Leaf spinach. What are the benefits of spinach? Eating what can be prepared from spinach

Spinach is an annual vegetable herbaceous plant from the goosefoot family.

Grows up to 35-40 cm. Small greenish flowers appear in June.

The fruits resemble oval nuts.

Spinach is an early ripening plant. It takes about a month from germination to ripeness. Spinach is pollinated by the wind. The seeds ripen for three months.

One of the names of spinach is Ancient Persia, where it was bred even before our era. Spinach came to Europe in the Middle Ages along with knights returning from the Crusades.

The monks of Spain actively began cultivating spinach, growing the plant on monastery lands. Spinach appeared in Russia about 200 years ago.

Wild spinach is found in the Caucasus, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Spinach is (still) especially prized in Arab countries. There he is considered simply irreplaceable.

When there is no fresh spinach, dishes are sprinkled with chopped dry leaves.

To obtain an extra-early harvest next year, spinach seeds will need to be sown in mid-August and immediately covered for the winter. By the end of the season, the plants will form small rosettes of leaves, which, without removing the shelter, are left until winter.

Spinach seedlings can tolerate short-term frosts down to -6° C. In early spring, immediately after the snow melts, spinach will begin to grow quickly, and after 10-15 days it will be possible to harvest the first harvest.

You can sow spinach in the fall and harvest it the same year. There is an opinion that autumn spinach is tastier than spring spinach (it is crispier and juicier).

A low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 22 kcal, so it can be eaten by overweight people.

100 g of boiled spinach contains only 23 kcal, which also makes it dietary and healthy.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of spinach

Spinach leaves contain vitamins, B2, PP, D2, K, and minerals. Spinach is especially useful in areas where there is a lack of iodine and people experience various health problems.

Spinach is prized for its high protein content in its leaves.

Only unripe peas and beans contain more protein than spinach. Regular consumption of spinach leaves inhibits the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, recently it has been used in the treatment of radiation sickness.

In addition to proteins, a large amount of organically bound and easily digestible iron by the human body is of particular value. The leaves contain 0.5-1.4% carbohydrates, 2.1% minerals, the leading place among which is potassium.

Spinach has a lot of fiber. It is even called a “broom” for the intestines, because spinach promotes intestinal function and, accordingly, weight loss. Spinach completely eliminates constipation and normalizes peristalsis. And due to the large amount of fiber and coarse fibers that are not digested but swell, spinach literally physically cleanses the intestines. According to scientists, spinach slows down the onset of problems in the nervous system caused by aging, and also prevents the occurrence of cognitive impairment. Spinach is used for diseases nervous system, exhaustion, anemia, anemia, hypertension,

diabetes mellitus

, gastritis, enterocolitis. It has a mild tonic, laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Spinach is useful for those recovering from serious illnesses.

Spinach also lowers blood sugar levels. Takes care of our beauty. People who eat spinach have healthy, strong teeth, nails, lush hair and youthful skin, with minimal wrinkles even in adulthood.

Dangerous properties of spinach

Spinach dishes are immediately used as food, since during storage, harmful nitrogenous salts are formed from the nitrate salts found in this crop.

When boiling spinach, drain the first water (nitrates will go away with it), and cook it in the second water. Spinach contains oxalic acid; to neutralize it, add a little milk to the cooking water.

The whole truth about spinach and its abilities.

Spinach is a member of the Amaranth family, called the “king of vegetables” and “broom for the stomach” (at least in France). Spinach is a green leafy vegetable with the most delicate taste And the most useful composition, thanks to which in Europe and the USA it was elevated to the rank of vital products, equating it to dietary supplements (partly due to the mistakes of scientists who studied spinach in the last century).

As for the history of this plant, it is known for certain that the Persians were the first to grow and eat it, who later brought spinach to Europe - to Spain - from where this green product “grew” throughout Europe and even America.

The Russian people are still wary of spinach, preferring different kinds salads, cabbage and greens. Because, apparently, spinach seems too “tasteless” to our people.

However, every year this green vegetable is increasingly found not only on the shelves of Russian supermarkets, but also in the beds of Russian summer residents. True, it is still unknown whether spinach will be able to stand on a par with the same parsley or dill in our area, because the shelf life of spinach is much shorter than the shelf life of our usual greens. And sometimes several times.

But, no matter what awaits us in the future, we need to get acquainted with spinach now - we will be healthier...

Chemical composition of spinach

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Today, many nutritionists, scientists and even doctors (who are usually very inert in their judgments) talk about the beneficial properties of spinach. Spinach attracts a lot of attention, but everyone sees its benefits in this plant...

