The effect of physical activity on the heart. Effects of physical activity on health

Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. There is a close relationship between physical activity and human health. It is difficult even to list all the positive phenomena that arise in the body during intelligently organized physical exercise... Muscle movement is the main biological function of the body. Movement stimulates the processes of growth, development and formation of the body, contributes to the formation and improvement of the higher mental and emotional sphere, activates the activity of vital organs and systems, supports and develops them, contributes to an increase in overall tone. Truly, movement is life. The last Scientific research have established interesting fact- exercise is good for everyone, regardless of age. Exercise helps you gain self-confidence and live an active life. One of the best health promotion measures is to increase physical activity.

Particularly useful is aerobic exercise, which affects large muscle groups, is accompanied by an increase in metabolism, increases the absorption of oxygen and the supply of oxygen to human tissues and organs. The most common aerobic exercise is rhythmic gymnastics, aerobic dancing, running, walking, swimming, cycling, and skiing. You don't have to be limited to just one type of aerobic activity. You can change the type of exercise and season and mood. The main thing is that the intensity and duration of the exercise provide an adequate aerobic regimen.

Regular aerobic physical activity with a lasting effect is accompanied, first of all, by a training effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This leads to a decrease in cardiac output at rest, a decrease in sympathetic vascular tone. These mechanisms have a beneficial effect on the course of hypertension, if any, and prevent its development. People who lead an active lifestyle have a 35 - 52% lower risk of developing hypertension compared to those who are physically inactive.

Under the influence of physical activity, an improvement in the lipid spectrum of the blood is observed: the level of triglycerides, cholesterol decreases, which reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Exercise also lowers the level of fibrinogen, "thinning the blood", which reduces the risk of blood clots. At the same time, they have a beneficial effect on the production of insulin, on the absorption of "sugar" from the blood by the muscle tissue, which prevents the development of diabetes.

Aerobic physical activity improves the balance of energy intake and expenditure, and promotes weight loss, thereby reducing the risk of obesity.

Exercise reduces the rate of age-related bone calcium loss in older adults. This has a beneficial effect on reducing the rate of development of osteoporosis.

Physically active people are more likely to have good health, mood, they are more resistant to stress and depression, and have healthier sleep.

In general, mortality among physically active people is 40% lower compared to those with low physical activity.

So, the beneficial effects of physical activity on the human body are truly unlimited.

Low physical activity, harmful behavioral habits, such as smoking, poor diet, lead to the formation of risk factors such as: obesity, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, which lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke), sugar type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer. It is these diseases that account for a significant share of the global burden of disease, death and disability. Current evidence-based guidelines for optimizing physical activity levels are as follows:

All adults should avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Little physical activity is better than no physical activity at all, and adults who are at least somewhat physically active receive some health benefits.

For significant health benefits, adults should increase their physical activity to a moderate level, and engage in at least 150 minutes per week (2 hours and 30 minutes) or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous aerobic activity. The duration of one lesson with aerobic load should be at least 10 minutes and preferably evenly distributed throughout the week.

For additional and more significant health benefits, adults should increase physical activity in the form of aerobic activity up to 300 minutes per week (5 hours) at moderate levels of physical activity, or up to 150 minutes per week at intense levels of physical activity. By exercising in excess of this, great health benefits can be obtained.

How to avoid complications during exercise?

Complications can be avoided by starting with a visit to the doctor. In the process of counseling, you need to find out: are there any contraindications? To exclude contraindications for physical activity, the doctor can carefully read the anamnesis, patient complaints, carry out the necessary minimum of examination (physical examination, tests, ECG, fluorography, ultrasound of the heart, if necessary, consult narrow specialists).

What level of load is acceptable?

The physician should provide recommendations for physical activity at an appropriate level of intensity. The intensity of the load is controlled by the recommended heart rate heart rate in% of the maximum heart rate MHR ("220-age"). For example, the recommended regimen for people with mild to moderate hypertension - moderate intensity load - start at 55% of this value, gradually increasing to 70%. Six months later, when correcting blood pressure with drugs, it is possible to increase the intensity of the load up to 70-85% of the maximum allowable load.

How to improve your daily physical activity?

To develop positive motivation and at least take the path of further recovery, you should increase your daily level of physical activity. From the point of view of disease prevention and health promotion, this concept includes the habit of engaging in systematic training and an increase in daily physical activity due to the implementation of physical activities of a domestic nature. In order to achieve optimal daily physical activity, it is recommended:

  • refuse, if possible, from public ground transport and partly an elevator, walk;
  • do morning hygienic gymnastics and gymnastics in a training mode
  • start regular activities of some kind of health-improving physical education (walking, swimming, cycling, skiing, slow running, etc.)
  • play outdoor games (volleyball, badminton, tennis, etc.)

You need to start carefully, step by step and gradually. For example, daily perform a complex that, although it does not have a training effect, but meets hygienic goals. 15 minutes of exercise in the morning will improve your mood, more smoothly transfer the body from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness, and relieve drowsiness. With morning hygienic exercises, the day will begin with a completely different state of health. Further, following the path of increasing daily physical activity, you can replace the ascent on the elevator by walking up the stairs, first until shortness of breath appears, then gradually increasing the load. Replace the ride in a stuffy minibus with walking. And then, maybe, after some time, you will want to seriously and effectively engage in physical education.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 2

    The role of physical activity in human life ……………………………… .4
    Physical activity and its close relationship with human health …………… 6
    The level of human physical activity …………………………………… .9
    Mechanisms of the influence of physical activity on the human body ……… .12
    The problem of "fidelity" to exercise as a means
health promotion …………………………………………………………… 19
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… .26
List of sources used …………………………………………… .28

