Scenario for a regional traffic rules competition about a scooter. Scenario of a propaganda team of young traffic inspectors

MBOU Secondary School No. 137 named after. M. P. Agibalova, Samara

Propaganda brigade of the UID

Squad leader:our team is called

In chorus: UPIP, Young pedestrians and passengers

Squad leader: our motto:

In chorus: Road rules

They are not complicated at all

Everyone should just know them

And never break!

Squad leader:You will find out the topic of our speech by guessing the riddles:

1 student: On a clear morning

Along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road,
And two wheels run.
Guess there's an answer
- This is my... (bicycle)

2nd student: Well, what if it has a motor?

And there is no faster one

Then this motor

It's called... moped

Squad leader:That's right, the topic of our speech is “Management Rules”

Bicycle, moped, scooter."

3rd student: Traffic rules say that a bicycle, moped, scooter -

They are also vehicles, and you need to know the rules of driving

By them.

4 student: Guys, do you know that you can ride a bicycle on the roads?

Only from the age of 14, and on a scooter and moped - from the age of 16?

5th student: Why shouldn't kids ride a bike?

6th student: Children can ride bicycles, but only in courtyards, on

Children's playgrounds, stadiums and parks.

7th student: The rules of the road say: If you have a bike, so do you

The driver must follow the traffic rules.

8th student: Even though the bike is small,
He is also a transport - no doubt about it,
Here's to the traffic rules
(in unison) BIKE APP.

Students take turns reading poems and showing signs.

Purpose of the lesson: prevention of road traffic injuries.


  1. Members of the YID squad (4 girls).
  2. Squad leader.
  3. Vovka Bublikov.
  4. Red traffic light
  5. Yellow traffic light.
  6. Green traffic light
  7. Signs (6 girls).
  8. The traffic police inspector is the ruler of the traffic lights.

Action 1.

4 girls in Yuid costumes run out and line up in a column. Sing:

  1. Boys and girls!
  2. And also their parents!
  3. You tell an interesting fairy tale.
  4. Would you like to see it?!

About traffic rules
He'll tell you now.
Team from the Lyceum.
Welcome us together!
Welcome us together!

1. Let me introduce myself. Propaganda brigade
Together: “Headlight.”
2. To all boys and girls
3. We will convey knowledge about traffic rules!
4. We are for safe traffic
1. And your city.
Together: We won't let you down!

Action 2.

The girls remain on stage, and the commander of the YID detachment and Vovka come out to them.

Detachment commander: Guys, today I am announcing a general gathering of Yuid members. On the agenda is the behavior of Vovka Bublikov from 4th grade. What can you say about this?

  1. Vovka walked where he wanted
  2. Didn't follow road rules.
  3. He was playing with a ball on the roadway.
  4. Ran through a red light.

Oh, what's wrong with that?
Still alive and well!
1. This is very good
From the misfortune that came.
2. But it could have been different!

Hey, don't scare me, otherwise I'll cry!
Oh, why are you so drunk?
Everything is fine, really!

Squad leader:

Everything is fine? I wouldn't say so.
No basic knowledge
The most important, without a doubt,
Traffic rules.
What should we do with you?

  1. I propose to send him to the fairyland “Traffic Light”.
  2. There is no such country on the map
  3. But its rules are important.

Vovka: How will I get to this country?

  1. And our friend the bicycle will help you get to the Traffic Light, but you must remember a few rules. Agree?

Vovka: I agree!

One of the YID members takes out a bicycle.

Squad leader:

So remember guys
You tell a few simple truths,
Before going somewhere
Always “repeat” them:

1. And first of all, we need
Bicycle brakes
Check so that somewhere nearby
Don't look trouble in the eye.

2. And so that the participants of the movement
You let everyone know about yourself,
We'll check further, no doubt.
We're beeping soon.

3. Preferably a front light
Install, even if only during the day
The route is a bicycle route.

4. Mark yourself with fire
Necessary on a dark night...

Squad leader:

Prohibited without a flashlight
Everyone can ride, and extremely, very
It's dangerous, to be honest...

