Pain in the mammary gland and Janine. Consequences of discontinuation of oral contraceptives I take Zhanine, my chest hurts, discharge

Janine is a low-dose oral contraceptive, most often used to prevent pregnancy. The drug can also be used for medicinal purposes, in particular, to reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome, for the treatment of acne, etc. Is it safe to use the product for mastopathy? Will it help or harm?

Janine includes two components - ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. This is a monophasic drug, which means that each tablet contains the same amount of active ingredient.

Normally, the concentrations of estrogens and gestagens in the body are constantly changing, and the constant supply of certain concentrations with Zhanine tablets stimulate the restructuring. That is why for some time (usually no more than 2 - 3 months) a woman may experience spotting..

bloody issues

Ethinyl estradiol is an estrogen, and dienogest is a gestagen. Thanks to the dual composition of the tablets, an artificial hormonal background is formed in a woman, which brings her endocrine system into some kind of balance. This is especially noticeable if the girl previously experienced failures - delays or periodic daubing.

The drug contains 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg dienogest. These are small doses of hormones, so Janine is a low-dose contraceptive. But some doctors are wary of prescribing even such concentrations for mastopathy, believing that estrogens can intensify the manifestations of the disease.

However, there is no reliable scientific data on this matter, and temporary enlargement of the mammary glands and minor pain and discomfort disappear in 2 - 3 months (this does not happen to everyone, as a rule, if the drug is not prescribed correctly). After just 6 months of use, the picture of mastopathy significantly improves and the risk of developing breast cancer decreases.

  • The contraceptive effect of Zhanin is due to its influence on the following mechanisms:
  • Under the influence of active substances, ovulation is suppressed at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland according to the feedback principle (they stop synthesizing their hormones in the presence of estrogens and gestagens from the outside).
  • Changes in the endometrium occur (its thinning), which prevents implantation of the fertilized egg even during fertilization.

Zhanin’s influence on mastopathy and other processes in the body

The therapeutic effect for mastopathy and in general in the presence of some pathology can only be observed with regular and sufficiently long-term use of Janine (at least 3 months). The positive effect on the mammary glands is as follows:

  • Constant use of an oral contraceptive creates relatively stable concentrations of estrogens and gestagens in a woman’s blood.
  • This entails the stabilization of connections between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. As a result, proliferative changes in the mammary glands, which give rise to foci of mastopathy, are not so active. Areas of uncontrolled growth and formation, etc., no longer arise.
  • If a woman had a high level of estrogen in the blood, with regular use its values ​​decrease somewhat.

And estrogens are the most active stimulators of cell growth, including foci of mastopathy.

Against the background of long-term use of contraceptives, all inflammatory processes in the appendages and uterine cavity attenuate, cystic formations go away.

PMS symptoms

, including those associated with the mammary glands - swelling, soreness.

The rate of progression of both nodular and diffuse forms of mastopathy is reduced.

However, it should be emphasized that all these effects will not always be observed, but only with a correctly selected contraceptive. Watch the video about mastopathy: etc. Therefore, when taking Zhanine, in addition to the expected effect (protection against pregnancy), it is possible to develop adverse reactions that are associated specifically with its systemic effect.

The main ones include the following:

  • decreased libido and decreased secretion of mucus in the vagina;
  • increased risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • the occurrence of headaches and migraines;
  • mood swings;
  • problems wearing contact lenses due to increased dryness of the eye surface;
  • digestive disorders and some others.

If such adverse reactions you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

To avoid unpleasant consequences of using the product, you should strictly follow the indications for its use. In the following cases, it is better to refrain from taking Janine:

  • If a woman has ever had thrombosis, thromboembolism or similar conditions (heart attack, stroke, etc.).
  • In the case when migraine attacks were recorded once, even if they have not bothered you for a long time.
  • Pathology of the liver, pancreas.
  • Diabetes.
  • Uncontrolled arterial hypertension.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Hormone-dependent tumors of the genital or other organs have ever been identified.
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Prolonged immobility (after injuries, fractures, etc.).

The benefits and possible harms of taking Zhanine can only be most reliably assessed by a doctor, so the drug should be used only on his recommendation.

Janine for mastopathy: is it worth taking?

Janine may be enough effective means in the fight against mastopathy. But it is not suitable for all women.

