Folk signs about the horseshoe. Details of concern

Since ancient times, the horseshoe has been known as a strong money talisman. Find out where this belief comes from and what it means. Where can a modern person find a horseshoe and how to hang it correctly. Spells to attract happiness and good luck.

It is believed that anyone who finds a horseshoe can become a real lucky person. After all, it brings the owner financial well-being and good luck in all endeavors. This belief dates back to ancient times, when only very rich people could afford the luxury of purchasing a horse.

In the old days, a personal horse served as a sign of great wealth and its harness was decorated precious stones, including horseshoes were also encrusted with gems. For a poor man to find such an expensive thing on the road meant that he could improve his financial position. Many centuries have passed, but the meaning of the sign remains the same. Finding a horseshoe means attracting good luck. Such a money talisman should be carefully stored and treated with respect.

Where to find a horseshoe

IN modern world Finding a horseshoe is not as easy as it was in the days of our ancestors. This money amulet is not lying on the road like before. Nevertheless, there is a way out. You can replace a natural item with a souvenir analogue, or purchase a brooch or earrings of this shape. But in order for them to bring good luck and money, do not forget the main rule - according to legend, only a horseshoe purchased independently brings good luck.

If the amulet is presented as a gift, you should play out the scene of the accidental discovery. The giver must place the gift so that the owner can find it himself and thereby gain happiness and support from higher powers.

A horseshoe, even in the form of a souvenir, must be made of metal - iron, copper, silver or gold. If you bought a wooden or plaster craft, you need to read a special spell over it. To do this, place the souvenir on a clean cloth and lightly sprinkle with water. Then light a match over it and while the fire is burning say: “Let the power of luck harden you like fire iron. Let my spell penetrate this object. Bring me good luck every day morning, afternoon and evening. Amen".

How to hang a horseshoe for luck

Traditionally, it is customary to hang a talisman over front door horns up. In this form, the money amulet will take the owners of the house under its protection and will not allow savings to leak out. It symbolizes home - a full cup.

You can decorate the horseshoe with a satin ribbon scarlet color. Such a sling will help attract positive energy and love, after which it is better to hang the talisman over the bed if the person is lonely, or over the marital bed. It is not forbidden to place the amulet in the kitchen as an object that attracts abundance. A horseshoe can be hung above the entrance to the kitchen or above the dining table.

There is a sign of how to attract money into your home with a guarantee. You need to wait until the full moon and place the amulet on the windowsill so that the horns are directed into the room. Thus, the power of the horseshoe will be increased by lunar energy and your dreams will come true.

According to signs, a horseshoe can make any owner happy. Therefore, the amulet can be kept at home, carried with you in the car and worn as jewelry. May you always be in a good mood and positive thoughts. and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Now it’s difficult to say when and who first came up with the idea of ​​nailing a horseshoe found on the road above their door. There are many legends on this topic, but one thing is known for certain: bent iron arches have decorated the houses of the ancient Slavs since time immemorial. And not only them! The peoples of Europe also treated the horseshoe with respect. They carefully selected, stored, made wishes... In a word, they tried with all their might to use this lucky omen for their own benefit.

Folk signs about horseshoes

Why did this simple object gain the fame of a lucky talisman? There are several versions.

  1. In the old days, iron was expensive and only a truly wealthy person could afford to reward a horse with metal “shoes”. The poor man who happened to pick up a horseshoe dropped by someone’s horse on the road was even more sincerely happy! The loot could be resold, reforged into something needed for the household, or hidden so that over time, having saved money, one could strengthen the hooves of one’s own horse. Moreover, among the highest nobility there are quite for a long time It was fashionable to pad the hooves of your horses with silver and gold. (It is not known whether an analogue of the word “show-off” existed a thousand or two years ago, but the concept itself clearly has a long history.) For a peasant, picking up horseshoes for the chariot of such a rich man meant ensuring a comfortable existence for the whole family for years to come!.. How can one not be born into the belief? about luck?
  2. Another legend tells about a pious blacksmith who undertook to shoe the Devil himself, and he beat him so well with a hammer that the unclean spirit swore an oath not to come close to the house with this simple curved bow over the threshold.
  3. Scientists believe that for our ancestors, several lucky symbols successfully came together in a horseshoe. Divine fire of the forge. Honest iron, in many cultures was considered protection against evil spirits. And finally, the horse is a symbol of strength, goodness, fertility, light and inspiration. Whatever one may say, it’s a good sign; it’s a pity to leave such a sign in the dust on the road.