1. And in conclusion, we’ll tell you
About that, dear friends,
For both beginners and those with experience

2. ...what you can’t do
Us on bike tours on the road
(we should know this for sure).

3. To the source of anxiety
A bicycle could not become.

4. So, at least drive alone
We always hold hands.

Squad leader:

Otherwise the consequences are not weak
And trouble will come knocking on your door.

1. And we will leave all the passengers
We're on the taxi road.

2. And we’ll leave cargo for the cars
Large ones are not needed...

3. About safety on the road
We must remember all the time.

4. And another very important rule: when driving on the roads, persons at least 14 years old are allowed to drive a bicycle, and persons at least 16 years old are allowed to drive a moped.

Squad leader: Do you understand everything?

Vovka: Got it!

The squad leader hands Vovka a bicycle.

Together, the detachment commander and the YID members: Have a nice journey!

Action 3.

Music is playing. Everyone runs away. Vovka rides out on a bicycle.

Vovka: Well, I finally got there. I see it written: “TRAFFIC LIGHTS COUNTRY.” All that remains is to cross the road! But who will help me with this?

The traffic lights are flashing.


Cross the road
We can help you.
We are traffic signals
We burn day and night.

Traffic lights present themselves in turn:

Green: Green!

Yellow: Yellow!

Red: Red!

Pedestrians first
You only need to know two signals.

Red: Red - stop! wait calmly.

Green: And green - come in!

For cars the law is this:
Three signals - the path is ready.

And the driver should know
You can drive or stand.

Red: Red light – no movement.

Yellow: Yellow light – for cooking.

And the green light is on -
Drive on, the way is open.

We are siblings
We have been shining for a long time.

And we live in a house
With a name.


Vovka: Well, thank you for the signals. They helped. I will always remember you.

Action 4.

Vovka is knocking on the gate. He is greeted by road signs.

Sign 1. Welcome, Vova! To country


Road signs sing a song.

On roads throughout the country
A million cars!
That's why we must
Help with you
To everyone who goes and goes,
In a hurry on business,
Protect your health and
Save everyone's life
Save everyone's life!

Chorus: We are roadside signs,
And we will help everyone!
We have one duty
What needs to be banned!
Hey, young pedestrians,
You need to remember the signs
So that you are safe
Walk the streets!

Sign 2. In the Traffic Lights, signs are honored and respected,

Sign 3. Learn, Vova, us without delay!

The signs sing ditties.

Sign 1 .

Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know,
A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING leads to the other side.

This one is also blue,
There is a white silhouette on blue
Coming down the stairs….

When the sign hangs like this,
Not a step here! Stop right now!
And if you remove the strip,
Then you are allowed to walk.

You didn't wash your hands on the road,
Have you eaten fruits, vegetables,
It's good that the point is nearby

There is a sign on the road
He says in a stern tone:
I forbid it in this place -

Hey driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world:
they can run out here... CHILDREN!

They hang here and there
These are all your friends.
Don't forget their meaning
When I went on the road with a friend.

Ay, now I understand
Signs know a lot!
Their task is, without a doubt,
This is... well, whatever...
Regulate traffic!

Sign 1. Well, the decisive moment has come, when you are ready to meet the Ruler of our country.

Action 5.

The music “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” plays. The ruler of the Traffic Light, the traffic police inspector, comes out.

Traffic police inspector: I wish you good health! The traffic police inspector is the ruler of the traffic light.

I’ll tell you, Volodya, a secret.
That I serve as an inspector
Because this service
I find it very important!
In the snow and rain,
In a thunderstorm and storm
I'm on duty outside.
Thousands of cars are rushing
ZISs, ZILs, M-one,
Pyatigonki and trams.
I allow them passage.
If I raise my hand -
No passage for anyone.

I have heard, Vova, about your exploits. What should we do with you?

Uncle Inspector, I have already corrected myself.
I won't behave like this on the street anymore
And I will follow the road rules.

Inspector: Well, Vladimir, you will have to pass an exam on the Rules of the Road. Ready?

Vovka: Ready! Check.


My assistants, come out quickly
You will take the exam according to Vova’s rules.

Action 6.

The YID members come out. They surround Vovka.

