Design and pre-design preparation of construction. Stages of design of buildings and structures

In accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation for new construction, reconstruction and some types of major repairs of buildings and structures, mandatory development is required project documentation. This documentation consists of text and graphic materials that define the architectural, technological, functional and engineering parameters of the future construction project.

Order and stages of design

The design technology, depending on the type and purpose of the object, may differ, but the stages and order of work, in most cases, are preserved. The design process consists of the following stages:

  • collection of initial permitting documentation;
  • performing engineering surveys at the construction site;
  • development of design documentation for obtaining approvals and expert assessments;
  • examination of design documentation;
  • development of working documentation.

Initial permitting documentation

The collection of initial permitting documentation (IRD) is carried out at the earliest stages of design, or precedes it, as an independent independent work. This is a set of materials characterizing the future construction site and the site allocated for these needs. Documents are issued by local authorities, organizations operating engineering systems, regulatory structures, and so on, if the applicant has ownership rights to the land.

The initial permitting documentation must include:

  • documents confirming land ownership (or lease agreement);
  • urban planning documentation confirming the possibility of placing the facility planned for construction on the selected site;
  • decisions of the city administration;
  • conclusions and approvals from regulatory services and bodies: sanitary and epidemiological service, technical specifications fire supervision, department conclusion natural resources and environmental protection, environmental conclusion, technical conditions for the development of specialized sections of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others;
  • technical conditions for engineering support of the facility, including: water, heat, gas, electricity supply, drainage of wastewater (household, industrial, rainwater), connection to roads and railways, connection to telephone networks, Internet and others .

Depending on the specifics of a particular object, this list can be significantly expanded. Thus, when designing a facility in specially protected areas, it will be necessary to obtain initial permitting documentation from the relevant public services. There can be many such cases, so for each object a separate list of initial permitting documentation is compiled.

Engineering survey

Engineering surveys are carried out to study the natural and man-made conditions of the future construction site. Based on reports on the implementation of these works, the designer makes decisions on the location of objects on the ground, the deepening of the foundations of buildings and structures, the degree of their protection from the effects of various adverse factors, the routing of utility networks, and others.

The composition and volume of engineering surveys is standardized by the provisions of the Code of Rules SP 47.13330.2012. Before starting design, the following types of work are required:

  • engineering and geodetic surveys (surveying of relief, office processing, installation of geodetic signs);
  • engineering-geological surveys (determination of soil properties, presence and composition of groundwater, determination of foundation soil, etc.);
  • engineering-ecological surveys and engineering-hydrometeorological (information about the natural and climatic conditions of the construction site, characteristics of flora and fauna, the presence of man-made sources of pollution, etc.);
  • Engineering-hydrographic work (allows you to obtain data on the situation, underwater terrain and underwater structures, with their subsequent display on engineering-topographic (engineering-hydrographic) plans and profiles.)
  • determination of geophysical characteristics of construction (mountain and seismic conditions of construction, data on mineral deposits and other studies).
  • search and inspection of the territory for the presence of explosive objects in places of military operations and in the territories of former military formations
  • archaeological research.

Depending on the stage of design (design documentation or working documentation), the detail of survey work may differ.

The composition of engineering surveys, methods of execution and scope of work are established by an engineering survey program developed on the basis of the instructions of the developer or technical customer.

According to the Town Planning Code, the results of engineering surveys can be sent for examination simultaneously with the design documentation or before the design documentation is sent for examination.

Development of project documentation

Currently, Russian standards define two stages of design: “Design documentation” and “Working documentation”. In contrast to the previously existing stages, the requirements for detailing sections of the Project Documentation have increased significantly. The composition and volume of text and graphic materials are determined in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content.”

According to Resolution No. 87, capital construction projects, depending on their functional purpose and characteristic features, are divided into the following types:

a) facilities for industrial purposes (buildings, structures, structures for industrial purposes, including defense and security facilities), with the exception of linear facilities;

b) non-production objects (buildings, structures, structures housing stock, socio-cultural and municipal purposes, as well as other capital construction objects for non-production purposes);

c) linear objects (pipelines, automobile and railways, power lines, etc.).

The design documentation for production and non-production facilities should include the following sections:

  • Section 2 "Planning Organization Scheme land plot"
  • Section 3 "Architectural solutions"
  • Section 4 "Constructive and space-planning solutions"
  • Section 5 "Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering support, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions"
  • Section 6 "Construction Organization Project"
  • Section 7 "Protection measures environment"
  • Section 8 "List of environmental protection measures"
  • Section 9 "Fire Safety Measures"
  • Section 10 "Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities"
  • Section 10_1 "Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used"
  • Section 11 "Estimate for the construction of capital construction projects"
  • Section 12 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"Composition of design documentation for linear objects:
  • Section 1 "Explanatory Note";
  • Section 2 "Right-of-way design"
  • Section 3 "Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial structures"
  • Section 4 "Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility"
  • Section 5 "Construction Organization Project"
  • Section 6 "Project for organizing work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility"
  • Section 7 "Environmental Protection Measures"
  • Section 8 "Fire Safety Measures"
  • Section 9 "Estimate for construction"
  • Section 10 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"

It is also worth noting that in 2015, RESOLUTION No. 1521 of December 26, 2014 came into force, which approves a list of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of practice), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements is ensured Federal Law"Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures."

