Options for combining bath and toilet. Combining bath and toilet

Repairing a combined bathroom with your own hands is twice as difficult as repairing a toilet and a bathroom combined. Restrictions and additional conditions for both premises have to be applied in conjunction, and, in addition, specific requirements are added.

Recently, in the renovation and redevelopment of apartments, there has been a strong tendency to install a shared bathroom instead of a separate one. It is difficult to find any technical or simply common sense justification for this, so on the issues of combining a bathroom and a toilet, we recommend reading articles devoted to this. Here we will only touch on the features of repairing an initially existing bathroom.

Methods for renovating a combined bathroom are determined primarily by its layout: the consolidation of office premises is due to the requirements to provide quicker and more cheap housing, and no extra square footage was put into the “necessary room”. Often, however, there are luxury housing projects with a combined bathroom with an area of ​​26 or even 40 square meters, but their customers are unlikely to undertake independent repairs, so the figure shows only plans for the most common typical combined bathrooms:

Layout of typical combined bathrooms

Stumbling blocks

Difficulties and mistakes when renovating a combined bathroom are the rule rather than the exception. The reason is primarily the cramped space; then – the coincidence of sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity, characteristic of a bath, with the flow of biologically active substances and caustic volatile chemical compounds from the toilet into the room. Therefore, ideas for renovating a bathroom with a combined bathroom, which arise when examining it on plan and in kind, should be carefully adjusted to the existing conditions.

For example, look at position G in the figure. The size of the room does not allow you to turn around without catching something, and how can you work in such a cage? Will the favorite washbasin somehow fit there? And what will remain of the internal volume if you also hang a boiler with a cabinet for toiletries? Will it be possible to breathe there after such a renovation by turning on the shower for 10 minutes? So, to begin with, it is better to understand what kind of problems we will have to face during repairs, then clearly imagine the procedure for carrying out the work, and only then get down to preparation and the repair itself.


Errors of this kind occur due to the lack of designer and builder skills. There is a whole science - ergonomics - that deals with how to avoid inconvenience and create convenience in the smallest possible volume. It would take too long to describe at least its basics, so let’s explain it with an example. Let us just point out that the basis of ergonomic design is accurate measurements.

Now look at position A in the figure. At first glance, it seems that if you move the toilet 7 centimeters towards the window, and rotate the washbasin 90 degrees clockwise and hang it on the adjacent wall, then instead of a shower stall you can install a corner bath. Let's sit on the toilet and measure - yes, there is still 2-3 cm left from the shoulder and hip to the wall.

We decided, we did it, and then what? It turned out that a man leaning over the washbasin, brushing his teeth, touched the face of the person lying in the bathtub with his fifth point. But lying in the bath is the opposite – there’s nothing at all from head to toilet, and suddenly someone in the family just has an urge? You can’t put up a screen: there won’t be enough room to sit.

Therefore, the first recommendation: familiarize yourself with the basics of ergonomics and together, together, on the spot, in the bathroom itself, carefully consider possible repair options. Two or three of us because, firstly, the mind is good, but somewhat better; secondly, you need to feel the tightness, corners and walls with your sides, so that later everything turns out better, and not as always.


In addition to the above problems of a combined bathroom, the likelihood of flooding is twice as high here. Therefore, when installing the floor, you need to make the thickness of the screed smaller (“the tub” will be deeper), but the waterproofing will be more reliable. An increased intake of unwanted impurities into the air requires increased ventilation and careful selection of materials.

Technical difficulties, as we know, entail unnecessary costs. You can and should save money, but not at the expense of quality and convenience. We will look at some opportunities to reduce repair costs, but keep in mind: any savings will entail an increase in labor costs.


The toilet is an absolutely functional room; its decoration must be precisely linked to the physiological characteristics of a person. The bathroom should be relaxing and give you the opportunity to pamper yourself. Design requirements in both respects are not always compatible, and finally you have your own taste!

Two ways to combine incompatible things in a cramped, cluttered room are actually applicable: dividing the space and imaginary enlarging it. We will touch on both, but keep in mind once again: “stretching” space is more effective, but more difficult and expensive.

Repair stages

Renovating a bathroom combined with a toilet differs from renovating them separately in that the initial stages are interconnected: having stumbled into an insoluble contradiction, you have to return to the previous stage. Therefore, be prepared to spend most of your time on planning, design, selection of plumbing and materials. The actual stages of repair are as follows:

  • connection to the premises;
  • layout of plumbing fixtures;
  • selection of a range of plumbing fixtures;
  • development of a communication scheme;
  • ventilation design;
  • design development and selection of finishing materials;
  • determination of time and labor costs for repairs;
  • adjustment according to paragraphs. 2-5;
  • upon achieving an acceptable result - cleaning the premises;
  • floor repair;
  • repairing walls and laying communications;
  • arrangement of sanitary cabinets and built-in furniture;
  • ceiling repair;
  • ventilation device;
  • room decoration;
  • plumbing installation;
  • installation of a new front door or modification of the previous one.

As for paragraphs. 9-17, then the technology for performing work on them is described in articles on bathroom renovation and on the features of toilet design and renovation. Next, we will touch only on individual details, and will take a closer look at what relates specifically to the renovation of combined bathrooms.


