Speech material for differentiating sounds. speech therapy file on the topic

Topic: "Differentiation of sounds K - T"

Target . Strengthen the skills of clear pronunciation of sounds.

Educational objectives:

1. Repeat the characteristics of sounds.

2. Clarify the correct articulation of sounds.

3. Learn to identify the first sound in words.

Corrective tasks:

1. Oncedevelop auditory attention and memory.

2. Develop the muscles of the tongue.

3. Listen and follow instructions.

4. Learn to distinguish sounds by ear.

5. Increase the syllabic structure of words.

6. Differentiate the sounds K - T in syllables, words, sentences.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a caring attitude towards each other. Learn to listen to other children's answers.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2.1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Tom the cat comes to the children.

2.2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds K and T.

Repetition. Clarification of sound articulation.

1) Sound “k”.

Bring your hand to your mouth and feel how a stream of air comes out of your mouth in spurts.

Place your palm on your neck and make a sound. If the neck trembles, then the sound is ringing, and if not, then the sound is dull.

· Summarizing.

The sound “k” is pronounced with a barrier. He is consonant, deaf, firm. The sound “k” is indicated by a blue square.

2) Sound "t".

· Demonstration and explanation of correct articulation by a speech therapist.

· Determination of vowel or consonant sound.

· Determination by children of a voiceless or voiced sound being studied.

· Determination by children of a hard or soft sound being studied.

· Summarizing.

The "t" sound is not sung. He is consonant, deaf, firm. The sound “t” is indicated by a blue square

2.3. Development phonemic awareness in Game

“Who is the most attentive?”

1) ka - ta ku -tu ko - toki - ti

ta - ka tu - ku to - ko ti - mi

2) ak – at uk – ut ok – from yk – yt ik – it ek – et

at – ak ut – uk from – ok yt – yk it – ik et - ek

2.4. Say the words in pairs. (If it is difficult for a child to pronounce two words in a row, then ask him to repeat the words after you one at a time)

Kolya - Tolya how - so poppy - mate bull - life

where - there whale - Tit cat - that how - so

by whom - by that whom - that to whom - that when - then

digging - firebox soot - what a stomp - such a side - bot

cubes - tubes to accumulate - to drown to dig - to stomp here

2.5. Determining sounds in words based on pictures.

2.6. Physical minute.

Tiki - so, tics - so.We tilt our heads to the right - to the left.

So the walkers are knocking.

Tuki - so, here - so,Alternately with right and left hands

So the wheels are knocking.We describe circles in front of us.

Currents - current, currents - current.We knock our fists.

This is how the hammer hits.

2.7. Building up syllable structure. Choral and individual pronunciation of words.

1). Monosyllabic words consisting of one closed (open) syllable.

Cat, whale, tak, tok

2). Two compound words with two open syllables.

ko - you ke - ta ki - you Ka - tya

3). Two-syllable words with one closed syllable.

ka - nat kof - ta tan - ki tyk - va

ka – tok kan - you cat - tik

3. Summing up the lesson.

Modern parents know that in order to be successful in school, children need to pronounce all sounds clearly and clearly. native language. Without correct speech, it is impossible to express your thoughts, write dictations, or compose retellings. Usually, by school, a child should have well-developed speech. However, some preschoolers never learn to speak clearly and distort some sounds, so it becomes necessary to consult a speech therapist. Experts note that recently new types of dyslalia (sound pronunciation disorders) have appeared, which were almost never encountered before. These do not include correct pronunciation sounds T, D. Will parents be able to work on correcting sound pronunciation at home if such a speech disorder is discovered in a child? In order to properly organize classes at home, you need to understand what the production of the t sound is in connection with the production of the d sound.

Important: correct pronunciation develops mainly by the age of five, so contact special help follows after 5 years. However, it is necessary already with early age Closely monitor the child’s speech, do not be touched by the distortion of words, and, if possible, correct the child’s speech errors.

