Dosage of white coal for poisoning. How to take white activated carbon in case of poisoning? Vacation conditions and price

The role of sorbents in the body is difficult to overestimate. A lot of harmful substances coming from food, medicines, drinking water requires immediate excretion through the excretory organs and digestive tract. This process can be helped by the use of sorbents, which, due to their structure, ensure the binding of molecules of harmful substances and their deposition on their surface.

Requirements for enterosorbents:

Since enterosorbents are designed to help the body cope with intoxication, they should be:

  • Harmless;
  • Have a quick action;
  • Have no consequences after use;
  • Do not damage the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Do not accumulate in the body;
  • Possess low allergenicity;
  • Have high sorption capacity.

What is activated white carbon

The drug is a treasure of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry. It contains:

  1. Microcrystalline cellulose;
  2. Silica;
  3. starch;
  4. powdered sugar.

In terms of its properties, it meets all the requirements for enterosorbents, while being a faster-acting substance. In addition, the dosage for its use is characterized by a lower daily dose and duration of treatment.

The direction of action is to remove toxic products and allergens from the body that came from food, medicine, water, or are of bacterial origin. In addition, charcoal helps remove gaseous substances formed as a result of intestinal activity, as well as excess gastric juice.

Beneficial effects have also been noted in other areas:

  • Stabilizes sleep;
  • Increases working capacity;
  • Improves skin color;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Promotes regenerative processes.

Characteristics of the constituent components

Silicon dioxide, being the main active ingredient, is not included in the group medicines, but rather refers to biological additives. Promotes easy digestibility of food and rapid elimination of its breakdown products.

Accelerates the removal from the blood of glycosides, alkaloids, ethyl alcohol barbiturates, heavy metal salts, serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins and other unsafe biological substances. Thanks to this, the kidneys and liver are unloaded, metabolic processes are corrected, and lipid metabolism indicators are normalized.

The mechanism of action boils down to the following: when silicon dioxide enters a liquid medium, it attaches hydroxyl groups to itself, thereby forming a complex spatial structure. Sorption of molecules occurs on the surface of particles, in places of direct interaction between silicon oxide and hydroxyl groups. An increase in their total sorption area due to dissolution in water helps to accelerate the therapeutic effect and expand the range of sorbed components. Yes, white Activated carbon is more likely to adsorb substances with a large molecular weight (allergens, microorganisms) than black.

Microcrystalline cellulose is assessed as an additional supplier of dietary fiber isolated from plant fiber to the body. The mechanism of its action is carried out in two ways:

  1. Sorptive;
  2. Mechanical.

The cellulose included in the composition is identical to natural, it has the property of not being broken down and not dissolving in the intestines. The drug causes increased intestinal motility, the intensity of breakdown of nutrients, and a decrease in the absorption of bile acids and monomers. Irritation of intestinal receptors, due to increased intestinal peristalsis, stagnation is eliminated and the bolus of food is eliminated.

IN small intestine Due to microcrystalline cellulose, parietal digestion is activated and the absorption of nutrients from plant products is improved.
Activation of metabolic processes in the body leads to strengthening of the immune status, correction of the imbalance of certain biological substances produced endogenously and entering the body from the outside.

Features of application

White activated carbon: instructions for use provide for certain ease of use of the drug:

  • A small daily dose (maximum up to 4 g per day);
  • Lack of taste and flavoring additives;
  • Lack of fastening action;
  • Possibility of use similar to a food additive;
  • Convenient release form (tablets or powder for preparing a suspension);
  • Easy solubility in liquid;
  • Harmlessness.

The intended purpose of the drug determined the indications for its use:

  1. As a preparatory therapy for instrumental examinations of the intestines and organs abdominal cavity;
  2. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and ensure its functioning;
  3. For the treatment of acute infectious diseases accompanied by general intoxication;
  4. To provide emergency assistance for poisoning of various origins, including salts of heavy metals;
  5. For the treatment of liver and kidney failure;
  6. For allergic reactions of various origins;
  7. For the treatment of dermatitis of endogenous nature;
  8. As part of the treatment of liver and chronic renal failure;
  9. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis;
  10. To relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  11. To speed up the process of treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues;
  12. To remove decay products during a diet for weight loss;

Contraindications for use:

Individual characteristics of the body are sometimes unpredictable. Therefore, before using medications, it is necessary to determine how safe their use will be. You should be especially careful when:

  • Individual sensitivity to the drug or its components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage
  • Intestinal bleeding;
  • Tumor processes in the intestines;
  • Young children.

