Speech card for examining a school-age child. Memo for a speech therapist on filling out a speech card


for younger children school age

1. Full Name___________________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth, age___________________________________________________________________

3. Class, type of training_______________________________________________________________________________

4. Date of examination_______________________________________________________________________________

5. Academic performance in the Russian language_________________________________________________________________

6. Date of admission to speech therapy group _________________________________________________

7. Diagnosis of the district primary medical clinic________________________________________________________________________________

I . Study of the sensorimotor level of speech.

1. Checking the status phonemic awareness

1. ba - pa - pa - ba

2. ma - me - me - ma

3. ra - la - ra la - ra - la

4. mo - but - mo but - mo - but

5. tsa - sa - tsa sa - tsa - sa

6. sa - for - for - sa

7. zha - sha - zha sha - zha - sha

8. sa - sha - sa sha - sa - sha

2. Study of articulatory motor skills

lips in a smile, tongue with a needle

tongue “spatula” “smile” - “tube”

“pendulum” - the tongue sticks out and moves evenly from one corner of the mouth to the other;

The child holds the speech organs in the desired position for 3-5 seconds, the last three exercises must be performed 4-5 times.


3. Study of sound pronunciation






4. Study of sound formation syllable structure words










Scuba diver

Electric train



II . Study of the grammatical structure of speech

1. Repeating sentences

The bird made a nest.

There were many red apples in the garden.

The children rolled balls of snow and made a snow woman.

Petya said that he would not go for a walk because it was cold.

Horses were grazing in the green meadow across the river.


2. Verification of proposals

The dog went into the booth.

A ship is sailing on the sea.

Nina has a big apple.

The bear sleeps well under the snow.

There was a deep hole above the large tree.


3. Making sentences from words in initial form

boy, open, door

sit, titmouse, on, branch

pear, grandmother, granddaughter, give

Vitya, mow, grass, rabbits, for

Petya, buy, ball, red, mom


4. Adding prepositions to offer

Lena pours tea... cups. The puppy hid... on the porch.

The buds have blossomed... in the trees. The dog is sitting... in a kennel.

The chick fell out... the nest.

Two types of relief are used: 1 - stimulating, 2 - in the form of a question to the missing preposition.


Answer questions based on pictures (prepositions)


5. Formation of nouns plural in nominative and genitive cases

one table, but many is... house, and a lot of things? -...

chair table - …

window - ... chair - ...

star - ... window - ...

ear - ... star - ...

ear - …


III . Study of vocabulary and word formation skills

the cat has kittens, and...

goats - pigs -

dogs - foxes -

wolf - cow -

chicken - lion -

ducks - sheep -


2 . Forming adjectives from nouns

A) Relative

A paper doll is made of paper. carrot salad -

straw hat - mushroom soup - cherry jam -

cranberry jelly - apple jam - aspen leaf -

ice slide - plum jam - oak leaf -

b) Qualitative

if it’s hot during the day, then the day is hot, and if...

frost snow rain sun wind

c) Possessive

The dog has a dog's paw, and... the cat has a squirrel hare

eagle nest bird beak


Grammatical structure of speech


Change nouns by case (I, R, D, V, T, P)

Change adjectives by gender (which, which, which)

Changing the verb by numbers (flies-fly, grows-grow, goes-go, plays-plays)

Change feminine, neuter and masculine nouns by number

Agreement of nouns with numerals (Zh.r., M.r., S.r.)

Changing verbs by tense (what does, what did, what did, what will do)

Word formation

Form new verbs with opposite meanings using prefixes

Tie, stick, turn on, push in, leave.

Form nouns using a diminutive suffix (key,

button, star, mushroom, leaf).

Selection of related words





Formation of baby names. (Horse, Dog, Cow, Bear, Wolf, Chicken, Duck,

Sheep, squirrels, cats)



Name parts of the face and parts of the body (leg, arm, torso, neck, head, knee, elbow, fingers,

hair, ears).

Call it a general word: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, vegetables, fruits, furniture, animals,

animals, trees

Name words from the pictures that are similar in meaning and denote objects (train-car; boat-


Name professions: doctor, teacher, salesman, cook, driver.


Who does what (driver, hairdresser, cook, artist, pilot)

Who moves how (Fish, horse, dog, butterfly, snake.)

Name action words that are similar in meaning (sews, knits, embroiders; cooks, fries, bakes)


Selection of antonyms (Kind, Tall, Light, Good, Wide, Long, Healthy, fat,

big, sweet).

Qualitative adjectives

Name of shapes (Round, Square, Triangular, Oval, Rectangular).

Color name (White, Black, Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Pink, Light Blue,

Orange, yellow).

