To confess your love to a girl or not. How to confess your love to a girl and not get rejected

Every young man in love wants to dedicate his feelings to his chosen one, but does not know how to confess his love to her. Recognition is a serious matter and should not be rushed. Confessing your love and proving to a girl that you love her through words and deeds are important actions. Think carefully, are you really ready to take such a step?

You need to weigh everything and make sure that this girl is the one with whom in 5-10 years you will be interested and the love will not dry up. It is very important to correctly convince of your love without pointing out that you are proving it.

What does it mean to love?

To love means to strive to give your loved one all the most valuable things you have;

To love means to be able to forgive and not hold on to grievances;

To love is to believe;

To love means to be able to become a hundred times better than you actually are;

To love means to give and not demand anything in return;

To love means to enjoy the fact that you can make a person happy;

To love means to protect the feelings of another from disappointment.

Many guys confess their love to girls and say these words without actually experiencing these high feelings, and girls, for a long time, do not believe their confessions.

Before confessing his love to a girl, a guy needs to make sure for himself that the feeling he is experiencing is love. To do this, you can part with the object of your desire for a while. Even a short separation can put everything in its place.

Having confessed your love to your chosen one, you will have to prove it not only with words, but also with deeds, and here the saying that a word is not a sparrow fits perfectly.

Just saying “I love you” is not enough. It is very important to say the most important words, probably in every person’s life, at the right moment. This will always be remembered and is unlikely to be forgotten. But you shouldn’t say the same thing very often, because words can lose their meaning from automatic repetition;

In addition to words of love, find affectionate names for your girl that she can only hear from you. It is important that for you she is not a banal “pussy”, “sunshine”, “fish”, etc. Even during sex, call her by her name. It's very erotic.

Actions sometimes speak better about us than our words. If you really love this person, do everything so that every step you take speaks of your care and attention to her. Surprises, gifts, noble deeds, help - all these are actions loving man.

To confess your love to a girl you need to be honest and brave. Never tell your girlfriend a lie. Lies kill not only love, but also the soul.

If you want to build a serious relationship with a girl, then never tell her about your “ex.” Never! It came and went. Nothing serious!

Become for your beloved girl the man you can rely on in difficult times. Even if you are not able to solve all her problems, still be there. It is very important for her to see you as her protector.

Subconsciously, all girls want to see fathers of future children in their chosen ones. Don't be shy about showing her your feelings and attitudes towards small children. It's very touching and it makes you sensitive. Many people can argue with me that this is not a manly thing. But for some reason, it is daughters who love their fathers more than sons. Think about it.

Declaration of love to a girl

· When declaring your love, you need to think about the place, time, necessary surroundings and the words you will pronounce.

· When choosing a place and time, think about how you would like to say it, just sitting at the table with a glass of champagne or putting your arm around the girl's waist and whispering words of love to her while dancing.

· Perhaps you shouldn’t be very original in this, since, apparently, you have been dating not so long ago, which means you have not yet had time to fully study all her preferences. Trying to add some details to the confession can only ruin everything.

· You can confess your love to a girl publicly, or only in private.

· During the confession, you must be in a comfortable environment, in a good mood, in order to appreciate your words, and maybe respond to them in kind.

· Whatever your intentions, be serious and sincere.

· As a last resort, if you are embarrassed to say in words, use postcards, balloons, letters and similar paraphernalia. Perhaps the girl will be pleased with this, but then, nevertheless, it is better to say it out loud.

If you have sufficiently understood the girl’s preferences, think through options on how to beautifully tell the girl about your feelings. The following tips may be helpful for you.

Ways to make romantic declarations of love

· Have the courier give her a basket of roses with your recognition card. You will appear a little later and repeat these words again.

· Do you remember how they used to sing serenades under your beloved’s window? If your girlfriend lives in her own house or on the first floors, you can arrange a concert for her. Better yet, invite her to a karaoke bar and sing her a beautiful love song.

· Do you want to confess your love to a girl? Write a declaration of love on the asphalt under the girl’s windows. Don’t be afraid, even evil janitors and local police officers forgive such offenses. Romance is not alien to anyone.

· In many cities, a tradition has emerged of tying ribbons to the city love tree or hanging locks on the bridge, which will be a symbol of your love. Invite a girl on such a walk, and she will definitely remember it forever.

