Using adverbs in speech. Adverbs in which we often make mistakes Typical mistakes in the use of adverbs

Classification of errors according to FIPI

  1. Grammatical errors.
  2. Speech errors.
  3. Logical errors
  4. Factual errors.
  5. Spelling mistakes.
  6. Punctuation errors.
  7. Graphic errors.

Grammar mistake– this is an error in the structure of a linguistic unit: in the structure of a word, phrase or sentence; This is a violation of any grammatical norm: word formation, morphological, syntactic.

For example:

  • slip instead of slip, nobility instead of nobility– here an error was made in the word-formation structure of the word, the wrong prefix or suffix was used;
  • no comment, go instead of go,more easier– the form of the word is formed incorrectly, i.e. it is broken morphological norm;
  • pay for travel, awarded– the structure of the phrase is broken (management standards are not followed);
  • After skating on the skating rink, my legs hurt; In the essay I wanted to show the importance of sports and why I love it– sentences with dee are constructed incorrectly participial phrase(1) and with homogeneous members(2), i.e., syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammatical speech errors– these are errors not in the construction, not in the structure of a linguistic unit, but in its use, most often in the use of a word. These are mainly violations of lexical norms, for example:

  • Stolz is one of the main characters in Goncharov’s novel of the same name “Oblomov”;
  • They lost their only two sons in the war.

A speech error can only be noticed in context, this is what distinguishes it from a grammatical error, for the detection of which context is not needed.

Below are generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors.

Types of grammatical errors:

  1. Erroneous word formation - Trudol beam oh, above laugh.
  2. Erroneous formation of a noun form - Many miracles A technology, not enough time I.
  3. Erroneous formation of the adjective form - More interesting, more beautiful.
  4. Erroneous formation of the numeral form - WITH five hundred rubles
  5. Erroneous formation of the pronoun form - Theirs pathos, Ihee children.
  6. Erroneous formation of the verb form - They travel, want, write about the life of nature.
  7. Violation of agreement - I know a group of guys who are seriously into... imisya jazz.
  8. Impaired control - We need to make our nature more beautiful.
    Narrates readers.
  9. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate - Majority objected against such an assessment of his work.
  10. Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in individual constructions - He wrote a book that is epic.
    Everyone was glad, happy and funny.
  11. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members - A country loved and was proud of the poet.
    In the essay I wanted to say about the meaning
    sport and why I love it.
  12. Errors in sentence construction with participial phrase - Reading the text, there is such a feeling...
  13. Errors in constructing sentences with participial phrases - The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot.
  14. Errors in construction complex sentence - This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child.The man thought it was a dream.
  15. Mixing direct and indirect speech - The author said, what am I I do not agree with the reviewer's opinion.
  16. Violation of supply boundaries - When the hero came to his senses. It was too late.
  17. Violation of type-temporal correlation of verb forms - Freezes for a moment the heart and suddenly starts beating again.

Types of speech errors:

  1. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it - We were shocked wonderful acting.
    Thought develops on continuation the entire text.
  2. Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix - My attitude towards this problem has not changed.Effective measures were taken.
  3. Non-distinction of synonymous words - IN final In the sentence, the author uses gradation.
  4. The use of words of a different stylistic coloring - The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people into a slightly different direction.
  5. Inappropriate use of emotionally charged words and phraseological units - Astafiev continually resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
  6. Unjustified use of colloquial words - Such people always manage to outdo others.
  7. Violation of lexical compatibility - ​​​​​​ The author enhances the impression. The author uses artistic >features (instead of means).
  8. The use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm - The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us using artistic techniques.Young young man, Very beautiful.
  9. The use of words with the same root in a close context (tautology) - This story tells about real events.
  10. Unjustified repetition of a word - The hero of the story does not think about his actions. The hero does not even understand the full depth of what he has done.
  11. Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions - When the writer came to the editorial office, he was accepted Chief Editor. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  12. Poor use of pronouns - This text was written by V. Belov. It refers to an artistic style.I immediately had a picture in my mind.