Answer the question “Which one?” from pictures (teapot, tree, cloud, squirrel, hedgehog)

Relative adjectives

Of what? (Wood, Paper, Straw, Fur, Down, Brick, rubber, glass, iron, wool)


Aunt's bag, grandmother's jacket, Vova's newspaper, fox's tail, hare's tail, bear's paw, wolf's fur, Masha's toy, dad's desk, Vera's book.


How does a turtle crawl? How does the moon shine? How does a horse gallop?


Agreement of entities with pronouns (My, My, My, mine).

IV . Study of connected speech

1. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures (five pictures).

2. Retelling the text you listened to


There were peas in one pod. A week has passed. The pod opened. The peas rolled merrily into the boy's palm. The boy loaded the gun with peas and fired. Three peas flew onto the roof. There they were eaten by pigeons. One pea rolled into a ditch. She sprouted. Soon it turned green and became a curly pea bush.


V . Phonemic Skills Research analysis, synthesis, representations.

1. How many words are there in a sentence? 2. How many syllables are in a word?

The day was warm. house

A cow chews juicy grass. mosquito

A tall birch tree grew near the house. pencil

3. Determine the presence or absence of a sound in a word? 4. Determine the place of the sound in the word:

sound And in the word tulips the first sound in the word roof

the sound R in the word rocket is the last sound in the word cup.

the T sound in the word kitten is the third sound in the word school

5. How many sounds are in a word? 6. Make up a word

Cancer bag dictation from 5 stars, from 6 stars, from 5 letters and 4 stars.

7. How many vowels and consonants are there in words? 8. Make a word from sounds.

House, cat, plane. M a k s u m k a d m s

9. Think of a word with the given sound.


The child is given three attempts.


VI . Study of understanding logical-grammatical relations

1. a) Show the key, pencil, b) Show the key with a pencil. c) Pencil - with a key.

2. a) Draw a circle under the square, b) A square above the circle, c). Circle over square.

3. Tell me which is true: spring comes before summer or summer comes before spring?

4. Vanya is taller than Petya. Who is shorter?

5. Sasha was hit by Kolya. Who's the fighter?

6. The hunter runs after the dog. Who's ahead?

7. Dad read the newspaper after he had breakfast. What did dad do first?


V II . Survey writing

1. Examination of the ability to copy from printed (encode) and written (copy) text


2. Write down lowercase and uppercase letters from dictation


3. Syllable dictation

as, lyu, ose, we, ri, ale, yar, me, bapo, dozhu, leri, aschu, znyu, kor, pla, glu, arc, astka, glor, izhbo, shchat, vzdro, honor, chit, shus, hvy, aika, lyus, cret, vach.


4. Dictation of words of different structures

Skis, key, circles, lived, old lady, fall asleep. - bush, pike, street, bow, stork, mockery.

Fall asleep, rook, ducks, brushing, scarf, porch. - peephole, nature, strong, spring, removed,


5. Auditory dictation

1 class


There was a maple tree growing near the house. Birds sat on maple branches. These are jackdaws. Seryozha gave them crumbs of bread and grain.


Misha had a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. Ryzhik's tail is fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.

Spring is coming

The sun is shining brighter. The snow has darkened. There are large puddles all around. Buds swelled on the branches. On the lawns green grass. Fast streams gurgle. Spring is coming

2nd grade


December has arrived. Fluffy snow fell. He covered the entire earth with a white carpet. The river froze. The birds are hungry. They are looking for food. Children put bread and grains in the feeder. In summer, crops need protection. Birds will save the harvest.

3rd grade

Night in the forest

Night. The inhabitants of the forest are rushing to prey. The wolf came out of the thicket and wandered towards the village. A fox crawled out of the hole. Hares gathered in the depths of the forest. There is silence all around. Only a light wind shakes the tops of the pines. A snowball fell from a spruce branch. The hares got scared and ran off into the thicket.

6. Examination of the ability to think in writing

Write about your favorite toy (Is the essay a text, is the topic covered, is there a logical sequence, is he able to finish thoughts, what lexical and grammatical structures were used, grammatical errors, the presence and nature of specific errors, agrammatisms, richness of lexical material, the presence of stereotypical structures)

Reading your handwriting


VI II . Reading Survey

Exemplary speech material for reading:

1. Syllables:

















waste paper

first grader

excavator operator



3. Suggestions:

Katya and Varya are embroidering, the children are playing together. Dima catches a butterfly with a net. Birds fly south. In autumn, the leaves on the trees turned yellow and the grass turned brown. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves. Spring gives flowers, and autumn gives fruits. Today in class we wrote a collective story about an excursion to the autumn forest.

4. Text: Squirrel and bunny

In the summer, a squirrel and a bunny became friends. The squirrel was red, and the bunny was gray. Every day they came running to the clearing and treated each other. The squirrel brought cones and nuts, and the bunny brought carrots and cabbage. Summer has passed. Winter came. White snow fell. The squirrel hid in a hollow, and the bunny hid under the tree. Once a squirrel poked its head out of the hollow. She saw a bunny and did not recognize him: the bunny was not gray, but white. And the bunny saw the squirrel and didn’t recognize her either. He knew a red squirrel, but this one was gray. But in the summer they got to know each other again.



