What sockets are best to install in an apartment? Which sockets to choose for your home? Which brand of sockets is best to choose for an apartment?

Every day we use switches and sockets many times, sometimes without even realizing how much the comfort and safety of our lives depends on them. I don't want to scare anyone, but I don't right choice There is a risk of fire in the wiring and electric shock. In the best case, after some time the plug will begin to fall out of the socket, and the case will begin to fall out of the box. The safety of electrical installation equipment, which is understood as sockets with switches, is the most important factor in its choice, but today, when designer switches, sockets with a timer and other interesting solutions appear on sale, other parameters are also of great importance, and making a purchase becomes very difficult . Let's try to figure out how to choose the right socket and switch.

No. 1. Electrical wiring type

Electrical wiring in an apartment can be:

  • hidden type when the cable is laid in the wall. Without going into details, we note that this is the most preferable and safest option, but, alas, not always available;
  • open type when the cable is attached directly to the wall.

For hidden type Internal sockets and switches are suitable. The main part of the electrical installation equipment in this case is located in the wall, and only a nice casing is mounted outside.

For open postings external type equipment is required, i.e. overhead sockets and switches. They will stick out noticeably, but it’s still impossible to say that such details can ruin the interior. True, in this case it will be necessary to approach the issue of determining more carefully ideal place location so that no one touches the socket or switch once again. The advantages include simpler installation.

No. 2. Which socket to choose: degree of protection of the housing

Even a child understands that a power outlet is a source of increased danger. Adults may add that contact with water can have disastrous consequences. So now, don't use any outlets or use them at all? What then should be done in swimming pools and other rooms where contact with water cannot be avoided? For this case, protective sockets have been developed, the housing of which can prevent the negative effects of moisture and dust.

When choosing an outlet, you should definitely pay attention to degree of protection against moisture and small objects, which is indicated in the marking by the letters IP and the following two numbers.

The first digit shows how much the socket protected from foreign objects:

  • 0 – no protection;
  • 1 – protection from objects larger than 50 mm;
  • 2 – protection from objects larger than 12 mm;
  • 3 – protection from objects larger than 2.5 mm;
  • 4 – protected from objects larger than 1 mm;
  • 5 – protection against small particles, incl. from dust;
  • 6 – absolute dust tightness.

The second digit indicates degree of protection against moisture:

  • 0 – no protection;
  • 1 – protection from drops falling from above;
  • 2 – protection from drops falling not only strictly from above, but also at an angle of 15 degrees;
  • 3 – protection against splashes that fall at an angle of 60 degrees, incl. from the rain;
  • 4 – protection against splashes that fall at different angles;
  • 5 – protection against jets of water;
  • 6 – protection from a powerful jet of water;
  • 7 – protection for short-term immersion in water;
  • 8 – protection during long-term immersion in water.

The choice of outlet depends on where will it be used, and what impacts are expected on it. For example, an IP 20 socket is suitable for living rooms, IP 44 for a bathroom, although some advise taking IP 45, and for the street it is worth looking at an IP 65 socket.

No. 3. Important technical parameters of the socket

It is better to install sockets and switches if there is even the slightest doubt in your own abilities. On the other hand, whoever undertakes the installation of such equipment needs to know the basic technical parameters.


Sockets can be with or without grounding. The choice depends on whether there is a grounding conductor in the apartment wiring:

  • socket without grounding usually marked 2K, where K is a contact, and the number is the number of contacts. Such sockets are used when grounding is not provided or is not necessary;
  • socket without grounding marked 2K+Z, externally distinguished by the presence of two metal strips in the socket with contacts. This is an option for homes that use a three-wire network.

It is worth noting that wiring without grounding is becoming less and less common today; it remains only in old houses.


Type and strength, voltage, frequency of the network are the most important parameters when choosing an outlet. Our networks use alternating voltage 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz; in other countries these parameters are slightly different. It is better to choose the rated current depending on the planned load on a given outlet. For domestic conditions, it is better to take products with a voltage of 250 V and a rated current of 10 A for connection washing machine, electric stoves - 16 A. Experts recommend using the ratio 4 A - 0.88 kW when choosing.

When choosing an outlet and calculating their total number in the apartment, you should take into account the number of kilowatts that are allocated to your apartment. If powerful equipment is connected to all outlets at the same time, the cable may overheat, and this risks causing a fire. That is why electricians advise calculating the power of the electrical network before installing new equipment and new sockets. Such a calculation is carried out by a specialist - it is better not to waste money on this.

Screw and screwless connection

Without going into the nuances of installing the socket, we note that special screws are used to secure the core in the socket box. They are screwed into a plate that clamps the contact. If the contact becomes loose over time, you can carefully tighten the screw.

