Afobazole for alcohol intoxication. Afobazole with alcohol: is it possible to combine

Our nervous system is very sensitive to excessive stress. And prolonged, experiences can lead to nervous exhaustion. This condition is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, insomnia, bad mood and the emergence of anxiety. Everyone deals with stress in their own way. One person seeks salvation in pills, for example, Afobazole, the other in alcohol. Which of these methods is more effective, and is it possible to use Afobazole with alcohol?

Application of Afobazole

Afobazole belongs to the group of non-benzodiazepine (anti-anxiety drugs). This means that the drug does not interact with benzodiazepine receptors in the brain. The anxiolytic effect is realized due to the effect on the sigma receptors of the brain, which increases the susceptibility of cells to the influence of the inhibitory neurotransmitter - GABA.

As a result, Afobazole has anti-anxiety and mild stimulating effects. Gradually pass the feeling of anxiety, tension and irritability. Mood improves and becomes more stable. The process of falling asleep is accelerated, sleep becomes deeper. Against the background of treatment with Afobazol, a person becomes calmer and more balanced, there is an improvement in working capacity.

Indications for the appointment of Afobazol are the following conditions:

  1. (nervous exhaustion), accompanied by anxiety, depressed mood, etc .;
  2. generalized anxiety disorder;
  3. Cardiopsychoneurosis;
  4. To eliminate internal stress when refusing;
  5. Psychosomatic diseases (dermatological diseases,).

Afobazole does not begin to act immediately. The anti-anxiety effect appears approximately from the fifth to seventh day of the drug. As a rule, Afobazole is prescribed for one or even several months. After the course of treatment, the anti-anxiety effect persists for some time.

Advantages and disadvantages of Afobazole

The first anxiolytics () were drugs that interacted with benzodiazepine receptors. These are drugs such as Diazepam, Phenazepam, Gidazepam, etc. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers have pronounced sedative and anti-anxiety effects, but they have serious side effects. The presence of these undesirable effects prompted the creation of new, safer anxiolytics. These are non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics, in particular Afobazole.

The main advantage of Afobazol is a balanced effect on the central nervous system. The drug has an anti-anxiety effect, but it does not depress the activity of the nervous system, unlike benzodiazepine anxiolytics. Against the background of treatment with Afobazol, a person gets rid of anxiety, feelings of fear, but at the same time he does not become inhibited and drowsy.

Another advantage of Afobazole is that the drug does not cause addiction. It can be used for a long time, without fear of a decrease in the therapeutic effect or the development of dependence. While benzodiazepine anxiolytics can be addictive and therefore they are prescribed only in short courses.

Indeed, Afobazol has significant advantages over benzodiazepine drugs. However, it should be noted that Afobazole has a mild effect and is effective in the treatment of mild disorders. Severe anxiety disorders sometimes cannot be cured with Afobazol, and in such cases the doctor prescribes other medications.

Afobazole compatibility with alcohol

A well-known fact - psychotropic drugs should not be taken with alcohol. However, Afobazole manufacturers claim that it is possible to use Afobazole with alcohol, since the drug does not interact with ethanol. Most likely, a single use of alcohol in a small amount will not cause any side effect. However, the use of a large dose of alcohol during treatment with Afobazole may well cause inhibition of the central nervous system, which will lead to drowsiness and lethargy, you see, there is little pleasant in this.

Afobazol for a hangover

Some people try to convince themselves and others that alcohol is a great remedy for anxiety. Of course, this is not so, because the relaxing effect caused by alcohol is short-term. And the next morning, a person is faced with an even more unpleasant state -.

The head is splitting, nauseous, there is a strong weakness. Moreover, there is such anxiety and guilt in the soul that you don’t know where to get away from it. In such a situation, many people remember Afobazol and take a pill, which is absolutely pointless. As mentioned earlier, the anti-anxiety effect of the drug appears only on the fifth or seventh day of regular use. Accordingly, a single use of Afobazole simply will not have any effect. In addition, the symptoms of a hangover will go away on their own by the evening without any medication.

