A complex isolated common circumstance. Rules for separating circumstances

Separate themselves

Not isolated

1. Participles with dependent words, as well as two or more participles related to one verb: 1) Holding the jug above her head, the Georgian woman walked along a narrow path to the shore. Sometimes she slid between the stones, laughing at awkwardness his. (L.); 2) The sun, hidden behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. (New-Pr.); 3) From the Urals to the Danube, to the big river, the regiments are moving, swaying and sparkling. (L.)

1. Participles with dependent words, which have turned into stable figures of speech that have become sensible expressions (usually they come after the verb to which they refer: carelessly, rolling up sleeves, headlong, without taking a breath, etc.): 1) The boy ran headlong (very quickly); 2) We will work with our sleeves rolled up (unitedly, persistently). But: The father rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands thoroughly.

2. Single gerunds, if they do not have the meaning of an adverb (usually they come before the verb): 1) Having made some noise, the river calmed down and returned to its banks. (Floor.); 2) The roar, without stopping, rolls on. (CM.); 3) The steppe turned brown and began to smoke, drying out. (V.Sh.)

2. Single gerunds, having the meaning of a simple adverb, acting as an adverb of the manner of action (usually they come after the verb): 1) Yakov walked slowly (slowly). (M.G.);

2) He talked about the walk laughing (cheerfully).

3. Participles with dependent words, closely merging in meaning with the verb: The old man sat with his head down. What is important here is not that the old man was sitting, but that he was sitting with his head down.

4. Groups homogeneous members, consisting of an adverb and a gerund: The boy answered questions frankly and without any embarrassment.

Participles and participial phrases connected by a conjunction and, like other homogeneous members, they are not separated from each other by a comma: I looked back. At the edge of the forest. With one ear attached and the other raised, the hare jumped over. (L.T.)

In all other cases, gerunds and participial phrases are separated by a comma from the conjunction preceding or following them and: 1) The batteries jump and rattle in a copper formation, and... smoking, as before a battle, the wicks burn. (L.) 2) " Eagle* finally went, having developed a move, and, having caught up with the squadron, took his place in the ranks. (New-Pr.)

Isolation of circumstances expressed by nouns

1. Circumstances of concession expressed by nouns with a preposition despite, are separated: 1) Despite the difference in characters and the apparent severity of Artyom, the brothers loved each other deeply. (BUT.); 2) The next morning, despite the owners' begging, Daria Alexandrovna got ready to go. (L. T.); 3) The day was hot, bright, radiant, despite the occasional rain. (T.)

2. Isolation of other circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions is not mandatory. Isolation depends on the intentions and goals of the author, as well as the prevalence or non-prevalence of the circumstances and their place in the sentence. More common circumstances are isolated more often than less common ones; circumstances occurring at the beginning or middle of a sentence (before the predicate) are isolated more often than those at the end of the sentence: Due to the lack of a room for those arriving at the station, we were given overnight accommodation in a smoky hut. (L.) But: He didn’t go to the cinema due to lack of time. Circumstances isolated in this way are closer in meaning to subordinate clauses.

Most often, the following circumstances are isolated: 1) circumstances of reason with prepositions thanks to, according to, in view of, as a result of or with prepositional combinations for a reason, by chance, for lack of, due to etc.: I went by post office, and he, due to heavy luggage, couldn't follow me. (L.); 2) circumstances of the condition with prepositional combinations in the presence, in the absence, provided, etc.: Yacht racing, subject to favorable weather, will take place next Sunday; 3) the circumstances of the concession with the pretext contrary to: Our parking lot is in Kamrang Bay, contrary to the expectations of many, dragged on. (New-Pr.)

An isolated circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase, is always highlighted in speech with commas and answers certain questions given in this article. There are also exceptions for isolating adverbial phrases in sentences with examples.

What is an isolated circumstance expressed by an adverbial phrase?

In russian language isolated circumstance expressed by an adverbial phrase, is a minor member of the sentence, represented by a gerund with dependent words. It denotes a sign of action, depends on the predicate verb and is always highlighted in writing with commas. Answers the questions - When? How? How? For what purpose? and etc.

Examples of sentences with isolated circumstances with adverbial verbs:
Moving the furniture, we freed up space (freed up - how? - moving the furniture). Guys, hiding from the rain in a hut, discussed what they saw (discussed - when? - sheltered from the rain). Mom went to bed kissed my son goodnight(went to bed - when? - kissing my son).

Exceptions when isolating adverbial phrases in a sentence

An isolated circumstance can be represented by two homogeneous adverbial phrases or an adverbial phrase with a single participle, which are used through a conjunction And. In this case, commas highlight the entire circumstance, and not each adverbial phrase separately.