For example, in the USA, spinach is recommended as a product that can significantly reduce the risk of rickets in children and osteoporosis, as well as arthritis in the elderly. Many people still consider spinach to be one of the richest suppliers of iron in our body. And the most advanced researchers of the properties of spinach claim that this green vegetable prevents and even slows down the development of cancer tumors.

And what’s most interesting is that all these points of view are both true and wrong. Because spinach contains nothing but iron - 2.7 mg, calcium - about 100 mg, and anti-cancer substances - mere crumbs. For comparison: the same parsley contains 2.5 times more calcium, almost the same amount of iron, and no less anti-cancer substances.

By the way, it is worth saying that the “myth” about the high iron content in spinach was not born out of nowhere. There is a slight understatement at its origins: a scientist who studied this issue in the 30s of the last century stated that the leaves of this plant contain more than 30 mg of iron per 100 product (which is twice the daily requirement), but he forgot to mention that he did not study fresh spinach leaves rather than dried ones. And, as you know, there is practically no water in dried foods and therefore the concentration of minerals is much higher. Hence the popular misconception, which has not “dissipated” from popular rumor to this day.

However, this state of affairs does not at all detract from the value of spinach. Because this type of greenery contains a large number of amino acids from which our body is built. Moreover, in spinach they are in a form that does not require splitting - it can be used almost immediately for “construction” needs. Without wasting energy, enzymes and minerals.

In addition, spinach contains a lot of vitamin K (4 times the daily requirement), which in turn has a very positive effect on the joints and skeletal system of people of any age.

There are other minerals and vitamins in spinach, but if you try to describe all their positive properties, you will end up with a small reference book that will include dozens of elements of the periodic table, fatty acids, vitamins, chlorophyll and, of course, dietary fiber. Instead, we suggest simply discussing the “dividends” that a person can receive from regularly eating spinach...

Thanks to the laxative and diuretic effect of spinach, waste and toxins are quickly removed from the body, problems with constipation are resolved and blood pressure returns to normal (applies to hypertensive patients).

People who have been diagnosed with retinal dystrophy, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and any other diseases of the cardiovascular system should also pay attention to spinach. Because spinach very effectively cleans blood vessels from sclerotic plaques and other debris that “floats” in the human blood. On top of that, the active composition of spinach strengthens the walls of blood vessels and tones the muscles that help the vessels adequately perform their functions.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in order to notice positive changes, you need to eat at least 350 grams of fresh spinach per week. But it's worth it.

Spinach is also useful for those who have problems with the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestines. True, with reservations (which can be read below).

With all this, it is important to understand that the concentration of active substances and minerals in spinach is not so high that this plant can be considered medicine. This product should be regarded only as a natural biologically active component of the diet, which in itself can only slightly correct the general condition of the body.

Well, the maximum positive effect will be received by those who eat raw spinach separately from everything else (well, this is ideal).

Spinach harm

There is an opinion that spinach can harm people who suffer from gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, nephritis, duodenal ulcers, and also have stones in the bile ducts.

In our country, spinach is not as popular as, for example, in France. The French call this green leafy vegetable “the king”, and also a broom for the stomach, and they grow it wherever possible.

Spinach appeared in the Middle East, presumably in Persia, a long time ago, even before our era, and many centuries later the Arabs brought it to Spain. Then they learned to grow spinach and eat it in other European countries, and after the discovery of America it came there too.

Today, most people in the United States eat spinach, and it has become one of the most popular vegetables in this country, but in Russia it is not one of the foods loved by the people.

Spinach does not have a strong taste, like many other vegetables that we are used to, and besides, it cannot be stored for a long time, like other greens, and quickly loses its properties.

But spinach has many beneficial properties, and many nutrition experts consider it to be the first among all vegetables in this sense - at least those that grow in our latitudes.

A storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Spinach contains proteins, carbohydrates and even fats; organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, starch, sugars; vitamins A, E, C, H, K, PP, many B vitamins, beta-carotene; calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. Spinach leaves contain a lot of protein: only legumes - young beans and green peas - have more of it. Important vitamins such as A and C in spinach are resistant to temperature influences - they are preserved during heat treatment.

Contains a lot of other vegetables too useful substances However, such a rich composition of vitamins and minerals as in spinach is quite rare, so the benefits that this green leafy vegetable brings should not be underestimated.

All about the benefits of spinach

Spinach saturates, supplies the body with nutrients, removes waste and toxins. Only carrots contain more carotene than spinach, and due to its fairly high iron content, spinach helps hemoglobin become more active and better supply cells with oxygen; it improves metabolism and promotes the body's energy production.