Features of pronunciation of sounds T D

Which typical mistakes What do children do when pronouncing them? Systematically occurring speech disorders include:

  • Replacing the sounds of the front lingual “T - D” with the corresponding back lingual “k - g”, for example, “k( T)baby", "ing( d)yuk".
  • Mixing of front-lingual consonants “T - D” with back-lingual “k - g”: cell - cell; glass - rolled.
  • The sound “T” can be softened by “P” or “K”, for example: pichka - bird; drink, drink instead of dot.
  • Persistent mixing T H(y T it - teaches, girl t(h)ka), T C(Pe ts I am Petya, color ts et - blooms).

In children with speech errors, one can observe the following construction of sentences: “Mom, where (where) are my tanfettes (sweets)?”, “There are sweets on the tartine (picture). Others immediately notice such violations, and parents may also notice incorrect articulation of sound. T: Instead of leaving the tip of the tongue down, resting on the front teeth, the baby raises it to the roof of the mouth.

Very often the reasons for incorrect pronunciation are:

  • Disturbances in articulation (function of the speech organs).
  • Low mobility of the lower jaw.
  • Underdevelopment of auditory perception (the baby cannot distinguish sounds).
  • A bad example for adults when someone around them pronounces incorrectly T D.

In any case, the diagnosis is made by a speech therapist, and parents are engaged in making sounds at home in accordance with his recommendations. Articulation gymnastics is very helpful in work, which should become a constant companion not only in classes, but also in everyday life.

Important: correction of the pronunciation of sounds N T D, as a rule, is carried out after simple sounds are clearly defined in the preschooler’s speech: vowels (a, u, o, i, e, s) and consonants (b b, p p, mm, vv, ff).

To examine the pronunciation of sounds T D You can offer your child a small test in the form of several exercises:

  1. Following the adult, pronounce sentences in which these sounds occur, for example: Dusya gives melon to Dasha. Aunt Tanya has notebooks on the table.
  2. Look at pictures that show objects with sounds. T D, for example: slippers, calf, tiger, axe, TV, cart, cake; melon, house, door, tree, girl, children.
  3. Among the pictures laid out on the table, find the one that the adult names: dot - daughter, cloud - dacha, duck - pipe, pond - twig, house - volume.

Work is required for that child whose speech cannot be traced T D or are replaced by other sounds, there is no differentiation (distinguishing sounds that are similar in sound).

Techniques for producing sounds T D

The classic techniques of speech therapy work are preparatory stage and sound production, which can be actively used in home exercises. If you choose the right exercises, it will not be difficult for parents to cope with speech disorders your child.

Important: before teaching your child the correct articulation of sound T (D), an adult must himself practice the position of the lips and tongue in front of the mirror: the lips take the position of the vowel that follows T(ta - ta - ta); the tongue is fixed in the upper teeth; the palate is raised. In addition, articulatory gymnastics must also be previously rehearsed by an adult.

Preparatory stage

Speech therapists insist that if the baby’s tongue is not strong enough to make sounds, it is necessary to first strengthen the muscles of the tongue and lips. Therefore, the preparatory stage necessarily includes articulation gymnastics. Speech therapy massage exercises will help prepare the speech apparatus for it::

  1. An adult, using a mirror, teaches a preschooler to take the correct position of the lips and tongue, showing the differences in pronunciation, for example, T(tip of tongue) and TO(tongue tail): “The cake is being eaten,” “Drops are dripping.”
  2. Sound production T requires a sharp and strong exhalation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the ability to exhale correctly. You can use the following exercises: “Soap bubbles”, “Balloon”, “Flying snowflakes (from a napkin or cotton balls)”.
  3. Then follows articulation gymnastics:
  • “Wide smile” - connect your teeth, stretch your lips wide and hold this position for up to 7 seconds.
  • “Tick-tock clock” - the tongue quickly moves left and right along the upper lip.
  • “The tongue does not obey” - say five-five-five, tapping your upper lip on your tongue, gradually differentiating (distinguishing) the sounds P T.
  • “Tongue - spatula” - relax the tongue, making it wide, place it on the relaxed lower lip.

