Real tasks for money. Earn money by completing simple tasks

And we will answer the most popular questions.

In order to earn serious money, you need to support own farm, it requires a lot of investment Money, and you also need to constantly maintain the functionality of the equipment.

Thus, cloud mining has appeared on the Internet, which allows absolutely anyone to earn money without any special equipment knowledge. First, let's answer the most FAQ so you can see the big picture. So!

What is cloud mining?

Cloud mining is making money using the computing power of special data centers. Thanks to this, there is no need to purchase special equipment and software.

Thus, any user buys hardware power in the cloud and mines cryptocurrency. This type mining is suitable for those who have high electricity bills and those who don’t want to bother learning and assembling equipment.

How it works?

Cryptocurrency miners connect to the cloud, thereby speeding up its production and making money on it. And the centers that provided equipment for rent earn money from commissions and rental fees.

How to start mining?

  1. Choose a suitable cloud mining service.
  2. Study hashrates and algorithms.
  3. Conclude an agreement with a cloud mining service.
  4. Pay for the service, the center itself will do the rest for you.

What are the types of cloud mining?

- Free cloud mining, collecting cryptocurrency from faucets.
- Paid, we wrote about it above.

Now it becomes clear how regular mining differs from cloud mining. First of all, there are monetary costs. Agree, in regular mining you need to invest money, which most people do not have. Also, you need to know the software and have an understanding of assembling equipment.

Cloud mining is a unique way to earn cryptocurrency. Thus, you no longer need to spend a lot of money. You simply purchase capacity, sign a contract, rent it and make money on it.

Our article has come to an end; we have answered frequently asked questions about cloud mining. We wish you high profits and always achieve your personal goals. Good luck!

4 Dec. 2019

Hello! Today we will again touch on the topic of “how to make money.” But, we will no longer talk about ideas for making money, but about how and what rules should be followed in order to make a profit. Make yourself comfortable and we will begin.

Cheap financial pyramids

Today we will touch on the topic of HYIPs. For many, hypes (or hips) are good way make money online without doing anything special. Yes, first you need at least some money to make contributions to these funds. If you take a risk initial stage and learn how to make money on highly profitable HYIPs (short-term), you can make a more or less decent amount for investing in medium- and long-term programs with minimal risks.

So, let's get down to business. Today we will talk about strategies. These aren't exactly strategies, but that's what they should be called. I would call these the rules of the game. If you know the rules, you are not only safe from risks, but you can also earn money.

Earning money from HYIPs. Investment strategies.

There is a wide variety of strategies and techniques from different craftsmen, but the main 4 are in front of you:

Deposit insurance. You insure your deposits when you accept the HYIP program (agreement), but are concerned about whether you will end up with nothing. This is a simple option and is most suitable for beginners. This is not without difficulties. You need to find an insurer. In turn, he must pay you money in the event of an emergency with HYIP. And lastly, most likely the supply of the deposit insurance system (DIS) will be limited.

The second scheme of the game is waiting. That is, you follow the opened project. Watch how he pays interest. This is not difficult to do. You simply need to visit specialized forums every day and read who writes about the project and what they think about it. But this strategy is also not without its drawbacks. Here, as in day trading, the main thing is not to stare and not miss the movement. If you look too long, you will miss your luck. Here you need to do a good analysis and choose the entry time (and regarding high-yield hips, this is the very beginning of existence).

The third strategy is playing as a team. HYIP systems are designed in such a way that they have a built-in referral system. For those who don’t know (and are not ashamed of it), this means that a person can bring a friend with him and receive a certain percentage for this. As you already understood, this is beneficial to the creators of HYIPs themselves, as well as to those who bring new clients, thus creating a direct resemblance to a pyramidal structure.

The point is that you recruit a team of such referrals. You come up with a scheme for connecting them to you and to each other (the referral system can be multi-level, that is, your client can refer another - and for this you will also receive a bonus). It is also worth considering how you will receive payments. The leader is in charge here and bears all the responsibility. He must choose people who will not deceive him - and this is a minus. Another disadvantage is that you may be discovered (they will discover what you have done) and you will no longer see your “contribution to the common cause.”

Moreover, people related to this will not see it (remember about the referral system?). So in this strategy it is best to be not the main investor, but a simple investor (referral), that is, a banal member of the team, and in the case of a multi-level referral system, this is not bad. For team play, you need to look for HYIPs that pay out every day. This way, if discovered, you will be able to take at least something with you. The advantages of this strategy are quite impressive. After all, if everything goes well for you and your team, you can have big bonuses.