Afobazole for withdrawal

The instructions for the drug indicate that one of the indications for use is. Withdrawal and hangover are different concepts. A hangover develops in the morning after heavy drinking the day before. As a rule, the symptoms of a hangover completely disappear by lunchtime, and by this time the person already feels normal.

Abstinence develops with a sharp cessation of alcohol consumption after a long binge. Withdrawal symptoms often occur a day after stopping drinking alcohol. A person begins to be disturbed by malaise, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, increased pressure, headache. The nervous system also suffers, which is manifested by anxiety, a feeling of internal tension and anxiety. Withdrawal syndrome, unlike a hangover, lasts for several days. In addition, if left untreated, withdrawal can lead to the development of meth-alcohol psychosis.

So, during withdrawal, Afobazol is indeed prescribed. The use of the drug for several days has a calming effect, eliminates anxiety and anxiety. Its use helps restore appetite and normalize sleep. Also, the use of Afobazol makes it easier to endure the rejection of alcohol and in some way even reduces cravings for alcohol.

Afobazole belongs to the group of anxiolytics - tranquilizers that relieve anxiety, nervous overexcitation. Alcohol, according to the annotation, does not react with the components of the drug. The combination reduces the effectiveness of the drug on the body, a subsequent increase in dosage causes the manifestation of side effects (disruption of the nervous system and brain).

Can Afobazole with alcohol or not

The main active ingredient of Afobazol is fabomotizol in the form of dihydrochloride. Its action is aimed at restoring the functions of nerve cells by increasing the speed of the passage of an impulse between them. In the annotation there are no contraindications about compatibility with alcohol, but alcohol in any dose destroys neurons and disrupts the connection between them. As a result of the interaction, the therapeutic effect disappears, and the symptoms of the disease worsen.

With neuroses

Disorders of the nervous system that appear as a result of prolonged stress are characterized by a decrease in self-esteem, a sense of anxiety, irritability and excitability. Taking Afobazole stops these symptoms 3-7 days after the start of therapy. Fabomotizol restores the membrane of neurons, creates a barrier against external factors. Ethanol and acetaldehyde, getting into the bloodstream to neurons, slow down the transmission of impulses between them. There is an inhibition of the work of the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, the functions of perceiving the external world.

As a result, the effect achieved by Afobazole is reduced to 0. Neurons destroyed by the decay products of ethyl alcohol are excreted from the body along with toxins. The work of the National Assembly is broken, it may take up to six months to recover. The patient's condition is aggravated: excitability, irritability increase. In cases of severe intoxication or repeated use of alcohol, a nervous breakdown is possible, requiring long-term treatment. Therefore, it is impossible to take medicine with any amount of alcohol in the treatment of neuroses.

With violations of internal organs

Due to the minimal list of side effects and the lack of addiction, Afobazole is prescribed to patients to normalize the psycho-emotional state (with psychosis) and treat diseases internal organs. It relieves anxiety in oncology, dermatological diseases, dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, heart, gastrointestinal tract. The action is based on increasing the speed of blood flow, supplying tissue cells with oxygen.

Drinking alcohol during therapy with Afobazol is prohibited. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the blood flow and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels by expanding and sharply narrowing them. In addition, ethanol is an excellent solvent, which, by destroying red blood cells, contributes to their joining into clots. Such conditions are dangerous for patients with gastric ulcer, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

As a result of the combination of alcohol and the drug in patients with stomach ulcers, scarring due to a burn of the mucous membrane slows down. Also, blood thinning with an unhealed ulcer can cause internal bleeding. For patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, ethanol in combination with fabomotizole is dangerous in jumps. blood pressure, a sharp narrowing of the coronary vessels, increased thrombus formation. The alternation of slowing down and increasing blood flow can lead to blockage of blood vessels.

Hormonal disruptions

The main symptoms of hormonal failure are irritability, mood changes, sleep disturbances. The work of the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems is regulated by the hypothalamus - a small part of the brain. In combination with hormone therapy, doctors prescribe Afobazole. The active substance activates the neurons and the connection between them, where they are found the most.

