Questions that life asks a person. Cool and cool questions for ask ru

During their school years, almost all girls had profiles. Such a thick beautiful notebook. Her owner gave questionnaires to other girls, and even boys. The first page contained all sorts of questions, from general to provocative. It was proposed to answer them as fully as possible. I also had such a notebook, but I still liked answering questions more than asking them. I wish I could read my essays now!

The other day Olya omega_luna seduced me into a flash mob. It just brought back memories of school questionnaires. I received several questions about the relay race and answered them. Well, dear diary, let's go!

How old do you remember yourself? Tell me about your earliest memory.

I began to remember myself well from the age of five, but very bright spots from the age of three remained. First flight, green curtains on the window, pot-bellied geyser with an oval mouth in which a blue fire burned. Trip to cable car. This all happened in Kaliningrad.

When I was four years old, I went to kindergarten at my grandmother’s house. She didn't last long there. It felt like I was in a juvenile detention center. The teachers did not give the red horse on wheels, standing among the common toys. The children banged their spoons on the table while waiting for food. I went there for three days. Two years later, on the territory of this kindergarten, I found a wallet full of coins.

Speaking of finds. Picking up something useful and cute and bringing it into the house was my passion. At home we even have a special box for treasures. Most often I found clothespins, black rubber bands and erasers. One day I found a knife when the whole family was out mushroom hunting. He still serves his grandmother.

IN kindergarten, which I went to six months before school, I had two fans at once. Sasha Markin and Sasha Danilkin. There was a break at school with fans until university (-:

What are your short-term goals? What about long-term ones?

Here I can only talk about my approach to goal setting. The most important thing is that I never think much ahead. Life is richer than our imagination, as I have been convinced of more than once. Therefore, I won’t even undertake to write an essay on the topic “Dasha in a year.” I also don’t share my plans. Again, why make the Lord laugh, and publicity usually doesn’t help matters.

The most favorite plans are for the day. First of all, live it with dignity. Secondly, do everything planned and make sure that tomorrow you don’t return to the issue or roll back. In short, my daily efforts are my contribution to the future. Moreover, such daily responsibility is easier than responsibility for a year, for five, for a lifetime.

What qualities do you value most in a person?

It depends on what this person and I are going to do together. That is, I expect more punctuality from a courier than from a friend. From family members - understanding. I appreciate in the readers of my blog respectful attitude to each other, the ability to be restrained. In general, I really appreciate the strong and positively charged core and sincerity in people.

What would you do if your daughter behaved the same way as you during adolescence? Or was everything calm for you?

I added gray hair to my mother, although it was no longer adolescence, but adulthood. But I am always her daughter, her little daughter. Even at "almost 30". Now it is very difficult to say how I will react. I really hope to raise the next generation with head and faith. This helps me a lot in steering and swimming out at the sharpest turns.

How does your Sunday morning usually go?

It's rare that you can stay home on the weekends. I often see Sunday mornings at the dacha or while traveling. Outside the city there are always things to do in the fresh air. And if I stay at home, I do housework. For example, I like to iron in the morning. In the first half of the day there is such bright light in the apartment. I put the board next to the window and carefully smooth it. I don’t know how to relax lying on the sofa.

Would you change any turning points in your life if possible?

Never! There’s not even anything to comment on here.

What would your home be like if you had unlimited possibilities?

A dream house is definitely not a home. This is an apartment. Definitely in a Stalinist house and with a view of the sunset. I'm consistently unlucky with the last point, hehe. Can I expand on the idea of ​​unlimited possibilities? I would love to start arranging model courtyards and other public areas. I would smoke the “municipal” spirit.

At the dacha, I would improve the area around the pond and plant an alley on the access road, so that it would be like in the Kaliningrad region.

I would buy old buildings “for demolition” and restore them. I would do any kind of social work for the benefit of the people. I understand well that this is the highest degree of egoism (-:

What is given to you with great difficulty and reluctance?

I have a hard time remembering what was difficult for me (-: Fear has big eyes, but your hands are doing it anyway. Once upon a time, writing a thesis seemed simply impossible to me. Now I judge that if there is common sense in the matter, then it quite doable.

What are your favorites on LJ?

I read very few magazines. Favorites, perhaps. With Tatiana

Ecology of life: The search for the “meaning of life” comes down to finding those few things that are more important than yourself. If a person feels like he has lost his bearings, he has no purpose in life, he doesn’t know what is important to him, he most likely...

