School guide. School Guide Concepts, programs, textbooks, teaching aids

Obninsk: Title, 2006. - 144 p. + Audio

Well " Enjoy English" was created to teach children English in primary school. It consists of two books. "Enjoy English - 1" is the first book of this course.

Interesting tasks and entertaining exercises, games, rhymes will help children learn language material and master oral speech skills at a level accessible to them. Teachers, educators, parents who speak English can use the manual both for individual lessons with children and for working in groups.


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Audio: (81 files)

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Workbook Enjoy English-1. (2006, 56 p.):

The "workbook", which is preceded by copybooks, is an integral part of the educational and methodological set "Enjoy English-1" for primary school. The notebook contains lesson exercises for writing and reading with illustrations, tests for the textbook, and keys to tests. The notebook includes some exercises of increased difficulty. They are intended for children who have a keen interest in learning English.

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English grammar. Book for parents to the textbook for elementary school Enjoy English-1. Biboletova M.Z. and etc., auto. Barashkova E.A.(2007, 2nd ed., revised and supplemented, 93 p.):

The book contains an explanation of all the grammar rules that are studied in grade 2, a breakdown of typical grammatical errors and recommendations for working on grammar. The book also includes keys to exercises from the Collection.

For parents whose children learn English using the textbook by M.Z. Biboletova et al. “Enjoy Engjish-1”.

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Teacher's book to the textbook for elementary school Enjoy English-1. Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N.(2001, 80 pp.):

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Size: 6 9.3 MB

Watch, download: ; Rghost

Sing and play. Collection of songs for elementary school. (1997, 64 pp.):

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Size: 16.9 MB

Download: yandex.disk

From the author 5
§ 1. Parts of speech 7
§ 2. Plural nouns 9
§ 3. Possessive case of nouns 11
§ 4. Personal pronouns 13
§ 5. Possessive pronouns 15
§ 6. Linking verb be. Features of use 17
§ 7. Linking verb be in affirmative sentences 19
§ 8. Linking verb be in negative sentences 21
§ 9. Linking verb be in questions 23
§ 10. Verb have in affirmative sentences 25
§ 11. The verb have in questions 27
§ 12. Short forms of verbs 29
§ 13. The verb sap in affirmative sentences 33
§ 14. The verb sap in questions 35
§ 15. The verb can in negative sentences 37
§ 16. Verb must 39
§ 17. Present Simple(Simple present tense). Affirmative sentences 43
§ 18. Present Simple (Simple present tense). Questions 46
§ 19. Present Simple (Simple present tense). Negative sentences 49
§ 20. Brief answers 53
§ 21. Special issues 56
§ 22. Imperative mood 58
§ 23. Countable and uncountable nouns. Many/much 59
§ 24. Articles 62
Keys to exercises from Collection 68
Subject index 92

Senior researcher at the laboratory of general philological education of the Institute of Educational Development Strategy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher (associate professor).

The main direction of scientific activity of M.Z. Biboletova is related to the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​in high school.

Area of ​​scientific interests

History of methods of teaching foreign languages
Theoretical basis methods of teaching foreign languages. Goals, content and technologies of teaching foreign languages ​​at school.
School textbook theory. Composition, functions and content of educational and methodological kits in English at different levels of school education
Modern approaches to teaching foreign languages
Early, differentiated, specialized foreign language teaching
Issues of educating schoolchildren using foreign languages
Problems of control and quality of achievements of secondary school students in a foreign language.

M.Z. Biboletova is one of the developers of the fundamental core of the content of general education, federal state educational standards of 2002, 2004, 2010, 2012, model and original programs in foreign languages, planned results in English for primary and secondary schools; concepts of foreign language education 2009, 2013 and 2017, author of the series of federal teaching materials on the English language “English with pleasure” / “Enjoy English” for grades 2-11 of secondary schools.

The total number of publications on these topics exceeds 250 scientific and scientific and methodological works. The works of M.Z. Biboletova were published in Russian and English.

Scientific biography

For more than 20 years, she taught a course on methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at the Moscow Institute of Open Education.

Member of the editorial board of the international journal on applied linguistics Language Awareness (Great Britain) - from 1996 to 2000.

National coordinator from Russian Federation in foreign languages ​​in the international program LES (Language education study) (1996)

Member of the editorial board of the journal “English at School” - since 2002.