If it is necessary to use the drug and other medications simultaneously, you should consult your doctor about their combination.
When using, caution should be exercised by people suffering from diabetes mellitus: Each charcoal tablet contains 0.26 g of glucose.

The action of silicon dioxide can cause constipation. To prevent such consequences, you should drink enough fluid.
Long-term use of the medication may impair the absorption of vitamins and calcium, so it should be used with caution in children under 14 years of age. If treatment with the drug is necessary, courses of administration should be carried out at intervals.

Evaluation of the drug based on consumer reviews

Despite the fact that the drug appeared on the pharmaceutical market quite recently, it has received well-deserved praise from its consumers.

The effectiveness of its use is given in the treatment of allergic conditions, relieving symptoms of poisoning, food intoxication, and excretory functions.

There is experience in using white activated white carbon as part of a diet for weight loss, as well as treating acne on the face by internally cleansing the body of waste, toxins, and harmful heavy metals. Unlike black coal, the doses of its use are not so large and act faster
The only argument against this new drug is its relatively high price.

It should be remembered that the name of the drug is only a marketing ploy, since the drug has nothing to do with coal, only a similar pharmaceutical effect.

Many people, unfortunately, know first-hand about intoxications, which happen for a number of reasons and can end not very positively. This is why highly effective detoxification medications are always in such demand.

For the purpose of removing harmful and toxic substances from the body, as well as complex therapy of intoxication, relief and binding of allergens, entero-sorbents and charcoal (dietary supplements), which will also be written about in this article, are used.

Such drugs are able to relieve excessive stress on the intestines, liver and kidneys, because the above-mentioned organs are responsible for removing allergens with toxins from the body, as well as detoxification, and are able to normalize stools by eliminating intestinal gases.

White Coal is considered one of the best enteric sorbents of our time, which is able to meet a completely wide range of requirements that apply to modern anti-intoxication substances.

It is completely non-toxic, and therefore will not harm the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract; it is easily removed from the intestines, where it can exhibit a high sorption capacity. It is able to influence indirectly on reducing the manifestations of allergic reactions, which allows its successful use in allergic therapy, which has a different genesis.

It is recommended as an active food additive, which is considered a storehouse of all kinds of beneficial food fibers that may have absorption properties and contribute to the progress of the condition of the gastrointestinal tract itself.

Not so long ago, a modern sorbent appeared on the medicinal market under the name given to it by the manufacturer White Coal, which is intended to effectively eliminate the intoxication consequences, and is applicable for the removal and binding of poisons, all kinds of waste and toxins in the body.

It differs in composition from its competitor - black activated charcoal, and therefore can eliminate much more toxic substances, while having the same contraindications as the above drug.

This medication has a fairly mild effect on intoxication and can help reduce the productive signs of allergic-toxic reactions.

According to experts, the active elements of this sorbent include Si dioxide of the highly dispersed type and cellulose of the microcrystalline type, and additional ones include powdered sugar and potato starch.

Si dioxide is capable of expelling microbial and chemical toxins from the body, allergens to food and bacteria, protein waste products, excess gastric juice and intestinal gases.

It is capable of facilitating the transportation and removal from the blood and lymph directly into the gastrointestinal tract of various alcoholic substances, ethyl alcohols, heavy metal salts, prostaglandin, residual nitrogen, ureas, glycosides, organic phosphorus compounds, barbiturates, seratonin, gestamine, creatinines with lipids.

By reducing the load on disinfection organs and systems, we adjust metabolism and normalize cholesterol levels, triglycerides and total fats.

Microcrystalline cellulose is produced from plant cellulose, which in terms of its characteristics is almost the same as the natural one contained in food products. It is insoluble and insoluble in the intestines, but it can accumulate on its own surface, removing free radicals from the body, as well as toxins and decay-type products.

In the small intestine, due to this substance, parietal digestion is improved, beneficial substances are digestible and absorbed more fully, coming from fruits, vitamins, vegetables and medicines. Cellulose can irritate intestinal receptors, thereby enhancing its contractions, making it possible to remove a lump of stagnant food.


Black coal does a good job of cleaning the intestines, but on its surface it absorbs not only harmful and unnecessary components, but also beneficial ones.

White's effect is more selective: it expels and collects only poisonous compounds, without attracting water.