How to confess your love to girls

There are several options for the relationship between a young man and a girl that precede her declaration of love. If the couple is unfamiliar, then it is better to postpone the conversation about love until a later date, so that the girl has time to form her own idea of ​​​​the guy.

You can't confess your love to a woman you're with long time you are on friendly terms, since nothing good will come of it. Before confessing his feelings, a man will have to go through a long process of leaving the so-called friendship zone.

The most optimal conditions for love confessions arise if young people are already dating and are ready to move on new stage relationships.

When discussing the topic of how to confess your love to a girl, it is worth emphasizing that it is necessary to prepare for this event. Love is not a frequent visitor, and it is better to start talking about your feelings in a romantic setting.

The man must develop the scenario for the future explanation himself. If you have significant difficulties, you can turn to specialists who can give not only theoretical advice, but also organize the entire procedure for the date.

One of the options for declaring your love to a girl could be, for example, something like this. Walking with your lady in the evening park and admiring the beautiful stars, you can, as if inadvertently, stop near the fountain and, looking into her wonderful eyes, confess your love.

In this situation, the help of a friend who will make the necessary order at a nearby cafe will not be superfluous. Flowers, sweets and glasses of champagne will be a wonderful continuation of this magical night. A girl will remember such a declaration of love for a long time, and a young man should also not forget this date, because it will become a holiday for two lovers.

How to confess your love to a girl? Falling in love occurs suddenly at first sight or after many years of communication and friendly gatherings; this feeling can creep up quietly and gradually, or it can cover you with an avalanche of surprises. How the process of falling in love proceeds and your temperament will determine whether the chosen one will guess about the feelings that have arisen in her direction. After all, whether you should confess your love to a girl depends on whether she notices your feelings and whether she gave you a reason to think about the possibility of a further relationship. Even if she is busy, you recently had a big fight, or she is not eager to communicate - recognition can change her attitude towards you, since many girls hide their feelings and wait for the first step from the guy.

Prepare for the conversation in advance, even if for her it will be like spontaneity and impromptu. Think about the time and place, find out the girl’s life situation in order to adjust your actions or perhaps postpone them until better times (if she has had a misfortune, then she is unlikely to be able to adequately perceive romantic proposals), or maybe, on the contrary, speed up (if she is thinking about moving to another city only because no one is keeping her here).

Many other feelings, because of which people doom themselves, become an obstacle to direct and honest recognition. Of course, it is necessary to assess your chances realistically, but refusing recognition due to fear of rejection is pointless. Think about what you will lose by not taking the first step or by taking it, and then evaluate the possible gains in either case. You may decide to change your strategy or charm your beloved by communicating more rather than going straight with confession, but you will have to talk about your feelings, and it’s better to do it yourself and be the first than to wait for a similar question from the girl.

How to confess your love to a girl if you are shy?

Embarrassment arises from ignorance of the situation, the girl herself and her needs. Simply approaching and confessing to someone whose image is fictitious and not known in real-life communication is a difficult task and has an unlikely chance of success. Whether you should confess your love to a girl depends on your level of love, but I would like to note in advance that it is unlikely that the girl will understand what is happening if there are no signs of attention from you.

Initially, make sure that she notices you from the rest of the environment, show signs of attention, look after her, communicate more often on interesting topics. At the same time, she will get used to you, and you will become closer, and accordingly the level of awkwardness during confession will decrease.

Due to strong excitement, because the situation of recognition is a very emotionally significant event, even experienced speakers forget words or start talking complete nonsense, and confident leaders or athletes find themselves shaking in their knees and sweating in their palms. To prevent recognition from ruining your experience, try to imagine the conversation in as much detail as possible, perhaps rehearse, and it is better to construct the text in a monolithic affirmative form, so that you don’t have to wait in the middle for the girl to answer some non-essential question (such moments can really throw you off your mood and increase the level of anxiety, which will lead to embarrassment and bring everything to naught).

