Use of the wording “due to production necessity.” Order on production necessity In connection with the need that has arisen, I ask you

Combinations with the words “in connection with” can raise many questions: where to put a comma and whether it is needed, how to correctly use this or that combination, etc. Let's look at the question of whether “in connection” is separated by commas or not, using specific examples.

“In connection with...” is separated by commas

Before the word

1. The combination we are considering is a derived conjunction, therefore a comma is placed before “in connection”, and there is no need for signs after it.

  • Frosts had already begun, and therefore classes began to be cancelled.
  • Sasha has an exam soon, so he spends all day cramming dates, formulas and vocabulary words.

2. This also applies to combinations of the “in connection with which” type. Such a combination can occur exclusively within a sentence (it is stylistically unacceptable to start a phrase with it), and the answer to the question “in connection with what” is highlighted with commas is unambiguous: the comma should only be before it, but not after it.

  • The ceilings leaked again, forcing an entire wing of the building to be closed off.
  • Lyubasha had a name day, and therefore Igor composed these verses.

3. From the combinations “in connection with this”, “in connection with which” the combination “in this connection” should be distinguished, which is most often used in a journalistic style and is a means of transition from one micro-topic to another (does not express a direct causal relationship!) . A sign is required before “in this regard”; Naturally, there is no comma at the beginning of the sentence.

  • The thunderstorm passed just before the wedding, in this regard, an association is imposed with a person’s life before and after the wedding.
  • My colleague's work is of great importance; in this regard, it is impossible not to remember how he went towards his goal.

No comma needed

The preposition “in connection with” is often used in speech. Additions with it are not separated by commas. In particular, a comma is not required after “in connection with... I ask...” and in other similar stable combinations characteristic of the official business style.

  • We decided to give you this gift in connection with Preschool Worker's Day.
  • In connection with the above, I ask you to grant me leave without pay.

An official memo is one of the forms of corporate communication at an enterprise. When compiling it, you must adhere to certain rules.

Reasons for compilation and purposes of notes

This tool business correspondence especially popular in companies with many divisions different levels and controlling everything is quite difficult. But even in small enterprises people are often interested in how to write a memo correctly; The content of such a report depends on the purpose for which it is compiled. The need to write it arises if it is necessary to get a reaction to any extraordinary events. In addition, they write not only about the bad: they also make rational proposals for improving the work of the enterprise. When drawing up a “service”, follow certain rules, which will be discussed below.

Any employee has the right to write a service letter. Usually there are always two parts. In the first, management is notified of any fact or incident, and in the second, requests, proposals, and any other requests from the employee to a superior colleague are contained.

It’s worth taking hold of the handle if:

  • violations were committed that caused any unforeseen actions or that could lead to them;
  • management intervention is necessary, for example, there are not enough material and technical resources to complete a project;
  • one of the employees did not show up for work or showed up under the influence of drugs/toxic/alcohol;
  • there was a proposal to reward certain employees for outstanding results or other achievements;
  • it is necessary to send someone on a business trip;
  • it is required to call the employee back from vacation or a legal day off;
  • any other situation on which a decision cannot be made without a leader.

The service report can serve as proof of the fact that the employee responded properly to the problem he discovered in the enterprise’s activities. Leaving a report is not a right, but a responsibility of a particular specialist. It confirms the fact that the employee was not inactive, but took the necessary measures: he informed his superiors and promptly made decisions on the problem.

Types of letters

Classification is usually made by the type of information contained in the report. We list the most common types of service letters:

  • request for data and information that the employee does not have;
  • reporting violations committed by an employee in the performance of official duties;
  • message about sending on a business trip;
  • proposal for additional bonuses;
  • informing about problems encountered in the work process, etc.

Thus, there are a lot of types of reports; they can contain any information related to work issues.