In order to get the desired result, you need to use a lot of tablets, despite the fact that white concentrates the beneficial properties in a much smaller quantity. That is why its operation is simpler and more profitable, since it is perfectly soluble in water. The medication has the following indications:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • helminthiases;
  • disorders in the functionality of the ventricle;
  • allergic processes;
  • intoxication endogenous dermatitis;
  • deterioration of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • food intoxications, which have different genesis, from fungi and alcohols as well;
  • hepatitis;
  • improper renal and liver functionality;
  • dysbacteriosis.

If we compare the medicine with black coal, white coal can cleanse the body more thoroughly, is more widely applicable and is used for the treatment of many diseases, but it has gained the greatest popularity in the treatment of alcohol and food intoxication. This is due to the fact that it is the strongest absorbent; its single tablet can replace a whole pack of black coal.

Reception for poisoning

The peculiarity of the operation is that therapy must begin as early as possible, as soon as the initial intoxication symptoms appear:

  • urge to vomit;
  • headache;
  • increased weakness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • muscle aches;
  • temperature.

If not all the signs appear, but at least a couple of them, this already means that you need to act.

White coal can help restore the desired state of health and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, since this is the strongest sorbent, capable of removing all toxic substances from the body during food and alcohol intoxication.

If a person is poisoned by food, it is much easier and faster to cleanse his body than from alcohol.

Features of use and dosage

To use the required dose of the drug, you should carefully study the instructions on how to drink white coal in case of poisoning. During intoxication, it is necessary to take no more than 3 times a day, 3-4 tablets. Practice has shown that at the initial (most acute stages of the disease) it is better to make a suspension: dilute the required amount of powder (in grams) in water.

Then it is taken three times during the day, three tablets an hour before meals (meals should be light). The medicine is washed down with a significant amount of liquid.

How to drink white coal if poisoned? In a crushed state, the drug acts faster, its adsorption capacity (the ability to “collect” harmful substances) increases. Therefore, a dissolved tablet or diluted powder is preferable.

The dosages are the same for both eating disorders and alcohol poisoning.

The question of how much to drink white coal in case of poisoning is clear - for 3 days. When the symptoms of poisoning subside, the patient continues to take white coal. And it is important to drink plenty of fluids. This will speed up the removal of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. If the condition improves slowly, you should consult a specialist. If there is an improvement, you should continue taking the medicine so that your health condition stabilizes.

The tablets must be washed down with plenty of clean boiled water. You should eat food only an hour after taking the product.

Maximum permissible daily norm an adult should not exceed 12 tablets. Doctors do not recommend using this drug for children under 14 years of age.

These tablets do not belong to medicines. Therefore, before resorting to their use, you should consult your doctor. The instructions describe some areas of their application.

White coal, tablets. It is allowed to prescribe to children from 3 years of age, depending on age and body weight:

  • 3–4 years (weighing 14–16 kg) – 2 tablets. 2–3 times/day (maximum daily therapeutic dose (MSTD) is 6 tablets);
  • 5–6 years (weighing 18–20 kg) – 3 tablets. 2–3 times/day (MSTD is 9 tablets).
  • Children over 7 years of age are recommended to prescribe this drug (as for adult patients) 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day.

White coal, powder for the preparation of oral suspension. Prepare a suspension by adding boiled water at room temperature to the bottle with powder up to the neck (which corresponds to 250 ml) and further vigorous shaking. The box with the drug contains a measuring cap (MC); when dosing the suspension, the silicon dioxide content in 1 measuring cap corresponds to 1.15 g.

It is used in the treatment of children from 1 year of age according to the prescribed scheme below (taking into account the child’s weight):

  • 1–2 years (with a weight of 9–12 kg) – 1⁄2 MK of the finished suspension 3–4 times a day;
  • 3–4 years (weighing 14–16 kg) – 1 MK of the finished suspension 3–4 times a day;
  • 5–6 years (weighing 18–20 kg) – 2 MK of the prepared suspension 3–4 times a day;
  • children over 7 years of age and adults: 2 MK suspension (corresponding to 50 ml) 3-4 times a day.

It is recommended to take White Charcoal suspension for oral use min 1 hour before meals (in order to prevent a decrease in the therapeutic effect).

The symptoms that plague a person during a hangover are also called hangover syndrome. The syndrome appears as a result of intoxication of the body with alcohol processing products, from which acetaldehyde is formed - a dangerous poison. Acetaldehyde has a strong effect at the cellular level of the body, preventing the complete digestion and absorption of nutrients.

As a result, unprocessed food remains accumulate, causing additional intoxication of the body.

White charcoal is designed to combat hangover symptoms. That is why it is important to take the drug before drinking alcohol, so that the sorbent can absorb and successfully remove toxins that have not yet penetrated the blood. As a result of timely intake, harmful elements of alcohol are easily removed from the human body, without causing pain or unpleasant consequences of the feast.