If a person seems to have lost his bearings, he has no purpose in life, he does not know what is important to him - he most likely simply does not realize his values.

Not finding his own, he takes other people’s values ​​as a basis, lives by other people’s priorities. And this is a direct road to incorrect attitudes and an eternal feeling of “unhappiness.”

When my brother was about 18 years old, he entered the living room and solemnly announced to the whole family that he would certainly become a senator. I don't remember what I was doing at the time (presumably eating cereal), but I'm pretty sure my mom said something approving to him like, "Great idea, son!"

Over the next 15 years, this goal shaped every decision my brother made—from the subjects he took at school and the people he stayed in touch with, to where and how he lived, spent his holidays, and subsequently and vacations.

That today he is the head of one of the largest political parties in the city, and at the same time the youngest judge in the state, is the result of hard work for almost half of his life. He will be running for Senate in the next few years.

Important note. My brother is a rare eccentric. And usually, everything happens completely differently.

Most of us have no idea what we would like to do with our lives.Even after finishing school. Even after getting a job. Even when we start making good money.

Between the ages of 18 and 25, I changed my career aspirations more often than underwear. At 28, already having my own business, I still didn’t understand what exactly I wanted from life.

The likelihood that you, like me, have no idea what you want from life is quite high. The painful process of realizing this affects almost every adult. “What do I want from life?”, “What is most important to me?”, “What can I succeed in?” People who are over 40 and even over 50 sometimes ask me these questions in letters.

In many ways, this problem is connected with the concept of “meaning of life” - the idea that we come into this world with a certain mission, which not only needs to be fulfilled, but first also needs to be figured out.

There is no more logic in this idea than, for example, in the fact that your lucky number is 34, but only on Tuesdays, and only when the moon is full.

Do you want the truth? We come into this world for an indefinite period. During this time we all do something. Sometimes something important, sometimes not. And it is these important things that give our lives meaning and make us happy. Everything else is needed to “kill time.”

So when people ask, “What do I want from life?” or “What is my purpose in life?”, it would be more correct to ask “What is important to me that I want to do?” This question is much easier to answer, and it does not contain the pathos that the concept of “meaning of life” invariably entails.

In letters, people often ask me what the “meaning of life” is for them. Believe me, I am not able to answer this question. Often, all I know about a person is that he enjoys knitting sweaters for kittens or making kinky adult movies in the basement of his own house. Does anyone really assume that this is enough to draw conclusions about what is important to a person and what is not?

In any case, lying on the sofa with a plate of chips, you are unlikely to find the answer to this question. To find out what exactly is important to you, you will have to get up and strain yourself.

In general, to help those who doubt solving this problem, I compiled a list of questions based on my research in this area.

I would like to immediately disappoint those who are prepared for a long and exhausting series of diagnostic studies. They are more likely to amuse you.

I intentionally use this approach so that even such a serious process as searching for the “meaning of life” is exciting and enjoyable without turning into a chore.

How to find the meaning of life

No. 1. How much tar is in your barrel of honey and what does it taste like?

Yes Yes. By the way, this is a question of paramount importance. We are raised to be winners in life, develop our team spirit, but they often forget to mention this. But there is tar in every barrel, and how much more! And let someone accuse me of pessimism, and even say that you need to see the best in everything, but... in my opinion, accepting this gives us a chance to be freer.

Any business initially involves some kind of sacrifice. Something like the price you have to pay for your choice. There is nothing that would only bring pleasure and inspire from morning to evening. So the question is basically this: What sacrifices and struggles are you willing to make to achieve your goal? Ultimately, our ability to remain faithful the decision taken It is the ability to survive difficult periods and stay on top even in the most unpleasant situations that determines it.

  • If you plan to become a top-notch technical consultant without ever failing, you probably won't go far.
  • Or do you want to be a professional artist, but are not prepared for the fact that your work may not be appreciated hundreds, and maybe thousands of times?
  • Do you dream of a successful legal career, but are not ready for long working hours? Bad news. You lost before the game even started.

What efforts are you capable of? Write code until late at night? Put off starting a family for about ten years? Leave the stage to the whistling and hooting of the ruble over and over again until you achieve her favor and recognition?