The topic “Physical activity as a means of strengthening health and increasing the level of physical fitness of a person” is sufficient and relevant for our time, since health is the most important property of a person, the basis of his life, performance, creative success, family well-being, mood and longevity. The health of the people reflects the standard of living and sanitary well-being of the country, directly affects life expectancy and labor productivity, defense, economy and well-being, moral climate and people's activity.
Technological progress, contributing to the improvement of health through the development of science and medicine, improving the economic conditions of life, at the same time changed the way of life of a person, created new problems for his health and life. This was manifested primarily by a sharp increase in the incidence of cardiovascular, neuropsychic, metabolic, malignant, allergic and immunodeficient diseases.
Risk factors are distinguished on health, among which, along with the high pace of modern life, overeating and obesity, environmental pollution, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, the emergence of new, previously unknown disease-causing factors (ionizing radiation, harmful products of industrial enterprises, etc.) has a limitation of physical activity. The only way to overcome the "motor hunger" of a modern person is active recreation, physical culture, sports, tourism. The resulting increase in physical performance leads to an increase in the compensatory abilities of the body, thereby contributing to the stabilization and strengthening of health.
Under the influence of regular physical activity, there is a restructuring at all levels of the body's activity - central, systemic, organ, cellular. Under the influence of an active physical regime, along with a decrease in the incidence and duration of disability, the general condition and well-being of a person clearly improves, his working capacity and ability to resist fatigue increase, which gives a great economic and social effect.
Thus, there is reason to believe that the health-improving value of physical activity is a general biological regularity, but it works only if the physical load used is fully consistent with the functional capabilities of the body, rational training and a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, it is not only difficult to achieve a health-improving effect, but it is also possible that pre- and even pathological conditions develop as a result of physical overstrain. The most important ways to ensure the full health-improving effect of physical education and sports are the correct selection, rational dosage of physical exercises, the maximum possible elimination of risk factors from the training system that increase the likelihood of physical overstrain, the comprehensive use of primary prevention and recovery means.