Important: we must try to make it interesting for the child to perform rather monotonous preparatory tasks. To do this, you need to introduce new exercises at every home lesson. To do this, you need to introduce new exercises at every home lesson. articulatory gymnastics, which can be borrowed from speech therapy practice.

Staging sounds

How to install sound at home? Experts offer several ways to set sound; a parent can try all of them and choose the one that is more accessible and understandable to the baby.

  1. Staging T by imitation: an adult invites a preschooler to repeat first the syllables, and then the words; it is advisable to start with the syllable “ta”. For example: ta-ta-ta, ta-you-to-tu, you-you-you, you-ta-to-tu, to-to-to, to-tu-ta-you. Then the transition to words - pure words: ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta, such beauty; you-you-you, you-you-you, gave us flowers; tu-tu-tu, tu-tu-tu, we clean up; so-and-so, so-and-so, I put on my coat. Creative approach to speech classes will allow parents to independently compose similar phrases using sound, involving children in creativity.
  2. Interdental method: an adult shows the child the position of the tongue (the tongue is pressed between the lips, in this position you need to exhale strongly until you hear a sound, then place the tongue behind the teeth). You can teach how to control your exhalation by playing a “fence” for air by placing your palm in front of your mouth. Or arrange a game of “ball” (a cotton ball is driven into an improvised goal with a stream of air).
  3. Speech therapists use the method of staging T from sound P. The child repeats pa-pa-pa, placing the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip, then, smiling broadly, says P, it turns out T.
  4. When setting D Identical work is carried out, only when exhaling the voice is added.

Automation of sounds T D

When the sounds T D will be delivered (correct articulation has appeared), and the child will learn to pronounce them, the next stage begins - automation (practice of the skill). It is important to achieve fluent pronunciation here. Since this is new for a preschooler, it means a lot of training is required. Speech therapists recommend introducing the practiced skill gradually: first through syllables, then words, then sentences. Articulation exercises, games based on poetry, stories, riddles will help well in this work, which will also maintain interest in the classes. At the same time, do not forget that every home lesson must begin with articulatory gymnastics.

Important: parents need to make every effort to prevent incorrect pronunciation of sounds T D disappeared from the child’s speech as quickly as possible. At the same time, take into account that new material introduced only after the previous one has been learned.

What can an adult do to keep the child interested in activities and at the same time repeat monotonous actions over and over again? Gaming techniques will help, with the help of which syllables are practiced, for example: ta-ta-ta, yes-da-da, to-to, do-do-do, ta-you-to-tu, at-at-at, yes-dy-du, yt-yt-yt, ud-ud-ud. Plots can be very diverse:

  • Let's teach the doll to brush its teeth, show it what articulation gymnastics is: “let's brush the teeth” (various movements of the tongue on the teeth from the outside and inside, up and down, left and right).
  • Let's sing a song to the toys: “tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, we are taking a cat with us”;
  • Play the drum for the bear: tram-ta-ta-tam; on a dog pipe: doo-doo-doo.
  • I start speaking, and you finish (the adult pronounces part of the word, which must end with a syllable with the sounds T D): flowers, beauty, candy, mast, coat, bouquet; bicycles, sneakers, beards.
  • Hello, little finger! ( thumb is put forward, and each finger in turn “greets him” with the syllables: ta, then, tu, you; yes, do, do, do).

After the preschooler has automated sounds, the work becomes more complicated, the pronunciation of sounds is fixed in words.

Exercise “Collecting beads”

An effective audio automation exercise T with older preschool children. An adult invites the preschooler to collect unusual beads, having previously agreed which syllable should follow which. For example, there may be such a sequence: that - that - you - that - that - that. Work with the sound d is carried out in a similar way. At first, you can rely on visual aids (colored beads, circles of colored paper, pencils). Subsequently, the visualization is removed, and the child acts from memory.