Speech therapy conclusion


I. 1. Last name, first name of the child Katya Petrova

2. Age 5 years 7 months

3. Home address u. Voskhod, 83, building 2, apt. 54

4. History: Child from the third pregnancy (second birth). The mother is registered with a urologist. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - measles rubella (at 3 months), otitis media (at 10 months), acute respiratory infections (at 1 year 7 months), ARVI (at 10 months).

Started walking at 1 year 1 month. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, she uttered her first words at 10 months, and phrases at 1 year 7 months.

5. State of general and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. She is mobile, coordination is satisfactory, but she does not have enough knowledge of some basic movements according to the age group program, fine motor skills The hand is poorly developed: it is difficult to do shading, he is not confident in using scissors, his movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is within the age norm.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 4.

Auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4.

Associative - out of 6 pictures - 5.

Verbal-logical memory - remembers the listened text and retells it quite completely and accurately.

Attention, efficiency. Concentration is not bad, but volumetric stability is insufficient (easily distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity - + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - + (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - + (within 10)

Classification, generalization - + (sometimes with explanations)

Cause-and-effect relationships - + (lays out a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

The structure is normal (slight prognathia).

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are normal; there is a sluggish tongue, there is no “groove”.


13. Sound analysis:

at weave, O wax, A ist)-+

P, to T, That To)-+

d oh, R from, P from)-+

14. Pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllable structure is slightly impaired (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry -+ coma n assignment - “business trip”

Frying pan -+ poem T stealing - “poem”

Medicine -+ led O With And pedist - “bicycle pedist”

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, common professions.

Knows general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes up simple sentences according to the picture (with a given sound according to reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals of nouns - “five apples”. Understands the meaning of simple prepositions and uses them correctly in speech. Can form: adjective words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle).

17. Coherent speech. Logical, consistent, but not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

II. 1. Last name, first name of the child Dmitry Shelokhov

2. Age 5 years 9 months

3. Home address u. Pirogova, 19, apt. 70_

4. History: Child from the first pregnancy. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - ARVI (at 9 months).

Started walking at the age of 1 year 3 months. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, uttered the first words at 11 months, phrases at 3 years 1 month.

5. State of general and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Coordination is satisfactory, fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed: it is difficult to trace small objects, he is not confident in using scissors, his movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is not sufficient.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 3

Auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4

Associative - from 6 pictures -4

Verbal-logical memory - the text he has heard is remembered and retold uncertainly, confusing events and sequence.

Attention, efficiency. The concentration of attention is not formed, the volume is insufficient (it is quickly distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - (within 10)

Classification, generalization +

Cause-and-effect relationships - (arranges a series of plot pictures not in a logical sequence).

10. State of the articulatory apparatus.

The structure is normal.

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are normal, there is no “fungus” or “spoon”.

11. Features of sound pronunciation.

Whistling S, S, Z, C - interdental

Hissing Ш Ж, Ш, Ш - interdental.

12. Phonemic hearing is normal. Identifies a given sound from the sound range (p - t - k - x)

Syllable series (pa - ta - ka - ha)

A series of words (port - cake - court - choir)

Distinguishes similar sounds by ear in:

Pairs of sounds (p - b), (s - z), (w - z)

Pairs of syllables (pa - ba), (sa - za), (sha - zha)

A couple of words (kidney - dot), (juice - clatter), (ball - heat).


Sound series (b - p - b); syllable series (ba - ba - pa)

A series of words (kidney - dot - barrel), (som - com - house).

13. Sound analysis:

Isolation of the first stressed vowel ( at weave, O wax, A ist)-

Isolation of the last voiceless consonant (su P, to T, That To)+

Isolation of the first consonant ( d oh, R from, P from)-

14. Pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllable structure is significantly impaired (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry -+ coma nd irovanie - “komarika”

Frying pan -+ poem T stealing - “poem”

Medicine -+ led O With And P e dist - “velesopodist”

15. Vocabulary. Makes mistakes in interpreting the lexical meanings of words: cup - mug, key - lock, cap - hat, jacket - sweater;

He doesn’t know the meaning of words or abstract concepts.

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, less names professions.

Poor knowledge of general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes simple sentences based on a picture (with a given sound using reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals of nouns - “five apples”. Can form: adjective words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), cannot form nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle).

17. Coherent speech. Inconsistent, not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

18. Statement of condition speech development: ONR Level III.

Speech card

1.Last name, first name, age Ivanov Ivan, 7 years old

2. School - Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”

3.Home address st. Gaidara 24-16

4. Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center 09/15/2017

5. Academic performance / at the time of examination / not certified

6.Complaints from teachers and parents According to the teacher: he is inactive in class and is embarrassed to speak.

