Salty garlic “pipes”. Garlic dudak, fried (step-by-step recipe with photos) What can be prepared from garlic dudak

And salting it is not very difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow all the requirements of the recipe and use only fresh ingredients.

Today we will present you several options for preparing the mentioned snack. Which one to use is up to you.

Pickled young garlic with arrows: step-by-step recipe

This tasty and aromatic appetizer is ideal for a festive feast. Moreover, it can not only be consumed while drinking alcoholic beverages, but also used in the process of preparing various first and second courses.

Since preparing a product like arrow for winter is easy and simple. The preparation made is unlikely to be preserved until winter, since it is eaten quite quickly.

What products do we need to preserve such an ingredient as garlic? These aromatic greens should be marinated using the following set of ingredients:

Processing ingredients (fresh garlic arrows)

Salting and marinating is quite simple. Fresh greens are thoroughly washed under strong pressure of water, and then shaken in a colander and proceed to cutting. Chop garlic using chopsticks 3-5 centimeters long.

After processing the arrows, they are blanched. To do this, the greens are dipped in very boiling water and kept in it for about two minutes. Finally, they are thrown into a sieve and allowed to drain.

Preparing a flavorful marinade

To make a marinade for a flavorful snack, pour one liter of drinking water into a large saucepan. Then it is brought to a boil, add table salt and coarse sugar. After boiling the liquid for about 5 minutes, remove it from the heat and immediately add table vinegar.

The process of forming a snack and the process of rolling it up

Now you know what ingredients are required to bring the presented recipe to life. How to make garlic arrows (pickle them)? After the marinade is ready, put the blanched greens into half-liter glass jars, after placing bay leaves, hot red pepper and allspice on the bottom.

Having filled the containers with arrows, they are immediately filled with hot marinade. After this, place one large spoon of hot butter into each jar.

Having carried out the described steps, the containers are immediately screwed on with metal lids.

Turning the jars upside down, they are left in this position for exactly one day. After this, the pickled garlic is put into the cellar or basement. They are stored at a temperature of 3-7 degrees for six months.

Quickly salt garlic arrows for the winter

Now you know how garlic arrows are processed. You also learned how to marinate this product. However, some cooks prefer to salt it. To do this, they use the following set of ingredients:

  • fresh garlic, that is, its young shoots - approximately 1 kg;
  • boiled water for brine - about 1 liter;
  • coarse table salt - approximately 50 g;
  • coarse white sugar - approximately 60 g;
  • natural table vinegar (6%) - about 80 ml;
  • black peppercorns and dried dill umbrellas - use to taste.

Method for preparing salted arrows

Fans of garlic snacks are familiar with the manufacturer Vital. Garlic arrows (pickled) under this brand have a special taste and aroma. However, we recommend making this dish yourself. To do this, fresh greens are thoroughly washed, chopped and blanched. While the liquid is draining from the boiled arrows, begin preparing the brine. Clean water is boiled over high heat, and then coarse table salt, table vinegar and white sugar are added.

After the brine is ready, put pots and umbrellas of dried dill into sterilized 0.5-liter jars. Then blanched arrows are placed in them, which are immediately poured with previously prepared boiling water.

Having rolled up all the containers with metal lids, they are cooled and sent to the refrigerator. This snack can be consumed 5-7 days after preparation.

A simple and quick way to pickle fresh garlic arrows

If you do not want to prepare garlic arrows for the winter, then we suggest simply pickling them fresh. To do this, wash the greens thoroughly, dry them with paper towels and cut them into 3-5 centimeters long.

Having prepared the arrows, place them in a bowl, salt them with coarse salt and mix thoroughly. Then the product is distributed into half-liter jars and crushed thoroughly with a masher.

After filling the containers, they are closed with ordinary plastic lids and left at room temperature for 12-16 hours. After the arrows give their juice, they are put into the refrigerator. It is stored in it for no more than two months.

It should be noted that this product is not used as a snack, as it is too salty. Although some cooks still use it with bread.

This preparation is good for adding to goulash (during heat treatment), as well as other first or second courses.

Salty garlic "pipes"

(post too old to reply)

Ekaterina Sorokina

2005-06-22 17:03:06 UTC

Good afternoon All!
Is it correct to call THIS “peduncles”? :)) But they don’t give out the cooking recipe.
Can anyone tell me how they prepare this yummy? I will be very glad.
Now is the time to break them out

Bye, Ekaterina.

2005-06-25 20:25:01 UTC

Hello Ekaterina!

Wednesday June 22 2005 22:03, you wrote to All:

ES> At our market, Dagestanis sell salted garlic “pipes”. (Or
ES> garlic has “pipes”, and it’s a pity to throw them away;)

I found this recipe on the Internet - “pickled garlic arrows”. maybe it?

For a 700 gram jar:
250~300g young garlic, 18~20g salt, 18~20ml 4% vinegar, 1.5 cups

Garlic arrows should be taken young, with flowers that have not yet bloomed. How
The older the plant, the harder and more “wiry” the shoots become. The old arrows
you can only use the upper, still soft, parts that are located
closer to the flower.
Wash the garlic arrows, trim off the flower heads and cut into pieces of 3~5

Place the cut pieces in boiling water for 2~3 minutes. Then drain the boiling water
and pour cold water over the garlic to cool.
Place a sprig of dill at the bottom of the jar (if possible) and pack tightly
arrows. You can put another sprig of dill on top.
Prepare the brine: dissolve salt in boiling water, cool, add vinegar.
Pour chilled brine over garlic. Place pressure on top.