Development of working documentation

Stage Detailed documentation is developed on the basis of technical solutions defined in the Design Documentation. The document regulating the composition, form and content of materials at this stage is the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R21.1101-2013 “Requirements for design and working documentation”. This standard contains requirements for:

  • composition of sets of working drawings;
  • their design and labeling;
  • stamps and inscriptions on drawings;
  • composition and types of attached documents;
  • composition and types of reference documents (standards, standard solutions);
  • preparation of specifications.

This standard also stipulates the rules for making changes to design and working documentation, including the issuance of permission to make changes and the specifics of the procedure for each stage. It should be noted that if it is necessary to adjust the Working Documentation, in the presence of a positive expert opinion, a re-examination may be assigned to the Design Documentation.

In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the examination of design documentation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 of 03/05/2007, those parts of the Design Documentation in which changes have been made that affect the structural safety and reliability of the designed facility are subject to re-examination.

Design methods

There are one-stage and two-stage design. Single-stage means that the development of working documentation can proceed in parallel with project documentation. In the event that the main technical solutions of the facility have already been agreed upon between the construction participants, then, with the simultaneous development of two stages, the construction of the facility can begin immediately after receiving a positive expert opinion and a construction permit.

The essence of two-stage design is that the documentation is developed in stages: at the first stage, design documentation is developed, basic design decisions are made, adjusted, approved, and only after that working documentation for construction is developed (stage “Working documentation”).

The main design method in Russia is two-stage design. Single-stage design is used only for simple objects or for linking projects of mass or repeated use.

In addition, the introduction of new design methods, in particular BIM information modeling, in some sense negates the division of the entire process into stages. In this case, the object at different stages of development differs only in the degree of detail. The differences also affect the design approach itself.

The classic method involves receiving an approved design assignment from the customer, developing technological and architectural plans, after which assignments are transferred to specialists in related specialties, mutual approvals, coordination of equipment locations, network routing, etc. Due to the fact that the development of solutions is carried out by designers sequentially, the process ends up being extended over time. Sometimes individual specialists have to go back a few steps and adjust decisions already made.

BIM design, as a system, solves the problem of speeding up this process and reducing the number of inconsistencies in the project. Due to the fact that specialists of various profiles can simultaneously work in one model, all decisions they make can be monitored in real time, and any inconsistencies that arise can be eliminated or even prevented in advance.

With any design method, all calculations are performed, as a rule, in specialized calculation systems: Robot, Lira, SCAD, Bentley STAAD and others. Calculations performed in these programs, subject to the availability of licensed software, are accepted by experts, and only the initial data provided by the designer are subject to verification.

Models and drawings are usually made in Autodesk Autocad, Inventor, Compass 3D, Archicad, Tekla and others. Considering the high cost of licensed software systems, you can use free programs for design, like OpenSCAD, A9CAD, NanoCAD (Russian analogue of Autocad), LibreCAD, SolidEdge2d. In addition, some expensive software products have shareware versions with disabilities(for example, trial versions of Autocad, ZWCad and other software).


An examination of design documentation is carried out for all objects, except for the cases specified in Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (in most cases these are technically simple objects, the construction of which does not require a permit). The organization and conduct of the examination of project documentation is regulated by the relevant Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 of 03/05/2007.

During the examination, design documentation is checked for compliance with norms and regulations, including control over ensuring strength, reliability and durability building structures and engineering systems, compliance with environmental, sanitary-epidemiological, fire, industrial and radiation safety requirements. An expert assessment of the quality of the engineering surveys performed is also given.

The maximum period for conducting the examination does not exceed 60 days. Based on the results of the inspection, an expert opinion is issued, which can be positive (if the documentation complies with technical regulations) or negative (if it does not comply with them). A negative conclusion may be challenged by the applicant in court.

Project documentation can be provided to the expert organization in paper or electronic form. Considering the vast territory of the Russian Federation and the high component of transportation costs in the cost of design products, the ability to submit materials for examination in electronic form is an important advantage for designers. Starting from September 2016, submission of materials to the State Expertise will be carried out only in electronic form.

In accordance with Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the examination of project documentation can be state and non-state. Non-state examination is carried out by a legal entity accredited in accordance with the procedure established by law. The subject of non-state examination cannot be objects whose construction is planned to be carried out at budget expense, as well as objects of the defense and energy complex.

It is also worth noting that if the construction of an object is planned in specially protected natural areas, then it is necessary to follow the “Rules for the submission of design documentation for objects, construction, reconstruction, major renovation which are supposed to be carried out on lands of specially protected natural areas, for conducting state expertise and state environmental expertise"approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2008 N 822).

These Rules establish the procedure for submitting design documentation for objects, the construction of which is expected to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural areas of federal, regional and local significance, for conducting state examination of design documentation and state environmental assessment of design.

Author's supervision of construction

Design supervision of construction at the site is mandatory. An order for the appointment of a design supervision group on the part of the designer, among other documents, is submitted to the architectural and construction supervision inspectorate when obtaining a building permit.

The rights and obligations of representatives of the design organization at the construction site are regulated by SP 11-110-99 “Architectural supervision of the construction of buildings and structures.” This document also stipulates:

  • procedure for maintaining a journal of author's supervision;
  • requirement to make changes to the working documentation if necessary in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Creating a data center is a team effort, comparable to hockey or football. The result of the project largely depends on the competencies and effectiveness of interaction between project team members, both among themselves and with the customer, partners, contractors and suppliers.