1. Both avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere

2. Walk on the sidewalk

Vovka: on the right side!

3. Be naughty here, disturb people.


4. Be an exemplary pedestrian.



If you are traveling on a tram
And there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning
Come forward quickly.

1. Riding like a hare, as you know,


2. Give way to the old lady,


3. If you are just walking,
Still look ahead
4. Through a noisy intersection

Vovka: Pass carefully.

Commander: Crossing at red light


1. When it’s green, even for children


Guys, my friends, I understand.
If you know all the rules
And always fulfill them,
We will live up to 200 years
No traffic accidents.

Everyone is lining up.

2. Know and follow the rules.
3. With you

Together: UID

Inspector: And the traffic police

4. Most importantly, don't forget

Together: There is no safety without traffic rules!

Everyone performs the “March of the YuIDovtsev”.


  1. Traffic rules 1–4 classes: entertaining activities. /Author – compiler S.O.Zhatin. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 108 p.
  2. Traffic rules for primary school/ L.M. Goncharova. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2008. – 251 p.

State Institution "Leninskaya high school»

Scenario of the propaganda team "Signal" -

“Scooters are not a toy for children”

Song accompanied by a soundtrack from the film magazine “Yeralash”

Boys and girls

Jury and spectators

About traffic rules

Would you like to hear

About signs, violations

Now the audience will recognize

Will provide information -

YuID detachment - “Signal”


There are many road accidents in the country

Various losses, emergency sensations

How can we help everyone in this age of perfection?

How to avoid fatal situations?

Learn a set of new traffic rules

So as not to fall into the trap of troubles

We will help you by starting the show -

A scooter is not a toy for kids.

The cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor come out

Matroskin : Finally, my beloved uncle Fedor has arrived!

Uncle Fedor : Come on. Where is Sharik?

Matroskin : Yes, there he is returning from hunting. He's probably carrying prey.

Sharik comes out with a scooter

Matroskin : And what do you have?

Ball: Well, I’m tired of chasing animals with a camera gun, so I decided to ride a scooter instead. I bought it!!!

Matroskin, can you help me with driving?

Matroskin: What kind of scooter is this? Nothing like that. OK. Let's go for a ride. I'll show you how to drive.

Music Black scooter, Matroskin sings a song while sitting on the scooter.

Black scooter, black scooter

Rides through the fields

Black scooter, black scooter

I really like him. E- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

D. Fedor: Wait, wait, where are you going?

Matroskin: Let's go for a ride with Sharik.

D. Fedor: Didn’t you know that you can’t ride a scooter without a helmet?

Matroskin: Why is that even necessary?

D. Fedor: It’s safer this way and according to the traffic rules.

Matroskin: Okay, we'll quickly.

D. Fedor: Look, be careful!

A melody sounds... signs are coming out

The scooter brakes suddenly

Matroskin: What kind of obstacles are there on the road?

We, the traffic signs

Clear, uncomplicated

You must show them respect

Bypassing possible worries.


At the transition strip
On the side of the road
The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,
Of a breed unknown to us,


With different colored eyes

Talking to us

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Brake, there's a traffic light here

On redlight - there is no road,
yellow- Wait.
When it's lit
Bon Voyage

Guys in the triangle

Running as fast as they can somewhere

All engines stop

And the drivers are attentive

These signs say:

"The school is close, kindergarten

Here is the land crossing

People walk all day

You are the driver, don't rush

Let the pedestrian pass

Road sign - red circle

The man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And it seems like a road, but

Walking here is prohibited.

There is a pedestrian in this place

Transport waits patiently

He's tired of walking

Wants to be a passenger

May you always be healthy

Road rules are harsh

If the transport is moving fast

You might end up in the hospital.

Matroskin: What could happen to us?


What's the matter? Show me your documents.

Ball: What other documents do Matroskin have?

Matroskin: Whiskers, paws, tail - these are my documents.

Inspector: Documents are always stamped. Do you have a seal on your tail?

Matroskin and Sharik: (sad)



You should know that scooters can only be ridden by persons who are over 16 years of age and have a driving license. Well, your vehicle will have to be confiscated.

