SGA Academy. Nachou VPO modern humanitarian academy (non-state accredited private educational institution of higher professional education modern state academy)

They are disciplines that contribute to the study of man in various spheres of his activity: mental, spiritual, social, moral, cultural. According to methodology, subject, object, they often intersect or are identified with public spheres knowledge. The humanities began to emerge as institutional disciplines by the 19th century. Today in Russia there are a number of universities offering educational programs in this specialization. One of these is SGA. Legal address 115114, Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya street, 3, building 1. Educational activities are carried out in Moscow, on Nizhegorodskaya street, 32.

General information

The Modern Humanitarian Academy (SHA) is a non-state private educational institution. This is one of the largest universities in Russia and Europe. The number of students simultaneously studying there exceeds one hundred thousand. The modern humanities academy offers to obtain a profession based on your desires, inclinations and capabilities. The management strives to provide students with high-quality education at the metropolitan level at their place of residence throughout Russia. Further in the article we will talk about what the Modern Humanitarian Academy offers. The official website of the educational institution will tell you in more detail about the structure, history of origin, formation, current days and far-reaching plans of the university. The article will also provide short description educational institution, its achievements.


The Moscow Modern Humanitarian Academy was founded in 1992. This is the only university in Russia that is part of GMUNET (the structure of mega-universities). Despite the difficult times, the Modern Humanitarian Academy was able to survive and expand, inviting the best personnel to its walls. The educational institution was one of the first in Russia to use new distance learning, which is evidenced by the Order of the Ministry of Education regarding confirmation of the readiness of the educational institution of the non-profit type "Modern Humanitarian Academy" to implement a number of educational projects using full distance technologies (DOT).

Modern Humanitarian Academy. Branches

The use of DOT allowed the university to form a branched structure, the elements of which are located in very remote municipalities. The institution’s unified pedagogical content is available to all students, regardless of their area of ​​residence. At the same time, the presence of modern telecommunications allows partners from abroad (near and far) to use the academic resources of SGA. A high level of professionalism of graduates is achieved through the educational environment. Its components are:

Elite faculty;

Continuous improvement and expansion of educational content;

Innovative information communication pedagogical technologies;

Individualization of education;

The legislative framework

The Humanitarian Academy in its activities is guided by the Civil Code, Federal Laws"On Education", provisions "On Non-Profit Organizations", the Charter in force at the Academy. The institution provides training on the basis of a license from the Federal Service for Supervision of the Educational and Scientific Field (the document was issued on February 25, 2011 for an indefinite period). The certificate received on April 26, 2010 (valid until April 26, 2015) confirms the state accreditation of the applied educational programs. SGA has an active quality management system. Activities comply with ISO standards. In 2004 educational institution- the only one of the five leading universities in Russia that has successfully passed the standardization of its QMS in the accredited FA for Technical Regulation and Metrology (FATRiM) certification system "Standard Test" for compliance with GOST, having received a certificate of conformity. The Humanitarian Academy is the only university that has the status of a television company. The broadcasting area of ​​the All-Russian channel "First Educational" is almost 300 cities in Russia. SGA students mastering various accredited training programs of both higher and intermediate levels on a full-time basis vocational training, have the right to a deferment from conscription into the army.


The Humanities Academy provides a variety of training programs. In particular, higher education: bachelor's degree, training at the highest level of qualification, master's degree. In addition, training is provided in the following programs:

  • secondary vocational education (training of specialists at the mid-level level and advanced training of workers and employees);
  • language learning (Russian);
  • preparation for university;
  • training of Microsoft specialists.

Bachelor's degree programs:


  • Translation and translation studies.
  • Taxes and taxation.
  • Social work.

Master's studies:

  • Jurisprudence.
  • Economy.
  • Computer science and computer science.
  • Philosophy.
  • Municipal and state administration.
  • Psychology.
  • Management.
  • Personnel Management.
  • Secondary vocational education:
  • Management, economics and accounting (by industry).
  • Jurisprudence.

Activities abroad

The active participation of the Humanitarian Academy in international activities. In particular, it is included in the following well-known organizations:

  • Association for International Education in Europe (EAIE).
  • Association of (International) Universities (IAU) at the United Nations UNESCO.
  • Association "Knowledge", which has consultative status of ECOSOC in OOH.
  • International Academy for Informatization, associated member of the UN.
  • European Prison Education Association (EPEA).
  • Global Mega-University Networks (GMUNET) and ADT for Development (GDLN).