Examples: Girl, evoking a song And dancing, walked through the park. Greeting your opponent and shaking each other's hands, the athletes prepared for the match.

In addition, the circumstances expressed by the participial phrase are not isolated:

  • If the participial phrase is part of a phraseological expression.

    Examples: They worked tirelessly all day. Worried about her brother, she spent the night without closing my eyes.

  • If included in the participial phrase there is a conjunction word which.

    Examples: Masha drew up an essay plan, following which she will write interesting story. Seryozha had many friends, communicating with whom he learned a lot of new things.

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If people did not decorate their speech with additional definitions or clarifying circumstances, it would be uninteresting and dull. The entire population of the planet would speak in a business or official style, there would be no fiction books, and children would not have fairy tale characters waiting for them before bed.

It is the isolated definition found in it that colors speech. Examples can be found both in simple colloquial speech and in fiction.

Definition concept

A definition is part of a sentence and describes a feature of an object. It answers the questions “which one?”, defining the object or “whose?”, indicating that it belongs to someone.

Most often, adjectives perform the defining function, for example:

  • kind (what?) heart;
  • gold (what?) nugget;
  • bright (what?) appearance;
  • old (what?) friends.

In addition to adjectives, pronouns can be definitions in a sentence, indicating that an object belongs to a person:

  • the boy took (whose?) his briefcase;
  • Mom irons (whose?) her blouse;
  • my brother sent (whose?) my friends home;
  • father watered (whose?) my tree.

In a sentence, the definition is underlined by a wavy line and always refers to the subject expressed by a noun or other part of speech. This part of a sentence can consist of one word or be combined with other words dependent on it. In this case, these are sentences with separate definitions. Examples:

  • "Joyful, she announced the news." In this sentence, the single adjective is isolated.
  • “The garden, overgrown with weeds, was in a deplorable state.” A separate definition is the participial phrase.
  • “Satisfied with her son’s success, my mother secretly wiped away her tears of joy.” Here, an adjective with dependent words is a separate definition.

Examples in the sentence show that different parts of speech can be a definition of the quality of an object or its belonging.

Separate definitions

Definitions that give Additional information about the item or clarifying its belonging to any person. The meaning of the sentence will not change if a separate definition is removed from the text. Examples:

  • “Mom carried the child, who had fallen asleep on the floor, into his crib” - “Mom carried the child into his crib.”

  • "Excited about her first performance, the girl closed her eyes before going on stage" - "The girl closed her eyes before going on stage."

As you can see, sentences with separate definitions, examples of which are given above, sound more interesting, since additional explanation conveys the state of the object.

Separate definitions can be consistent or inconsistent.

Agreed Definitions

Definitions that agree with the word whose quality is determined in case, gender and number are called consistent. In the proposal they can be presented:

  • adjective - a (what?) yellow leaf fell from a tree;
  • pronoun – (whose?) my dog ​​got off the leash;
  • numeral - give him (what?) a second chance;
  • communion - in the front garden one could see (what?) green grass.

A separate definition has the same properties in relation to the word being defined. Examples:

  • “Briefly said (what?), his speech made an impression on everyone.” The participle “said” is in the feminine gender, singular, nominative case, like the word “speech” that it defines.
  • “We went out into the street (which one?), still wet from the rain.” The adjective “wet” has the same number, gender and case as the word it defines, “street”.
  • “People (what kind?), joyful from the upcoming meeting with the actors, entered the theater.” Since the word being defined is in plural and the nominative case, then the definition agrees with it in this.

A separate agreed definition (examples have shown this) can appear either before or after the word being defined, or in the middle of a sentence.

Inconsistent definition

When the definition does not change in gender and number according to the main word, it is inconsistent. They are associated with the defined word in 2 ways:

  1. Adjunction is a combination of stable word forms or an unchangeable part of speech. For example: “He likes (what kind of) soft-boiled eggs.”
  2. Control is the setting of the definition in the case required by the word being defined. They often indicate a feature based on the material, the purpose or location of the item. For example: “the girl sat on a chair (what?) made of wood.”

Several parts of speech may express inconsistent separate definitions. Examples:

  • A noun in the instrumental or prepositional case with the prepositions “s” or “in”. Nouns can be either single or with dependent words - Asya met Olya (which one?) after the exam, in chalk, but pleased with the grade. (“in chalk” is an inconsistent definition expressed by a noun in the prepositional case).
  • A verb in an indefinite form that answers the question “what?”, “what to do?”, “what to do?”. There was one great joy in Natasha’s life (what?) - giving birth to a child.
  • Comparative degree of adjective with dependent words. From afar, we noticed a friend in a dress (what?), brighter than she usually wears.

Each separate definition, examples confirm this, may differ in its structure.