Alcohol with hormonal disorders during treatment with Afobazol changes neural connections and destroys the cells of the hypothalamus. As a result, the dysfunction of the endocrine system is aggravated, the positive dynamics is leveled. In addition to irritability, aggression, and sleep disturbances, patients may experience allergic reactions, skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis), as well as a decrease or increase in endocrine function. Alcohol with Afobazol cannot be combined with hormonal disorders in order to avoid consequences.

When intoxicated

The initial effect of alcohol and the drug is similar: the mood rises, the feeling of anxiety disappears, the reaction to external stimuli becomes adequate. The difference lies in the mechanism of action: a tranquilizer activates metabolic processes in the central nervous system, alcohol kills neurons and slows down its work. The opposite action may indicate that alcohol can be combined with an anxiolytic. In cases of simultaneous administration, the risk of side effects of the drug and its reverse reaction, manifested by:

  • drowsiness;
  • distraction;
  • forgetfulness.

The simultaneous use of alcohol and Afobazole aggravates these conditions. therefore medicine not prescribed for alcoholism, but only for withdrawal symptoms.


In the morning after a noisy feast, a person has unmotivated aggression, depression along with general intoxication. To alleviate the condition, narcologists recommend using Afobazole. Some allow its use while drinking alcohol, as it is compatible with the drug. This will lead to the neutralization of the active substance and is fraught with the manifestation of sedative properties.

With a hangover, Afobazole helps to remove intoxication due to the content:

  • starch, which reduces the possibility of penetration of ethanol and decay products into the blood;
  • cellulose and povidone, which remove toxic substances;
  • lactose, which stimulates the nervous system.

With the normalization of the general condition, the patient's aggression and depression disappear. But for the relief of a hangover syndrome, the drug is ineffective, it is cumulative, and not instantaneous.

Combination with beer

Beer belongs to low-alcohol drinks, but contains ethyl alcohol. When it enters the body, it slows down the work of the central nervous system and metabolic processes in it by destroying neural connections. The result achieved from drug treatment in such cases is reduced, and systematic use leads to complete annulment.

The opinion about the possibility of drinking non-alcoholic beer during course treatment with Afobazol is erroneous. Despite the assurances of manufacturers, the proportion of ethyl in the drink is up to 1.5%. The effect of the drug will be reduced or leveled, and more time may be needed for therapy.

Combination rules

There is no data on the compatibility of the drug and alcoholic beverages in the instructions for use. However, during the course of treatment, it is not recommended to drink alcohol of any strength. A single dose is possible only on the 4th day after the end of the dose, when the active substance is completely eliminated from the body. Doctors advise avoiding alcohol-containing drinks for at least a month in order to avoid relapses of neuroses, hormonal disruptions, and somatic diseases of internal organs.

In cases where the patient drank alcohol and felt unwell, drowsiness, it is necessary to drink more liquid for at least 4 hours. In the absence of relief, you need to seek emergency help. Under no circumstances should Afobazol and alcohol be combined with people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is fraught with impaired blood flow, which will aggravate the course of the disease..

After a glass of alcohol, you should not immediately drink a tablet of Afobazol. It is necessary to wait until the decay products are excreted by the body. Depending on the individual characteristics and the dose of alcohol consumed, this will take from 8 to 24 hours. After this time, it is necessary to continue the course reception.

Is it possible to combine alcohol with taking Afobazole? What kind side effects may arise? The instructions for Afobazole indicate that the drug does not enhance the effects of ethyl alcohol. But does this mean that this drug is allowed to be taken simultaneously with ethanol?

Alcohol and Afobazole

Afobazole is an anxiolytic non-benzodiazepine tranquilizer, prescribed for nervous disorders. The active substance of this drug is fabomotizol, which acts on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain.

The drug has a mild stimulating, anti-anxiety effect. Taking the drug improves mood, neutralizes stress. Ethanol is a depressant and works in the opposite way.

The mechanism of action of these psychoactive substances is different, but at moderate doses of alcohol and a therapeutic dose of the drug, these substances do not interact. However, not everyone and not always can take alcohol and Afobazol together.


The active substance Afobazole fabomotizol has neuroprotective properties:

  • protects neurons from damage;
  • improves their ability to interact with each other;
  • has a positive effect on the speed of the nerve signal.