The fourth strategy on our list is codenamed "HitAndRun" (so to speak). In fact, the name is fictitious, and it rather describes the essence of what is happening - first in and first out. This strategy is not only used in investing in HYIPs, but has had its application in many military battles of human history.

Hit And Run (from English: Hit and Run) is a strategy where you enter a process with some purpose and quickly exit it, in order to avoid losses or damage. I had to come up with just such an interpretation of the above-mentioned expression in order to explain its military essence and financial benefits.

In HYIPs, use according to the following instructions:

  1. See forums and HYIP monitors.
  2. You see that a new one has appeared.
  3. You choose it by analyzing all the parameters of the “noble and honest” hype.
  4. On the same day (on the date of its creation or the date of its appearance on the forum), after your own testing of the strength of this investment program, you make a contribution.
  5. After he has paid everything with interest, you forget about him, looking for a new one.

My game with highly profitable HYIP programs.

This option works, as I tried it at school. Indeed, my friends and I invested 5-10 bucks in highly profitable HYIPs (very dangerous), after analysis and only on the day of creation or “publicity of existence.” We entered for a maximum of a week, approximately 5-7 days. But this requires experience in HYIP selection. By the way, note that the lifespan and “sincerity” of a hype can be determined by the amount of interest it can pay for a specific period.

For example, if a highly profitable (riskiest) HYIP offers you 105% in 5 days, you need to invest the smallest possible amount first and only after a thorough analysis of the HYIP (if you are a beginner). After full payment, leave it forever and do not return.

The very nature of hype is a financial pyramid. It can also be called a Ponzi scheme, since the interest on the deposit does not pay you good job the creators of HYIP in the securities market (as they themselves state), and new clients whose deposits are automatically transferred in parts to the accounts of other participants in the HYIP program.

Oct 15 2019

On the Internet you can often find advertisements: “Make money by trading Forex!” As a rule, such advertisements say that you can earn a lot and it’s quite easy. However, in reality, the profession of a Forex trader is very difficult and risky in terms of loss of funds. Let's look at the main nuances this method earnings.

The most difficult thing in trading is to predict where the price will go. The direction and intensity of quote movement depends on many factors.

There are two methods of analysis - technical and fundamental. The first method is based on studying patterns of price changes in the past. The second method takes into account various economic factors.

Naturally, the more experienced a trader is, the better he is at analyzing the situation and the greater the percentage of successful transactions he makes. However, you can become an experienced trader only by constantly practicing in analyzing the market situation and making transactions.

However, even if you correctly predict where the price will go and open a trade in the right direction at the right time, you can only get really good profits with a large deposit. Let's look at an example.

Let's say you have $1200 in your account and you are trading the euro-dollar pair (price 1.1087). You assume that the euro will rise and buy 1000 euros for $1108.7. After some time, the price really rises and at around 1.1172 you decide to sell euros and buy dollars (it turns out 1117.2). Profit – $8.5. Not much, considering the deposit is a thousand dollars.

Of course, the price can move more points in a day, but this happens more often during the release of important economic news.

Therefore, traders use leverage, which allows them to receive credit funds from the broker to open positions in large quantities. For example, a leverage of 1:100 allows you to make transactions for $100,000 with a deposit of one thousand. Thus, profits increase significantly. BUT! The risks are also increasing. And if the deal goes into the red, the broker will support it only until the losses on it “eat up” the trader’s deposit.

Therefore, when using leverage, you need to be especially careful and not open orders for your entire balance.

Fraudulent companies
Another nuance is the choice of a Forex broker. Now there are a lot of offers on the market from brokerage companies. Some of them are outright scammers, some do everything possible to steal the client’s money (interfering with trading, drawing incorrect quotes, etc.).

You can see the TOP 5 best brokers that are reliable and offer excellent trading and financial conditions.

And remember that investing money in trading is financial markets- a very risky activity. Use only available funds that you can afford to lose.

10 Jul. 2019

Every year more and more people are trying to take advantage of the opportunity to make money using the Internet. One of these popular ways today is to make money using cryptocurrencies, which are a special digital currency protected by modern cryptographic technologies. Their main difference is the absence of a physical analogue, since they represent exclusively virtual money.

However, quite often there is a need to exchange such currency. Today you can find many options for exchangers that will help you carry out the exchange procedure. The main thing is to contact a trusted company, for example, the Top-exchange exchange office.

Exchange Ethereum today will not be difficult, since thanks to the services of this exchange office, every person can almost immediately and without problems carry out the required operation regarding currency exchange. High-quality service, professionals and a great opportunity to get the right information attract people's attention. Moreover, a comfortable work schedule allows cooperation with such an exchange office to remain extremely convenient. So it is not surprising that today the relevance of this option is only increasing.