Exercise “Come up with words with the sounds T D”

Invite the child to repeat words with sounds after the adult T D at the beginning, middle, end of a word. For example, an adult starts with a more understandable syllable that: that kidneys, that chka, that reel; the kid continues: that NK, that buret, that netz, that xi. Then moves to another position T D:ko T ik, ne T ear, ka T ok fox T OK; lard T, playing T, collect T, bark T, help T. Or du daughter, Yes th, de no, by Yes rki, sol Yes t (vocal emphasis on the highlighted one). If at first it is difficult for a preschooler to continue his vocabulary, you can work with pictures. Likewise work in progress with syllables you are: You kwa, yes rka, You, yes m; then up to: That since then That RT, That flatter, before sir, That chka, before chka; that doo: that chka, that loop, ra du ha, du ha. It is better to prepare the vocabulary in advance. An even more interesting automation exercise will take place with a ball. The adult throws the ball to the child with his word, the child responds with his own.

Exercise “Sound t and sound d in a sentence”

Similar work is done with sentences; the preschooler repeats after the adult, emphasizing in his voice T D:

  • Tanya and Tom are traveling on a tram.
  • Trofim is riding in a taxi.
  • The plane is flying.
  • Aunt Tonya is planting flowers.
  • Dima and Tolya are skating on the skating rink.
  • Dasha and Denis shared the melon.
  • Children go to kindergarten.

In order for a preschooler to be able to independently compose a sentence, plot pictures are used. It is necessary to ensure that all words of the sentence have a sound that is automated ( T D).

Nursery rhymes, pure sayings for automating sounds etc.

To make it easy for parents to choose an artistic series for practicing the sounds of T D, you can use speech therapy selections or come up with pure sounding phrases together with your children. For example, the parent starts with syllables, and the child then rhymes the sentence:

  • Ta - ta - ta, ta - ta - ta, (we saw ki in the sea that).
  • Tu - tu - tu, tu - tu - tu, (let's pour milk into that).
  • Yes - yes - yes, yes - yes - yes, (splashed all over Yes).
  • Dy-dy-dy, dy-dy-dy, (there’s no water in the glass yes).
  • Yes - yes - yes, yes - yes - yes, (don’t go that Yes).
  • Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, (sing there anyway du).

A lot of nursery rhymes can be found on children's websites or in children's books. Their main task is sound automation T (D), its correct pronunciation, for example:

Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, above the city there is a fence.
The animals sat on the fence and boasted all day long.
The fox boasted: I am beautiful to the whole world!
The bunny boasted: Go, catch up!

Pull the canvases,
CanvasYou are simple.
Pull, Pull, Pull,
Shift it across, across.

We know, we know: Yes-Yes-Yes!
Water is hiding in the tap!
Come out, water!
We came to wash up!

LaDushki, LaDushki,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's leave it to cool.
Let's wait a little
Yes Dim pancakes to everyone.

Differentiation of sounds D T

An important step in speech therapy work is the differentiation of sounds (distinguishing similar sounding sounds, T D, D Дь, Т Ть). This stage is carried out in parallel with automation and is necessary in order to compare sounds (soft and hard) and practice pronunciation. You can teach a preschooler new special techniques for distinguishing sounds: a hand is applied to the throat during the sound, the sound is determined ( D- sonorous, vocal; T- deaf, without a voice). For differentiation, you can use already known techniques: syllables, words, sentences in exercises, games, sayings, nursery rhymes.

Differentiation of sounds T ТТ in the exercise “Compare sounds in guesses”

An adult asks the child to guess riddles, and then asks if they sound the same T in all the answers? The main thing is to make it possible to understand the difference in the pronunciation of sounds T(solid) TH(soft).

Round, not a month, yellow, not oil,
Sweet, not sugar, with a tail, not a mouse ( You kwa).

He bows, he bows, he will come home and stretch out ( That por).

A block froze above the water,
She dreams of fish for lunch.
I have fins but I’m too lazy to swim,
The fish will be eaten by someone else ( bye laziness).

Exercise “Correct phrasing”

The goal is to teach how to pronounce and distinguish correctly and clearly D Y.

Grandfather Dodon played the pipe,
Danka's grandfather hurt him.

A woodpecker is hammering a tree,
Day after day crushes the bark.