You should also understand that by drinking only Janine, it is unlikely that you will immediately achieve quick and significant results. For the future, yes, it is good, but in order to quickly relieve all the symptoms of mastopathy and stop the progression of the pathology, it is better to use complex regimens.

It is optimal if they include, in addition to contraceptives, herbal medicines (such as Mastodinon, and others), as well as immunomodulatory and stress-resistance-increasing agents.

It is also necessary to understand that in some cases, treatment with any drugs, including oral contraceptives, is not advisable initially. For example, this applies to nodular forms, especially large fibroadenomas, which should be removed surgically.

Therefore, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the woman’s health condition and clinical situation.

The cost of the drug depends on the city, category of pharmacy and the number of tablets in the package.

The minimum price for one blister varies between 1000 rubles (from 870 to 997). It is more profitable to buy a larger quantity at once, for example, 63 tablets - for three months. The average cost of such packaging is in the range of 2200 - 2300 (from 2000 to 2600).

You can also purchase complete analogues of medicine from another manufacturer. For example, Silhouette has complete identity in composition and action. It costs an order of magnitude cheaper - from 600 rubles for 21 tablets to 1500 for 63.

Janine is a low-dose monophasic oral contraceptive used in most cases for contraception.

Long-term and regular use of the drug with reliable effectiveness reduces the risk of breast cancer and the degree of progression of mastopathy in women.

I was always sure that I would never take birth control. I believe that there is no need to interfere with the harmony of the female body, especially the body of a healthy woman. It is our hormones, our feminine essence, the cycle and all this is such a connection between a woman and nature. This is how I feel it, some kind of animal nature, instincts, etc. I never wanted to interfere in these processes.

But it so happened that I was prescribed Janine for life.

To say that I was upset is to say nothing. I was afraid of these pills like poison.

17 months of admission have passed. Here are my impressions.

1. The first three packs I felt sick at night. I drank them at night and immediately went to bed, but exactly six hours later, every night, I woke up from nausea. Then it went away. Now I feel a little nauseous on the first pills from the pack. And during the day there was a feeling that I was under something, such a sluggish state of prostration.

2. The breasts are harder, hurt, have increased by half a size, but it would be better if they didn’t hurt and were as before. Those who take similar drugs for breast enlargement, good luck to you, of course, but you are walking on thin ice.

3. Acne has not gone away. I have acne on my chin and it hasn't gone away. The skin has not improved.

4. The weight remained the same. Cellulite, which I had never had, appeared, not much, but unpleasant, I weigh 52 kg and always wore thongs, and here are signs of cellulite.

6. The desire for intimacy has not disappeared, I was afraid of this more than cellulite :) This is still a big plus. Of course, it’s not the same as before the appointment, but it didn’t particularly affect my personal life. Although of course it cannot be compared with what came before.

7. The nerves remained as they were. It seems to me that those who say that hysteria has begun and strong changes are overthinking themselves. Regarding emotions, how you tune in is how you will feel.

9. Pregnancy does not occur, if this is a plus, then it’s a plus, I just don’t think that contraception is worth the health consequences that I write about above.

10.Crete days have become short, 3-4 days each.

11. Strong heartbeat, tachycardia, especially on the first tablets from a new pack, sometimes it’s even difficult to sleep.

12. I started drinking not at night, but in the morning, and the problem with falling asleep went away.

13. Dry eyes. I didn’t understand why some people who wear contact lenses can’t take coke, now I understand it’s really dry eyes. I drip drops of "Slezin" and use Korneregel.

14. Sometimes after being in the sun a red rash appears and my hands itch, I was warned about this, I use sunscreen.

15. Microflora, of course, is also not happy about such hormonal effects. Periodically I restore it with my favorite Vagilak.

And in this photo, my hip with spider veins says hello to the reader.

Pros. This is a chance, really a chance to preserve your reproductive organs for those who are not entirely healthy, do not miss it. Get treatment and don't be afraid. Get treatment. Do not enlarge your breasts and remove acne or you are tired of condoms, get treatment.

Ask me if I would take pills for protection - NEVER!!! If you are healthy, rejoice and live in your natural background and enjoy it. Others no longer have this opportunity.

PS. If you want sex, wear a condom. If you don't want a condom, you don't want sex :)))

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

It's no secret that almost every woman sooner or later has a desire to become a mother. After all, children are the most beautiful thing that can happen in every person’s life. Well, I got married, thought about everything, discussed it with my husband, got emotional - we want a child. But what to do? - does not work. These situations arise quite often. There are also quite a lot of reasons for this. One of them is endometriosis. Endometriosis is a fairly widespread gynecological disease that can be found in every third woman with primary and secondary infertility.

