How to create an animated gift in Odnoklassniki. How to create your own gift in Odnoklassniki? How to make a free gift through a mobile application

Social network Odnoklassniki has a large number of free functions, but due to the fact that this is a commercial project, paid functionality is also very common here. Majority "Gifts" in this social network are paid, which are purchased for OKi - the internal currency of the service.

Here "Present" They are either static pictures or some kind of media file attached to the avatar of the user to whom the gift is addressed. Most of them are paid, but there are also free ones. Total "Present" can be divided into three categories:

  • Static pictures. Here you can most often find free samples, but paid ones are also relatively inexpensive by the standards of the service;
  • Various media files. These can be either static pictures, but with music attached, or animated images. Sometimes there are samples of the “two in one” type. Price range for this type "Gifts" quite large, and free ones are extremely rare;
  • Homemade "Present". Odnoklassniki has applications that allow you to make a gift yourself. The functionality of these applications is paid.

Method 1: Free "Gifts"

The instructions for sending free gifts to Odnoklassniki are as follows:

  1. Go to the page of the user you would like to give "Present". Pay attention to the block under the photo, there is a link there "Make a gift".
  2. By clicking on the link you will be taken to the store "Gifts". Free ones are marked with a special icon.
  3. On the left side of the screen you can select a category of gifts. Most often free "Present" come across in sections "Love" And "Friendship".
  4. To do "Present", click on the option you are interested in and make some settings, for example, you can check the box next to "Private"- this means that only the recipient will know who the gift is from. After that click on "Give". Free "Present" sent to the user.
  5. Method 2: “All inclusive”

    Not very long ago Odnoklassniki introduced such a proposal as "All inclusive". According to it, you pay a subscription for a certain period and can give away most of the paid "Gifts" free or with a very big discount. Let "All inclusive"- this is also a paid feature, but it has a demo period of three days, where you can pay nothing for either the feature or the "Present". However, it is worth considering that after this period you will be required to either pay for the subscription or cancel the service.

    The step-by-step instructions in this case look like this:

    1. Similarly, as in the first instructions, go to the page of the user to whom you want to give something, and find the link there "Make a gift".
    2. To the right of the search bar for the section, click on the inscription "All inclusive".
    3. Press "Try for free". After this, you will be able to give other users almost any "Present" without buying them.
    4. Be careful with this method if you have OKi on your social network account and/or have a bank card linked to your profile, since after the trial period the funds will be debited automatically. However, if you have not linked a card and do not have enough OKs in your account, then there is nothing to fear, since the offer will be canceled automatically.

      Method 3: Send gifts from the mobile version

      In the mobile version of the site you can also give free "Present", however, the functionality is a little limited compared to the full version.

      Let's look at everything using the example of the Odnoklassniki mobile application:

      Do not use any applications or third-party sites that offer the opportunity to make paid "Present" for free. At best, you will lose time and/or you will be asked to buy some kind of subscription; at worst, you may lose access to the Odnoklassniki page, and possibly to other services that are associated with the page.

Social networks are developing at an impressive pace, adding new users and loyal followers every day. Moreover, not only teenagers, but also adults and accomplished individuals become their fans. This is due to the fact that on the Internet you can not only communicate, but also read interesting stories, discuss photographs, play Interesting games and even give each other gifts.

Regarding these opportunities, the insanely popular website did not stand aside. The only thing that upsets millions of fans of this network is the need to pay for gifts. But on the site there are also free options this service. However, not all users know how to send a gift for free in Odnoklassniki or how to use the “Gifts” section in general. We will try to present you detailed instructions, but first, let’s look at the concept of online gifts.

What are gifts in Odnoklassniki?

These are small animated pictures with images of funny animals, themed holidays, funny emoticons and various wishes. The gift, accepted by the recipient, will decorate his main photo for a week. After the expiration date, they will disappear only from the avatar, but will remain in the list of gifts, which can be viewed by simply clicking the “Gifts” button located in the row of links under the nickname.

When can you give

Gifts in Odnoklassniki are presented not only on especially special occasions, but also simply to lift your spirits. For this purpose, the creators have developed gifts with wishes (for example, “Sending you sunny greetings,” “Good luck,” “Warmth to you and good mood,” etc.), funny inscriptions (“Oh God, what a man,” “You’re cool !”, “His back is my wall”), supported by cheerful graphic images. You can give them whenever and to anyone, having pre-paid their cost, which varies from 1 to 30 OKs.