So, what fly in the ointment are you ready to eat? Because we will all get there one day in our own barrel.

No. 2. If you met your eight-year-old self, what would he be most disappointed in about you?

As a child, I often wrote stories. I spent hours on end in my room putting down on paper fantasies about aliens, superheroes, great warriors, and making up stories about friends and family. Not for anyone to read them. Not to impress parents or teachers. It just brought me true joy, that's all.

And then, for some unknown reason, I stopped writing. I really don't remember why.

We all tend to forget over time what we loved to do as children. Maybe pressure from society adolescence, or considerations of professionalism while growing up make us forget about our true “passion” for something... We are told that the only reason to do something is the reward that we will receive for it later.

Already in my late 20s, I discovered how much I loved writing. And only when I started my own business, I remembered how much I love developing websites (I was very interested in this as a teenager).

That's the main thing. If eight-year-old me had asked twenty-year-old me, “Why don’t you write anymore?” and my answer was something like, “I’m not very good at it,” or “Nobody reads what I write,” not only would I have been wrong about his answers, but it would have upset little me to tears.

No. 3. What can make you forget peace and sleep, and at the same time your natural needs?

All of us, at least once in our lives, have been so carried away by something that we have lost count of the minutes or hours, remembering the day’s daily activities with the thought “Damn, I forgot to have dinner!”

By the way, they say that when Isaac Newton was at the peak of his scientific career, his mother had to regularly remind him of the need to eat, because he himself was too absorbed in the process of research.

That's how I was obsessed with video games back in the day. True, this is rather a sad fact. And for many years, this was a problem. I played for hours on end, sometimes neglecting basic hygiene rules, playing instead of studying for exams or leading a normal social life.

Only after getting rid of gaming addiction did I realize that my passion did not belong to games at all, although I like them. Rather, it is a passion for continuous improvement. So that what turns out well turns out even better. Graphics, characters and quests are all great, but you can live without them. What I'm bored without is constant competition - with others, and even better, with myself.

I applied this approach to my online business and professional writing, and the results exceeded my expectations.

Perhaps you will find yourself in something else. Some will want to get lost in the ephemeral world of fantasy, while others like to effectively organize things and events, some will find their calling in teaching, others in solving technical problems.

Anyway, the point is not what exactly takes away peace and sleep, but what cognitive activity is behind it. You can apply the principles of this activity to anything.

No. 4. What's the best way to make yourself look stupid?

To become an expert in your field in a certain field, you must go through the stage of being an incompetent and a loser. It's natural. And in order to realize that you are far from perfect, you will also have to repeatedly find yourself in situations that clearly demonstrate this. Most people want to avoid this at all costs, which is generally understandable, because who wants to make a fool of themselves?

By tightly clinging to the feeling of your own success, you are unlikely to achieve heights in anything important and difficult for you personally.

So let's go back to vulnerability.

Admit it, there is something you would like to do, and maybe even planned. But, of course, we never went beyond fantasies. Of course, you will have a lot of excuses for this fact, which you can tirelessly repeat to yourself ad infinitum. I’ll tell you frankly, if among these excuses there is something like “What will people think!”, then you are putting off the opportunity to become happy with your own hands.

Of course, there are people for whom time spent with children is more important own business, or a person's true passion lies in music, not video game development, and these are no longer excuses.

But if it all comes down to what your parents and friends will think of you, or the fear of making yourself look like an idiot, then most likely you are diligently avoiding the things that you really care about. It’s just that you’re scared to death by the fact that this could happen, and not at all by what your mother or neighbor Aunt Masha will think.

Living life without ever getting into trouble is like trying to do something with your head buried in the sand. Great deeds are, by their nature, usually unique and often contradict the usual foundations. To commit them, you need to go against the herd instinct. And doing this is usually really scary.

Give yourself permission to not be at your best. It's part of the journey to achieving something important and worthwhile.The more making a life-changing decision scares you, the more likely it is that this is what you are meant to do.

No. 5. How exactly will you save the world?

If suddenly you are not interested in news, I dare to inform you that the world has unresolved problems. For those who don’t understand, I’ll decipher it - everything is bad, and we will all die.

I have already raised this topic, and research confirms that a happy and long life involves expanding the range of values ​​a little beyond one’s own satisfaction and search for pleasure.