What is endometriosis?

This gynecological disease is characterized by the formation of nodes, similar in structure to the internal mucous membrane of the uterus, and which are located both inside the uterus itself and outside it. Every month, if the egg is not fertilized, the uterine tissue that was prepared for the attachment of the fetus is rejected. There are cases when, along with the blood flow, the endometrium enters the fallopian tubes and begins to grow. As a result, a disease such as endometriosis develops. In most cases, endometriosis affects women of childbearing age, who are very often exposed to various types of stress.

The development of endometriosis can also be triggered by hormonal disorders, thyroid disease, complicated childbirth or abortion, excess weight, and abuse of alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco products. Sometimes women have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. If we talk about the symptoms of endometriosis, they can be the following: pain before menstruation, pain during bowel movements and urination, pain during sexual intercourse, menstrual irregularities, bleeding between menstruation, and infertility.

It’s worth noting right away that getting rid of endometriosis is quite difficult. The fact is that gynecological specialists still cannot come to a consensus regarding the rational treatment of endometriosis and preparing a woman for pregnancy. Today, there are two main methods of treating this disease. These are surgical and medicinal methods... the site) will talk to you about the medicinal treatment of endometriosis, or more precisely about the treatment of this gynecological disease with the help of Zhanine.

Janine with endometriosis

Janine is a hormonal drug that has found wide use in the fight against endometriosis. This medicine contains dienogest. This is the first progestogen that has a strong inhibitory effect on the process of proliferation of endometrioid heterotopias. Scientific research proved that Zhanine causes almost complete regression of endometriosis foci. It should also be noted that this drug has fairly high bioavailability. That is why small doses are enough for effective treatment of this disease.

Janine also contains estradiol, which, along with dienogest, provides a full menstrual cycle for a young woman. About the effectiveness of each medicinal product judged by the results of studies conducted using it. Janine was also subjected to research. Well, studies have shown that the use of this drug significantly reduces the severity of endometrioid heterotopias. Plus, the use of this contraceptive hormone most often does not lead to such side effects as: increased blood pressure, disturbances in liver function, changes in the lipid spectrum of the blood and body weight.

If a woman with endometriosis wants to get pregnant, she is prescribed to take Janine continuously for more than sixty or eighty days.

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.


Sorry, I don’t understand one thing, if you have nausea, spotting and other side effects, why continue to take the drug, I also have endometriosis, the doctor prescribed Janine, BUT she warned that only the first month of taking spotting in the middle of the cycle is the norm, if further (on the 2nd package) there are such phenomena, then the drug simply needs to be changed! those. he doesn't suit you.

Hi all. In September 2010, a lapara was performed. There was a 5 cm cyst on the left ovary (endometrioid) and many lesions throughout the hip area. After the operation, they assigned taxes to the GRG, but I refused! They prescribed Zhanine for 3 months. without a break, they did an ultrasound - everything was fine. I still drink Janine and have no problems!

Igor, thank you! Everything has already passed, it was obvious that there was an adaptation to the drug, the last few times I didn’t notice anything

Marilyn, you need a second consultation with a gynecologist. Bleeding after sexual intercourse can occur due to erosion or dysplasia of the cervix or endometriosis of the cervix. In this case, it may be necessary to cauterize the affected area for therapeutic purposes.

There were severe pains during menstruation, I went to the doctor, he sent me for surgery. They suspected endometriosis! As a result of this, they prescribed Janine’s course. Side effects there were, but now I drink 2 packs and they are gone, but the bleeding remains

Marilyn, for what disease was this drug prescribed by the doctor? Apparently it makes sense to consult with the gynecologist who prescribed this drug for you regarding side effect drug. You may need to replace it with another hormonal contraceptive.

Hello! I had the same problem, I was prescribed to drink Janine for medicinal purposes. After every sexual intercourse, blood appears, what does this mean? What to do about it?

Janine apparently doesn’t help everyone. or doctors do not prescribe it correctly. One doctor saw Zhanine from the 5th day of her period for 6 months, before that they scraped out the polyps - everything remained unchanged (endometriosis, breast fcm). Six months later I went to another doctor because... The ultrasound showed again a polyp and endometriosis, she prescribed Zhanine from the 1st day of her period - after the first course, with the next period, a huge polyp 5 cm long came out. I drank for another 2 months. Then they did an ultrasound of the chest, and a cyst was added to the FCM. Where do polyps and cysts come from against Zhanin’s background?????? I stopped taking Zhanine, and now I’m trying to treat a cyst in my chest on my own. There is absolutely no trust in doctors.