According to his mother: he speaks indistinctly, distorts words, does not remember poetry.

7. Psychiatrist’s report without pathology

8. Hearing condition without pathology

9. Data on the progress of speech development: According to the mother: words appeared by 2 - 2.5 years, phrases by 4 - 5 years. Speech is incomprehensible to others.

10. State of the articulatory apparatus /structure, mobility/ Structure – N

Mobility – has difficulty maintaining a given posture and has difficulty switching from one articulatory position to another

11. General characteristics of speech / recording of a conversation, independent coherent statements /

In a conversation about family: mother - (Irina), I don’t know (patronymic); dad (), don't know (patronymic); Bran's name is (Igor); At work (about mom); What does dad do (I don’t know);

a) Vocabulary (quantitative and qualitative characteristics)

The dictionary is limited by the realities of everyday life: an insufficient number of generalized words and words related to adjectives, verbs, etc. qualitative characteristics (answers to the presented tasks): lampshade (lamp), hose (water), decanter (bottle), driver (instead of the driver), watchmaker, crane operator (does not know), postwoman (instead of the postman), glazier (glazier), machine (instead of the word transport), boots (instead of shoes); brave - weak, lies - does not lie, crow - gate

b) Grammatical structure: types of sentences used, presence of agrammatisms

He pulled out pencils from behind a book. The boy jumped into a puddle. The first leaves appeared on the trees.

Pl. Name – trees, eyes, wings...

Pl. Rod.p. - notebooks, gates, donkeys...

Apple jam; orange water; stuffed bear.

c) Pronunciation and discrimination of sounds

1) pronunciation of sounds: none, distortion, replacement and mixing individual sounds

2) distinguishing oppositional sounds: tisovchik (watchmaker), goloshina (pea), yaselsa (lizard)

pa-ba-ba (N) ta-da-da (N) ga-ka-ka (N)

for-for-for (zha-zha-za) cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha) cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha)

ra-ra-ra (ra-la-ra) for-for-for (for-zha-za) cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha)

sha-sha-sha (sha-cha-cha) sha-sha-sha (sha-cha-cha) la-la-la (la-ra-ra)

3) reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition (give examples)

ligulivate(regulates) , tlansp, stampat(transport) , bourgeois(policeman),

green-green...( railway), fryer(guide), pisiny(orange)

d) rate and intelligibility of speech: speech is slurred and slow

12. Level of development of analysis and synthesis skills sound composition words

Cloak: How many sounds are there? - “2”. 1st sound;? - "P"; 2nd sound? - "A"; 3rd sound? - “F.” name the last sound? - "A"; name the 1st sound? - "T!; name the 3rd sound? - "A".

13.Writing: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacing consonants, agrammatisms, etc.) in students’ written works.

Reproduces individual printed letters: A, P, M -

Prints individual words type MAC, MAMA-

a) level of mastery of reading techniques (letter by letter, syllable by syllable, words)

-knows some letters A, P, M, T

-knows all the letters, but does not read

-reads syllables, slowly, monotonously

- misses vowels, does not finish reading words

-distorts the syllabic structure of a word

- confuses some letters

b) reading errors

leaf (leaves), on trees (trees) turned yellow and purple (turned brown)

an angry wind whirled (circled) them... (through) the air.

c) reading comprehension

1) has difficulty understanding what the speech therapist read, retells it only with the help of questions

2) understands the main content of the story, understands the hidden meaning with difficulty

3) is experiencing some difficulties

15. Manifestation of stuttering: doesn't stutter

16. Brief description of the child according to pedagogical observations (organization, independence, stability of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude towards his defect)

Unstable attention, decreased performance, difficulty switching from one type of activity to another; low level of self-control and independence.

17. Conclusion of a speech therapist

ONR – Level III.

18. Results of speech correction (marked on the map by the time students leave the speech center)

(for children with special needs who study in a speech center for two years of study,
highlighted font - second year of study)

1. Last name, first name. Age

2. Home address.


3. Date of enrollment.

4. Full name parents, place of work, position.




5. History. Speech development of a child (features of speech development).

Walking __________________________________________________________________________

Babbling ________________________________________________________________________________

First words _____________________________________________________________________

Phrasal speech ___________________________________________________________________

6. Hearing.

8. Intelligence.

9. General sound of speech.

10. Examination of the articulatory apparatus.

Bite (normal, open anterior, open lateral, progenia, prognathia).

Palate structure (normal, high, low, ___________________________________________)

Condition of the hyoid frenulum (normal, short, long,


Lips (normal, thick, narrow, sedentary, _______________________________________)

Tongue mobility (movable, sedentary, ________________________________________)

11. State of general motor skills.

Coordination of movements - ___________________________________________________

Fine motor skills - ______________________________________________________________

Prefers to work with right/left hand.