The purpose of this stage is to determine what is convenient and what is not, and then what to leave in place and what to move. Already at this stage, you can estimate the future distribution of communications, the complexity and cost of the work. What almost always remains in place is the toilet: its 100 mm outlet must fit directly into the riser cross. Exceptions are possible in very rare cases, see below.

Take a look at pos. B and C in the picture at the beginning of the page. This is the same bathroom in the brick Khrushchev-era buildings of the first projects before the “bulldozer exhibition”. They differ only in the arrangement of plumbing fixtures relative to the door. But pos. B – “impenetrable”: in order to place a washing machine here, you will have to replace the bathtub with a shower stall. And the bathtubs in such houses were cast iron and of excellent quality: go through an active detergent, replace the siphon - and they will last for another hundred years.

But here at pos. The washbasin can be hung on the opposite wall. Then you will have to thoroughly tinker with the pipes, but space for the washing machine will be freed up without any problems. Also, for example, for pos. The space for the washing machine is freed up if the bathtub is replaced with a reclining one and turned 90 degrees, and the washbasin is placed on a long wall. In general - create, invent, try. But with mandatory consideration of the rules for sewerage installation.

Placement of plumbing fixtures

When planning new plumbing, you need to consider the following:

Linearly zoned bathroom design

  • the toilet outlet must mate with a 100 mm pipe, and its narrowing to the cross is unacceptable, otherwise you will flood yourself;
  • the toilet bowl can be moved no more than 1.5 mm away from the crosspiece with a pipe slope of 100 mm/m;
  • horizontal corners solid rigid sewer pipes unacceptable.

What might this mean in practice? Take a look at the picture on the right. This is a good example of a linear-zonal bathroom design (see right). But in order to comply with the rules and not drown ourselves, the crosspiece probably had to be half-sunk into the floor. And this means, in addition to extra work, an agreement with the neighbors, and, possibly, compensation to them for damage - after all, their ceiling had to be affected, and thoroughly.

Selection of plumbing

Not only do they matter here appearance, sizes and price. For example, a corner toilet (see picture) can solve many planning problems; Let's say the door can open in any direction without touching the knees of the person sitting on it.

Corner toilet

But you can simply install it only with a riser in the corner, or you will have to buy an expensive cross with a side 40-mm pipe at 45 degrees. If you are renovating a combined bathroom in a block-type Khrushchev-era building, then you don’t have to think about a corner toilet: the riser runs in a niche in the main wall, which cannot be touched in order to turn it around.

What is really worth thinking about is a bathtub - a “pear” or a stepped one. Look at the picture below on the right: it’s quite comfortable to lie in the bathtub, and the washing machine fits into place “like it belongs to it.” And most importantly, the washing machine spout hose can be connected to the bathtub, and a lot of time and money are saved on connecting it to the sewer.

Step bath

The choice of washbasin is also ambiguous: a tulip saves space along the wall, while a wide and narrow one saves space across the room. That is, the tulip will fit well in pose. B and C in the first figure in the text (square), and the “trough” is in pos. D (narrow and long). In other cases - depending on the design and size of the device. The recommendation here is not to limit yourself to the Internet, go shopping, look and measure on the spot.

More about the washbasin: most often it is on it that you can gain additional space. To avoid splashing, you need to choose a rather narrow “trough” with a spout at the corner and a round bowl.


Ventilation in a combined bathroom should be enhanced for the reasons described above. If funds allow, purchase a robotic fan that is triggered by temperature and/or humidity. When purchasing, pay attention first of all to productivity: based on the fact that the area of ​​typical bathrooms is 3–5 sq.m., it should be at least 2500 l/hour.

Low-speed fans with saber-shaped blades provide better performance at the same power consumption and lower noise levels, but their diameter is larger, so you will have to widen the ventilation duct at the installation site. If the box is open and suspended, this is easier to do by placing a fan on its end.

Ventilation also requires air flow. There are two options here:

  • Place a ventilation grille at the bottom of the door. It is quite labor-intensive and requires careful design. In addition, in many Khrushchev buildings, the bathroom door opens into the hallway, and cold air will flow into the bathroom.
  • When replacing the sewer system, place a 32-40 mm piece of pipe into the opening leading to the kitchen. Everyone would be fine, but the bathroom might smell like kitchen fumes.

Design and materials

Expanding the visible volume with mirrors

Since the design of the bathroom is not so tied to physiology, it is advisable to “tighten” it to the design of the toilet (see the article on toilet renovation). An option is to divide the volume with a screen, but in an already small room this is not very attractive. Another option, expensive but aesthetically magnificent, is to visually increase the volume of the room. This can be easily achieved using cladding mirror tiles, see fig. The best and most expensive tile is acrylic.


The functional interior design of a combined bathroom is based on the principle of zoning: washroom, latrine and bathing areas. The location of the zones can be linear (drawings in previous sections) and radial, see fig. on right. The first is recommended for elongated rooms; the second is for roughly square ones, but ultimately it's a matter of taste.

When zoning linearly, it is preferable to arrange zones in order of frequency of use: the washbasin is closer to the entrance, then the toilet and bathtub. But this means the work becomes more complicated and more expensive, since you will have to recess the cross into the floor and pull a 100-mm pipe to the toilet.