    The role of physical activity in human life
Physical activity is a type of human body activity in which activation of metabolic processes in skeletal (striated) muscles ensures their contraction and movement of the human body or its parts in space. As a physiological process, physical activity is inherent in any person. It can be low if a person consciously or involuntarily leads a sedentary lifestyle and, conversely, high, for example, in an athlete. Low physical activity (physical inactivity) can be the cause of the development of muscle atrophy. If physical inactivity is combined with errors in the diet (intake of high-calorie foods in large quantities), this will inevitably lead to the development of obesity. High - accompanied by an increase in muscle mass (hypertrophy), strengthening of the bones of the skeleton, increased mobility of the joints. Optimal physical activity allows a person to maintain and improve their health and reduce the risk of disease. Optimal physical activity can be achieved through walking, running, active sports, dancing, and gymnastic exercises.
Physical activity is one of the important conditions for human life and development. It should be considered as a biological stimulus that stimulates the processes of growth, development and formation of the body. Physical activity depends on the functional capabilities of a person, his age, gender and health. Physical activity, taking into account social conditions, ecology and other factors, changes the reactivity, adaptability of the body. The preventive and therapeutic effect of physical activity is possible if a number of principles are observed: systematicity, regularity, duration, individualization and a number of loads.
Depending on the state of health, the patient uses various means physical culture and sports, and in case of deviations in health - physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). Exercise therapy in this case is a method of functional therapy.
The processes occurring in the human body during physical activity are varied. Any type of physical activity is accompanied by an intensification of metabolic processes (metabolism), primarily in muscle cells, and, consequently, an increase in their need for additional oxygen and nutrients. Already with moderate and, even more so, with pronounced physical activity, there is an intensification of the work of the heart (an increase in the frequency and strength of contractions) and respiratory organs (an increase in the respiratory rate with an increase in gas exchange and saturation of the lungs with oxygen). The activation of cellular metabolism is characterized not only by the intake, but also by the excretion of products formed in the course of the vital activity of cells. They enter the bloodstream and are excreted by the kidneys with urine, skin with sweat, and lungs with exhaled air.
Therefore, with an increase in physical activity in a person, the heart rate (rapid heart rate and pulse), respiratory movements (shortness of breath), urination increase, sweating increases. Frequent breathing, along with increased sweating, protects the body from overheating during periods of intense physical activity.
    Physical activity and its close relationship with human health
If the muscles are inactive, their nutrition worsens, their volume and strength decrease, their elasticity and firmness decrease, they become weak, flabby. Restrictions in movements (physical inactivity), a passive lifestyle lead to various pre-pathological and pathological changes in the human body.
It was noticed that the radiologists engaged in physical exercises have a lower degree of the effect of penetrating radiation on the morphological composition of the blood. In animal experiments, it has been shown that systematic muscle training slows down the development of malignant tumors.
In the response of the human body to physical activity, the first place is taken by the influence of the cerebral cortex on the regulation of the functions of the main systems: there is a change in the cardiorespiratory system, gas exchange, metabolism, etc. Exercises enhance the functional restructuring of all links of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and other systems , improve the processes of tissue metabolism. Under the influence of moderate physical exertion, the working capacity of the heart, the hemoglobin content and the number of erythrocytes increase, and the phagocytic function of the blood increases. The function and structure of themselves are being improved internal organs, the chemical processing and movement of food through the intestines are improved.
Exercise also leads to an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes, which are the body's main defenders against infection. Exercise affects blood pressure by reducing the formation of norepinephrine, a hormone that constricts blood vessels and causes blood pressure to rise.
The combined activity of muscles and internal organs is regulated by the nervous system, the function of which is also improved with the systematic performance of physical exercises.
There is a close connection between breathing and muscle activity. The implementation of various physical exercises affects the breathing and ventilation of air in the lungs, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs between air and blood, and the use of oxygen by the tissues of the body.
Any disease, as you know, is accompanied by dysfunctions and their compensation. So, physical exercises help to accelerate regenerative processes, saturation of blood with oxygen, plastic ("building") materials, which speeds up recovery.
With diseases, the general tone decreases, in the cerebral cortex, inhibitory states are aggravated. Physical exercises increase the overall tone, stimulate the body's defenses. That is why remedial gymnastics is widely used in the practice of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, physical therapy dispensaries, etc. Physical exercises are used with great success in the treatment of various chronic diseases and at home. However, physical exercises should not be used during an exacerbation of the disease, at high temperatures and other conditions.
There is a close connection between the activity of muscles and internal organs. Scientists have found that this is due to the presence of neuro-visceral connections. So, with irritation of the nerve endings of musculo-articular sensitivity, impulses enter the nerve centers that regulate the work of internal organs. Accordingly, the activity of the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. changes, adapting to the demands of working muscles and the whole organism.
When using physical exercises, in addition to normalizing the reactions of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, the convalescent's adaptability to climatic factors is restored, a person's resistance to various diseases, stresses, etc. increases. This happens faster if gymnastic exercises, sports games, hardening procedures, etc. are used.
In many diseases, properly dosed physical activity slows down the development of the painful process and contributes to a faster recovery of impaired functions.
Thus, under the influence of physical exercises, the structure and activity of all organs and systems of a person is improved, efficiency is increased, and health is strengthened.
At the same time, numerous morphological, biochemical, physiological studies indicate that high physical activity contributes to significant changes in morphological structures and in the chemistry of tissues and organs, leads to significant changes in homeostasis (there is an increase in blood lactate, urea, etc.), metabolic disorders substances, tissue hypoxia, etc.
    The level of physical activity of a person
A modern adult, if his work is not associated with physical labor, to compensate for physical inactivity, physical exercises should be allocated up to 10 hours a week, i.e. about 1.5 hours a day. In this case, when practicing walking, the norm of an adult's motor activity will be 10-14 thousand steps per day or 7-10 km.
- The required level of physical activity depends on the state of health, physical fitness and the age of the person involved in physical culture.
VNIIFK (Moscow) recommends the following volumes of activity per week:
- preschoolers - 21-28 hours,
- schoolchildren - 14-21 hours,
- students - 10-14 hours,
- employees - 6-10 hours.
When doing health-improving physical culture, there are, however, limits that limit the intensity of physical activity.
This limit is the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TANM) - an indicator of the intensity of work, with an increase in which oxygen deficiency occurs in the body, oxygen debt accumulates, the concentration of lactic acid in the blood and tissues rises and fatigue quickly sets in. When practicing health-improving physical culture, loads should be performed up to the level of ANSP, i.e. in the aerobic zone, when the body receives the required amount of oxygen during the work itself. These are exercises of moderate intensity. In persons engaged in health-improving physical culture, the heart rate (HR) at the TANM level is approximately 120-150 beats / min I 8 I, and in each case depends on the physical fitness of the person.
With an increase in aerobic performance, the level of TANM increases. With minimal physical activity, the achieved level of physical fitness and health is maintained. A decrease in physical activity below this level leads to hypokinesia, the onset and development of various diseases of the body.
At the optimal level, rather large loads are systematically performed, which go out in intensity to the TANM. Above this level, work will take place (to a greater or lesser extent) under anaerobic conditions, which reduces the healing effect and can lead to overstrain and illness. Such loads can be attributed to the maximum.
The optimal level of physical activity helps to improve aerobic capabilities, improve the state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory, neuromuscular systems, increase the body's reserves, slow down the aging process. However, the growth of a person's functional readiness during long-term physical education is limited by the genetic characteristics of his body, health, age.
Aging processes, reducing the capacity of the body, impair the adaptation to physical activity and reduce the body's reserves. This leads to the fact that, starting from a certain age, despite systematic training, physical performance initially stabilizes at the achieved level and then begins to decline. These processes are especially noticeable, starting from 50-60 years. From this time on, the aerobic capabilities of the body begin to be limited, the level of TANM decreases, and, therefore, those loads that were previously optimal become inadequate, excessive, can lead to overstrain and acceleration of the aging process.
The majority of people engaged in mental work, especially urban residents, can assess their physical activity only as satisfactory, which is clearly not enough to maintain a good level of health, high mental and physical performance.
However, it should be well remembered that the best health-improving effect is achieved only with a strict individualization of training loads, based on age, gender, physical fitness and health.
But the individualization of loads requires systematic, operational, current and staged, physiological, medical and pedagogical control of the functional state of the body, its physiological performance and health status in order to make adjustments to the physical activity performed. Only under these conditions physical culture classes give a health-improving effect.
    Mechanisms of the influence of physical activity on the human body
The health-improving and preventive effect of physical culture is inextricably linked with an increase in the reserve capabilities of the body, its protective properties, normalization of metabolism, optimization of the interaction of motor and autonomic functions.
The mechanisms of influence of physical work on the human body are very diverse. Conventionally, this diversity can be reduced to the following main factors:
1) optimization of the central nervous system;
2) improving the mechanisms of regulation of the work of vegetative systems;
3) increasing the adaptive and protective properties of the body;
4) normalization of metabolism;
5) improving the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
6) improvement of the musculoskeletal system;
7) elimination of the energy consumption deficit.
A man, in terms of the variety of movements he performs, is far superior to any animal. Moreover, a person can arbitrarily change the nature of the movements performed. Human muscles do not fundamentally differ from the muscles of higher animals. Consequently, such a variety of movements is possible only in the presence of developed muscle control systems - the human brain.
Physical activity is an integral result of the activity of all levels of the brain, that is, the joint work of the centers of the cortex and subcortex. But still, as noted by academician I.P. Pavlov, the main impulse for the activity of the cerebral cortex comes from the subcortex. If you exclude vegetative stimuli and emotions, then the cortex will lose the main factor that activates its work.
Physical activity is such a strong need that
It is impossible for a healthy person to learn to completely do without movements, for this is the most natural and deeply embedded function in a person. Switching it off from life destroys, disorganizes the entire organism at all its levels - from the cellular to the whole. The function of all apparatus and systems of the body is interconnected and depends on the state of the locomotor apparatus. Physical activity is the most natural way to improve human vegetative functions, metabolism.
With low physical activity, the body's resistance to various stressful influences decreases, the functional reserves of various systems decrease, and the body's working abilities are limited. The work of the heart becomes less economical, its potential reserves are limited, the function of the endocrine glands and, first of all, the gonads is inhibited.
With high physical activity, all organs and systems work very economically, the adaptive reserves are large, the body's resistance to adverse conditions is high. The more the usual physical activity, the more muscle mass and the higher the maximum oxygen absorption capacity and less adipose tissue mass. The higher the maximum oxygen uptake, the more intensive the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues and the level of metabolism.
Moreover, observing the development of the child, it can be assumed that the formation of will and intelligence occurs in parallel with the development of various movements. After all, it is not enough to want to do something, you have to be able to do it. Thus, physical activity is extremely necessary for the normal organization of the brain, for the formation of the will and intelligence of a person.
Work in the human body all organs and systems are closely interconnected. The relationship of many systems are so close that changes in the work of one of them inevitably affect the state of others. Particularly important for human health are the relationships between the locomotor apparatus and vegetative organs.
As a result of insufficient physical activity, the neuro-reflex connections established by nature and fixed in the process of thousands of years of hard physical labor are disrupted, which inevitably leads to a disorder in the regulation of the work of the cardiovascular and other important autonomic systems of the body, metabolic disorders and the development of various diseases.
A person living in conditions of physical inactivity not only does not experience joyful emotions from the movements of his body, but becomes a slave to interoception (impulses coming from the receptors of internal organs). In the absence or deficiency of proprioception (impulses coming from muscle receptors), impulses from the receptors of internal organs become predominant (dominant), which causes various pathological sensations - “pricks” in the heart, “heartburn” in the stomach, “aching pain” in the liver, etc. etc. Moreover, all these painful sensations in the internal organs disappear with an increase in physical activity.
Performing physical work helps to increase the adaptive and protective properties of the body. This increase manifests itself in the following effects:
- the stability of the central nervous system increases;
- the functional ability and stability of endocrine
systems (endocrine glands);
- metabolism is normalized;
- the possibilities of transporting oxygen to the tissues are expanding;
- increases the energy and plastic reserves of the body.
There are general and special adaptive effects of physical exercises, as well as their indirect influence on risk factors for diseases of the cardiovascular system. The general adaptive effect of physical exercises is the expenditure of energy, proportional to the duration and intensity of muscular work, and an increase in the body's resistance to the action of unfavorable environmental factors: neuro-emotional stress, sudden temperature changes, radiation, traumatic injuries, lack of oxygen, etc.
The systematic performance of physical work causes significant changes in the work of all vegetative systems of the body. Especially important for strengthening human health those favorable changes that arise under the influence of physical activity in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Exercise has a significant impact on performance as well. blood. An increase in the total volume of blood circulating through the vessels is noted, the hemoglobin content increases, which leads to an increase in the oxygen capacity of the blood.
Exercise also has a significant effect on the respiratory system. As you know, the concept of respiration unites in itself a set of physiological processes leading to the saturation of blood with oxygen, the transfer of oxygen by the blood and the assimilation of oxygen by the cells of the body.
The systematic performance of physical work causes significant changes in the human musculoskeletal system. These changes are of a different nature. First of all, the mechanical strength of the bones increases. An increase in bone strength is associated with an increase in the content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium compounds in them. The connective tissue structures are being improved. The strength of the ligaments and tendons is increased.
Adequate physical training, physical education can significantly delay age-related changes in functions. At any age, through regular training, you can increase aerobic performance and physical performance, which are indicators of biological age (biological age, in contrast to the passport, characterizes the degree of development of the most important physiological systems of the body).
Over the past 30-40 years in developed countries, there has been a significant decrease in the functional capabilities of the body, which depend on its physiological reserves. Physiological reserves it is the ability of an organ or functional system of the body to increase the intensity of its activity many times over in comparison with the state of relative rest.
      physical, mental and sexual health;
      maintaining the physiological reserves of the body at an appropriate level;
      preservation of muscle tone, muscle strengthening;
      joint mobility, strength and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus;
      optimal physical and mental performance;
      coordination of movements;
      constancy of body weight;
      optimal metabolic rate;
      optimal functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory endocrine, reproductive and other systems;
      resistance to stress;
      even, good mood.
      deposition of excess fat;
      development of atherosclerosis, hypertension and their complications.
With a moderate load, all links of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system are activated. Physical activity activates physiological processes and helps to ensure the restoration of impaired human functions. Therefore, physical exercises are a means of non-specific prevention of a number of functional disorders and diseases, and remedial gymnastics should be considered as a method of restorative therapy.
Physical exercises affect all muscle groups, joints, ligaments, which are made strong, the volume of muscles, their elasticity, strength and speed of contraction increase. Enhanced muscular activity forces us to work with an additional load on the heart, lungs and other organs and systems of our body, thereby increasing the functional capabilities of a person, his resistance to the adverse effects of the external environment.
Regular physical exercise primarily affects the musculoskeletal system and muscles. When exercising, heat is generated in the muscles, to which the body responds with increased sweating. During physical activity, blood flow increases: blood brings oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, which in the process of life break down, releasing energy. With movements in the muscles, reserve capillaries are additionally opened, the amount of circulating blood increases significantly, which causes an improvement in metabolism

