Express diagnostics of speech readiness for school. Diagnosis of the level of speech preparation of children for school

I.V. Bagramyan, Moscow

The path of a person growing up is quite thorny. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which represents the whole world. In a family, a child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and many other important feelings. In the context of a family, an emotional and moral experience unique to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015).

Let's declutter

Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go and complete the old and outdated. Otherwise, they say, the new one will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when reading such articles that motivate us to clean, but everything still remains in its place? We find thousands of reasons to put aside what we have put aside and throw it away. Or don’t start clearing out rubble and storage rooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered, I need to pull myself together.”
Being able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program for a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “right” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more correct it is for us. So, let’s figure out whether it’s really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often love to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal lives, advise, condemn... It gets to the point that children do not want to see their parents because they are tired of their moral teachings.

What to do?

Accepting flaws. Children must understand that it will not be possible to re-educate their parents; they will not change, no matter how much you want them to. Once you accept their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You will simply stop expecting a different relationship than you had before.

How to prevent cheating

When people start a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners within a legal relationship. In short, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before we talk about how to protect a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand

Speech readiness for school: purpose, objectives, directions of children's education.

Speech readiness for school

What is literacy education?

Nowadays, almost every parent of a 4-6 year old child is concerned that their child learns to read and count fluently, and knows numbers and letters, even before school.

A child’s ability to read and write before entering school began to be considered as a necessary, and sometimes the main indicator of a child’s readiness for school. And the ability of a child - a preschooler to read, count and write - is one of the important indicators of a “capable child” and evidence that the child is being cared for in the family.

However, literacy implies not just the ability to read and write words or texts, but also the accurate expressive presentation of one’s own thoughts, understanding the meaning of the text when reading, i.e. full mastery of the child written language. This process requires a high level of development of children - both speech, psychological and physiological.

Mastering written language involves:

- the child has a high level of arbitrariness(ability to manage one’s behavior) and awareness of one's own speech(the ability to consciously select accurate means of expression to convey your own thoughts),

fluency in lexical units of the language: the ability to feel the nuances of the meaning of words, including polysemantic ones (for example, a) pure water= clear water, b) clean dishes = washed dishes, but “clean” dishes cannot be called “transparent” dishes by analogy with water, c) fresh air= fresh air, but one cannot say about it “washed air”), the ability to select the necessary bright and precise linguistic means to solve a given speech task, it is appropriate to use phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, figurative comparisons, synonyms, antonyms in speech,

- free knowledge of grammatical units of the language:

the use of sentences of different constructions in speech - complex, complex, with homogeneous members, with direct speech, the ability to form new words from known ones - for example, forest - forester - forester - forester - forest

inventing new words by analogy: teaches - teacher, builds - builder, writes - who? (writer), raises kids - who? (teacher), saves people - who? (rescuer);

the ability to feel the meaning of prefixes and suffixes: for example, we drove - we arrived - we drove off - we drove around - we went - we stopped by and others, a duck quack-quack - quacks - a cat meow-meow meows, but a cow mu-mu - mooes), etc.

- skills arrange text(narration, description, reasoning) in a logical sequence, connect sentences in the text with each other different ways,

- skill evaluate the performance of a speech task, see your achievements and mistakes, correct them, achieve your goal.

Why is speech readiness for school so important?

The low level of development of a child’s oral speech leads to significant difficulties in mastering it in school age written language. Research shows that at least a third of children with difficulties in learning to read and write primary school have deficiencies in the development of oral speech: violations of sound pronunciation, poor vocabulary, grammatical errors (incorrect agreement of words in a sentence, distortion of word endings, etc.), low level of speech coherence, etc.

Mastery of literacy occurs at school, but some skills are formed in preschool childhood during special education in kindergarten, in classes at a children's center, club, studio or at home.

The basis for teaching literacy in preschool age is the general speech development of the preschooler. Therefore, preparation for teaching literacy to preschool children is always carried out in close connection with the entire system of development of children's speech and its aspects:

  1. phonetic (mastery of the sound side of speech),
  2. lexical (mastery of the Russian language dictionary: development of active and passive vocabulary, clarification of the dictionary, development of linguistic sense),
  3. grammatical (mastery of the grammatical structure of the native language),
  4. development of coherent speech (ability to build dialogue and monologue)

Speech readiness for school: goal

Modern preschool educational institutions operate according to various programs. All comprehensive programs have a section devoted to speech development and preparing children for literacy. In addition, partial programs and technologies are used: Ushakova O.S. "Children's speech development program preschool age in kindergarten”, Ryleeva E.V. Program for the development of self-awareness of preschoolers in speech activity “Discover Yourself”, Zhurova L.E., Varentsova N.S., Durova N.V., Nevskaya L.N. “Teaching preschool children to read and write” and others.

