Romantic places in the world. The most romantic places on earth

The unique villages on the island of Santorini are one of the most romantic places. There you can enjoy extraordinary sunsets thanks to the bright rays reflected in the crystal waters of the Aegean Sea. Typical island architecture has many cozy corners with amazing views. Every year, thousands of tourists visit Santorini to experience emotions and lasting memories.

2. Venice, Italy

This dream city is a place where love lives. It is no coincidence that Venice is known as the most romantic city in Italy, and lovers from all over the world want to visit it. Take a gondola ride along the Grand Canal and admire the magnificent architecture of Venice in the arms of your lover. The city is full of secluded spots that are symbols of love and romance that will make you fall in love with each other again and again.

3. Belize, Central America

Belize is a magnificent resort and a favorite holiday destination for lovers. There's nothing like a warm hug with your significant other in one of the most enchanting places on the planet. Belize's azure sea, endless beaches, lush green jungles, mystical Mayan temples and tropical weather make this city the perfect place to get away with your loved one.

4. Casablanca, Morocco

From the endless Sahara Desert to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, from beautiful beaches to the eternal snow-capped Atlas Mountains, from modern cities and resorts to ancient Berber villages - all exotic lovers will find themselves in Morocco. If you've been dreaming of the romantic spirit of the city depicted in the famous film, then you'll be pleasantly surprised to find even more here. The city is full of magnificent and unique places worth visiting!

5. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

There is something special about traveling with your loved one, and Bora Bora offers everything you need for that special trip. The only thing you need to decide on this romantic getaway is whether you want your bedroom to be near the beach or on the water. The warm, open sea and sunny skies, combined with the island's relaxing atmosphere, create a certain romantic vibe that people don't want to lose.

6. Taj Mahal, India

Built by the fifth Mughal Emperor in honor of his wife in the late 17th century and known as one of the wonders of the world, the mausoleum is one of the most wonderful places where you can feel the spirit true love. Due to its magnificent beauty, every year thousands of tourists visit the Taj Mahad to see it bathed in pink at sunset. The serene atmosphere that reigns here when the monument of love is closed to visitors, its extraordinary reflection in the water is the perfect backdrop for a romantic vacation.

7. Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

As one of the great wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon offers some of the most incredible scenery in the world. they can be observed from different places due to its specific geographical location. You can enjoy the adventure as you explore its winding, beautifully colored yellow-orange cliffs. This charming place will fill you with an atmosphere of love.

8. Tahiti Island, French Polynesia

The island of Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia. Of course, this is one of the most attractive places on our planet. A romantic holiday on this island paradise is an experience like no other. To fully experience the beauty and unique spirit of this place, choose typical Tahiti accommodation: a thatched bungalow set in a tropical garden, on a beautiful beach or in a lagoon with crystal clear blue sea, where you can hide away from the world and enjoy your romantic vacation.

9. Maldives

Bright sun, endless beaches and crystal clear seas, thousands of deserted islands, warm lagoons with endless iridescent shades of blue-turquoise waters, breathtaking “underwater coral gardens” - the perfect combination for the perfect romantic vacation in the tropics. But the Maldives hides much more, and if you want to uncover its secrets, then it’s time to go there!

10. Paris, France

Paris is unlike any other city in the world. The unique atmosphere of this place will enchant you and will never let you forget it. Paris is a city of lights, cuisine and good wine, a city of love, long walks and extraordinary desires. Even the very name of the romantic capital of France excites picturesque scenes, accompanied by the pleasant sound of an accordion. This idyllic image can be complemented by a pleasant evening spent with a glass of wine by the Seine River, which many Parisians believe is a wonderful place for lovers. If you want an unforgettable experience for yourself and your partner, then Paris will certainly give you a huge amount of treasured memories.

👁 11.1k (62 per week) / 10/11/2017⏱️ 5 min.

Couples in love are always looking for the perfect place for themselves. There are quite a few cities in the world shrouded in romance. Which ones are the most romantic? Where you should go as a couple and immerse yourself in a lyrical mood, leisurely strolling along the cobbled streets, watching the sunrise on the embankment or having breakfast in a coffee shop.

1. Paris

Couples dreaming of a romantic trip probably think of Paris first. French novelists and modern film directors have done a lot of work on his reputation. But, one way or another, there really is a special atmosphere here. Those thirsting for romance can be recommended to visit the Museum of Eroticism, the Moulin Rouge cabaret, the Wall of Love, climb Montmartre and sit on the steps of the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral, admiring the panorama of Paris.

Situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy is not only an incredibly colorful and diverse country, but also equally romantic. Having visited 10...