Dear friends! Today we'll talk about the health benefits of physical activity. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) physical activity - This is any body movement produced by skeletal muscles and requiring energy.

So, physical activity is movement. And movement is one of the main functions of every living organism. Physical activity is perhaps the only component with which we can manage our daily calorie needs, and therefore manage the reduction of excess weight. You can read about this.

If we want to get the most out of exercise to improve the quality of our health, it is very helpful to know the positive effects, but also the possible risks that must be considered before exercising.

Benefits of Properly Performing Physical Activity

A) Effect on the circulatory system and the respiratory system:

  • optimizes the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (reduces the heart rate at rest, as well as during exercise of medium and submaximal intensity, increases efficiency and improves heart function;
  • increases the lumen of the coronary arteries and capillaries of the heart muscle, slightly lowers blood pressure at normal or high pressure, increases the maximum oxygen consumption (aerobic potential, VO2max);
  • the combination of increased aerobic capacity and optimal fat reduction is the most effective way reducing stress;
  • elderly people get tired very quickly and physical activity eliminates fatigue and improves mental and physical performance.

B) Reducing the risk of heart and circulatory system diseases:

  • people with a sedentary lifestyle are much more likely to be at risk of coronary heart disease than physically active people;
  • people with a movement deficit are much less likely to survive a first heart attack than a regular sports person;
  • clearly improves the quality of life of patients with cardiac artery disease. This significantly lowers the risk factors for coronary heart disease and lowers health care costs.

C) Positive effect on some chemical processes in the blood:

  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis by altering the activity of many enzymes. Reduces the level of fat in the blood (triglycerides) and cholesterol (a risk factor for atherosclerosis), on the contrary, increases the level of "good" cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle, the need for the hormone insulin increases, which regulates sugar metabolism. Overproduction of insulin leads over time to a partial depletion of the internal secretion of the pancreas and an increase in the likelihood of developing diabetes. Optimal physical activity increases the insulin sensitivity of muscle fibers and stabilizes sugar metabolism. This is why regular exercise at the optimal intensity prevents diabetes.

D) Helps reduce body fat and optimizes weight:

  • Exercise speeds up metabolism, mobilizes fat stores and increases energy output. Combination of training with proper nutrition leads to weight loss;
  • a combination of physical activity and a low-calorie diet is the most effective method for reducing central obesity (excess fat in the abdomen). The biggest risk factor for middle age and the elderly is diabetes, defects in the metabolism of fats in the blood, the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack and sudden death.

E) It has a positive effect on mental activity:

  • reduces stress, fear, depression and aggressiveness, improves sleep quality and increases self-confidence;
  • helps the elderly to reduce the time of psychomotor reaction, improve coordination of movements and management of daily tasks;
  • has a positive effect on getting rid of bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drugs.

