Game tasks and exercises with sound and the letter p. We study letters in action!: Letter P - lesson Letter p tasks for preschoolers

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach your child to recognize close people by their voice.

2. Learn to do graphic exercises.

3. Teach to clearly pronounce the sounds [P], [P"], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Teach the child to pronounce a series of syllables with a combination of consonants.

5. Develop phonemic awareness in the child.

6. Learn to independently analyze the word dad, make sentences based on supporting words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise“Recognize by voice” (development of auditory attention).

The adult invites the child, with his eyes closed, to recognize his family members and friends by their voices.

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Continue the line.” The adult invites the child to continue the line:




Task 3. Introducing the sound [P].

An adult invites the child to look at a series of pictures with images of the following objects: cup, plate, saucepan, kettle, frying pan, and answer the question: what word can be used to call all these objects in one word? (Dishes.) What is the first sound heard in the word dishes?

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [P]:

At first the lips are closed, then they open with an instant release of air;

The neck is “silent”.

Sound symbol: samovar is boiling: PPPPP...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges create a barrier to air), hard, dull. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise. The porridge on the stove puffs: puff! puff! puff!

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]”:

p, m, t, m, p...; pa, ma, we...; an, op, mind...;

Pasha, Pavel, Katya, Masha, Polya, Polina, Pavlik, Sonya, Pavlusha, Prokop, Prokopushka,..

Name full and diminutive names starting with the sound [P].

Task 6. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables with a combination of consonants: pta-pto-ptu-pty; pt-pt-pt-pt...

Task 7. Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

pa-ap; By-...; ...ap-pa; oh...

Task 8. Working with pictures: - clearly name all the pictures in a row

Games " What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?»;

From a number of drawn objects, select only those whose names No sound [P];

List the remaining objects whose names contain the sound [P], determine the place of the sound in words - the beginning, middle, end of the word (if it is difficult, use a card and a blue circle);

Remember the names of all the pictures proposed for consideration.

Task 9. The adult asks the child to add the first sound [P] to the word. What new word did you come up with?

Ears are cannons, Julia is ..., Olya is ...

Task 10. Paste into the notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound [P]

Task 11. The adult invites the child to select words according to the assignment: the sound [P] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word. shelf, shovel, soup.

Task 12. Learn pure sayings:

Pa-pa-pa - there is cereal on the table.

Py-p-p-p - no cereal.

Oop-op-op - everyone clap their hands.

Whoop-whoop-whoop—we ate soup.

Task 13. Introducing the sound [P"].

Didactic exercise “Say a word.”

Rises at dawn

Sings in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this?... ( Cockerel)

An adult asks the child a question: “What is the first sound in the guess word?” Sound symbol: a small kettle is boiling: pipppp...

Characteristic sound: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 14. Phonetic exercise. The chicks squeak: pee-pee-pee!

Task 15. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P"]”

p, t, m, p...; five, me, pi, ti...; pen, saw, milk, cow pies...

Task 16. The adult invites the child to listen to the words, remember them, name the same first sound:

Petya, cockerel, pie, saw, pencil case, song.

Task 17. Choose words based on the first syllable:

PI: -la, -rog...;

PE: -rets, -chen, -kar...

Task 18. Learn a simple phrase:

Pee-pee-pee - buy a pie.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [P"].

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]”: p, p, p, p...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”: pa-pya, po-...; pi-pa, pi...

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the riddles:

Toothed animal

The oak tree gnaws with a whistle. ( Saw)

He will weave, he will weave,

He sits and waits for prey. ( Spider)

I wake everyone up on time

At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

Stuffed with fluff

Lies under the ear. ( Pillow)

Find words with sounds [P] and [P"].

Learn tongue twisters:

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.

He quailed the quail and hid the chicks in the copse from the guys.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.

Task 20. Introducing the letter P.

Along the path from the gate

The kindergarten went on a hike.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter P look like?

Letter P from fingers: index fingers down, tips thumbs connected, the remaining fingers clenched into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Independent sound analysis of the word dad (drawing a diagram of circles, finding repeating sounds),

Composing a word from the letters of a split alphabet, finding identical letters.

Reading, writing in block letters under dictation.

Making sentences based on supporting words. The adult names the words in order and asks the child to make a sentence from these words. In this case, you should draw the child’s attention to the correct word order in the sentence.

dad, newspaper, reading; dad, nail, hammer, hammers; Dad is peeling potatoes.