If you find a whole or half on the road or in the ground

Such a find is always good luck!

Wherever you see a horseshoe, it always brings positivity with it. Found on a rural road - expect great luck. If you dug it up in the garden - count on the support of higher powers and close friends in all your plans. And if by some miracle you find a bent piece of iron in the city, among the asphalt and cars, consider that Fortune has loudly kissed you on the very top of the head! It will be difficult to find another such lucky person.

By the way, the “magic” thing was not always taken home. One of the beliefs required picking up a find, spitting on it, thinking about your deepest desire and throwing the horseshoe behind your back. And then leave without looking back or around. The dream should soon come true.

Among all the beliefs about “horse shoes” there is only one controversial point, and he touches half of the horseshoe. How to evaluate this unexpected sign of fate? Some believe that the omen is still good. It’s just that instead of great happiness, you will get “half-hearted” happiness: some will come true, some will not. As they say, it’s a small thing, but still nice. Others sadly object: since the horseshoe turned out to be broken, then you can’t expect good events from it. There will be disagreements with your loved one, mutual suspicions, and regular attempts to write up an application for divorce. If you are a fearful or suggestible person, it is better to leave the broken horseshoe in place - let it lie out of harm’s way.

Where to place: indoors or outdoors

Taking your lucky find with you is not enough. We still need to find her a worthy place in the house! Such that all the magical properties of the new talisman are fully revealed, bringing you happiness and protecting you from unkind people. Where will we hang the horseshoe?

  • Above the front door or under the threshold.

The most traditional place. Here your new amulet will drive away from home evil spirits and “scan” guests for secret plans. Those who come with evil intentions will immediately be deprived of energy supply, will begin to feel bad and will try to get out from under your roof as soon as possible. But those who are friendly and sincere will pass under the iron guard without any obstacles. It is also believed that a horseshoe cleanses the house from the evil eye, damage and other mental dirt.

To protect livestock, the amulet was hung on the fence of the pasture

  • In the courtyard.

Farmers, whose main wealth lies in livestock, still hide a horseshoe under the threshold of the barn in order to drive the herd over it twice a day. And in earlier times, an iron amulet could be found in almost any outbuilding, from a chicken coop to a cellar. Or see on the fence of a field to protect crops! If you bury the find in the yard, beliefs promise that your family will never leave your family. It is best to choose a place for this purpose near the northwestern corner of the house - it is believed that in this case its inhabitants will receive full support from the forces of light and good luck in business.

  • In the room.

Those who wanted to direct the positive energy of the horseshoe in a specific direction - to help in their personal lives, careers or gaining wealth - gave it a place inside the house. For example, “horse shoes” nailed over the door in the bedroom were supposed to provide the owners with a healthy sleep, and those hung directly above the bed promised the spouses good health. family life, for lonely people - the imminent appearance of a soul mate, for drunkards - getting rid of addiction. When a baby appeared in the house, they tried to attach a horseshoe closer to the cradle to protect the baby from the evil eye. And if an unmarried girl was grieving in the family, a lucky talisman was nailed to the stove, a symbol of housekeeping and the energy center of the entire hut. In the kitchen, the horseshoe helped the cook prepare delicious food, in the pantry she was obliged to keep the bins always full of various foodstuffs, and above the threshold of the main room she was responsible for ensuring that there were no good guests in the house. The talisman, hidden in a box with money, worked hard to ensure that the flow of finance into the family did not stop, and left on the windowsill on the night of the full moon with its horns in the room, it served as a real magnet for money. By the way, some keen flower growers also keep a horseshoe on the windowsill, hoping to cause lush growth and flowering of green pets.

Carrying around a heavy iron amulet - and the weight of some horseshoes reached 700 g! - a dubious pleasure. But what can’t you do in pursuit of luck! If they had to make a big deal, go on a trip, or start a new risky venture, our ancestors did not hesitate to take a weighty amulet with them. What about merchants and peasants! They say that on the ship of Admiral Nelson himself, a horseshoe was nailed to the main mast.