Non-state accredited private educational institution higher vocational education The Modern Humanitarian Academy (NACHOU VPO SGA) was founded in 1992. The Academy is the largest higher education institution in Russia and Europe, with over 100 thousand students studying. In 2012, SGA celebrated its anniversary - the awarding of a higher education diploma to its 300,000th graduate. SGA became the only Russian university, which joined the global network of mega-universities GMUNET in 2005 as a founding member. Founder: Limited Liability Company Holding Complex regional projects President of the SGA - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Petrovich Karpenko. Rector of the SGA - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Tarakanov Valery Pavlovich. The Academy operates in accordance with the Civil Code Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation On Education, the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation On Non-Profit Organizations, On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education, other current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Academy. The modern humanitarian academy conducts educational activities based on license Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science dated February 25, 2011, series AAA No. 000756, registration number 0744, valid for an indefinite period. Certificate of state accreditation dated April 26, 2010, registration No. 0373, series BB No. 000376 (valid until April 26, 2015) confirms the state accreditation of educational programs in: areas of undergraduate training (“Linguistics”, “Jurisprudence”, “Management”, “Economics”, “Informatics and Computer Science”, “Psychology”, “Philosophy”, “ Teacher Education", "Political Science", "Sociology", "Art History", "Commerce", "Social Work", "Public and Municipal Administration"); specialties (“Taxes and Taxation”, “Translation and Translation Studies”, “Social Work”); master's degree areas (“Jurisprudence”, “Economics”, “Management”, “Informatics and Computer Science”, “Philosophy”, “Psychology”, “Personnel Management”, “State and Municipal Administration”); secondary vocational education (“Economics and accounting (by industry)”, “Management (by industry)”, “Jurisprudence”). SGA is a new generation university in which educational process based on new innovative technologies. SGA was the first Russian university to use distance learning educational technologies(DOT) in full during the implementation of basic and additional educational programs, which is confirmed by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/09/2004 No. 1221 “On confirming the readiness of the non-profit educational institution “Modern Humanitarian Academy” to implement individual educational programs using distance educational technologies in full " The full application of DOT allowed SGA to form a distributed organizational structure of the university. Currently, the Academy is a distributed mega-university, including a network of access centers to the academic resources of the State Academy of Sciences, located in geographically remote cities and settlements and united by telecommunications, a unified extraterritorial teaching staff, a unified educational content, a unified digital library and an information system for academic administration. Distributed educational activities of the SGA contribute to the development of cross-border education. Through telecommunications, SGA provides access to its academic resources to partners from near and far abroad countries. High level professional competencies SGA graduates are achieved through a unique educational environment, the components of which are: the elite teaching staff of the academy; constantly improving educational content; innovative pedagogical and information and communication

Modern Humanitarian Academy
International name

Modern University for the Humanities

Year of foundation
The president

Karpenko Mikhail Petrovich


Tarakanov Valery Pavlovich

Legal address

Modern Humanitarian Academy(full title Non-state accredited private educational institution of higher professional education "Modern Humanitarian Academy", NACHO HPE "SGA") - founded in 1992, the largest higher education institution in Russia and Europe, with over 145 thousand students. In 2008, SGA celebrated an anniversary - the presentation of a diploma of higher education to its 200,000th graduate.

SGA became the only Russian university that joined the global network of mega-universities GMUNET in 2005 as a founding member.

The President of the SGA is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Petrovich Karpenko.

Rector of the SGA - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Tarakanov Valery Pavlovich.

The Academy operates in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On Non-Profit Organizations”, “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, other current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Academy.

The modern humanitarian academy conducts educational activities on the basis of a license from the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated June 29, 2010, series AAA No. 000015, registration number 0015, valid until June 29, 2016.

An important achievement of the SGA in international activities was the signing of an agreement with the World Bank, according to which the Academy became a member in 2005 Global network distance learning for Development (GDLN, World Bank Initiative). Cooperation with the World Bank is an important aspect of the internationalization of SGA education.


According to the information portal, a number of branches of the Modern Humanitarian Academy were deprived of certification and state accreditation, or its term was shortened due to the low level of student training.



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