Game "Come up with a proposal"

To establish and consolidate pronunciation T D Adults can teach children to come up with beautiful sentences using verbal helpers. Then determine which words have hard T D, and which have soft Т Дь:

Denis - telephone (Denis was given a telephone);
Home is a cat (Our cat does not walk, he is at home);
Tanya - melon (Tanya loves melon);
Tyoma - pipe (Tyoma learns to play the pipe);
Dusya - pictures (Dusya loves to look at pictures);

Important: Parents should understand that home lessons on correct pronunciation consist of developing the skill of pronouncing the sounds of their native language. This process is long, systematic, and requires patience and persistent training in automation and sound differentiation. A thoughtful selection of articulatory gymnastics, exercises, games, and verbal material will help achieve good results in the development of competent, beautiful speech in preschool children.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

Continue teaching the child to find a word in a series that differs from the others in sound composition.

Teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [P] - [T] - [K].

Introduce your child to the use of prepositions By, secure correct usage in speech prepositions on, under.

Continue to teach sound-syllable analysis of words with consonant clusters.

Introduce the child to the use of a question mark at the end of a sentence, practice reading sentences while observing interrogative and narrative intonation.

Exercise 1. The adult clearly pronounces a number of words, and the child listens and names a word that differs from the others in its sound composition:

screw - screw - bandage- screw; minute - minute - coin- minute; ticket - ballet - ballet - ballet; buffet - buffet - bouquet - buffet; pipe - booth - pipe - pipe.

Task 2. Didactic exercise“Clap two (three, four...) times less (more) than me.” The adult claps his hands several times (the child closes his eyes) and invites the child to clap two (three, four...) times more (less) than the adult did.

Task 3. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [T] - [K]. Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the riddles:

Mu-mu-mu, milk for anyone? (Cow)

The golden bottom turned towards the sun. (Sunflower)

The eagle is flying

Across the blue sky.

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up. (Cloud)

The adult recalls with the child the articulation of sounds [P], [T], [K], characteristics and designation (see topics No. 10, 13, 19).

Task 4. Didactic exercise “Finish the word.” The adult pronounces the beginning of the word, and the child finishes only its last sound (syllable).

P, T, K: plane..., so..., su..., ma..., kato..., ban..., bin..., veno..., bodice... , bile..., bale..., veni...;

KA, TA, PA: poch..., mar..., steam..., li..., kas..., shirt...

Task 5. Choose words for the first syllable:

PA: -ra, -rohod, -rum,... PU: -la, -shock,...PY: -pouring, -thawing,...PO: -la, -drying,...

KA: -cha, -sha,... KU: -rit, -ritsa,... KO: -la, sy,...

TA: -nya, -xia,... TU: -kan, -esok,... TO: -lya, -nya,...

Task 6. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

pa-pa-ta, pa-ta-pa, ta-pa-pa, ta-pa-ta...;

ka-ta-ka, ta-ka-ka, ta-ka-ta, ka-ta-ta...;

pa-ta-ka, ka-ta-pa, pa-ka-ta, ta-pa-ka...;

who-who-who-who-who; act-oct-ukt-ict...;

pta-pto-ptu-pta; apt-opt-upt-ipt...

Task 7. From a number of drawn objects, select those whose names contain the sound [K], then the sound [P], then the sound [T], divide the words into syllables, determine the place of the sound in the words (if it is difficult, use a card and a blue circle). Make up a sentence with each word.

Task 8. Replace the sound [K] with the sound [T] in words. What words will you get? Make up sentences with each pair of words:

Kolya - Tolya, like - ..., comedian - ..., save - ..., hummock - ..., heap - ..., pitching - ...; rock - mouth, current - ..., side - ..., marriage - ..., poppy -...

Task 9. Remember riddles, simple sayings with the sounds [P], [T], [K] (see topics No. 10, 13, 19).

Task 10. Find the extra word in the series (by the presence of sounds [P], [T], [K]):

braid, floor lamp, roof, rat; pipe, panties, carpet,

trolleybus; ferry, steam, Tolya, ponds; trolleybus, tram, jumper, coward.

Task 11. Name the first and last sound in words:

wallet, parachute, tank, cat, cube, cake,

ceiling, stomp, hood, kitten, reed.