E) Positively affects the systems that ensure human movement:

  • improves flexibility and strength of ligaments and tendons, joint flexibility, increases muscle strength and endurance;
  • leads to an increase in the capillary network in skeletal muscle. Increases the volume of mitochondria and the activity of their enzymes. That is why fat metabolism is accelerated;
  • improves bone architecture and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

G) Positively affects the transport system of a person:

  • reduces platelet aggregation, increases blood plasma volume and decreases blood density. Prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

H) Positively affects the efficiency of work:

  • increases labor productivity and power. Reduces the risk of disease, industrial accidents and treatment costs.

I) Slows down aging:

  • helps reduce free radicals by increasing the volume of mitochondria, increases the activity of our own antioxidant enzyme systems.

Potential risks to consider when doing physical activity

  • positive family history - heart attacks in siblings or parents (men under 50, women under 55);
  • diseases of the heart and arteries - ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, legs (age does not matter);
  • the presence of risk factors for coronary heart disease - smoking, high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure above 160 mm Hg, diastolic above 90 mm Hg), overweight or obesity (more than 25 or 30), high (above 6, 2 mmol / l), high atherosclerotic index, high blood sugar and uric acid levels;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs after infections;
  • after surgery, tumors;
  • degenerative changes in the central joints and spine;
  • age over 40 for men and 50 for women with a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity.

Naturally, in the presence of the above risks, a preliminary consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

For the comprehensive health benefits of physical activity, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Based on your age, health and physical condition, select the main aerobic activity during which the blood is oxygenated (oxygenated).
  2. Determine your optimal load, aerobic optimal training route length and weekly training frequency according to your health, age and physical condition.
  3. Choose the right strategy for increasing the load.
  4. Make your training program universal - perform compensatory and restorative exercises that reduce the one-sided load on the body and increase the overall resistance of the body.
  5. Make exercise a part of your lifestyle that brings you joy and improves your mental and physical well-being.

Good luck and health, friends! Enjoy physical activity.

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DisciplineMDK 01.02"Fundamentals of Prevention"

Prepared by: Abramova M.D 3-2 s / d

Checked by: Sychugov Yu.N.

Irkutsk, 2013


physical Culture and sport

The role of physical culture in the life of a modern person

The effect of insufficient physical activity on the human body

Hypokinesia, physical inactivity and their effect on the human body

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Oxygen consumption as a biochemical criterion for hypodynamia

The role of physical activity in maintaining health



Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people, we wish them good and strong health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, then significant overloads. Good health, reasonably maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures him a long and active life.

Scientific evidence suggests that most people, if they follow hygienic rules and maintain a healthy lifestyle, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more.

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. In recent years, due to the high workload at work and at home and other reasons, most have a deficit in the daily routine, insufficient physical activity, which causes the appearance of hypokinesia, which can cause a number of serious changes in the human body.

People not only have to limit their natural physical activity, but also maintain an uncomfortable static posture while sitting for a long time.

A slightly mobile position affects the functioning of many body systems, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory. With prolonged sitting, breathing becomes less deep, metabolism decreases, blood stagnates in the lower extremities, which leads to a decrease in the performance of the whole organism and especially the brain: attention decreases, memory is weakened, coordination of movements is impaired, and the time of mental operations increases.

Oxygen deficiency occurs due to insufficient activity. The negative consequences of hypodynamia and hypokinesia are also manifested by the body's resistance to “colds and infectious diseases”, prerequisites are created for the formation of a weak, untrained heart and the associated further development of cardiovascular insufficiency. Hypokinesia on the background of excessive nutrition with a large excess of carbohydrates and fats in the daily diet can lead to obesity.

The only way to neutralize the negative phenomenon that occurs in people during prolonged and intense mental work is active rest and organized physical activity.

With systematic physical culture and sports, there is a continuous improvement of organs and systems in the human body. This is mainly the positive influence of physical culture on health promotion.

Exercise also evokes positive emotions, cheerfulness, and creates a good mood. Therefore, it becomes clear why a person who has learned the "taste" of physical exercise and sport strives for regular exercise.


Physical culture - body culture, strengthening of human health, systematic and versatile improvement of the human body in the interests and protection of the Motherland.

“Physical education cannot be viewed solely from the point of view of physical exercise in the form of sports, gymnastics, outdoor games, and so on. It organically includes public, personal hygiene, occupational and domestic hygiene, makes extensive use of the forces of nature, fosters the correct mode of work and rest. "

Being one of the strongest means of mass improvement of the population, physical culture and sports in the country are strongly encouraged and supported by the government and are considered a state affair.

This is fully consistent with the behests of the great Lenin about the need to educate generations of people strong, strong, healthy, "with nerves of steel and iron muscles." Physical education is an integral part of communist education.

Physical culture and sports are becoming more and more widespread in our country, covering all strata of the population, all professions and ages. health physical education hypokinesia hypodynamia

Muscular activity, physical exercises are especially necessary for people of mental labor and leading a sedentary lifestyle. There are diseases of muscle inactivity: stoop, narrow sunken chest, diseases of the spine, chronic colitis, hemorrhoids, gout, gallbladder stones, kidney stones.

The human body needs constant harmonious development and functioning of all systems and organs. Muscular activity should not be forgotten in the mode of work and rest of a person. By their mass, muscles make up about 44% of the body weight of an adult male. This is a powerful motor apparatus that needs to be trained, exercised in order to avoid dysfunctions, disharmony in the life of the body.

Even Sechenov pointed out the importance of the muscular movement of a person for the development of the activity of his brain. In his famous work "Reflexes of the Brain", which Pavlov called "a genius wave of Russian scientific thought," Sechenov wrote:

"All the infinite variety of external manifestations of brain activity is finally reduced to only one phenomenon - muscle movement."

"Muscular joy" Pavlov called the feeling of satisfaction, cheerfulness that he experienced as a result of physical labor.

Physical activity, according to Pavlov, balances the tense state of mental processes. The powerful stimulating effect of muscle activity is based on the effect on the cerebral cortex of a stream of impulses coming from the muscles and strengthening the so-called dominant, the dominant site of excitation in the cerebral cortex.

The essence of the physiological principle of the dominant, established by our Russian physiologist A.A. Ukhtomsky, is that in the central nervous system, these or those significantly excited areas are formed that can easily "attract" to themselves excitations from other parts of the nervous system, amplified at their expense. This rather persistent excitement, flowing in the centers at a given moment, acquires, according to Ukhtomsky, the significance of a dominant factor in the “work of other centers: it accumulates in itself excitement from many sources, at the same time inhibiting the ability of other centers to respond to impulses related to these other centers. Thus, a dominant, dominant reflex behavior is created, which is the result of summation, accumulation of excitation in certain foci of the central nervous system. For example, if an animal is carrying out the act of eating, then the possibility of the simultaneous manifestation of other reflex acts is excluded. Any other impulses entering the brain at this time can only intensify the dominant, dominant focus of excitation associated with the act of eating.