It's time to learn to read words starting with the letter P. Watch and download the following pages of our reading simulator. As always, the lesson is built from simple to complex. First, we will work on reading merging syllables according to the table. Then the child reads short words of 3 letters. Be sure to show your young student the hint diagrams under the word. Arc is a confluent syllable. A dot is a separately readable consonant, a dash is a vowel.

Watch and download the following pages of our reading trainer.

As always, the lesson is built from simple to complex.

First, we will work on reading merging syllables according to the table.

Then the child reads short words of 3 letters.

Be sure to show your young student the hint diagrams under the word. Arc is a confluent syllable. A dot is a separately readable consonant, a dash is a vowel.

And at the end there are long words and whole sentences.

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In the section learning letters Today letter "P". We have already met my mother's letter, and today is my father's letter. Children from an early age remember just as quickly letter P. The first words that a child quickly learns to write are the words mom and dad, and then his name.

Working with children, it was not difficult to notice that the child had learned to write these words. Ask why? Yes, because words begin to appear in all the child’s drawings. And once the baby has learned to write his name, he strives to leave his autograph on every drawing.

But you must admit that it is not enough to know the letter and be able to write simple words, you also need to be able to do a lot of other things and that’s why it will help you practical material. This and artistic word, And Crosswords, And puzzles, And games starting with the letter "P"

Letter "P"

Funny poems

Letter P in the gym

They called it a crossbar.

- Come on, darling, don’t be lazy -

Come and pull yourself up.

A. Shibaev

The piglet was amazed:

- Oh, how long I haven’t washed!

You don't want to be dirty! –

And he went into the swamp.

Look what a peacock!

The tail is like a painted fan.

Don't be proud, peacock, of your tail -

You will be considered a big fool.

The shell is worn by a turtle,

Hides his head in fear.

Suitable gate.

Come in if you want!

Home letter P we'll find

Looking into the doorway.

G. Vanyukhina

P- horizontal bar. There's a gymnast on it

I did forty pull-ups.

Try to pull yourself up

And don't be afraid of heights.

V. Stepanov

The letter itself will not go anywhere,

But put it in the box -

It will run, fly, swim

Thousands of miles of travel.

S. Marshak

* * *I’m always ready to jump, But I don’t understand

Why so high

Are they raising the bar?

A mischievous person climbed onto the letter:

He decided that P- horizontal bar.

E. Tarlapan

At hockey, at football

Letter P- gate to the field.

V. Stepanov

Pelicans sang, sang -

These are giant birds.

V. Stepanov

We are a gift to mom

We won’t buy -

Let's cook it ourselves

With my own hands.

O. Vysotskaya

Arrived at a construction site

Lifting crane.

Crane –

The strongman is huge.

E. Balginina

Tongue Twisters

Proverbs and sayings

1. They write not with a pen, but with their mind.

2. Got up late - lost the day,

I didn’t study when I was young – I lost my life.

3. The truth stings the eyes.

4. Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

5. Pour from empty to empty.

6. Confession is half the correction.


Game "Who is bigger?"

First, we go through all the words with the letter “p” that are on the floor
(plinth, parquet, carpet), then on the ceiling ( lamp, whitewash, spider).

Game "Professions".

Name ten professions starting with “p”. (Carpenter, pianist, baker, postman, hairdresser, salesman, programmer, pilot, singer, producer, dishwasher.)

Game "Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales".

What fairy tale titles begin with "P"?

Game “Say the Word.”

And from the wind and from the heat,

It will protect you from the rain.

How sweet it is to sleep in it!

What is this?.. (Tent).

Waddled off the ice floes

Join us for a matinee... (penguin).

I am the mistress of different dreams

About dolphins, about elephants,

About crystal palaces

And about distant stars.

You lie down and in your ear

Dreams whisper to you... (pillow).

Rises at dawn

Sings in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this?.. (Cockerel).

Not an alarm clock, but it will wake you up,

If he sings, people will wake up.

There is a comb on the head.

This is Petya... (cockerel).

It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light.

Among vegetables

There is no juicier... (tomato).

I took flour and took cottage cheese,

Baked crumbly... (pie).

Your assistants - look -

A dozen friendly brothers.

How nice it is to live when they

They are not afraid of work.

And like a good boy,

Everyone is obedient... (finger).

She sits on flowers

Not tired of working in the morning.

Gave people wax and honey

Restless... (bee).

It circles and circles above the flower,

She sat down and took the juice from the flower,

Honey prepares for us... (bee).

Game "Invisible Words".

- I am the best weaver in the world.