Every day, cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular among different people. Nowadays, many people are more often convinced of how profitable mining is. This method investing is becoming more common. The prospects of cryptocurrency arouse people's interest.

E-commerce is also gaining significant popularity, but it requires a person to have a quick reaction to various changes in the market. By the way, you should be able to pay attention to the fact that a minimal benefit can allow you to subsequently obtain a decent result.

Selling Litecoin by paying attention to the specialized exchanger Top-exchange is extremely easy, because cryptocurrency is becoming more widespread and popular. Every day more and more people are interested in mining, because it is an ideal investment option.

Often people who want to invest in cryptocurrency have no idea how it all actually works. Therefore, it is clear that beginners will have to work hard, but the result is definitely worth it. If you have questions about the procedure, you can contact the site’s technical support service.

May 21, 2019

Using facebook is very easy, but not everyone knows how to use it safely without worrying about losing their account. So in this article I will share some experience with you safe use Facebook without worrying about your account being hacked or disabled.

Hello dear readers of the site! Through tutorials, recover facebook password, how to open facebook account disabled... I noticed that many people do not know how to use Facebook safely disconnect many or lost accounts chemistry, being hacked... by others.

Losing Facebook accounts is often popular in the following two cases:

  1. Be hacked. This means that others illegally gained access and then exchanged login information including passwords, phone numbers or gmail....
  2. Disabled: that is, the account is disabled on Facebook, perhaps because you suspect you are using fake information or using more than 1 account, violating community standards....
Generally, losing your Facebook handle can be caused by you or a bad person, even in any case, if you know how to protect it, you will never lose your account. Easy to open immediately.

Right now I will share with you the experience of using Facebook safely, if you follow my path, make sure that 99% of your Facebook account will be safe.

Experience using Facebook safely

1. Use a phone number or a genuine email address to create a Facebook account

Many people use garbage or other phone numbers to create a Facebook account, when they forget their password, they call the sky and claim the earth because they cannot recover their password.

Or sometimes you still remember your password, but due to account problems, Facebook requires you to verify your phone number or address Email to login... if you no longer have a phone number or email registration then take a nickname.

Therefore, the first thing you need to note is to use a phone number or official email address to register your Facebook account. If the phone number or email address you used is no longer yours, or you no longer use it, please change it immediately to a genuine email address or the email address you use.

To change your phone, go to "Settings" → "Mobile". To change your email address, select “Settings” → “General”(or by phone go to "Settings" → "Personal data").

2. Use your full name and date of birth (match information on identification documents)

Many Facebook users often use strange, incorrect nicknames, which is not safe, if the account is not made, that's fine, but if it is disabled, ask for proof of identity... it will be very difficult.

Many people deactivate their accounts by various reasons, but generally to re-open you will need to submit a photo ID to verify your identity, if your name, date of birth, address, avatar picture... in your Facebook account must match the information on your ID, to open again.

Therefore, you must use all the information (name, date of birth, etc.) exactly so that your personal documents will never bother disabling your account to verify your identity.

Many of you may be thinking that I haven't done anything wrong, won't be disabled, no ID verification required,... completely wrong, Facebook can disable your account Anytime. Sometimes the reason is not you, for example someone fakes you to create a Facebook account, then this time Facebook will see that there are 2 similar accounts, they will block both to ask for identity verification of any account. which sends the correct ID will be opened. Therefore, if you do not have identification documents that match your login information, you will not be able to open that Facebook account again, even if it is your main handle.

3. Set up 2-layer protection

Facebook's two-layer protection is a way to protect your account from being hacked by the bad guys.

Once you have enabled the two-level security feature for your Facebook account, when you or anyone logs into your account on a new device or IP address, Facebook will send a verification code via SMS to your phone number, enter the correct verification code to continue entrance. So if other people want to log into your Facebook account using their device, it won't be possible, no matter if they know your email, know your phone number, and know your password... unless they get your SIM .

In this section of the site we will look at one of the fairly profitable ways to earn money - paid tasks on the Internet.

One of simple types I reviewed the works in the article earning money from clicks and surfing. Since projects () offer not only reading letters and surfing for payment, but also provide the opportunity to earn money by completing tasks, this can and should be taken advantage of.

What are paid assignments? If we talk in simple language, then these are user actions for payment according to the advertiser’s requirements. In other words, you complete tasks according to instructions. The advertiser will receive income from your actions, for example, from clicking on advertisements.

How much can you earn by completing tasks? At the initial stage, you will just get used to it, and when you get the hang of it, your income will go up. I know that there are quite fast users who can complete up to 100 or more tasks a day. If we take it roughly - completing one simple task costs from one to eight rubles, then the approximate earnings are one hundred or more rubles.