Features of the service

Gifts, as mentioned above, are paid, they can be purchased for a special currency - OKi. They are enriched with the required number of OKs by pressing the “Top up account” button (under the main photo). The user can pay for the service in any way convenient for him - via telephone, terminal, bank card, electronic currency. The cost, depending on the price, ranges from 90 kopecks to 2 rubles.

But is it possible and how to send a gift for free in Odnoklassniki? Free gifts usually appear on the list of main gifts on the eve of the holidays and during promotions. They are easily recognizable by the “Free” label. The creators of the site allow you to present them in unlimited quantities, although this happiness lasts for one or two days. You can win free gifts by participating in an auction or on the special Odnoklassniki Moderator application (more on that below).

How to make a gift in Odnoklassniki?

In order to make a present (both paid and free) to one of your friends, you need to:

There is a second way to send a gift in Odnoklassniki for free (or for a fee):

  • In the row of links under your nickname, select the “Gifts” button.
  • Click on the gift you like.
  • In the “Who should I give a gift to” window that appears, click on your friend’s photo and confirm your desire with the “Give” button. The subsequent steps are similar to the method described above. All! The gift has been sent.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the system of sending gifts.

How to make a gift to a user not on your friends list?

Many users have no idea how to send a free gift in Odnoklassniki to a user who is not on your friends list.

The algorithm of actions in this case is just as simple and efficient:

The site allows users to upload their own gifts by activating the “Create Your Own Gift” function, which will redirect you to the “Gift Designer” application. With this program, you can send a free gift on Odnoklassniki from your computer, decorating it to your taste.

Application "Odnoklassniki Moderator"

To activate the application, click the “Games” button, enter “Odnoklassniki Moderator” in the search bar. The program is designed to accumulate bonus points. The rules of the game are as follows: you need to determine which of the submitted photos complies with the site rules, and then approve it or block it. For each correct answer you will be awarded 2 points. The collected points can be spent on the “Auction” (button “More” - “Auction”). Your mission is to put the required number of points into the drawing of free gifts. If luck smiles on you, you will receive a notification about your win.

We hope that you are now fully aware of how to send a gift in Odnoklassniki. Give your friends a good mood and be happy!

Hello, dear site visitors! The social network Odnoklassniki is, without a doubt, very popular among users. Here you can so that your friends can watch it, add it and. Also listen, upload your own or download interesting music from the site, watch videos, comment on photos and much more.

The developers also provided a function such as gifts. After all, in real life everyone is pleased to receive it. The same can be said about the social network. Unfortunately, this service is paid, and in order to give something to a friend or any other person, you will need to pay a certain amount of OKov (special currency on the site).

If you are interested in how you can give free gifts on Odnoklassniki, then we will talk about this in this article.

If you are often given them as a gift and you regularly receive relevant notifications, then read the article: . By disabling such notifications in your profile, you can only view them by going to the site itself, and windows indicating that such and such a user has sent something will no longer appear.

How to find free gifts on Odnoklassniki

First, let's look at where you can find free gifts on Odnoklassniki. They appear when social network carries out similar actions. This could be for some holiday, or if a corresponding notification appears on your page.

In your profile, in the menu under your name, click on the “Gifts” button.

You will see a list with them. At the top you will see the “Promotion!” section. It is there that you can see which of them are now free - under them there will be a button with the appropriate name. Often, there will be one or a couple, but you can give it to absolutely all your friends.

If on your profile page at the top above your name a message appears like “I’m bringing money! 0 OK”, or “Good luck! 0 OK”, then these are free gifts.

How to give gifts for free

Now about how to give a gift to a friend on Odnoklassniki for free. If you have a link on your page with a name and the inscription 0 OK, click on it.

A list with pictures will open. In the “Promotion!” section We find the one under which it says “Free” and click on it.

Here in the list you will see your page; by clicking on it, you can make a gift to yourself.

In the box at the top, if you want, write some text. “Add song” or “OK” is paid services. To ensure that only this person knows from whom the gift was received, check the “Private” box. On the right you will see how it will look on the user’s main photo. Click "Give".

Your parcel will be sent!

After this, a new notification will appear on your friend’s page that such and such a user has sent a gift. He must click "Accept".

Now the present you made will be shown in your friend’s main photo, all users can see it, and by hovering over it, you can see who sent it. If a person accepted it as private, then instead of the name the inscription “Private gift” will be shown.

A notification will also appear on your page that your friend has accepted the gift.