Of course, with such an amazing composition, spinach is very useful not only as a dietary product, but also as a means for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Eating spinach is good for healthy teeth and gums, prevents anemia and the development of tumors, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the pancreas and normalizes intestinal activity. The effect of spinach on tumors is so effective that doctors prescribe it as an additional diet for radiation sickness.

Spinach is very useful for pregnant women and young children, as it contains almost all the necessary vitamins and many minerals. This vegetable is perfectly digestible because it contains substances that stimulate the activity of the salivary and pancreas glands.

For exhaustion, diseases of the nervous system, anemia, hypertension and diabetes, gastritis and enterocolitis, spinach is included in the diet as a dietary product that has a mild diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Now about the properties

Spinach protects mucous membranes from damage, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, takes part in the production of hormones important for the body and helps to lose weight. For people who are often stressed at work, spinach helps restore calm and productivity.

Spinach contains iodine, and therefore the benefits of spinach for the thyroid gland are without a doubt. It is digested well and absorbed quickly, unlike some other green vegetables.

Spinach has a lot of fiber and chlorophyll, so it stimulates intestinal activity and is very effective means for constipation.

Few people know that eating spinach is very beneficial for eye health: it contains lutein and other substances that protect nerve cells and prevent eye problems. serious illness, like retinal dystrophy. Lutein can accumulate in the tissues of the eyes: it improves visual acuity and reduces fatigue when working at a computer.

Age-related changes in vision appear much later if a person regularly eats spinach - at least 350 g per week. In this way, you can maintain the health and beauty of your eyes, however, if your vision has already begun to deteriorate, then it is better to try to eat 250 g of spinach per day to restore it.

How to eat spinach

Spinach is eaten fresh or boiled, baked, used as a filling for pies, and used in salads, snacks and sauces. IN Food Industry Spinach is used to make dyes, canned food and seasonings are made from it.

Spinach soup is tasty and light; Spinach helps digest meat, fish and other protein foods. A good food combination is spinach with bacon, cheese or cream.

Of course, fresh spinach leaves are healthier than boiled ones, and young thin stems added to salads significantly increase their nutritional value. Boiled spinach is recommended to be included in the diet of those who suffer from lumbar pain - it helps get rid of them.

Traditional recipes and treatment

Fresh spinach juice cleanses the body, relieves fatigue and replenishes energy if you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. The juice stimulates the functioning of many organs and systems: it has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys and intestines, and helps with asthma and dry cough.

In case of inflammation of the gums, it is used to rinse the teeth, and in case of inflammation of the tonsils, it is used to rinse the throat.

If you add it to other vegetable juices, they begin to have a calming effect on the body, just like spinach juice itself.

For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses of spinach juice per week, and for those who move a lot, play sports and physical work, you should use it more often.

Spinach juice mixed 1:1 with almond oil is very beneficial for health, especially for the growth and development of children and adolescents.

Fresh mashed spinach leaves reduce inflammation and swelling, and are used for abscesses and insect bites - bees and wasps.

To treat burns or eczema, a paste of spinach leaves boiled in olive oil is used - it must be prepared anew each time. The same paste can remove freckles and improve complexion.

By the way, in France, spinach is especially popular among women: they love to cook the most delicious dishes from it. different dishes, they eat it in all forms with pleasure, and wipe their face with freshly squeezed juice. French women know very well that spinach, thanks to its rich composition, for example, the content of vitamins A and E, helps us maintain youthful and beautiful skin longer.

In the United States, adults try to teach children to eat spinach as early as possible, because it promotes proper growth and development of bones and prevents rickets.

Application for weight loss

Spinach is very low in calories and high in nutrients, so it can be an ideal food for those who want to lose weight without harming their health. For example, a light and tasty spinach and noodle casserole will not only add extra pounds, but will also help get rid of them.

You need to take 500 g of fresh spinach, boil, mash and add lemon juice along with zest. Beat 2-3 eggs with 2 tbsp. sugar, mix with spinach and pre-boiled noodles (100 g), add 1 tbsp. butter and bake in the oven. You can prepare this casserole without sugar: add a little salt and take half the lemon juice. This option will be more dietary, and will still be tasty, especially since the casserole is eaten with sour cream.

Spinach has an almost neutral flavor and can be added to many dishes. If you add it to the dough, mashed potatoes, desserts, they will acquire a beautiful greenish tint. Meat cutlets, if you add spinach to them, they will become more juicy and easier to digest, and the egg omelet will become bright and attractive. Fresh mixed with baby spinach cottage cheese It’s good to eat for breakfast: this dish fills you up and provides you with energy for the whole day.