Radially zoned bathroom design

In any case, design options must be continuously checked for communications layout as they are developed. Unspeakable beauty and extraordinary convenience can result in a monstrous “cuttlefish” made of solid soldered propylene, which will be impossible to hide in the walls.


Materials for a combined bathroom must be selected based on the quality criteria for the bathroom (see the article on its renovation). It will not be possible to save money, since in a combined bathroom the working conditions are even more difficult.

Technical nuances

Here we should proceed from what has already been indicated: the “tub” of the floor must hold a double spill, and there is a double amount of water vapor and impurities in the air. Therefore, you will have to combine the most reliable one used in a separate bathroom and toilet. We will only touch on points that differ from the repair of a separate bathroom.

It is better to make a floor screed using a combined self-leveling screed: a coarse viscous self-leveling floor on a cement base and a liquid plastic insulation layer over it. The cement-sand screed for the bathroom will be too thick.

You can make the work cheaper (but also more difficult) by raising the door threshold next to bricks laid flat. To avoid stumbling, you can take a small (25 cm wide is enough) ramp outside, but this means, in addition to redoing the door with a jamb, and working on the floor in the corridor or hallway. But in the case when the bathroom renovation is carried out as a general renovation, this is the best option: little work is added, and the floor in the bathroom can be done as you like.


Both linear and radial functional designs make it possible to run hydraulic communications in a bundle under the wall, covering it with a slope, as in a separate bathroom. As for the electrics, no concessions here, as in a separate toilet, are allowed: the switch and sockets are only outside; lamps and fan are waterproof.

Walls and ceiling

Here you should also abandon the moisture-resistant plasterboard suitable for a separate toilet (it is not so moisture-resistant; gypsum is gypsum) and consider only the options of tiling and finishing the ceiling with solid laminate boards without lathing. Insulation - glass-magnesite slabs, also without sheathing; They are strong enough to be installed with glue.

Plumbing cabinet

Combined wardrobe in the bathroom

There is also most likely no place for it, and you will only have to cover the niche of the riser with a removable shield made of plastic lining. Therefore, when designing pipe routing, try to hide as much as possible in a niche.

You can somehow get out, but not always, with the help of a linear-zonal design: leaving the toilet in place (possibly a wall-hung one), we extend the cabinet to the washbasin, combining the technical with the toilet, see the picture.


You should undertake independent repairs of a combined bathroom, having thought everything through thoroughly, having solid professional skills and working ingenuity. Particular attention should be paid to ergonomics and communications layout. The choice of plumbing fixtures must be made primarily based on their functionality: there is no room for aesthetic delights in a combined bathroom.

Each of us at least once in our lives thought about repairing a Khrushchev building. Of all the rooms in the apartment, the design of the bathroom combined with a toilet requires the most attention. Before developing a renovation project, you need to determine the size of the room, choose the type of toilet (for a small room, a wall-hung one is suitable), shower or bathtub, and decide on the interior.

The dimensions of modern apartments are terrifying in their size. Apartments of 40 - 60 sq m already seem huge, but even at this large quantity sq. meters for a bathroom is sometimes allotted only 3 - 4 sq. m! With such dimensions, a shared bathroom is simply scary: it seems that it is impossible to place a toilet and a bathtub here, not to mention the shades of the walls.

It is not always possible to realize your design ideas on a small number of square meters. The reason could be anything: the designer’s inexperience and an incorrectly drawn up project, a small budget, the size or layout of the room. The main problems of combined bathrooms in Khrushchev:

  • non-standard sizes;
  • low quality finish;
  • poor ventilation;
  • high humidity;
  • lack of a unified style;
  • low room temperature.

Depending on the size of the room, the use of elements of a particular style will help to visually increase the size of the room and correctly distribute the space. A properly selected interior will please the eye even in a combined bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building.

Preparatory repair work

Before you start planning your space and purchasing small-sized furniture, you need to carry out a number of preliminary works before starting the renovation.

Coordination of redevelopment

If the bathroom in a panel house has not yet been combined, then be prepared that work of this type requires prior approval from local authorities. Before going to the BTI in your area, prepare everything Required documents, which may be needed to combine a toilet in a Khrushchev-era building, including a drawing of the floor plan of your current apartment and the desired option.

Under no circumstances begin dismantling the walls in the Khrushchev-era building until the redevelopment plan has been agreed upon!

Redevelopment example

Dismantling the wall

After agreeing on the redevelopment plan, you can begin dismantling the wall in the panel house. Work of this nature must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the heating system and other communications. If you initially had a water heated towel rail installed, but now it does not fit into the future interior of the house, then its dismantling must also be previously agreed upon with the DEZ.

Removing the old partition in the bathroom

Insulating the floor from water

After completing the main work of dismantling the common wall, it is necessary to recheck the waterproofing of the floor. In an old type of house it may be completely absent. This is fraught with excessive humidity in the room, as well as a possible flood of neighbors on the lower floors if force majeure occurs. To make the interior design of the bathroom not only beautiful, but also safe, it is recommended to re-waterproof the floor. For repairs of this type, the participation of a specialist from the DEZ is similarly necessary.

Floor waterproofing

Risers and counters

It is best to hide the design of water heaters, meters and risers in a kind of box so that they can be accessed at any time. Do not forget that an emergency can happen in the house at any time; if you simply concrete the risers, then one day you may regret it. You can build such a small box from plastic or plasterboard.