2. Venice

This fairy tale on the water is no less tempting than Paris. In addition to the famous canals, there are many small streets where you can retire from the crowd - it seems as if you can hear ancient declarations of love made here once upon a time. There are many wonderful restaurants around with excellent Italian wine. It's nice to stroll along Piazza San Marco at dawn, sail along the Grand Canal or stand on the Rialto Bridge.

3. Prague

The capital of the Czech Republic is rich in ancient architecture, which is perfectly preserved here. Holding hands, you can wander through the picturesque streets for hours, and when you finally get tired of it, you can go to any beer hall, where you will be treated to first-class Czech beer. Lovers in Prague go to Charles Bridge, where they make a wish that will certainly come true. Petrin Hill is another romantic place in Prague.

4. Lviv

Ukrainians do not need to travel abroad in search of romance. You can have a great romantic weekend in Lviv, and if you wish, you can also explore nearby castles, for example, climb the High Castle. The city has wonderful coffee shops with tables outside. Those who like something spicy can visit “Masoch”, and those who like something more sublime can look at the city from the town hall.

5. Barcelona

The pearl of Europe, Barcelona, ​​is beautiful at any time of the year, which is why it often becomes the destination of romantic trips. In its restaurants you can taste various fish and seafood dishes, walk for hours along La Rambla, Diagonal and other Barcelona streets, and admire the architectural masterpieces of Gaudi. You can't miss the majestic Sagrada Familia cathedral or climb Mount Montjuïc, where many of the sights are concentrated.

6. Vienna

Vienna was once built as if for romantic walks along the Danube, ancient pavements, narrow streets and picturesque quarters. A couple in love can spend an unforgettable weekend here. Mozart lived in the capital of Austria for several years, Strauss the Younger was also the crown, and everything in the city seemed to be saturated with their music. A visit to the Prater Park can be an excellent romantic walk.

7. New York

Romance can be found not only in ancient European cities, but also in vibrant modern cities such as New York. The Brooklyn Bridge offers breathtaking views, and you can spend the whole day walking in Central Park. Walking around Manhattan and the panorama with the Statue of Liberty will leave a huge impression. You can drink coffee near the Tiffany window.

8. St. Petersburg

Who doesn’t know St. Petersburg - its bridges, dark Neva water, ancient courtyards and luxurious palaces and churches? Some consider it too depressing and dark, but others adore it, if only for the sake of romantic walks on white nights or enjoying the masterpieces of the Hermitage. Lovers go here to the Kissing Bridge, because they say that if you kiss on it or under it, then the love will be strong.

When a couple of people who love each other think about what romantic places they can visit, images of distant places usually appear in their memory...

9. Singapore

If the classic romance of Europe is boring, then you can look for it in Asia. In ultra-modern Singapore, you can see a combination of skyscrapers and exotic greenery. Here you can ride on the “Floating Singapore” - a Ferris wheel from which you can see not only the city, but also the neighboring islands.

10. Buenos Aires

The passionate tango city of Buenos Aires is perfect for a romantic getaway. Where else can you dance such a fiery dance right on the street, and then have dinner in a cozy restaurant hidden behind a hedge. It has been noted that in the capital of Argentina, Latin passion is closely intertwined with European stiffness - why not make sure of this?

11. Rome

The Eternal City is incredibly romantic. You should definitely come here with these goals, because here it’s like you’re stepping back in time many centuries into the past. Who isn’t interested in looking at the ruins of the Forum, the Colosseum, throwing a coin into the famous Trevi Fountain, strolling through Piazza di Spagna at night, and visiting the Vatican in between? Of course, lovers must get to the Milvian Bridge to attach another lock to its railings and throw the key into the Tiber so that love will be eternal. You can end your romantic evening with dinner in the Trastevere area.

12. Budapest

One of the most beautiful cities of old Europe cannot but be romantic. Its Gothic buildings take guests back in time, and the wide Danube and the beautiful bridges spanning it can be admired endlessly.

13. Florence

The capital of Tuscany is an ancient center of art. Lovers enjoy strolling around Piazzale Michelangelo at night here. Of course, you can’t help but look at the incredibly romantic Florentine bridge - Ponte Vecchio. From here you can look at the river, the houses hanging above it and the beautiful sunset for a long time. There are so many places in this ancient city that exude true romance.

Many people perceive Moscow as a noisy metropolis in which it is impossible to find privacy. However, people who know Belokamennaya well can list...