P - - -

“Children are playing inside me, laughing.”

P - - -

- I am two boots, two gloves.

P - - -

“Because of me, the tubs dried up.”

– – – –

Answer: spider, park, couple, heat.

Game "Ladder".

Game "Blow off some steam!"

Game "One letter at a time."

Now let’s try to change the words by subtracting one letter from them.

1. These six letters can be seen on the floor.

P – – – – t

2. These five letters are in the hands of the one coming from the store.

P – – – t

3. Look for these four letters in diplomatic documents.

P – – t

4. Any chess player knows this word.


5. Look for this word in dance.

Answer: parquet, package, pact, stalemate, pa.

Game "Magic Chain".

Replace one letter in the words:

stick - jackdaw - beam;

stove - river - chop;

stove - pack - kidney;

stump - day - shadow - laziness;

port – grade – court – cake;

gender – ox – count – horse – cat – whale.

Game "Find a word in a word."

Plow ( meadow, hum); regiment ( floor, count); fields ( Olya); desk ( container, steam); translation ( bucket, tree, front); tray ( bottom, one, under, nose, sleep); pilaf ( catch, ox, floor).

Game “Make New Words”.

Make new words from the letters of this word.

1. Start with the letter "P".

Answer: stump, benefit, letter, briefcase, fingers, coat, five.

2. Complete the words.

Answer: weather, broom, basement; leash, order, position; fracture, translation, distortion

3. Circular diagrams.

1. Find the word. 2. Read the riddle, starting with “not.”

Answer: boletus Answer: not a fisherman, but a net

arranges. (Spider.)

4. Birds.

5. Clown.

The clown scattered words, if you collect them, you will get a riddle.

Answer : In the summer I fly, I collect honey,

But when you tease me, then I bite. (Bee.)


Answer: pencil case, gift, pillow.


Pop. Flood. Navel.


Tail with patterns,

Boots with spurs.

Sings songs

Time is counting.


I'm higher than the house

And easily with one hand

I'm lifting a huge load.

Who, tell me, am I?


There's a ladder in the field,

The house is running down the stairs.


Where I went, there was no dust,

Dust and litter are his lunch.

(Vacuum cleaner.)

Foreigner eccentric

He got himself an excellent tail -

The tail is like a painted fan!

Guess: who is he?


The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.



Flying over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey.


Many-armed King Gordey

He wove traps and nets.

How will he set traps?

Hisses: “Get caught, flies.”

Yes, little insects!”

(Spider, web.)

Wheat caftans,

There are boars in caftans.


In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul.

(Pencil case.)

Who has a piglet,

Not clenched in a fist?

There are hooves on his feet,

He eats and drinks from a trough.


Planted a seed -

We raised the sun.


Who herds the sheep and goats

Where the meadow is overgrown with grass?


This vegetable in the field

It's good to grow in the wild.

The hotter the heat,

The sweeter and redder it is.


He will knock his nose on the ground,

He will flap his wing and scream.

Even sleepy he screams,

The screamer is restless.


I'll turn my long neck -

I will pick up a heavy load.

Wherever they order, I’ll put it:

I will serve the man.


Girl Alyonushka

I planted a seed

Grew in the garden in the summer

Golden sun.


A. Prokofiev

The doctor grew up by the road,

He treats sick legs.


This beast, to its own detriment, has fur. Two hundred and forty-three arrows

Day and night they shoot at the animal.

(Arctic fox.)

The musicians in this choir are all in tails, like dandies. But the choir sings terribly.

The choir needs a conductor.


A snail crawls, behind the snail there is a thread. The thread is twisted, the snail is golden.


The wind blows and blows - it won’t break it!

The sun will warm up and it will go down on its own.


Two bellies, four ears.


If the day is nice,

He won't leave the hallway.

If it's drizzling with rain,

He runs outside.


She lives in a field

There's plenty of food there!

City mouse

Her dear sister.


Who comes in the morning and brings us letters?


Five brothers will be born together

And growth is different.

(Fingers.) G. Vieru

Different in height, equal in work.


I have employees

Hunters will help with everything.

They live not far away -

Day and night with me:

A whole dozen faithful guys!


And his patrimony is quack-shaped.


Hello, friends!

At preparing for school first step to reading- learn to recognize letters alphabet. See if your child can find letters on labels, in books, magazines, etc., with which I have already become acquainted.

With these letters alphabet we have already met - A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z, I, J, K, L, M, N, O.