Installation of risers and counters in the bathroom

Installation of heated floors

Even in a small room, installing a warm electric or water floor may require additional costs. Such a project should include the presence of heat-conducting materials, as well as the nuances of its connection. To ensure that the installation of a heated floor is carried out efficiently and does not cause concern, it is recommended to use the services of a professional.

Installation of heated floors

Completion of redevelopment

After completing the preliminary stage of repair, it is necessary to invite a highly qualified specialist from the DEZ to certify the layout done, dismantle the wall, heated towel rail, and so on. Only after its approval can you submit documents to the BTI to complete the redevelopment stage and enter a new layout into the house drawing. Remember that an unauthorized change in the design of a house (redevelopment) under the legislation of the Russian Federation may entail not only fines, but also the complete seizure of the apartment.

Room decoration

Properly selected materials will help turn your planned design project for a combined bathroom into reality.


A snow-white ceiling in a Khrushchev-era building will make the room brighter. The most common ceiling finishing options are painting with waterproof paint and installing a stretch ceiling. The main advantage of the second is its tightness against floods from the upper floors, does not require pre-treatment and leveling of the surface, as well as the possibility of built-in spot lighting.

  • fragility;
  • difficulty of cleaning;
  • must be installed on a perfectly flat surface.

Even on small square meters, you can consider the option of installing plasterboard on the ceiling, always choosing a special moisture-resistant material for this. In this way, you can create a magnificent multi-tiered structure, but it is worth remembering that you cannot do without processes such as primer, putty, painting, combination with wallpaper or suspended ceiling.





A classic option for decorating the walls of a small bathroom in a panel house - ceramic tile. It comes in a variety of colors and sizes, is durable, safe and easy to clean. The color of the finish during renovation can be either plain (blue or white tiles) or textured (with an ornament or pattern). Often the bathroom is lined with plastic panels or the walls are painted with waterproof paint, for which blue colors are also often chosen. Plastic panels are inexpensive and do not require leveling the walls, as with painting.

To prevent the room from looking too sterile, an accent is added to the walls - a small area made with a different color, for example:

  • the lower half of the wall is laid out with one tile color (or painted), and the upper half with another;
  • the entire room is done in one color, except for the main wall (for example, with a shower or bathtub), on which a print or small tile with a different pattern is placed.


The traditional solution during renovation is ceramic tiles. It conducts heat well and allows you to install a warm electric or water floor. Laminate can boast similar properties. Thanks to its moisture resistance, it can easily be placed in the bathroom.

Depending on the color of the walls, you should choose the color of the floor. If the walls are light, then the floor should be dark. And vice versa. This will visually divide the room and thereby expand it.

The bathroom may have a heated floor, which is very important for this room, even if it is only a few square meters. And of course you shouldn’t forget about this modern reception, like a 3D floor, which boasts such qualities as waterproofing, decorative design and a perfectly smooth surface.


Mosaic tiles

Organization of space

The main question when renovating small rooms is: how to place everything you need to make the room seem spacious? The answer is quite simple - proper zoning and use of space. It is important not only to choose the right items for the bathroom, but also to place them. Standard sizes bathrooms in Khrushchev are 1.5x2 sq. m. The narrowest part of the room should be allocated for a place with a shower stall. If the size of the room allows, then a toilet or sink should be placed next to the shower stall.

The following will help you save precious space:

  • wall-mounted toilet due to the absence of a flush barrel;
  • a wall cabinet with a mirror in which hygiene products and towels are stored;
  • lack of a bathtub and its replacement with a small shower;
  • accommodation washing machine or built-in drawers under the sink;
  • dismantling the battery and replacing heating in the bathroom through the use of heated floors;
  • complete absence of a sink (only if there is a bath).

If you or one of your family members likes to take water treatments and having a bath is a must for you, then you can consider options with a brick pool. It has all the necessary reliability attributes: waterproofing, slope, drainage. Such a pool can not only become a full-fledged bath or shower, but also the main highlight of the interior.


The main point when decorating any room is lighting, especially when we're talking about about a room that does not have a source of natural light. The ideal solution for a bathroom would be a false window, illuminated LED strips. You can apply any design to such a window, matching it to the overall interior of the bathroom.

The most popular lighting devices recently are spotlights, which, thanks to a large assortment, allow you to choose the ones suitable for any interior design. The mirror area can also be decorated with additional lighting in the form of small sconces, the main thing is that they have special markings indicating that they can be used in wet rooms.


The most popular way to visually expand a room is to use reflective surfaces. For obvious reasons, using full-length mirrors in the bathroom is impossible. Place the mirror panel on the top of the wall. It is desirable that it extends across its entire width. You can create a mirrored corridor by placing two mirrors opposite each other.

To prevent the room from feeling too narrow, place a large mirror panel on one of the walls. Visually it will expand the bathroom. Do not place it opposite the toilet or too low.

Opt for a special mirror with increased strength for safety purposes.

Finish color

The use of light colors in the interior design will create the illusion of space. The design project must take into account that warm colors visually move closer, and cold colors move away. Blue and green paint have these properties most clearly; they are suitable if you want to visually distance a wall or raise the ceiling. Make the walls and ceiling in the same color. This will create the illusion of the wall extending into the distance and will increase the size of the room, even if it is 3 sq. m.