How to hang: up or down

There are several versions as to how exactly you should place your find on the wall:

  • In Rus' they believed that everything depended on the gender of the person who received the horseshoe. A man should hang it with its horns up, a woman - vice versa.
  • In some countries of Europe, the East and Latin America, the tips of the iron arc were directed straight down at the guest entering the house. It was believed that this would make it easier for the amulet to draw out negative energy from a person, and if something happened, turn it against the stranger himself. But that's it beneficial features the amulet did not end! Intolerant of evil people, the good horseshoe “watered” good luck, generously flowing from both ends.
  • Do you want a talisman to bring prosperity to your family? Do as the Irish and English did, who hung the iron bow with its horns facing up. In this position, it symbolizes a cup filled to the brim with happiness and prosperity.
  • Some do not follow either custom and turn the horseshoe sideways in the shape of the letter C. After all, the words happiness, sun and light begin with it!
  • In Italy, it is customary to hang the amulet so that everyone who enters lightly touches it with their head, receiving their portion of happiness. But in Mexico, the horseshoe is attached as high as possible so as not to inadvertently touch it with your hand, and is decorated with flowers, ribbons and small images of saints.

By and large, the number of nails depends on your desire

How many nails does it take to attach a horseshoe? Choose for yourself:

  • One is strictly in the middle.
  • 7 because it is a lucky number that brings success.
  • As many as there are holes in a horseshoe, with a nail for each. Moreover, it is better for each family member to hammer his own nail.

What does it mean if you fall

If, after hanging for some time, your amulet suddenly falls from its designated place, do not worry. This is usually considered a sign that the horseshoe worked correctly: some dark cloud was approaching your house, but was intercepted in time and scattered by the wind. True, the power of the talisman from this moment is considered exhausted. It should be lifted, preferably through a cloth, taken out of the house and buried somewhere, and a new amulet should be hung on an empty nail. If you are an incorrigible optimist who is not frightened by bad omens, join those who consider the fall of a horseshoe a sign of quick enrichment. Your little “cup” was so full of money that it couldn’t bear its weight!

Is it possible to give a “horse” amulet?

The happiest talisman is considered to be the horseshoe that a person finds on the road himself. However, this does not mean that you cannot please your friends or family with a cute souvenir! For example, a horseshoe, and even a creatively designed one, is considered an excellent housewarming gift. Small horseshoe cufflinks made of gold and silver are often given to businessmen, wishing them all kinds of success in business. And in Scotland, until quite recently, not a single bride could do without a miniature pin in the form of a horseshoe, pinned on the wedding dress from the evil eye and to attract happiness. So give your souvenir without fear.

Esotericists make the only reservation: you should not buy a talisman made of energetically weak aluminum. If you don’t have enough money for precious metal, it’s better that your gift be made of iron, as a real horseshoe should be.

Other beliefs

A souvenir made with soul always brings good luck

  • The greatest strength is possessed by the horseshoe from the back leg of a gray mare.
  • Having picked up the find, you should leave a small coin on the ground in gratitude for the wonderful gift.
  • By attaching a talisman to the bow of a ship, you can protect it from storms...
  • ...and the horseshoe will provide a fishing schooner with a rich catch.
  • In a car, it protects the driver from accidents, fines and helps the flow of money into the owner’s pocket.
  • If you douse a person with water in which a horseshoe was lying, you can remove the evil eye from him.

Neutralization of bad energy

Although the iron bow is considered a good symbol, before making a talisman out of it, it is advisable to clear the horseshoe of old energy. To do this it:

  • placed in a cold place for three hours well water(if you can’t find a well nearby, it doesn’t matter, use a water supply or cover your find with salt at the same time);
  • then the amulet is left to rest on the windowsill for three days, under the sun and moon rays;
  • then they give the horseshoe to each of the family members in turn, so that future benefits do not bypass any of the household members, and only after that they place it in a pre-designated place.

The water or salt in which the horseshoe was “purified” must be taken outside the house. It is believed that they have absorbed someone else’s energy and from now on will only harm you.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that only the horseshoe that “walked under the horse” has the power of a talisman, and cute souvenirs from the gift shop are nothing more than pacifiers... A controversial statement! Talismans gain their main power not under the hooves of horses, but when people believe in them. If you are convinced that your brooch or keychain brings good luck, whether it is made of gold or clay, a souvenir will work just as well as a real horseshoe. Especially if he gave it to you loving person! After all, this little thing will contain your positive emotions.