You can take white coal to prevent a hangover or to eliminate the already occurring consequences of drinking alcohol.

To prevent the occurrence of hangover syndrome, in the case when you know about the upcoming feast, you need to drink 3-4 tablets of white coal with a glass of warm water at night and in the morning an hour before eating on the eve of the holiday.

Thus, the body will have a sufficient level of sorbent that can cope with the upcoming attack of alcohol breakdown products.

When the first symptoms of alcohol poisoning occur, often in the morning, you should immediately drink 3-4 tablets of white coal. For a faster effect of the active components of the drug, it is recommended to use the powder in the amount of 2 tablespoons, which are diluted in a glass of water. If there is no powder, then you can crush the tablets, and also dilute the powder obtained with your own hands in water.

An important addition is that after taking sorbents it is necessary to empty the intestines within 2 hours. This is due to the fact that after this period of time, toxins will begin to be released back from the sorbent into the intestines, and in greater quantities than the coal had previously taken on.

As a rule, the desire to void appears on its own, but if this does not happen, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema - 200 ml will be enough to trigger the reflex. If a person suffering from a hangover chooses white coal, then he should not take any other drugs without waiting for a quick effect from the sorbent.

Taking additional anti-hangover medications will be in vain, since charcoal perfectly absorbs not only toxins, but also the components of other drugs.

After waking up, you should empty your stomach.

Take white charcoal on an empty stomach.

After 20 minutes, but no more than 2 hours, empty your intestines.

Take other remedies for hangover symptoms if relief does not occur 2 hours after taking the sorbent.

In addition to preventing or eliminating hangover syndrome in the morning, white coal, according to reviews from people who have experienced it, is taken even while drinking alcohol. When a person’s excessive intoxication causes concern among people around him, then you can give him 3 tablets of coal to drink, but no more.

This will ease the consequences of poisoning the body and prevent further deterioration of the drinker’s condition.

White coal can be taken during poisoning and after it, so that the body works “like a clock.” Application must be correct, and the dosage must comply with the instructions. Key points to note:

White coal is drunk an hour before meals.

The tablets need to be crushed to increase the effect of their action.

The water for preparing the solution should not be hot.

You need to take the pills for at least 3 days, but watch your diet and its balanced composition.

Elderly people, children, allergy sufferers, and pregnant women should definitely consult with their doctor before continuing to take the drug.

Patients with diabetes need to remember that the tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose.


What are the advantages of this enterosorbent over others?

Sorption capacity is the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the sorbent. The sorption capacity of White Coal is many times greater than that of other enterosorbents. Its daily dose is a maximum of 4 grams, while regular activated carbon must be taken in much larger quantities.

Unlike activated carbon, it does not cause constipation, but on the contrary, stimulates peristalsis in the intestines.

Thanks to enhanced peristalsis, the body is cleansed faster. It has a neutral taste and does not contain any flavoring additives. There is no need to crush the tablets before use. It is recommended to use it to prepare for X-ray and endoscopic methods of examining the intestines, as well as before performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, because it reduces gas formation in the intestines.

Thanks to this, specialists can study the condition in more detail internal organs. Stimulates the function of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances the breakdown of nutrients, reduces the absorption of bile acids and monomers. Thanks to this, the risk of formation of stones in the gallbladder is reduced.

Various ailments are possible with excessive use of the drug over a long period.

Possible side effects include: drowsiness, lethargy, weakness in the body, as well as laziness and severe apathy towards everything that is happening around.

This is explained by the fact that with a prolonged overdose, the body is not able to absorb the bulk of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber, as a result of which an acute lack of vitamins begins to appear.

There is no need to use the drug simultaneously with other medications, this significantly reduces the effect of its action. It is especially not recommended to combine white coal with other substances in case of poisoning. Allegorically speaking: one drug interferes with the action of another.


Like any other medicine, white coal has contraindications. And in this case it is not prescribed. But their list is quite small:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • childhood;
  • intolerance to coal components;
  • lactation period and pregnancy.

The action of white coal is much more effective and faster, the number of contraindications is small. In my own way chemical composition he is harmless.

The help of white coal in case of poisoning gives us the opportunity to understand that this is one of the the best means. So why not put it in your first aid kit?

What is the difference between white activated carbon and black?

We have already written about cleansing with activated carbon and the main properties of this drug. It is usually used for food and alcohol poisoning, flatulence and dyspepsia, poisoning with salts of heavy metals. It is also able to quickly remove heavy metal salts and various toxic components from the body, from gases to chemical compounds.