In a mental worker engaged in physical education and sports, a powerful stream of impulses coming from the muscles enhances the creative dominant, i.e. those areas of the cerebral cortex that are associated with intellectual activity.

The beneficial effect of exercise is also explained by the fact that muscle metabolism products (for example, adenosine triphosphoric acid) stimulate heart and brain activity.

It is known that for many outstanding people walking, walking, light physical movements were a necessary element in their creative activity.


In the process of evolution of the animal world, including humans, many organs and systems of the body were formed in close relationship with various kinds of movements. Without the work of muscles, it is impossible to move a person in space, exercise external respiration, pump blood by the heart, move food through the digestive tract, work of the genitourinary system, transmit sound waves in a wind apparatus, search function of the eye and reading text, pronouncing words and many other functions.

The increasing limitation of mobility in the modern world contradicts the very biological nature of man, disrupting the functioning of various body systems, reducing efficiency and deteriorating health. The more progress frees a person from hard work and unnecessary movements, the more the need to compensate for motor activity grows.

Recently, along with many negative demographic phenomena (reduced birth rate, increased mortality, reduced life expectancy), an increase in manifestations of physiological immaturity has been observed. The baby is born full-term, with normal weight and body length, but functionally not mature enough. This is manifested in its decreased motor activity, muscle weakness (hypotension), rapid fatigue, decreased resistance to colds and infectious diseases (decreased immunity), weak and unstable emotional reactions, and a weak type of nervous system. The result of physiological immaturity is insufficient development of physical qualities and skills, obesity, the development of myopia, curvature of the spine, flat feet, children's injuries. These phenomena leave their mark on the entire subsequent life of a person. They lead to delayed sexual development (infantilism) in adolescence, to a decrease in physical and mental performance and performance in adulthood, and to early aging of the elderly.

The fight against manifestations of physiological immaturity cannot be reduced to pharmacological effects, psychological or pedagogical measures. The main necessary means of countering this phenomenon is an increase in physical activity. This is the path to longevity and a healthy lifestyle.

The development of mass physical culture and sports not only ensures the preservation of health and an increase in working capacity, but also contributes to the filling of leisure time and the distraction of the population, especially adolescents, from bad habits - smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

To do this, it is necessary to overcome the low need for physical education among the population. The athletic achievements of outstanding athletes inspire large masses of people and contribute to their involvement in systematic sports activities. Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of modern Olympism, justly noted: in order for 100 people to go in for physical culture, 50 people need to go in for sports; in order for 50 people to go in for sports, it is necessary for 20 people to be highly qualified athletes, and for this it is necessary that 5 people can show amazing achievements.


In the central nervous system, hypokinesia and hypodynamia cause the loss of many inter-central interconnections, primarily due to impaired conduction of excitation in interneuronal synapses, i.e. asynapsia occurs. At the same time, the mental and emotional sphere changes, the functioning of the sensory systems worsens. The defeat of the cerebral movement control systems leads to a deterioration in the coordination of motor acts, there are errors in the addressing of motor commands, inability to assess the current state of the muscles and to make corrections in action programs.

In the locomotor system, some degenerative phenomena are noted, reflecting the atrophy of muscle fibers - a decrease in the weight and volume of muscles, their contractile properties. Muscle blood supply and energy metabolism deteriorate. There is a drop in muscle strength, accuracy, speed and endurance during work (especially static endurance). With locomotion, vibrations increase common center masses, which sharply reduces the effectiveness of movements when walking and running.

Breathing with insufficient motor activity is characterized by a decrease in VC, breathing depth, respiratory minute volume and maximum pulmonary ventilation. Oxygen demand and oxygen demand sharply increase during operation. The basal metabolic rate goes down.

The activity of the cardiovascular system is impaired. Atrophy of the heart muscle occurs, myocardial nutrition worsens. As a result, coronary heart disease develops. A decrease in the volume of the heart leads to lower values ​​of cardiac output (a decrease in systolic and minute blood volume). At the same time, the heart rate rises both at rest and during physical exertion.

Weakened skeletal muscles cannot adequately promote venous blood return. Insufficiency or complete absence of their contractions practically eliminates the work of the "muscle pump", which facilitates blood flow from lower limbs to the heart against gravity. The loss of help from these "peripheral hearts" makes it even more difficult for the heart to pump blood. The blood circulation time increases markedly. The amount of circulating blood decreases.

At low physical exertion and a small increase in the depth of breathing during work, the "breathing pump" also hardly helps the blood flow, since the suction effect of the reduced pressure of the chest cavity and the work of the diaphragm are negligible. All these consequences of decreased physical activity cause a huge increase in cardiovascular diseases in the modern world.

In the endocrine system, there is a decrease in the functions of the endocrine glands, and the production of their hormones decreases.

In cases of akinesia, the most profound damage to the body occurs, and the daily biorhythms of fluctuations in the heart rate, body temperature and other functions are smoothed out.


To ensure the normal functioning of the human body, sufficient activity of skeletal muscles is necessary. The work of the muscular apparatus contributes to the development of the brain and the establishment of intercentral and intersensory interconnections. Motor activity increases energy production and heat generation, improves the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other body systems. Lack of movement disrupts the normal operation of all systems and causes the appearance of special conditions - hypokinesia and hypodynamia.

Hypokinesia is decreased physical activity. It can be associated with the physiological immaturity of the body, with the special conditions of work in a confined space, with some diseases and other reasons. In some cases (plaster cast, bed rest), there may be a complete lack of movement or akinesia, which is even harder for the body to tolerate.

There is also a related concept - physical inactivity. This is a decrease in muscle efforts when movements are carried out, but with extremely small loads on the muscular apparatus. In both cases, skeletal muscles are completely underloaded. There is a huge deficit in the biological need for movement, which sharply reduces functional state and the performance of the body.

Some animals are very difficult to tolerate the lack of movement. For example, when rats are kept for 1 month under conditions of akinesia, 60% of animals survive, and under conditions of hypokinesia - 80%. Chickens raised in cramped cages under immobility conditions and then released into the wild died at the slightest run around the yard.