All modern speech development programs for preschoolers set teachers the next goal is to develop “correct”, “good” oral speech of preschoolers . What is meant by “correct” and “good” speech:

"Correct Speech" speech in which all linguistic units (sounds, words, phrases, sentences) are used in accordance with the norms of the language, that is, without errors.

"Good speech" - speech is lexically rich, precise, expressive, in which all words are used taking into account the communication situation (i.e., taking into account a number of factors: with whom, where, for what purpose the communication is being conducted).

Mastery of preschoolers orally is the basis for the formation communicative competence as a basic characteristic of a child’s personality, ensuring the well-being of a preschooler in social and intellectual development.

Speech readiness for school: main tasks

Preparing children to learn to read and write in kindergarten involves working on several directions:

1. Education of sound culture of speech – development of speech hearing, clear diction, correct sound pronunciation, mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone, timbre, stress, voice strength, intonation, etc.), nurturing orthoepic correctness of speech.

2.Vocabulary development – enriching and activating children’s vocabulary, teaching them to use words appropriately in various communication situations, selecting the most accurate words and expressions, developing children’s expressive figurative speech.

3.Formation of the grammatical structure of speech – practical mastery and use in one’s own speech of different types of phrases and sentences, ways of forming new words, the formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by numbers, genders, cases, practical mastery of the mood of verbs – go, run, let's go, run, let's go, would run, would go, using adjectives in different degrees of comparison – kind - kinder, quiet - quieter and etc.)

4.Development of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue) – development of the ability to construct independent statements of different types – description, narration, reasoning; to have a dialog; accurately formulate questions and answer them; listen and understand the speech of your interlocutors; behave taking into account the situation of verbal communication.

5. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech. Children are taught to produce sound and syllabic analysis words, sentence composition, introduce the concepts of “sound”, “word”, “syllable”, “sentence”, “vowel/consonant sound”, “stress”, “hard/soft consonant sound”, “stressed/unstressed vowel sound” . Preschoolers learn to select related (same-root) words. They become familiar with the phenomena of synonymy and antonymy, selecting words that are similar/opposite in meaning. Children also form ideas about the structure of a statement (beginning, middle, end) and its features in different types texts.

All these tasks are solved in a way that is fun for children, through games and entertaining tasks.

What is school readiness?

Speech readiness for school is only part of readiness for school learning.

In the free book “Preparing for School: 5 Secrets of Success” you will find answers to the questions:

  • How to develop a child’s desire to learn, to go to school to learn new things?
  • Why does this desire disappear in many modern children? And why do they go to school?
  • How to evaluate a child’s work in order to awaken in him the desire to develop and achieve goals?
  • And what kind of development do children need?
  • What awaits a family when a first-grader arrives?
  • What pitfalls are encountered when choosing who to entrust preparation for school, and how to avoid them?
  • Ability to learn. What does it consist of and what is needed for it?
  • How to teach a child to perform tasks according to rules and patterns, according to verbal instructions?
  • How to develop voluntariness - the basis of school readiness?
  • How to teach a child to be attentive? What is attention and what are its properties? What games and exercises develop attention and how to do them to get excellent results?
  • How to develop memory and teach children memorization techniques - mnemonics? What are the differences between boys' memory and girls' memory?
  • How to teach a child to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, distinguish the main from the secondary, and not just remember and reproduce educational information?
  • What is perception and why is it needed in learning? Why do you need imagination? Games and activities for its development.
  • What knowledge does a child need before entering first grade? What needs to be taught to a child in different areas - speech development, literacy, mathematics, getting to know the outside world?
  • What is more important – the quantity or quality of knowledge, and how is this quality of knowledge expressed in relation to a preschooler?
  • How to answer your child’s questions in order to develop his cognitive activity with your answers?
  • What books for parents can help you and give answers to many questions?
  • And many other questions.

Speech development- this is an active, creative process of children’s cognition of linguistic reality, their play - “experimenting” with words, sounds, phrases, sentences.