Ball: - what should we do now?

Inspector : First you must reach the required age, learn all the rules of the road, get a driver's license and only then boldly go on the road.

Matroskin: And who exactly are you all?


We are UID members.We introduce children to road signs and develop a responsible attitude towards following traffic rules.

Sharik: YID? Do they take dogs there?
Matroskin: Dogs are not allowed there...
Sharik: Why else?
Matroskin: Yes, because YID are young traffic inspectors. But you have no movement, but only vanity...
Sharik (offended): So, cats are allowed in the YID?
Matroskin: Of course you can! There I have a striped tail. With the help of such a wonderful tail, I can regulate movement...
Sharik: Just think, a tail! There are dogs that serve at the border and in the police... Maybe I’ll become a patrol dog! Or I’ll check cars for drugs: you know what a wonderful sense of smell I have!
Uncle Fedor: Guys, take us to the UID!? We also want to help all road users to follow the rules...

Inspector: Well, what shall we take?

All : Let's take

Closing song

If only there was no UID
In cities and villages,
We would never have known

Road new rules,

Scooter is not a game
The road is dangerous,
Be more careful
Follow the signs strictly.

I'll try never

Don't make mistakes along the way

I'll only sit behind the wheel when

Turning sixteen

Driving along the highway
Be careful,
Only if the helmet is on
It is possible to move.

We firmly declare
Let's say without a doubt:
We really need it in life
Traffic rules.

May there be no more troubles
Sadness and anxiety.
Let the green light burn
On your way!

Goals: improving knowledge of traffic rules and popularizing knowledge and attracting children's attention to studying the Rules of the Road;

formation of law-abiding behavior of students, through the creation of an appropriate attitude, orientation of thinking towards issues of ensuring traffic safety;

strengthening the skills of safe behavior of students on the streets and roads;

determine the lexical meaning of a word, complete lexicon.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen.

Scenario for the speech of MKOU Dovolenskaya Secondary School No. 2

them. S.I. Lazareva

Exit to music:

Hello friends, hello people who live in the Novosibirsk region.

The problem is urgent -


And she demands great respect for herself!

The squad welcomes you - YID

All - "Staff Police"

One at a time: a group of road safety initiators.

Dovolenskaya school No. 2 named after. S.I. Lazareva presents to your attention her speech “Road Safety is Pride! Long live my area and Novosibirsk region! Everyone runs away in different directions.


Forests, mountains, rivers

Without a compass to the stars

To the end, to the goal

It's worth it.

Walking around the Novosibirsk region.

In 1937, our beloved Novosibirsk region was formed on our planet. On September 28 of this year, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Territory.

The Novosibirsk region will celebrate its holiday in September.
Of course he will celebrate his 80th birthday.
We congratulate her from the bottom of our hearts
Both adults and kids.

In honor of this event, a series of programs has been launched in our program, the main topic is “Road Safety”.


There are many in the world interesting places

Paris and Cannes

Monte Carlo, Nice.

Siberia. Satisfied-

It's on the map too.

Meeting with a resident of the village of Dovolnoe.

Satisfied. The village that we love madly!

Huge areas of fields sown with golden-colored wheat, decorated with bright green birches and blue cornflowers. There is an atmosphere of kindness, light and happiness in Dovolnoye. And the name speaks for itself.

When they ask: - Where do you live?

In Satisfied! - I answer proudly.

Oh-oh-oh... So all of you there are “happy” and your interlocutors admire you.

But what about it? Certainly?

The Father's world is my native country,

Father's world is the village in which I live,

The grass under the window is so green,

Fresh air, the one I breathe.


Journalist. We got to Dovolenskaya school No. 2 named after. S.I. Lazarev, this is where, according to residents, the place where the YID detachment exists.

The second school is cool and interesting to live in.

There is no place for boredom and idleness here!
We all dream about the future.
We have been learning the rules of the road since childhood.

School UID

He's always at war

With someone who doesn't like rules.

We must strengthen measures

Against violators

Don't we have enough examples?

The grief of our residents?

We will conduct a raid now,

We will find the violators.