The decrease in physical activity by a person is difficult to tolerate. A survey of submariners showed that after 1.5 months at sea, the strength of the muscles of the trunk and limbs decreased by 20-40% from the initial, and after 4 months of sailing - by 40-50%. There were other violations as well.


Physical inactivity is not the only cause of skeletal abnormalities. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamin D, diseases of the parathyroid glands - this is not a complete list of reasons that impair the function of the skeleton, especially in children. So, with a lack of vitamin D in food, a child develops rickets. At the same time, the intake of calcium and phosphorus into the body decreases, as a result of which the bones of the legs are bent under the influence of the weight of the body. Due to improper ossification, thickenings are formed on the ribs, the heads of the digital bones, and the normal growth of the skull is disrupted. With rickets, not only the skeleton suffers, but also the muscles, endocrine and nervous systems. The child becomes irritable, whiny, fearful. Vitamin D can be formed in the body under the influence of ultraviolet rays, therefore sunbathing and artificial irradiation with a quartz lamp prevent the development of rickets.

The cause of joint disease can be foci of purulent infection with damage to the tonsils, middle ear, teeth, etc. Influenza, tonsillitis, severe hypothermia may precede the disease of one or more joints. They swell, hurt, and movement becomes difficult. In the joints, the normal growth of bone and cartilage tissue is disrupted; in especially severe cases, the joint loses its mobility. This is why it is important to monitor the health of your teeth, throat and nasopharynx.

Excessive exercise can also damage your joints. With prolonged skiing, running, jumping, there is a thinning of the articular cartilage, sometimes knee menisci suffer. In the knee joint between the femur and tibia there are cartilage pads - menisci. Each knee joint has two menisci - left and right. There is fluid inside the cartilaginous meniscus. It absorbs the sudden jolts that the body experiences during movement. Violation of the integrity of the meniscus causes severe pain and severe lameness.


The living comfort of a modern person has caused a sharp restriction of daily physical activity, which leads to negative changes in the activity of various systems of the body. Especially great changes in conditions of deficit of movement occur in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Having determined the level of oxygen consumption, it is possible to assess the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system of modern schoolchildren.

Physical inactivity negatively affects both adults and children and adolescents. Systematic examination of children school age allowed one third of them to detect the pathology of the cardiovascular system. This indicates the need for urgent measures aimed at enhancing the motor activity of a growing organism.

Today, having studied the limiting capabilities of the respiratory and circulatory systems in humans, it is possible to determine the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). According to the World Health Organization, BMD is one of the most informative indicators of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system. And since the circulatory and respiratory systems are leading in the processes of aerobic energy supply, their indicators are also used to judge the physical performance of the body as a whole.

Usually, the MIC is determined in laboratory conditions. Each subject for 6-8 minutes on a bicycle ergometer performs the maximum three-stage work of increasing power. At the last minute, when the heart rate (HR) reaches 180-200 beats / min, the exhaled air is taken into the so-called Douglas bags, analyzed, and after determining the minute volume of respiration, the maximum oxygen consumption is calculated. The resulting value is divided by body weight (kg) - this is the indicator of maximum oxygen consumption (IPC / kg), which objectively reflects a person's working capacity.

Based on the experimental material published in the special literature, it is possible to assess the performance of schoolchildren of both sexes based on the relative values ​​of the MOC (see Appendix 2, Table 2).

Having studied the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system, we obtained evidence that in modern schoolchildren the relative values ​​of BMD are gradually decreasing, and, consequently, physical performance is deteriorating. It turned out that the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system of modern schoolchildren are lower than their peers in the 1950-1970s. The changes are especially noticeable in girls, who showed a decrease with age in the studied indicator. At the age of 9-10, the physical performance of schoolgirls was assessed as satisfactory (37.8 ml / kg), and at the age of 15-16 - unsatisfactory (29.9 ml / kg). The deterioration of the functional capabilities of the circulatory and respiratory systems was accompanied by a gradual increase with age of adipose tissue (in the body of girls aged 9-10 years, the fat content was over 24% of the total body weight, in 13-14 - over 25%, and in 15-16 years - about 29%).

The decrease in the functional capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system of modern schoolchildren is mainly associated with physical inactivity. It was found that with age, motor activity (DA) tends to decrease, especially pronounced in girls. It is noted that among children of all ages there are mobile children with a high level of DA, performing 18 thousand steps per day, and sedentary ones, with a low level of physical activity, making less than 11 thousand steps.

As a result of determining the BMD / kg in children with different levels of DA, a clear change in this indicator was revealed depending on the physical activity of children. Schoolchildren performing from 12 to 18 thousand steps a day had significantly higher values ​​of VO2 max / kg than their sedentary peers. This difference in activity indicates that performing less than 12 thousand steps per day leads to the development of hypodynamia. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of schoolchildren in regular and full-time schools, which differed not only in the organization of the educational process, but also in the motor regime of the day. At the full-time school, there was a so-called "dynamic pause" between lessons and a sports hour in the afternoon. In all age groups of both schools from 9 to 16 years, there were significant differences in the relative parameters of the BMD / kg.

Using the method of indirect calorimetry, we have cordoned off the energy cost of 11 thousand steps. It turned out that boys of 7-9 years old spent 21 kcal per 1,000 steps, and those aged 14-16 - 42 kcal; girls 7 years old - 19 kcal, and 14-16 years old - 35 kcal. The increase in energy consumption with age is associated not only with the fact that the step becomes wider and sweeping in high school students, but also with the fact that high energy costs are associated with an unequal percentage of skeletal muscles in the body of children and adolescents. In a 10-year-old child, skeletal muscles account for 20% of the total body weight, and in 14-year-olds - 26%.

Based on the above data, it is easy to calculate how much energy schoolchildren of different ages and gender spend on 11,000 steps. If we take into account that boys aged 10-16 years spend 2200-2900 kcal per day, and girls 2000-2700 kcal and that 25-30% of these energy inputs should fall on physical activity, then the deficit of movement becomes obvious, which is created when performing 10 -11 thousand steps, leading to a significant decrease in the aerobic capacity of the body. Consequently, YES and maximum oxygen consumption are in direct relationship: the higher the number of locomotions (walking), the better the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system.


Movement was a prerequisite for the survival of organisms during the long evolution that led to the formation of man. Getting food, looking for comfort conditions, avoiding danger required a lot of muscle activity. It was achieved not only by the enhanced work of the nerve centers, but also by humoral regulation. Any stress was accompanied by a discharge a large number adrenaline, norepinephrine and other hormones, which ensured the intense work of the heart, lungs, liver and other organs, which made it possible to supply muscles with glucose, oxygen and other necessary substances, as well as free the body from toxins.