Interior options for a combined bathroom

Nothing helps make a bathroom interior stand out more than having style. It often happens that it is present in the whole house, and the design of the bathroom or toilet is given secondary attention. Many styles can offer interesting solutions for organizing space in a combined bathroom.

Classic version

The classic design is the traditional choice for a combined bathroom. Most of us unknowingly choose it during renovation. It is characterized by light ceramic tiles, instead of a shower, a snow-white bath and toilet, a mirror with a strict frame, as well as bright, centered lighting. Even if, during the renovation of a Khrushchev-era building, you don’t think through the interior and don’t draw up a project, then most likely you will end up with a classic style.

The interior of the bathroom should resonate with the entire house (the next room).

Modern version

The advantage of such an interior is that the decoration of a combined bathroom in a panel house consists not only of solid colors, but uses two or three shades: the main one (white, Ivory) and accent (blue, red, black tiles). Characteristic features include a wall-hung toilet and a small shower stall.

You should not treat the bathroom as an inferior room. This is exactly the same room in which you spend part of your time, like a bedroom or living room. A properly designed design will help you not only organize the space, but also feel comfortable while being here.

Turnkey bathroom renovation is a series of activities, the implementation of which removes headache from a customer unprepared for repairs.

Turnkey bathroom- this is a competent and detailed estimate, development of redevelopment and creation of interior design, demolition and removal of garbage, purchase of materials, rough work, laying of new sewerage and water pipes, electrical installation, tiling of all walls and floors, plumbing connections.

We carry out repairs both in combined bathrooms and carry out redevelopment of separate bathrooms - combining the bathroom with the toilet.

The main argument that guides our customers in favor of bathroom remodeling– this is an increase in the usable space of the bathroom and toilet!

For example, by removing the partition between the bathroom and the toilet and making one doorway, we will get several useful solutions:

  • let's find a place for a washing machine
  • We will move the toilet and heated towel rail
  • increase the space for a comfortable and wide sink
  • There is an option to change the bathtub to a shower corner

Renovation of a combined bathroom with toilet

In Moscow apartments you can find both a very modest combined bathroom (2.2 - 3.5 m2) in old houses, and more comfortable combined bathrooms with an area of ​​4 m2.

Renovating and ultimately getting a large, comfortable bathroom is a challenge that we constantly face. The modest size of the separate bathroom and toilet “hints” us at redevelopment - combine a bathroom with a toilet.

Photo gallery

104 works found

Moscow, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya st. Redevelopment of a separate bathroom into a combined one, with the toilet rotated and freeing up space for a washing machine

Moscow, st. Kharkovskaya Bathroom renovation without demolishing the plumbing/cabin, because... kitchen and hallway renovations done 1

Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt Redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet - combination. Bathroom in Brezhnevka, brick house series II-29. Sorbonne tiles from Kerama Marazzi 2

Moscow, st. Vavilova Comprehensive renovation of a combined bathroom with demolition of walls 1

Moscow, Northern Boulevard White bathroom, walls - Kerama Marazzi ceramics in a white marble look with blurred gray veins

Moscow, st. Marshal Zakharova Bathroom 170x200 in house P-44. Comprehensive repairs including replacement of pipes, without demolition of plumbing/cabins 10

Moscow, Gorokhovsky per. We are renovating a combined bathroom 210x150 in a house of series I-209-A. The walls are covered with white Spanish tiles Aparici Enigma.

Moscow, residential complex Varshavskoe highway 141 Renovation of a guest bathroom in an apartment, installation of a shower corner with a drain, Uralkeramika Terri wall tiles 4

Moscow, 9th Parkovaya st. Repair of a combined bathroom 185x120 in a brick house, series II-18-01/08. Replacing cast iron sewer systems, moving meters, laying tiles, installing new plumbing 2

Moscow, st. Sukhonskaya Renovating a bathroom (combined with a toilet) in a house of the I-522 series, combining two collections of Kerama Marazzi tiles (white and porcelain stoneware) 7

Moscow, Shchelkovskoe highway Repair - combining a 135x150 bathroom and a toilet in house II-18. We enlarge the bathroom, change the plumbing, and expand the toilet. Black tiles for wall and floor decoration 4

Moscow, st. ak. Artsimovich Bathroom renovation with redevelopment in Konkovo ​​- we attach a toilet to the bathroom. Uralkeramika Island tile collection 8

Moscow, Karamzin Ave. Renovation of the bathroom and toilet with an extension into the corridor, the toilet was combined with a bathroom. Now the bathroom can accommodate a washing machine and a 170 cm bathtub. 10

Moscow, city-park Peredelkino Blizhnye Renovation of a 3.2 m2 bathroom in Rasskazovka, comprehensive finishing with replacement of plastic panels with tiles, new wiring of all pipes 13

Moscow, Pyatnitskoe highway Renovation of a combined bathroom P-44, black and white tiles KERAMA MARAZZI 25x40 Dorset, Ikea furniture. 38

Moscow, Yaltinskaya st. Repair of a standard 2.5 m2 bathroom in a panel house, with replacement of water supply and demolition of partitions and ceiling 8

  • by removing the old plumbing cabin (if there was one), the ceiling became higher
  • installation washing machine to the bathroom (for tiny bathrooms in Khrushchev buildings)
  • Can you implement some design solution?
  • there is one less door in the corridor
  • In a small bathroom, every square meter of space should be used as rationally as possible. You need to properly arrange the plumbing fixtures and immediately decide whether to keep the bathtub or replace it with a shower stall. If the toilet takes up a lot of space, it can be replaced with an attached or wall-hung toilet and installation. This should save a few precious centimeters.