Definition structure

According to their structure, definitions can consist of:

  • from a single word, for example, delighted grandfather;
  • adjective or participle with dependent words - grandfather, delighted with the news;
  • from several separate definitions - a grandfather, delighted with the news he told.

The isolation of definitions depends on which defined word they refer to and where exactly they are located. Most often they are distinguished by intonation and commas, less often by dashes (for example, the greatest success (which one?) is to hit the jackpot in the lottery).

Separating the participle

The most popular isolated definition, examples of which are most common, is a single participle (participial phrase). With this type of definition, commas are placed if it comes after the word that defines.

  • The girl (what?), frightened, silently walked forward. IN in this example The participle defines the state of the object and comes after it, therefore it is separated by commas on both sides.
  • The painting (which one?), painted in Italy, became his favorite creation. Here, the participle with a dependent word highlights the object and stands after the word being defined, therefore it is also separated by commas.

If the participle or participial phrase comes before the word being defined, then punctuation marks are not placed:

  • The frightened girl silently walked forward.
  • The painting, painted in Italy, became his favorite creation.

You should know about the formation of participles in order to use such a separate definition. Examples, suffixes in the formation of participles:

  • when creating a real participle in the present. tense from the verb of the 1st conjugation, the suffix is ​​written – ush – yusch (thinks – thinking, write – writers);
  • when created in the present day. tense of the active participle 2 sp., use -ash-yasch (smoke - smoking, sting - stinging);
  • in the past tense, active participles are formed using the suffix -вш (wrote - wrote, spoke - spoke);
  • Passive participles are created with the addition of the suffixes -nn-enn in the past tense (invented - invented, offended - offended) and -em, -om-im and -t in the present (led - led, loved - loved).

In addition to the participle, the adjective is just as common.

Isolation of an adjective

Single or dependent adjectives are distinguished in the same way as participles. If a separate definition (examples and rules are similar to a participle) appears after the word being defined, then a comma is placed, but if before, then not.

  • The morning, gray and foggy, was not conducive to a walk. (The gray and foggy morning was not conducive to a walk).

  • An angry mother can remain silent for several hours. (An angry mother can remain silent for several hours).

Isolation with a defined personal pronoun

When a participle or adjective refers to a pronoun, they are separated by a comma, regardless of where they are located:

  • Frustrated, she went into the yard.
  • They, tired, went straight to bed.
  • He, red with embarrassment, kissed her hand.

When a defined word is separated by other words, the isolated definition (examples from fiction demonstrate this) is also separated by commas. For example, “Suddenly the whole steppe shook and, engulfed in a dazzling blue light, expanded (M. Gorky).

Other definitions

A separate definition (examples, rules below) can convey meaning by relationship or profession, then they are also separated by commas. For example:

  • The professor, a handsome young man, looked at his new applicants.

  • Mom, in her usual robe and apron, has not changed at all this year.

In such constructions, isolated definitions carry additional messages about the object.

The rules seem complicated at first glance, but if you understand their logic and practice, the material will be well absorbed.

17. Separate definitions, circumstances and applications. General and specific conditions of separation.

Separation is the semantic and intonation highlighting of minor members of a sentence to give them greater independence in comparison with other members. Isolated members of a sentence contain an element of an additional message. The additional nature of the message is formed through semi-predicative relations, that is, the relationship of a separate component with the entire grammatical basis. An isolated component expresses an independent event. This is a generally polypropositive sentence.

The distinctions are different. There are separate definitions, circumstances and additions. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

    Separate definition: The boy, who had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.

    Special circumstance: Sashka sat on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and swinging his legs.

    Separate addition: I heard nothing except the ticking of the alarm clock.

Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Isolated members of the sentence are highlighted in oral speech intonation, and in writing - punctuation.

Separate definitions are divided into:



The child, who had fallen asleep in my arms, suddenly woke up.

(agreed separate definition, expressed by participial phrase)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent isolated definition)

Agreed Definition

The agreed separate definition is expressed:

    participial phrase: The child who was sleeping in my arms woke up.

    two or more adjectives or participles: The child, well-fed and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, full, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by noun phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples: How could you, with your intelligence, not understand her intention?