Metabolites of ethyl alcohol (acetaldehyde) and ethanol itself destroy the membranes of nerve cells, literally kill brain cells. Moreover, the amount of alcohol consumed does not matter.

If ethyl alcohol gets into the blood, there is no doubt that it will successfully pass the blood-brain barrier, enter the brain and ruthlessly destroy everything that it considers unnecessary.

The diametrically opposite schemes of the effect of alcohol and fabomotizole on neurons do not affect each other, but in some diseases, the destructive effect of ethanol completely eliminates the neuroprotective effect of the drug.
On the video about the mechanism of action of the drug Afobazol:

With hormonal disorders

Afobazole is used in the treatment of premenstrual tension syndrome in women, is used to reduce autonomic disorders during menopause. , relieves irritability, improves sleep, mood.

Ethyl alcohol, acting on the centers of the brain responsible for hormonal regulation in the body, exacerbates the imbalance of hormonal levels. Ethanol intake enhances disruptions in the woman's endocrine system.

Alcohol inhibits the effect of the drug, making it useless. It is not recommended to combine treatment for hormonal disorders and drinking alcohol.

For diseases of the internal organs

The drug and alcohol have opposite effects on the heart and blood vessels. Afobazole is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatological, oncological diseases. The drug is used to treat coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, high blood pressure.

And, if the medicine stabilizes the state of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, then taking ethanol eliminates this positive effect completely. Immediately after drinking, ethanol dilates blood vessels, and then sharply narrows, impairing blood flow, causing oxygen starvation of tissues, depriving them of nutrition.

The simultaneous intake of alcohol and medication is an ineffective method of treatment, aggravating the course of vascular diseases, bronchial and lung diseases.

With neuroses

The intake of ethyl alcohol enhances neurotic states. The initial effect of drinking alcohol seems to be relaxing, reducing signs of depression, banishing anxiety and longing. But this happens not because the nerve cells received support and help, but just as a result of the opposite - from the death of neurons, the destruction of connections between them, and the inhibition of the nervous activity of the brain.

A natural stage after a carefree state is the transition to intoxication, a hangover, when, together with urine, thousands of dead nerve cells are removed from the body as waste, no longer needed material.

All subsequent changes in behavior and in general character - irascibility, irritability, resentment, uncontrolled aggression - are the result of the destructive effect of alcohol on the brain.

Afobazol acts on nervous system positively:

  • activates neurons;
  • reduces manifestations of stress.

Taking Afobazole and ethanol at the same time will destroy medicinal effect drug.


Afobazol belongs to low-toxic drugs, cases of its overdose are very rare, manifested by drowsiness, inhibition of reactions.

An overdose of the drug depresses the action of the nervous system. The simultaneous use of this drug with alcohol mutually enhances their effect, and as an irreversible consequence, the patient's death may occur.

How to combine reception

With withdrawal syndrome caused by alcohol abuse, it is impossible to combine treatment with Afobazole and the use of the very minimum amount of ethyl alcohol. All positive changes in the body that have arisen when taking the medicine will be leveled when drinking alcohol.


Is it possible to combine? - in therapeutic doses, Afobazole can be used simultaneously with alcohol. However, doctors' reviews steadily point to the fact that in case of an overdose, the drug depresses the nervous system, and in combination with alcohol causes a life-threatening condition.

The use of alcohol during the treatment with Afobazole is contraindicated for persons suffering from cardiovascular disorders, hormonal diseases, and neurotic disorders.

Afobazole belongs to the group of anxiolytic drugs and has an anti-anxiety and mild stimulating effect. The action of the drug is based on the stabilization of the membranes of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - receptors of nerve cells in the brain. Due to this, the bioenergetic potential of nerve cells increases and sensitivity to endogenous mediators of inhibition is restored.

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The drug "Afobazol"

The main actions of an anxiolytic:

  • eliminates the feeling of anxiety and tension;
  • reduces vegetative symptoms in concomitant diseases of the heart, lungs;
  • reduces cognitive disorders - a drop in concentration, forgetfulness;
  • has a positive effect on sleep disorders;
  • reduces emotional stress reactions.