Who can't and why

Spinach also has a drawback: it contains a lot of oxalic acid. Spinach dishes should not be consumed by those who have problems with the kidneys and urinary tract: nephritis, urolithiasis, etc. Spinach is also contraindicated for gout, rheumatism, diseases of the duodenum, liver and biliary tract.

There is very little oxalic acid in young leaves - it accumulates only in old leaves, so you should not eat overgrown spinach at all.

Spinach, like other vegetables, can be grown only in places with a fairly favorable environment: where there are no cars or railways, and the plants are not chemically treated.

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Spinach (Spinacia) is a famous herbaceous vegetable plant that belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. He enjoys great fame in different countries peace, because it helps with treatment various diseases, has a large number of useful substances, pleasant taste and is used to combat extra pounds.


Spinach is an annual vegetable herb. Can reach 35–40 cm in height. Plant leaves various shapes– rounded, notched or pinnate. The color of the leaves is different shades of green. The shape of the leaves is smooth or corrugated. Depending on the thickness, the leaves are divided into smooth-leaved (light green) and fat-leaved (dark green).

A male plant with a small number of leaves that quickly form flowering stems. The female plant has large leaves and produces seeds for further planting. The fruits of the plant look like oval-shaped nuts.

Spinach ripens early. It is necessary to wait only a month from germination to full ripening. The seeds ripen in about three months. Pollination occurs with the help of wind.


  • Garden(Spinacia oleracea) is an annual plant that is the most common variety. It has a large number of varieties.
  • New Zealand or tetragony(Tetragonia) is an annual plant characterized by fleshy and thick leaves. It can be used even during the flowering period, because everything useful qualities remain.
  • Multifolia, zhminda, many-leaved pigweed(Chenopodium foliosum) is an annual plant whose height reaches 80 cm. This species is characterized by the presence of berries that look like raspberries.
  • Malabar or Ceylon spinach, basella(Basella) - this variety has a perennial root system and annual shoots. This plant reaches 3 meters and is presented in the form of a vine.

Where does it grow

On the territory of Ancient Persia, spinach cultivation began even before our era. In European countries they learned about it only in the Middle Ages, when the knights Crusades he was brought. Spinach became widespread in Spain; there were entire plantations at the monasteries. Spinach is also grown in Russia, but this happened much later, only in the 19th century. Wild spinach grows in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and the Caucasus. Today, spinach is widely used in all cuisines of the world, and for fans of healthy eating, it is a must-have item in the daily diet.

Method of making spices

  • Fresh spinach leaves are collected before the plant blooms and washed thoroughly.
  • Next, the leaves need to be thoroughly dried. You can hang them in the fresh air or use modern dryers, but keep the temperature to 45 degrees.
  • The dried leaves should be placed in a glass container and sealed tightly.
  • A dark place is the best for storing leaves.
  • The leaves need to be chopped before use.

You can also freeze spinach leaves and add them to dishes as needed. It is better to chop the leaves before freezing.

How to choose and store correctly

The main criterion when choosing a plant is freshness. You should carefully examine the spinach leaves; dark spots indicate long-term storage plants. You can also feel the freshness of the plant to the touch. If the leaves do not crunch when pressed and look limp, then it is better to refrain from purchasing this spinach. Bright green color is one of the main indicators of the freshness of spinach.

It is strictly forbidden to store fresh spinach for more than two days in the refrigerator. In this case, the leaves must be placed in a container with water without prior washing and stored in the refrigerator only in this form. Only frozen castings can be stored for several months.


Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of raw spinach leaves contain 22 kcal, and heat-treated leaves contain 23 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 grams of spinach:

  • Proteins – 2.9 g;
  • Fats – 0.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 2 g;
  • Ash – 1.8 g;
  • Water – 91.6 g;
  • Dietary fiber – 1.3 g;
  • Organic acids – 0.1 g;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids – 0.1 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides – 1.9 g;
  • Starch – 0.1 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids – 0.1 g.

Chemical composition

Vitamins Macro and microelements
Beta-carotene4.5 mgCa (calcium)106 mg
A (RE)750 mcgMg (magnesium)82 mg
B1 (thiamine)0.1 mgNa (sodium)24 mg
B2 (riboflavin)0.25 mgK (potassium)774 mg
B5 (pantothenic)0.3 mgP (phosphorus)83 mg
B6 (pyridoxine)0.1 mgFe (iron)13.51 mg
B9 (folate)80 mcgZinc (Zn)0.53 mg
C55 mgCopper (Cu)13 mcg
E (TE)2.5 mgManganese (Mn)0.897 mg
H (biotin)0.1 mcgSelenium (Se)1 mcg
K (phylloquinone)482.9 mcg
PP (Niacin Equivalent)1.2 mg
Kholin18 mg

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of spinach from the video.



