Frontal lesson "Sound differentiation". Differentiation of vowel sounds ы and Differentiation of sounds and ы speech material

Lesson notes

  • Teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [and], [s] (comparison, distinction, correct pronunciation in syllables, words, phrases);
  • Improve the skills of sound analysis of words;
  • Develop auditory perception;
  • Form the plural of nouns with endings
  • Enrich and energize lexicon;
  • Develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking.


  • Table mirrors;
  • Object pictures for distinguishable sounds;
  • A set of subject pictures (singular and plural nouns).
  • A manual for teaching reading - “houses”;
  • Pictures - diagrams of words;
  • Letters I, Y;
  • Manual "Clock";
  • Pictures made with dotted lines.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

Speech therapist Guys, today we will have interesting activity, guests will come to us, we will perform many different tasks.

The children come out. The boy is dressed in a Misha bear costume. The girl is wearing a mouse costume.

Speech therapist:

One early morning

Mouse Mouse went into the hole.

The mouse sang barely audibly

Your quiet song.

Mouse Mouse:

I'm a little mouse

I love cheese and donuts.

And cats and cats

They wish us trouble.

Speech therapist:

And a bear meets her:

Bear Misha:

- Mouse, stop singing sadly.

I'm Mishka Misha, that's it,

Brought forty news:

The kids have a lesson in kindergarten,

Let's go together

It will be for future use.

Let's look at the lesson

And we will give everyone a task.

Speech therapist:

Bear and Misha came to us

And they brought the assignments.

Bear Misha:

-Who can tell us, friends?

What sound did I hear?

Speech therapist:

Listen carefully to the words and name the vowel sound in the middle of the word:

whale, son, peace, cheese, dust, darling, howl.

What vowel sounds did you hear? ([s,i])

Mouse Mouse:

Well done guys,

We completed the task.

But we don't want to at all

Tell you: “Goodbye!”

Let's sit in class

Let's take a look at the guys.

The children take their seats. Misha Bear and Mouse Mouse sit down with the children at the tables.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today we will repeat the sounds [s-i], learn to distinguish them. The characteristics of these sounds (vowels) are clarified.

1. Comparison and correct pronunciation of sounds [and] and [s].

Let's all make the sound [i] together. Look in the mirrors and tell me, in what position are your tongue and lips?

Tongue at lower teeth, lips smiling

Now let’s pronounce the sound [s]. What position are the tongue and lips in?

The tongue is pulled away from the teeth, the lips are rounded.

2. Guessing sounds [s-i] from silent articulation.

I will show the articulation of different sounds. If you see articulation of the sound [and] - clap your hands, and the sound [s] - stamp your foot.

3. Exercise “Look and name”

Differentiation of sounds according to the articulation scheme.

A diagram of the alternation of sounds [i-s] is posted on the board

The speech therapist points to the smiley face, and the children pronounce the desired sound.

4. Game "Echo". Pronouncing syllables with sounds [and] and [s].

The game involves two teams. Mouse's command pronounces syllables with the sound [s], for example py, Misha's other command responds by pronouncing syllables with the sound [i] - pi.

Py-pi we-mi you-ti ky-ki he-he

The task becomes more difficult. You must change the sound in the middle of the word.

Soaped, ardently, drank, beat, howled, whined, Nile

5. Pronouncing words with sounds [s], [and].

Name the pictures on the board. Choose words with the sound [and] - give them to Misha, choose pictures with the sound [ s ] - give them to the Mouse.

Picture material: lemon, pumpkin, needle, scales, soap.

III. Formation of the plural of nouns with endings -и, -ы.

The speech therapist has pictures with nouns in singular, children have pictures with plural nouns in their envelopes.

I have one item in the picture, you have many. I show the picture and name the object - cat. The one who has a lot of items responds.

Children (showing a picture) - cats

Name the last vowel in the word cats

Cat-cats beetle-beetles

Bull - bulls penguin - penguins

Dolphin-dolphins melon-melons

Banana-bananas willow-willows

Mak-maki kit-kits

Hata-hata fly-flies

Horse - horses plane - planes

IV. Physical exercise.

Performing movements with speech accompaniment.

The naughty mice are dancing,

Some are on the fork, some are on the lid.

Quiet the mouse, quiet the mouse,

Don't wake up the evil Bear.

V. Sound analysis of words. Determining the location of sounds [ ы],[ и] in words from pictures.

On the table are cards with pictures and word diagrams.