An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined. If an inconsistent definition refers to a defined word expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition may vary. They differ:

    single definition: excited girl;

    two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;

    a common definition expressed by the phrase: the girl, excited by the news she received,...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun: She, excited, could not sleep.(single isolated definition after the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun) Excited, she could not sleep.(single isolated definition before the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they appear after the word being defined, expressed by a noun: The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

If the defined word is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member: Excited and happy, she could not fall asleep for a long time.(isolation of several single definitions before the word being defined - pronoun)

3. A common definition expressed by a phrase is isolated if it refers to the defined word expressed by a noun and comes after it: The girl, excited by the news she received, could not fall asleep for a long time.(a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase, comes after the word being defined, expressed by a noun). If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position either after or before the word being defined: Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time. She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with additional adverbial meaning

Definitions preceding the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings. These can be both common and single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessional, etc.). In such cases, the attributive phrase is easily replaced subordinate clause reasons with union because, subordinate clause conditions with conjunction If, subordinate assignment with conjunction Although. To check the presence of an adverbial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is separated. For example: Severely ill, the mother could not go to work.(additional meaning of reason) Even when she was sick, the mother went to work.(additional value of concession).

Thus, various factors are important for separation:

1) what part of speech the word being defined is expressed by, 2) what is the structure of the definition, 3) what is the definition expressed by, 4) does it express additional adverbial meanings.

Dedicated Applications

Application- This special kind definition expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden. The application could be:

1) single: Mishka, the fidget, tormented everyone;

2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tormented everyone.

An application, both single and widespread, is isolated if it refers to a defined word expressed by a pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the defined word:

    He is an excellent doctor and helped me a lot.

    Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it appears after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

A single non-widespread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words: He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

Any application is isolated if it appears after a proper name: Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

An application expressed by a proper name is isolated if it serves to clarify or explain: And the neighbor’s son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, started a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in the position before the defined word - a proper name, if at the same time an additional adverbial meaning is expressed. The architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Application with union How is isolated if the shade of the reason is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single applications that appear after the word being defined and are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation are not isolated, because merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka the neighbor.


Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized by voice and highlighted by a pause.

Soon New Year- children's favorite holiday.

Explain please, what does a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase mean??

Olga Zvonkova

In the cell, also illuminated by electric light, despite the morning hour, the clerk Ivan Pavlovich with obvious pleasure was drilling and stitching papers with a silk cord... (M. Aldanov).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate agreed definition, an expressed participial phrase, a separate circumstance of concession, an expressed phrase with the preposition despite, homogeneous predicates.

Main members: Ivan Pavlovich - subject, expressed by a noun; drilled and stitched - homogeneous simple verbal predicates, expressed by verbs.

Secondary members: Ivan Pavlovich (what?) clerk - application, expressed by a noun; drilled and stitched (where?) in the cell - a circumstance of place, expressed by a noun with a preposition; in a chamber (which one?) illuminated by electric light - a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase; drilled and pierced (in spite of what?) despite the morning hour - a separate circumstance of concession, expressed by a phrase with the preposition despite; drilled and stitched (in what way?) with pleasure - a circumstance of the manner of action, expressed by a noun with a preposition; with pleasure (what?) obvious - agreed upon definition, expressed by an adjective; drilled and stitched (what?) papers - direct object, expressed by a noun; drilled and stitched (with what?) with a cord - indirect object, expressed by a noun; cord (what?) silk - agreed definition, expressed by an adjective. Also a conjunction, it is not a member of the sentence.

Explain what a non-separate agreed common definition is?

Preferably with examples in sentences.

Definition - a minor member of a sentence that answers the questions what/s/s? whose/whose/e/s? (which one? white)
Agreed definitions are connected with the defined word according to the method of agreement, that is, they coincide in the forms of gender, number, case; when the form of the word being defined changes, the agreed definition similarly changes its form (what snow? white, what kind of snow? white)
A common definition consists of a phrase.
Consistent common definitions are not separated, i.e., not separated by commas:
1. standing before the noun being defined: /The snow that fell early in the morning/ had already melted by the evening. (what kind of snow? fell early in the morning)
2. standing after the defined noun, if the latter in itself in a given sentence does not express the desired meaning and needs a definition: It is difficult to meet a person /more refined, calm and self-confident/. (what kind of person? more refined, calm and self-confident)
3. expressed in a complex comparative or superlative form of an adjective: Messages /most urgent/ are published. (what messages? the most urgent)
4. included in the predicate: Savely stood /stern and trembling with anger/. (“he stood stern and trembling with anger” - predicate)
5. standing after indefinite pronouns (something, anything, etc.): I want to understand and express something /happening in me/ (what something? happening in me)

Separate members of the sentence

Definitions (agreed, uncoordinated, appendices), circumstances, additions may be separate.

Isolation is the selection of words in a sentence with punctuation marks.

So, if you need to find an isolated member of a sentence in a sentence, find that part of this sentence that allocated commas. Remember, however, that commas can not only highlight , but also divide - sentences consisting of complex, homogeneous members. Make sure you find exactly isolated member of the sentence, that is dedicated commas.

Now check: have you found the part of the sentence you need?

Can you distinguish between parts of a sentence? If not, repeat the theory!