Yuidovets approaches a child who is standing at the edge of a road with heavy traffic and does not know how to cross the road...

Look at the bright traffic light

He will explain to you:

There is no way to go through a red light,

And yellow - be ready!

The green light is now on

He says: "The passage is open,

Walk boldly, pedestrian,

The machines have started moving for you!”

Yuidovets is walking, and a small child is riding along the road on a bicycle.

Yuidovets. Wait my friend, how old are you?

Child. I’m already quite big, I’m already 10.

Children under the age of 14 are prohibited from riding a bicycle on roads and streets.

If you are 14 years old, then your transport for now is a bicycle.

At 16 years old you get on a moped.

When you turn 18, my friend, get into a convertible.

And remember when driving a bicycle, car or moped

If you don’t know the rules, if you don’t follow them

All. Then troubles cannot be avoided.

So that you live peacefully - without troubles and without worries,

You learn the traffic rules by heart.

At a bus stop, a child is waiting for a bus, on the edge of the sidewalk.

Yuidovets. At a bus stop you should never stand at the edge of the sidewalk. You may be accidentally pushed and end up under the wheels.

A child is standing at a traffic light; the light for cars has turned red; a fire truck with its lights on is driving along the road. The child begins to cross the road.

Yuidovets. Be careful, special vehicles have the right to pass through a red traffic light. They must be skipped.

The girl is driving - to the music.

Masha walks along the road listening to music on headphones.

Do you see the sign on the post?

This sign is read like this:

Don't be distracted when moving

Don't have fun with headphones

Always look around

This sign reminds us:

Don't forget to take off your headphones.

Protect your life!


Every year, road traffic accidents claim the lives of about a million people worldwide.

2- Every year the country misses an entire class of children

3- Every 3rd Pedestrian violated road rules

4-In Dovolensky district for 2015

During the year, 26 road accidents occurred, in which 9 people were injured and 2 died.


6- Road safety depends on all of us: Drivers, pedestrians, passengers

Think about life
And measure the price for it.
We appeal to reason
You better believe us.

The girls sing:
The sun is shining above us,
Not life, but grace!
To all the people on the planet
It's high time to understand
To all the people on the planet
It's time to understand:
The road is not a toy
And you can't play with her!

Everyone comes out

And every day we call:

“Be careful, friends!”

“Caution, sharp turn!”

“And there, look, there’s a transition!”

“We have to think about where we can play,

Where you can’t!”

“Don’t forget to wear a flicker at night”

“Place your child in a child seat, and good luck awaits you”

Song (boys sing)

Novosibirsk region - region,

in which we all live

Young, strong, brave

We set goals

We go straight to them

We study, we work, we grow

We wish to become the best

Glorify the country and region,

Follow the road rules

And we invite you together with us

We share our views

Dovolensky Yuida School No. 2

Everyone lives in harmony with the law.

They know the rules, they follow them,

The rules are explained to younger students.

Everyone comes out:

May the sun always shine

May we always hear laughter

And our regional roads

They will become safer for everyone.

The team of Dovolenskaya School No. 2 named after. S.I. Lazareva. Thank you for your attention.

physical exercise “Pedestrians”.

The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place).

He waves to people: Don't go!

(Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)

Here the cars drive straight (Hands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the sides)

Look: smiled (Hands on belt, smile)

Invites us to go (We walk in place)

You machines, don't rush (Hand clapping)

Let the pedestrian pass! (Jumping in place)

Alexandra Magazeyshchikova
Presentation script for the school propaganda team of the UID

Presentation of the UID propaganda team

UVK « gymnasium school» №25

School number twenty five

I came to tell you about the traffic rules.

Intelligence, ingenuity and success -

This is the motto for us, for everyone.

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,

Let's not forget about friends

We are together, and that means -

Luck is with us.

And we are always happy to help,

And victory is our reward.

Team of young traffic inspectors schools number 25 welcomes you!

Our school located near the busiest streets of the city. Students on their way to school crossing dangerous sections of roads.

This poses a certain threat to the safety of not only children, but also drivers.

The squad, as you can see, is large,

He is ready to face trouble.

Our main motto is to help out,

Save, store, warn!