Everyone knows that a horseshoe is considered a talisman that brings good luck, prosperity, prosperity, love, health to the house... It is also considered a family amulet against all sorts of nasty things. But why is there still no consensus on how to properly place a horseshoe in the house? Yes, because a horseshoe is a universal talisman. And there is a whole “science” of handling this amazing object.

Many thanks to the Chinese Blue Wooden Horse - “finally” there is a reason to remember our Russian horses, our workers and helpers. Remember and say kind words to them. Without them, peasant Russia would not have survived. Without them, fighting in the Great Patriotic War would have been a hundred times harder. Eternal glory to our Russian horses!

Let our horse breeders pamper and cherish their pets even more. Let motorists praise their “horses” under the hood,Bikers and motorcyclists are different. Many thanks to the unknown horse and from me personally - not so long ago I found a real forged horseshoe with the mark of the century before last.

What happiness!.. I didn’t buy it, I didn’t beg it from a village blacksmith, I didn’t steal it on a rainy night, I didn’t profit from an exchange in kind, but I found it. Classically, it’s found in the ground. I worked hard (digged potatoes and harvested crops) and found it. I found my happiness.

I put the horseshoe in order: cleaned, washed, removed loose rust. I turned it over in my hands, turned it over, and made it look beautiful - using the “dry brush” technique, I imitated gilding in some places. And he turned the remains of rust into “gray hair of time.”Wow, what a beautiful horseshoe it turned out to be!

Now the task is to find a place for her in the house. And place it correctly. But how?

A seemingly simple task at first glance has turned into a real problem - advice on the correct use of this talisman is apparently and invisibly. And who cares what.

The terrible story of a Somerset farmer with his sick cattle just makes you want to hang up the horseshoe with its horns facing up.

There is nothing intelligible in a certain “Book of the Hidden Tree of Life”: “The Bright Cup, where Happiness lives, the Abode of Good, the Sign of Protection. If you want to save a house, hang it over the door; if you have a family, hang it over the hearth; if you want a child, hang it over the couple’s bed. Every deed will go for good if it does not contain evil. And if anyone plans harm, the Sign will protect him from that Happiness.”.

A venerable healer almost whispers to me: “A horseshoe, with its horns pointing upward, represents an unfilled cup that will attract prosperity to the house. If you hang a horseshoe with its horns down, all the negativethe energy brought into your home will concentrate on it and flow down to the ground, underground.”

Near-scientific sorcerers competently declare: “The popularity of this talisman is easily explained. Any metal object absorbs negative energy and creates positive energy. So feel free to wear brooches, pendants and pendants made of gold or silver in the shape of a horseshoe. They will protect you. As for the horseshoe itself, know:

  • if you place a horseshoe onon the inside of the door or above it, it will even out the energy of the room;
  • a horseshoe placed at the head will make your family happy;
  • if you bury a horseshoe at the north-eastern wall of the house, then there will be no end to outside helpers in the house;
  • if on the first day of the full moon you leave the horseshoe overnight under the moonlight, then the very next day wealth will flow into your home;
  • horseshoe in the car protects the driver from accidents and car breakdowns..."

I didn’t bother to find out how things are with horseshoes in other countries. I went straight to the dictionary. They explained clearly: “A talisman is an object that, according to superstitious beliefs, brings happiness and good luck. It also serves as a talisman.”

Exactly, according to the superstitious... It became sad. It’s a bit of a shame, because I was so happy about the find. I was putting the horseshoe in order in a good mood. A kind of modding suited her. And then - bam! Superstition,
turns out.

I didn't have to be sad for long. For some reason I remembered how well I worked digging up potatoes. He didn’t shirk one bit. I was really pleased with myself. And the horseshoe was found just as I was finishing work. Like some kind of solemn moment of completion of work.

Remembering, I immediately became cheerful. No, my horseshoe is not a superstitious idea, but a very specific memory of good work. They probably don’t just lose horseshoes - the fastenings are probably worn out from work. What wonderful cause and effect connections!