There are sockets with quick-release contacts, i.e. without screws. Instead of a traditional clamp, fixation here is carried out thanks to a special hole that can narrow and expand when a key is pressed. Manufacturers of such products promise that such a system does not need regular maintenance, and the mechanism is capable of independently and reliably pressing the contact. In reality, this does not always turn out to be the case, and to restore contact you will have to perform a much more complex procedure than simply tightening the screw.

In addition, experts advise choosing sockets where the plug connectors are equipped with springs - they allow the plug to be fixed more firmly. If you plan to connect several sockets with a cable, then there should be an additional pair of contacts, which will simplify the installation process and increase the security of the connection.

Types of connectors

IN different countries all over the world they use sockets in which the connectors are arranged differently. Accordingly, they have a plug of a certain shape, hence the problem of adapters. We will not go into the various options and geography of their use (this is clearly shown in the picture), but we note that we use type C (without grounding) and F (with grounding) sockets.

No. 4. Types of sockets

In our usual understanding, a socket is simply an element with holes where you can connect an electrical appliance, and after using it, you just need to remove the plug from the socket. This is the most traditional option. It is still the most popular, but new, more modern devices, which may be slightly more.

When deciding which outlet to choose, pay attention to these kinds:

  • socket with cover indispensable where there is a high probability of moisture or dust getting into the equipment. Such products are installed in bathrooms, swimming pools, etc. As long as the outlet is covered with a lid, it is protected from negative external influences;
  • socket with curtainperfect option for children's institutions. The design provides for the presence of special blocking elements that will not allow a wire or other thin object to be inserted into the socket. The curtains open only when an electrical plug is inserted;
  • socket with switch, which allows you to turn on and off the power of an electrical appliance, eliminating the need to constantly insert and remove the plug. This solution is aimed at extending the service life of the outlet;
  • push-out sockets facilitate the process of disconnecting electrical appliances from power, thereby extending the service life of the outlet itself and the power cable. The design involves the presence of a button on the body, when pressed, the plug literally pops out of the socket. Something similar is implemented in mixers. It is appropriate to install such sockets in places where they are actively used, for example, in hairdressing salons and kitchens;
  • socket with indicator light assumes the presence of a small light bulb in the design. Its light indicates the presence of electricity in the network and allows you to quickly navigate in the dark;
  • floor socket with a retractable mechanism will be needed when it is impossible to place it in the wall for some reason. By the way, retractable sockets of this type are sometimes mounted on countertops;
  • socket with timer. The functionality is clear, and the shutdown time can be set either using buttons and the display, or using a rotary mechanism;

  • Wi-Fi sockets used in the “ ” system, they can be controlled remotely using a special application;
  • socket block appropriate where several electrical appliances are constantly required, for example, in the kitchen;
  • special sockets may be required to connect a telephone, radio point or antenna;
  • power connectors are needed mainly at the stage of construction and repair work for connecting high power devices.

Among the more original options are also presented window rosettes, which convert solar energy into electricity, sockets with wattmeter(show how much energy the connected device consumes) and sockets withUSB output.

No. 5. Switch selection

Many parameters for choosing an outlet are also valid for a switch:

By method fastenings switches can be:

  • screw, similar to screw sockets. Experts say that such switches are best used with aluminum wiring, which does not spark or heat up;
  • screwless ones are often used with copper wiring.

Depending on the design features switches are divided into:

  • changeover– the most familiar and easiest-to-manage option;
  • rotary– this mechanism is often used in retro-style switches. To turn it on, you need to turn the lever clockwise;
  • push-button- an option that can be compared in convenience to a flip-over, but has not yet found distribution. To turn on the light, just press the button; the same button is pressed to turn it off;
  • dimmers They allow you not only to turn on the light, but also to adjust its brightness by turning the lever. This is very economical and convenient when you need to create different lighting scenarios in one room. Dimmers are usually used with incandescent and halogen lamps - it is difficult to find one that can connect to a dimmer, and it will cost a couple of times more than a regular one.

Several switches can be installed on one panel, which are responsible for turning on different groups of lamps - this is a common and quite convenient solution today. Moreover, the same lamps can be controlled from different places in the room - this requires the installation of additional switches. The system becomes more complex, but comfort increases. Smart switches with a motion sensor, touch or remote control are installed in smart home systems.

It is worth highlighting illuminated switches: A built-in small light will tell you that there is electricity and make it easier to find in pitch darkness. Can be installed at home a switch with a timer or a switch that will respond to a clap.