14. Cinque Terre

This is the name of five incredibly romantic towns in the province of La Spezia: Vernazza, Manarola, Corniglia, Monterosso and Riomaggiore. They are washed by the waters of the Ligurian Sea, on the shores of which there are many picturesque cliffs. It's incredible here beautiful landscapes, formed by the sea, mountains and colored houses. Here perfect place to complete a romantic trip, such as a walk along the "Road of Love" hiking trail that connects Riomaggiore and Manarola.

15. Verona

Shakespeare settled Juliet and Romeo in Verona, because in such beautiful city It's impossible not to fall in love! The best way to enjoy this magical city is to simply get lost among its squares, streets and markets. In this case, you must definitely get to Piazza delle Erbe, which will point the way to St. Peter's Castle. At sunset, such a magnificent panorama opens up from here that it is usually remembered for a lifetime. There is even Juliet’s house here, where you can come and leave your letter declaring your love at the entrance.

16. Bruges

A fabulous Belgian town surrounded by canals. It is best to walk along it on foot, but you can also take a boat, admiring its beauty from a different angle. The Lake of Love deserves special attention, where swans always swim majestically. In addition, a romantic trip to Bruges can be complemented with delicate Belgian chocolate.

17. Seville

In the south of Spain, in Andalusia, the most romantic city is Seville. Its ancient streets with houses built in the Moorish style and squares seem to exude the magic of antiquity. So, it is interesting to explore the intricate streets of the city, after which you can go to a typical Seville restaurant where you can taste tapas and luxurious wine. It is advisable to explore the Giralda Tower, the beautiful cathedral, and admire the gardens and fountains. And you can spend the night in the city center, where you can watch flamenco in a bar.

A young couple in love is on the way to making a responsible decision in their life. You and your loved one can already hear the ringing of wedding bells, white...

18. Honolulu

Romance is not only found in European cities. There is also one in the Hawaiian Islands, in Honolulu. But it's not quite the usual, old-fashioned romance, rather it's bright, free, with ocean waves and breezes, which is why there are so many surfers here. The local turquoise lagoon has large white beaches and palm trees - everything like in an advertisement for a bounty bar.

19. Istanbul

Istanbul is a unique city located simultaneously in Europe and Asia. Ancient Constantinople, and this is it, absorbed a lot of romance. Once upon a time, according to legend, Roksolana was able to charm the all-powerful Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent here, turning from a concubine into a ruler. Openwork mosques, a bright, noisy Grand Bazaar, the calls of the muezzin, the magnificent Hagia Sophia, the Topkana harem - thanks to all this, lovers will feel like they are in an oriental fairy tale.

20. Melbourne

Australia's second largest city also makes for a romantic getaway with some of its most beautiful parks and gardens. Watching the magnificent panorama from the observation deck, here you can be filled with passion and high emotions.

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On our Earth there are countless places that are considered an abode of love and beauty, be it corners of the planet created by Mother Nature or the fruits of art and human hands in general. Usually these are either areas stunning with the splendor of panoramas, or historical sights shrouded in love mysticism.
But the world regularly presents us with surprises in the form of new discoveries, amazing and unique.

Sparrow Hills – panorama of the city

There is an observation deck on Sparrow Hills, which offers an excellent panorama of the city that attracts everyone loving people. You can come to Vorobyovy Gory at any time of the day: both day and night.

At night you can admire the lights of Moscow at night, and during the day you can see the whole of Moscow in full view.

Tsaritsyno Park. Moscow

Tsaritsyno Park is a wonderful monument of Russian architecture.

The restored Tsaritsyno Park is a favorite place for newlyweds who love to come there and walk along the neat alleys of the park.

Romantic walk around Kyiv

We will tell you about the most romantic places in Kyiv. You will find out where you can have a romantic date with your loved one, where you can retire or just take a romantic walk.

We will also describe the most popular places for dates and tell you about secret romantic places.

Oriental fairy tale - Taj Mahal

There is a place on Earth that has received the title of a “new” wonder of the world, but in essence is the earthly embodiment of the idea of ​​love and devotion. This masterpiece of world art was born from a beautiful and, at the same time, sad story, which is more like an old oriental fairy tale about powerful rulers and their beloved women.
This place is the most beautiful and majestic creation of human hands - the Indian monument-mausoleum Taj Mahal.

Honeymoon in Italy

Italy is a seductive and irresistible destination for tourists. The land of Italy is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and bathed in the rays of the hot sun, and has also become a dream destination for couples in love all over the world and one of best selections for the honeymoon.

The most romantic places in Italy for a honeymoon.