Data center creation projects are complex projects in which the construction and engineering components are large. As a rule, such projects are not 100% typical (except when it comes to container data centers). This circumstance requires performers to have knowledge, experience and competencies in at least the following areas:

  • construction;
  • electric power industry;
  • microclimate;
  • fuel economy and fuels and lubricants;
  • low-current system;
  • automation;
  • structured cabling system.

A good start is half done

The first outlines of the future data center are set by the customer’s business needs, and one of the key tasks facing the project implementers is the precise formalization of these needs. First of all, you need to determine the category of the data center being created - will it be corporate or commercial. The second most important question is what should be the availability of data center services.

All other requirements, parameters and necessary conditions for creating a data center are based on the first two requirements. As a rule, they are determined and formalized through consistent collaboration between performers and customer representatives.

At the stage of pre-project preparation, in our opinion, the optimal size of the team of performers is two to five people. With a larger number of members, the effectiveness of communication between them decreases. It should be especially noted that contractors and customers often make a serious mistake if they do not involve the customer’s operation service in the process of preparing a data center creation project.

Prev project preparation in creating a data center is one of the key stages, since it is this stage that has greatest influence for the project budget (see figure).

In our experience, the best way to protect against serious errors at the pre-project preparation stage is to perform the following work:

  • development of detailed architecture of basic engineering systems (electricity and cold supply);
  • balancing all balances (electricity and cooling);
  • selection of basic equipment for engineering infrastructure;
  • creation of a three-dimensional model of the future data center.

The use of three-dimensional modeling tools with rendering of the structural features of the building and premises, the placement of main equipment and possible routes for laying communications will help minimize errors at the stage of pre-project preparation. In the future, a three-dimensional model of the created data center will more than once help in finding optimal options for equipment layout and installation engineering communications. The resulting materials of the above works together will form the basis of the technical part of the concept of the future data center.

Another required document, which should appear at the pre-project preparation stage, is the project implementation schedule. In best practices, scheduling is done by the entire project team. This approach allows you to reflect as accurately as possible the list of works, the technology for their implementation, mutual intersections, influences, etc. Another advantage of this approach is the ability to determine at an early stage a realistic budget, resources required for the implementation of the project, and assess the risks, which, in conditions of high competition in the construction market, provides additional advantages.

Most of the major players in the data center construction market have fully realized the importance of the pre-project preparation stage when creating a data center. However, there are still customers and performers who profess the principles “the main thing is to get involved, maybe we’ll come up with something,” “there is no time for detailed thinking,” or “there are not enough resources.” A guaranteed consequence of such approaches is the need for repeated changes and replacement of the main equipment of the data center engineering infrastructure during the implementation of both design and construction projects. installation work and, accordingly, increasing the timing and budget of the project.

The result of high-quality pre-project preparation is a data center concept that fully meets the customer’s business needs, precise project deadlines, a realistic budget, acquired customer trust, and ultimately the conclusion of an agreement for the creation of a turnkey data center.

On a solid foundation

The next, and in many ways key, stage is design. It is after the design stage in the process of creating a data center that the most serious costs begin. It is the project that determines the budget and timing of the work, the quality of installation, the need and complexity of approvals and how technical supervision will be carried out. The “Work in progress” stamp divides the project implementation into two main stages, low-cost and high-cost.

The foundation for design is the collection and analysis of initial data. Before the actual analysis, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the building or area and obtain a survey report. You also need to obtain technical conditions for connecting to the engineering systems of the building or territory. Next, the customer’s operating services must provide requirements and maintenance regulations. And only after this should the analysis of the source data be carried out. Thus, the basis for analysis should be:

  • technical conditions for connection;
  • technical specifications of the customer;
  • conceptual solution;
  • operating service regulations;
  • state and local regulations;
  • building or site survey report.

When analyzing the initial data and decomposing the design tasks, it is necessary to determine whether and how much the collected initial permitting documents will affect the decisions reflected in the concept. If the required changes turn out to be minor, then this means that the pre-design work has been done well and you can move on.

Also at this stage, the zones and boundaries of responsibility of designers, the scope of projects and the timing of their intermediate checks and approvals should be determined. The completion of the stage should be the setting of correct and specific tasks for designers. In our opinion, the optimal document for setting tasks should be specific technical specifications for individual systems.

Often, part of the work on site, both design and installation, is undertaken by the customer and either performs it himself or transfers it to another subcontractor. In any case, each of the projects in which there are connections to the customer’s systems must be supplemented with a specific technical specification for related systems. Such assignments are traditionally prepared by the chief engineer of the project. As a result, private technical buildings, written by one person, permeate the entire project with a single idea, a specific methodology and approaches that make it possible to best achieve the goals set by the customer. We use several basic approaches in our projects.

Four approaches

In the Regulations on the Chief Engineer of the Project (SNiP 1.06.04-85), which are still in force, in paragraphs. 2.2.7 reveals the first approach to designing a data center, unification: the task of the chief engineer is to “select standard and reused economical individual designs, unified space-planning, design and technological solutions, components, structures and products for the purpose of their widespread use in design, not allowing for the unreasonable development of individual projects and design solutions.” Of course, many solutions developed as standard for one project are completely inapplicable in other projects, but within the first project they should be systematically used.

Above, we wrote about the need for detailed concept development at an early stage, thus pointing to the second approach to data center design, detailing. To reduce the risks of crossing communications, failure to comply with required intervals, or poor-quality installation, the project must be made as detailed as possible. We believe that the optimal level of detail is that of the design documentation. In this case, most of the products can be ordered at the factory, where all technologically time-consuming and complex work will be performed. After they are delivered to the site, all that remains is to assemble the system literally like a kit, thus eliminating most of the risks of poor-quality installation.