True, traditional activated carbon has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, along with harmful substances, it removes all useful substances from the body, including vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Secondly, it usually has to be absorbed in fairly large quantities - in some situations, several packages of the drug may be required for a single dose.

The action of white coal is characterized by selectivity: it absorbs toxins and pushes out waste, but at the same time the nutrients necessary for the body remain in the cells. In addition, it is a more “concentrated” sorbent: instead of a handful of black coal, you can drink only 1-2 tablets of white.

In case of food and alcohol poisoning.

During intoxication of the body, it is necessary to take a sorbent that will quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache will go away faster after consuming charcoal.

Activated - you need to drink in large doses, but it will help strengthen the stool faster when food poisoning. White – more effectively detoxifies the body from alcohol, quickly removing headache, and the dosage of this drug is several times less.

For allergies

In case of unpleasant manifestations of allergic reactions (hives, pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, sneezing, coughing), you need to drink an adsorbent drug that will instantly cleanse the body of toxic substances. Therapy should be comprehensive in conjunction with antihistamines prescribed by a doctor. Which charcoal is better for allergies, white or activated, is chosen by everyone independently, depending on preferences.

White will help solve the problem more effectively and faster, but its cost is a little higher.

Taking white charcoal during pregnancy

Taking the drug for pregnant women is not recommended and even contraindicated. It's all about active absorbent properties: white coal is able to remove not only toxins and other harmful elements from the body, but also necessary substances from medications or vitamins that a woman has recently taken.

At the same time, there is a different opinion about the reasons for banning the drug for pregnant women - this is that white coal is not a medicine, but only a food additive. Therefore, state control over the production and quality of this drug is somewhat lower than over the release of official medicines.

Also, the use of white coal is prohibited for children under one year of age, women during lactation, persons suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, persons with ulcers and erosions of the intestinal lining, with intestinal bleeding and obstruction.

For children

The dose of the adsorbent substance for the child’s body is calculated according to the child’s weight. For infants, sorbents are recommended in the form of a suspension, which is prepared from white or activated carbon. Both drugs are sold in powder form for suspension.

But the sorption capacity of white carbon is much higher than that of activated carbon, which will help quickly relieve the baby from painful sensations.

Black coal is given to children at the rate of 0.05 g of the drug per kg of body weight; it should be taken 3 times a day, two hours before or after meals.

Analogues of white coal

An analogue of the product is Polysorb MP. This drug can be classified as a powerful sorbent, which contains natural silicon. It is indicated for use in the following diseases:

  1. For acute and chronic intoxications that have different origins (can be used for both adults and children);
  2. For acute intestinal infections of any origin, which are expressed by food toxic infections, diarrhea syndrome and dysbacteriosis;
  3. For purulent-septic diseases;
  4. In case of acute poisoning with poisons, drugs, alcoholic drinks, salts of heavy metals, etc.;
  5. For food and drug allergies;
  6. For viral hepatitis A and B;
  7. For chronic renal failure;
  8. White coal is also indicated for those people who live and work in unfavorable places.
  9. Other analogues include: Black activated carbon (analogue), Sorbex (analogue) and Enterosgel (analogue). These drugs have almost the same indications.


So, as we found out, taking white coal is allowed both during immediate intoxication and as a preventive measure after it (several days). Nevertheless, its use must be competent; an overdose, although not extreme, is still undesirable and must comply with the instructions.

In addition, let us once again pay attention to some points that need to be remembered:

  • the drug should be drunk approximately 1 hour before meals;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the action, the tablets can be crushed to a powder;
  • if you want to dissolve the medicine in water, it should be slightly warm, but not hot;
  • You need to drink white coal for at least 3 days after the onset of poisoning, and you must monitor the correct dietary intake;
  • Pregnant women, children (especially under 2 years), allergy sufferers and very elderly people should be consulted by a specialist and only after his approval should therapy begin;
  • Patients with diabetes should not forget that white coal contains microcrystalline cellulose (sucrose).

White carbon is a new form of enterosorbent substance that has a huge number of advantages compared to the already familiar activated carbon. Their difference is not only in color, but also in the characteristics of their effect on the body. White coal is considered more concentrated, and one tablet of it can replace a whole handful of black coal tablets. Let's take a closer look at the drug.

general information

The main component of white coal is silicon dioxide. This substance is one of the most common in the fight against poisoning, intestinal disorders and stagnation of excess food in the stomach. Its components combine with toxins and, after adsorption, are safely removed. Allergens are also suppressed and gases are removed from the intestines. The drug smoothly reduces the load on the digestive organs, especially the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Improves nutrition of organic membranes at the cellular level. Additional substances include potato starch and powdered sugar.