Good afternoon, I am now considering using Janine for cosmetic purposes, I read the reviews, was horrified and decided to write about myself. I had endometriosis, I was not treated with Janine. I took indinol and epigallate (they are always prescribed together) for 4 months and utrozhestan for 3 months. Now there is no endometriosis (I can’t say how advanced the stage was). Many doctors say that endometriosis can only be treated surgically, and indinol and epigallate seem to be new drugs that do not help. It actually helped me. I wish everyone good health.

I’ve been taking Janine for three years now and I’ve convinced myself that endometriosis remains the same. Before menstruation, the breasts hurt a lot and increase in size. The only thing that holds weight and clean skin. The doctor said that this drug gives me youth. Maybe so, but I have already begun to doubt its advantages. Now the polyp needs to be removed and therefore they told me to stop taking Janine. I don’t know how this may affect my health in the future. After all, it will again be a hormonal imbalance. and is it worth starting to take it at all?

In my case, it’s difficult to say whether the drug is bad or the doctor who prescribed it is bad... But the result is that I cannot get pregnant for 2.5 years after taking the drug. After Janine’s withdrawal, the cycle never recovered, my periods are scanty , short-lived, it feels like I’m still taking oral contraceptives. The doctors' conclusion: the ovaries are in the pre-menopausal period, the reason is taking Ok Janine. I am 27 years old. So draw your conclusion.

I’m just shocked by everything I’ve read!!! I started taking Janine a couple of times, but after 2 months I quit because of discomfort. Now I was going to start again because I didn’t feel well, and here are these reviews...

I had an endometrial cyst on the left ovary! They removed it laparoscopically in August 2009, and prescribed Janine for 4 months continuously! In August 2010 they found the same cyst on the right!!! Janine is of no use

Diagnosis: endometriosis by ultrasound. No cysts were found. After 2 months Zhanina's appointment - endometriosis, no cysts. After 5 months Zhanina's ultrasound shows endometriosis at the previous stage + 2 cysts 2cm and 0.8cm!!! So what does Janine do then?! Draw conclusions.

I drank Zhanine after the operation for 1.5 years. Everything was fine. I decided to take a break two weeks after I didn’t start drinking a new package, my uterus was just bursting with pain. Now I’m taking antibiotics. I can start drinking Janine so I don’t have to go under the knife again

When the diagnosis was made, Janine and Indinol were prescribed, I drank only Janine, Indinol is very expensive, for 6 months. The results were very good. Janine herself tolerated it very well: she didn’t have any pain in her breasts, and she didn’t even notice that she was taking any pills. A year later, the doctor prescribed a repeat course. And now for the third month I have been going crazy: my chest is bursting, there is periodic discharge, my general condition is terrible. Now I don’t know whether to praise Janine or scold her? In general, the doctor told me that it is almost impossible to cure endometriosis, only constant monitoring.

I will express my opinion. Doctors who prescribe janine and indinol (an expensive drug) for endometriosis have a kickback, i.e. This is how they make money from our misfortune. Girls, don’t be fooled, with endmetriosis ONLY surgery will help - lapar or abdominal. Alas, but after fasting, after the operation, the doctor prescribes both janine and epigallate, etc. - for the prevention of endometriosis. Be healthy!

Before planning her second child, Janine drank for almost a year (more precisely, 10 months); she became pregnant on the first try, a month after stopping (they deliberately did not plan for the first cycle - she was afraid of multiple pregnancies). She tolerated the drug well - the problems went away - painful, very, very heavy periods, the skin cleared up, and hormone-dependent mastopathy was greatly reduced.
Now I have been taking Janine continuously for 42 days - after cleansing after my second birth (before that there were no surgical interventions in the uterine cavity) and 4 miscarriages, I was diagnosed with early stage uterine endometriosis. The result is periodic bleeding, on the 27th day of treatment - all the mucous membrane came out of the uterus in one piece - in tubercles and nodules, after which the bleeding stopped. There is no nausea, the blood pressure is normal, there is no pain in the lower abdomen, the breasts are excellent - the milk has completely disappeared (which she still expressed after stopping feeding her youngest daughter). One more pack left. so I can say that it helps me.