Typical grammatical errors (K9)

This errors associated with the use of verbs, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

  1. Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They are driven by a feeling of compassion(follows: moves);
  2. Incorrect use of tense forms of verbs: This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, teaches you how to make calendar calculations quickly and accurately(follows: ...give.., teach..., teaches...);
  3. Errors in the use of active and passive participles: Streams of water flowing down amazed the author of the text(follows: flowing);
  4. Errors in the formation of gerunds: Having walked onto the stage, the singers bowed(norm: going out);
  5. Incorrect formation of adverbs: The author here was wrong(norm: here);

Normalization helps preserve the features of the language unchanged and allows you to preserve traditions. At the same time, the inevitable processes of modification of linguistic units lead to deviations from the norm. By characterizing norm violations as vernacular, the changes themselves can be contained to some extent. However, the development of language does not stop. One of the ways of development of a literary language - a change in the norm under the influence of popular vernacular - is obvious. But this path is not the only one - there are always non-normalized areas in the language in which language units can be arbitrarily changed.

One such area is the morphological properties of adverbs. It is well known that adverbs are an actively replenished part of speech. In the development of the adverb, a new, still unstable trend can be noted: the development of the category of case, expressed by prepositional means, that is, substantivization. This process cannot be restrained, because the corresponding norms and exercises are not in any textbook for the course “Russian language and culture of speech” (L.A. Vvedenskaya et al.; I.B. Golub; V.I. Maksimov - ed.; A .A. Dantsev and others) There is no prohibition on the use of adverbs in the prepositional case form and in other manuals on speech culture and grammar: there is no need to prohibit what you do not meet. Appeared in last years erroneous, from the point of view of the older generation, prepositional-case forms of adverbs quickly become not only common, but also normative.

A.P. Chekhov in “Vacation Notes of Nadenka N” ridicules the use of the adverb: “This summer Russia fought with foreign countries, and foreign countries defeated us.” A survey (of more than a thousand people) shows that freshmen do not see an error in this phrase. This perception is natural for a “multimedia” consciousness: in a word, agrarian in the newspaper “Vremya” a whole page is called, and in television programs abroad they incline without Chekhov's irony, following the example of O. Bender, who argued that “Foreign countries will help us.” Following the current situation, the dictionary “Together? Apart? Hyphenated? B.Z. Bookchina normalizes the word abroad, without indicating, however, whether it should be considered a noun. The use of the noun is becoming more and more common armpit, formed from adverbs under the arm And under the arm(derived, according to Vasmer, from the word mouse through the stage muscle). Moreover, adverbs are recognized by schoolchildren as forms of a new noun(!), which leads to erroneous continuous spelling.

Against the background of the normative, albeit colloquial, use of adverbs Today And Tomorrow with prepositions: for today, till tomorrow– there is a rethinking of adverbs where And from here, in which they are recognized as pronouns-nouns with prepositions. As a result, colloquial expressions arise to where And to here, as well as erroneous separate writing adverb. Due to a similar error, the replacement of the adverb from below with the colloquial expression from below occurs.

In conversational practice, prepositional-case forms of adverbs are widespread, to the contrary, from nowhere, for free, for cheap, with each other. In an interview taken with A. Pristavkin we meet: “In fights over a can of stew, over “just because” ... groups of criminals grew up.” .

Certain prepositional-adverbial combinations have become so familiar that they have passed into newspaper speech: “for free and the fish won’t bite” (in the article “Pollock got me wrong” - “Life” for February 21, 2003); “They come in droves to help build. For free” (in the article “Cool work” - “Komsomolskaya Pravda” for January 15, 2003) Journalists can freely use adverbs with a pretext due to the lack of a clear prohibition on doing so. Apparently, turnover for free will soon also be standard.