If you can’t find the courage to have a personal conversation, then what remains are beautiful and romantic remote declarations of love. The options are varied: send a bouquet, toy, decoration by courier with a note attached stating your feelings, or send beautiful postcard, signed by your hand; leave a message near her house in the form of balloons on trees, inscriptions on the asphalt, or a custom banner hung up. Having caught your fantasy of remote recognition, refuse the help of SMS, messages on social networks and applications, and do not ask for mutual acquaintances. Such methods will convey information to the girl, but are unlikely to cause an emotional response; some sensitive people may be offended by such confessions or perceived as a joke. The sphere of love for girls is extremely important, so do everything so that they don’t think it’s of little importance to you - she should see that you made an effort.

And, naturally, a declaration of love without personal presence is suitable for the initial reconnaissance step, and if the girl reciprocates your feelings and you meet in person, then repeat, looking into her eyes. Now you have nothing to be ashamed of, because she knows about your feelings and came to the meeting, and she will be pleased to be convinced of the reality of your intentions.

How to beautifully confess your love to a girl?

Faced with a situation where the decision to open up has already matured and is asking for implementation, the next moment comes when the guy chooses the most beautiful and authentic ways of recognition. Before this step, think several times about your own feelings, since girls perceive such confessions differently than guys, while for guys such a confession can be an invitation to a summer affair; a girl can perceive it as an imminent marriage. Of course, not all situations make such a significant difference, but girls definitely relate to similar words much more serious than guys, and if this is not love for you, it’s better to just shower her with compliments and attention, but not confessions. If you have thought through everything and realize your feelings quite seriously, then your chosen one is worthy of beautiful recognition.

Most of all, girls like your confidence and full attention in her direction, so when making a confession, look into her eyes. Not only can not everyone withstand long-term visual contact, but also when revealing their feelings and worrying about their future fate and its answer, this becomes an extremely difficult task, but it will be worth it. No amount of flowers or crazy actions can make up for such a look.

Decide on the place of recognition. There is no definite advice on the best way to confess your love to a girl, but each place has its own characteristics. If you choose a public place, then you should confess loudly, openly, perhaps involving people around you in the process. Such a performance will amaze the girl, perhaps confuse her; you will obviously be provided with public support, because... the guy is a daredevil and a great fellow, and there are few who can do that, and your princess simply cannot refuse. If in a crowded place you confess quietly and unnoticed, so that only the girl can notice it, then doubts are inevitable about whether you are embarrassed by her. When you are not ready for such a large-scale recognition filled with spectators, it is better to choose cozy places, quiet cafes, lonely benches in public gardens, so that there are no people nearby. Speak not much, in a quiet, but firm and calm voice, as if this is the usual state of affairs and there is no secret or discovery in this. Show restraint and strength of character and do not ashes her with an expectant look in search of a mutual response to the confession, give the girl the opportunity to realize what happened, cope with her own feelings and surprise, because the discovery of the feelings of another person can come as a surprise.

How to confess your love to a girl in an original way?

The girl has been chosen, the decision has been deliberate, the words have been found, but what to do when you don’t want to act according to all the boring patterns or in a situation where you have fallen in love with a beauty who receives a lot of confessions every week. The issue of original recognition is quite relevant and requires courage and imagination to implement. In your search for an option, start from the preferences of your chosen one; any information about her preferences will help: at a concert of your favorite group, you can ask for a minute at the microphone for recognition; your favorite writers and poets will help you choose the right words, her desires and dreams will help formulate plans for the future, preferences in places and food will give scope for choosing a place.

Your personal skills and Creative skills. If you have a word, you can dedicate a poem, a fairy tale, a story to her - whatever you are best versed in and can do. Design your text beautifully - you can send it with a letter (ordinary paper mail, which you have already lost the habit of and do not expect to receive), publishing it in a separate booklet for it, or involve your friends (let the musicians perform a song, and the actors perform the play you wrote). You can work with photographs by creating a photo book, placing her photo with a confession on a banner in front of the house, they will help you arrange a joint photo as a puzzle, calendar, or painting.

Use goodies not only as a gift to accompany your text, but as an independent element of recognition. In a box of chocolates you can put a lot of small notes with confessions attached to each candy, and in a cafe you can agree in advance to decorate the dish or coffee the girl ordered with words about your love.