    For wall cladding, it is better to use ceramic tiles of light colors and small sizes (from 15 to 50 cm), so the combined bathroom will appear larger. If the tiles are rectangular, it is better to lay them horizontally. Don't forget about the mirror, a large mirror increases the space in the bathroom.

    The ceiling should be white. It doesn’t matter what material to use: tension, painting or hanging. This is a matter of taste of the owners.

    With complex renovation of a combined bathroom it is impossible to do without replacing all communications. Plumbing pipes should be hidden in a box and covered with tiles, so the bathroom will look more modern and aesthetically pleasing.

    In examples of our work you can find many different and interesting solutions for the reconstruction of combined bathrooms. From compact "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnev" buildings to quite spacious new buildings.

    The bathroom in Khrushchev is usually small area, which significantly complicates the process of its arrangement. It is possible to place only the most necessary items - a sink and a bathtub. Moreover, they should be as compact as possible. Mostly similar bathrooms combined type.

    It is difficult to imagine a modern home without amenities, in particular without a bathroom.

    Therefore, a toilet is installed in them. Despite many disadvantages rooms, design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev easy to make beautiful. The right approach will help you use it wisely square meters. The result will be functional, filled with comfort. interior.

    It is in this room that people take water treatments to keep their bodies clean and simply to relax after a busy day.

    Correct arrangement bathroom in Khrushchev is the key to its reliable service. It is characterized by difficult conditions and a special microclimate. Get comfortable room will help modern technologies and high-quality finishing materials.

    For the full functioning of a bathroom, you need: a sink, a toilet, a bathtub and a closet.

    To increase its small size, it is appropriate to carry out redevelopment. This can be done in two ways.

    • Replace the bathtub with a shower stall. Installation takes up little space, resulting in more free space.
    • Installation of compact furniture and plumbing fixtures.

    Considering the small size of the room and the combined toilet and bathtub, it is not easy to think through the design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building.

    These options can be used either independently or together. Each of them has its own merits. They allow you to do bathroom design in Khrushchev comfortable, its appearance attractive, the atmosphere cozy.

    The bathroom is a place where we go several times a day to wash our hands, wash ourselves, and clean ourselves up.

    Engineering communications in such houses are outdated. That's why repair you need to start by replacing them. It is worth paying attention not only to the condition plumbers , pipes, but also the ventilation system. The work of the last element plays an important role. If it is not performed efficiently, then the appearance of dampness and The formation of mold indoors cannot be avoided. Over time, the finish will deteriorate, and the unpleasant smell of rot will constantly bother you.

    Like any other room, the bathroom should be pleasing to the eye and have a special design, even if it is a tiny room in a Khrushchev-era building.

    Bathroom design in Khrushchev assumes the presence of the following functional areas.

    • Performance water procedures. To do this, install a bath or shower.
    • The toilet is small in size.
    • Wash basin. A sink and mirror are installed.
    • Storing hygiene products. Special furniture is suitable for these purposes.

    Typically, in a small bathroom, you can change the location of the bathtub.

    The future project is being prepared in advance premises. Paper and pencil will help with this. This method a little outdated and there is a high probability of errors. It is better to use special computer programs and simulate the entire room . The project will show the location of the main objects: plumbers , items, materials used, etc. Thus, every meter premises used rationally. This will make it possible to eliminate unnecessary financial expenses.

    A shower cabin will also help save space, but if you cannot imagine your life without taking water procedures in the bathroom, then it is better to refuse this offer.

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    Accommodation in Khrushchevka has a number of its own characteristics. Severe requirements are placed on the choice of furniture. This is explained by the small area premises. It is necessary to choose items that do not require much space. Manufacturers plumbing equipment know this and offer a large selection of items suitable for this case.

    When planning the interior of a Khrushchev-era bathroom, study the arrangement of furnishings in the room from photographs presented on the Internet.

    Wall mounted furniture is a great idea for bathroom design in Khrushchev . It is presented not only in the form of cabinets and shelves, but also toilets and sinks. The last elements are attached to the wall. Thus, space will be used rationally, in indoors there is more free space left. Using a corner bath is suitable.

    This design of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building can become a role model and will tell you how best to optimize costs for the purchase of plumbing fixtures and finishing materials and choose the best option.

    Furniture is usually made to order. It takes into account the characteristics of the premises and the requirements of the owners. When taking measurements, it is important to take into account every detail. The finishing materials used to line the walls and floors have a certain thickness. These centimeters must be taken into account. Otherwise, additional costs will be required, since the furniture will not be suitable for installation in the bathroom.

    The design of the bathroom and toilet should correspond to the individuality of the owners of the house, be comfortable and, at the same time, multifunctional.

    Today, more and more often bathrooms with small area you can find a shower stall. It is an excellent alternative to a traditional bath. Takes up less space, more compact. At the same time, it is just as comfortable, it is comfortable to perform hygiene procedures in it. Suitable for use by both adults and children. In the second case, you should choose a shower stall with a deep tray.