Name the picture, determine where [ and ] or [ s] sound in the word. Place the desired letter on the word diagram (beginning, middle, end of the word.)


Pictures: lemon, fish, wasps, beads, skates, pumpkin, linden, glasses, sleigh, scales, geese, stove, oak trees, smoke, slippers.

The sound [and ] can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.

The sound [s] is only in the middle or end of a word.

VI. Activation of the dictionary.

The speech therapist asks a riddle:

I have no legs, but I walk.

I have no mouth, but I’ll say it.

When to sleep, when to get up,

When to start work. (watch)

Guys, the clocks are different (pictures are posted on the board)

If they hang on the wall, they are wall clocks.

If they hang on a tower, it is a tower clock.

If it's on the table, what kind of clock is it?

A table clock

If they are worn on the hand?

Wrist watch

There are clocks that measure time by the sun - this is a sundial.

And there is a clock in which time is measured by sand - this is an hourglass.

VII. Reading direct and back syllables. Composing words.

On the board there are pictures: poppies, huts, ducks, cats, whales and syllables

Guys, look, syllables live on our board. Each syllable has its own house. Let's read them. But our syllables are very bored living alone in a house,

they want to be friends with other houses.



Syllable ma friendly with syllable ki, look, what word came out?

Word poppies

That's right, this is the word poppies (the syllables are attached under the picture)

How many syllables are in the word poppy?

Two. The first syllable is MA, the second syllable is KI.

What do we know about the syllable?

Each syllable has a vowel sound, it forms a syllable. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.

Children make up other words in the same way.

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

On the children's table are pictures made with dotted lines.

What is shown in your pictures?


Fish, waffles, candies, whales, berries, cheeses, and va.

Speech therapist

Determine the position of the sound [and] or [s] in the word. Children determine.

Now circle them and give pictures with the sound [and] to Misha, and with the sound [s] to Mouse.

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Goals and objectives:


  1. Progress of the lesson.
  1. Organizing time.

The long-awaited call was given,
The lesson begins...

How to call it in one word:


Game "Identify by touch."

Game "On the contrary"

py-pi ky-ki

you - you now - no

we - mi di-di

3. Game "One - many"

For example: garden - gardens.

Goat - goats
owl - owls
game - games
rose - roses
boot - boots
glass - glasses
lynx - lynx
table - tables.


fragrant lilies of the valley





5. Physical education minute

Here's Dunno's exercise.
Do it in order.
Quickly stand up, smile,
Stretch higher, higher.
Come on, straighten your shoulders,
Raise, lower.
Turned left, right,
Hands touched knees.
And now let's sit down again
And we will sit quietly.

I'm on a hike (was - beat).
I (was - beat) the drum.
I rope (howled - pitched).
Wolf in the forest (howled - pitched).
The baby was very (nice - soapy).
He washed his hands with soap (mil - washed).

  1. Lesson summary.
  1. Homework.

Thank you for the lesson.


  1. Differentiation of sounds s - and in syllables, words, sentences.

Goals and objectives:

  1. To strengthen in students the ability to distinguish the vowels Y-I in oral and written speech.
  2. Strengthen the ability to differentiate consonant sounds before vowels Y-I.
  3. Enrich your vocabulary with words formed by changing numbers.
  4. Develop and improve the grammatical structure of speech.
  5. Develop phonemic perception, sound-letter analysis of words.
  6. Develop visual perception.
  7. Develop gross and fine motor skills.
  8. To form positive motivation of students through the use of gaming and entertaining exercises.

Equipment: screen, computer, projector, envelopes with individual cards, sticks, mirrors.

  1. Progress of the lesson.
  1. Organizing time.

The long-awaited call was given,
The lesson begins...

How to call it in one word:

sparrow, swallow, magpie, crow (birds)

boletus, russula, chanterelle (mushrooms)

Which vowels will we emphasize in these words:


As you guessed, the topic of today's lesson: distinguishing the vowel sounds ы, и.

Game "Identify by touch."

Children approach the table on which there are three-dimensional letters and, with their eyes closed, find one of the letters they are studying among the letters P, N, B, M, L, Y, I.

Listen to the syllables. Tell me what vowel you hear.

Py, you, we, sy, ry, dy, would, ky

Game "On the contrary"

py-pi ky-ki

you - you now - no

we - mi di-di

1. Task on the computer. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

R...S, M...R, S...R, K...T, R...S, M...LO, K...NO, S...RO, S...LA, R...BA, L...DA, R...TA, V. ..L..., M...L..., L...S... .