Evaluating all the examples given, I would like to note that there is no clear grammatical tendency in them. However, some adverbs with prepositions, despite the lack of tradition, ridiculed by the classics, have already been normalized. This accelerated normalization suggests that changes in literary language occur faster in areas not yet covered by the norm, and it is these areas that should become the object of close attention of linguists studying living processes in modern language.

Those who wrote the Total Dictation in 2015 probably remember how much controversy the word HALF caused. According to statistics from the dictation organizers, 71% of participants wrote this adverb with errors. Adverbs in general are insidious in that their spelling cannot always be verified by rules - you need to look in dictionaries more often and work harder to remember the appearance of “controversial” words. To help everyone improve their own, our selection of adverbs in which mistakes are often made when writing.

Necessary-unnecessary soft sign

When is b written at the end of adverbs and when not? If the word ends in a hissing consonant (Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch), the soft sign is written: BACKHAND, WIDE, JUMP, BACKWARD, INCREDIBLY. It is necessary to use b (even two soft signs!) in the adverb VSKOLZT, although it does not end with a hissing sound. Exceptions to the rule are easy to remember: the adverbs UZH, MARRIED, UNBEARABLE do not need a soft addition at the end.

Body parts, parts of speech

Adverbial expressions with repeated words inside them: SIDE BY SIDE, SIDE TO SIDE, HAND TO HAND, EYE TO EYE, EYE TO EYE, TRAIL TO TRAIL, ONE TO ONE, POINT TO POINT, HONOR BY HONOR, HONOR BY HONOR, ENCERCOUS ODD,” are written separately. An exception is the adverb EXACTLY, it needs two hyphens at once. Words that repeat the same root or base are also written through a hyphen: CROSS-CROSS, BARELY-BARELY, BARELY-BARELY, QUIETLY-QUIETLY, A LONG TIME A LONG TIME AGO, etc.

How to remember and distinguish both groups of adverbs from each other? In the first case, we have a phrase, that is, a “union” of several words: EYE TO EYE, so we write separately. In the second, there is one whole word that needs a hyphen to connect identical roots: CROSS-CROSS. And don’t forget about the EXACT EXACT exception!

stronger beverages

Every self-respecting catering establishment offers drinks and dishes TO-GO, and almost every one writes about this on the menu and on advertising banners with the error: “to-go”. On the portal, the need to write this adverb is clearly explained as follows: between the preposition “on” and the noun “taking out”, from which the adverb was formed, a defining adjective, pronoun, or numeral cannot be inserted without changing the meaning. In other words, you cannot say “sushi for your takeaway”, “pizza for quick takeaway”, “coffee for the third takeaway”.

Another controversial adverb related to drinks is IN (ON) BOTTLING. The word “bottling” (with an emphasis on O) came into general use from the professional jargon of winemakers, brewers and... metallurgists. It means distributing liquid among containers. Indeed, the process is similar: the former pour alcohol into glass and other containers, and the latter pour molten metal into molds. And we will remember the spelling: beer ON DRAW, wine ON DRAW (instead of the preposition “on” there may be a preposition “in”).


It is not a mistake to say or write both PROBABLY and PROBABLY: “I’ll probably go, it’s late” and “I’ll probably go, it’s late.” This adverb is most often used today as introductory word– we always separate it with commas. Here's what writes:

The use of the words VERY, VERY VERY as an adverb in the meaning “undoubtedly, truly, accurately” is found mainly in the fiction of the 19th century. In modern Russian, these words are used primarily as introductory words in the meaning “in all likelihood” and are separated

“Horses and people mixed together…”

Very, very often the adverbs MIXED UP and ALTERNATED are confused. They differ not only in one letter inside, but also in meaning: “peremeshku” means “randomly mixing”, and “peremezhka” means “alternating, alternating in a certain order.” As we see, in one case chaos reigns, and in the other there is harmonious logic: “In her bedroom, dresses and underwear lay mixed together with bottles of perfume, stockings and magazines,” but “Roses were planted in the flowerbed interspersed with dahlias and irises.”