Now, looking at my talisman, I remember the good and think about the good. And this is the key to prosperity in the home and harmony in the family. The placement of the horseshoe in the house was simply beautiful. In my opinion, of course.

Source –

In this poem by Mandelstam, in addition to the semantic riddle, the situation of pre-sensing the “blind spot” of language, which will later be revealed in the poetics of Dragomoshchenko, is tested.
This Mandelstam experience remained for him, it seems, a single representation of the total fragmentation, internal antonomy and illogicality of the world created in the text.

One must think that the publication of this poem for that time was a unique gesture of invitation to the dizzying experience of misunderstanding, to the experience of a riddle, the intuitive discovery in the reader of the “desire not to understand,” and, undoubtedly, caused that aching pain of the insufficiency of any interpretation, which also is felt upon contact with any ADT text.

Unlike most of Mandelstam’s poems, filled with phonetic density, in “The Horseshoe Founder” the metrical, sound monotony, calm, wide flow of words that easily fall on the tongue make one suspect the initially conceived narrative, which did not work out, however, and unexpectedly for the author himself, it grew into a strange, ugly, but fraught with amazingness, poetic cyborg.

Notorious zone un-namability here it consists of a juxtaposition of independent passages, within themselves revealing an obvious logical structure, but within the whole text, revealing the complete impossibility of deciphering. In this text, however, you can try to trace some logic of the sequence and try to interpret each passage separately.

We look at the forest and say:
- Here is the timber of the ship, the mast,
Pink pines,
Free from the furry burden to the very top,
They should creak in a storm,
Lonely pine trees
In the furious treeless air;
Under the salty heel of the wind the plumb line will stand,
driven to the dancing deck,
And the navigator
In an unbridled thirst for space,
Dragging through wet ruts, fragile
geometer device,
Compares with the gravity of the earth's womb
The rough surface of the seas.

The poem begins with deliberately obvious lines - we understand that the lyrical subject is looking at the forest, and quite obvious associations with ship masts come to him. The pines, moreover, are bare, swaying in the wind like lifeless pillars; the voice speaking in the poem wants to see them in action, as ship masts, devices of life and movement. According to associative logic, the navigator also appears - curbed by the thirst for space, he, thanks to these pine masts, will be able to quench this thirst.

And inhaling the smell
Resinous tears that came through
ship hull,
Admiring the boards
Riveted, harmonized into bulkheads
Not the peaceful carpenter of Bethlehem,
and to others -
Father of travel, friend of the sailor, -
We say:
- And they stood on the ground,
Uncomfortable, like the backbone of a donkey,
Forgetting the tops about the roots
On the famous mountain ridge,
And they made noise under the fresh rain,
Unsuccessfully offering to exchange the sky
a pinch of salt
Your noble cargo.

In the next stanza, the owner of the voice seems to dive deeper into his association, moving from the forest to the ship - now he smells it, admires the boards, finding himself an observer of reality. Under the father of travel - the friend of the sailor, we most likely have to assume (and this is quite logical in terms of the importance for Mandelstam’s poetics different directions Hellenic culture), the God of the winds - Aeolus, who is contrasted with the obviously Christian archetype - the Bethlehem peaceful carpenter. The lyrical subject is located outside of swimming, and is an observer spirit, freely moving in space.

Where to begin?
Everything cracks and sways.
The air trembles with comparisons.
No word is better than another
The earth hums with metaphor
And light gigs,
In a flashy harness thick with bird strain
Are torn to pieces
Competing with snoring pets

In this stanza, a breakdown occurs - the voice panics before the density of reality, reveals its powerlessness before the challenge of turning the world into words. Reality becomes a hopelessly torn stream - after the forest-ship system, the point of harmonization suddenly disappears.
And this despite the fact that the lyrical field has already been created, and seems to require itself to be continued.
Light gigs appear - boats harnessed by flocks of birds. The optics seem to have been taken from a height, the boats are torn to pieces. In what sense they compete with horses is not clear, but where the lists came from can be guessed from the associative series - long spears for battles on the lists were made from pine trees. So, the author’s world, due to the inability to reflect the reality being created, collapses.