12. Sound pronunciation.





T_____________D_____________N____________ ______________

______________ ______________ _____________ ______________

13. Phonemic hearing.

14. Pronunciation of words with complex syllabic composition

Repeat: The pharmacist prepared the medicine.

The guide conducts the excursion.

15. Analysis of the sound composition of a word.

a) highlighting the first sound in a word.

b) highlighting the last sound in a word.

c) determining the sequence of sounds in a word.

b) level of generalization:
sweater, dress, shorts, skirt, tights
saucer, frying pan, spoon, plate
tomato, turnip, carrot, cabbage
apple, peach, pear, lemon
cow, dog, wolf, hedgehog

sparrow, duck, pigeon, turkey
bus, train, trolleybus, plane
trees, shrubs, flowers, grass
bread, sausage, cheese, cookies
bee, fly, ant, beetle

Dictionary of signs:

a) selection of adjectives for nouns:
fox (which one?) -
dress (what?) -

b) selection of antonyms:

Verb dictionary:
a) what are they doing?

b) formation of a diminutive form:

c) agreement of adjectives with nouns:

d) formation of adjectives from nouns:

e) formation of possessive adjectives:

f) agreement of nouns with numerals:
(one table, two tables, five tables)

g) use of prepositions:


18. Coherent speech. Retelling. "Bathing bear cubs"
The hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree. A big bear and two cheerful cubs came ashore from the forest.
The bear grabbed one bear cub by the collar with her teeth and let's dip it into the river. Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. The bear caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first. The water refreshed them well. After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings “The Bunny and the Carrot”.

19. Reading:
Letters - knows, doesn't know.
Reads - letter by letter, by syllable, by word.


20. Speech therapy conclusion:



Dear speech therapists, you can copy the page into Microsoft Office Word and correct the page margins!

Speech card

1. Last name, first name, age_______________________________________________________________

2. School__________________________________________ class____________________________________

3. Nationality_______________________________________________________________________________

4. Home address_______________________________________________________________

5. Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center___________________________________________

6. Academic performance native language ____________________________________________________

7. Conclusion of a psychoneurologist______________________________________________________________

8. Data on the progress of speech development. Anamnesis.______________________________________________


9. Condition of hearing, vision_________________________________________________________________

10. State of the articulatory apparatus (structure, mobility)________________________


11. General characteristics of speech________________________________________________________________


a) vocabulary__________________________________________________________________________

B) grammatical structure____________________________________________________________


c) state of sound pronunciation_______________________________________________________________


d) phonemic perception______________________________________________________________


e) syllable structure of the word________________________________________________________________


f) rate and intelligibility of speech______________________________________________________________


12. Level of development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word__________



13. Letter. Presence and nature of specific errors. ___________________________________



a) characteristics of reading technique ___________________________________________________


b) errors in reading_______________________________________________________________


c) reading comprehension__________________________________________________________


15. Symptoms of stuttering:

a) probable cause; severity of stuttering; situations that aggravate its manifestation


b) development of linguistic means (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure)______


c) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. Brief description of the child according to pedagogical observations (organization, independence, stability of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude towards his defect)__________________________________________________________________


17. Conclusion of the speech therapist _____________________________________________________


18.Results of speech correction (marked on the card by the time students graduate from the speech therapy center)________________________________________________________________________________


Speech card

1. Last name, first name, age _____________________________________________________________

2. School - ____________________ Class ___

3. Home address

4. Date of enrollment at the speech therapy centerSeptember 15, 2014

5. Academic performance in native languageStart school year

6. Conclusion of a neuropsychiatristnot registered/_____________________________________________

    Data on the progress of speech development. Anamnesis

A) Hereditary, neuropsychic, somatic, chronic diseases in parents:data: from words; according to documents (underline); No data; heredity is burdened with neuropsychic diseases (to be specific): neuroses, psychoses, logoneuroses, etc.; heredity is burdened by chronic diseases (to be specific): cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases; heredity is burdened with somatic diseases (to be specific); presence of alcoholism in parents; characterological characteristics of mother and father _______________________________________________________________________________

B) Speech environment:prosperous; accelerated rate of speech in parents or close relatives; delayed speech development in parents; stuttering in parents, sisters, brothers; contact with people who stutter or have other speech pathologies; violation of sound pronunciation in parents or close relatives; presence of bilingualism - which language predominates in communication ___________________________________________________________________________________

8. Condition of hearing and vision - meet the standard/do not meet the standard _____________________________________________

9. State of the articulatory apparatus (structure, mobility):

A) Structure:

B) Mobility:

    safety of function;

10. Vocabulary:

11. Grammatical structure:

    Pronunciation state

    the phonetic structure is sufficiently formed / pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation, but with an increase in speech load, general blurred speech is observed / phonetic (anthropophonic) defects in sound pronunciation - distortions: averaging of vowels; lack of pronunciation of whistling sounds; lack of pronunciation of sibilants; lack of pronunciation of sonorants; lack of pronunciation of labiolabials; lack of pronunciation of labiodentals; lack of pronunciation of middle palates; lack of pronunciation of back tongues; lack of pronunciation of hard consonants; lack of pronunciation of voiced consonants / phonological defects (impaired differentiation of sounds) - their replacement.