I have two children, I didn’t even know that Zhanine was prescribed for infertility, I have another problem of not getting pregnant... But I’m taking it with a diagnosis of ovarian dysfunction... Before that, I took Dufoston, it didn’t help, but with Zhanine it’s generally terrible, constant drowsiness , mood swings and eternal daub... Only one thing is clear that our doctors don’t know how to treat us... But I’ll drink this Janine for six months, I won’t quit halfway, maybe it will help

Nowadays, OCs (oral contraceptives) are considered the most popular types of contraceptives. For many women, OK is the only way out of such an intimate situation, since they do not cause harm to health, like an “umbrella” or products for use inside the vagina. However, any interference with the body's biological clock can lead to negative consequences.

Janine as a contraceptive

Oks such as Janine were created for treatment, and only in the second case for protection from unwanted pregnancy. When taking the drug Zhanine, women's breasts enlarge, menstruation normalizes, cysts and formations on the ovaries disappear. There is also a noticeable improvement in the second phase of the menstrual cycle if a woman has problems conceiving. Janine is prescribed for hormonal imbalance and with imperfect functioning of the egg follicle.

As a contraceptive, Zhanine is well tolerated by women who have not given birth. This can replace them with stronger drugs. Consequences of taking janine:

  • Increase in breast volume
  • Weight gain (up to 10-12 kg).
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Janine, like any contraceptive, has a negative effect on a woman’s reproductive function. After long-term use (more than 8 months), a woman may experience failure of one of her ovaries. This manifests itself in the following:

  • Delayed menstruation 8-9 months after starting to use contraceptives.
  • Profuse leucorrhoea.
  • Complications when conceiving a child (requires 2-5 months).
  • My chest hurts at night.
  • Pain appears in the lower abdomen.
  • Hair fall out.

With long-term use of Escapelle, Postinor, Zhanin, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist - there is a possibility of falling into the risk zone of infertility patients.

Chest pain after stopping taking approx.

Why female breast reacts sharply to changes in the body after discontinuation of ok? Each of the contraceptives contains a hormonal set of substances that stimulate the functioning of the breasts and mammary glands in general. At a certain point, your body stops receiving “recharge”, and you feel pain - it appears immediately after you stop taking it, because the cells do not receive the portion of hormones on the basis of which all the work of the reproductive function has taken place over the past six months. The body defended itself from the penetration of sperm, and was suddenly left without a “protector”, without additional hormones, which it now needs to produce on its own.

As a result, if the body “gets out of the habit” of independent production, then it will not be able to be responsible for the improper functioning of the breasts, ovaries and organs involved in fertilization. Under such circumstances, the breast may hurt due to the lack of supporting microorganisms. In this case it is observed:

  • Reduced work fallopian tubes when contracting.
  • Changes in the composition of blood and cervical mucus.
  • Changes in the structure of the endometrium (which is detrimental to a woman).
  • Inability of the uterus to bear a child.

When working on an artificial hormone, the entire reproductive function of a woman is reduced to zero. When treating infertility, it is necessary to select drugs that will not aggravate the situation.

Urgent contraceptives and their features

When using urgent ok, escapelle, and other medications, the ovaries do not slow down. On the contrary, under the influence of hormones (with a single use) found in contraceptives, female organs are strenuously fighting against the “unnecessary” foreign bodies. The body protects itself in advance by bringing the ovaries to work, which causes untimely menstruation. In this case, the chest, lower abdomen, and head may hurt.

After abrupt discontinuation of contraceptives, the work of the ovaries can increase significantly. Hence the severe pain in the gland, sometimes in the back. Among emergency contraceptives, there are those that are suitable for different phenotypes of women:

After stopping the use of Postinor, Escapel and other urgent medications, at least 4 weeks should pass. It is not recommended to use them every month, as they disrupt the biological stage of menstruation and also cause pain and discomfort during subsequent menstruation.

When using postinor and escapelle more than 1-2 times a month, a woman, even after stopping use, develops thrush and fungus in the genitals.

After stopping the use of Postinor, Escapel and other contraceptives, the size of the glands is not restored. This threatens the development of mastitis when feeding a child, cancer, and benign tumors. In the absence of a “set” of artificial hormones, the body “sees an excess” and stops working and providing all the conditions for conception. “You wanted protection, you will get the body’s natural production of anti-stress.”