The current political situation, namely import substitution, brings us to the third design approach, localization. But import substitution is not an end in itself; the main advantage of this approach is the deliberate use of local standards. In this case, there is no need to find out the features of the equipment being manufactured and explain the need for changes. In addition, a significant advantage is the reduction in the time and cost of equipment delivery, as well as the time it takes to replace or repair it during operation.

The fourth approach, ergonomics, is described in detail in the article by P. Ronzhin and V. Kazakov. In addition to the above, we consider it necessary to note that this approach simplifies not only operation, but also the installation and commissioning processes.

Accounting and control are the basis not only of socialism

Another important task of the chief engineer is to control and manage the design process.

Often projects are staffed by either freelance specialists or subcontracting teams. In our opinion, it is imperative that all specialists get to know each other directly and ensure their direct interaction. This is also the concern of the chief engineer, since it is in his interests to eliminate disagreements in technical solutions in the bud.

During the design process, and especially at the initial stage, it is necessary to regularly evaluate projects in terms of consistency with each other and in terms of the presence of deviations from the original documentation. Naturally, adjustments need to be made in case of deviations. And when building a turnkey data center, one of the main tasks is maintaining the budget. Based on the results of decomposition or interim technical assessment, new sections, previously unaccounted for work or types of equipment may appear in the project. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly evaluate changes in the construction budget and make appropriate adjustments to optimize it. This will avoid shocking surprises at the stage of drawing up the final estimate.

Towards the end of the design, sections such as a work plan and a construction organization project appear. They must be developed as adequately as possible, taking into account all critical issues that may arise during implementation. For example, the work plan must indicate the size of the mixer and the method of concrete delivery (standard mixer tray, hydraulic chute, pipe, transport belt or concrete pump), the method of delivery of refrigeration machines, the type and model of the crane, its installation location, etc.

Attention should also be paid to the correct development of the architectural and construction section, including calculation of loads on the raised floor, development of unloading frames, and examination of the load-bearing capacity of building structures.

The end of the design is an important moment that can last from a few days to several months after the project's expected release date. This is due to the fact that this stage may include all or only some of the following processes: coordination with the customer, coordination with the operation service, passing state or commercial examination, Uptime Institute certification, etc. Significantly reduces the time and, accordingly, the costs of these processes when they are combined with the intermediate technical assessments of the project described above. With the ideal combination of these processes, approval takes place in a couple of days and consists of receiving all the signatures and stamps “For work in progress” without making changes to the project.

Of course, the article is not a complete and exhaustive description of the pre-project preparation processes and the design itself, adherence to which automatically guarantees that the project will be perfectly implemented. We have formulated only the main points based on our accumulated experience, and their implementation within the framework of one project is a difficult task that not every chief engineer can do.

Before making a project, it is necessary to carry out pre-design studies in accordance with legal requirements. Only after this can you obtain permission to carry out urban planning activities.

The creation of a working draft is preceded by several stages. Firstly, first you will need a sketch design of a sink for the plot of land or room you have chosen. It is needed so that you can have a substantive conversation with officials. A sketch project is a “sketch” of the future appearance site with a sink, it determines the placement of the object on the site, its volumetric and architectural design, technical and economic indicators. The cost of the sketch is approximately $500-1000.

With a completed sketch project, you can go to the administration to obtain a design permit. At this stage, it will also be necessary to develop a design assignment, obtain preliminary technical conditions for electricity supply, water supply and sewerage, and make a topographic survey of the site.

The result of the pre-project preparation stage will be a set of initial permitting documentation, which is the basis for issuing a permit to carry out urban planning activities.

IRD includes:

Basis for registration of IRD;

Cadastral certificate;

Urban planning justification for the location of the facility;

Urban planning conclusion consisting of:

♦ sketch No. 1;

♦ conclusions on the inspection of the property;

♦ conclusions on design conditions;

♦ conclusions of coordinating organizations;

♦ conclusions on the engineering support of the facility.

Initial permitting documentation for new construction and reconstruction projects is subject to registration with the State Urban Planning Cadastre service. The basis for obtaining the right to construct or reconstruct is the permission of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture for design and construction, issued in accordance with the IRD set.

Project preparation includes:

Development, coordination and approval of architectural and urban planning solutions;

Development, coordination, examination and approval of project documentation;

Development of working documentation.

Design assignment– a mandatory part of the initial documentation, approved by the customer and determining the nature and scope of architectural and urban planning activities for the facility, including the entire range of basic requirements and conditions of the initial permitting documentation. The design assignment is agreed upon and approved before the start of design.

Architectural and urban planning solution the object is developed on the basis of a design assignment in accordance with the requirements of the initial permitting documentation and approved by the committee on urban planning and architecture. It can be developed as a separate design stage or as part of design documentation - depending on the decision of the customer and designer.

Working documentation– documentation developed on the basis of approved design documentation and intended for construction work.

A normal high-quality project costs no less than $50-100 per 1 m 2 of the future building (or 7-15% of the construction cost). This does not include bribes for approvals. Moreover, the price range for design services can be three to four times. The project is a thick stack of paper with several sections and takes a couple of months to complete (Table 1).