How to write a memo (sample according to GOST)

Companies have the opportunity to introduce and use a variety of various forms written notification of any incidents or issues of an organizational and financial nature that require the intervention of senior management. But a unified memo template is not established by law, but it must comply with the requirements of GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for drawing up documents." That is, it must contain the following details:

  • name of the organization or structural unit, indication of the person to whom the appeal is sent;
  • document's name;
  • text - what needs to be communicated to management;
  • date, signature and necessarily the position of the author.

We have determined the mandatory requirements, now let’s look at an example of how to write a memo.

Example 1

This type of arrangement of details in a document is called angular. But they can be placed on the sheet in other ways.

Example 2

The picture shows the longitudinal placement of the details. And both options will be correct.

There is a third option.

Example 3

But even if it is customary for your company to prepare documents in a completely different way, do not worry, this is also correct, since officials did not provide for a mandatory form.

Example of writing a memo

Writing a header is almost never difficult for anyone. It is necessary to clarify who the document is addressed to: his position and surname, initials (full first and middle names are possible). In addition, we must indicate the originator, and if a group of workers applies, then their positions and full names must be listed. A written appeal is not always addressed to the director; it is also sent to the person whose job responsibilities includes consideration of a specific issue.

The first phrase with which a memo usually opens: I bring to your attention. This is the most common option. This is convenient for the employee because he immediately moves on to the subject of his message, and for the manager it reduces the time spent studying the letter.

The text of the memo itself should be short, to the point, with the obligatory listing of specific dates, times, circumstances, information: this will help the addressee quickly understand, take note, check and respond to the subordinate’s appeal.

The appeal is completed with a personal signature and the date of preparation. If there are applications, indicate their presence and list them.

Samples for different occasions

How to write a memo: sample confirmation of a business trip

Employees have the right to inform management both about problems arising in the process of activity and about the achievements of specific specialists.

Memo regarding payment of bonus

The immediate supervisor may well petition a higher-ranking manager for an increase in bonus remuneration.

To the director
LLC "Domostroy"
Semin I.G.

from the head of the sales department of Domostroy LLC
Nastina I.A.

Service memo
05.04.2019 № 4
Saint Petersburg

On increasing bonuses

I would like to bring to your attention that the seller Kareva Inna Igorevna exceeded the sales plan in March 2019 by more than twice. In this regard, I ask you to increase her bonus payment.

Head of Sales Department Nastina I.A.

Report on absence from work

Often a report is written in connection with violations of discipline. An example of a memo shows that the immediate superior not only reports a violation, but also proposes to take action.

Note on write-off of inventory items

If the commodity- material assets their service life has expired, they have become unusable, they are written off and disposed of. How to write off inventory items, read the article “How to draw up a sample act of writing off material assets.” The package of documents also includes a note for writing off inventory items.

Letter about the need for equipment repair

With its help, management is informed about existing technical and technological problems that require the intervention of decision makers.

Vacation recall letter

It remains to add that any document is drawn up on a standard A4 sheet. If the text of the report is large and does not fit on one sheet, you must use another. Writing on the back is not recommended, although it is acceptable. If the number of sheets is more than one, all others are numbered. In addition, it is advisable to staple all the sheets so that they form a common document.

Electronic memos. It happens?

Number of companies switching to electronic document management, is constantly growing. Therefore, it is necessary to say a few words about electronic reports. They already exist, and the rules for their design are practically the same. Unless users specify the addressee and sender, since message sending programs do this automatically.

It is important to remember here that documents for internal business correspondence within the company itself must be somehow separated from the general flow of letters so that it is clear where personal and where work materials are. There are special programs that allow you to automatically send, register in the accounting log, send responses and resolutions. In this case, all electronic documents are marked electronic signature both the sender and the recipient - after decisions are made.

If there is no general system, then the appeal is written to corporate email, which is usually checked by the secretary. He is obliged to forward the letter to the final addressee. To make sure the letter is delivered, you need to set up receipt notifications when sending.