Paid tasks: types and categories

To earn money by completing tasks, you need to register on a website (on one or more) where you will earn money and decide on the category (type) of paid tasks.

In this subsection I will give a little information on the categories of tasks and where you can start doing them.

Categories of paid tasks on the Internet

In fact, there are “enough categories for everyone,” that is, you can find and choose any topic you like to earn money on tasks. The names may differ slightly on different sites, but the meaning does not change. The topics to be completed could be the following:

There are more categories on the sites than listed above, but there is no point in describing them, I think you understand the essence of paid tasks on the Internet. Using one of the projects as an example, I looked at how to complete tasks on SEOsprint and described this process in detail. Below I will provide some screenshots of some projects.

For example, on the site Seo-Sprint you need to go to the section called " Completing tasks".

will appear in front of you list of available paid tasks. Screenshot of tasks from the "Clicks only" category.

Done reusable task paid.

Screenshot of the list of tasks from the "Reviews" category of the project Seo-Fast.

Of course, you can also give a few screenshots as examples, but I think this will be enough. All that remains is to rent out the best “fishing spots”...

The best projects for making money by completing tasks

Like this project and that's it! In the “Earn” section there is a subsection with paid tasks, which can be selected by list and type. There is a search by price - a very convenient function. Auto payments.

  • Go to Socpublic…

A project that has won the respect of very, very many of its users. Lots of tasks to complete. There is an advanced search for tasks. Instant withdrawal of earned funds.

  • Go to Seo-Fast…

Convenient selection of tasks, it is possible to display them according to specified parameters, for example, by the minimum cost for completion. Several ways to withdraw funds.

  • Go to Wmmail…

A good service where you can choose any task you like using the sorting “By status” and “By category”. Pays money instantly (instantly).

  • Go to Profitcentr...

A somewhat “non-standard” service with tasks, which is not similar to previous ones, where work is distributed among system users. Tasks can be completed both through the website and through a special free program.

  • Go to Profittask...

The Vzadache service is positioned as a site promotion system in which people pay for completing various types of tasks: clicking on links, viewing sites, distributing posts and other actions. You can work from a PC, tablet or mobile phone.

  • Go to Vzadache…

An excellent functional project with many simple tasks that you can perform using your social accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook and others. You can also make money by commenting on websites and forums. I recommend!

  • Go to Qcomment…

I believe that many people will like this exchange. This is a well-organized site for you to complete various tasks online using your social accounts. Add all your social pages to your profile - this will make more paid tasks available.

  • Go to the Forum...

An exchange of tasks that are completed through a personal VKontakte page. To start earning money on tasks, you need to activate your account using mobile phone.

  • Go to Vkserfing…

If you have free time, you can sell it to people who don't have much of it by becoming a performer.

This is the name given to people who perform simple tasks and receive money for it on special sites for finding performers.

There are tasks to complete that need to be completed special education and experience, and there are tasks that anyone can do. Choose what you like and start earning money.

Here are some examples of such tasks:

  • Do brief descriptions projects
  • Deliver flowers
  • Tighten the loose faucet in the toilet
  • Assemble furniture
  • Reinstall the operating system
  • Make a list of productions
  • Need someone to inflate balloons


At the moment, the largest player in this niche is the Youdo service. More than one million people visit it every month.

Unfortunately, YouDo operates only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. But if the order concerns work on the Internet, then of course there are no restrictions.

To become a performer you need to go through a verification procedure, which includes:

  • verification of personal data;
  • verification of trusted persons;
  • online testing for knowledge of the rules of the service;
  • telephone interview.

Important tips for performers on the YouDo website

YouDo takes a commission from performers from 5 to 15% of the cost of each completed task. The commission is debited automatically from the performer’s personal account.

The service has a lot of tasks, so you can easily find something that is interesting and beneficial to you.


The site works for all major cities, but the most orders are in the capitals.

To become a performer you need:

  • Fill out the verification form
  • Read the rules of working on the Metnis Kabanchikom service
  • Take an online test to test your knowledge of the service rules
  • Confirm your passport details (via video conference on Skype)


To become an Agent, you must register on the site by filling out all fields in the registration form. The initial status after registration is “Candidate”.

After the Candidate successfully completes test assignments and gains a rating of 20 points, he becomes a full-fledged Agent. Successful completion of test orders is paid.

The list of instructions is limited only by current legislation.