    Syllabic structure of the word

14. Level of development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word

15. Letter. Presence and nature of specific errors .____________________________________________________



a) characteristics of reading technique _________________________________________________________________


b) errors when reading______________________________________________________________________________________________

c) reading comprehension________________________________________________________________________________


17. Symptoms of stuttering:

a) probable cause; severity of stuttering; situations that aggravate its manifestation


b) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18 Brief description of the child according to pedagogical observations




19. Conclusion of a speech therapist __________________________________________________________________________


20 .Results of speech correction (marked on the card by the time students graduate from speech therapy center) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Speech card

Last name, first name _________________________________________________

Age _______________________________________________________

Date of examination _____________________________________________


    Hereditary, neuropsychic, somatic, chronic diseases in parents: data: from words; according to documents (underline); No data; heredity is burdened with neuropsychic diseases (to be specific): neuroses, psychoses, logoneuroses, etc.; heredity is burdened by chronic diseases (to be specific): cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases; heredity is burdened with somatic diseases (to be specific); presence of alcoholism in parents; characterological characteristics of the mother and father ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Speech environment : prosperous; accelerated rate of speech in parents or close relatives; delayed speech development in parents; stuttering in parents, sisters, brothers; contact with people who stutter or have other speech pathologies; violation of sound pronunciation in parents or close relatives; presence of bilingualism - which language predominates in communication _________________________________________________________________

    Pregnancy by account ____________________________________________________________

    How it proceeded ___________________________________________________________________

    Childbirth ___________________________________________________________________________

    When I screamed __________________________________________________________________

    Physical development:

    Began to hold his head ____________________________________________________________

    Sit _________________________________________________________________________

    Get up _______________________________________________________________________

    Walk _________________________________________________________________________

    Early speech development:

    Walking __________________________________________________________________________

    Babbling ________________________________________________________________________________

    First words ___________________________________________________________________

    Phrase __________________________________________________________________________

    Was speech development interrupted? ________________________________________________

    Past illnesses:

    up to 1 year


    after 1 year ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Child's hearing and vision condition (according to the medical record data) – meets the standard/does not meet the standard __________________________


    attention is stable (unstable)

    the gaze fixes (does not fix);

    easy switching from one object to another (slow, fast, difficult, stuck);

    general level of development of voluntary attention (appropriate for age; low; not formed);

    poor concentration;

    general level of voluntary attention (corresponds to age, low; voluntary attention is not formed).


    cognitive activity – high, reduced, low, requires development;

    formation mental operations(analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, comparison, cause-and-effect relationships, abstraction) – formed, insufficiently formed, difficulties in formation, require correction);

    the predominance of the form of thinking is visual-effective thinking, visual-figurative, logical, verbal-logical.


    voluntary/involuntary memorization;

    fast memorization/slow, with difficulty;

    memory reduction/limitation; long-term memorization/quick forgetting; difficulties in memorizing (new words, phrases, syntactic structures, text material);

    fragile preservation; inaccurate reproduction (accurate).

    Voluntary facial motor skills:

    the features of natural facial expressions are noted: lively, expressive facial expressions, reflecting the emotional state of the child; expressionless facial expressions;

    the face is hypomimic, “mask-like”, neurological symptoms are noted in the facial muscles.

    state of facial muscle tone (spasticity, hypotonia, dystonia, normal; hypomimia (lack of facial motor skills);

    smoothness of nasolabial folds;

    oral synkinesis; facial asymmetry;

    facial hyperkinesis;

    safety of function.

    Articulatory motor skills:

    safety of function;

    state of muscle tone of the organs of articulation (normal, dystonia, hypotension, spasticity);

    mobility of articulatory organs (normal, insufficient, strictly limited);

    neurological syndrome in articulatory motor skills (absent, spastic paresis, tonic disturbances in the control of speech activity such as rigidity, hyperkinesis, ataxia, apraxia);

    state of the pharyngeal and palatal reflexes (normal, increased, decreased);

    presence/absence of pathological reflexes of oral automatism (hypersalivation, salivation is normal; increases under certain conditions; constant);

    mobility lower jaw(strictly limited; insufficient - the range of articulatory movements is incomplete, the amplitude of movements is reduced; normal), there is a displacement of the lower jaw at rest, with the mouth closed and jaws closed, with the mouth wide open in motion

    movements and tone of the lingual muscles (spasticity, hypotonia, dystonia, normal), mobility (strictly limited; insufficient - the volume of articulatory movements is incomplete, the amplitude of movements is reduced; normal), the presence of hyperkinesis, tremor, deviation (deviation to the side) of the tongue is noted

    tone of the soft palate (spasticity, hypotonia, dystonia, normal) and mobility (strictly limited, insufficient, normal), there is a deviation of the entire soft palate or its uvula to the side, absence or insufficient closure of the soft palate with the posterior wall of the pharynx.