The drug does not cause drowsiness, weakness, loss of strength, decreased attention, but, on the contrary, increases the body's resistance to increased stress and stress, while increasing concentration and memory. The reviews indicate that it is compatible with almost all medicines.

Features of the drug and the consequences of long-term use

The maximum effectiveness of the drug develops by the end of the first week of administration. The recommended course of treatment in each case is selected individually, but should be at least 1 month. The medicine can be taken for a long time. The positive qualities of Afobazole are that there is no withdrawal syndrome, and drug dependence does not develop.

Indications for prescribing the drug

The drug can be taken with:

  • adjustment disorders;
  • anxiety states of any nature;
  • neurasthenia and neurasthenic disorders;
  • in combination with the treatment of insomnia;
  • neuro-circulatory dystonia (NCD);
  • severe premenstrual syndrome, pathological menopause;
  • work in conditions of constant stress;
  • in the treatment of alcohol and nicotine addiction;
  • indicated in the complex treatment of somatic diseases - bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, arrhythmias, angina pectoris, oncological diseases.

The drug has a complex effect and is indicated for many diseases. Side effects from taking the drug develop quite rarely, and are manifested by headache, allergic rashes. Contraindications for admission are individual intolerance to the drug and pregnancy.

The anxiolytic is compatible with coffee, so you can drink any caffeinated drinks while taking it. In addition, Afobazole with alcohol also does not enter into metabolism.

Alcohol addiction treatment

Afobazole is used in combination in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Because it has anti-anxiety effects and is able to increase resistance to stress. These positive effects of an ankyolytic can be used to reduce symptoms when quitting alcohol and smoking. Reviews of doctors about the use of Afobazole in the treatment of nicotine addiction have positive side. There are many regimens using this medication to relieve the symptoms of quitting smoking and alcohol, since it is possible, although not desirable, to drink small amounts of alcohol during treatment.

Possible interaction with alcohol

Afobazole does not interact with ethanol and ethanol-containing products and is fully compatible. With the simultaneous use of Afobazole with alcohol, an enhanced effect of a particular drug or negative consequences does not develop. However, when used together, the symptoms of the underlying disease may increase, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment. In reviews of the drug, doctors indicate the negative effect of alcohol during the treatment of anxiety symptoms, and do not recommend drinking.

Is it okay to drink alcohol during treatment?

The instructions say that the active substance of the drug does not enter into metabolism with alcohol and does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, so alcohol and Afobazol are fully compatible.

However, it should be remembered that the drug is prescribed for anxiety, mood lability, tearfulness, sleep disorders, reduced stress resistance and performance, and taking alcohol can restore or intensify these symptoms. This is confirmed in the reviews of doctors. Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment falls not due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug, but due to the negative effect of alcohol on the body. Although negative consequences while taking afobazole with alcohol is not, but nevertheless, during treatment with afobazole, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease and negative consequences.

Given the amount of stress, it is not surprising that antidepressants are gaining more and more popularity. These include Afobazol, a drug that has a calming effect and is not addictive.

Alcohol is an equally common sedative, so sometimes there are situations in which tablets are mixed with alcoholic beverages. What can the reception of the Afobazole and Alcohol cocktail lead to - the topic of today's article.

The effect of the drug on the human body

The drug Afobazol is often used to normalize a person's mental well-being. Due to its composition, it is able not only to improve the condition of the nervous system, relieving tension and stress, but also useful:

  • with diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • helps to reduce the effect of hormonal disorders in women, often used to prevent premenstrual syndrome;
  • It is prescribed as a sedative for bronchial asthma and oncological diseases.

The composition of the drug is selected with the expectation that it will not only restore the functioning of the nervous system, but also help improve the general condition of the body by getting rid of toxins:

  1. Morphodihydrochloride. This substance has an effect on the nervous system, more precisely, on GABA receptors, calming the person. At the same time, it does not lead to impaired memory and attention, and also does not cause drowsiness.
  2. Lactose monohydrate is a powerful stimulant for the nervous system. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, helping to get rid of dysbacteriosis.
  3. Povidone is needed to remove the main active ingredient of Afobazole from the body after it has completed its work. The component also ensures the removal of toxic decay products.
  4. Microcrystalline cellulose helps to get rid of toxins and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.
  5. Potato starch is an auxiliary component of Afobazole. Helps to protect the stomach, enveloping it with a protective film.
  6. Magnesium stearate is a link between the various components of the drug, ensures their effective interaction.