So choose a problem, and... go ahead, go save the world! Stupid education system, economic crisis, domestic violence, lack of healthcare in the region mental disorders, government corruption. Choose according to your taste! What a long way to go. This morning I read an article about prostitution in the USA. Believe me, she made me sincerely wish to somehow change the situation. And at the same time I ruined my appetite before breakfast.

Find a problem that doesn't leave you indifferent. And start solving it. It is quite obvious that you cannot solve it alone. But do your part! Change something for the better. And the consciousness of this will make you happier, and your life filled with meaning.

You are thinking now. “Damn it, well, I got imbued with all this pessimistic rubbish, and even got upset. How to take action? How can I force myself to get off the couch and do something useful?”

I'm telling you.

No. 6. If you were forced to spend the entire day outside your home at gunpoint, where would you go and what would you do?

Most of us are slaves to our habits. Routine lulls us into a false sense of calm and helps us distract ourselves from thinking about what’s important. It's comfortable on the soft sofa. And the chips are delicious. What more could you want?

There is nothing, and nothing changes because of this. And that's the problem.

Most people don't understand that our passion for something is the result of actions, not the reason for them.

Only by trial and error, only by directly immersing yourself in a particular activity, can you realize whether you really like it.

So imagine for a moment that at gunpoint you are forced to spend every day outside your home all day, except for the time allotted for sleep. What would you do and where would you go? Sitting in a coffee shop and surfing Facebook is not an option. This is what you are most likely doing now. Apart from mindlessly surfing the Internet, playing video games, watching TV and TV series, what would you do to pass the time?

Would you sign up for a dance? Or to a book club? Maybe you got another education? Developed a new irrigation system to save hundreds of thousands of lives in Africa? Have you learned how to fly a hang glider?

What did you spend all this time on?

If several options come to your mind at once, write them down, and then take this list and go implement it.

By the way, a special plus for those points that will make you feel awkward.

No. 7. If you knew that you would die in a year, what would you do to be remembered?

Most of us don't like to think about death. It's frustrating and scary. But in vain. Turns out, thoughts about death bring a lot of benefits. For example, they force us to “zero the system.” Separate the wheat from the chaff. Discard the unnecessary and unimportant.

In college, I often pestered everyone with the question: “What would you do if you only had one year to live?” Of course, it was often at evening parties, so most of the answers were boring and sluggish. Although some, out of surprise, might have choked on the contents of the glass (right in my face). But it still forced people to look at life differently and set priorities in a new way.

I don’t want the inscription on the gravestone to read: “Here lies Gregory. He watched every episode of The Interns twice.”

What legacy will you leave? What will your descendants be told about you when you pass into another world? What will they write in your obituary? Is there anything at all worth mentioning?

What would you like to read in it? And finally, what could you do today to ensure that this is actually written in it?

If you imagined that in your obituary they wrote that you were a good homie and a decent asshole, then you may have wandered into the wrong place again.

If a person seems to have lost his bearings, he has no purpose in life, he does not know what is important to him - he is often not aware of his values. Not finding his own, he takes other people’s values ​​as a basis, lives by other people’s priorities. And this is a direct road to incorrect attitudes and an eternal feeling of “unhappiness.”

Finding the “meaning of life” comes down to finding those few things that are more important than yourself. And to find them you need to get yourself off the couch and act. Think beyond your usual thoughts and your own interests. And, paradoxically, think about what will happen, even if you yourself no longer exist.published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

All these questions have some kind of catch, but the answers to them will tell you where to move next. Such questions need to be answered without hesitation. There are no right or wrong answers here

Here are 44 questions that will help you penetrate the depths of your consciousness and clear it of unnecessary garbage. Everything is extremely simple, but incredibly effective. Check it out for yourself!

1. Look at yourself and tell me how old you would give yourself.

2. Fail or never try? Choose the worst option.

3. Why, if life is so fleeting, do we force ourselves to do so much of what we don’t like, and so little of what we love?

4. Analyze after the end of the working day, what was more - empty talk about nothing or business?

5. If you could change just one thing in your life, what would it be?

6. Imagine that happiness has become a global currency. What type of job would make you rich?

7. Do you do what you believe in, or try to believe in what you do?

8. If human life lasted an average of 40 years, what would you change in your life to live it to the fullest?

9. How much control do you have over the events happening in your life?

10. You went to dinner with friends. These people begin to unfairly criticize your close friend, not knowing that you are friends with him. What will you do?