Task 12. Independently select words with the sounds [P], [T], [K], divide them into syllables. Name the longest and shortest word.

Task 13. Learn tongue twisters:

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

A spider under the ceiling, a scarf under the hood.

Task 14. Exercises to develop coordination of speech and movements:

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Head tilts left and right.

So the walkers are knocking.

Knock-tock, knock-knock. Alternately with your right and left hands, drink bittern-

So the wheels are knocking. draw circles in front of you.

Toki-tok, tok-tok. Knock your fists.

This is how the hammer hits.

Knock-knock, knuckle-knock. Clicking heels.

That's how the heel clicks.

Task 15. Introducing the preposition by.

Adult: invites the child to look at the pictures and answer the questions: “What is the car driving along? (On the road) What is the ant crawling on? (By a leaf.) "The adult pays attention to the preposition by, explains its meaning and graphic representation.

Make a sentence out of words, give a preposition:

tractor, field, ride, on;

Insert into sentence the right excuse(on, under, by):

The cat is sleeping... on the couch. The spider is crawling... on the wall. Tolya is riding... on horseback.

Pavlik sits... like a poplar. A bird sits... in a poplar tree.

A caterpillar crawls... on a tree. A parrot is sitting... on a poplar branch. The car is driving... on the road.

Task 16. Sound-syllable analysis of words with consonant clusters. Laying out diagrams from circles.

who, fir, sneakers, tank, tanks, bird, birds, button, buttons.

Laying out words from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, copying, visual dictation.

Reading sentences using interrogative and narrative intonation:

Who is here? There's a bird here; Who is here? There are birds. Who is here? Tim is here. Who is here? Tom is here.


I. Pronounce syllables clearly in pairs.

1. ba – pa pa – ba

bo – po po – bo

boo - poo poo - boo

would - py py - would

bya - five five - bya

byo - pyo pyo - byo


byu - pyu pyu - byu

be - ne pe - be

2. ba – pa – ba five – bya – five

ba - ba - pa pya - bya - bya

pa - ba - ba bya - five - five

II. Pronounce words clearly in pairs.

bass – pass byl – dust

bar – steam pain – floor

bang - fluff beat - drink

bot - sweat beech - fart

white - sang boka - bye

bathhouse – Panya fleas – bowls

shine - splash of cans - punks

robot - murmur fence - constipation

board – port beam – stick

barrel - kidney bark - parka

tower – arable land bomb – pump

brave - right bullet - bullet

butterfly – daddy baguette – package

kick - jump hurts - scorches

basta - pasta master - guy

a blade of grass - a speck of dust - Prague

was - ardor beans - priests

grandma - dad grandma - dad

be - the way

III. Add syllable " BA" or "PA".

zha... re... tum... lam... shai...

li... ver... shlya... bom... lu...

shu... stu... ry... la... tor...

ner... Liu... Ka... gu... tro...

IV. Pronounce words and phrases clearly.

Pobeda, deck, gunfire, short fur coat, disorder, cork, flannelette dress, obedient child, empty bottle, ripe banana, captain's binoculars, white scarf, warm fur coat, big stick, Pobeda car, colorful butterfly, white bun, full can, bean soup, Polina's album, the deck of the ship, a fluffy squirrel, five bananas, five bouquets, a combat pistol, mushroom soup, braided twine, white fluff, colorful beads, field forget-me-nots, fluffy Barbos, empty drum, empty fun, big break, filling, restless, sample, mileage, street child, victory song, restless audience, untidy room, fluttering butterfly, free travel , drum roll, bandaged finger, whitewash, missed puck.

V. Pronounce sentences clearly.

Borin's dad bought a Pobeda car.

Lyuba has a bouquet of wild flowers.

A bug crawls along a blade of grass.

The field was on the field.

Petya and Borya on deck.

The barrels are filled with water.

The buds are swollen on the willow.

The bagels were put on the buffet.

The bakery sells bagels and gingerbread cookies.

Pasha bought bananas.

Pasha loves bananas.

Polya helped Bora cook borscht.