Thrice blessed is he who puts a name into the song;
Song decorated with a name
Lives longer among others -
She is marked among her friends with a bandage on her forehead,
Healing from unconsciousness, too
stupefying smell -
Be it the proximity of a man,
Or the smell of the fur of a strong beast,
Or just the spirit of a thyme, crushed between

This stanza is entirely a reflection, semantically unrelated to the previous ones. The author talks about a way to overcome unconsciousness, give songs a name, and find that lost point of harmonization. The name is not introduced (although why shouldn’t it be?) and in this Mandelstam reveals the author’s paradoxical desire to be beyond understanding, including beyond the logical understanding of his own text, behind this one of the features of the modernist paradigm is clearly discernible - the deconstruction of the previous logic of the work.
The named song lives among others, firmly and actively, it remembers the power of physical impact, and is rooted in life. Anonymity rushes into reverse side, into the dungeons of meaning. In fact, this name could be the clue to the poem. But Mandelstam goes on a tangent from this too obvious possibility, towards a meeting with a “blind spot”.

The air is dark like water, and all living things swim in it like fish,
Pushing the sphere with its fins,
Dense, elastic, slightly heated, -
Crystal, in which wheels move and horses shy away,
The wet black soil of Neera, plowed anew every night
Forks, tridents, hoes, plows.
The air is mixed as thick as the earth:
It is impossible to get out of it, it is difficult to enter it.

This passage can be connected with the previous one - the space continues to remain torn, kaleidoscopic, the pumping metric of the passage creates a feeling of psychedelicity. Neera is the daughter of the Ocean from ancient Greek mythology, her black soil is the ocean, which is continuously plowed by human tools. The world appears hermetic, the lyrical “I” being in it, as if beating in claustrophobia.

The rustle runs through the trees like green bast shoes,
Children play with the vertebrae of dead animals.
The fragile chronology of our era is coming to an end.

A passing rustle is a metaphor for anxiety, a feeling of impending threat. Further. The lines about children are a clear reference to Heraclitus: “Eternity is a child at play who arranges checkers; the kingdom [of the world] belongs to the child.” From the subconscious of the text there is a feeling of completeness of a certain long-lasting whole (Hellenic-Christian culture, one must think) and the approach of something infernal and inevitable. This feeling is one of the most important in all of Mandelstam’s poetics; just remember ““A wolfhound is rushing on my back.” Leitmotifs are distributed throughout the poem, in no way connected with each other, and illustrating a certain part of the author’s inner life.

Thank you for what happened:
I made a mistake myself, I got lost, got confused in the counting.
The era rang like a golden ball,
Hollow, cast, not supported by anyone,
She answered “yes” and “no” to every touch.
This is how the child responds;
“I’ll give you an apple” - or: “I won’t give you an apple.”
And his face is an exact copy of the voice that pronounces these words.

This passage is semantically quite transparent. The author seems to be confessing and accepting this end of the “era”, experiencing the breakdown of the usual coordinate systems.

The sound still rings, although the cause of the sound has disappeared.
The horse lies in the dust and snores in the soap,
But the sharp turn of his neck
Still retains the memory of running with legs scattered -
When there were not four of them,
And according to the number of stones of the road,
Renewed in four shifts,
According to the number of repulses from the ground of a pacer bursting with heat.
Horseshoe finder
Blows the dust off of her
And rubs it with wool until it shines.
He hangs it on the doorstep
So that she can rest
And she will no longer have to strike sparks from flint.
Human lips that have nothing left to say
Preserve the form of the last word spoken,
And there remains a feeling of heaviness in my hand,
Although the jug half spilled while they were carrying it home.

A sound that is about to disappear, following its cause that has already disappeared, is again a sign of a collapsing world. A horse agonizing in the dust is also a completely transparent metaphor. The era is suffocating before death, retaining within itself the last stubbornness of strength, and separating the world from its ontological health.
Here it is easy to unravel the meaning of the horseshoe - it is a surviving evidence of the era; the one who finds the horseshoe hangs it up for good luck, because it is a clear artifact containing the spirit of the era, and therefore a kind of super-powerful talisman.

What I'm saying now is not me saying,
And dug out of the ground, like grains
fossilized wheat.
the coins depict a lion,
Other -
A variety of copper, gold and bronze
They lie in the ground with equal honor;
The century, trying to gnaw them, stamped on them
your teeth.
Time cuts me off like a coin
And I really miss myself.