Morphology occupies an important place in the initial course of the Russian language, since the study of parts of speech contributes to the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, provides the opportunity to improve students' speech on a conscious basis, and is a necessary basis for the formation of their spelling skills.

At the same time, morphology is also the most difficult section of the course for a child, since its study involves the assimilation of concepts of a high degree of abstraction and requires a certain level of development of mental operations and the ability to generalize. Besides, necessary conditions for mastering morphological knowledge and skills are sufficient lexicon, the ability to establish connections between words in a sentence, as well as knowledge of word formation and syntax.

In accordance with the State Standard, students primary classes must learn the basics signs of three significant parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb. Regardless educational program younger schoolchildren learn to distinguish between named parts of speech on the basis of general lexical meaning, questions, constant and unstable morphological features, and syntactic function. Students also develop an idea of ​​pronouns (using the example of personal pronouns).

In most modern Russian language programs for primary school it is envisaged to increase the volume of knowledge in morphology acquired by schoolchildren and a higher level of their generalization. Expanding the range of parts of speech studied, including many previously unstudied parts of speech in the course content grammatical categories, increased attention to the meaning of grammatical categories, the formation in younger schoolchildren of an idea of ​​the system of parts of speech - all this characterizes Russian language programs in educational systems D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova, L.V. Zankova, “Primary school of the XXI century”, “Harmony”.

Such changes in the content of the Russian language course are explained not only by the need to create conditions for the development of the child in the process of acquiring knowledge.

This is also due to the awareness of the shortcomings of the “traditional” approach to the study of morphology, which include formalism when considering grammatical categories, reliance not on students’ understanding of how to operate with a word as a part of speech, but on memorization, and a spontaneous orientation in schoolchildren to questions when recognizing parts of speech .

Our observations show that not only primary school students, but also the majority of school graduates, as well as primary school teachers cannot reveal the contents such morphological concepts as " Part of speech», « item», « sign" or " action"as a categorical meaning of a certain part of speech, find it difficult to explain the meaning of the grammatical categories of case, tense, person.

At best, the concept is specified: “a part of speech is a verb, noun, adjective...”; “a noun denotes an object, it can also be a person or an animal, a natural phenomenon...” Meanwhile, the results of teaching primary schoolchildren in developmental education systems show that understanding the actual linguistic content of grammatical concepts turns out to be quite accessible already at the initial stage of education.

The subject of our consideration is conditions for the meaningful assimilation of the concept of “adverb” by junior schoolchildren. The inclusion of this concept in most new Russian language programs is due to the high frequency of adverbs and the importance of their study for improving students’ speech.

Unlike the main parts of speech, which are studied step by step, adverbs are introduced immediately based on all essential features in the fourth grade. Although the amount of knowledge and skills acquired by students on the topic “Adverb” in primary school is small, difficulties may arise when learning the adverb.

What difficulties do primary schoolchildren encounter when learning adverbs?

1. Firstly, variety of lexical meanings expressed by adverbs can interfere with their generalization and the assimilation of the categorical meaning of the adverb as a part of speech.

Adverbs denote a variety of signs of action:

  • place ( in the distance)
  • time ( yesterday)
  • reason ( in the heat of the moment)
  • target ( in mockery)
  • mode of action ( by heart)
  • its quality characteristics ( fast, loud)
  • degree of manifestation of an action or sign ( Often).

These meanings have little connection in the child’s mind with the word “sign,” which children are accustomed to using in relation to an adjective and, most likely, should be interpreted as naming some feature of an object.

In addition, adverbs, in accordance with their meaning, answer different questions (where? when? why? why? how? etc.), which makes it even more difficult to combine words with such different meanings into one class. It should be noted that insufficient awareness of the categorical meaning of adverbs is observed not only among primary schoolchildren, but also among primary school students, which leads to the formal assimilation of this concept, difficulties in recognizing adverbs, and confusion of adverbs with adjectives. To prevent the occurrence of such violations, textbooks contain material for comparing adverbs with adjectives.