16. General voluntary motor skills:

    range of motion (full/incomplete);

    accuracy of execution (inaccurate/accurate);

    independence in performing movements (full / incomplete / with the help of adults);

    coordination of movements (normal / uncoordinated / absent);

    pace of movements (normal/fast/slow);

    activity (normal/lethargy/motor restlessness/increased physical activity/disinhibition);

    quality of movements (motor tension, stiffness);

    shiftability (low / stuck / switching with unnecessary movements (associated).

    features of general voluntary motor skills: obsessive movements (perseverations - stereotypical repetition of actions); awkwardness; motor clumsiness; poor orientation; presence of unnecessary movements; jams; slipping.

    Manual motor skills:

    range of motion (full, incomplete),

    coordination (normal, uncoordinated),

    the presence of synkinesis in general skeletal, facial, articulatory muscles,

    pace (slow, fast, normal),

    switching from one movement to another (low, insufficient, normal),

    activity (normal, motor restlessness, lethargy),

    perseverations (repetition) during exhaustion: pronounced perseverations (getting stuck in certain positions); disautomation of movements when exhausted,

    leading hand: graphic functional superiority (graphic right-handed, graphic left-handed), everyday functional superiority (everyday left-handed, everyday right-handed), the child is ambidextrous (equally proficient in both right and left hands in everyday and graphic actions).

    Anatomical structure of articulation organs:

      • Occlusion: occlusion, i.e. features of the relationship and closure of the upper and lower jaws; straight, deep, anteriorly open, lateral open one-sided or two-sided, crossed, progenia, prognathia,

  • Jaws: features of size and shape, the presence of narrowing and widening of the upper and lower jaws; the presence or absence of displacement of the lower jaw - at rest or during movement; direction of displacement: forward, backward, sideways - left or right displacement,

    Teeth: features of the structure, shape, size and location of teeth in the dentition, with their inclination and rotation around their axis noted: for example, a double row of teeth; sparse, very small teeth – macrognathia; irregular shape and position of teeth, teeth outside the dental arch; supernumerary teeth, absence of teeth in accordance with the age norm - edentia; diastema, trema, etc. ,

    Tongue: normal structure and size of the tongue, folded, forked tip macroglossia, microglossia;

    Hypoglossal ligament: normal length and structure of the frenulum of the tongue, short/shortened, thick/thickened sublingual ligament; the presence of a postoperative node,

    Hard palate: normal, dome-shaped; high, “Gothic”; low, flat; the presence of clefts and their nature: through/non-through cleft, one-sided/two-sided, complete/incomplete, sumbucous,

    Soft palate: normal or shortened; absence, shortening, bifurcation of the small tongue; cicatricial changes in the soft palate and lateral walls of the pharynx; the presence of postoperative gaps; fusion of the soft palate with the arches, tonsils or with the posterior wall of the pharynx,

    Nasopharynx, oral cavity and pharynx: nasal polyps; adenoids; tumors of the nasal cavity; deviated nasal septum; hypertrophy of the nasal concha; enlargement of the paired palatine tonsil, unpaired lingual tonsil, unpaired pharyngeal tonsil, etc. ,

    Lips: normal structure, thin, thickened; shortening of the upper lip, cleft lip: partial/complete, unilateral/bilateral; the presence of postoperative scars; short / shortened frenulum of the upper / lower lip, the presence of a postoperative node after plastic surgery of the lip frenulum.

    Sound pronunciation:

    Phonetic structure: the phonetic structure is sufficiently formed / pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation, but with an increase in speech load, general blurred speech is observed / phonetic (anthropophonic) defects in sound pronunciation - distortions: averageness of vowels; lack of pronunciation of whistling sounds; lack of pronunciation of sibilants; lack of pronunciation of sonorants; lack of pronunciation of labiolabials; lack of pronunciation of labiodentals; lack of pronunciation of middle palates; lack of back-lingual pronunciation; lack of pronunciation of hard consonants; lack of pronunciation of voiced consonants / phonological defects (impaired differentiation of sounds) - their replacement.

    Degree of speech intelligibility: speech intelligibility is not impaired; speech intelligibility is somewhat reduced, speech is not clear; speech is slurred, blurred, and difficult to understand for others.

    Melodic-intonation aspect of speech: not impaired; weak expression of voice modulations (voice is monotonous, poorly modulated); lack of voice modulation (voice not modulated); violation of intonation of speech.