Besides beautiful words, read in magazines and heard in films, add a piece of yourself to your love confession. Make your loved one laugh with your jokes or remember funny situations you shared, don’t turn such an even serious event into a frozen official procession, maintain lightness. Express yourself in your own words, and do not change your usual speech with someone else’s text (guys who usually speak slang, declaring their love, begin to express themselves literary language eighteenth century, which makes the girl think more about whether everything is okay with him than to immerse herself in the experiences of what is happening).

And finally, an extremely rare option, suitable for those who have already seriously decided everything, is to arrange a walking date with her, bring her to the registry office, where he proposes marriage, accompanied, of course, by a declaration of love. A risky, original, bold act, which, despite its surprise for the girl (get ready to catch her and the nervous ones), often ends in a happy life together.

Sooner or later, but each of us comes a moment when the same life partner is found! When you have finally sorted out your feelings and realized that this is exactly the person you need, all that remains is to make a confession.

During this period, a hurricane of emotions rushes through your head, raising various questions. But, having answered each of them, you understand that confessing your love is more difficult than it initially seemed.

Preparing for recognition

It is necessary that the confession be kept secret, otherwise the impression will not be fully realized. I know from experience: don’t talk about plans best friends or sisters if they are untested!

Only preparation can lead to the expected result!

Practice and Gifts

You need to carefully consider your words and choose the most appropriate tone. Practice in front of a mirror, observing your facial expressions and facial expressions, and also try gesturing. You should sound confident and assertive without letting your woman doubt your intentions.

Read also:

Prepare some nice gift; it doesn’t have to be expensive. Even a small thing in the form of a nice toy will significantly improve your mood and give you a smile.

Place and Time

That same alley, street, restaurant or square where you had the best time together. Vivid memories are superimposed on top of words, causing much more pleasant feelings not only in your girlfriend, but also in you.

A favorite place will boost your confidence and give you a chance for success. Not only you, but she also values ​​him very much, remember this. Such places are strictly individual, so there is simply no one formula for everyone.

This time should be free from worries, easy and suitable for changing your life. Literally everything matters here. Starting from the coolness outside and ending with grandmother’s health problems. Understand? She should not be distracted by work or anyone other than yourself. For this period, you are her only entertainment and experience!

Find out when your woman will be free from routine affairs, when the frequency of her thoughts will be tuned to you! Choose the most suitable weather or even season.

If there is no convenient opportunity now, it is better to wait than to rush and make people laugh, however, here you need to subtly sense the situation, since excessive slowness is also harmful!

Be prepared to be rejected

No ideal revelation will bring love itself if it did not exist before. By talking about your feelings, you may not feel her feelings. The girl has the full right to ignore you, letting what was said fall on deaf ears, or, on the contrary, answer sharply and unpleasantly.

You can’t put pressure and continue in the same spirit. If she is not ready now, then the time has not come yet, all you have to do is wait. Pretend that nothing happened, if you were refused, be strong to accept and try to understand why this is so.

One of the steps is to be prepared for failure. The guys who made the confession in the video did not expect such a turn, but you can’t predict the future.

If you follow these tips, the likelihood that everything will go exactly as planned increases! A list of useful actions that can help you get out of a difficult situation, or vice versa – not get into it!

  1. Don't talk left and right about your feelings! Your girlfriend should learn about them from you!
  2. Be yourself, without being overly shy or embarrassed when declaring your love.
  3. Don’t rush her to answer, let her think as much as she needs!
  4. Answer yourself the question: “Are you sure of your feelings?”
  5. This is an important day and you should look the part. Get yourself in order, still confess your love!
  6. Live up to your words! Every spoken word of love must be reinforced by your feelings. Speak sincerely, confidently and calmly!
  7. Be attentive to your interlocutor, don’t take your eyes off her, but there’s no need to stare stupidly!


  • Overusing words of love too often will make them priceless and unnecessary.
  • Never lie. This is especially true when we are talking about the future.

Original examples

You are already tired of the monotonous standard themes, and you want something new! To be special and best guy sometimes it's not as easy as it seems!

For unique recognition, your chosen one herself can help; her tastes and interests should take shape and be reflected in you. It's time to show your creativity, since there may not be a second such opportunity.