Member of the RAO expert group on domestic English language textbooks (2011-2014)

Head of the Laboratory of Didactics of Foreign Languages, ISMO RAO (until 2014)


She was awarded the VDNKh medal for her contribution to the development of methods for teaching foreign languages.

Scientific publications

List of some publications on these problems in teaching foreign languages:

Chapters of monographs, books, brochures

Biboletova M.Z. “Theoretical foundations for monitoring students’ learning of a foreign language” // Chapter 2 in the book “Issues of monitoring students’ learning of a foreign language”: Method. allowance / Ed. A.A. Mirolyubova. Russian Academy education. Obninsk: Title, 1999. ISBN 5-86866-122-2

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Educational field “Philology” // Section in the book “Content of education in a twelve-year school” (co-author) / edited by A.F. Kiselev. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. M., “Enlightenment”, - 2000.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Foreign language // Section in the book “State educational standards in the general education system” (theory and practice). Ministry of Education of Russia, RAO. M., “Enlightenment”, - 2001.

Biboletova M.Z. Foreign languages ​​// section in the book “Experiment. Requirements for the level of training of graduates. Mandatory minimum educational content. New content of education" Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M., "Prosveshchenie", 2001

Biboletova M.Z. (in co-authors) Mandatory minimum content and requirements for the level of preparation of secondary school graduates. Foreign language.// Section of the monograph “State educational standards in the general education system (Theory and practice)”.// ed. V.S. Ledneva, N.D. Nikandrova, M.V. Ryzhakova. Russian Academy of Education - M., Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. – 2002, 384 p. ISBN 5-89502-381-9 (MPSI)

Biboletova M.Z. “Languages ​​of international communication and their role in a multilingual world when choosing professions, when getting to know cultural heritage countries and continents" // chapter in the book "Module-rating system in specialized training: guidelines». Federal agency of Education. Russian Academy of Education. M.: SportAcademPross, - 2005. - 362 p. ISBN 5-8134 0161-3

Biboletova M.Z. “Teaching foreign languages ​​in elementary school” // Chapter in the book “Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditions and modernity.” / ed. A.A. Mirolyubova - Obninsk: Title, 2010.

Biboletova M.Z. (editor and co-author) Technology of starting differentiation in teaching English as one of the ways to implement a student-centered approach. Methodological writing for teachers of English in secondary educational institutions. - M.: OOP Publishing House "OPK", 2011.

Foreign language. Planned results. Task system. Grades 5-9: a manual for teachers of general education. institutions/M.Z. Biboletova, M.V. Verbitskaya, K.S. Makhmuryan, N.N. Trubaneva): under. ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. - M.: Education, 2013. -123 p. (We work according to new standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-029858-2

Biboletova M.Z. “Conceptual approaches to adjusting the content of foreign language education, taking into account the patterns of its formation in modern society” // Chapter in the monograph “Patterns of development of the content of philological education in modern society” / Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education”; ed. O.M.Alexandrova - M., Publishing house "Econ-Inform", 2014. - 275 p. ISBN 978-5-9906244-2-9

Biboletova M.Z. “Foreign language” //Chapter in the book “Essays on the history of the formation and development of methods of general secondary education.”/ed. M.V. Ryzhakova. - Volume 1, part 1: Humanitarian education until the mid-twentieth century./- Moscow-St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoria, 2014, 128 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-0290-3

Concepts, programs, textbooks, teaching aids

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored with I.L. Beam) The concept of philological education // Foreign languages ​​at school, M., 2000, - No. 3,

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Foreign language in the system of school philological education (Concept).//Foreign languages ​​at school. - M., 2009. - No. 1.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., Shchepilova A.V. Concept of the subject “Foreign language” // Foreign languages ​​at school, M., 2013. - No. 9.

Biboletova M.Z., Bim I.L., Solovova E.N. Requirements for the level of training of graduates // Collection in two parts: Part 1: “Elementary School. Basic school"; Part 2 “Secondary (complete) school. General educational level. Profile level." - Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, National Personnel Training Fund - M., Publishing House MIPCRO, 2001.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored with I.L. Beam, V.V. Kopylova, V.V. Safonova, A.V. Shchepilova and others) New state standards for school education in a foreign language: Federal component of state educational standards. Sample programs in foreign languages. (co-author). M.: AST-Astrel, 2004. M., - 380 p. ISBN 5-17-026747-9 (AST) and ISBN 5-271-10182-7 (Astrel)