In a preschooler’s mastery of their native language, a significant role is played by the formation of a “sense of language”, nurturing children’s interest in words, in discussing linguistic phenomena, in observing their own speech and the speech of other people.

You can find a system of tasks that cultivates a sense of language in preschoolers, develops the linguistic and intellectual abilities of children and prepares children for school education in the manuals developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences O. S. Ushakova, one of our country’s leading experts in the methodology of children’s speech development.

The development of interest in the native language, the formation of linguistic generalizations, the ability to consciously select and creatively combine linguistic means in independent statements is the basis speech development child in preschool childhood, basis speech readiness for school and the basis for all further linguistic development of the child, his full mastery of not only his native, but also foreign languages.

I wish you and your children success!

Games and exercises for children’s speech development on the “Native Path” website:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below to free subscription

Diagnosis of children's speech readiness for school.

To determine the level of speech readiness of a child for school, it is necessary to identify the degree of formation of all components of speech: sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech, language analysis and synthesis.

Express method for assessing sound pronunciation (A. N. Kornev).

Purpose of the study: identify defects in sound pronunciation, preservation syllable structure words

Research procedure: The child is asked to repeat phrases rich in difficult-to-pronounce sounds.

Stimulus material: phrases containing the most frequently mixed, articulatory complex consonants.

R-L Fishes swim in an aquarium.

J-SH A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle. Cuckoo bought a hood.

N-W-C There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.


3 points – sounds are pronounced correctly, the syllable structure is not broken.

2 points – 2-3 sounds are broken, the syllable structure is not broken.

1 point - 3-5 sounds are broken, the syllabic structure of the word is distorted.

0 points - More than 5 sounds are broken, the syllabic structure of the word is grossly distorted.

Sequence of events (N.I. Gutkina).

Purpose of the study: identify the level of formation of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical structure, and logical thinking.

Research procedure: I have pictures. They're all mixed up. Put them in order and make up a story.

Stimulus material: 4-6 pictures.


3 points – independently, correctly and logically determines the sequence of pictures and composes a coherent story.

2 points – makes mistakes in the sequence, but corrects errors with help. Fragmentation of a coherent utterance

1 point - the sequence of pictures is broken, the story is replaced by reading details from the plot pictures

0 points – The sequence of pictures does not establish, the story does not form.

Study of the nominative function of speech (T. A. Fotekova)

Purpose of the study: identify the volume of vocabulary.

Research procedure: name objects and actions from pictures, choose antonyms, generalizing words.

Stimulus material: subject pictures with low-frequency and mid-frequency words: dragonfly, heron, chandelier, syringe, shell, watering can, sews, sews, embroiders, sews.


3 points – the exact name of objects and actions.

2 points– search to find the correct name or answer with a phrase.

1 point - close verbal substitutions (shell-back), distortion of the sound structure of the word

0 points– refusal, distant verbal paraphasias (watering can-ruler), replacement of a verb with a noun and vice versa.

Study phonemic awareness(T. A. Fotekova)

Purpose of the study: identify the peculiarities of phonemic perception and evaluate the organization speech movements.

Research procedure: The child is asked to repeat chains of syllables.

Stimulus material: syllable series with articulatory close consonants: sha-zha-zha, sha-cha-sha, tsa-sa-tsa, kta-kto-kty, cha-cha-cha.


3 points – correct reproduction at the pace of presentation.

2 points – intense and slow playback.

1 point– likening syllables with self-correction.

0 points– assimilation, reduction, distortion of syllables or refusal.

Research into sound analysis and synthesis.

Purpose of the study: identify the ability to navigate sound composition words.

Research procedure: The child is asked to name (write) the first and last sound (letter) in words (smoke sea faucet flower bed artist), determine the sequence and number of sounds (letters).

Stimulus material: subject pictures of simple and complex syllable structure.


3 points – correct completion of all tasks.

2 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, but corrects them independently.

1 point– completes tasks only using words with a light syllable structure.

0 points– all tasks are completed with errors; he cannot correct them on his own, only with the help of a teacher.

Study of language analysis and synthesis.

Purpose of the study: identify the level of practical awareness of the elements of language.

Research procedure: The child is asked to answer questions.

Stimulus material: the child answers the questions:

    Say one word.

    Say one sound.

How many sounds are in the word "house"?