This ending is a plaintive surrender. Persistent signs of the times profane the unique human, diluting its individuality. The cruelty of time unifies the internal space. The entire poem - a system of associations, thin layers of pre-meanings - ends in such an explicit and tragic way.

“The Horseshoe Finder” illustrates the struggle of various vaguenesses - a vague but eerie feeling of the end of an era, a vague feeling of one’s artistic power and at the same time the impossibility of expressing oneself, an awkward feeling of a draft in which it is not clear which details are superfluous in relation to the main ones. All this, intertwined, forms a unique text whose innovation is in presenting the clear incoherence of the described objects.
This poem persistently deconstructs itself, but the author himself tries to cope with this deconstruction in the end without leading to complete destruction.

As a result, in this text one can discern concerns of various kinds - in a broad sense, cultural, linguistic, logical, all together - concern for the legitimacy of beloved systems, for their defenselessness against linguistic and historical entropy.
The identification of this special Mandelstam anxiety of 1923 is, as it seems to me, the central point of understanding this text.

Arkady Dragomoshchenko presented a poetics in which anxiety was experienced, turning into a calm confidence that one can coexist with the world, lying in this conditional darkness of meaninglessness and orphanhood, and even selflessly rejoice at its discovery within oneself.
Moreover, if for Mandelstam “The Horseshoe Finder” is an experience of exploring his own fear, looking beyond the ontological structure, then Dragomoshchenko is flesh and blood of this dark world. He presented what Alexander Skidan aptly described as a “Blind Spot,” the signs of which can be seen in “The Horseshoe Finder.”

In many of his texts, Dragomoshchenko revels in the separation of meanings, showing in detail all stages of this process. This method can be called a clarification towards the opposite of semantics; it can be considered using the following text as an example:

I want to remind you of your proposal
regarding a more precise definition of
which went to Manchester by morning mail.
You won’t believe it, the moon rose on both sides, but I wrote,
that in this case I will not like it. Last year?
No, of course not, just like later. At all? Excluding etymology,
passing into the broken wheels of metaphors (feeding wheels),
if we talk about careless movement, but then - no letter?,
neither Manchester, reading, post office, but also

There is no wine in a glass that has not become. The taste of it is in your mouth.
However, this is also not true. And the first argument
that this is simply not true, but sticky dust on the glass,
behind which the out-of-focus shot is forever fragmented: morning.
Watered streets. The emptiness of all heaven and sandals on bare feet.
Love is not in things, not in the traces they leave,
but that it burns with lightning speed at the point where the wind disappears.

The text shows what meaning looks like when it has fallen into the dark world of pre-language. The passage begins with a deliberately everyday phrase (similar to the beginning of "The Horseshoe Finder"). Next, the author hints at the contents of the letter and the circumstances of its writing. And here it goes into clarification of what has already been said, involving in the text objects that are completely unrelated to what was said. This is a clarification in the sense that the desire to tear the meaning into pieces, associating it with some other things that cannot be guessed as to how they got here. It is possible to isolate the law according to which this text was created only intuitively, experiencing constant vague suffering from lack of understanding.
The complex syntactic connection allows one to guess in some articulations, if not the meaning, then at least its shadow; the narrative tone of the passage seems to indicate the author’s confidence in the legitimacy of such a statement, moreover, in a certain self-evidentness that the reader will understand everything correctly.

In connection with the study of the structure of the poetics of ATD, we can consider this excerpt from the poem:

Telephone calls, weather vane braid -
The hair is braided and everything is in the back. Or a blade.
And you have everything ahead and in between.
Don't give me money, what if
If you love, bring a towel
Into a broken shower, a bottle of non-poison,
And don't worry, don't worry in vain
Neither me nor the neighbors -
You won't see traces of purple
On sanitary slopes of faience
On the sugar slopes of the temple.

One of the characteristic techniques of ADT is visible here - in a text arranged according to a completely incomprehensible principle, the words ““from our world””, completely ordinary, unexpectedly follow, as here - ““don’t give me money, and if you love me, bring a towel.” These lines seem to cling the text to the ground with a long thread. And this becomes enough for the lines around this to lead the reader in a certain direction, dooming him to fall into the gaps of language. In each gap, the reader feels a misunderstanding, but a misunderstanding structured differently, differing from one another by almost non-existent prelinguistic nuances.

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