Spinach should be added to dishes immediately; it cannot be stored for a long time, as nitrogenous salts begin to form from nitrates. These salts have a negative impact on human health. If you need to perform heat treatment before use, then the first water should be drained to get rid of nitrates. And already on the second water you can start preparing the plant.

Spinach contains oxalinic acid, which has an adverse effect on the entire body, so to neutralize its effect during cooking, you need to add a small amount of milk to the water. Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which is harmful in large quantities. Therefore, people who have kidney or urinary tract diseases are strongly advised not to eat this plant. It is better to eat exclusively young leaves; the level of this acid in them is much lower than in old ones.


  • with urolithiasis;
  • for kidney stone disease;
  • at cholelithiasis;
  • for gout;
  • for rheumatism;
  • for diseases of the duodenum.


  • Spinach juice helps cleanse the body, relieve fatigue and recharge with energy for the whole day.
  • It is a stimulator of many body systems: it has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract, and also helps cope with dry cough or asthma.
  • In inflammatory processes it is indispensable. So, it is used to rinse the gums and helps with inflamed tonsils.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then 1–2 glasses of juice per week will help tone and vitaminize the body. For people who engage in physical activity or sports, the amount of juice should be increased. For normal development, children and teenagers need to drink a cocktail of spinach juice and almond oil. To prepare it: beat the spinach and green apple in a blender and add a few drops of almond oil.


In cooking

  • Spinach is an excellent coloring agent.
  • The plant is added to canned food.
  • Spinach is used as a filling for pies.
  • Its leaves are added to vegetable salads, sauces or snacks.
  • Spinach helps the body better absorb protein, so it should be consumed along with meat, fish, cheese, etc.

Spinach can be added to mashed potatoes, desserts or dough to color them green. If you add spinach to cutlets, the meat will be easier to digest and the dish will become juicier. Useful and tasty option breakfast - cheese or cottage cheese with spinach, such a dish can energize the body for the whole day.

Noodle and spinach casserole


  • 500 grams of fresh spinach
  • 2 tsp. spoons lemon juice
  • 2 pcs. eggs
  • 2 table. spoons of sugar
  • 100 grams of cooked noodles
  • 1 table. spoon of butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Take fresh spinach leaves, boil a little and mash. Season the spinach with lemon juice. Beat the eggs separately and then add to the spinach. Then add the cooked noodles, butter. Add salt and sugar. Pour the resulting mass into a baking dish and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.


  • 200 grams fresh spinach leaves
  • 350 grams of potatoes
  • 0.7 liters of water
  • 1 liter milk (low fat)
  • 2 table. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 200 grams of rye bread
  • 3 pcs. onions
  • Pinch of salt and pepper


Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Place the frying pan on the fire, add oil and simmer the onion for no more than 10 minutes. Pour water into a frying pan and heat to boiling point. Add potatoes to boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Simmer the spinach in a frying pan for about 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Leave the soup to cool slightly and puree using a blender. Pour milk into a separate container and boil. Pour the mixture from the blender into the hot milk and bring to a boil. Cut the bread into cubes and place in the oven until crispy. This puree soup should be sprinkled with breadcrumbs before serving.

In medicine

  • Spinach is used in the treatment of gastritis, because it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • Spinach leaves help with anemia and hypertension.
  • This plant is indispensable in the treatment of enterocolitis.
  • A large number of iodine contained in the leaves is essential for normal functioning thyroid gland.
  • Spinach takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, in the production of certain hormones, and is also a reliable protection for the mucous membranes.
  • The chlorophyll and fiber found in spinach are used to relieve constipation and cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  • Spinach contains lutein, which is used for eye function: relieves fatigue and tension.
  • Consuming spinach regularly will help strengthen your gums and keep your teeth healthy.
  • Spinach prevents the formation of tumors in the body.
  • Fresh spinach leaves are actively used for insect bites or abscesses.
  • Constant consumption of spinach is an excellent prevention of rickets.