Now, when people of sedentary professions and students have decreased muscle work, nervous tension remained and even intensified. During nervous stress, hormones are still released into the bloodstream, but they are not destroyed as quickly as during increased muscular work. An excess of hormones affects the human nervous system, deprives him of sleep, and maintains his restless state. A person in his thoughts all the time returns to alarming situations, as if playing them in his mind, and this is already a suitable ground for neuroses and even for bodily diseases: hypertension, stomach ulcers, etc. Calm muscular work, especially after nervous overload, allows you to discharge stress, since this destroys hormones, they cease to affect the nerve centers, and fatigue contributes to the rapid onset of sleep. That is why physical activity in many cases allows us to improve our mood, regain the lost calmness.

But it's not only that. Metabolic processes are ongoing in our body. Part of the substances absorbed in the intestine is used to build the elements of cells and tissues, to synthesize enzymes. The other part decays and oxidizes with the release of energy. These processes are closely related. The stronger the processes of decay and oxidation, the more intensive are the processes of creating new substances. If there is a discrepancy between the intake of nutrients and energy consumption, then the excess of absorbed substances goes to the formation of fat. It is deposited not only under the skin, but also in the connective tissue, which often replaces specialized tissues: muscle, liver, etc.

Metabolism proceeds completely differently with sufficient muscle activity. Long and intense work usually leads to some changes in cells and tissues, even to their partial destruction. However, the energy released during the decay and oxidation of organic substances is sufficient not only for the restoration of destroyed parts, but also for the synthesis of new elements. As a result, much more is gained than was lost. But there is a limit to everything. If the work is too intense, and the rest after it is not enough, then there will be no restoration of the destroyed and the synthesis of a new one.

Consequently, the training effect will not always be manifested. Too little load will not cause such a breakdown of substances that could stimulate the synthesis of new ones, and too hard work can lead to the predominance of decay over synthesis and to further depletion of the organism. The training effect is given only by the load at which the synthesis of proteins overtakes their breakdown. This is why it is important to calculate the effort expended for a successful workout. They should be sufficient, but not excessive. Only under these conditions does the functional capacity of the organ and the organism as a whole increase. Another important rule is that after work you need a compulsory rest, allowing you to restore the lost and acquire new.

Nowadays, medicine knows substances that can sharply raise nerve and muscle strength for a short time, as well as drugs that stimulate the synthesis of muscle proteins after exertion. The first group of drugs was called doping (from the English dope - to give drugs). In sports, the use of these substances is strictly prohibited, not only because the athlete who has taken doping has an advantage over the athlete who did not take it, and his results may be better not due to the perfection of technique, skill, work, but due to the intake of the drug, but also because doping has a very harmful effect on the body. A temporary increase in performance may be followed by complete disability. (For the first time, doping began to be given to horses participating in races. They really showed great agility, but after the races they never regained their previous shape, more often than not, they were shot. The dealers were interested in winning in the sweepstakes, often larger than the cost of the horse itself).

As for the substances of the second type, they are used in medicine, for example, in the restoration of muscle activity after the plaster cast applied after a bone fracture has been removed. In sports, these substances are of limited use.

Are sports results unlimited? Are all people capable of becoming famous athletes, even with the most correct training? It turns out not. People have different hereditary inclinations, and therefore their sporting achievements are not the same. In some sports, they are more significant than in others. Therefore, it is very important to find exactly the kind of sport that will be the most promising for a person.


Physical culture is an integral part of human life. It occupies a rather important place in the study and work of people. Physical exercise plays a significant role in the performance of members of society, which is why knowledge and skills in physical culture should be laid in educational institutions of various levels in stages.

Health is a great blessing, it is not for nothing that folk wisdom says: "Health is the head of everything!" Physical activity is one of the most powerful means of preventing diseases, strengthening the body's defenses. No medicine will help a person as much as consistent and systematic physical education.

Recently, there has been a huge increase in the popularity of health-improving physical exercises; never have people been so fond of various forms of health-improving physical education with the whole family as it happens today.


1. Lukyanov V.S. On the preservation of health and performance. - M .: Medgiz, 1952, 136 p.

2. Solodkov A.S., Sologub E.G. General human physiology, sports, age. - M .: Tera-sport, 2001, 520 p.

3. Smirnov V.N., Dubrovsky V.I. Physiology, physical education and sports. Textbook for students of secondary and higher institutions... - M .: Vlados-press, 2002, 608 p.

4. Fomin N.A., Vavilov Yu.N. Physiological foundations of physical activity. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1991, 224 p.

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Healthy lifestyle Is a lifestyle aimed at maintaining and strengthening health through appropriate nutrition, physical activity, a positive morale and rejection of bad habits.

Over the past century physical activity the average person has decreased 90 times. Technical progress is "to blame" for this. Cars, elevators, all kinds of household appliances have made our life comfortable, but at the same time have limited our physical activity.

And insufficient physical activity according to WHO estimates, it is the main cause of about 21-25% of cases of breast and colon cancer, 27% of cases of diabetes and about 30% of cases of coronary heart disease. To this sad list can be added such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity.

Physical activity is the basis of a healthy lifestyle therefore, maintaining appropriate levels of physical activity throughout life is recommended to promote health.

Physical activity should not be confused with exercise. Physical exercise is one of the components of physical activity. In addition to physical exercise, physical activity also includes other types of active body movements performed during games, work, active movement, homework, as well as recreation and entertainment: from a walk in the park to classes. extreme species sports.

Regular physical activity at appropriate levels affects human health in the following ways:

May help reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and colon cancer, depression.

Promotes bone health and functional health

Plays a critical role in energy metabolism and maintaining proper weight.

Just 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity 5 times a week reduces the risk of developing a variety of diseases.

EXAMPLES of moderate intensity daily physical activity:

30 minutes brisk walk (about 3 km);

15 minutes of climbing the stairs;

30-45 minutes of gardening;

45-60 minutes of washing the car;

45-60 minutes washing windows or floors.

Physical exercises:

8 km bike ride for 30 minutes;

15 minutes of running (2.5 km);

30 minutes of intense dancing;

20 minutes of swimming;

45-60 minutes of playing volleyball

More intense physical activity brings more health benefits and may be necessary for weight control, much less weight loss.

Physical activity- an important and effective tool in maintaining and improving health, quality of life, the basis of a healthy lifestyle.