Here is an example list of the most recently completed tasks:

  • Buy a SIM card with a direct Moscow number. Moscow
  • Pick up and deliver a box of baby food. Kostroma
  • Take a photo of the building and make a list of businesses. Tyumen region Nyagan
  • Find out if the store is open and get the manager’s contact information. Portugal Lisbon

In general, the project is interesting and unusual. Its only drawback is that there are still a small number of tasks.

In any case, you can simply register, and new tasks for your region will be sent to your email.

- another site for searching for performers. Works throughout Russia. There are orders, but as usual, mainly for large cities.

Unlike other sites, does not interfere in the process of communication between the customer and the contractor, so you do not need to undergo a special verification here as a contractor.

The site is similar to a bulletin board. Visit the website, find a suitable job offer and contact the customer directly.

Orders here are mainly for skilled workers (builders, webmasters, various repairs), but there are also simple part-time jobs:

  • Three people need to be transported from Anapa to Krasnodar
  • Need to mow the grass
  • Housekeeper needed I added these 2 sites to the article in case they suddenly become popular (there is only one left). So far they have very little traffic and, accordingly, very few orders.

They work on the principle of a bulletin board. I recommend signing up to receive new orders by mail. Perhaps some order will be of interest to you.

At the moment, these are all popular sites for searching for performers. Register in all of them at once, receive orders and earn money.

Using the filter, you can select suitable tasks - add reusable ones to your favorites, and tasks with automatic confirmation will allow you not to wait several hours or days for payment to be credited.

There are simple tasks in the Social Networks, YouTube, Voting sections.

There are a lot of tasks, and in some cases they promise very good pay. Although here there are “smart guys” who set a high price, and in the description of the task they set strict conditions and directly name a different amount. I do not recommend contacting such people because there is a risk that you will be deceived.

Although there are also cheap tasks with a whole sheet of requirements. I recommend avoiding these - it’s not worth spending 20 minutes of your life for 3 rubles. There are easier ways to get money.

In addition, I recommend reading the articles on writing comments, entering captcha: tips and recommendations for work are described, as well as other sites with similar tasks.

If you wish, you can find other similar sites, but these are the most popular and in demand. Doing tasks online for money can bring in a little extra income if you devote enough time to it. Although I recommend not spending a lot of time on this, and focusing on more profitable options.

This kind of income is suitable for literally everyone - the unemployed, businessmen, students, mothers on maternity leave and people who simply have extra time. Many people use click services, freelance exchanges, and sites that allow them to make money on social networks so that they don’t waste time on the Internet, but for most, such income is important. At the same time, work with output funds online can be organized in a complex - this will increase the level of income to several tens of thousands of rubles per month.

Earn money on clicks without investment

You can make money online different ways. One of the most common among beginners is receiving incentives for clicks. This method is considered the simplest, since it does not require any skills or knowledge; anyone can do it, from a schoolchild to a person who is at his main place of work.

The essence of clicking is to complete the appropriate tasks - simple actions. Sometimes you just need to click on a link and wait for a certain amount of time to pass. For 30 seconds of viewing (literally just waiting for the time to expire) the payment is usually less than 1-2 minutes.

Payment for visiting resources is usually charged in a minimum time - a few seconds. There is no delay because there is no need to check progress - all click sites are automated.

You can receive payment in different currencies, depending on which site you have chosen to work with, but usually it is in rubles and in dollars. But where to look for tasks for clicks - more on that below.

By the way, in addition to visiting sites, working on clicks provides the opportunity to simply read letters. The tasks here may be different, but they are also paid differently. Also, some click tasks ask the user to click on a banner presented on an advertised Internet resource. This also often pays more.


A distinctive feature is that the site is considered one of the oldest, so there are a lot of tasks, a lot of letters and you can receive payment in rubles.

The site is more suitable for beginners, everything is clear here, but the tasks are graded inexpensively. It is convenient for the user to use the resource, but the advertiser must undergo verification before each submission of a task.

Earning money from clicks here is varied. Most often, users choose to visit links and wait for the timer - this is the easiest. You can also click on banners and complete tasks, also based on a few clicks. Payment is calculated quickly and can be transferred to the WebMoney electronic payment system, from where the user withdraws funds to the card.

Seosprint has another type of task based on simple clicks - tests. There are few such tasks, but they pay well and are completed quickly.

Completing other tasks, for example, registering on a website, visiting and joining a group on a social network, likes is one of the most profitable methods of earning money from clicks.

There is a referral system here - you can receive bonuses for referring people.


This resource is very popular among users who make money online. The main specificity of the site is work on completing tasks. There are many tasks related to social networks; you can be both a performer and a customer at the same time. They also pay money to connect to a specific referrer. Payment is calculated in dollars, there is a minimum amount for withdrawal (about 3 dollars). Withdrawal is carried out instantly. Also, for the convenience of users, there is a large-scale forum where topical discussions take place daily and you can ask questions (on the topic of making money or on other topics). Behind two rubles Here you can find a good task.