Table 1. Approximate list of project documentation

The project must be agreed upon by multiple authorities; Here, for example, is the list for St. Petersburg:

1. Obtaining the conclusion of the transport department of the KGA.

2. Coordination with the district architect.

3. Coordination with the chief architect of St. Petersburg.

4. Coordination with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

5. Coordination with KGIOP.

6. Coordination with the Department of Aesthetics of the Urban Environment of the KGA.

7. Coordination with USPKh.

8. Coordination with the State Institution “Center for Integrated Improvement and Landscaping”.

9. Coordination with CBDH.

10. Obtaining initial data from the State Administration for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.

11. Coordination with the State PS.

12. Obtaining technical specifications from JSC Lenenergo.

13. Obtaining specifications from the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal St. Petersburg”.

14. Obtaining specifications from heating networks.

15. Obtaining technical specifications from heating networks with EE&I.

16. Obtaining an expert opinion from the SES.

17. Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological report.

18. Coordination with the OPS in the KGA.

19. Coordination with the municipal district.

20. Coordination with the administration (interdepartmental commission).

21. Conducting public hearings.

Since to carry out all these approvals you need to go through the offices of many different officials, you will have to spend a fair amount of time on completing all these points. Officials are ordinary people, they have days off, reception/non-reception days, sick leave, vacations, etc. Some authorities have minimum deadlines for reviewing applications. For example, in the KGA it is at least 30 days.

The list is quite impressive, but the smaller the city, the less approvals will be required. In the regions everything is a little simpler than in megacities.

In order not to lose your money on a project, you need to follow simple rules. First, ask them for a list of objects already built according to their designs. Secondly, contact the owners of these objects and find out from them how their cooperation with this company went design organization. If the reviews are positive, you can work with them.

The result of pre-design and design preparation of construction is the approval of the project, obtaining a permit and a warrant for construction work.

As an example, I will give a simplified scheme for passing pre-project and design documentation before obtaining a construction permit for Moscow (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Scheme of passing pre-project and design documentation before obtaining a construction permit for Moscow:

1 – production of pre-project preparation documents; 2 – documents for the preparation of a conclusion on the compliance of the located object with established urban planning requirements and regulations; 3 – preparation and receipt of an act of permitted use of a site area; 4 – a statement from the developer about making a decision on the construction of the facility; 5 – creation of a working draft; 6 – approval of the project; 7 – application for a building permit

For architects, builders, contractors, as well as entrepreneurs, it is important to know the basics of construction and have an understanding of the design of buildings, structures and any objects that will be put into operation. In the work process, the purpose of the building is of great importance. This could be a residential complex, industrial workshops or private residences. In any case, it is important to develop a project before starting construction.

In this article we will look at what stages of construction of any object can be distinguished, the features of each stage, and also consider computer programs designed to automate the work of designers.

Features of construction preparation in Russia, differences from the Western structure

Regardless of the fact that on the Russian developer market many companies offer their services for creating project documentation, large firms often turn to the West. This attitude towards domestic proposals has the following explanation. Labor productivity on construction sites in Europe and America is 3-4 times higher than in Russia, since most of the problems faced by builders are solved at the design stage. To choose conscientious contractors for project preparation who will not be inferior to Western ones in quality, consider the following nuances:

  • At the time of calculation and design of buildings and structures, specialists must take into account a large number of factors, including the urban planning scheme, the infrastructure of the city and region, the results of environmental, geological and other surveys, requirements for laid engineering networks and the building materials used. Request reports on these types of work to analyze the accuracy of the conclusions of company employees.
  • Use of volumetric modeling technologies. A 3D project helps to work out the smallest details. It is precisely because many Russian companies prefer to do everything the old way, that is, drawing up drawings on a plane, the majority important points is simply overlooked. Such pitfalls emerge already at the time of construction - hitches arise, a lot of time is lost, costs increase, and repeated modeling is required.

  • Visualization. Without a visual model of the future building, the customer will not be able to get an idea of ​​the construction. To fully take into account the wishes of the employer, good companies Be sure to clearly show the project in advance. Also, most programs used by designers have the ability to connect to 3D printers. This allows you to print shapes in three-dimensional space and make a real layout. Particularly complex units and rooms can be visualized separately.
  • Coordination of the project between authorities. The process of managing the contractor by specialists is important, as well as the ability to send documentation to the inspection authorities. If the process of sending data is not established, then the work will be stalled at the design stage.
  • Hiring freelancers. The services of free professionals mean, on the one hand, cost savings, but on the other hand, the work is not always done accurately. You should not trust large project activities to such specialists. If you resort to their help, assign them narrow-profile tasks, for example, creating the roof of the building being designed.
  • Use of electronic transmission of information. Using modern CAD systems, you can integrate files of almost any format and open them from any device, including mobile versions. Also most CADs offer the option electronic signature. This reduces the cost of time spent waiting to receive paper letters and arranging face-to-face meetings.

Most of the listed features can be easily solved by installing high-quality software. If you are a customer, find out what software the company works with. An example of good platforms is AutoCAD or its equivalent. Products from the developer ZWSOFT have extensive functions, including the ability to create 3D drawings, visualization, and the ability to work with most text and graphic files. We will tell you more about the programs below.

Stages of design of buildings and structures

Depending on the purpose of the building, the stages may differ slightly and be supplemented with necessary measures, but the algorithm remains the same for all objects.