    The shower cabin is sealed, you can avoid excess moisture on the floor.

    Such furniture is presented in a huge selection. The models are interesting design and a functional set. This allows you to select the one option , which will be optimal for this case.

    Water consumption in the shower is significantly less, which will help save money.

    Organizing space in a square room

    Organization of space bathroom largely depends on its shape. If it is square, then furniture placement is done using the traditional method. The bathtub, toilet and sink are in the corners premises . As a result, the center of the room remains free to move.

    The interior of the bathroom depends on the character and preferences of its owner.

    A corner bath is suitable for this case. If it has ergonomic dimensions, it will fit well into the overall picture interior The shower stall is located in a similar way. Its presence leaves the center of the room uncluttered, as shown in photo. As a result, the bathroom visually becomes wider.

    Design of a small bathroom combined with a toilet.

    The arrangement of items should be convenient for the owners. They can be in different positions: sitting, standing at the mirror, cleaning room. A niche designed for feet will cope well with this task. It is small in size and allows you to get close to the bathroom at the required distance. Similar design is arranged during the installation of screens.

    Principles of placement of plumbing fixtures and furniture

    Renovation of a combined bathroom - not an easy task. It requires adherence to certain principles. They are mainly related to the placement of plumbing equipment and furniture. There should be such gaps between them that the owners can the room was comfortable.

    In terms of space utilization, a combined bathroom with toilet benefits significantly.

    The area of ​​free space must be at least one hundred centimeters. This makes it easy to log in room. A hanger designed for storing towels is mounted at a height so that it can be easily reached by hand. However, it did not interfere with movement. The toilet is installed at a distance of 20 centimeters from walls and furniture. There should be a free space in front of him, the width of which is 40 centimeters.

    Interior of a small bathroom combined with a toilet.

    The sink is located twenty centimeters from walls, which is on the side. From the toilet it is equal to twenty-five centimeters. Be sure to leave free space in front of the sink. Its size is up to 80 cm.

    Carrying out repairs in a combined bathroom , do not forget about communications. Access to them must be free. Otherwise, if it fails, the appearance will be ruined. interior Its restoration will require additional funds.

    When arranging a bathroom, you need to take into account every detail. This is the key to its convenience.

    Rectangular and narrow room shape

    For rectangular bathroom It is worth using a different arrangement of objects. A small font looks good. It is installed at the end premises. There is a washbasin in front of the entrance and a toilet to the side, as shown in photo. The last element should not be obvious.

    Also, you must take into account the presence of a knee, wiring water pipes and ventilation, which it is desirable to hide from view.

    A narrow bathroom is not the most convenient shape in terms of arrangement. But there are ways that will help improve its quality. It will be comfortable and will visually increase its size. If the choice is a bathroom, then it should be located along the wall, which is opposite the entrance, as shown in photo.

    The bathroom is a limited space with everything you need.

    A washing machine is an integral attribute of modern housing. It is extremely difficult to do without it. If the area of ​​the bathroom allows, then it is installed on its square meters. Bathroom in Khrushchev does not have large sizes. Therefore, with the installation household appliances problems arise. Models designed to be placed under the washbasin will help solve them. There is also options

    By the way, even if you have a small bathroom, you can visually expand the space with the help of mirrors.

    Finishing features

    Interior design options for a small bathroom , sufficient quantity. If you show imagination and think through design, then the room will have beautiful view, comfortable, every thing is located in its place.

    If you want to create a fresh atmosphere in the bathroom, use light-colored tiles when decorating the walls.

    When decorating such a room, you need to choose light colors. They dominate the picture interior, as shown in the photo. Expand the premises can be partitions with a high degree of light transmission.

    It is worth using tiles as a finishing material. Tile with a glossy surface looks good. It reflects light, which visually expands the boundaries of the room. Don't forget about the presence of mirrors. There may be several of them, which will also create a positive effect.

    Lighting is an important component of the interior. Many light bulbs are installed, this will make the room bright and spacious.

    Setting up a small bathroom, It’s worth listening to the advice of experts. They tested it in practice different ways and determined the one that would be optimal. Take into account the features small area.

    Such a bathroom, provided that all surfaces are stylish and of high quality, will delight you.

    Designers advise paying attention to the following points.

    Design tips Characteristic
    Follow the laws of ergonomics Items should be multifunctional and spacious. They choose built-in cabinets; the sink and shower are hidden in cabinets.
    Use mirrors, glass, light and gloss A mirror is an essential element of the interior. The ceiling is presented in the form of a tension structure with a glossy surface. A spot type illumination is mounted in it. You should not use one chandelier, as it will visually reduce the area.
    Pastel and contrast Pastel color scheme. You can complement it with bright accents. You can place red mosaic inserts on a light background.
    The number of little things should be minimal Little things take up space. Therefore, bottles and other personal hygiene products should be in sight as little as possible. It is better to hide them in a locker that can be closed.
    Choose your design style wisely By arranging your bathroom, you can recreate an interesting style. At the same time, the functionality of the interior should be preserved. High-tech direction is perfect. It will make the room ergonomic. Classics and the Japanese direction will give the room a conservative character.

    To make the bathroom design beautiful, you need to take into account various points.