Consequences of abruptly stopping medications

In addition to the main problems of stopping taking Escapelle, Postinor, the drugs Coc and Zhanine, consequences may develop - a delay in the menstrual cycle, which will not work without the “help” of contraceptives. Amenorrhea is also likely to develop, when menstruation completely disappears, regardless of age or pregnancy. If the girl has not given birth yet, she will feel severe pain and cramps. They often appear in those girls who have used coke and coke-containing drugs.

Combination drugs are not aimed at the individual body; as a rule, they are selected by women themselves. A doctor, and only a doctor, should prescribe the use of coca, postinor, esapela, since everything must correspond to the phenotype of the body, the structural features of the uterus, tubes, etc. If pain and severe spasms are noted, you need to check the genitals for pathologies.

There is a high probability of developing pathologies in the following:

  • Gonorrhea.
  • Syphilis.
  • Hepatitis.

There is a possibility of developing thyroid disease. In order not to provoke consequences, not to cause pain when you stop taking Postinor and Escapel, you need to stop using them at the end or beginning of the cycle, not in the middle.

In this article you can read the instructions for using the contraceptive drug Janine. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Janine in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Zhanin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for contraception in healthy women. Side effects (bleeding, pain), as well as during pregnancy while taking the drug.

Janine- low-dose monophasic oral combined estrogen-progestogen contraceptive drug.

The contraceptive effect of Janine is carried out through complementary mechanisms, the most important of which include suppression of ovulation and a change in the viscosity of cervical mucus, as a result of which it becomes impermeable to sperm.

When used correctly, the Pearl index (an indicator reflecting the number of pregnancies in 100 women taking a contraceptive during the year) is less than 1. If pills are missed or used incorrectly, the Pearl index may increase.

The gestagenic component of Janine - dienogest - has antiandrogenic activity, which is confirmed by the results of a number of clinical studies. In addition, dienogest improves the blood lipid profile (increases the amount of high-density lipoproteins).

In women taking combined oral contraceptives, the menstrual cycle becomes more regular, painful menstruation is less common, the intensity and duration of bleeding decreases, resulting in a reduced risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. In addition, there is evidence of a reduced risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer.


After oral administration, dienogest is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Dienogest is almost completely metabolized. A small part of dienogest is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. Metabolites are excreted in urine and bile in a ratio of about 3:1.

After oral administration, ethinyl estradiol is rapidly and completely absorbed. It is not excreted from the body unchanged. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites are excreted in urine and bile in a ratio of 4:6.

Indications for use

  • contraception.

Release forms

Dragee 2 mg + 30 mcg (not available in tablet form).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

The pills should be taken orally in the order indicated on the package, every day at approximately the same time, with a small amount of water. Janine should be taken 1 tablet per day continuously for 21 days. Each subsequent package begins after a 7-day break, during which withdrawal bleeding (menstrual-like bleeding) is observed. It usually begins on the 2-3rd day after taking the last pill and may not end until you start taking a new package.

Start of taking Janine

In the absence of taking any hormonal contraceptives in the previous month, taking Zhanine begins on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle (i.e., on the 1st day of menstrual bleeding). It is possible to start taking it on the 2-5th day of the menstrual cycle, but in this case it is recommended to use a barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the tablets from the first package.

When switching from combined oral contraceptives, a vaginal ring, or a transdermal patch, taking Zhanine should begin the day after taking the last active pill from the previous package, but in no case later than the next day after the usual 7-day break in taking (for drugs containing 21 tablets) or after taking the last inactive tablet (for drugs containing 28 tablets per package). When switching from a vaginal ring or transdermal patch, it is preferable to start taking Janine on the day the ring or patch is removed, but no later than the day when a new ring is to be inserted or a new patch is applied.

When switching from contraceptives containing only gestagens ("mini-pills", injectable forms, implant) or from a gestagen-releasing intrauterine contraceptive (Mirena), a woman can switch from taking the "mini-pill" to Janine on any day (without a break), from an implant or intrauterine contraceptive with gestagen - on the day of its removal, with an injectable contraceptive - on the day when the next injection is due. In all cases, it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the pill.

After an abortion in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, a woman can start taking the drug immediately. In this case, the woman does not need additional methods of contraception.

After childbirth or abortion in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to start taking the drug on the 21-28th day after childbirth or abortion in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. If use is started later, it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the pill. However, if a woman has already been sexually active, pregnancy should be excluded before taking Zhanine or she must wait until her first menstruation.