Indications for use of White Coal

The drug is used for the following symptoms:

  • Impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Acute infectious diseases digestive organs.
  • Poisoning with toxic food products.
  • Alcohol intoxication leading to general disorder of the body.
  • The presence of helminthiasis and hepatitis.
  • Kidney or liver failure.
  • Dysbacteriosis, diarrhea.
  • Dermatitis and various manifestations of allergic reactions.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Presence of peptic ulcers.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Prohibited for children.

The main advantages of White coal

A number of features of the product provide significant superiority over its analogues:

  • White carbon is a very strong sorbent, several times greater than the sorption capacity of black activated carbon. One tablet of it can replace almost an entire pack of the latter. Therefore, the daily dose should not exceed four grams.
  • It is compact and easy to use, since the white charcoal tablet is not crushed before ingestion.
  • Does not cause constipation unlike activated carbon. Optimizes the process of food digestion and speeds up metabolism.
  • Does not contain flavoring additives, has a neutral taste.
  • Prevents the formation of cholelithiasis due to maximum breakdown of nutrients.
  • Effective for cleansing the body before ultrasound, x-ray and endoscopic medical examinations. By reducing the gas environment, it increases accessibility to a more thorough examination of organs.
  • One tablet of white coal contains 0.26 grams of sucrose, so the product is approved for use by people with diabetes.

Terms of use

Typically, white charcoal is taken three times a day, one tablet an hour before meals and washed down with plenty of water. However, before using the drug, be sure to familiarize yourself with the features of its use for various ailments.

White coal for poisoning

Please note that white coal should not be drunk in large quantities even with the most acute manifestations of poisoning. The drug is concentrated, so take it no more than three times a day, one tablet. If you want to increase the effect, then additionally crush the tablet before taking it, this will increase the speed of action and sorption capacity. The same dosage is intended for alcohol poisoning.

White coal during pregnancy

White charcoal is contraindicated for pregnant women. Only the use of activated carbon is allowed, but its main disadvantages lie in excessive adsorption, which removes useful substances necessary for mother and child along with toxins.

White coal from skin blemishes

The appearance of acne in the chin and forehead area is directly related to improper functioning of the intestines. Taking white charcoal will cleanse intestinal tract from toxins, thereby eliminating the main cause of defects on the skin.

White coal for weight loss

If you want to lose excess weight, then combine the diet with a white charcoal course. Take one charcoal tablet at night before going to bed. The next day, drink as much unsweetened, non-carbonated liquid as possible. Allowed from food chicken bouillon, juices, a little cottage cheese or other protein foods. To achieve the desired result, do fasting days three times a week.

It turns out that white charcoal is much more effective and convenient than activated charcoal, and its effect on the body is more selective. This makes it possible to retain more useful substances when treating ailments. But it is advisable to consult a doctor before using the drug.

Sorbents are one of the elements of drug treatment for diseases associated with hypersensitivity to various ingredients. The drug White Coal for allergies is prescribed to quickly cleanse the body of substances that enhance negative reactions.

What is the secret of the popularity of the sorbent? How to take White Coal for children and adults? For what types of allergies is the new generation sorbent effective? The answers are in the article.

Composition and action

White activated carbon is a dietary supplement for cleansing the body. Calling a product a “medicine” is not entirely correct, but this nuance does not affect the effectiveness of the sorbent composition.

Main components:

  • silicon dioxide - one tablet contains 210 mg of the substance;
  • microcrystalline cellulose - content in 1 tablet - 208 mg.

Powdered sugar and potato starch are auxiliary substances in the sorbent. White tablets have a fairly pleasant, slightly sweet taste.


  • an additional source of healthy dietary fiber;
  • after ingestion, the components activate intestinal motility, absorb toxins, antigens, waste products of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, poisons;
  • adsorption of toxic ingredients of various origins cleanses the body, prevents poisoning by decay products, and reduces the negative impact on organs and tissues;
  • removal of harmful components reduces the strength of the allergic reaction, prevents new skin rashes, and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • the active influence of the ingredients of the food supplement reduces the strength of the toxic-allergic effect on the body, improves metabolic processes;
  • the beneficial effect is manifested in reducing the load on the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract;
  • positive point - White coal does not provoke the development of constipation after several days of use.