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) “Foreign language”. //Section of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education. Primary general education. (Second generation standards). Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Education, 2010.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Foreign language. Section of Sample programs for academic subjects. Elementary School. In 2 parts. Part 2. M.: Education, 2010

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author). Foreign language. Section of Sample programs for academic subjects. 5-9 grades. M.: Education, 2010.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) “Snowball English”. Intensive course. Textbook for 11th grade of general education institutions - M., Prosveshchenie, 1996

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored with N.N. Trubaneva and others) Educational and methodological set (UMK: textbook, workbook, book for teachers, audio application, multimedia educational program) “English with pleasure” / “Enjoy English” For grades 2-11. (Stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science) - Obninsk: Title, 1998-2014.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. English language course program “English with pleasure” / “Enjoy English” for students in grades 2-11 of general education institutions. - Obninsk, Title, 2008

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. “Enjoy English – Starter// Textbook for 1st grade – M., Ventana-Graf Publishing Center, 2000

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. Work program English language course for teaching materials “English with pleasure” / “Enjoy English” for grades 2-4 and 5-9. – Obninsk, Title, 2013. – 168 p.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. - English: English with pleasure / EnjoyEnglish: textbook for grades 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 general education. institution - - M.: AST, 2015.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. - English: English with pleasure / EnjoyEnglish: textbooks for grades 2, 5, 6, 8, 11 general education. institution - - M.: Bustard, 2017.

Articles in scientific publications

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Methodological foundations of the approach to measuring the level of foreign language learning among secondary school students. - M: Bustard, - 1999.

Biboletova M.Z. Multimedia components in teaching foreign languages ​​// in collection. “Proceedings of the international conference on multimedia in education” St. Petersburg, -1999.

Biboletova M.Z. Prospects for early learning of a foreign language in connection with the transition to a 4-year primary education for schoolchildren // in Sat. “Early teaching of foreign languages: experience, problems, prospects.” Veliky Novgorod, 2001.

Biboletova M.Z. Problems of early teaching of foreign languages ​​in a comprehensive primary school// http// M., 2001 (on-line)

Biboletova M.Z. Foreign language school education in modern Russian society: trends and prospects // in collection. scientific works “Problems of philological education in modern school”. – Center for Philological Education ISMO RAO, 2010. - 123 p.

Biboletova M.Z. Possibilities of stratified differentiation technology in teaching English in secondary school // in collection. " Modern technologies teaching foreign languages ​​at school and university.” -M.: MPGU-MIOO.- 2010.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. Features of the final assessment of the achievement of planned results primary education: English // Foreign languages ​​at school. – M., 2010. - No. 8

Biboletova M.Z. How the ideas of the new educational standard are implemented in the educational complex “Enjoy English” for grades 2-4 // English at school, - Obninsk: Title, 2011.- No. 2.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. Formation of value orientations of junior schoolchildren in the English language course. // English at school. -Obninsk, 2011.- No. 3.

Biboletova M.Z. Language teaching in a multiethnic cultural society // in collection. scientific stat. “Traditions as the basis for innovation in linguistic education” based on materials from the International. Conf., April 26-28, 2012 – Ryazan, 2012.

Biboletova M.Z. Foreign language school education in modern Russian society: trends and prospects. Russian language in national school. M.: Modern education, 2012, - №2

Biboletova M.Z. Teaching a foreign language in the context of language education in modern Russian school// on Sat. “Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages: traditions and innovations” based on materials from international scientific and practical work. conf. in memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education I.L.Bim. - M.: Thesaurus, 2013, 332 pp.

Biboletova M.Z., Ladyzhenskaya N.V. Educational potential of the subject “Foreign language” // Foreign languages ​​at school, M., 2015, - No. 3

Biboletova M.Z. Features of the content of compulsory foreign language education from the standpoint of culture and pragmatism // In collection. “Dialogue of cultures. Culture of dialogue: in search of advanced socio-humanitarian practices.” Materials of the First International Conference (Moscow April 14-16, 2016) / Ed. ed. E.G. Tareva, L.G. Vikulova. - M.: MSPU; Languages ​​of the Peoples of the World, 2016. - 620 p. ISBN 978-5-9907685-3-6

Biboletova M.Z. The influence of cognitive linguistics on modern strategies of foreign language education laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard. // Innovative technologies in science and education: collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / ed. G.Yu.Gulyaeva-Penza: ICNS Science and Education, 2016 - 322p. ISBN 978-5-9909307-4-2

Biboletova M.Z. The potential of a foreign language teacher in modeling the information and educational environment. // Sat. scientific tr. Professional development foreign language teachers in the system teacher education. Materials of the international conference (Moscow October 12-14, 2017) /Under the general editorship. N.V. Yazykova, L.G. Vikulova. - M.: MSPU; Languages ​​of the Peoples of the World; THESAURUS, 2017.- 310 with ISBN 978-5-98421-333-2.