3. Game "One - many"

For example: garden - gardens.

Goat - goats
owl - owls
game - games
rose - roses
boot - boots
glass - glasses
lynx - lynx
table - tables.

– What sounds appeared when we changed words?

Differentiation Y-I in phrases.

4. Correct mistakes in word combinations.


fragrant lilies of the valley





5. Physical education minute

Here's Dunno's exercise.
Do it in order.
Quickly stand up, smile,
Stretch higher, higher.
Come on, straighten your shoulders,
Raise, lower.
Turned left, right,
Hands touched knees.
And now let's sit down again
And we will sit quietly.

6. Differentiation S-I in sentences.

Individual work using cards.

I'm on a hike (was - beat).
I (was - beat) the drum.
I rope (howled - pitched).
Wolf in the forest (howled - pitched).
The baby was very (nice - soapy).
He washed his hands with soap (mil - washed).

– After completing the task, perform a peer review.

  1. Lesson summary.

– Were you interested in the lesson?

– What did you find most difficult?

  1. Homework.

Thank you for the lesson.


So the wolf failed to catch the kid. But he did not calm down. He was hungry and at night he left the forest again. Horses were grazing in the meadow. There was a small foal in the herd. The wolf waited until the foal ran far from its mother, and, angrily growling “y-y-y!” rushed at him. But the foal was not at a loss. He neighed loudly “e-e-e” and ran to his mother. The mother shielded the foal with herself, neighed loudly and offered her hooves to the wolf. Then the people arrived, and the wolf again had to go into the forest with nothing.

How did the wolf growl? (Children answer: “y-y-y.”)

How did the foal neigh? (Children answer: “and-and-and.”)

After this, the story is staged, and then a game in which some of the children growl like a wolf or neigh like a foal, and the other part of the children guess whose voice it is - a wolf or a foal.

Differentiation of sounds I-Y in words

Listen carefully and remember what I say:

There is a bear in the forest.

There's a mouse in the hole.

Now I’ll start talking, and you’ll finish.

In the forest... (children add: bear).

In the hole... (children add: mouse).

Proposals are also being considered:

The dog began to howl. The swallows began to build a nest.

Mitya forgot his keys. Vitya hammered the nail.

A lynx growls in the forest. We cooked rice.

There are wasps in the garden. The cart has axles.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

Differentiation of vowels Y – I.

Open lesson with 2nd grade students,

have writing and reading deficiencies,

conditional general underdevelopment speech.

(Using ICT.)

(City Methodological Association

speech therapists)

Guseva Natalya Nikolaevna

teacher speech therapist


year 2013

Topic: “Differentiation of vowels Y-I.”

Subject UUD . Creating conditions for the development of skills to distinguish between the letters “I” and “Y” based on the material of syllables and words.Formation of the basis of a system of scientific knowledge on the topic: “Spelling words with zhi and shi.”

Metasubject UUD.


  • improving skills in working with information;
  • finding general solution schemes;
  • improving skills of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification;
  • improving the grammatical structure of speech.


development fine motor skills hands and organ mobility


● development of all types of perception;

  • development of coherent speech.


● formation of positive learning motivation.

● formation of understanding and determination of the boundaries of one’s own knowledge and ignorance;

● formation of independent control activities;


● formation of communication skills through speech activity.

Developmental environment:mirrors (for each child); image of a boy Mishka and a little mouse; letters Y, I, paronymous words (for the board), daisies for writing words, notebooks, houses with the letters I, Y, IY; cards with pure sayings; multimedia equipment for presentation; stars for self-assessment of student work.

Educational and methodological literature:

1. Krause E. Speech therapy. – 3rd ed. – St. Petersburg: CORONA print, 2006. – 208 p., ill.

2. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy, 550 entertaining exercises for speech development: A manual for

Speech therapists and parents. – M.: Aquarium, 1995.-384 p., ill.

3. Mazanova E.V. Correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Lesson notes for speech therapists / E.V.

Mazanov - 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Publishing House Gnom i D, 2007. – 184 p.

4. Trigger R.D., Vladimirova E.V. Speech sounds, words, sentences - what are they? Textbook-notebook

For individual and group correctional classes: In 3 tetras - Tetr.1. – Smolensk:

Publishing house "Association XXI Century", 1998. - 72 p.: ill.

Lesson steps

Progress of the lesson


speech therapist teacher

Student activities

I. organizational stage

1. Mobilizing attention. Awakening interest in learning new material. Creating a positive attitude towards learning.

(Slide No. 1)

The speech therapist reads a poem:

The bell is ringing for the guys,

The lesson begins.