2. The second difficulty is related to differentiation of adverbs and homonymous word forms of other parts of speech. On the one hand, formed from nouns, adjectives, gerunds, adverbs can completely or partially coincide in form with motivating words ( autumn, quickly, away, on tiptoe and under.). In such cases, when recognizing an adverb, it is necessary to focus primarily on the meaning, which, as we have already noted, also makes it difficult for the student, and the combinability features of the word, its syntactic function.

On the other hand, adverbs move into other lexico-grammatical categories:

  • state category words ( fun to play - I'm having fun)
  • prepositions ( good around - go around the house)
  • particles ( It's still raining, it's raining more and more).

Of course, in elementary school such difficult cases of delimiting parts of speech are not considered, since students do not yet have the appropriate theoretical basis for this, but a primary school teacher needs to anticipate possible difficulties for students and take them into account when selecting material for exercises. It can hardly be considered advisable to include in an exercise that involves isolating adverbs such sentences as Clouds floated slowly in the middle of the river or It is dangerous to move on ice during a thaw..

Focusing on the immutability of a word, children can classify as adverbs unchangeable words that do not coincide with them in form, most often particles and prepositions ( only, as if, close, in spite of). To prevent such errors in further education, it is necessary to ensure that students understand the categorical meaning of an adverb as a part of speech already in elementary school.

3. Great difficulties arise for schoolchildren also when mastering the spelling of adverbs, since it is not sufficiently systematized, however, this creates problems when studying the adverb already in basic school. The most frequent adverbs are included in the spelling minimum for elementary school, and primary schoolchildren memorize their spelling in dictionary order, regardless of whether the adverb is studied as a part of speech.

In cases where the study of adverbs is included in the program primary education, only the simplest rules are considered:

  • spelling a soft sign at the end of adverbs after hissing ones;
  • spelling suffixes -O And -A at the end of adverbs with prefixes in-, on-, for-, from-, to-, with-;
  • spelling suffixes -O And -e at the end of adverbs after sibilants.

Mastering these rules usually does not cause much difficulty for students if they have mastered the ability to recognize adverbs.

All of the possible difficulties we have identified for schoolchildren when learning an adverb are due to the peculiarities of this part of speech. The main difficulty for primary school students seems to be mastering the categorical meaning of an adverb. It seems especially important to achieve its deep understanding on the basis of a meaningful generalization, since this will prevent the emergence of many difficulties in the further study of the adverb already in basic school.


During the classes

I Teacher’s word: “Listen carefully to the poem “Our language is both modest and rich.” Think about what the main idea of ​​the text is? What do you think will be the topic of our lesson today?”

Reading a poem by heart by a student:

Our language is both modest and rich.

Every word contains a wonderful treasure.

Say the word “high” -

And you can immediately imagine the blue sky.

You say: “All around is white and white” -

And you will see a winter village,

White snow hangs from white roofs,

No rivers can be seen under the white snow.

I remember the adverb “light” -

And you will see: the sun has risen.

If you say the word "dark"

The evening will immediately look out the window.

If you say “fragrant”,

You will immediately remember lily of the valley flowers.

Well, if you say “beautiful”,

All of Russia is in front of you at once!

(E. Kuklina)

After the discussion, students write down the topic of the lesson in their notebooks. The teacher names the main goal of the lesson: “Today we will learn to determine the role of adverbs in the text as a means of expressiveness and a means of connecting sentences in the text, and also learn to use adverbs in our own speech.”

II Analysis of the text printed on separate sheets for each student:

The dark, clear sky stood triumphantly and incredibly high above us with all its mysterious splendor. My chest sank sweetly, inhaling that special languid and fresh smell - the smell of a Russian summer night.

Almost no noise was heard all around... Only occasionally... in a nearby river splashing with sudden sonority big fish and the ... coastal cable ... the nick will make a faint noise, barely shaken (n, nn) ​​by the oncoming wave... Only the lights crackled quietly.