Biboletova M.Z. The concept of the subject area “Foreign languages” as a strategy for the development of foreign language education in Russian schools. //Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. N.A. Dobrolyubova. Issue 40. Intercultural communication and foreign language teaching. Current problems of education - N. Novgorod: NGLU, 2017. - 217 p. (pp.195-204). ISSN 2072-3490 (VAK)

M.Z. Biboletova Scientific activity of the laboratory of didactics of foreign languages ​​of ISMO RAO as a reflection of the development of domestic methodology.// Scientific and information-analytical journal “Domestic and foreign pedagogy”. 2018, No. 1(47) volume 2 p.34-44 (0.9 p.p.) (RSCI, Higher Attestation Commission)

M.Z. Biboletova (co-author) Possibilities of the subject “foreign language” in the development of reading literacy as a meta-subject skill // Scientific and methodological journal “Foreign languages ​​at school”. 2018, No. 5. (1.0 p.p.). (RSCI, VAK)

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. The role of a scientific and methodological set in a foreign language in modeling the modern information and educational environment. //Scientific and information-analytical journal “Values ​​and Meanings”. – 2018. No. 5 (57) – pp. 111-127. (RSCI, VAK).

Bibliography in English

Biboletova M. National Profile of Language Education in Russia: IEA(LES) // 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. The Russian Federation. Language Policy// “Profiles of Language Education in 25 Countries”. IEA. Language Education Study. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1996.

Biboletova M. Learning English with “Enjoy English” // “How to teach Young Learners Effectively” The British Council, Moscow, Summer, 2000.

Biboletova M., Trubaneva N. Methodological Support for the reader “Coral Reef. Inside Australia's Great Barrier Reef” by M. Hooper. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Biboletova M. Spotlight on a material writer - “Foilo”. Journal of the Materials Development Association, Norwich, UK. December 2009.

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Analysis of the English language textbook for grades 5-6, educational complex “English with pleasure” / “ Enjoy English » authors: Biboletova M.Z., Dobrynina N.V., Trubaneva N.N., publishing house “Titul”, 2013

When writing a review of this textbook, I adhered to a certain scheme:

    Textbook title


    Textbook structure

    Task system

    Implementation of modern approaches

    Positive aspects of the textbook

    Negative aspects of the textbook

Educational and methodological set “English with pleasure” / “EnjoyEnglish» is intended for students in grades 5-6 of general education institutions. UMK was published under the publishing house "Titul" in 2013. The authors of this textbook areBiboletova M.Z., Dobrynina N.V., Trubaneva N.N. The publication is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The educational and methodological kit includes:

    Textbook "EnjoyEnglish"(grades 5-6);

    Audio course for the textbook (CD, MP3);

    Educational computer program.

The textbook has a soft flexible cover, publication format is A4. "English with pleasure" / "EnjoyEnglish"has a creative, colorful design, an unusual endpaper depicting Russian and English landmarks, as well as schoolchildren doing various things.

The textbook includes 8 thematic blocks for two years of study (block 1-4 for 5th grade, 5-8 for 6th grade), each section is thematically divided into sections. The last section of each chapter is homework. It should be noted that each section includes a set of specific lexical and grammatical materials (mostly lexical). At the end of each section of the textbook there is a list of vocabulary units, as well as a self-test. At the beginning of the textbook there is a content formatted in English language; at the end of the textbook - texts for home reading, a regional reference book, a sheet irregular verbs, grammar reference and English-Russian dictionary, where the vocabulary necessary for this stage of learning is presented.

The topics studied are relevant and interesting for students in grades 5-6, the textbook is marked by thematic progression. The analyzed textbook contains tasks for all types of speech activity and all aspects of language. The variety of materials contained in textbooks promotes the use of a certain methodology, which ensures the achievement of the main goals - to teach how to communicate in a foreign language within the framework of everyday topics.