Release form

White coal is sold in the form of white tablets. There are 10 units on the plate; pharmacy chains receive packages of sorbent No. 10 and 24. The nutritional supplement for removing toxins can be purchased without a prescription.

What is the difference between White Charcoal and Activated Charcoal?

Many people do not know why a pharmacist at a pharmacy suggests replacing the usual one for cleansing the body with a new, more effective means. Perhaps there is interest in selling a more expensive drug? These suspicions are unfounded: there really is a slight difference in price (up to 20-40 rubles), but the effectiveness of the modern name is much higher than that of the traditional composition.

It is no coincidence that doctors advise purchasing White Charcoal and not Activated Charcoal: the reason for the recommendations is the intensity of adsorption and removal of toxins. Tablets with microcrystalline cellulose and silicon dioxide bind more molecules of harmful substances than the main component in activated carbon.

There are other differences:

Properties White coal Activated carbon
Compound Silicon dioxide + cellulose microcrystals Processed coal coke or wood charcoal
Adsorption capacity High Average
Tablet color White Black
Temporary staining of the mucous membranes in the mouth and tongue


Ease of use The tablets practically do not stick to the tongue, the inner surface of the cheeks, the medicine is easy to swallow There is a feeling of “sand” in the mouth, tablets stick to the mucous membranes and tongue, it is inconvenient to swallow a handful of tablets at a time
Removal of useful substances The product selectively acts in the intestines, absorbs toxins and allergens, but to maintain absorption capacity and prevent the adsorption of nutrients, you should not drink sorbent tablets during or immediately after meals If the rules of use are violated (using activated carbon immediately after eating), the product removes from the body not only toxic components, but also useful ones: calcium, vitamins
Single dose For adults - 3 or 4 tablets For adults - from 7 to 10 or more tablets (be sure to take 1 unit of composition per 1 kg of body weight)
Reception frequency 3-4 times a day From 1 to 3 times a day

Indications for use

The new generation sorbent is effective for the following diseases of an allergic nature:

  • intolerance to the components of certain medications;
  • (negative reaction to plant pollen);
  • , including, ;
  • intoxication of the body with an acute allergic reaction after a stinging insect bite.

The sorbent agent is prescribed not only for allergic reactions: the drug effectively binds and removes decay products, toxins, and poisons in case of food and chemical poisoning. Doctors recommend white coal for acute forms. intestinal infections, accidental ingestion of liquids with irritating properties. The food supplement is suitable for inclusion in the list of drugs for complex therapy of hepatitis C and A, helminthic infestations, chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys. The result of the action of the active ingredients is a decrease in stagnation of the food bolus while normalizing intestinal motility.


A food additive with sorbing properties is not suitable for use in the following cases:

  • tendency to gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • intolerance to any of the components of the sorbent;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • erosions, ulcers of the digestive system;
  • pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer in the duodenum and stomach;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age up to 14 years.

On a note! The sorbent contains sucrose, in terms of bread units - 0.026XE. This fact must be taken into account by diabetic patients.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • for optimal effects on the body, take the product an hour before meals;
  • There is no need to chew the tablet;
  • When taking the composition, you will need boiled water - up to 150 ml;
  • The time of use depends on the degree of intoxication of the body; the duration of the course is adjusted by the doctor. Average duration of use allergic diseases- from 10 to 14 days.

For adults

  • frequency - three or four times a day;
  • a single dose is 3 or 4 tablets.

For children

  • Children are not prescribed a sorbent;
  • age 14 years and older - the effective sorbent is taken in an adult dosage.

Possible side effects

It is well tolerated by most adults and adolescents; there are practically no undesirable manifestations. To prevent negative symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor before starting use. take into account the condition of the intestines and stomach, study contraindications.

Combination of sorbent with drugs

To maintain therapeutic activity, doctors recommend separating the intake of medications and the sorbent food additive. With this approach, all active ingredients exhibit the most beneficial effect.


The new generation sorbent was produced in Ukraine (Omnipharma Kyiv LLC). The cost of a composition based on microcellulose and silicon dioxide is not much higher than that of traditional activated carbon (black tablets).

Price of White Coal in a pharmacy:

  • package No. 10 - from 135 to 160 rubles.

On a note! White coal is included in the nourishing hand cream. The second active component is extract black currant. The cost of the composition for hand skin care is from 65 to 120 rubles per 30 ml tube.

Storage rules

The shelf life of a modern sorbent is 36 months. Throughout the entire storage period, protect the plates with tablets from contact with sunlight, exposure to heat and liquid. It is important to ensure that food supplement Not accepted by children under 14 years of age. The optimal temperature for storing the sorbing agent is from 0 to +25 degrees.