On average, you can earn up to $10 per day from clicks, but if we talk about part-time work, then it’s realistic to get about $3 in a short amount of time.

The convenience of using the service is that here you can sort tasks by clicks. There can be more than several thousand of them at a time, so no one is left without work. So, you can set a filter to show only tasks related to social networks. You can also add tasks to Favorites. This is relevant for cases when a person received quick payment for a task, he liked the customer, and the task itself turned out to be reusable. After some time set by the customer for verification, he transfers funds manually. This rule applies to click tasks, but not to automatic site visits.

The service also provides for attracting referrals, for whose income the referrer (the one who brought people) is awarded a percentage. Many users attract hundreds and thousands of other users and earn income for this. A stimulating tool is the organization of competitions. For example, you need to earn as much money as possible over a period of time. All referrals take part, and the one who wins receives a prize.


Social Public – this is how the name of this resource is pronounced. It is important to say right away that mail does not work here - letters will not arrive. To perform transactions, you need a PIN code, however, as with most other services. It can be changed. You can earn money by clicking on tasks, clicking on links, and clicking on banners. Often, customers indicate as verification material for charging funds an image that the user could see during the actual execution of the task.

Surfing sites - earning money without investment

Surfing is exclusively about visiting sites. There are no tasks here, you just need to perform actions to follow a link that is not even known in advance. The main feature is the ability to be confident in the security of the site, since all resources offered by the user are checked for the presence of Trojans, viruses and other prohibited elements.

Typically, a small amount is paid for visiting each link - minimal compared to the payment for tasks. But, as noted above, you can follow the links for a different amount - it depends on how long you need to wait for the timer to end (15-30 seconds - minimum payment, from 1 minute - more payment).

For surfing, funds are credited immediately, and when they accumulate up to the minimum withdrawal amount, you can instantly send them to your e-wallet.


It’s easy to make money surfing in the Seosprint system. There is a list of sites in the corresponding section; after registering the user, you can click on them. You need to visit one site at a time, otherwise payment may only be credited for the last one. While surfing, you can do anything on your computer, minimize tabs, or walk away from the computer. There is also automatic surfing - just click on the appropriate button and wait. This type of link visiting can be launched once every few hours - the sites will load on their own, but the user may periodically need to enter a captcha (numbers for confirmation).


Surfing on Vmmmail is the same as surfing on Seosprint. However, there are fewer offers for sites, you need to enter a captcha more often, but in general it is suitable as an additional income. It is not recommended to start surfing from two windows - payment will only be charged for one. The only option is to use two accounts on two systems.


On this site, site surfing is offered in two options. The first is that links are followed automatically, but the user needs to ensure that the captcha does not appear. When it pops up, you need to enter a confirmation code, otherwise surfing is suspended. in this case, the money earned is not lost, but is only frozen until the subsequent entry of the security code before using other links.

You can also start regular surfing on the site, in which you don’t even need to enter a captcha. Such transitions are considered the lowest paid, but they are quite suitable as additional passive income.

The service offers a special program for surfing, which is more convenient compared to standard following links. There are more offers here than in the browser window. And this applies to both automatic and manual surfing.

Socpublic offers a referral program in which users referred by their referrer earn him a certain percentage. Moreover, funds are earned not only for surfing, but also for other activities that generate income.

Earning money on social networks without investment

  • promotion of a public page, page, group;
  • collecting and boosting likes and reposts;
  • attracting participants to communities;
  • placement of advertisements in general advertising groups.

All of these services can be provided to customers through exchanges (described above) that specialize in completing tasks on social networks. At the same time, tasks are not limited to the above list, and can be very different. It is also possible to pay for playing games in applications and other interesting services.

You can also earn money through social media in other ways. This is the provision of advertising services for specific products - that is, in business terms, distribution. You can create communities and organize joint ventures (joint purchases), which also generate income. In this case, the level of profitability is regulated by the seller (organizer), who orders goods at a certain price and applies a discount on it. The main condition is low cost of production. No investment is needed - first, an advance payment is collected from buyers, then an order is placed.

Many people on social networks make money by selling clothes. At the same time, investments are also not needed - trading pages and public pages are created offering clothes, shoes, accessories and much more. Orders are placed after buyers have made an advance payment. You can, of course, work without prepayment, but there are unnecessary risks here.

It’s a different matter when the user does not want to establish connections, look for buyers or customers, when he needs a calmer and more stable income, even if it is somewhat low. You can earn money through exchanges operating through social networks both while working at your main place of work and in your normal free time.