The ratio of products for brine when fermenting a large number of arrows
garlic: for 1 liter of water - 50g salt and 50ml 4% vinegar.

Fermentation at room temperature should begin on the 3rd~4th day and
lasts 10~14 days.
During the fermentation process, it is necessary to periodically remove the resulting film and
add brine if necessary (without vinegar).
Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

source -

And our time is up...

Valya Semichastnaya

2005-06-26 03:49:45 UTC

Glad to welcome you, Ekaterina!

One day Sun Jun 26, 2005 I look at Ekaterina Sorokina’s letter to All:

ES> At our market, Dagestanis sell salted garlic “pipes”. (Or
ES> can correctly call THIS “peduncles”? :)) And the recipe
ES> preparations are not issued. Can anyone tell me how they cook?
ES> this yummy? I will be very glad. Now is the time to break them out
ES> garlic has “pipes”, and it’s a pity to throw them away;)

All these recipes are taken from very old posts of this echo.

Garlic - canned arrows 1
1. I grind it in a meat grinder, add salt, mix it and put it in a jar.
Stored all winter
2. Cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm long, fill a jar with brine, add
vinegar. Like a snack - no words.
Garlic - canned arrows 2
The pods are cut into pieces, boiled in boiling water for several minutes,
are pulled out with a slotted spoon, put in a 0.5 liter jar (sterilized), fill
boiling salted water (to taste), add 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar essence.
Roll up the lid.
Garlic - canned arrows 3
I cut the arrows into pieces (such that the whole thing fits in the mouth). Then I put it in
jar and pour boiling water over them. I cover it with a lid and wait until it cools down. Then the same
boil water (though you need to add a little more water) with salt, sugar and
pepper (peas). I add vinegar, pour the brine over the garlic and roll up the jar.

Valya Semichastnaya

Lyudmila Jarova

2005-07-05 09:58:48 UTC

Ekaterina Sorokina wrote to All:

ES> Good afternoon All!
ES> At our market, Dagestanis sell salted garlic “pipes”. (Or
ES> can correctly call THIS “peduncles”? :)) And the recipe
ES> preparations are not issued. Can someone tell me how they
ES> are they preparing this yummy food? I will be very glad. Now is the time for them

If I understand correctly, we are talking about garlic arrows. Right
There is no need to throw them away, because... They make a pretty tasty dish.
I do this: wash and cut the arrows into pieces of 2-3 cm. The arrows should not be
dry, but should still be green and not hard. I put the cut arrows in
deep frying pan or cauldron and in sunflower oil with the addition of a little
amount of water, simmer for 15-20 minutes. During this time they become soft and
juicy, salt and add a little ketchup or tomato sauce to taste, more
Simmer for a few minutes and the yummy is ready.

Quite often at the market you can find young garlic with tender green stems and dense shoots, which, as a rule, are thrown away. Photos of garlic pipes look very appetizing; it would not be a shame to serve them at the holiday table, having previously pickled the stems.

From such a preparation you can prepare a delicious addition to barbecue or meat, use it as a snack and for preparing other dishes, for example, savory pies.

Preparing garlic pipes for the winter is quite easy; you can prepare any marinade to your taste, for example, using tomato juice as a filling. After a couple of months, you can already prepare marinated garlic pipes with eggs or quickly prepare dinner, for example, garlic pipes with meat.

To prepare you will need:

  • Young garlic arrows
  • 10 black peppercorns per liter jar
  • Salt, sugar, water and vinegar


Dissolve dry ingredients in water, bring water to a boil, add vinegar and turn off heat. Cut the garlic pipes into equal parts, rinse, and place in prepared jars. Add black peppercorns. Pour boiling brine into the pipes and sterilize the jars for five to seven minutes. Roll up and leave to cool. It will be possible to take a sample from the workpiece in a couple of months.

Garlic pipes recipe for the winter is not only preservation, it is a tasty product that will pleasantly diversify the holiday table and help in the fight against infections and vitamin deficiency.

It is also worth noting that when frozen, garlic pipes do not lose their properties, and a small portion can enhance the taste of the dish, making it more aromatic.

Garlic pipes, which took literally a few minutes to marinate in the spring, are suitable for preparing salads, pies with meat filling, and simply as an addition to a family dinner. This appetizer will never get boring, and on holidays during the feast it will be in great demand among guests.

When preparing brine, it is important not to overdo it with the addition of spices; the marinade should be balanced and slightly spicy in taste.

I never cease to be convinced of this, that in cooking, everything that is simple always amazes, amazes and brings pleasure from eating. This is exactly the kind of snack dish I want to invite you to try. Moreover, right now is the ripening season for the main ingredient - garlic pipes.

Never before had I even suspected that such a delicious dish could be prepared from garlic pipes. It can be called both a snack dish and a salad. It doesn’t matter what name the food gets, it won’t affect the taste in any way.

And the taste of the dish is amazing. Of course, it is inappropriate to place fried garlic pipes on the holiday table, but for an everyday family dinner, they are what you need. And, if you are going for a picnic in nature, then this dish is worth taking with you. You won't find a better snack.

Cooking steps:

1) Wash the garlic pipes thoroughly and be sure to dry them. Cut so that each piece is approximately 5 cm long.

5) As soon as they are poured with mayonnaise, you must immediately mix them thoroughly. It is important not to let it curdle before it is mixed with the pipes. The dish is ready. All that remains is to transfer it to a salad bowl and serve it to the table.