Definition .

Answers the question "which one?"

Separate themselves agreed common definitions , expressed by a participle or adjective with dependent words that come after the word being defined.

For example: Poplars, covered with dew , filled the air with a subtle aroma. (Chekhov) Those three are standing, everyone is gloomy . (Bitter)

Uncommon definitions are also separated, that is, single definitions that appear after the word being defined, if there are 2 or more of them and they appear after the noun with the definition.

For example: Favorites faces, dead and alive , come to mind.


For example: Consistent common definitions, expressed by a participle or an adjective with dependent words, standing BEFORE the word being defined are usually NOT isolated. Left early in the morning

the detachment had already walked four miles. (L. Tolstoy)

Common or single definitions placed BEFORE the word being defined are separated by commas, if they have an additional adverbial meaning, refer to a personal pronoun, a proper name.

For example: Tired of mom's cleanliness , the guys have learned to be cunning. (V. Panova) The guys have learned to be cunning WHY? Lulled by sweet hopes , he was fast asleep. (Chekhov) Seized by some vague premonitions

, Korchagin quickly got dressed and left the house. (N. OstrovskyIn addition to the agreed upon definitions, there are others:

inconsistent and applications.

Of course, you can ask them the question “which one?”, but with a slight stretch. The fact is that these definitions are expressed by nouns..

Inconsistent definitions A tall old man came in . with a thick white beard, wearing a huge hat

Here the first comma begins the isolation of the inconsistent definition, the second completes it and at the same time begins the isolation of the second inconsistent definition.

Application. Application - it is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word it defines. Application .

gives a second name to an object, person, phenomenon For example: Mother spoke more, lady with gray hair . (Turgenev) Good-natured old man, hospital guard

, immediately let him in. (L. Tolstoy)


Answers questions of indirect cases “whom?”, “what?”, “to whom?”, “what?” etc. It will stand out in one case: if there are prepositions nearby that are similar in meaning to “except” or “instead of” (besides, over, except for, excluding, including, along with) with a restrictive or expansive meaning. For example: Here, except for a small table with a mirror , a stool and rags, there was no other furniture, and, instead of a lamp or candle , a bright fan-shaped light was burning. Mr Hopkins, along with other people in gray helmets

, stood motionless.


1) Most often, isolated circumstances are participial phrases, that is, they answer the questions “what by doing?”, “what by doing?” and denote an additional action.

For example: Not noticing a note on the fireplace, Bilbo decided that the dwarves had gone on a campaign without him. The first comma shows the boundary where the isolated circumstance ends.

2) An isolated circumstance can also be expressed by a single gerund.

For example: Making some noise , the river calmed down.

3) Comparative turnover is also a separate circumstance.

For example: The stuffy air is still, like the water of a forest lake . (Bitter) Like an angry beast , the river rushed about in its banks. (Arsenyev)

4) An isolated circumstance can be expressed by a concessionary phrase with the preposition DESPITE, DESPITE. For example: Frau Ditmar saved, despite his age , features of former prettiness. (V. Kozhevnikov)

5) An isolated circumstance can be expressed by a noun with a derived preposition THANKING, ACCORDING TO, CONTRARY TO, IN VIEW OF, CONSEQUENTIALLY, UNDER CONDITION, FOR REASON, etc.

For example: Thanks to a lot of new impressions , the day passed unnoticed for Kashtanka. (Chekhov)

Against my wishes, they met. (Garshin)

6) Separate CLARIFYING circumstances.

Most often, clarifying circumstances of place and time are separated by commas (“where exactly?”, “where exactly?”, “when exactly?”)

For example: From there, from unknown steppe places, It was night. (Bunin) The next day, a little light , we were on the shore. (Arsenyev)

Be careful! Don't be confused!

The structure of a simple common sentence containing one or another number of minor members can be further complicated by isolating one (or several) of them. The concept of the essence of isolation, the characteristics of the means and conditions of isolation and the description of various types of isolated members have great theoretical and practical value in the study of the syntax of the Russian language.

Isolation is the belonging of a simple sentence, despite some similarity of isolated members with predicative parts complex sentence. A. M. Peshkovsky, who was the first to describe isolation in detail, found in isolated members of a sentence similarity (similarity) with the subordinate parts of a complex sentence in terms of melody and rhythm, as well as connections with surrounding members. For example, in the sentence In the rocks, overgrown with orange lilies, wild pigeons nested(Paust.) an isolated common member contains an additional statement, which could also be formalized in the form of a subordinate part (cf.: In the rocks, which are overgrown with orange lilies...) However, isolated members of a sentence, no matter how widespread in composition and expanded in content they may be, do not have their own grammatical core and do not have predicativeness.