Cape Panwa on the island of Phuket

White sand beaches, towering coconut trees and sparkling waters are Cape Panwa, located in the southeast of the paradise island of Phuket. The epitome of magical and legendary beauty, this pristine, secluded sanctuary is... perfect place for a romantic vacation. Located in a remote part of Phuket, this unspoiled tropical paradise will make you enjoy every moment of your stay.

Sculpture “Sphere of Love” in Chelyabinsk

Without a doubt, the most romantic and unusual sculpture in all of Chelyabinsk is “Sphere of Love”.

Every Saturday, happy newlyweds from all over the city come to this magical place to spin in their first dance as spouses under the dome of the sphere. Random passers-by congratulate the newlyweds and, together with them, are immersed in the festive atmosphere.

Bench of reconciliation in the city of Vidnoye

In 2008 in town near Moscow In Vidnoe, the monument “Bench of Reconciliation” was solemnly erected.

The surface of the bench is concave, so no matter where you sit, you are sure to roll down to the center and end up in each other's arms. This is demonstrated by the eternally irreconcilable cat and dog, whose tails hold the seating surface of the bench. The bronze “now friends” stand hugging each other, and their faces simply glow with happiness.

“Kilometer Zero” on Manezhnaya Square

This place symbolizes the beginning of all highways in Russia. Bioenergetics experts claim that the energy center of Red Square is located here.

They say that this place is universal and fulfills any desire. You need to stand in the center, facing Red Square and throw a coin over your left shoulder.

1. Maldives

This coral archipelago is located southwest of Sri Lanka in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. The Maldives has long been recognized as one of the most romantic places on the planet. The equator is very close, so eternal summer reigns here. On almost every island you can rent a small bungalow, under which clear ocean water splashes, and see palm trees gracefully swaying in the gentle breeze. Together with your loved one, you can go diving here to simultaneously admire the beauty of the underwater world, bask on the beach of snow-white coral sand, and drink champagne at sunset.

A young couple in love is on the way to making a responsible decision in their life. You and your loved one can already hear the ringing of wedding bells, white...

2. Paris

Although it already sounds banal, Paris still remains the city of lovers. Everything here breathes with romance. How nice it is to walk hand in hand along the beautiful Parisian streets, enjoy coffee and croissants and, having refreshed yourself, move on to new sights. In the Marais quarter you can have a great time under the shade of trees or climb Montmartre to enjoy the panoramic view of Paris. You can take a boat tour on the Seine and in the evening have a candlelit dinner in a restaurant overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

3. Venice

When it comes to a romantic getaway or honeymoon, people most often think of Venice. Many celebrities hold their lavish weddings here. The historical part of Venice is relatively small, but incredibly beautiful. While enjoying the views, lovers will not even notice the crowds of tourists surrounding them. You can get lost among the canals, various bridges and cobbled streets, but this can only be beneficial for lovers! To see a calmer Venice, it is better to come in winter, when there are almost no tourists, and because of the fog over the canals, everything seems like a fairy-tale dream.

4. Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)

For those who want to temporarily forget about civilization to enjoy secluded beaches, waterfalls surrounded by lush tropical greenery and fragrant gardens with magnificent flowers, there is no better place than the island of Kauai. Here you can feel the natural beauty of nature closest to you. It is best for lovers to retire to the most remote beaches in the town of Mahaulepu. You can also take a hike to one of the waterfalls, at the bottom of which pools of clear, calm water have formed - ideal for swimming in them.

5. Islands of Greece

The numerous islands of Greece are traditionally attractive to romantics. Here you can sunbathe on magnificent beaches, swim safely in the open sea, admire amazing sunsets, sip excellent Greek wines and enjoy the bright national cuisine. There are more than two hundred such islands here. Many couples choose, for example, the island of Santorini with its blue domes of temples, snow-white houses scattered over the remains of the volcano of the same name that exploded in ancient times. Here you can enjoy rare wines, look at white, red and black beaches, and also get acquainted with ancient archaeological ruins. On a warm, calm evening, a couple of lovers can look at the scarlet dawn over the gentle sea.

6. Tuscany

In the center of the Apennine Peninsula, covering almost 23,000 sq. km is the historical region of Tuscany with its famous capital Florence. The magnificent Tuscan landscapes are well known, and the history, traditions and cultural heritage Tuscans have made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. It was here that the Renaissance appeared, Tuscany gave the world many of the greatest artists, other figures of art and science. In addition to fabulous Florence, there are many other cities with a rich history, ancient villas and vineyards - everything you need for a great romantic getaway. You can travel between historic villas, taste wonderful Tuscan cuisine, drink the best wine in the world and cycle through the vineyards. Tuscany is the most romantic corner of Italy, so it is no coincidence that many romantic films have been filmed there.