Traditional medicine recipes

Spinach leaves are used to treat a variety of diseases:

  • for anemia, constipation or sore throat– infusion: take 1 table. a spoonful of finely chopped leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. You need to take 50 ml of the infusion before meals;
  • for convulsions– you need to add fresh spinach leaves to your food, but first they should be boiled in almond oil, and then mixed with butter;
  • for burns, boils or eczema– leaves are used externally. They need to be boiled in olive oil until softened and applied to sore spots;
  • for hemorrhoids– take 100 ml of spinach juice and 100 grams of almond oil, mix thoroughly and drink in small doses throughout the day;
  • for tuberculosis or tumors– you should take 10 grams of plant leaves, pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave to brew for 2 hours. You need to take the infusion 3 times a day, 50 ml;
  • to restore strength in the postoperative period or after serious illnesses– mix 50 ml of fresh spinach juice and 200 ml of dry red wine. You need to take the drink for a whole week, 1 glass per day.

When losing weight

Thanks to its small amount of calories and the presence of many nutrients, spinach helps you get rid of extra pounds quickly. In this case, the body will not feel any discomfort; spinach will provide all the necessary nutrients.


Depending on the ripeness group, there are the following varieties of spinach:

  • Early ripening (the harvest can be harvested in two weeks): Virofle, Stoik, Godry, Krepysh, Matador, Round Dance, Dolphin, Cook Misha, Puma, Ispolinsky, Rembor;
  • Mid-season (the harvest is ready in three weeks): Popeye, Space, Nikitos, Rembrandt, Spokein, Fat-leaved, Emerald;
  • Late-ripening (you need to wait almost a month for the harvest): Varyag, Victoria, Ladya.


Spinach can be grown practically all year round. To get a very early harvest, you should plant the seeds at the end of summer and immediately protect it from future frosts. Already in the fall, small leaves will appear, which under cover can survive the winter and in early spring it will be possible to harvest the first harvest. Spinach is a frost-resistant plant, because it tolerates temperature drops of up to 6 degrees below zero. When the snow begins to melt, the spinach will begin to grow quickly and within two weeks the plant can be harvested.

Spinach is often sown in the autumn season and a fresh harvest can be harvested even before the first frost. Many people prefer this particular spinach, because it is characterized by juiciness and crunchiness. Spinach that grows in the fall has high yields because only the leaves grow, so you end up with more greens.

The soil

Spinach grows well in fertile, well-drained soil. The most the best solution are sandy loams or loams. Before planting the plant, you should check the acidity of the soil, because at high levels spinach cannot grow. The optimal acidity level for spinach is 6.6–7.0. You cannot grow spinach on calcareous or carbonate soils, because then the plant does not receive enough iron. If heavy soil is used for planting, then organic fertilizers should be used.


Depending on the fertility of the soil, the amount of mineral and organic fertilizers should be calculated. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers or manure should be applied only in the autumn season when digging the soil. If non-chernozem soil is used for planting spinach, then during digging you should use 10–12 g/m² nitrogen, 5–7 g/m² phosphorus, 10–14 g/m² potassium. The plant needs to be fertilized very rarely, because the growing season is short, and spinach has the property of accumulating nitrates.


In the fall, the soil is fertilized, and in the spring, before planting, the soil is cultivated and nitrogen fertilizers are added. You can sow several varieties at once so that you can use fresh leaves at any time of the year. To get an early spring harvest, the seeds should be planted in late summer, then rosettes of leaves will appear in the fall and they will be able to survive the winter. With the arrival of spring warmth, spinach will continue to grow, and in two weeks it will be possible to harvest the first harvest.

Spinach seeds absorb moisture very poorly, so before planting it is better to leave them in water at room temperature for a day and then dry them thoroughly. When sowing the plant, you need to leave 20–30 cm between the rows and plant the seeds to a depth of 2–3 cm.


Spinach requires careful care, because it suffers without sufficient moisture, so in hot, dry weather the crops need to be watered. When the spinach reaches 10 cm in height (the presence of two true leaves), it needs to be thinned. You should also remember about fertilizing the soil with further loosening it. During the growing season of spinach, it is necessary to carry out several weedings and loosening.


Spinach can begin to be picked when it is in the rosette phase of 5–8 leaves. This period lasts until flowering shoots begin to grow. Then the plant can be mowed or pulled out along with the root system.

  • Spinach is the most popular ingredient in all cuisines of the world.
  • Spinach was considered a rich source of iron, but Evon Wolf made a typo in his research and spelled it incorrectly. In fact, this vegetable plant does not have 35 mg of iron per 100 grams of product, but only 3.5 mg. Although this figure is also very significant, because it accounts for 25% of the required amount of iron.
  • In France, spinach is called the “broom of the stomach” and the “king of vegetables.”

Just think, some kind of spinach, grass like grass.

But it’s worth considering that the culture of eating this product goes back to ancient times.

Moreover, in the Middle Ages this vegetable was eaten exclusively by royal families.

Spinach was considered an outstanding food product.