The essence of separation

Isolation is the deliberate rhythmic-intonation and semantic isolation of a word or group of words within a specific sentence. The isolated member also has a weakened syntactic connection with other members. Wed: At the bottom, in the hall, the clock struck six(Paust.). - The clock in the hallway struck six. There were plenty of snacks., and different(Perm.). - There were many different snacks.

The purpose of isolation is to express, using the selected member, some additional message about one of the words or the entire sentence. In writing, an isolated member of a sentence is highlighted with punctuation marks.

The means of isolation are changes in the pitch of pronunciation, rhythm, pause, as well as changes in the location of members, in particular, placing the isolated secondary member at the absolute beginning or end of the sentence. Punctuation marks are not means of isolation, but only convey it to writing speech.

Separate members perform in relation to the proposal or to individual words various functions. The main ones can be considered the following:

  • 1) expression of an additional statement: There was a silent calm over the bays, covered in evening smoke (Paust.); Large drops of rain crashed onto the ground, turning into dust and tiny splashes (Sol.);
  • 2) explanation, clarification: But there was also another, its own little secret - the mystery of the nameless lake (Sol.); Far left, in the corner of the garden rampart , black spruce forest(B.);
  • 3) allocation, limitation: There was no one on the pier, except for the watchman with the lantern (Paust.);
  • 4) connection: For minutes I was close to fainting - with happiness (Art.);
  • 5) comparison, likening: I'll tell you the truth, I've never had so much fun, like this evening (Cupr.); It was cold for more than a week, like in October , rains(Shishk.); I missed the village like a puppy locked up (T.).

Conditions of separation

Isolated secondary members of a sentence are very diverse in meaning, function, in the method of connection with the word being defined, in volume and location. Also, the conditions for isolating secondary members in specific sentences are very heterogeneous and numerous. However, these conditions can be systematized by highlighting, first of all, the general conditions that are essential for the isolation of any members of the proposal, and along with them, particular and additional conditions.

The most essential for isolating various members of a sentence are three general conditions: a) the possibility of semantic isolation, separation from the word being explained; b) the volume of a sentence member is more than one significant word; c) unusual location relative to the word being defined.

1. The possibility of semantic isolation, separation from the word being defined presupposes the absence of close semantic connections between the isolated member of the sentence and the word being explained. This condition is undoubtedly unthinkable in relation to incomplete words. The components of phraseological units, indivisible, are deprived of it.

rpm (like give consent, appear independent, make an impression), syntactically indivisible phrases ( two fighters, any of us, alone of the boys etc.), as well as words with a high degree of dependence, conditionality (highly controlled). Yes, in a sentence In all these people, despite their external differences, Samghin felt something uniform and irritating(M. G.) words do not have the possibility of semantic isolation something(close dependence on the verb felt, strong management), and unified And annoying, which are closely connected with the indefinite pronoun due to its incompleteness; at the same time, the common circumstance of concession has the possibility of semantic highlighting despite their external differences.

  • 2. The volume of an isolated member of more than one word not only means an increase in the semantic capacity of the sentence member and, consequently, its semantic independence, but also helps to weaken the connection of the isolated member with the dominant element of the sentence in relation to it. Wed: Wind, still strong, was now blowing from the east(A.T.). - The wind was now blowing strongly from the east.
  • 3. The position of the isolated member relative to the defined word is the movement of a sentence member from the usual, norm-corresponding place in relation to the defined word to an unusual one (from preposition to postposition or vice versa), and in some cases, a separation from the defined word (distant location). Wed: Occasionally, in this smoke the sea shone deadly, mercury-like (Paust.). - ...The mercury-like sea shone; Father arrived in the evening black with dust. with bloodshot eyes (Ch.). - Father black with dust..:, Behind the stern, all covered in foam, the river rushes quickly(M.G.). - ...The river rushes quickly, covered in foam.

Particular conditions of isolation are such lexicogrammatical properties of the defined or dependent member of the sentence, the presence of which in itself is sufficient for isolation, even if there are no general conditions (of course, except for the first). Examples of special conditions are:

  • 1) the presence of a gerund, in the presence of which the secondary member of the sentence is isolated in any volume and in any location (if it does not lose the meaning of the action): The tram was flying calling, to the sea itself(A.T.);
  • 2) belonging of the defined word to the category of personal pronouns (any minor member related to it is isolated in any position): Lightweight, quick on his feet, very cheerful, he was two years younger than Tatiana(M.G.).

General conditions of isolation (except for cases of the presence of particular conditions) must be presented in a complete set: in the absence of at least one of them, the member of the sentence is not isolated [for example, in the case of preposition of the participial phrase: A dim flame with the whistling and clapping of damp wood burning in the stove illuminated the uninhabited, probably a hut abandoned by its owners a long time ago(Sim.).