  • Write a love play and act it out with friends.
  • Write a poem or record a song.
  • Draw a picture, even if you don’t succeed very well, symbolism is important here!
  • Go to one of your desired places.
  • A paper note in one of the chocolates.

I saw the most successful example of an original declaration of feelings in the film “Love Actually”

Declaration of love

Now the much-desired moment has arrived, where it will be necessary to put into practice all the previously collected theory. Take a deep breath and relax.

The first time is the most difficult, but as a rule, first love most often, if it does not bring eternal happiness and life together, will certainly give you experience for the future.

  • Banal - “I love you” ideally can do everything that is needed, producing the desired effect. If the girl herself has very strong feelings for you, then such a simple phrase will be more than enough, of course, if she feels your sincerity and purity of intentions.

Tell us what exactly is so dear and important to you about it, why it doesn’t let you sleep at night and why did you choose it? However, how exactly to say these words is up to you, and no one can handle it better than you.

  • Reinforce gentle and kind words with actions. Alternatively, after declaring your love, give the girl the opportunity to answer only after a while or at the end of the walk, caring for her as much as possible all this time.

Make her as happy as possible for this day, and perhaps she will make you happy for the rest of your life.

  • Be supportive and supportive. In a serious relationship, everything is built on trust in each other. Learn to fully believe and accept the girl’s whims, even if you don’t understand them.

At the moment of recognition, this foundation should already be there, and if for some reason it is still not there, lay the first brick by fulfilling one of the desires or providing your physical support in her cause.

  • Her problems are now your problems. This is a responsibility that falls on you from this moment and you must accept it. If earlier you might have had separate difficulties that needed to be solved, now these are your common difficulties.

You, as a man, must take the initiative in all convenient cases, and, if possible, offer a solution. The girl’s hope is in you first of all, since you are her main amulet and talisman from all the failures and difficulties of life.

How to overcome uncertainty?

They are afraid and doubting is normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely all people are afraid of the unknown and ambiguity in their future, they are afraid to make important decisions, since this will significantly change the life to which they are so accustomed.

To get rid of crippling uncertainty, first of all, you need to understand what exactly is its cause?

Most often, the main reason is doubt in personal merits and qualities. You underestimate your talents and place yourself obviously below her. Do you think you can only be her friend? Why are you unworthy of such a beautiful companion? Nonsense! Relax, any guy is capable of conquering any girl, and your uniqueness alone will be enough for this. So use it and just be yourself! Don't pretend to be someone you haven't been and never will be. You are You, no more and no less, understand.

If you don’t like something about your own character traits or aren’t happy with your physical body, do it! No one will do this for you and putting on costumes of other characters is not only self-deception, but also deception of the girl. What kind of relationship can be built on lies?

If doubts arise due to the consequences of your confession? If you are afraid of responsibility and are not ready for serious conversations, then this is not the time to make such bold statements.

Confessing your love is not just saying 3 short words and walking by the hand. Love is, first of all, a responsibility that comes with age and you shouldn’t wait for it early years. Love is greater difficulties than you had in your life before. Love is a complex wave that, in addition to pleasure and happiness, can bring tears and disappointment.

Experience true love, with all the consequences that come from it - heavenly pleasure. If you are afraid of being covered by this wave, if you are only ready for its bright and easy side, then move away from the shore and let it spread away from you, strengthening your character and preparing at this time a new, already your, wave.

Not everyone can pull this off, but if you prepare everything necessary materials in advance - anything is possible!

The guys showed the contrast between different approaches and a slightly sarcastic but clear message:

Hello friends. Not every guy who truly loves a girl is able to confess his feelings; for this you need to have special courage and confidence. Many gentlemen, due to the lack of the latter qualities, remain silent, and the beauties, without hearing the cherished: “I love you,” leave. In fact, it is not difficult, you just need to tell the truth to your beloved. If you are embarrassed to say it directly or are afraid that you will be rejected, do not despair, today I will teach you how to confess your love to a girl in a beautiful and original way.

Is this really love

Confession of feelings is a step leading to serious relationship, perhaps even family. Therefore, there is no need to rush into it. Meet longer, get to know each other better, what if this is not your person. Some guys make the mistake when, after 1-2 dates or the next day after meeting, they begin to confess their feelings to the girl. Most often they do this for several reasons:

  1. love at first sight;
  2. a banal desire to sleep with a girl;
  3. the desire to tightly tie your beloved to yourself.