11. If you could give only one piece of life advice to your younger sibling or your own child, what would it be?

12. Would you be able to break the law in order to save a loved one?

13. How are you different from other people?

14. Remember what you once dreamed of, but never did. Why are you hesitating?

15. Are you holding on to something that you should have let go of long ago?

16. If you were offered to move to another country forever, where would you go and why?

17. Does it ever happen that you nervously press the elevator call button several times? Do you really believe that the elevator will arrive faster this way?

18. Who would you like to become: an unhappy genius or a happy fool?

19. Why are you you?

20. Would you like a friend like yourself?

21. What's worse: if your best friend moved abroad forever or if he lived nearby, but you stopped communicating?

22. What are you most grateful to the Universe for?

23. What will you choose: erase all your old memories or not accumulate new ones?

24. Is it possible to achieve the truth without fighting?

25. Has your biggest fear come true?

26. Do you remember how upset you were about something 5 years ago? Does this make any difference now?

27. What is your happiest childhood memory?

28. What events from the past made you feel, even for a moment, that you were alive?

29. If not now, then when?

30. If you haven't achieved something yet, you have nothing to lose, right?

31. Have you ever spent time with someone in complete silence, and then realized that it was the best conversation in your life?

32. Why did the religion that preaches love cause so many wars?

33. Is it possible to answer without thinking what is good and what is bad?

34. If a million dollars were placed in front of you now, would you quit your job?

35. Do you have the feeling that today has already been repeated hundreds of times before?

36. If everyone you know dies tomorrow, who will you visit today?

37. Would you trade 10 years of your life for worldwide fame?

38. Is there a difference between life and existence? Which?

39. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we so afraid to make them?

40. What would you do differently in your life, knowing that no one would do anything to you for it?

41. When in last time Have you heard the sound of your own heartbeat?

42. What do you love most? What was the last thing you did that expressed this love?

43. Can you remember what you did yesterday? And the day before yesterday? And last week?

44. Do you make decisions yourself or does someone make them for you?

Some answers you didn't expect to hear from yourself? Have you managed to listen to your inner voice and find harmony with the world around you?

The point is that if you want to get something out of life, you have to pay for it.

Each of us wants to feel good. To make life easy, carefree and happy. To fall in love and enjoy amazing sex and relationships. Look great, be popular and respectable. So that when you appear, people step aside in admiration.

Everyone would like this - after all, wanting is so easy and pleasant.

If I ask you “What do you want from life?”, most of the time you will answer something like: “I want to be happy, have a big family and a great job.” These words are so general that they mean absolutely nothing.

The Question That Determines Your Success

Much more interest Ask, which I suspect no one has ever asked you, is what kind of pain would you choose for yourself in this life? What are you willing to suffer for?

Because this is the defining question for each of us.

Yes, each of us dreams of a wonderful job and financial success. But no one dreams of a 60-hour work week, tedious business trips, endless and boring paperwork, impeccable adherence to the corporate hierarchy, etc. etc. People want to be rich, but without sacrificing or taking risks in order to increase their savings.

Yes, everyone wants amazing sex and relationships. But no one dreams of serious conversations, painful silence, pain and emotional psychodramas. And you have to go through all this until you establish a trusting and sincere relationship with your partner. And this goes on for years until the question catches up with them: “Is that all?” And now they are in the courtroom, then - divorce, alimony. They ask themselves: “Why was all this?” Why did they settle for less 20 years ago? For what?

And all this happens because happiness requires struggle. Only by engaging in battle with negativity do you receive positivity as a reward for your “work.” And no matter how much you run away from negativity, avoiding struggle, sooner or later it will still “catch up” with you.

The psychology of human behavior is that all our needs are one way or another similar. Positive experiences are easy and we enjoy “dealing with them.” This negative experience requires, by definition, struggle.

The fact is that everything we get from life is determined not by those good feelings that we so dream of, but by the unpleasant and bad ones that we are ready to endure in order to still receive pleasant ones.

All people want to be great physical fitness. But you can forget about it if you are not prepared for heavy exercise and physical pain during regular exercise. gym. Also - if you are not ready to eat rationally and monitor the calorie content of your food.

And someone dreams of having their own business that will bring good profits. But you won't be a successful entrepreneur if you're not willing to take risks, constant uncertainty, repeated failures, and working all night on new projects.