Compatibility of Afobazole and alcohol in various pathologies

Combining Afobazole with alcohol is quite safe - substances affect the nervous system at different levels. The instructions indicate that the drug helps with withdrawal symptoms and can be used not only for alcoholism, but also for a hangover. The active ingredients of the drug will help remove toxins and ease the unpleasant consequences of the feast. In view of the foregoing, taking a standard dose of the drug and a small dose of alcohol will not affect the course of the treatment course. Problems arise only with the use of large doses of a substance.

An overdose of alcohol completely blocks the action of Afobazole due to the fact that the connections between neurons are destroyed and the therapeutic effect of the drug is reduced to zero. In view of this, it is necessary to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the course of treatment.

An overdose of Afobazole under the influence of alcoholic beverages is difficult to tolerate, but it is also quite difficult to achieve this state - to exceed the permissible dose, you need to drink about 50 tablets. In this case, the drug will simply have a depressant effect on the nervous system, causing drowsiness, and exposure to ethyl alcohol will only enhance this effect.

It must be borne in mind that when taking Afobazole for a hangover, you should not count on its full therapeutic effect on the nervous system.

With neuroses

Neurosis occurs with prolonged exposure to stress that a person cannot cope with. Due to excessive stress, the nervous system begins to malfunction. The person becomes unbalanced, aggressive.

Instead of turning to a psychologist for help, people prefer to go to the nearest store and take a fairly large dose of alcohol inside. This helps, but not for long, since ethyl alcohol creates an additional burden on the nervous system, creating only the illusion of temporary relief.

If you later try to combine Afobazole and alcohol, it turns out that the interaction of active substances will block the action of each of them. Therefore, you will have to make a choice between alcoholism and a treatment course.

With hormonal disorders in women

With hormonal disorders in women, especially those associated with menstrual periods, the mood of female representatives can change completely unpredictably. Taking Afobazole in this case is very useful - the drug not only improves mood, but also helps to stop the cause of the problem, having a beneficial effect on the hypothalamus. As a result, the hormonal background is normalized.

The consequences of drinking alcohol only exacerbate the problem. Due to the destructive effect of ethanol, the production of hormones by the brain is disrupted. The reason is that the lack of stable work of individual glands will only be aggravated by the deterioration in the passage of signals from the cerebral cortex.

Thus, if you combine treatment with the use of alcoholic beverages, you can not count on the positive effect of the pills: their entire effect will be aimed only at restoring neural connections destroyed during the next dose of alcohol.

For diseases of the internal organs

In the presence of chronic diseases, people think about whether it is possible to take alcohol, given their state of health. More often than not, it turns out not to be possible. Ethyl alcohol has a strong effect on blood vessels, which is especially dangerous for heart disease and ulcerative lesions of internal organs.

Due to the intake of alcohol, vasodilatation first occurs, which in the case of a stomach or duodenal ulcer can lead to internal bleeding. If this does not happen, the process of tissue regeneration will slow down, vasoconstriction occurs, and pressure rises, which harms the body even more.

Afobazol tones blood vessels and removes toxins from the body, helping a person to heal lesions faster. By pouring in new portions of poison from bottles of alcoholic beverages, the patient should not expect that the drug will cope with this problem as well - given its compatibility with ethanol, the effect of Afobazol will be greatly weakened.

It is even more dangerous to test the compatibility of alcohol with a medicine for heart disease. In this case, alcohol will block the effect of the drug, creating a double load on the vessels. With coronary heart disease, this can cause serious violations.

Thus, due to the fact that alcohol stops the action of Afobazole, their combination during the treatment course will negatively affect the course of the disease, whether it be problems with the lungs, heart or stomach. The consequences of checking the compatibility of this medicine and alcoholic beverages are not as dangerous as in other cases, but it is still better to be patient and wait for a complete cure, and only after that celebrate an absolute recovery.