Don't waste your time,

Answer the questions

Discuss the topic together.

Yours will not go in vain


Knowledge will be beneficial.

The children listen carefully.

2. Improving the functioning of the articulatory apparatus through articulatory gymnastics.

Guys, in order to prepare your articulatory apparatus for work, as well as answer loudly and clearly, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue:

Proboscis frog


Let's punish the naughty one


Pussy is angry

Stubborn donkey


Cleaning the lower teeth


Well done!

Children perform articulation gymnastics at the mirrors.

3. Improving the movements of the hands and fingers through finger gymnastics.

We want not only our tongue to work well, but also our fingers:

Ah, water, water, water!

Let's always be clean!

Splash - to the right, splash -


Our body has become wet!

A fluffy towel

Let's wipe our hands very


Fine. Well done.

Children perform rhythmic movements with their hands and fingers with voice accompaniment.

II. Main stage

4. Introducing a pair of vowels using riddles.

Development of ingenuity and thinking.

Expansion of passive and active vocabulary.

Now listen

please riddles and

Guess them:

- In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby

Who is this?

(Slide No. 2)

Second riddle:

The beast is funny

Made from plush

There are also paws

There are also ears.

Give the beast some honey.

And make him a den.

(Slide No. 3)

Well done, they guessed the riddles: the mouse and the bear.

Guys, these words


How are they different?

Bear we hear the vowel

Sound I. Which letter

Shall we write?

(Slide No. 4)

The mouse hears the vowel

Sound Y. What letter

Shall we write?

(Slide No. 5)


Children listen to riddles and guess them.




There is a vowel in the word bear

And, and in the word mouse there is a vowel Y.

Letter I.

The letter Y.

5. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Let's draw a conclusion about the topic


What are we learning today?

(Slide No. 6)

Why do we need to be able to distinguish between them?

What letter represents the sound Y?

What letter represents the sound I?

Well done. Fine.

Distinguish sounds and letters I-Y.

To write correctly in words.

Letter Y.

Letter I.

6. Consolidating knowledge of the norms of articulation of the sound I and the sound Y

Say the sound I in front of the mirror.

Give a description

Sound Y.

Say the sound Y in front of the mirror.

How does our speech apparatus work?

Recognize isolated sounds by silent articulation.

The speech therapist shows.

Lips in a smile. The teeth are visible. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth. The back of the tongue is strongly curved. The exhaled air does not meet any obstacles in the mouth. The vocal cords are working, the throat is trembling (there is a voice).


The lips are slightly stretched. The tongue has risen up deep in the mouth, it is a vowel in the mouth, there are no barriers, it is sung).

Children will recognize it by showing it.

They name the sounds.

7. Working on new material. Correlation of sounds and letters based on the material of the game “Simofor”.

Teddy bear and mouse invite you to play with sounds and letters. Game "Simofor"

Listen carefully to the syllables.

Raise the letter And if

Hear the sound I

If you hear the letter Y

Sound Y.

Would, bi, ri, us, nor, sy, you,

Gi, gee, ly, pi.

Well done.

Children listen carefully to the syllables and raise the corresponding letter.

8. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis through work with syllabic tables.

And now our heroes offer to read aloud a pair of syllables.

The first time we read horizontally, and the second time vertically.

(Slide No. 7).

What do the consonants sound like before Y?

How do we indicate the hardness of a consonant in writing?

What do the consonants sound like before I?

How do we indicate the softness of a consonant in writing?

Well done right.

Children read in chorus.

we-mi you-vi zy-zi

mi-we see-you zi-zy


In blue.


Green color.

9. Development of auditory attention and phonemic analysis based on exercises with syllables.

The bear and mouse still want to play with you. For this purpose, notebooks were opened. Write down the number.

Let's write the syllables in two lines.

What color do we use to indicate the hardness of a consonant?

Let's put a blue dot on the first line.

(Slide No. 8) What letter will we write after the hard consonant?

What color do we use to indicate the softness of a consonant?(Slide No. 9)

Let's put a green dot on the second line.

What letter will we write after the soft consonant sound?

Keep your backs straight.(Slide number 10)

Let's listen carefully. Write the syllables in two lines

Syllables: pi - py, you - ti, ry - ri, mi - we, ni - ny, ky - ki, vi - you.

Now exchange notebooks and check each other.

We are returning the notebooks.