What do ladies do in such cases? That's right, they're leaving. They won't believe a word you say. They will believe more in the second point, some girls will agree to this type of relationship. In other cases, the ladies will simply not be ready for such a turn of events, will consider you abnormal, or will sharply want to “remain friends.” The reason for this is the young man’s excessive haste, and in love affairs there is no need for haste.
Before confessing his feelings to a young lady, a young man needs to think about what he really feels for the girl: a slight crush or true love. These two feelings are different:

Love Love
Longer lasting feeling, sometimes for life Short-term, quickly arises and passes quickly
Acceptance of the chosen one in its “pure form”, with all the shortcomings and features The desire of the “lover” to remake the chosen one, to develop in him qualities beneficial to himself
There are no love triangles, couples always feel good together There is always someone else who destroys the union
Mutual understanding, supporting each other in difficult times, sacrifice Selfishness in relationships, the desire to satisfy one’s needs first
Intimacy is secondary, the feeling of love comes first, the desire to satisfy a partner Intimate life comes first, selfishness in sex

If you have sorted out your feelings and think that this is love, you need to think about the best moment to confess this to the girl.

When is the best time to confess?

As already noted, quick recognition does not bode well. Therefore, first, let’s highlight the moments when it is better to confess your love:

  • you have been together for more than 3 months;
  • there was an intimate relationship between you;
  • you are comfortable in the company of a girl;
  • she understands and appreciates you;
  • her friends and family like you;
  • she asks you for advice and help;
  • she respects you and does not allow herself to insult you;
  • the chosen one makes joint plans where she sees you with her;
  • the lady shows care (like a mother);
  • your chosen one always hears and listens to you;
  • demonstrates his love - kisses, hugs, says pleasant words and compliments;
  • respects your opinion, interests and hobbies.

This is an example of an ideal relationship, when partners value and respect each other; if you have at least 2-3 points the same, it’s time to act!

What is the best way to open your heart to your beloved?

We will devote this block to all the intricacies of correctly recognizing your beloved’s feelings. First, let's define the basic rules:

  1. The right time and place.

You need to confess at the right time, when you are together, the lady is in a good mood and nothing prevents you from saying those very words. For example, if you are watching an exciting film in the cinema, where at the climax the characters declare their love or just kiss, you can whisper in her ear: “I love you.” At such a moment, she may be the first to confess.

  1. Alone.

You can love your beauty when you two are together. This way you will feel confident and no one will interfere. A group of friends or girlfriends will embarrass the lady and you, and in general, when we're talking about about feelings - there is no room for others. You can confess publicly when you are sure that your chosen one will reciprocate your feelings.

  1. Clarity of words.

When it comes to confessing your feelings, there is no need to fuss, but you need to tell it like it is. That is, the words: “I miss you” or “You are very dear to me”, “You mean a lot to me” will not make it clear the main thing - that you love her. She will understand that you need her, but as a friend nothing more, so you need to say right away: “I love you and want to be with you always.”

There are times when a guy and a girl have been dating for a long time, but shyness and lack of self-confidence in such situations prevent the young man from confessing; advice from “experienced” guys will help him declare his love to the beauty.

How to confess your love to a young lady if you are shy

Constant thoughts about the same one, about recognition, can disturb and worry a young man in love, so the guy needs to prepare for this moment in advance and provide for all the options for the outcome of the event. All the main tips and recommendations boil down to the following:

  • prepare a “script”, rehearse;
  • try to look into her eyes;
  • be tactful;
  • speak in simple words, do not praise her as a goddess;
  • Don’t rush the girl to answer, don’t put pressure on her.

But if it is not possible to immediately say about love one-on-one, you can write a confession in an SMS, in a contact, or send a voice confession to your phone. This way you will prepare the ground, and at the same time you will find out her probable answer. Later, everything can be repeated live, but without much excitement and fear.

How to confess your love beautifully and originally: 10 best ways

When excitement and fear are overcome, you can choose the best option for a beautiful recognition. Let's give an example of the most original options:

  1. Valentine's Day.

Suitable for both couples who have been dating for a long time and at the beginning of a relationship. You can lay out a heart of small candles in front of the entrance and wait for her with a bouquet at the door.