Assignments to the text:

    Read the text. Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.

    Determine the main idea of ​​the text. How can you title it?

    Determine the style of the text, the type of speech. Prove that the style is artistic. Find literary devices in the text.

Target literary text- influence the mind and feelings of a person.

Features of the artistic style:

- depiction of some pictures in words (imagery);

- expression of a certain feeling (emotionality);

- usage expressive means language (personification, epithets, comparisons).

Epithets: dark clear sky, languid and fresh smell, mysterious splendor

Personifications: the lights crackled, the reeds made a faint noise.

Type of speech – description of nature.

5. Find adverbs in the text and prove that these words are adverbs.

Basic features of an adverb


grammatical meaning


combinability more often with a verb

syntactic role– circumstance

6. Let us remember that, depending on their grammatical meaning, all adverbs are divided into two groups: attributive and adverbial. Let's complete the task according to the options:

Find adverbs in the text that “describe” actions;

Find adverbs that indicate the place and time of action.

Conclude what role adverbs play in this text.

7. Spelling and punctuation work with text. One student explains the spelling of words, the other reads sentences where punctuation is missing and explains them.

III Teacher's word: “Adverbs can be used not only to describe the state of nature, but also to describe appearance a person, to evaluate a person’s actions, behavior, his characteristics, as well as to describe the process of a person’s actions. Let's do it creative work and let’s see how you can use adverbs in your own speech.”

The class is divided into groups.

1 group

Give a short description of what is happening at the skating rink, using various adverbs to describe the actions of an experienced skater: smoothly, gracefully, swiftly, magnificently, etc.

2nd group

Give a short description of what is happening at the skating rink, using various adverbs to characterize the actions of a novice skater: barely, clumsily, timidly, clumsily, etc.

3 group

Describe the state of fans at a football match if their team wins, using various adverbs: enthusiastically, jubilantly, etc.

4 group

Describe the state of fans at a football match if their team lost, using adverbs or words of the state category: dejected, annoyed, indignant, sad, etc.

After completing the task, miniature essays from each group are read out. The rest of the students listen carefully, evaluate and select the most successful works.

IV The teacher’s word: “In order for our speech to be more expressive, bright, so as not to repeat the same adverbs, we must be able to select synonyms. Phraseological units are often used as synonyms for adverbs. What is a phraseological turn?

Next, a competition game is held: “Who is bigger and better?”, which consists of replacing the adverb phraseological turn. Then the result is summed up: which team is the winner? A list of words and phrases is displayed on the screen using a projector.

blush a lot - to the end of the hair;

fast asleep - like dead;

jump fast - at full speed;

run fast - with all his might, with all his might, headlong; one leg here, the other there;

shout loudly - at the top of my lungs, at the top of my voice;

Good to know - like the back of my hand;

closely - there's nowhere for the apple to fall;

dark - at least poke out your eyes;

few - the cat cried once, twice, and lost his mind;

slowly - at a snail's pace, a teaspoon per hour;

early - it's barely light, it's not dawn;

Badly - out of hand, no good; carelessly; with all my heart;

a lot of - chickens don't peck;

soon - from day to day;

close - close at hand;

far - on the edge of the world; in the middle of nowhere; God knows where; far away lands; beyond the seas, beyond the valleys; where do crayfish spend the winter?.

V The teacher’s word: “In the use of adverbs, lexical and spelling errors are often made.

What do you understand by lexical errors?

What do you understand by spelling errors?

1. Listen to the dramatization " RECIPE".

The doctor asks a student who came to see him:

What class are you in, young man?

In the sixth "Would".

- "Would"? I don't know this class. Do you live together in your class?

Fine. Terribly friendly, terribly fun...

Terribly friendly. Terribly fun! Are you studying well?

Fine! The girls especially try. Their teacher praises them to the nines.

Normal... He praises me to the nines... Yes, the disease is serious. You have a sore tongue. The doctor will not help here. You can only heal yourself.