However, the missing general condition can be compensated by an additional condition. Such conditions are very different and numerous; they are applicable only for certain types of minor members of the sentence.

An additional condition for the isolation of circumstances is the clarifying nature of the meaning of the isolated member relative to the other: 3 d e s, in the bedroom, dead peace reigned(Ch.).

An additional condition for the isolation of a common prepositive definition may be the connotation of causal, conditional or other meaning given to this member in a particular sentence: A cloud of mosquitoes circled above us, But, covered with nets, our heads were invulnerable(Bump.).

In a specific sentence, taking into account a certain situation, one or another member may have the meaning “extended”, i.e. greater volume than could be judged by the semantics of existing words, and the “excess” meaning is borrowed from the situation, from the previous context. Such a minor member of a sentence, concluding an additional statement, can be isolated under an incomplete set of general conditions. For example:

Papa Rubakhin, with your kidneys, sat nearby in a chair and looked at his daughter with love and fear(L.T.) - the isolated member expresses an additional message about Rubakin’s sick kidneys (which is known from the previous context) and has a concessive connotation, perceived in the foyer of the subsequent message about the feeling with which Rubakin looked at his daughter. In the absence of “excessive” content and additional connotation, the member of the sentence in these grammatical conditions would not be isolated (cf.: Papa Rubakin with a gray mustache sat in a chair...);

To get to the house it was necessary to walk along narrow wooden bridges laid out for the sake of dirt, between two rows of wide hundred-year-old linden trees(Kupr.) - isolation is caused by a similar additional condition (previous knowledge about dirt, an additional shade of the cause).

Additional conditions of this kind, which are realized in specific sentences, in a specific situation, serve as an explanation for cases of so-called individual authorial isolation.

The ratio of general and additional conditions varies in separate structures different types secondary members.

Separate definitions

Thanks to isolation, the attribute expressed by the definition is updated, and the entire content of the isolated member acquires the character of an additional “micro-statement” about the subject that is designated by the defined noun. Isolating definitions is a productive technique for complicating the structure of a simple sentence.

In accordance with the general conditions, definitions represented by adjectives (as well as ordinal numbers) or participles with explanatory words and standing in postposition to the defined, as well as inconsistent common definitions placed in preposition or separated from the defined word by other members of the sentence are isolated: The smell of white carnations, warmed by the sun, filled the carriages(Paust.); There are ficus trees on both sides of the fireplace, beggarly poor leaves(M.G.); The house is quite big, once bleached, With shiny wet roof, stood in a completely bare place(B.).

In the absence of one (or two) of the general conditions, the isolation of definitions can be caused by additional conditions or specific ones:

  • 1) any forms (and in any position) of definitions for personal pronouns are distinguished: Controlled by nothing from within, I was powerless in the face of great tragic tasks, facing my creative sense(Art.);
  • 2) single consistent postpositive definitions are separated, as well as inconsistent postpositive ones (their usual position), if there is another definition before the word being defined: Another door led somewhere from the bedroom, also closed(Ch.); This room is ours, windows to the west and north, occupied almost half of the entire house(B.);
  • 3) prepositive common definitions are distinguished in the presence of an additional adverbial connotation (reasons, conditions, concessions): Entirely captivated by respectful admiration for this magnificent living building, the professor crumples the red iron of his beard in his fist.(Cupr.);
  • 4) postpositive agreed single definitions are isolated if they represent a number of homogeneous members of the sentence: And in the middle of the day both the river and the forests played with many sunspots - gold , blue, green And rainbow (Paust.);
  • 5) the isolation of definitions in the absence of general conditions may be influenced by the proximity of other isolated definitions: Makarov passed in a black formal suit, slender, gray-haired, with frowning eyebrows (M.G.).

Dedicated Applications

In accordance with the general conditions, common post-positive applications are distinguished: The mayor of Voroponov sang especially shrilly, persistently, and especially out of tune with the choir. cartmaker's son (M.G.). Applications in any position are distinguished if they explain personal pronouns: I even dreamed about him sometimes, this piano (Paust.).

If the general conditions are not fully presented, isolation of the application can occur in the presence of additional conditions similar to those noted for definitions: the presence of another definition before the word being defined, an additional adverbial connotation of meaning, etc.

A single postpositive application is also isolated if it has a clarifying meaning: One of the sons Misha , Head of the experimental ichthyological station on Lake Velikoye(Paust.).

Special circumstances

First of all, the isolation of circumstances is determined by general conditions. However, particular and additional conditions are of considerable importance. Taking into account various conditions, three groups of isolated circumstances can be distinguished: gerunds, common circumstances, clarifying circumstances.