New generation sorbents:

  • Multisorb.
  • Sorbex.
  • Smecta.
  • Filtrum.
  • Polyphepan.
  • Enterumin.

In every home, it is important to promptly replenish the home medicine cabinet with effective detoxification drugs, which can quickly eliminate ailments and the primary signs of intoxication.

Adsorbent drug

When mentioning activated carbon, most people associate it with black, small tablets that hiss when in contact with water.

But more recently, Ukrainian pharmacists from the Omnipharm company invented white activated carbon based on silicon dioxide.


In contrast to classic coal, in which a natural mineral plays the role of an adsorbing element, white tablets contain silicon dioxide in the form of small particles. In addition, among the components there are microcrystalline cellulose fibers, which are isolated from plant fiber.

Its composition includes potato starch and powdered sugar as auxiliary components.

In other words, it has nothing in common with coal. This name was given to it for marketing purposes. After all, a good half of humanity is accustomed to the fact that various poisonings are treated with the participation of activated carbon. And taking into account the fact that the properties of white coal are similar, they began to call it that.

Role of active ingredients

The high efficiency of white activated carbon is due to the correctly selected composition, where each component synchronously, in relation to the other, performs its functions:

  • Silicon dioxide removes toxins from the human body, both chemical and microbial in origin, allergens, both food and bacterial, and end products formed during the process of protein breakdown. In addition, it removes excess intestinal gases and excess gastric juice. Under its influence, compounds of organophosphorus origin, barbiturates, histamine, heavy metal salts, glycosides, urea, etc. are moved and then removed from the lymph and bloodstream into the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its effect on toxic substances, the “load” on the organs is reduced. As a result, metabolic processes are corrected and the levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, and total lipids are normalized.
  • Due to the insolubility of microcrystalline cellulose in the intestine, free radicals, toxic substances, and end products of breakdown are collected on its surface and then removed from the body.

Thanks to it, parietal digestion is activated in the small intestine. As a result, beneficial substances and nutrients from fruits, vegetables and medications are absorbed and absorbed more fully. Intestinal receptors, under the influence of cellulose, are irritated, and this intensifies its contraction. This helps remove stagnant food bolus.

Advantages However, it is replaced by white coal - a fourth generation sorbent, a more effective sorbent. It has some qualities that make it dominant in relation to its medicinal “rival”:


Regarding the safety and negative effects of silicon dioxide on the human body, disputes among scientists have been going on for quite a long period.

As a result of many years of research, they came to the general conclusion that oral administration is absolutely safe. The drug, passing through the digestive system, is excreted unchanged.

However, the drug has some contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components included in the composition;
  • presence of gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal bleeding (particles of the tablet, penetrating through damaged vessels, can provoke thrombosis);
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Considering that the drug contains powdered sugar, it should be taken with caution by people who suffer from diabetes.

Indications for use

The daily dose for adults should not exceed 12 tablets

The direct purpose of this remedy is to improve the active function of the gastrointestinal tract. This sorbent is used to cleanse the body in case of poisoning, allergies, skin diseases, hepatitis. However, in order for this drug to have only a beneficial effect, the recommendations should be followed.

Rules of application

The tablets must be washed down with plenty of clean boiled water. You should eat food only an hour after taking the product.

The maximum permissible daily intake for an adult should not exceed 12 tablets. Doctors do not recommend using this drug for children under 14 years of age.

Application area

These tablets are not medicinal products. Therefore, before resorting to their use, you should consult your doctor. The instructions describe some areas of their application.


IN similar situation the product will effectively bind aggressive elements and bring them out. Due to the small size of the particles, adsorption will occur within 15 minutes after consuming the drug.

Food toxemia

Taking this drug is advisable for any type of food toxemia. A huge advantage of the tablets is their selective adsorption, without disturbing the intestinal microflora.

For severe symptoms indicating intoxication, you should drink 2-3 tablets four times a day. The remedy shows results not only in eliminating the main symptoms of toxemia, but also relieves headaches.

Weight loss

Possessing excellent adsorbing properties, the product will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances. The recommended dose should be taken in the evening. The next day you need to drink a lot of water, herbal teas, compotes.

Thanks to such fasting days weight decreases smoothly.

In addition, the selective nature of adsorption does not require the use of multivitamins. In other words, after consuming this sorbent, vitamin deficiency does not develop.

These advantages of white coal prevail over other drugs used for similar purposes.