Name the sounds in this word in order.

    Say one sentence.

How many words are there in the sentence “Children love to play.”

Say the words in order.


3 points – answered all the questions correctly.

2 points – Answered 3-4 questions correctly.

1 point– answered less than 3 questions correctly.

0 points – didn't answer.

Conclusions about the level of speech readiness of a child for schooling are made on the basis of a summary assessment of the study of all aspects of speech. The final grade can be one of five levels:

    High – 18 points

    Above average – 16-14 points

    Average –13-10 points

    Below average – 9-6 points

    Low - 0-5 points


Speech impairment, together with visual pathology in children, are one of the main indicators of their readiness for school. Children with visual impairment and deficiencies in speech development (mostly the diagnosis of our children is OHP + dysarthria) are not able to fully master educational material. Such children experience disturbances in attention, memory, and fatigue. When working with such children, a multifaceted, integrated approach to correcting the development of children by a speech therapist, a typhlopedagogue, a teacher, and other specialists is very important, which ensures the activation of the activity of intact analyzers. All specialists in their classes with children with visual and speech disorders must use their knowledge not only in the field of ophthalmology, typhlopedagogy in the selection didactic material(its size, intensity of color, visual load, seating of children are taken into account), but also in the field of speech therapy, since speech is one of the main means of acquiring knowledge, developing mental functions, a means of self-expression and knowledge of others, the main means of communication. Children with combined pathology (speech and vision) are characterized by movement disorders. Their elimination is facilitated by the use of games with speech material and movements (this can be done during a walk by teachers, during music classes by music education leaders, and by physical education leaders during physical education classes). This integrated approach makes it possible for speech itself to become a powerful compensatory factor. Speech development is considered as the development of skills to understand and use language:

Development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis

Formation and activation of the dictionary

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

Development of coherent speech and communication skills

Developmental environment.

Therefore, if one of these components is lost or underdeveloped, it is impossible to talk about good speech development of the child.

Coherent speech is the ability of children to use correct speech in communication with others; express your thoughts clearly, speak native language clean and expressive, without rushing; ability to use monologue and dialogic speech; the ability to talk about what he saw, explain cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to compose a descriptive story, compose a story based on a painting, a series of paintings, retell a short text.

The basis for the development of “coherent speech” are:

  1. Level of formation of the lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic aspects of speech.
  2. Level of formation of psychological processes (visual and especially auditory attention).

And all this is a necessary condition full development of the child’s personality as a whole. This diagnostic includes:

  1. Studying the level of speech communication
  2. Learning a child's vocabulary
  3. Studying the grammatical side of speech
  4. State of the sound side of speech
  5. Studying the level of coherent speech
  • Studying the level of speech communication (observation of children in Everyday life). Here you need to pay special attention to the nature of communication, initiative, the ability to enter into dialogue, maintain and conduct it consistently, the ability to listen to the interlocutor and understand him, the ability to clearly express your thoughts. Assessment of communication skills can be given taking into account the following criteria:

High level(3 points) – the child is active in communication, knows how to listen and understand speech, easily comes into contact with children and adults, expresses his thoughts clearly and consistently.

Average level (2 points) – the child knows how to listen and understand spoken speech, participates in communication on the initiative of others.

Low level (1 point) – the child is inactive, little talkative when communicating with children and adults, inattentive, does not know how to consistently express his thoughts, or accurately convey their content.

  • Learning children's vocabulary.

Here it is necessary to identify children’s ability to find, select the most accurate word, and use generalizing words. The following tasks may be offered:

  1. Classification of concepts. Material – 30 pictures depicting animals, clothes, toys, fruits, vegetables, transport. The teacher names a concept denoting a group of pictures, asks the child to give a detailed definition of the concept, and then select the corresponding pictures (animals). Each correct choice of picture is worth one point. If, along with the correct choice, incorrect ones are made, the task is scored 0 points. The highest score is 30 points.
  2. Selection of synonyms (it is carried out in the form of the game “Say it differently”). The child is asked to play with words and choose a word that is close in meaning to the named word. For example: gloomy, cheerful, old, big, beautiful, run, talk, cry - just ten words. The highest score is 10 points. 1 point – the selected word is a synonym of the named one, 0 points – the selected word is not a synonym.
  3. Selection of definitions. Shape is a word game. The child is asked to come up with as many definitions as possible for this word. 5 words are given: dress, birch, apple, fox, girl. The highest score is 10 points: 2 points – more than 3 words came up, 1 point – less than 3 words, 0 points – cannot come up with.