We all want a warm and sincere relationship, a good wife (husband). But are we ready to go through the experience of failed relationships, broken hopes and expectations for this? Are you willing to wait hours for a phone call? And this is part of a game called Love. You will never win it if you don't play.

What determines your success is not the question “What do you want to enjoy?”, but “What am I willing to pay for? How much pain are you willing to endure?”

The quality of your life is not determined by the number of positive experiences, but rather by the negative ones. If you are ready for a negative experience, you will achieve what you want.

Everyone wants something. And they all want it quite badly. They just don't know what they want. Or rather, what they want “badly enough.”

The point is that if you want to get something out of life, you have to pay for it. If you want a great body, you have to get up early, work hard in the gym and watch your diet. If you want a luxury yacht, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to work until late at night, make risky transactions and gain a bunch of competitors and ill-wishers.

If you want something month after month, year after year, but you are not an inch closer to your goal, it is most likely just your imagination. Illusion, empty mirages.

Perhaps what you want is not what you really want at all..

Perhaps you are simply enjoying your “want.”

Perhaps you don't want this at all.

Sometimes I ask people, “What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal?” They look up and look at me as if there are twelve noses on my face. But I'm asking for a reason. I ask this question because the answer to it will tell me much more about people than the desires and fantasies themselves.

Life cannot consist of only roses and unicorns. That's why this one is so important complex issue. Because everything that concerns pleasures and amenities is an easy question. Almost everyone has an answer to it. Another thing is the question of what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

The answer to this difficult question will help you a lot. This is a question that can change our lives.

The question that defines you and me. It shows how different we all are, but ultimately how the same.

In my early childhood and adolescence, I dreamed of becoming a musician, for example, a famous rock star. As soon as I heard the sound of a guitar somewhere, I immediately closed my eyes and imagined myself on stage. How I play, and the audience in the hall goes crazy with delight. I could spend hours reveling in my fantasies.

I continued to wander in the clouds of these pictures in college, when I had already given up studying music and stopped playing seriously. But even then I was sure that this day would definitely come - when I would go on stage, run my fingers along the neck of the guitar and the audience would howl with delight.

I was just waiting for the time when I could throw all my strength into making my dream come true. But first I had to finish school... When I finished it, I still had to earn money... Well, then it turned out that I had a catastrophic lack of time to study music... And then more and more... and nothing.

I spent almost half my life dreaming about becoming a musician.! It took me a lot of time and negative experience, to eventually realize that I just didn't really want to become one.

I liked the result - the picture of how I perform on stage, how the audience applauds in the hall, how I sway to the beat of the music that passes through my heart - but not the process of working on myself as a musician. That’s why nothing worked out for me, and my dreams remained only color pictures. Hell, I wasn't even trying "hard enough." I hardly tried to make my dream come true.

Daily hours-long rehearsals, searching for musicians for the group and venues for performances - all this required one thing - just get together and do it. What awaited me was broken strings, fatigue and sweat, despair and disappointment, 40 pounds of concert props that had to be carried by hand.

All this made up a huge mountain, to the top of which I wanted to climb. But I was only interested in the top. And it took me more than one year to understand that I didn’t want to climb so high at all.

I just wanted to imagine myself at the top.

Some ordinary people will say that it’s my own fault for not making my dream come true. That I'm lazy and a loser. A self-development coach will say that I was not persistent and determined enough in the fight for my dream. That I didn't believe in myself. Business coach - that I was afraid to start something new and chose a well-trodden path in life. That I need to enroll in a group where I will receive support and special knowledge.

But the truth is completely different: I thought I wanted something when in fact I didn’t. This is the end of the story.

I wanted fame and didn't want to fight. I wanted the result and didn't want the process. I was in love with victory, but not with battle. But life doesn’t work like that. Never. Who you are is determined by what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

That's why people who like to work out in the gym are in wonderful physical shape. And those who like long working weeks and corporate rules move up the career ladder. Those who are ready for uncertainty and constant stress become artists and actors.

This is not at all a call to show all your willpower, otherwise you will remain grains of sand in this world. No, this is completely different: “Without pain you will not achieve anything.” Remember a very simple and important principle of life: our efforts and pain determine our future success

. Therefore, if you want to achieve something, always choose struggle, my friend. published.

Any questions left - ask them