  • 1. The adverbial function is the main one for the gerund. Various relationships of gerunds with the predicate verb create shades of time, conditions, concessions, reasons, goals. The participle, fulfilling the function of adverbial circumstances, as a rule, does not lose the meaning of the process, which is the basis of an additional statement, an elementary message. This feature of the gerund as a specific verbal form is itself a condition for isolation, regardless of the presence of explanatory words and its position in the text: Mother stopped gasping for breath put her hands to her chest(M.G.); Returning to the hotel, Lopatin went to bed without eating that day
  • (Sim.); Hares, fleeing from skiers, confused complex loops(Paust.).

The only reason for the non-isolation of the gerund is the loss of the verbal meaning of the action. It is observed, firstly, in phraseological units that have a frozen form of participial phrase, but denote a sign of action: He went about his business carelessly, because the hospital was still under construction(M.-S.); We rushed headlong over deep bumps and potholes(A.S.). Secondly, single gerunds with the meaning of a qualitative characteristic of an action, which are close in semantics to qualitative adverbs or prepositional case forms of a noun, are not isolated. Wed: Yakov Artamonov walked slowly, with his hands in his pockets(M.G.) - walked leisurely; The mother ran without looking back and sobbed as she ran.(Ch.) - ran without looking back; Birch foliage hangs motionless(Paust.) - hanging motionless, motionless. Here we observe a partial contextual transition of gerunds into adverbs.

  • 2. Common circumstances with an unusual location relative to the word being defined (usually a predicate verb) are isolated. This is observed in the position before the predicate, at the absolute beginning or end of the sentence, as well as in the case of a distant (disconnected in other words) location relative to the main member of the sentence. Circumstances with the meanings of reason, condition, concession, time are isolated: So we turned left and somehow, after much trouble, we got to the meager shelter, consisting of two sakleys(L.); The ship began to move more carefully, for fear of running aground(Cupr.); Olga Nikolaevna, with all her intelligence, sincerely believed in that, that after an explanation they will become friends(Sh.). Isolated circumstances of this group are characterized by the use of abstract nouns, which serve as the core of an additional message (see: troubles, fear, mind). Indicators of the corresponding adverbial meanings are prepositions (causal from. from, for, on account of, in view of, thanks to; conditional - at. when, concessionary - in spite of, in spite of, in spite of; temporary - by, after, before, during and etc.).
  • 3. The isolation of clarifying circumstances is caused by completely different conditions than those characteristic of the considered members of the proposal. If there are two circumstances of the same category that explain the same word, they are not equal in relation to each other. One of them directly explains the word being defined, and the other is connected with this word through the first circumstance and clarifies its meaning. For example: Kovrin arrived at the Pesotskys in the evening, at ten o’clock(Ch.) - circumstance of time at ten o'clock explains, clarifies another circumstance - In the evening; at the same time, both of them define the verb-predicate I arrived (arrived in the evening, arrived at ten o'clock). The relation of clarification forms the basis of an additional statement contained in a separate circumstance. It must be emphasized that the mere presence of two circumstances of the same category does not predetermine the isolation of one of them. Only the meaning of clarification, realized intentionally by the speaker, determines isolation. For example: Next day, one o'clock, Litvinov went to the Osinins(T.) - in this context, two circumstances could constitute a single adverbial group without clarification relations (the next day at one o'clock).

The clarification usually consists in the fact that the isolated circumstance narrows and limits the scope of the concept designated by the member being clarified: There, high up, the summer sun was already shining(Paust.); To the right, straight from under the wheels of the cart, a cliff ran down(IN.); Not particularly long ago, last spring, one of my friends showed me a rather outlandish thing(Cupr.). As a rule, isolated clarifying circumstances have a spatial or temporal meaning.

"Separate additions"

The addition in its essence is minor member sentences that are semantically very closely related to the verb being explained, i.e. it does not possess the first of the general conditions of isolation (the possibility of semantic isolation). Those constructions that are usually called isolated additions in grammar are restrictive and emphatic phrases with different meanings- objective, subjective or even circumstantial: I bought everything, except for the notebook; Everyone returned except Petya, I’m always here, except Saturday: Haven't been anywhere, except Moscow. These constructions are similar to an object only in form - a noun in the form of the oblique case.

The condition for isolation is the restrictive-exclusive meaning of the phrase, which represents the basis of the additional statement; compare: Everyone came running, including the neighbor. Everyone came running, including a neighbor who came running. The indicated meaning is expressed using prepositions except, besides, instead of, will include tea, excluding, along with and etc.: Russian literary nobles, behind with the exception of the all-knowing Alexander Pushkin, did not pay attention to folklore, extremely rich in dramatic material(M.G.); Besides the rivers With Meshchora region has many canals(Paust.).