Taking missed pills

If the delay in taking the pill is less than 12 hours, contraceptive protection is not reduced. A woman should take the missed pill as soon as possible; the next pill should be taken as soon as possible. usual time.

If the delay in taking the pill is more than 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced.

In this case, you can be guided by the following two basic rules:

  • taking the drug should never be interrupted for more than 7 days;
  • To achieve adequate suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, 7 days of continuous use of the pill are required.

Accordingly, if the delay in taking active pills was more than 12 hours (the interval from the moment of taking the last active pill was more than 36 hours), the following can be recommended:

First week of taking the drug

It is necessary to take the last missed pill as soon as possible, as soon as the woman remembers it (even if this means taking two pills at the same time). The next pill is taken at the usual time. Additionally, a barrier method of contraception (for example, a condom) should be used for the next 7 days. If sexual intercourse took place within a week before missing the pills, the possibility of pregnancy must be taken into account. The more tablets are missed, and the closer they are to a break in taking active substances, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy.

Second week of taking the drug

It is necessary to take the last missed pill as soon as possible, as soon as the woman remembers it (even if this means taking two pills at the same time). The next pill is taken at the usual time. Provided that the woman took the pill correctly during the 7 days preceding the first missed pill, there is no need to use additional contraceptive measures. Otherwise, as well as if you miss two or more pills, you must additionally use barrier methods of contraception (for example, a condom) for 7 days.

Third week of taking the drug

The risk of pregnancy increases due to the upcoming break in taking the pill. A woman must strictly adhere to one of the following two options. Moreover, if during the 7 days preceding the first missed pill, all pills were taken correctly, there is no need to use additional contraceptive methods.

  1. It is necessary to take the last missed pill as soon as possible, as soon as the woman remembers it (even if this means taking two pills at the same time). The next pill is taken at the usual time, until the pills from the current package run out. The next pack should be started immediately without interruption. Withdrawal bleeding is unlikely until the second pack is finished, but spotting and breakthrough bleeding may occur while taking the pill.
  2. A woman can also stop taking pills from the current package. She should then take a break for 7 days, including the day she missed the pills, and then start taking a new pack.

If a woman misses taking a pill and then does not have withdrawal bleeding during a break in taking it, pregnancy must be ruled out.

If a woman has vomiting or diarrhea within 4 hours of taking active tablets, absorption may not be complete and additional contraceptive measures should be taken. In these cases, you should follow the recommendations when skipping pills.

Changing the start day of the menstrual cycle

To delay the onset of menstruation, a woman should continue taking pills from a new package of Janine immediately after taking all the pills from the previous one, without interruption. The pills from this new package can be taken for as long as the woman wishes (until the package runs out). While taking the drug from the second package, a woman may experience spotting or breakthrough discharge. uterine bleeding. You should resume taking Janine from a new package after the usual 7-day break.

To move the start of menstruation to another day of the week, a woman should shorten the next break in taking the pills by as many days as she wants. The shorter the interval, the higher the risk that she will not have withdrawal bleeding and will continue to have spotting and breakthrough bleeding while taking the second package (the same as in the case when she would like to delay the onset of menstruation).

Additional information for special categories of patients

For children and adolescents, Zhanine is indicated only after menarche.

After menopause, the drug Zhanine is not indicated.

Zhanine is contraindicated in women with severe liver disease until liver function tests have returned to normal.

Side effects

  • vaginitis;
  • salpingoophoritis (adnexitis);
  • urinary tract infections;
  • cystitis;
  • mastitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • fungal infections;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpetic lesions of the oral cavity;
  • viral infections;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • anorexia;
  • anemia;
  • gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • myalgia;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • cysts of the uterine appendages;
  • pain in the area of ​​the uterine appendages;
  • chest pain;
  • peripheral edema;
  • flu-like symptoms;
  • fatigue;
  • asthenia;
  • bad feeling;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine.