No. 6. Design and material

Elements such as sockets and switches are not usually emphasized in interior design, so they are always matched to match the walls. The style of their execution must correspond to the chosen one, and there is room to roam around. Manufacturers offer us products in both the simplest and most familiar designs, as well as real works of art.

As material of manufacture usually use shockproof and fireproof plastic. Less common and rather elite options are: wood, leather, stone, glass and even concrete, porcelain, clay and textiles. It is allowed to use steel, bronze, chrome, aluminum and other metals in switches. Despite the fact that no one focuses on sockets and switches, their design is an important touch in creating a holistic, harmonious interior.

The more sophisticated and original the design of the equipment, the more expensive it will cost, but in pursuit of aesthetics, do not forget about safety.

No. 7. What else is important to consider when choosing?

Considering several options in the store, it doesn’t hurt make a visual assessment:

Among manufacturers for sockets and switches, we note Legrand (a French company, an industry leader), Schneider Electric, Jung, Bticino, ABB, Polo, Fontini. There are slightly cheaper products from Polish and Turkish companies, which are also of good quality: Viko, Makel, Karlik, MONO, OSPEL. Of the domestic manufacturers, the largest is Wessen.

Finally, we note that the standards regulate the installation of sockets and switches at a height of no more than 1 m from the floor, but there are many exceptions to this rule, especially when we're talking about about bathrooms and kitchens - here it is possible to install equipment in the most convenient place.

Every person in his life has encountered the use of electrical outlets, but when you have to make repairs yourself or replace a faulty outlet, questions arise. Which sockets are better? How to choose a socket from the entire huge range of products offered in a store, supermarket or online store. To do this, you need to understand the specifications of each type of outlet and choose in accordance with the operating conditions and functions performed, as well as the requirements for their safe use.

Types of sockets

Hidden or internal socket

Used in conjunction with hidden wiring, which is mounted in special grooves in the walls (grooves), is the most common type of sockets, which is used in almost all residential premises, offices and other institutions. All that remains on the surface is a neat rim with an outer cover, into which the plug and cord are stuck, and all the wires, fasteners and the core are hidden in a special prepared socket box, the depth of which should be no less than the thickness of the core. This is done using a perforator with a special crown with pobedit teeth.

External or surface socket

This type is suitable if the wiring is done open method or it is carried out in special plastic or aluminum boxes (cable ducts), closed with a special lid with a latch. This type of sockets is used for decorative installation, and is also used in wooden buildings, where, according to fire safety rules, only such external wiring and overhead sockets and switches are used.

Various colors and shades

This criterion when choosing sockets relates more to the design solution and is applied specifically to the selected interior of the room. The domestic market is saturated with different shades and colors. The main acceptable option, which is qualitatively different from the usual colors, is a rosette in various shades of wood; it is also made of high-quality plastic.

With ground terminal

This version of sockets is equipped with a grounding tap, which is connected to the grounding circuit and serves as high-quality protection for people from electric shock. To do this, it is necessary that the entire electrical system in the room must be made using a grounding wire. That is, it consists of three phase wires, zero, and ground. Do not connect the ground wire to the neutral wire! Such sockets are required for a hob, a refrigerator, that is, for all devices that have a housing made of conductive material, which may become live due to an insulation breakdown.

Screw connection of current-carrying wires

In such sockets, the wires are clamped in the socket box with special bolts or screws. This is the most common and very common connection method.

Clamp connections

This is a new product developed by a South Korean company, in which the wire is fixed in contact connection is carried out due to the clamp, which, when pressed, expands, and when released, contracts, thereby ensuring contact. This type of connection and sockets is recommended if the consumers connected to it will be low-power, since when connecting powerful successors to electricity, the contact may heat up due to weak fixation. This is especially true for wiring made of aluminum, since it has been proven that aluminum reduces the diameter of the conductors over time, although this decrease is very insignificant.

This type of outlet is equipped with a special curtain, which, if the plug is not connected to it, is closed and the child will not be able to insert any objects through which they will receive a shock. The curtains open when the electrical plug is pressed into the socket.

Timer or controlled

Such sockets are equipped with a timer; it can be electrical or mechanical. There are also innovative sockets controlled via the Internet or mobile network. This is a rather expensive type of outlet, with unique features of turning on and off at a distance.

With squeezing mechanism

They are equipped with a special, neat button when pressed, which requires a minimum of effort to pull the electrical plug out of the socket. This type of sockets is effective in places where it is inconvenient to disconnect the plug from the socket due to furniture or other reasons. For example, behind the refrigerator or closet.

With voltage indication

This connection device has a small indicator lamp that signals the presence of voltage in the outlet. This is very convenient at night, in the dark when the lights are off and you need to look for a source of electrical energy by touch.