Read the syllables of the 1st line. Read the syllables of the 2nd line.

Look where the words are hidden in the syllables?

Well done guys completed the task.



Peer review.

Read the syllables of line 1 first, then the second line.

We, you, you.

10. Improvement gross motor skills and spatial orientation.

Physical education minute

Guys, now we can stand up. A friend of our heroes, Malik, offers to move a little with him. We will repeat the movements.

The speech therapist includes a physical education session with musical accompaniment and shows it on the screen of the multimedia installation.

Students look at the screen and repeat the suggested movements.

11 .Development of visual and auditory attention based on the material of the game “Add a Word” (words –


Guys, the bear and the mouse invite you to play the game “Add a word”.

Choose the appropriate word written on the board and complete the sentence.

I'm on a hike... (was).

I... (beat) the drum.

How are they different?

Written words?

Wolf in the valley... (howled)

I ropes... (fork).

How are they different?

Written words?

The baby was very..(cute)

He washed his hands with soap... (washed).

How are they different?

Written words?

What happens to the word if you replace the vowel Y with I? (Replacement letters Y-I changes the sound and meaning of a word).

Do you know the meaning of the word nice (attractive to look at, pretty).

The meaning of the word pitchfork (weaved, did).




Letters Y-I.

Within the meaning of.



Letters Y-I and meaning.



In some words it is written Y, in others it is written I.

The consonant before Y sounds hard, and the consonant before I sounds soft.

Replacing the letter Y-I changes the sound and meaning of the word.

12 . Development of inflection skills through the game “One - Many” (with throwing the ball).

Our heroes want to play with you a little in the familiar game “One-Many”. They got up from their desks.

I throw you a ball and name the object in the singular. When you return the ball, you say the same word in the plural and highlight the last sound - Y or I..

Example: table - tables, horse - horses.

Bone - …

Wall -...

Tooth - …

Apple - …

Umbrella - ….

Nose - ….

Mosquito - ...

Book- …

Plum- …


Pay attention to the place of the Y sound in words.

Where is it in the previous task?

The Y sound never comes first. That's why we don't have a capital letter Y.

You look very stern,

But she is modest in character:

Never at the beginning of a word

She doesn't.











The sound ы is in

The end of the word.

In the middle of a word.

13. Development phonemic awareness and auditory attention on the material of the game “Cryptographers”.

And now our heroes want to play the game “Cryptographers”.

Encrypt the words.

Write the word graphically, divide the word into syllables, find the place of the letter Y or I in the word, and write down the corresponding letter.

Words: taxi, lynx, peacock, tiles, snowflakes, pitchforks, cats, kids, tigers, animals.

Which words obey the rule? Remember this rule.

How do the consonant sounds before I sound in these words?

But after the hard Zh and Sh we will write what vowel?


Snowflakes, little shi

ZHI-SHI - write with the vowel I.


Because this is the rule.

14 . Consolidating the ability to distinguish between the sounds S and Sh using the material from the game “Russell Words”.

Guys, the bear and the mouse have prepared for you another game “Scatter the Words”.

Items need to be distributed among the houses. Words with the sound I go to the house with the letter I, words with the sound Y to the house with the letter Y.

Name the objects and “settle” them into houses.

Items: stove, socks, buttons, raspberries, melons, soap, etc.

Children take turns taking pictures and putting them on the board under the picture of houses.

In the word sock and We hear I, we send him to the house where I lives.

In the word soap We hear Y, we send him to the house where Y lives.

In the word raspberry we hear Y and I, we send it to the third house.

III. The final stage

15 .Clarify, analyze acquired knowledge

Unfortunately, our lesson has come to an end.

Let's remember together:

What did we learn at


Tell me which consonants the vowel I is “friends” with, and which ones Y.

Guys, the bear and the mouse want you to pronounce these sounds very clearly. Therefore, they offer you a pure phrase so that you can learn it at home.

(Slide No. 11)


(Slide No. 12)

-Have you washed the raspberries?

- They washed, but did not soap.

We learned to distinguish sounds and letters Y – I.

The vowel I is friends with soft consonants.

Vowel Y with hard consonants.

Sounds Y – I.

16. Reflection

Who liked what task?

How do you feel when you leave class?

How would you rate your work?(Slide No. 13)

Everyone worked well

Thanks everyone, lesson


Name the tasks you like.

They talk about the mood.

They rate their work with five stars.

Topic: Differentiation s-i.