Collection of initial permitting documentation (IRD)

This is the pre-project period, its essence is to confirm your ownership of the site and obtain permission from various authorities to build on the territory of this construction complex. The classic list of papers is as follows:

  • Documents confirming the right to own real estate - territory. This may be an act of sale, gift or inheritance.
  • Confirmation of the possibility of construction from the city administration. This is the decision of the municipality, consent to the construction of the building.
  • Conclusions from various city services: fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological service, environmental authority, protection of cultural monuments, if the object is subject to protection, etc.
  • Technical specifications for connection to existing city utility networks or an application for the creation of individual service points. This includes communications such as: water supply, heating, sewerage, electrification, gasification, wastewater disposal (storm drains, household waste, etc.), connections to roads and railways, as well as telecommunications, telephony, Internet, etc.

This is an approximate, basic list of initial permitting documentation, but it can be expanded depending on the type of construction.

Conducting engineering surveys

This stage provides the basis for the design of buildings and structures. Work is being carried out on the site to prepare the construction site, based on the results of which decisions are made on deepening the foundations, the location of objects, as well as on protection from the influence of various factors, for example, from groundwater. All survey work is regulated by SP 47.13330.2012. The following research is carried out:

  • geodetic – photographic survey of relief;
  • geological – chemical and physical analysis of soil;
  • environmental and hydrometeorological – features of the flora and fauna of the site, climatic conditions;
  • hydrographic – indication of groundwater and sources.

This list also includes analysis of seismic characteristics, hazardous locations, explosive areas, etc.

Development of project documentation

These are text and graphic files that reflect the content of the entire project. The package usually includes the following sections:

  • explanatory note;
  • land plot diagram;
  • general plan of the building;
  • building architecture solutions;
  • drawings for laying engineering systems;
  • construction estimate;
  • summaries of measures taken to ensure fire safety, environmental protection, etc.

The composition of the documents may vary slightly depending on the purpose of the building.

Detailed documentation is a graphical stage in the design of buildings and structures

All drawings are carried out strictly in accordance with the decisions made at the previous stage. The document that contains the design requirements is GOST R21.1101-2013. It regulates:

  • complete set of circuits in the project;
  • certain design, signatures, placing markers, etc.;
  • all inscriptions and stamps on the drawings;
  • list of related papers;
  • standards, standard solutions and specifications.

Upon completion of the collection of the package, an examination is carried out. Expert assessment determines the safety of structures, feasibility constructive solutions. If adjustments are made, a repeat procedure may be required. You can use various methods when developing a building project, the methods should also be reflected in the papers. After the design stage has been completed, the object must be approved, as well as obtaining a number of conclusions from inspection authorities.

Examination of design documentation

Such document analysis is performed in most cases, except for those objects that are recognized as technically simple. All work is regulated by the Regulations of the Russian Federation No. 145 of 03/05/2007. The essence of the event is to check all submitted drawings for compliance with strength, safety, fire requirements, as well as the conditions of the sanitary epidemiological service and other inspection bodies. All load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures, engineering systems, and adjacent territories are analyzed.

The entire procedure takes no more than two months. Upon expiration of the period, the applicant is issued a certificate. The conclusion is either positive or negative if safety requirements are violated. You can appeal it, but it is better to listen to the opinion of the expert commission and make the necessary adjustments.

The examination can be performed by state and non-state organizations. Communication with representatives legal entity can be carried out through printed correspondence, or maybe with the help of electronic document management. All programs for computer-aided design of buildings and structures make it possible to transfer a project via electronic media. Products from the developer ZWSOFT have the following advantage - the software supports integration with almost any format. This means that the file can be opened on different computers through other CAD platforms.

The need for designer's supervision

The construction team always has an additional supervisor on site. This is one person or a group of specialists who check all construction procedures for compliance with the general plan, estimates and safety requirements. If any norms are violated on the site, for example, instead of one building material another, lower quality material was purchased, then representatives of the designer’s supervision record the violation.

This service is provided by third parties and is not mandatory. But in the case of remote cooperation with foremen and construction companies, it is better to conclude such an agreement with a disinterested observer. This will ensure the correct order in the design of buildings and structures, as well as their construction. This will significantly save your money, and will also give you the opportunity to undergo an inspection of an already commissioned facility.

Varieties of project creation methods

There are two types of design:

  1. Single stage. Working (diagrams, drawings) and design documentation are developed simultaneously. This allows you to start building the building after receiving the examination. This option is rarely used in Russia, since many points obtained with this approach are not agreed upon.
  2. Two-stage. First, constructive theoretical solutions are formed, and then graphical information is developed on their basis.

Nowadays the most popular BIM technology is information modeling. Its peculiarity is that there is no clear distinction between stages. This allows for quick document flow and the ability for all specialists to work with one model. Thus, all professionals see all changes in the plan and adjustments in a timely manner. This would be impossible if the work was not carried out in specialized CAD systems. More about this below.

Features of designing buildings and structures in CAD systems from ZWSOFT

The ZVSOFT company offers modern developments for automating all processes of developing project documentation. Let's introduce some of them.

  • CAD is an analogue of the AutoCAD program. It is a basic platform for creating and editing models in 2D and 3D space. The software supports most vector and graphic formats and has a high level of integration of files that were created in third-party software. A user-friendly interface and a large number of built-in functions will make the work of specialists in all industries easy and fast. You can also install a free license, which is intended for educational institutions. They can be used by both teachers and students.
  • – a program for conducting engineering surveys. The software allows you to prepare all reports in strict accordance with the updated standards of the inspection bodies.
  • is an add-on to the basic CAD system that allows you to automate the execution of all project documentation. A large library of standard parts and templates is constantly updated, which allows you to prepare all drawings and notes in accordance with current GOSTs. Drawing elements are integrated with tables, so you no longer have to fill everything out manually.