With an increased degree of protection against dust and water

This degree of protection must be indicated in any electrical device and is indicated by the IP type marking followed by two numbers. The first of them is protection against dust getting inside the socket; there are only 6 of them. The weakest protection is zero, and the maximum protection is expressed by the number six. The second number is the protection of the device from moisture getting inside it and there are 8 levels in total, the maximum of which is the eighth. That is, if any electrical appliance has an IP rating of 68, then this device is considered to be maximally protected from any dust and can be used even under water. For example, in a bathhouse, sockets with an index of IP 54 are used, and in an apartment, IP 20.

Pull-out sockets

This type of sockets also appeared on the domestic market very recently, but has already won its consumers. This type of sockets is installed in a tabletop or shelf, for example, in the kitchen, and, if necessary, is pulled out using a special mechanism installed in it. One of the varieties of such sockets is floor sockets. Both floor-standing and furniture-mounted retractable sockets can also be equipped with additional USB connectors for charging mobile phones and tablets, as well as RCD devices (residual current device).


This is the latest development of scientists of the 21st century, which is not yet widespread in the world, but already exists. It is attached to the window on the sunny side and converts solar energy into electrical energy. Time will tell how this type of sockets will take root in everyday life.

If everything is clear with the types of sockets, then you can move on to choosing the socket itself. The choice of outlets is based on the general law of economic benefit. This means that high-quality, good sockets cannot be very cheap, and the pricing policy will always be confirmed by the quality of execution, and therefore the duration of its trouble-free operation.

Practical tips on how to choose sockets and which sockets are better:

  1. When choosing sockets, you should always pay attention to the material from which the product is made;
  2. Cheap soft plastic will not last long, and also quickly scratches and breaks;
  3. All socket housings must be clearly marked indicating the manufacturer or brand of the appliance. If there is no marking, such a product should not be taken;
  4. Socket contacts should not be made of thin metal;
  5. The gaps between plastic components must be equal and even;
  6. If possible, you can smell the smell of the material; cheap Chinese goods always have a strong unpleasant odor;
  7. The choice of fastening must correspond to what is needed, and the more and better the fastening elements, the more expensive the purchase;
  8. If there are instructions, this is also an indicator of the high quality of the socket;
  9. Preference should be given to world-famous brands and brands, since their quality control of the products sold is always at its best;
  10. Combination strips that contain not only sockets, but also light switches are very convenient for indoor use;
  11. You need to select sockets based on current load and voltage. For example, for a hob you should not take an outlet smaller than 16 amperes and 250 volts.

If you take into account all these nuances, you can choose the best sockets for a specific use and certain rooms. which will serve for many years without complaints or problems. The World Wide Web offers many reviews of sockets that will clarify each specific model.

It must be remembered that the main dangerous consequence An incorrect choice may cause a fire due to heating of the connecting contacts of the socket.

We come across electrical outlets every day, so it is very important that they are convenient and reliable. A lot depends on the correct choice of outlet. Firstly, it is an opportunity to fully satisfy your needs for turning on electrical household appliances. In addition, its service life depends on the correct choice of plug socket.

When a person does not know the basic rules that must be followed when choosing an outlet, he often faces the problem of frequent failure of outlets. Perhaps, in this case, the outlet simply does not correspond to the actual load parameters of the household appliances that are plugged into it. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to choose a quality outlet. We will talk about how to do this correctly in this article.

At the moment, the range of sockets is very large. In this case, your task is to choose a high-quality outlet. If you buy the first socket you come across that was recommended by the store salesperson, you will make a mistake. Since there is a high probability that this outlet does not meet the required parameters.

What to consider when choosing sockets

There are several criteria to consider when choosing an outlet. First is the type of electrical wiring. If your wiring is mounted directly into the wall, that is, a hidden type, then you need to select an internal outlet. A distinctive feature of this type of socket is that it is installed in a special box, which is pre-mounted into the wall. In this case, only the socket body is located outside the wall, and the socket body is located directly in the box.

If your wiring is laid in an open way, then you need to purchase an external type socket. This type of socket is mounted directly on the wall. A distinctive feature of an external socket is that its entire body is located outside.

The next criterion is the degree of protection of the socket housing. In accordance with generally accepted standards, there are several types of plug sockets, which are classified depending on the degree of protection of their housing from the negative effects of both moisture and mechanical impact from foreign objects. How to choose an outlet in this case?