Pavel has been to the sea.

Pavel sang to the accordion.

The dish was placed on the buffet.

Trouble is in the quinoa field.

Dad bought a football ticket.

Polya bought a ticket to the ballet.

Lyuba and Polya went into the forest to pick mushrooms.

Mushrooms climbed under the oak trees.

Grandma loves cabbage.

White clouds are floating across the sky.

Lyuba has a fur coat with a hood.

Birds love watermelons.

The buyer bought eggplants and tomatoes.

Peonies bloomed in the flowerbed.

Lyuba is wearing a flannelette dress.

Lyuba has a daddy, and Polya has a butterfly.

Near the fence there is a booth of the fluffy Barbos.

Petya gave his grandmother colorful beads.

Dad bought five bananas.

A fluffy squirrel was jumping from oak to oak.

Petya was in the park.

Bora bought a drum.

Grandma was baking pancakes.

Dad caught a fish.

The guys went to football.

Dad bought Lyuba the alphabet.

Dad has a big dog.

The dog's name is Fluff.

Polly has a butterfly in his net.

The cabbage butterfly is white.

VI. Learn. Repeat three times in a row, increasing the pace.

Tongue Twisters.

There is a speck of dust on a blade of grass, a speck of dust on a blade of grass.

A bull's lip is dull, a bull's lip is dull.

Sticks fell from the beam.

The woman's pockets are full of beans.

Early in the morning I bought a lamb of bagel.

He put the bagels on the horns and took them to the meadows to the lambs.

VII. Learn proverbs.

I hit the sky with my finger.

Sink or swim.

Brother to sister is not a decree in cooking.

They don't shoot cannons at sparrows.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

Where there is no struggle, there is no victory.

They got ready early, but set off on their journey late.

If it rains, there will be fungi.

And if there are fungi, there will be a box.

Work until you sweat, eat eagerly.

Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

VIII. Learn.



loaf and


Baker's dough

Bake it early.

G. Lagdshis


Little apple tree

In my garden.


Everything is in bloom.

I put on a dress

With a white border.

Little apple tree

Make friends with me!

I. Tokmakova


In the bakery we have bagels,

Rolls, bagels, loaves,

Pies, loaves, buns,

And braids and donuts,

Kurabye, biscuit, cookies,

Sandwiches, tea with jam,

Lots of gingerbread, sweets,

There is pastille and sherbet,

And a pie with a sweet filling,

And the log and the fudge...

Call me, don't be shy

Choose and help yourself!

I. Lopukhina

Two magpies

Two magpies were chatting,

White-sided magpies,

About this, about that, about Jacob,

About Jacob, about everyone,

About the smoke from the chimney,

About the fence near the hut,

And about the mongrel on the doorstep,

And about the puddle on the road, -

They have nothing to do

We chatted all day until evening!


A couple of drums

A couple of drums

Pair of drums



A couple of drums

A couple of drums

Pair of drums


The battle…

I. Selvinsky

IX. Retell.

Lyuba and the lamb

Lyuba visited her grandmother in the summer. At the edge of a large forest, Lyuba loved to catch butterflies and collect bouquets of flowers.

Grandmother had a lamb named Bunka. He ran after Lyuba everywhere. Lyuba loved Bunka very much.

But one day Lyuba collected a large bouquet and suddenly saw two mushrooms near an oak tree. She put the bouquet on the grass and ran to the oak tree for mushrooms. And at this time Bunka began to eat Lyuba’s bouquet. The girl was very angry with the lamb. But then I forgave him. After all, he is still very small and stupid!


1. Where was Lyuba in the summer?

2. What did Lyuba like to do near the forest?

3. Who was at grandma’s?

4. How did Lyuba treat Bunka and how did the lamb treat her?

5. What happened one day?

6. Why did Lyuba forgive Bunka?


The place where watermelons grow is called melon. Not only do we love sweet watermelons, birds also know that watermelons are sweet and peck at them. Birds spoil a lot of watermelons. They put a scarecrow on the melon fields, not just one, but several scarecrows. Birds are afraid of scarecrows and do not fly to the melon patch.