How to make money on exchanges? The layout on all sites is approximately the same. All you need to do is register (login through a social network – the most current and convenient option). Next, you can view tasks in different sections that are posted by other users - customers.

Among the possible ways to earn money:

  • 1 like is valued at a certain amount depending on the site rules;
  • 1 repost is also valued at a certain amount;
  • Joining a group often pays more.

At the same time, most services make sure that users do not remove likes, reposts, or leave groups. There are also complaint systems when the customer paid funds to the performer, but he removed the repost, like, or removed him from friends (it all depends on the specifics of the task).

As with click exchanges, you can withdraw funds here. Most exchanges charge rubles, which can be withdrawn in small amounts. On average, users earn 50-1000 rubles - it all depends on the amount of time spent. You can withdraw money to electronic accounts - wallets, where there are also schemes for withdrawing to a bank card.


The service allows you to register your own account, with the help of which the work will take place. At the same time, you must also have an account on the social network (it is recommended to register a separate one for these purposes). After the login and password are sent to the specified email address, you need to go through test. It usually looks like a request to write a test review. Verification is carried out long time- about a week. During this time, you can like, repost, and add to public pages.

It is recommended to have about 100 friends on your page, or better yet, more. Some customers set a limit for performers - they must have a photo in their profile and a minimum a certain amount of friends.

In the meantime, while the user understands the functions of the site, a review check will be carried out. If the author approaches, he is awarded a certain rank. The more comments, the higher the rank. To achieve a high rank, it is enough to post 300 comments.

You will have to write only good comments, unless otherwise provided by the task. Therefore, if the author does not want to write a deliberately false review about something he does not like, he simply does not have to accept the task.

This service was developed specifically for making money on the VKontakte social network. In the future, it is possible to add social networks Facebook and Twitter. Ideal for people who have several VK accounts. This allows you to perform the same tasks from different pages, increasing your profits.

You can withdraw money in rubles to WebMoney or to a mobile account. Registration and withdrawal are automatic here, the work is very convenient. The maximum number of accounts for simultaneous use is 100.

The system provides the possibility of registering referrers. Each of your accounts can be configured differently at your own discretion. The only caveat is that you need to buy a key to your account, but reviews of the system say that in 5 days you can beat the price with 5 accounts. You can also get a product key for a trial version.

The service provides the ability to order (on the part of the customer optimizer) and execute (on the part of the one who performs the task) the following types of tasks:

  • like;
  • add other users as friends;
  • repost;
  • invite to public.

Sometimes customers place restrictions on performers - age, gender, place of residence can be set individually. Also, all orders differ in cost.

You can work not only with VK, but also with Facebook.

The service offers work with the social network VKontakte. Everything here is similar - you first need to register, then log in through your page on a social network, then start earning money. There are several sections with tasks - they are easy to understand. We like, repost, subscribe to pages and public pages. There are tasks for which you need to leave comments.

A distinctive feature of the service is a good opportunity to earn extra money for attracting people who register based on the user’s recommendation.

Also a big advantage is the wide possibilities for withdrawing funds - the minimum amount is 15 rubles, you can send it to your wallet at any time of the day. To do this, just leave a request in the appropriate withdrawal section. The site works with WebMoney, Yandex.Money, mobile accounts (credited to the mobile phone account).

The site works not only with VK, but also with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. This is a very popular universal service, the purpose of which is to promote accounts for customers and earn money for performers.

Registration is not required, just log in using the account you are using on a suitable social network that the user chooses. There is a section “Available tasks” - all possible tasks are concentrated in it. Usually there are a lot of them. Each contains information to guide you when performing.

Withdrawal of funds is possible to Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money wallets.

Registration of referrals is also possible - maximum income from their earnings is 10%.

  • do not make too many shares in a short period of time;
  • do not like photos and posts that clearly promote prohibited materials;
  • do not add many friends at once (40 people per day is the system limit).

Following these rules will help you avoid ending up in a block or, at least, frozen for a while.

Freelancing exchanges for beginners in Russia

Freelance exchanges are intended mainly for both beginners and professionals. However, you can divide all sites for making money according to their intended purpose into two directions - some have collected tasks that are carried out according to higher requirements, and accordingly they are paid more expensively, but there are also other services where you can sell ready-made articles or complete the task with small requirements, but also for a relatively low fee.

Such sites offer the opportunity to choose the topic of writing an article. You can also filter by section - some tasks are set for designers, some for authors, others for layout designers. Sometimes transcripts of audio recordings are offered.