Little daughter came to her father

And the baby asked:

“It’s like walking down the street,

So as not to groan later?

I have no secrets

Listen up kids:

We'll show you the answer

Here it is from this book.

(shows "Traffic Laws")

You need to learn, friends,

We have no doubt

Rules from "A" before "I" -

ABC of movement! (in unison)

IN kindergarten baby

Mom drives slowly.

And excellent girlfriends,

Laughter and chatterboxes,

Crossing the intersection

Carefully and seriously.

And some student

Rushes in school directly!

(Whistle sounds)

There's no point in rushing!

We need to stop here!


It will save you from trouble!

Here's another tip:

Children on bicycles

Drive along the roadway

Prohibited: "It is forbidden!"

Remember this, friends!

It's time for everyone to understand,

Believe without a doubt

All children should know

Traffic rules! (in unison)

If you're waiting for the green light, you're at the crossing,

This means that there is no pedestrian more competent than you.

If you like to ride wildly with the breeze,

You often like to cling to cars,

It means you didn’t learn the ABCs of the road well,

It's so easy to break arms and legs.

May there never be any misfortune with you,

Various signs hang along the roadway.

(Oh you canopy, my canopy)

Different signs are needed

Different signs are important -

The signs are blue, colored and hash marks.

They hang along the roads,

They want to please us -

Signs are round, square, trusting.

If you follow them home,

You will never be lost.

The signs are loyal, reliable, trusting.

These signs are our friends,

We can't live without them.

Signs, blue, colored and hash marks.

You need to remember these signs

In any situation.

And then it’s safe to go

We're down the street with you.

Know, go ahead

And look carefully

What the signs say

Be sure to do it.

The sign won't tell us a word,

But anyone will understand it.

He will show us the right path

On the expressway.

I'll draw any sign:

Even a car, even a fence,

Only the main one on the road -

It's still a traffic light.

(Dark-skinned girl)

If you see a green light,

Then come quickly.

This means that you will not meet

You are an obstacle on the way.

This means on the road

You are welcome and dear.

Just don’t stand on the road for too long!

You, beloved and three-eyed traffic light,

Our best friend for a very, very long time!

You, my love, you are three-eyed,

You best friend us for a long time!

If the eye turns red,

This means it is dangerous to move.

Let's wait for the green light.

On a road without a traffic light

There's no way we can get by.

You'll cross the road soon

Just look at the light!

And avenues and boulevards: Everywhere the streets are full.

Walk along the sidewalk only on the right side.

Here it is forbidden to be naughty or disturb people.

You are allowed to be an exemplary pedestrian!

If you are on a tram and there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning, move forward quickly.

If you're just walking, go ahead anyway look:

Pass carefully through a noisy intersection.

Crossing when the light is red is prohibited.

When it is green, even children are allowed.

Young citizens, Tanya and Petya, remember these rules firmly!

Clearly, to be healthy,

To be ready for work,

This alphabet, friends, you need to know from "A" before "I".

We declare firmly, we will say without doubts:

We really need TRAFFIC RULES in life!

(The Bremen Town Musicians)

On the road we are not more important,

That's why we walk around the world.

Only with us there are no worries,

We can handle any road.

We will not forget our calling,

We bring safety to people!

Only to those who know these signs,

There is no danger along the way.

We are ready to help everyone in the world,

Let adults and children know us.

Let them stop being afraid of roads,

And cars will become their friends.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the speech of the school propaganda team for Victory Day “And the city fought, and our city lived...” Wounded, but majestic, You will enter the chronicle of centuries - The immortal city of our glory, The Shrine of Russian sailors. And our children to our grandchildren.

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team on traffic rules “Traffic Light” Scenario of the propaganda team: “Traffic Light” Educational area: “Safety” Integration: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music” Purpose: To form.

Scenario for the propaganda team “Safe New Year” Scenario for the propaganda team “Safe New Year” (2 firefighters enter the hall to the music). Dear guests, as you know soon New Year! What.

Scenario of the city event “YuID Rally-2018” Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention the scenario of the city event “YuID Rally-2018”. The rally is aimed at intensifying activities.