    It is important not only to correctly arrange the furniture and plumbing equipment and finishing. The latter should be light, the materials used are of high quality. Ceramic tiles are ideal for cladding walls, floor. As a result, in a small bathroom elegant will be created interior. It is comfortable to wash and pleasant to be in.

    VIDEO: Design of a bathroom combined with a toilet.

    50 design ideas for a small bathtub combined with a toilet:

    Almost every person, planning a bathroom renovation, thinks about the possible combination of space in order to increase comfort, expand space and get rid of an extra door. Work aimed at combining a bathtub and toilet requires a lot of time and money, since in most cases a complete redevelopment of plumbing, electrical, sewerage and other existing systems is required. But despite significant difficulties, the result is almost always excellent, as can be seen in the photos below.

    In order not to experience disappointment and, as a result, to get exactly the result you want, when combining a toilet and a bathtub, you need to weigh all the positive and negative points such an event.

    Positive aspects of the merger

    The combination is often done in old houses, where the bathroom, toilet and kitchen areas are small. The main goal of the event, as a rule, is to obtain additional free space for installing a washing machine. Also, the combination of a bathroom and a bathtub makes it possible to install additional interior elements for storing bath accessories or new plumbing elements.

    A huge amount of space is freed up if the combination of a bathroom and a bathtub involves removing the old bathtub and installing a compact shower stall in its place.

    Increasing common area bathroom, there is a good opportunity to bring design ideas to life, install niches, built-in lamps, suspended ceilings and decorate the walls with mosaic tiles. Combining a bathroom and toilet allows you to rearrange the plumbing elements at your own discretion, use built-in equipment with installation, hide water and sewer pipes behind boxes or build them into a wall cavity.

    Negative sides

    It is important to understand that combining a bathroom and toilet creates some inconvenience, especially when several people live in an apartment, usually this happens during morning and evening procedures. Some may feel uncomfortable because the toilet is located in the same room as the bathroom. For people of retirement age, such a combination is generally unacceptable due to old stereotypes.

    Work on unifying the bathroom

    Preparatory work

    Before you begin rebuilding the premises, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory preparatory works that will help speed up the process and avoid some difficulties in the future. Before connecting the bathtub and toilet you must:

    • draw up a detailed plan of activities;
    • coordinate the work with local authorities BTI and utility companies, if necessary;
    • decide on interior design and furniture placement;
    • combining a toilet with a bathroom requires drawing up a detailed estimate, taking into account all the costs of purchasing the material and the necessary tool.

    It is important to remember that after combining work, it is necessary to make appropriate notes in the documents for the apartment, if the possibility of its further sale or exchange is allowed.

    Before connecting the bathtub to the toilet, you need to think about the plumbing elements that are attached to or pass through the wall being removed. In such cases, it is necessary to think in advance about an alternative fastening system in the form of a metal frame, which will hold the plumbing elements in place after demolition of the supporting surface.

    Sequence of actions when combining a bathroom

    Like any other construction project, connecting a bathtub to a toilet is carried out according to a clear algorithm, and it is highly not recommended to violate it, as this will complicate the work and increase time costs. The procedure will be as follows:

    • at the first stage, in order to connect the toilet with the bathroom, the water supply system is shut off and water is drained from the system;
    • dismantling of pipelines and attachments (filters, heaters);
    • removal of wall covering on the partition being removed;
    • demolish the partitions using a special tool and connect the bathtub to the toilet;
    • remove construction debris and install new system water supply and sewerage according to a previously drawn up diagram;
    • lay a three-core electrical cable for all consumers and ensure grounding;
    • install the necessary switches and sockets, which must have moisture-resistant properties and water protection systems;
    • the places where the toilet and bathroom are combined must be corrected using plasterboard or plaster;
    • seal the demolition site with finishing materials.

    If the unification measures involve not only the demolition of the wall, but also a complete redevelopment of the room with the replacement of the finishing material, then after correcting the break point, the floor of the entire room is waterproofed with plaster. At the next stage, combining the bathroom and toilet requires laying a common screed of cement mortar to level the surface. After the screed has dried, ceramic floor tiles are laid.

    It is important to remember that if natural wood is chosen as a floor covering, then its installation is carried out at the very last stage, so as not to damage the surface.

    At the next stage, in order to visually and finally combine the bath with the toilet, the walls are decorated and the selected finishing material is laid, in most cases it is ceramic tiles, a small amount of natural stone or plastic panels. At the last stage, a suspended or suspended ceiling is installed, then plumbing is installed and the finishing touches are applied to the decoration and improvement of the room.

    Possible errors in operation

    Before combining a bathroom with a toilet, you need to take into account the experience of others and possible mistakes that could cost you not only additional financial investments, but also a complete redo of the entire work. The main mistake is ignoring the preliminary estimate and detailed plan. As a result, in the midst of work, combining a toilet with a bathroom turns out to be not so easy due to lack of material, lack of the necessary tools, or repeated alterations.

    Try to install the main elements of plumbing in such a way that they can be easily accessed in case of repair or maintenance.

    Before combining a bathtub with a toilet, consult with utility services about the legality of the action, so as not to pay a large fine during the next inspection. Be sure to equip electrical consumers with a grounding system. Consider all the options for combining a bathroom and toilet in advance, choose the most suitable design for your conditions and design features of the building.