  1. Romantic date.

This is the very option that all young ladies like. Invite her to a cafe or for a walk, wait for the right moment and say: “My girl, I love you”!

  1. Public recognition.

This can be done at a concert, negotiate with the presenter and at some point go on stage with recognition. This option is also suitable for a marriage proposal. Recently, this option has been gaining popularity: at the wedding of friends, where a couple is invited, most often after “Gorko” the guy gets up, takes the microphone and confesses his love to his chosen one. A storm of emotions will be guaranteed for everyone.

  1. Like in a movie.

You can use methods from films if financial capabilities allow. Remember the hero of the series “Kitchen” Max, who climbed onto a crane with a bouquet and knocked on his beloved’s window. Such recognition will be pleasant for your beauty, and she certainly will not be able to refuse you in return.

  1. Romantic video or presentation.

Suitable for guys advanced in this area. Give her a small movie with your participation, put all your love and soul into it and believe me, she will appreciate it.

  1. Serenade.

This option is suitable for creative young people with an ear for music. Sing her favorite love song and make a confession as you sing.

  1. On your favorite radio wave.

If your beloved listens to the radio, you can call the radio station and declare your love to her there; first you need to ask your beloved to turn on the desired wave.

  1. Simple and easy.

If nothing original comes to mind, you can simply come to her with a bouquet of flowers or a small gift, kiss her and say: “Honey, I love you.”

  1. Letter.

If embarrassment does not allow you to say everything directly, write a beautiful letter, you can add poems about love or with confession. The girl will be impressed if these are poems of her own composition. And only then you can back up the confession with a romantic date.

  1. Breakfast in bed.

This method is suitable if your beloved spends the night with you or you with her. In the morning, while your beloved is sleeping, you can run for fresh coffee and ask them to write “I love you” on the foam. You can buy buns or make toast, don’t forget about flowers - at least one red rose will already make her day and your recognition unforgettable.

When a guy and a girl are adults, their behavior is easy to predict; all actions are already quite mature and thoughtful. But what about those who are not yet 18 years old, or even 16 years old? How to confess your love to a girl who, say, is only 14 years old? We'll talk about this further.

How to confess your love to a 14 year old girl

If you like a girl from your class or a parallel one, then you have exactly the same chances as other active boys, especially those who have already begun to show signs of attention to your beauty.

In such cases, you need to show your masculine perseverance and confidence - how you show yourself in the first stages of communicating with her is exactly how you will remain in her idea of ​​you. For teenagers, everything is not so simple; any step a guy takes can be regarded as simple tomfoolery or a “game of hormones.” Therefore, you need to be an adult when communicating with a girl, but in moderation. You can show her signs of attention:

  • help carry her textbooks or bag;
  • open the door for her when entering;
  • give her compliments: a beautiful dress, or a beautiful hairstyle;
  • help her understand her homework;
  • write notes;
  • takes it seriously, without jokes;
  • accompany you home.

In addition, you can accompany her on walks after school and communicate on social networks. But it is necessary to remember that girls at the age of 14 also experience hormonal changes, so one wrong step (for example, a hasty kiss) can lead to a slap or slap in the face.

It’s too early to talk about adult declarations of love here, but you can do this:

  • dream about the future with her: “What if we got married, ....” (watch her reaction);
  • write in contact (we’ll talk about options later);
  • confess on holiday (March 8, New Year, The 14th of February).

There are few options; teenagers are often embarrassed to talk about feelings directly, especially when they have no experience communicating with girls. Therefore, the best option for this is recognition in social network. Let's look at the most successful examples on the VKontakte network.

How to say “I love you” in VK

“Your image is stuck in my head, I dream about you more and more often”

“You make my every day happier”

“Thank you to heaven for such a beautiful Angel like you”

“My status: “In love,” guess who?”

“You know, one very beautiful and sweet girl can’t get out of my head, she’s sitting now and reading this SMS.”

“You are online – and I am alive”

“I wish I could see you again tomorrow, my love.”

You can write poems about love and the lady will understand that it is addressed to her, change the status to “in love,” monitor her statuses and adapt to them. If you see that there is feedback - she sends emoticons, flirts, then she is probably not indifferent to you either.