    Rate of speech: normal (N); accelerated (tachylalia); slow (bradylalia); hesitation; stuttering.

    Rhythm of speech: normal (N); dysrhythmia; stretched out, scanned, depends on the manifestation of hyperkinesis.

    Pauses (correct placement of pauses in the speech flow): correct; disrupted (dividing words into syllables by pauses, dividing syllables into sounds; excessively frequent pauses, excessively rare).

    Expressiveness: timbre ( emotional coloring statements); intonation (the ability to use the main types of intonation: narrative, exclamatory, interrogative); use of stress (verbal, logical).

    Phonemic processes:

    Phonemic perception: the ability to distinguish and identify phonemes by ear - preserved / impaired; auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds: unmixed in pronunciation, mixed in pronunciation - preserved / impaired; auditory differentiation of correctly and distortedly pronounced sounds – preserved / impaired.

    Phonemic analysis: (formed; insufficient; not formed).

    Phonemic synthesis: (formed; insufficient; not formed).

    Phonemic representations: (formed; insufficient; not formed

    State of the syllable structure of a word

      • Reproduction of the syllabic structure of a word, its sound content: paraphasia (replacement of sounds, syllables), elision (omission of sounds, syllables), iteration (repetition of sounds, syllables), contamination (parts of one word are combined with parts of another), perseveration (delayed repetition), permutations sounds, syllables, anticipation (replacing previous sounds with subsequent ones).

  • Rhythmic pattern of the word: reproduces correctly / reproduces with errors.


    volume of vocabulary (limitedness, poverty, compliance of the vocabulary with the age norm);

    a sharp discrepancy between the volume of passive and active vocabulary;

    inaccuracy in the use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias (mixing words according to generic relations, replacing general concepts with words of a specific meaning);

    unformed semantic fields;

    difficulties in actualizing words (especially predicative ones - verbs, adjectives);

    difficulties in classifying words based on semantic features (semantically distant and close).

    Grammatical structure of speech:

    morphological and syntactic agrammatisms;

    knowledge of syntactic structures does not correspond to age norms;

    limited understanding and transmission of semantic connections between words in independent speech;

    violations in the mastery of morphological and syntactic units (omission of sentence members; violation of the order of words in a sentence; violation of grammatical connections between words; difficulties in word formation; difficulties in inflection);

    peculiar use grammatical categories(replacement of endings; their irregular use; incorrect reproduction of the phonetic composition of grammatical morphemes).

    Impressive speech:

    knows how to listen and understand spoken speech / inattentive;

    makes contact easily/contact is difficult;

    participates in communication initiated by others;

    active in communication/active; inactive.

speech therapy report

phonetic speech disorder (PSD) or violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds (NPOS ). In case of FND, the phonetic aspect of speech (sound pronunciation, sound-syllabic structure of a word, prosody) as a whole or any individual components of the phonetic structure of speech (for example, only sound pronunciation or sound pronunciation and sound-syllabic structure of a word) are impaired.

phonetic-phonemic speech disorder (FFSD). With FFND, along with a violation of the phonetic aspect of speech, there is also an underdevelopment of phonemic processes: phonemic perception (auditory differentiation of sounds), phonemic analysis and synthesis, phonemic representations.

lexico-grammatical speech underdevelopment (LGSD). With LGNR, children have normal sound pronunciation, phonemic processes are relatively preserved (most often as a result speech therapy intervention), however, a limited vocabulary and a violation of the grammatical structure of speech are noted.

general underdevelopment speech (ONR I, II and III levels), and mild general speech underdevelopment (GUS). With OHP in children, all components of the language (speech) system are impaired: the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure.

Approximate wording speech therapy characteristics

Polymorphic disorder of sound pronunciation, absence of both complex and simple shapes phonemic analysis, limited vocabulary (up to 10-15 words). Phrasal speech is represented by one-word and two-word sentences consisting of amorphous root words. There are no forms of inflection and word formation. Coherent speech is not formed. Severe impairment of speech understanding.

Polymorphic disorder of sound pronunciation, gross underdevelopment of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis (both complex and simple forms); limited vocabulary; pronounced agrammatisms, manifested in misuse endings of nouns in prepositional and non-prepositional syntactic constructions, in violation of the agreement of adjective and noun, verb and noun; unformed word-formation processes (nouns, adjectives and verbs); absence or gross underdevelopment of coherent speech (1-2 sentences instead of retelling).

Polymorphic disorder of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis; agrammatisms manifested in complex forms of inflection (in prepositional-case constructions when agreeing an adjective and a neuter noun and nominative case, as well as in indirect cases); violation of word formation, insufficient formation of coherent speech, in retellings there are omissions and distortions of semantic links, disruption of the transmission of the sequence of events.