How to make a free gift through a mobile application

If you use the Odnoklassniki mobile app on your phone or tablet and don’t know how to send a free gift, do the following.

Which can be either free or have their own cost. The range of gifts on the site is really very large, as the developers try to constantly supplement it. But even if the gifts that are already on the site are not enough for a person, there is also a special gift designer that allows you to create your own unique gift that you can give to your friend.

In Odnoklassniki you can create your own your own gift:

  • Using any photo on which you can apply frames, effects and text;
  • There are also individual gift templates that you can edit to find the perfect one.

How to create your own gift in Odnoklassniki using the designer?

The full computer version of the site has special gift designer, which is essentially a separate application. On the first screen of this designer, you can choose what will be used as the basis of a new gift: a photo, existing templates or text.


By selecting the first item, the user will see a list of his albums in Odnoklassniki, from which he can choose suitable photo for further work with it. Also here you can simply upload a new picture from your device. Here you can place, for example, a photo of the friend for whom this gift is being created.

After selecting a picture, you will also need to specify the area in this image that will be displayed in the gift. Here you just need to move the selected area across the photo in order to set the correct positioning, and you can also make it smaller and larger by moving it beyond the marked boundaries. In the right window you can see how the image looks in the gift right now. You can also select a frame for this picture below. After the user decides on the frame, he can go to the “Add Text” tab (if text needs to be placed on this gift).

Next, under the image of the gift, a special area will appear in which you can specify the text that will be printed on the gift. To the right of the image, you can use the up and down buttons to adjust the placement of the text inside the gift, and there is also a text size control and several colors to choose from. Below you can select one of the fonts for this text. After the text has been added to the gift, all you have to do is click on the “Gift is ready” button, after which it can be given to another person.


By selecting a section in the designer for creating a gift using templates, the user will be taken to the template category selection window. Here you can select, for example, “All”.

Next, you will need to select a specific template with an image and click on it.

The rest of the process of creating a gift through templates completely repeats the similar process of creating a gift through your own picture, that is, here you can set the correct positioning of the template picture, as well as apply a frame and text. Finally, you just need to click on the “Gift is ready” button.

Text gift

If, at the stage of selecting the type of gift, the user goes to the “Text Gift” section, he will be prompted to immediately simply write the desired text on a white background. On the gift creation page, you will need to enter your text, set its positioning and size, select its color and font, and then click on “Gift is ready.”


If necessary, even when creating just a text gift, you can switch between different tabs below to add pictures or templates, as well as frames.

How to send your own gift?

Regardless of what type of gift creation the user has chosen, after clicking on the “Gift is ready” button, he will be taken to the next page where his new gift will be displayed. Below it there is a “Give as a Gift” button, which you should click on.

Next, a standard window for sending a gift will open, that is, here you can check the appropriate boxes if the user wants to send it privately or even secretly, and here you can also select a friend or several friends to whom this gift will be sent. As you can see, a gift created by a user costs 0 OK, that is, it is absolutely free, and therefore you can safely send it to friends without worrying that OKs may be debited from your account. This gift must also be reviewed by moderators, after which it will appear in the list of gifts of the friend to whom it was sent.


Sometimes it’s much more interesting and fun to come up with your own gifts than to choose from existing ones. Firstly, this allows you to add uniqueness to your congratulations, and secondly, these gifts are free, so they can be given without any restrictions or concerns.

You can communicate in it, share photos, post some news. And also congratulate each other on various holidays by sending gifts to friends. But what to do if the holiday has arrived and you have no idea how to send a gift. In this article I will tell you in detail how to make a present in Odnoklassniki.

There are two types of gifts on the Odnoklassniki website: paid and free.


To send a free gift, you need to follow these steps:

Once your friend accepts it, the gift icon will appear on their profile picture.


You can send a special gift to your friend or colleague by paying a certain amount (your own currency on the Odnoklassniki website). This is done in the same way as free, but with one difference. So, to send a paid gift, you need to:

Important! If you pay via phone, you will need to enter a confirmation code. It will be sent to you via SMS.

Secret and private

When you send a gift to a friend, don't forget one small detail. The gift can be:

  • private is one where only the recipient will know who made it;
  • secret - when even the recipient does not know.

Important! To send one of these gifts, you need to check the box next to each name.

Gift not for a friend

In addition to the previous method of making a paid gift in Odnoklassniki, you can also do this:

How to make a gift yourself on Odnoklassniki

You can make a virtual present not only by first selecting from the list, but you can also make it yourself. For this you need.