There are often cases when the likelihood that the chosen one will reciprocate after confession is zero. What to do in this case if there is a fear of being rejected. I will talk about this below.

How to confess your feelings and not be rejected?

The main rule is not to wait for an answer from the young lady. A declaration of love is a monologue that does not require feedback. If the beauty confesses too, great, no, it’s okay, maybe she wants to think it over and not rush into a decision. If a girl clearly said “no”, it means that she is not your destiny, she should not belong to you and it is pointless to achieve her.

If you feel that a girl also feels something for you, but you still can’t understand what this feeling is, you can declare your love and at the same time dot all the i’s. Here are a few useful tips in this controversial situation:

  • speak convincingly, you must understand that the fate of your relationship depends on your persuasiveness;
  • be gentle in your words, do not raise your voice, do not be rude;
  • be strong and prepared for the fact that you may be rejected;
  • respect any of her decisions or reactions;
  • don’t be nervous, if you’re very worried, take a sedative, but under no circumstances alcohol;
  • take this matter more simply (without “corrals”);
  • be yourself, don’t pretend to be a prince on a white horse;
  • speak from the heart and without deception.

Remember, if a lady rejects you, you don’t need to try your luck anymore and bother her about this, you can just stay with friends. Over time, you can switch your attention to other available beauties.

But things don’t always turn out so sadly; there are many cases where a young lady reciprocated recognition, and this was a real holiday for both. Perhaps fate has prepared such a surprise for you too, so dare and win! Always yours, old womanizer Panteley!

How to prepare a girl for confession?

Modern society has so desecrated the word “love” that you can no longer believe it when they say it to you sincerely. We are used to everyone defending their own interests, without taking into account the desires of their partner. Normal human relationships, which start from the head, then go down to the lips, and only then lower, have become a fairy tale. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, they want to snatch everything at once, and then love exhausts itself, and the relationship ends as quickly as it began. But, nevertheless, in this society there are guys who dry their heads over how to confess their love to a girl, and not how to get her into bed. By the way, this also applies to you, dear ladies. We use each other equally. But, based on practical experience, we can say that hearing cherished words is pleasant at any age and even for the most cynical people.

How to tell a girl about your love so that she remembers this moment for the rest of her life?

First, prepare her for this. Otherwise, the surprise may cause an ambiguous reaction. Pick some romantic place: The best fit is one where you have experienced a lot of emotions together and were truly happy. Before you confess your love to a girl, make sure that you are alone and no one is bothering you. It would be nice to coincide such an event with some date: her birthday, Valentine's Day, March 8, the anniversary of a relationship or acquaintance. In such a place, and even under the influx of memories from past days, you will immediately understand how to tell your girlfriend about love. This may sound pathetic, but I advise you to listen in your heart. It certainly won't let you down.

How to talk about feelings?

Start by starting a conversation about your relationship. Focus on how much she means to you. Mention how the relationship started. Girls really appreciate this (since there is an opinion that guys don’t even remember key dates). And most importantly: compliments, compliments, compliments. You know that girls love with their ears. How to confess your love to a girl without compliments? No way. Don't just talk to her about beautiful eyes or a smile - it’s so predictable and stereotyped. Your beloved will definitely not be impressed. Tell her you love her laugh when she wrinkles her nose or raises her eyebrow. The main thing is to say what you love, not what you like. Pay special attention to the qualities that she values ​​in herself. And, of course, physical contact is important: take her hand, hug her around the waist, run her through her hair, put her hand on your heart.

Look into the eyes of your chosen one. And don't look away! Otherwise she will think that you are indecisive. When all the previous steps have been completed, the question of how to confess your love to a girl will no longer scare you so much. The atmosphere will be so exciting that the desired words will fly out of your mouth. After that, wait for her reaction. If she's positive, give her a kiss or a hug. Kissing is a more intimate process, but a strong hug instills trust and a sense of calm. This is just a general recognition scheme! And each case is unique in its own way!

Instead of a conclusion

Don't prepare your speech in advance. Because it will sound insincere because of your worries: have you said everything, have you forgotten anything? The best words are those that come out of emotion. So you tell her how you feel at the moment!