Even in those distant times, people knew that it was able to relieve constipation and stop bleeding.

About spinach

Spinach came to us during the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna. At that time, only gentlemen from the upper classes could eat it. At the same time, the green vegetable was considered not just useful, but a medicinal plant.

French chefs today consider spinach the king of vegetables. And for some reason we underestimate him. In Europe, this plant is eaten constantly, being confident that it is a guarantee of health.

But, few people know, spinach's closest relative is quinoa, a common weed. It has an amazing range of useful properties. By the way, quinoa is also very healthy, especially due to its high vegetable protein content.

As a small child, I watched an American cartoon. The main character's mother fed her son spinach from a tin. And the boy was very disgusted with him. That's how it stuck in my memory - disgusting disgusting. But when I grew up, I tried a puff pastry with salmon and spinach.

I liked the combination so much that since then I have been eating it regularly. By the way, when I was little, I watched another cartoon, there main character ate spinach and turned into a pumped-up Superman and saved the world. It's a pity, I don't remember their names at all. Let's find out if it's possible to turn yourself into strong man by eating this amazing vegetable?

Beneficial properties of spinach

  • A huge amount of coarse fiber and indigestible fiber. Therefore, spinach improves intestinal movement. Eliminates constipation. Reduces the risk of diverticulosis by 40% - the formation of certain pouches on the walls of the colon, where feces can subsequently get stuck and accumulate.
  • Spinach contains a substance similar to secretin, which is present in the duodenum. It helps absorb and digest food.
  • Lots of vitamin C and non-heme iron. Non-heme iron does not exist in the blood. That is, the iron that we get from meat is easily absorbed by the blood and accepted by the body; it is also called heme. And the iron that is contained in plant products nutrition, is absorbed much worse - non-heme. But spinach is rich in iron and vitamin C at the same time. And iron sulfate easily enters the blood and replenishes the amount of hemoglobin.
  • Phytonutrients. Substances that prevent cancers from feeding by cutting off their blood supply. therefore, spinach is an anti-cancer food. It has especially proven itself in prostate cancer.
  • High content of vitamin K. This vitamin improves blood clotting. It also retains calcium in the bones. By eating spinach, we protect and strengthen our bones.
  • A low-calorie product that contains only 23 Kcal per 100 g.
  • Spinach contains substances that effectively relieve inflammation. Reduce the risk of getting sick from carcinogens contained in meat. Frequent consumption of meat dishes provokes cancer. Animal studies have shown that regularly eating spinach reduces the risk from 52% to 34%.
  • High levels of carotenoid (vitamin A). Only 50 g of spinach contains daily norm of this substance. And this strengthens the immune system, a powerful antioxidant, improves heart function.
  • Folic and nicotinic acid. These are supports for our body. Folic acid main participant in development circulatory system, as well as immunity. It is especially useful and necessary for pregnant mothers, as well as for children who are actively growing, and also prevents the formation of fat on the liver. Nicotine in spinach lowers cholesterol levels, improves metabolism, takes part in tissue respiration, and stabilizes the nervous system.
  • Vitamin D. Participates in bone metabolism.
  • Spinach contains pectins. These compounds are capable of removing radioactive substances, pesticides and other harmful components. Pectins are required to be consumed by people whose work involves hazardous production.
  • During heat treatment, all nutrients and beneficial features spinach are preserved with the exception of vitamin C. Because it is easily oxidized and also volatilizes. But on the other hand, spinach loses vitamins and minerals during long-term storage, and after a week it becomes almost “useless.”
  • Ca, Mg, Fe, promote hematopoiesis.
  • The chlorophyll contained in the leaves is very similar to hemoglobin; it is especially important to eat it in the spring.

Contraindications to eating spinach

  1. Urolithiasis or its prerequisites.
  2. People taking blood thinning pills should consume spinach in moderation, since vitamin K tends to thicken the blood a little. In other words, the green vegetable will counteract the medicine.
  3. For people with high stomach acidity and poor absorption of oxalic or ascorbic acid, the vegetable is contraindicated.

How to properly eat spinach

There are entire cookbooks dedicated to dishes with this wonderful vegetable. Every housewife has her own secrets.

You can eat spinach either fresh or boiled. In Europe, spinach filling is very popular for various puff pastries or pies. It is nourishing, tasty, and also healthy. Spinach is added to salads, snacks, and various spinach sauces are prepared. That's not all, you can find canned spinach in the store, as well as seasonings.

Prepare your favorite soup or borscht, but with the addition of this vegetable. Spinach will not only make food more satisfying and tasty, it will help to better digest meat or fish. Dishes with spinach turn out to be more nutritious, but at the same time, the green vegetable makes eating easier and won’t make you feel heavy.