It should be noted that each section begins with an introduction and subsequent application of active vocabulary on a given topic (we must pay tribute to the authors that they are not chasing quantity, the volume of new words and expressions does not exceed 10 units. New words are periodically repeated in texts, dialogues, and exercises and homework). All vocabulary presented in this publication refers to the productive dictionary. However, there are no exercises for introducing new lexical units in the analyzed textbook. New vocabulary is presented in the form of a list of words for practicing the phonetic side of speech, or it must first be selected from texts. In some places, new lexical material is presented as a list of words with translation and ready-made expressions with each lexeme are given. However, the translation method of introducing lexical units does not always justify itself. It does not promote the development of logical conjecture and thinking in students. But this also has its advantage - the same type of work is not used to introduce vocabulary, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in motivation to learn a foreign language.

The textbook has a small variety of tasks to create strong and flexible vocabulary skills. Game exercises, motivating schoolchildren to learn a foreign language, are presented in small quantities, most of which are quite difficult for students in grades 5-6 (for example: writing a script for a television program).

The undoubted advantage of the textbook under review is its illustrations. They are not used for decoration or to increase the volume of the book, but to promote better assimilation of the vocabulary being studied (for example, tasks of this kind are also presented: compose a story from pictures, describe a picture, etc.).

There is hardly any need to prove that for practical mastery foreign language It is not theoretical knowledge that is of decisive importance, but automated speech skills and the formation of one’s own thinking in the target language. This textbook provides a huge number of tasks for a short statement (usually 2-5 sentences) on any issue, where the actor is the student himself (mostly such exercises are performed according to a model). The textbook offers a large number of tasks using technical means(listening). Grammar is presented in a smaller volume, but tasks for studying it are still present. Most often, the rules are explained in Russian to facilitate understanding and further assimilation of grammatical material. This publication contains creative tasks such as “Create your own project.” Undoubtedly, such tasks are a great success among schoolchildren.

The text library is presented in sufficient volume, mainly for the introduction of certain linguistic phenomena, texts of artistic style predominate. They are small in volume, there are songs, rhymes, and a large number of dialogues. Mostly the dialogues reflect everyday situations, e.g. phone conversation. This “meager” stylistic variety of texts is explained by the fact that the age and knowledge of students do not allow them to study more complex texts.

It should be noted that this textbook is aimed at priority teaching speaking as a type of speech activity. It fully implements the following modern approaches to teaching foreign languages:

    competency-based approach, which is centered on the concept of communicative competence. The goal of teaching foreign languages ​​within the framework of a competency-based approach is to develop communicative competence, understood as the ability to clearly use a foreign language for the purpose of communication, taking into account all kinds of communication situations;

    cognitive-communicative approach, the goal of which is the formation of communicative competence with a special emphasis on the cognitive development of the student and his abilities;

    intercultural approach, educational purpose which is understood as the development (moral and intellectual) of the linguistic personality of a schoolchild, capable of intercultural communication in the language being studied;

    a differentiated approach that suggests the use of various exercises depending on the purpose of learning and types of speech activity.

Undoubtedly, this textbook has more advantages than disadvantages:

    good visibility;

    topics meet the interests of schoolchildren in grades 5-6;

    current selection of materials and tasks;

    all tasks are given in the target language, sometimes comments are given in Russian to alleviate difficulties;

    the material as a whole is aimed at developing such qualities as tolerance, mutual respect, empathy, mutual understanding;

    the textbook contains tasks for all types of speech activity;

    colorful design.

However, the textbook has a number of negative characteristics:

    foldable cover (towards the end school year the textbook may take on an untidy appearance);

    inconvenient textbook format (A4);

    the textbook presents similar tasks on types of speech activity;

    age inappropriateness of some exercises;

    There are no exercises for introducing new words.

At the end of the analysis of the textbook, we can draw a conclusion and give small recommendations for use. It was previously noted that the textbook has an extensive text library. As a rule, various types of texts can be used to develop lexical skills. These texts should be presented by the teacher, and students should perceive them by ear and try, based on clarity, to guess the meaning of what the teacher is saying. Then productive vocabulary is isolated and consolidated orally. New words should be worked on both in context and in isolation, because the contextual meaning of a word is not always primary.

In general, the publication can be used as the main one in the process of teaching a foreign language.UMK"English with pleasure" / "EnjoyEnglish» for grades 5-6used in many schools and teachers are satisfied with this publication.