Let your child write letters in notebooks, on snow or sand, with chalk on asphalt, with a finger on foggy glass, etc. And when coloring the pictures I suggested, he works as carefully as possible. Don’t forget that working with your hands also develops the functioning of your child’s brain.

Next letter P

Color the big letter blue and the small letter green. Shade the letter P according to the pattern. Find and color the letter P on the right side of the picture.

P is a consonant sound.

Connect with the letter P only those objects whose names begin with the sounds P or P.

Draw gradually increasing letters P on the right. Circle all the P's on the left.

Make a figure of seven sticks. Remove two sticks to form the letter P. What is the difference between the two squares on the right?

Complete the letter P on the right side of the picture. Cross out the letter that is different from the others on the left side of the picture.

Write according to the example.

You can copy all the pictures to your computer like this:

Right-click on the picture in the dialog box that appears, select “Save picture as” and save it in any convenient place (folder) on your computer. Then you can print all the pictures on a printer. You can also write all the tasks on a piece of paper using these samples and work with your child.

Tell your friends who have kids getting ready for school.

Sincerely - Lidia Vitalievna.

Class: 1

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Technologies: gaming, research.


  • introduce new consonants and sounds;
  • develop phonemic awareness, speech, research skills through the use of techniques of analysis, comparison, classification, observation;
  • to develop the skills of spelling correct syllabic, conscious, expressive reading.

Equipment: subject pictures, “Lessons of Grandmother Owl” (multimedia disc), syllables - mergers, signal cards, word schemes, cards - texts for individual work.


I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition. Updating knowledge

a) On the board:

a about t and u in

– What do you see on the board? (Letters)
– What groups can they be divided into? (Letters representing consonants and letters representing vowels)
– What do we know about vowel sounds? (They are sung, they can be stressed or unstressed, they form a syllable)
– What can you say about consonant sounds? (During pronunciation they encounter obstacles, they are hard and soft, voiced and voiceless, etc.)

Exercise: Make words from these letters.

b) Check

– What words did you get?

III. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson

a) Watching the multimedia disc “Lessons from Grandma Owl” (5 minutes)

– What is the topic of our lesson? (Letter P, p)
– What words do you remember?
– What is the task facing us? (What sounds does this letter represent)

IV. Working on new material

– What objects are shown on the board? (Feather, cook, saw, palm tree, bee, spider, rooster)
– What groups can these items be divided into? ? (Animate and inanimate, etc.)
– What unites them? (Words starting with the letter P)
– Say the first sound and observe. What sounds are these? (Consonants, voiceless)
– What letter will we use to denote the sounds [p], [p’]?

Write on the board:

- Where letter P,p is it on the letter tape?
– What groups can syllables be divided into? (Syllables with a hard consonant and a soft consonant)

Exercise: make syllables - mergers and write them in groups

- We honor in chorus
- Now let's sum it up. Tell us everything you learned about the letter P.

V. Physical exercise

VI. Generalization, systematization

1) Work in groups

– Open the envelope with No. 1
-What do you see? (Word Schemes)


– Match the pictures shown on the board with word patterns.

1 group – 1 and 2 pictures
Group 2 – 3, 4 picture
Group 3 – 5, 6 picture

2) Check

3) Working with a proposal

"Who can remember the most words"

The rooster went traveling. I walked around the field. I pecked at the wheat. There was a pond along the way. The cockerel was careful. I swam in the sand. Jumped. Scared the minnows. I looked - it was noon. I cleaned the feathers.

– What interesting things did you notice?
– What did I read to you? (Text)
– What does the text consist of? (From suggestions)
– What is a proposal?
– Name words in which the [p] sound is hard, words in which the [p’] sound is soft.

Exercise: make up sentences in which all words begin with the letter P. (Select one sentence, make a sentence diagram, pictogram; one student at the board with commentary)

4) Check

5) Individual work with text

– You have envelope No. 2 for each task. Give it away. Sign. Read the text.

Dad bought Petya a pencil case and pens. Vera asked for a folder for notebooks and plasticine. And little Lena was given a talking doll. Pavlik was given brushes and paints.

- About what we're talking about in the text?
- What did daddy buy?
– Which item is superfluous? (Doll, because it is a toy, all other items are school supplies)

Exercise: find words in which the letter P appears. Circle the letter P in blue if it denotes a hard consonant sound and in green if it denotes a soft sound.

– Whoever completes the task, put your work in envelope No. 2.

VII. Lesson summary

– What was the most important thing in the lesson?
– What conclusion did we draw?