But, of course, it is best to eat the leaves without heat treatment in various summer salads. Then the body will receive one hundred percent of its beneficial properties.

It is low in calories but high in filling substances. If you care about your body and do not want to deprive it of useful components by dieting, spinach is what you need. For example, you can cook light porridge with the addition of green leaves. Firstly, it will be filling, secondly, it will taste better, and thirdly, spinach improves metabolism, cleanses the intestines, and removes toxins. At the same time, it fills you up for a long time, so you will want to eat less often.

This vegetable has no taste as such. Therefore, you can add spinach wherever you want. It can be dough, or mashed potatoes, even desserts, the food will acquire a beautiful green color. It’s very good to add it to cutlets, then the meat will become juicier, lighter, and easier to digest. I just love adding spinach to an omelette, then it turns out even more satisfying and healthy. Almost until the evening the feeling of hunger does not bother you, and there is no heaviness or extra calories.

Medicinal properties of spinach leaves

The effect of leafy vegetables on the human body.

  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Promotes rejuvenation of the body.
  • Spinach protects against many eye diseases and improves the functioning of the eyeballs.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Struggling with chronic fatigue, gives strength.
  • Spinach improves the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Stabilizes the nervous system.
  • Frequent consumption of spinach leaves on an empty stomach cleanses the body.
  • For insect bites, chew the leaves and apply to the bite site for at least an hour, relieves itching, swelling, and inflammation.
  • Fresh juice is very beneficial for teeth and gums, so it is recommended to chew spinach in your mouth for a long time - this is the prevention of periodontal disease.
  • A decoction is suitable to relieve congestion in the mouth, throat or respiratory tract. To do this, pour 3-4 spinach leaves with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave covered for several hours. Rinse and drink throughout the day.
  1. lower back pain.
  2. enterocolitis.
  3. diabetes mellitus
  4. gastritis.
  5. anemia.
  6. nervousness, stress, overwork.
  7. digestive disorders.

The benefits of spinach for women

This is a super component for preparing various homemade masks. Spinach increases the energy produced by the skin. Few people know, but it is also important to nourish the epidermis with energy. And spinach is an exclusive product that performs this function.

In addition, due to its high content of vitamins A and C, it is a powerful antioxidant. Moreover, the vegetable protects the skin from damage associated with excessive oxidation.

But the most powerful cosmetic property of spinach is to accelerate the natural ability of the skin to self-heal and self-generate (get rid of damage).

We must remember that the plant is rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and active ingredients. Therefore, spinach has something to nourish, moisturize and smooth the skin. Masks based on it cleanse and also whiten the face and remove age spots.

Chopped spinach pulp with juice restores and tones the skin around the eyes, relieves fatigue, and smoothes out wrinkles. This happens thanks to the substance lutein.

Mask for tone, cleansing and whitening

Grind the greens thoroughly (with a blender or coffee grinder).

Add 3 - 5 drops of green tea to it. The mixture can be applied using gauze. Leave for 20 - 30 minutes.

Nourishing mask, softening, against rashes

  • lemon juice
  • spinach

Finely chop the spinach leaves with a knife. Add 1 tbsp. honey with a slide. Grind everything well. Then add 3 - 4 drops. lemon juice. Apply the mixture to clean skin for 30 minutes.

“Green” vitamins mask

  • cucumber
  • spinach
  • salad
  • parsley

Grind all ingredients thoroughly with a blender and apply to a clean face. Keep for at least 20 minutes.

How to properly prepare spinach for the winter

Since many people grow this vegetable in their window or garden, it is important to talk about properly freezing it for the winter.

Find a place not only for parsley or dill, but also for spinach, then your loved ones will be filled with vitamins all year round.

  1. First of all, each leaf must be thoroughly washed with water.
  2. Then we cut off the stems (leg) with a knife, leaving only the leaf.
  3. After this, cut the prepared spinach leaves into strips of approximately 1 cm.
  4. Place spinach strips in boiling salted water for literally 1 - 2 minutes. This will help preserve all its taste.
  5. After boiling water, immediately release the spinach into the prepared ice water.
  6. Transfer the now cooled spinach leaves to a separate plate.
  7. Now take small portions of spinach and use a slotted spoon to get rid of excess moisture. We apply little effort, it is important not to overdo it.
  8. We have a blank. All that remains is to put it in a plastic bag, get rid of the air and put it in the freezer.
  9. There's nothing complicated about freezing spinach. With the help of such a green semi-finished product, you can prepare many tasty and healthy dishes in winter.