

      The girl is crying-a-a-a

      The bird sings-and-and-and

      The teacher pronounces the sound briefly;

      Instead of pictures, children are given circles of three colors and explains:

      The red circle corresponds to the sound (a), yellow (y), green (and)

      Similarly, we learn to distinguish consonant sounds.

      Sound Lost Game.

      Children must find a word that does not fit the meaning and find the right one:

Mom with barrels (daughters) went We are taking the boards up the mountain,

On the road along the village. We will build a new lump (house).

The bear cries and roars:

Asks the bees to give ice (honey).

The sixth step is the formation of elementary skills

sound analysis.

Game "Riddles"

I will read riddles to you, you guess the riddle, correctly highlight in the word -

guess the first sound:

"He gets scared - he runs,

It stops - it trembles "


What is the first sound in the word zzzayats?

“It grows in the ground,

Known throughout the world.

Often on the table

Flaunts in a uniform. "


What is the first sound in a word - a guess?