1. Where do watermelons grow?

2. Who spoils watermelons?

3. What do they put on the melon fields?

Eggplant and tomato

An eggplant and a tomato were arguing in the garden about which of them was more beautiful and tastier. When they were ready, the owner took them to the market.

At the market they lay side by side and argued again about which of them would be bought first. One buyer bought the eggplant and tomato at once.

In the buyer's wallet, they again argued about which of them would be eaten most quickly. And in the kitchen they made a sauce from eggplant and tomatoes.

And so they never found out which of them was more beautiful and tastier.


1. What were the eggplant and tomato arguing about?

2. Where did the owner take them?

3. What were they arguing about again?

4. What did they make of them?

Mom's assistant

Today is Saturday. And there is no bread in the house. Mom asked Lyuba to go to the store. Lyuba bought everyone’s favorite bread: Borodino bread for mom, a bun for dad, and a bagel for herself. At the bus stop Lyuba saw an advertisement - there was ballet at the club on Saturday. Lyuba loved ballet. She bought two tickets: for herself and for her mother. And for dad - a ticket to the football game. Lyubin's dad doesn't like ballet. He likes football.

Subject. Sounds K - T.

Target . Strengthen the skills of clear pronunciation of sounds.

Educational objectives:

1. Repeat the characteristics of sounds.

2. Clarify the correct articulation of sounds.

3. Learn to identify the first sound in words.

Corrective tasks:

1. Once develop auditory attention and memory.

2. Develop the muscles of the tongue.

3. Listen and follow instructions.

4. Learn to distinguish sounds by ear.

5. increase the syllabic structure of words.

6. Differentiate the sounds K - T in syllables, words, sentences.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a caring attitude towards each other. Learn to listen to other children's answers.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2.1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Tom the cat comes to the children.

2.2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds K and T.

Repetition. Clarification of sound articulation.

1) Sound “k”.

Bring your hand to your mouth and feel how a stream of air comes out of your mouth in spurts.

Place your palm on your neck and make a sound. If the neck trembles, then the sound is ringing, and if not, then the sound is dull.

· Summarizing.

The sound “k” is pronounced with a barrier. He is consonant, deaf, firm. The sound “k” is indicated by a blue square.

2) Sound "t".

· Demonstration and explanation of correct articulation by a speech therapist.

· Determination of vowel or consonant sound.

· Determination by children of a voiceless or voiced sound being studied.

· Determination by children of a hard or soft sound being studied.

· Summarizing.

The "t" sound is not sung. He is consonant, deaf, firm. The sound “t” is indicated by a blue square

2.3. Development of phonemic awareness in the game

“Who is the most attentive?”

1) ka – taku – tuko – toki – ti

ta – katu – kuto – koti – mi

2) ak – atuk – duck – otyk – ytik – itek – et

at – acute – ukot – okyt – ykit – iket – ek

2.4. Say the words in pairs. (If it is difficult for a child to pronounce two words in a row, then ask him to repeat the words after you one at a time)

Kolya – Tolyakak – takmak – matbyk – everyday life

where - tadkit - Titkot - thatkak - so

by whom - that - that - that - that - when - then

digging - stomp soot - stomp what - such a side - bot

cubes - tubes - to accumulate - to drown - to dig - to stomp - here

2.5. Determining sounds in words based on pictures.

2.6. Physical minute.

Tiki - so, tics - so. We tilt our heads to the right - to the left.

So the walkers are knocking.

Tuki - so, here - so, Alternately with right and left hands

So the wheels are knocking. We describe circles in front of us.

Currents - current, currents - current. We knock our fists.

This is how the hammer hits.

2.7. Increasing syllable structure. Choral and individual pronunciation of words.

1). Monosyllabic words consisting of one closed (open) syllable.

Cat, whale, tak, tok

2). Two compound words with two open syllables.

ko - tyke - after all - tyka - cha

3). Two-syllable words with one closed syllable.

ka – nat kof – tatan – kityk – va

ka – tokkan - tyko - tik

3. Summing up the lesson.