Explanation of designations for the degree of protection of electrical equipment from environmental influences

As a rule, a special IP AB type marking is applied to the socket housing, where “A” and “B” are digital values ​​that correspond to one or another degree of protection of the housing from negative influences. In order to make the correct choice of socket, you need to know the decoding of these numerical values.

So, the number “A” shows the diameter of the object from the external influence of which the housing of the electrical equipment, in particular the plug socket, is protected. The number “B” indicates the degree of protection of this housing from moisture. Let us list the possible numerical values ​​and the corresponding parameter.

Number “A” - diameter and type of object:

“1” - more than 50 mm, as well as the back of the hand;

“2” - more than 12 mm, as well as fingers;

“3” - more than 2.5 mm, including hand tools;

“4” - more than 1 mm, including nuts, washers, bolts and individual conductors;

“5” - the housing is protected from dust, and is also completely protected from the impact of objects;

“6” - the housing is completely dust-proof and fully protected from the impact of objects.

“0” - there is no protection of the housing from the impact of objects.

The number “B” is the degree of exposure to moisture on the housing:

“1” - individual drops that fall vertically onto the body;

“2” - individual drops that fall on the body vertically at a slight angle, up to 15 degrees;

“3” - rain;

“4” - splashes of water that can hit the body from different angles;

“5” - water jet;

“0” - the housing is not protected from moisture.

Other important criteria to pay attention to

An important criterion for choosing an outlet is the presence or absence of a grounding conductor in the wiring of the apartment (house). If one is present, then you must select an outlet with an additional grounding contact.

The next, no less important criterion for choosing a socket is the operating rating characteristics: type of current, its magnitude, voltage value, frequency of the supply network. The voltage of the household electrical network is variable, its value is 220 volts, frequency 50 Hz. The rated current is selected in accordance with the load of household electrical appliances that you plan to plug into this outlet.

Its service life depends on the correct choice of the socket according to its nominal parameters. If, when choosing an outlet, you find that there is no marking on it, then refuse to purchase it. There is a high probability that this outlet does not correspond to the expected load or the parameters of the household network.

In addition to the above, one more criterion for choosing a socket can be noted - the quality of the plug connectors. Choose a socket with connectors with springs, as they provide additional rigidity of contact when the plug is turned on. household appliance. If you choose a socket with conventional connectors, that is, without additional springs, then after some time the rigidity of the contact between the connectors and the plug will significantly decrease, which will lead to their heating and possible damage.

In order to choose a high-quality outlet, pay attention to how the electrical wire is connected to the outlet. In this case, the best option is to choose the connection where the area of ​​the contact surface of the wire with the contacts of the socket is larger.

If there is a need to connect several sockets with a cable, then pay attention to the presence of an additional pair of contacts on the socket. This will greatly simplify the connection of the wire and also increase the reliability of the connection.

Manufacturers of quality sockets

Expensive, high-quality sockets are produced by European manufacturers. These are such well-known companies as "Legrand", "Schneider Electric", "Polo", "ABB", "Jung", etc. There are also very expensive designer sockets, most often these are Italian manufacturers, for example "Bticino", "Fontini" .

Sockets from Turkish and Polish companies "Makel", "Viko", "Karlik", "OSPEL" stand out for their good quality and average prices. It is better not to buy cheap and very cheap sockets (legacies of Soviet times and domestic analogues from well-known manufacturers). Since among these sockets there are a large number of low quality. Although you may come across normal sockets, this is already a lottery.

Electrical sockets can be fake or original. Buy only original sockets, and do it in trusted places, where sellers value their reputation.

Agree, among the offers of sockets and switches, it is sometimes not easy to decide on a suitable option that will combine high quality products at an affordable price.

To make the choice easier, we will provide a review of popular electrical installation products from manufacturers whose products have won the trust of consumers. In addition, we will tell you what characteristics and parameters need to be taken into account in order to select the optimal sockets and switches for your home.

The installation of high-quality sockets and switches plays an important role in the safety of the technical equipment of an apartment or house. Therefore, the buyer’s attention is primarily focused on products from well-known manufacturers with impressive experience and a well-deserved reputation in the market.

The composition of the top five leading European brands that produce high-quality electrical installation products has not changed over the past ten years. All standard models of the rating leaders are approximately in the same price segment.

If we consider exquisite solutions, for example, from antique brass and bronze, ceramics and glass, then due to the high price they will most likely be inaccessible to the average buyer. But in any case, these top five produce truly high-quality products.

Schneider Electric – expert in energy management

The French company, founded 180 years ago, initially specialized in weapons. Over time, having expanded its specialization, the transnational enterprise began to deal with issues of electrical engineering and telemechanics, mastering more promising markets in the electrical power industry.

Today the company is considered a global expert in energy management.

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