The total score for “vocabulary” is calculated. High level – 50 points, average level – 32-49 points, low level – less than 32 points.

  • Studying the grammatical structure of speech. Here it is necessary to identify the level of proficiency in grammatical structures and the ability to independently form words. For this purpose, game grammatical tasks for constructing words and sentences are offered.
  1. Formation of forms of nouns denoting children of animals. There are 10 pictures with images of animals and 10 with images of their cubs. Game “Who has whom?”: you need to select pictures that match each other and form a shape plural nominative and genitive cases (the fox has cubs, there are many fox cubs). The highest score is 20 points (flawless use of both forms – 2 points; slight deviation from the norm – 1 point; incorrect answers – 0 points).
  2. Understanding grammatical structures. The teacher pronounces a phrase and asks the child to illustrate its meaning with the help of toys: “put the child to bed,” “the cat is caught by the boy,” “the dog bites the bear that grabbed the hare,” “the dog allows the boy to pet it.” There are 10 offers in total. The result is assessed: 1 point – correct display, 0 points – incorrect. The highest score is 10 points.
  3. Constructing a proposal. 3 words are offered (nouns in nominative case, verb in the infinitive) from which you need to make a sentence. There are 5 sets of words in total. Example: children, walk, park; aquarium, fish, swim, etc. The highest score is 10 points: 2 points - the sentence is composed correctly, 1 point - there is a slight deviation from the norm, 0 points - not all words are used.
  • The state of the sound side of speech. Speech is assessed using a 3-point system. High level – 3 points: correct, clear pronunciation of all sounds. The ability to differentiate all sounds (distinguish by ear and pronunciation). Good regulation of speech rate and speech breathing.

Average level – 2 points: instability and lack of clarity of pronunciation and differentiation of sounds.

Low level – 1 point: defects in the pronunciation of sounds, lack of differentiation. Inability to regulate the rate of speech and breathing.

  • Studying the level of coherent speech.

The “Text Retelling” technique is used. Children are invited to listen to an unfamiliar story or fairy tale, small in volume. Children's retellings are recorded and analyzed according to the following indicators:

  1. Understanding the text - whether the child correctly formulates the main idea.
  2. Text structuring is the ability to consistently and accurately construct a retelling.
  3. Grammar – correct construction of sentences, ability to use complex sentences.
  4. Smoothness of speech – the presence or absence of long pauses.
  5. Independent retelling - the presence or absence of prompts from the teacher during the retelling, the need to re-read the text.

Each item is scored separately (2 points).

High level – 10 points – correct reproduction.

Average level - 6 points - minor deviation, no grammatical errors, long pauses, a small number of hints.

Low level - less than 6 points - incorrect reproduction, violation of the text structure, poor vocabulary, numerous pauses, need for hints.

  • Studying the level of practical consciousness of language elements.


  1. Say one word.
  2. A) say one sound

B) how many sounds are in the words “house”, “linden”

C) name the sounds in this word: vowels, characterize the sounds “l”, “p”

3. Say one sentence

A) how many words are in this sentence

B) name the first word, second, third

C) name the preposition (if any).

Answers are scored: correct – 1 point, incorrect – 0 points. High level – 8 points, average level – 3-4 points, low level – less than 3 points.

The conclusion about the level of speech readiness of children for school education is made on the basis of a summary assessment of the development of all examined aspects of speech. The coincidence of qualitative assessments indicates an overall assessment of the level of speech development: high, average, low. In cases of discrepancy, the predominance of certain assessments is taken into account and intermediate levels are introduced: above average or below average. For example, if 4 high levels and 2 average levels coincide, the final rating will be above average. Thus, at the final assessment, the child can be assigned to one of five levels of speech readiness for school: high, above average, average, below average, low.

List of used literature:

  1. “Special (correctional) programs educational institutions 4th type. Kindergarten programs correctional work in kindergarten." Plaksina L.I.
  2. "Program of education and training in kindergarten." Vasilyeva M.A.
  3. “Programs for correctional education and education of children with disabilities” general underdevelopment speeches of the 7th year of life." Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.
  4. "Speech therapy work in preschool institutions and groups for children with speech disorders.” Mironova S.A.