Goals and objectives:

  • consolidate the skills of clearly distinguishing and pronunciating the sounds s - i;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • learn to highlight the vowel sound in the middle and at the end of a word;
  • develop skills language analysis and synthesis;
  • development of phonemic analysis and inflection skills;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • vocabulary development and training in word formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes

Equipment: cards for individual work; subject pictures of a bear and a mouse; word models; pictures - cherry, raspberry, spruce, cheese, mustache, needle, soap, pumpkin; images of two houses; ruler, letters, backpack, pencil.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.

The one who names the vowel sound in the words will lie down: cheese, whale, peace, lynx, dust, shooting gallery.

Consolidating sounds s - i.

The speech therapist says that today the children will repeat sounds s - i.

The characteristics of these sounds (vowels) are clarified. Children explain why s and and refer to vowel sounds.

The speech therapist suggests pronouncing the sound and. The articulation of sound is refined (tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile).

The speech therapist suggests pronouncing a sound s. The articulation of sound is refined (the tongue is pulled away from the teeth).

  1. Articulation gymnastics.
  • swing

I swing on a swing

Up - down, up - down.

I'm rising higher and higher

And then I go downstairs.


It's time to paint the rooms.

A painter was hired.

We lower the jaw lower,

We help the painter.

horse (let's stop the horse)

Let's go, let's go on horseback

The path is smooth.

A neighbor invited us to visit

Eat sweet pudding.

We arrived at lunchtime

And the neighbor is not at home.

spatula - needle

Place your tongue with a spatula

And keep count of him:

One two three four five!

The tongue needs to be relaxed!


Put your tongue wide

And raise the edges.

It turned out to be a cup,

Round cup.


I stand on a thin leg,

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.

  1. Development of phonemic awareness.
  • Look at the pictures and give them to the bear and mouse.

Pictures: cherry, raspberry, spruce, cheese, mustache, needle, soap, pumpkin.

The speech therapist puts object pictures depicting a bear and a mouse on the board and shows the children pictures depicting objects whose names contain the letters Y - I.

Children put a picture with a certain sound next to the desired picture.

  • Girls clap their hands when they hear the sound I in words, boys clap when they hear the sound Y in words.

The speech therapist names words whose names contain the sounds Y-I.

Words: dust, whale, soap, cheese, feast, shooting gallery, lynx, peace, bull.

  1. Game "One - Many"

Forming the plural form of nouns and emphasizing the vowel sound at the end of the word.

spruce - spruce maple - maples

linden - linden deer - deer

broom - brooms lemon - lemons

tape - tape hunter - hunters

  1. Development of vocabulary and training in word formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes.

Place the words in houses so that words with the meaning of a large object live in the house, and words with the meaning small object- in a small house.

Example: hands in a big house, hands in a small house.

Images of two houses, differing in size, are attached to the board. Children write down words in two columns in notebooks.

Words: bows, legs, arms, umbrellas, bushes, ears, chair.

  1. Physical minute.

Hands raised and shook

(We shake our hands up)

These are trees in the forest.

(Gently lower your hands down)

They bent their arms, shook their hands,

(Shaking hands)

The wind blows away the dew.

(We wave our hands in front of us)

Hands to the sides, wave smoothly

(Hands to the side)

These are the birds flying towards us.

(Turns of the torso with arms open to the sides)

We'll also show you how they sit down.


The wings were folded back.

(Stand up, hide your hands behind your back)

  1. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis at the word level.

Look at the mysterious word patterns and try to solve them. Insert the necessary letters into the words and explain the meaning of the words.

Word models:

Dar Nose Thorn

  1. Solving the crossword puzzle.
  • I live in a notebook Live in a difficult book

Oblique and straight, cunning brothers.

In its other meaning, there are ten of them, but these brothers

I am a drawing plank. They will count everything in the world.

And finally, sometimes (Numbers)

I'll line everyone up.


  • Black birds, red beads hanging,

On every page, they look at us from the bushes.

They are silently waiting, they love these beads very much

Who will read them? Children, birds and bears.

(Letters) (Raspberry)

  • Black shirt You are going with friends to the forest,

At our Ivashka's. And he climbed onto your shoulders.

Wherever he turns his nose, he doesn’t want to go himself,

It will leave a trace. It's very heavy.

(Pencil) (Backpack)

  1. Finger gymnastics.

One two three four five

Fingers went out for a walk

This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest

This finger is for showing it

This finger is the longest and is in the middle

This ring finger is the most spoiled

And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring

  1. Working with cards. Copy the words by inserting the missing letters Y-I.