The design of buildings and structures must be entrusted to companies with high-quality software from ZWSOFT.

In accordance with SPI-101-95 “The procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of justification for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures”, the design preparation of construction, as a rule, consists of three main stages.

At the first stage, the purpose of the investment, the purpose and capacity of the construction project, the range of products or services, the location of the facility are determined, the possibilities of financing and the achievement of the planned technical and economic indicators are assessed.

After the development of the first stage, the customer submits a petition (declaration) of intent to the local executive authorities. For production facilities, it provides technical and technological data about enterprises, the approximate number of workers and employees, and the approximate need of the enterprise for raw materials and supplies, energy resources, water, land resources, considerations about the possible impact of the enterprise on the environment, provision of workers and their families with housing and social amenities.

Having received a positive conclusion on the petition of intent, the customer begins to develop the “Construction Investment Justification”.

The second stage begins with the development of “Substantiation of investments in construction” (“Substantiation”), which is carried out with the aim of making a decision on the economic necessity, technical feasibility, commercial, economic and social feasibility of investments.

The third stage is coordination, examination and approval of the developed “Justifications”.

When designing, a distinction is made between the pre-design stage and the stages of direct design of the object.

The pre-design stage combines the first and second stages of design preparation for construction in the investment process.

The assignment for the development of the “Substantiation” must contain requirements for architectural, construction, space-planning and design solutions, requirements for environmental protection, special construction conditions and the main technical and economic indicators of the project.

Approval of the “Rationales” is carried out on the basis of the conclusion of the state examination and the decision local authority executive power on approval of the site of construction of the facility.

Depending on the complexity of the object, design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures can be developed in one or two stages. For technically simple objects, the construction of which is carried out mainly on projects of mass and repeated use, as well as objects of technical re-equipment, the development of design and estimate documentation is carried out in one stage -

working draft.

The design of technically complex objects (many individual and structurally complex buildings, a large number of participants in construction production) is carried out in two stages: design and working documentation.

The composition of the project, as a design stage, according to the “Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures” (SNiP 11-01-95) includes the following sections:

General explanatory note;

Master plan and transport;

Technological solutions;

Organization and working conditions of workers;

Management of production and enterprise and organization of conditions and labor protection of workers and employees;

Architectural and construction solutions;

Engineering equipment,

Networks and systems;

Organization of construction;

Environmental protection;

Civil defense engineering and technical measures;

Estimate documentation;

Investment efficiency.

Based on the approved project, working documentation is developed, including local estimates, statements of volumes and requirements for materials for construction and installation work, and collections of equipment specifications.

Composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of project documentation.

Project documentation intended for approval (Stage “Project”, approved part of the detailed design) - documentation containing architectural and urban planning solutions that take into account social, economic, functional, engineering, technological, fire safety, sanitary and hygienic, environmental, architectural, artistic and other requirements for the facility, to the extent necessary for the development of working documentation, and also including the estimated cost of construction.

Project documentation is developed on the basis of initial permitting documentation in accordance with the requirements of building codes, architectural and planning assignments and design assignments.

The development of design documentation for the construction of facilities is carried out in accordance with and taking into account the approved urban planning documentation and approved justifications for investments in the construction or reconstruction of the facility.

Before the start of design work, pre-design preparation of construction takes place, which consists of assessing the compliance of the located object with previously developed urban planning documentation, collecting initial data and developing initial permitting documentation in accordance with the approved urban planning documentation or if there is an urban planning justification for the placement of the object.

The purpose of pre-design studies is: urban planning justification for the placement of a new construction project or reconstruction of an existing one, establishment of investment attractiveness, the possibility of reconstruction or construction of an object on a specific site, taking into account urban planning, socio-economic, historical and cultural, environmental, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements.

The collection of initial permitting documentation is carried out by the Customer in accordance with the design contract; if there is an appropriate license, the Designer may be involved in this work.

Composition of the initial permitting documentation:

1. Permission to carry out urban planning activities.

2. A document certifying the customer’s right to the land plot.

3. Architectural and planning task.

4. Design assignment in the prescribed form.

5. Situation plan, M 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:2000.

6. Copying from the master plan of the corresponding urban planning, design and

planning documentation, M 1:2000,1:1000,1:500.

7. Technical conditions for connection to utilities, networks and structures with a diagram indicating connection points.

An architectural and planning assignment is issued by the local architecture and urban planning authority on the basis of a design assignment.

Design assignment is an obligatory part of the initial documentation, approved by the Customer and determining the nature and scope of architectural and urban planning activities for the facility, including the entire range of basic requirements of the Customer and the conditions of the initial permitting documentation.

The design assignment is drawn up and approved by the Customer together with the designer (author of the project).

Sections of project documentation. Design stages

Design preparation for construction and reconstruction of a facility includes the following stages:

Development, coordination and approval of an architectural and urban planning solution - an architectural project (can be developed as part of project documentation);

Development, coordination, examination and approval of project documentation;

Development of working documentation.

The stages of design of a construction project are established by the Customer together with the designer in the design assignment.

· Stage "Sketch Design" (ED) - for objects that are technically complex, relatively

urban planning, architectural, artistic and environmental requirements,

engineering support, as well as the basis for drawing up architectural and planning assignments and design assignments, preparing initial permitting documentation.

· Stage Project (P) - the main approved stage of designing construction and reconstruction projects.

· Stage Working documentation (DD) - a set of documents necessary for construction and installation work.