In this case, withdrawing money is simple, but a lot depends on the type of exchange used. Sometimes customers transfer funds directly to the contractor to an electronic wallet, but often the service accepts money as a reserve, and after the person has completed the task and the customer has approved the payment, the funds are immediately sent to the specified wallet.

Such a system is partly a guarantee of honesty and, in general, the availability of payments for the performer. By crediting money to your account before submitting an ad, a specified amount is reserved, which is then transferred to the user’s e-wallet. If a controversial situation arises, it is resolved by arbitration (it may be called differently on websites).


Designers are offered work in the form of preparing layouts, editing graphics, and creating logos.


Photographers are offered to retouch photos, but such work is quite rare on freelance exchanges. You can adjust pictures, banners, images intended for creating advertising layouts.


Artists can create a variety of images, usually in unusual styles.

Copywriters and rewriters (authors)

Authorship is especially in demand on freelance exchanges. You can write descriptions for products, voice over audio recordings, do promotion – create content. Content for sites sometimes requires the presence key phrases– you need to be able to insert them harmoniously. At the same time, articles are checked for uniqueness using special programs and online services.

Programmers, layout designers, website and application creators

Creation and development of applications, websites, landing pages are services in demand today.

Now let's look at freelance exchanges.

The site is user-friendly and easy to understand. It has been operating for more than eight years. The testing system requires passing two stages of verification: the first stage is testing to determine the level of knowledge of the rules of the service, the second is the need to show the level of knowledge of the Russian language.

It is important to understand that you need to pay 390 rubles for a subscription. It is valid for three months. For convenience, a specialization is selected, then orders are reviewed by the user. If the performer is ready to get to work, he presses the select button. You can work in several areas - you can choose your specialization at will, you can take two, three or more.

Before completing the task, you need to decide whether the due date and order amount are appropriate. His rating depends on the execution and quality of the text, as well as the overall work that the performer has submitted.

Among other things, on this site the performer also has the opportunity to express himself about the customer through evaluation. After completing the order, the service, and not the customer, pays the funds, since before placing the order they must be credited to the account of the site and, accordingly, the task itself.

This is the largest site and one of the oldest. About 40,000 tasks take place here per month. The site has been operating for more than 12 years.

A distinctive feature is that you can view tasks without making a payment. Free registration. A PRO account can be purchased with money; it will allow you to leave responses to projects, as well as receive money for approved applications after execution. If you don’t have a PRO account, then, as an option, you can view tasks that contain the customer’s contact information. For example, some suggest contacting the post office. This way you can contact someone who will give you a job and then pay you money. True, no guarantees are given regarding the latter, and only when the transaction is officially concluded through the FL exchange can you be sure that payment will come in any case for conscientious and accurate execution of the task. works according to a similar scheme - after registering an account, you need to select specializations (one or several). Jobs are filtered by specialization. Withdrawal of funds does not require a minimum amount - after the task is completed and approved, the money is credited to the account in full. The commission is paid by the customer.

By the way, to register on the site you do not need to undergo testing, there are no ratings, but there is a review system. You can leave a review only to someone with whom a secure transaction was concluded through the site.

Registration on the weblanser costs 50 rubles, in addition, you must pass testing. Once the user starts completing the tasks, he must first apply for the projects he likes. Of course, at first the newcomer’s rating is low, so the customer is unlikely to choose him for high-paying projects, but by completing several inexpensive tasks you can get quite good ones. The higher the rating, the better.

The peculiarity of the exchange is that you can work not only through it, but also outside the site. The transfer of contact information is allowed here. That is, after completing a couple of tasks, you can contact the customer via instant messengers or social networks to continue work. However, only the site gives a guarantee of honesty and payment of fees for work.

The site has been operating for two years, here all users are divided into two groups - seller or buyer. The seller offers services, the buyer, accordingly, needs them. That is, if you want to make money, you are a seller.

The peculiarity of the site is as follows: the seller creates an application (quork), in which he indicates what he can do for 400 rubles. The buyer, who is satisfied with the application, will accept it and indicate what he would like from the seller and for which he will transfer money in the specified amount. In this case, the buyer will need to pay 500 rubles (100 will go to the site’s commission).


Advego is a site where articles are posted. The user can buy them. The service is convenient; it allows you to check uniqueness and determine the semantic core for optimization. At the same time, the cost of articles on this exchange is not particularly high, so it is suitable mainly for beginners.

We have reviewed different variants making money on the Internet. In the case of completing tasks and surfing, you can be calm - although these tasks are relatively low-paid if you do only a few per day, they do not require skills and knowledge. This job is suitable for everyone. But working on freelance exchanges requires responsibility, but is considered much more paid.