The doctor gives a prescription - a Russian grammar textbook.

"Actors" ask the question: "What cases misuse did you hear any adverbs? What are the mistakes here? "

2. The following phrases are written on the board:

write more beautifully

can't see blindly

wipe dry

wash white


wipe it clean


fall backwards

do it differently

leave for a long time

eat your fill

The task is to rewrite phrases, put emphasis on adverbs, and read them correctly. One student is called to the board.

3. The following sentences are written on the board:

a) The boy fell backwards to the ground and buried his face in his hands.

b) Think ahead, then answer.

c) The detachment set off, with the leader walking in front.

d) Divide the apple in half.

d) Stay more free.

f) I will come to you for days.

The task is to correct lexical errors in the use of adverbs. One student is called to the board.

VI Teacher’s word: “Adverbs in our speech can perform another function - to connect sentences in the text. Let’s complete practical tasks and draw a conclusion about the role of adverbs as a means of connecting sentences in the text.”

1. Reading the text (Russian language: workbook for 7th grade. Part II / Bogdanova G.A., exercise 16):

We chose the wooded valley for our children's games back in elementary school. It was always cool and quiet here. As adults, we used to go there if we needed to talk about something. There we gathered again when we learned that the valley would soon begin to be developed. In the meantime, birds chirped and the branches of trees and bushes rustled.

Assignment: what adverbs are used to connect words in the text, indicate the semantic category of the adverbs.

2. The text on pieces of paper is distributed. Work is carried out in pairs. Assignment: replace repeated words in the text with adverbs and pronouns, determine what changes this replacement caused:

Early in the morning I entered the barn. Suddenly someone rushed past my feet and rushed into the barn. I entered the barn. Some sounds were coming from the corner where the hay lay. Someone was fiddling around in the corner. Before I had time to do anything, a mouse jumped out of the corner, followed by our cat Vaska. At the same moment, the mouse darted into the gap under the barn.

Words for replacement: there; there; from there; she.

Reading the corrected text.

Conclusion about the role of adverbs.

VII Summing up the results of the competition for the best creative work on the topic “Adverb”. The competition was held a week before the lesson. Students were asked to compose a poem, a story, a fairy tale about an adverb, create a crossword puzzle, etc. Read out best works. We present a poem by Sipilin Roman, a 7B grade student, who won the competition for the best creative work about adverbs.


I'm certainly not a poet,

There is no dispute with this,

But I'm ready to state

Thoughts on the subject.

"Adverb, adverb" -

We hear very often

Now let's find out what it is

And it will be just great!

The action sign means

And he answers the questions:

How? Where? AND

Where? When?

Why and why?

For what purpose? For what?

But I won't stand still,

I will continue my story.

The adverb does not decline

The adverb is not conjugated

I'll tell you a secret,

That he has no forms...

Without adverbs, of course, we

Well, there’s no way around it!

For further study

We need to stock up on them.

There are many adverbs in the world,

But I can’t count them all:

In French, in German,

Yes, in a brotherly, Soviet way,

Secondly, and somehow

Far away, somehow

And at a trot, and a little bit,

Friendly, playful,

Hastily and unwillingly,

That's why

Foolishly, blindly and to my heart's content,

Twice, so and why.

Smart people lived here

They learned the language well.

All the adverbs were together

They were divided into groups.

Adverbs have meanings:

Image and method of action,

Goals, measures and degrees,

Reasons, as well as time.

There are twins "neither" and "not"

But which one to put where?

The accent likes "not"

Without stress – “neither” everywhere:

Nowhere, not at all, never,

No way and out of nowhere

And there is no place, no one, no time,

And also out of nowhere.

Language cannot consist

Only from adverbs,

We don't need to exclude

Other parts of speech.

Well, what if you distinguish

This verse is as much as you can.

Who will know the adverbs "for five"

Teach them long and hard,

He will answer without hesitation

At Larisa Feodorovna's lesson!

VIII Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Whose work in class would you rate as “good” or “excellent”?