· Stage Detailed Design (DP) - a stage that combines the two previous stages, namely the project and working documentation.

The design documentation at the Draft Design (DS) stage includes:

1. General explanatory note with initial permitting documentation.

2. Situation plan, M 1:5000, 1:2000.

3. Basic plan (plan of the existing use of the territory), M 1:1000,1:500.

4. General plan, M 1:1000, 1:500.

5. Plans of the first and non-repeating floors, facades, sections, M 1:200, 1:100,1:50.

6. Demonstration material (layout, general appearance, color scheme).

The design documentation at the Project (P) stage, the approved part of the working design (DP), includes:

1. Initial materials for design;

2. General explanatory note;

3. General plan and transport;

4. Architectural and construction solutions;

5. Solutions for engineering equipment and systems;

6. Engineering networks;

7. Environmental protection and sanitary and hygienic requirements;

8. Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations;

9. Technological solutions (if necessary);

10. Organization of construction (if necessary);

11. Consolidated estimate of construction costs;

12. Justification of investment efficiency (if necessary).

13. Organization and working conditions of workers (for production facilities);

14. Production and enterprise management (for production facilities).

The working draft is developed in a reduced volume and composition, determined depending on the type of construction and functional purpose of the object, in relation to the composition and content of the “Project” stage.

The working design includes working documentation.

Working documentation - is a set of working drawings and text documents

for construction and installation work, as well as the manufacture of building products

in factories or directly on the construction site.

Working documentation for construction must be issued to the customer in full. In this case, the composition of the working documentation in each specific case is established when concluding agreements (contracts) between the customer and the contractor.

The working documentation for the construction of a building or structure generally includes:

1) basic sets of working drawings intended for construction and installation work;

2) working documentation for construction products in accordance with GOST 21.501, provided for by the corresponding basic sets of working drawings;

3) specifications of equipment, products and materials in accordance with GOST 21.110;

4) statements of requirements for materials, statements of volumes of construction and installation work;

5) estimate documentation according to established forms (consolidated estimate calculation, site and local estimates).

3. Design and survey organizations

Design organizations performing work for capital construction include design, survey and integrated design, survey and research organizations of various forms (institutes, departments, design bureaus, workshops). Design is carried out at the expense of customer organizations, which enter into contracts for the implementation of design work with the general designer.

The general designer is the organization that carries out the bulk of the design work (in industrial construction - technological work). To carry out individual parts of the project (research, special work, etc.), the general designer engages specialized organizations on a contractual basis as subcontractors. At the same time, he is responsible for the complexity of the project, i.e. for linking all sections of the project with each other.

4. Survey work

An important element of the pre-design stage of designing objects in construction is economic, engineering or technical research, as a result of which the economic feasibility and technical feasibility of construction are determined, and the conditions for its implementation are identified.

Surveys are a set of economic and engineering (technical) studies of the construction area or site (route), allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of construction and operation of the future facility, justify the economic feasibility and technical feasibility and volume of new or reconstruction enterprises, buildings and structures and preparation of initial data for design.

The quality of surveys largely determines the efficiency of construction and operation of future facilities. There are cases where insufficiently complete surveys or errors made in them led to significant damage associated with the elimination of subsidence, landslides, flooding of the territory, etc.

Research is divided into economic and engineering or technical.

The survey is preceded by the selection of a site or route for construction, which is carried out by the general design organization on behalf of the customer.

Economic research - identification and justification of options for providing construction with raw materials, local materials, fuel, electricity, water, gas, heat, transport links, labor, housing, cultural and community institutions. These surveys are carried out by the general design organization after receiving an approved design assignment from the customer. The collection of source materials for economic research is carried out on the basis of development schemes for industrial sectors, feasibility studies for the design of territorial-industrial complexes and industrial units, technical and economic calculations (TEC) of transport schemes, TER for environmental protection, etc. TER. Some of the necessary data for economic research can be obtained from data banks and passports of reserve sites. In the process of economic research, we study economic development of the construction area, balances of available and required resources are drawn up, proposals for covering resource shortages are determined, the population size, the dynamics of its growth in connection with the deployment of construction and, accordingly, the dynamics of housing and social construction are determined.

Economic survey data is the source for subsequent design stages - project development and working documentation.

Engineering (technical) surveys are carried out to study natural conditions area and construction site at all stages of design and include the following types of work:

· topographic-geodetic,

· geological,

· hydrogeological,

· hydrometeorological,

· soil-geobotanical,

· sanitary and hygienic, etc.

The organization of surveys is carried out by the general designer, who conducts them independently or with the involvement of specialized survey organizations.

Survey work is carried out by expeditions, parties, detachments, teams, which can be complex or specialized.

The work is carried out in three periods: preparatory, field and office.

During the preparatory period, the necessary data on the survey object is collected and studied from archives, reference books, reports and other materials, and organizational measures for survey work are outlined; at the same time, the task issued to the survey party is clarified.

Field work is carried out directly at the future construction site. In the process of field work, all fundamental technical solutions of the master plan of the enterprise must be outlined. The survey party carrying them out acts on the basis of an assignment issued to it, which clearly states the assigned tasks, lists all the field work to be performed and a list of materials that must be presented as a result of the party’s work. Work at the survey site begins with obtaining from local organizations all materials that can be used to supplement and clarify previously collected information.

During the office period, field materials are processed and a summary report on the research conducted is compiled. Office processing at the last stage is usually carried out at the place of permanent residence of the survey party, where everything for this is available the necessary conditions and tools.