If you do a little digging on the Internet, you can find many descriptions of the most romantic places in St. Petersburg, but judging by the text, they are intended...

7. Seychelles

The Seychelles archipelago of coral islands is located northeast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Many rich people choose to spend their holidays in the Seychelles. There is a lot of exoticism and romance here, so these islands will be an ideal vacation for a couple in love. Here you can take spa treatments, play golf, and live in luxury hotels. Your honeymoon will fly by in the Seychelles like one day.

8. Belize

Bordered to the north by Mexico and to the west by Guatemala, the Central American state of Belize is a very popular resort destination for romantic couples. It is quite small - 110 kilometers wide and 290 kilometers long, but very picturesque. Here you can retire to the private beaches of the reef islands, swim in cleanest water Caribbean Sea and observe underwater life. Here you can order sea fishing, the entire catch from which will be immediately prepared for a romantic dinner. You can just enjoy it beach holiday and palm trees.

9. Belcekiz

Some men, trying to please their lovers, give them live tropical butterflies packed in boxes. This is a beautiful but sad gift, since few butterflies survive this. Therefore, it would be much more pleasant for a girl to find herself in a valley where clouds of magnificent butterflies flutter. To do this, you just need to go to Belzdekiz - a picturesque place near the Turkish resort of Fethiye. This is where lovers will be provided with an unforgettable experience!

10. Aphrodite's Bay

According to ancient Greek mythology, the almighty Zeus chose the island of Crete for his countless love affairs with goddesses and mere mortal women. In Crete there is the Bay of Aphrodite, where the goddess of beauty emerged from the sea foam. The lucky ones who have been there claim that there is no more romantic place in the world - here you can watch magnificent sunsets while declaring your love.

Many people perceive Moscow as a noisy metropolis in which it is impossible to find privacy. However, people who know Belokamennaya well can list...

11. Havana

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is a great place for a romantic getaway. There are so many beautiful mulattoes and mulattoes here that the air seems to be heating up with their passion. How romantic it is to watch the sunset on the beach and admire the panorama of Havana! The sounds of salsa, delicious Pina Colada, warm water of the Gulf of Mexico, hot sun - there is plenty of it all here.

12. Bahamas

In the Bahamas, lovers of water and any other types of entertainment, as well as supporters of a romantic holiday, feel equally at home. In the Bahamas, it's easy to get away from prying eyes - you just need to head to the remote islands, which are full of gorgeous deserted beaches, such as Pink Beach on Harbor Island or Kyle Beach on New Providence. It is best to come here in winter or autumn to immerse yourself in the warmth of the tropics. The Bahamas are located near the United States; the archipelago includes about 700 small islands, but only 20 of them are inhabited, and on any of them you can arrange a luxurious romantic vacation.

13. Isle of Skye

Scotland can be called the birthplace of romantic ballads. The climate here, of course, is not the most pleasant, but the north of the island of Britain attracts many lovers with its harsh charm and ancient sights. The ancient Scottish castles are very beautiful. The Isle of Skye is especially attractive for couples in love; while staying there, you can truly feel like you’re flying in the sky and forget about your mortal existence, even for a short time. There is a road bridge from the west coast of Scotland to the Isle of Skye. The island has many breathtaking sea and mountain landscapes, secluded coves where lovers can stay face to face. The local landscapes seem to have come down from heaven. And in ancient castles you can taste wonderful whiskey.

In almost every city there are corners where you can feel a special romantic atmosphere. You can have a good time in them or invite them for a date...

14. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Not everyone has heard about the Grenadine island chain, especially about the individual islands of this small archipelago. This is one of the best places where, at least for a while, you can abstract from everyday worries and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is no coincidence that pop stars such as Mick Jagger and even members of the British royal family visit Mystic Island, for example, in search of serene tranquility. This private island, part of the state of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, has built a state-of-the-art hotel, surrounded by 13 acres of lush gardens and stunning beaches. On another island they organize drum performances, here you can dance to the rhythm of their beat or sip rum punches, lounging on the soft sand of the beach and enjoying the sound of the surf.

15. Bora Bora

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the Tahiti archipelago has the island of Bora Bora, which can be safely chosen as a destination for a romantic getaway. This French Polynesian island has plenty of secluded spots where you can find privacy with your other half. There are incredibly picturesque landscapes here, magnificent beaches with white sand, clear ocean water, majestic coconut palms, and in the center of the island rises the remains of a volcano that erupted a long time ago.

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