Janine should not be used if you have any of the conditions/diseases listed below. If any of these conditions develop for the first time while taking it, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

  • the presence of thrombosis (venous and arterial) currently or in history (for example, deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disorders);
  • the presence or history of conditions preceding thrombosis (for example, transient ischemic attacks, angina pectoris);
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • current or history of migraine with focal neurological symptoms;
  • the presence of severe or multiple risk factors for venous or arterial thrombosis (including complicated lesions of the valvular apparatus of the heart, atrial fibrillation, diseases of the cerebral vessels or coronary arteries of the heart, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, major surgery with prolonged immobilization, smoking over the age of 35 years);
  • liver failure and severe liver diseases (until normalization of liver tests);
  • current or history of pancreatitis with severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • the presence or history of benign or malignant liver tumors;
  • identified or suspected hormone-dependent malignant diseases of the genital organs or mammary glands;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Janine is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If pregnancy is detected while taking Janine, the drug should be discontinued immediately. However, extensive epidemiological studies have not found an increased risk of developmental defects in children, born by women who received sex hormones before pregnancy, or teratogenic effects when sex hormones were taken carelessly in early dates pregnancy.

Taking combined oral contraceptives may reduce the amount breast milk and change its composition, therefore, their use is contraindicated during lactation. Small amounts of sex steroids and/or their metabolites may be excreted in milk.

special instructions

Before starting or resuming the use of the drug Zhanine, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the woman’s life history, family history, conduct a thorough general medical examination (including measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, determination of body mass index) and gynecological examination, including examination of the mammary glands and cytological examination scraping from the cervix (Papanicolaou test) to rule out pregnancy. The scope of additional studies and the frequency of follow-up examinations are determined individually. Typically, follow-up examinations should be carried out at least once a year.

A woman should be informed that Janine does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Women with hypertriglyceridemia (or a family history of this condition) may have an increased risk of developing pancreatitis while taking combined oral contraceptives.

Although slight increases in blood pressure have been described in many women taking combined oral contraceptives, clinically significant increases have rarely been reported. However, if a persistent, clinically significant increase in blood pressure, these drugs should be discontinued and treatment of arterial hypertension should be started. Taking combined oral contraceptives can be continued if normal blood pressure values ​​are achieved with antihypertensive therapy.

Although combined oral contraceptives may have an effect on insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, there is no need to change the therapeutic regimen in patients diabetes mellitus using low-dose combined oral contraceptives (less than 50 mcg ethinyl estradiol). However, women with diabetes mellitus should be carefully monitored while taking combined oral contraceptives.

The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives may be reduced if pills are missed, vomiting and diarrhea occur, or as a result of drug interactions.

Effect on the menstrual cycle

While taking combined oral contraceptives, irregular bleeding (spotting or breakthrough bleeding) may occur, especially during the first months of use. Therefore, any irregular bleeding should be assessed only after an adaptation period of approximately three cycles. If irregular bleeding recurs or develops after previous regular cycles, careful evaluation should be performed to rule out malignancy or pregnancy.

Some women may not develop withdrawal bleeding during a break from taking the tablets. If combined oral contraceptives are taken as directed, the woman is unlikely to be pregnant. However, if combined oral contraceptives have not been taken regularly before or if there are no consecutive withdrawal bleeds, pregnancy should be ruled out before continuing to take the drug.

Impact on laboratory test performance

Taking combined oral contraceptives may affect the results of some laboratory tests, including liver, kidney, thyroid, adrenal function, plasma transport protein levels, carbohydrate metabolism, coagulation and fibrinolysis parameters. Changes usually do not go beyond normal values.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Not found.

Drug interactions

Interaction of oral contraceptives with other drugs may lead to breakthrough bleeding and/or decreased contraceptive reliability.

According to individual studies, some antibiotics (for example, penicillins and tetracyclines) may reduce the enterohepatic circulation of estrogens, thereby lowering the concentration of ethinyl estradiol.

While taking any of the above medicines a woman should additionally use a barrier method of contraception (for example, a condom).

Dienogest is a substrate of cytochrome P450 (CYP)3A4. Known CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as azole antifungals (eg, ketoconazole), cimetidine, verapamil, macrolides (eg, erythromycin), diltiazem, antidepressants, and grapefruit juice, may increase plasma levels of dienogest.

While taking antibiotics (with the exception of rifampicin and griseofulvin) and for 7 days after their discontinuation, you should additionally use a barrier method of contraception. If the period of use of the barrier method of protection ends later than the pill in the package, you need to move on to the next package of Janine without the usual break in taking the pill.

Oral combination contraceptives may affect the metabolism of other drugs, resulting in increased (eg cyclosporine) or decreased (eg lamotrigine) plasma and tissue concentrations.

Analogues of the drug Zhanine

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Silhouette

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.