Shelf life

Any documentation directly related to the activities of an enterprise or commercial organization has a shelf life. In accordance with such departmental normative document, as a List of typical management archival documents, formed in the process of activities of government agencies, bodies local government and commercial organizations, indicating their storage periods (the document was approved by the administrative act of the Ministry of Culture of Russia - order No. 558 of 08/25/2010), it is necessary to ensure that forms in the C3 form are stored for at least five years in the archives of the organization or enterprise.

The storage period for individual internal memos may be extended, but only on the basis of a decision and a confirming order from the director of the enterprise. This is done if it is recognized that there is a need to store specific records for a longer period (for example, during a lengthy trial of a case in judicial authorities). There is a peculiarity in establishing the storage period for documents issued in electronic form. The period of ensuring their mandatory preservation is installed a separate local regulatory act of the company: the charter or the Regulations on the nomenclature of affairs.

Our lives do not stand still, and sometimes unforeseen emergency situations occur during our work activities. If at this point in time you are on a well-deserved vacation, then you should know that the employer has every right to recall you from vacation. This situation is called production necessity. Labor Code The RF 2017 enshrines this right in Article 722.

What does Article 722 say?

According to the article, the employer has the right to transfer his employees for a period of up to one month to work that is not specified in the agreement between them employment contracts. The consent of workers is also not necessary. Written consent is required if the employee is transferred to a job with lower qualifications than he has. Transfer in case of production necessity occurs in the following cases:

1. Disasters caused by natural or man-made causes.

2. Fires.

3. Earthquakes.

5. Epidemics.

In short, in all those situations that threaten the health and life of the population.

During these cases, all the efforts of workers will be aimed at eliminating the causes of negative influences. Workers will have to eliminate the causes of production downtime or replace other workers whose absence is caused by the above factors.

It should be noted that if the schedule is changed due to production needs, the employee’s consent is not required. Of course, if this change is associated with the occurrence of emergency situations.

What types of production needs can be distinguished?

Very often, employers pronounce the words “production necessity” in all cases in which they want to see a worker at work during periods of his vacation or after the end of working hours. However, legislation Russian Federation assigns the following grounds to this concept:

1. Disasters and emergencies of a civil and military nature.

2. Man-made and natural disasters.

3. Unforeseen production downtime (reasons may vary).

4. Replacement of an employee whose absence was due to an emergency.

5. Restoration of damaged property belonging to the organization.

In the case of replacing an absent employee, a transfer is possible not only for a period of up to one month, but also for the entire period of his absence.

In what cases can employers not call subordinates back from vacation?

It is impossible to force an employee to go to work according to the production necessity established (as amended in 2017) by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation if the performance of new duties is impossible due to the health of the subordinate. It is also impossible to involve workers in new work for more than one month within one calendar year. You can be called back from vacation more than once, but only if the month period during the period of these calls has not expired.

By the decision of the Russian Supreme Court No. 2 of March 17, 2004, it was established that an employee’s written refusal to take leave will not constitute a disciplinary offense, and management has no right to punish the employee for this.

Overtime work. What does the Labor Code say about it?

Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the employer can take the initiative to leave a worker at work beyond the duration of his working hours if it is necessary to finish work already started. Moreover, these should not just be working moments, but if, as a result of an unfinished work process, conditions may arise that lead to damage and destruction of production property, as well as conditions that can lead to the loss of human life or health.

As Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, with the consent of the employee in writing, the manager may leave him overtime if:

  1. It is necessary to carry out temporary renovation work organization equipment. Moreover, if its malfunctions lead to deprivation of working conditions large quantity workers.
  2. There is a need to replace a shift worker who does not show up for work, especially if breaks in work are unacceptable.
  3. Without consent, workers are involved in work for the following reasons:
  • to carry out work aimed at eliminating the causes of accidents, disasters and other consequences of emergency situations;
  • during the introduction of mobilization;
  • to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters caused by natural and man-made impacts.

Each worker may be involved in overtime work no more than four hours per day and 120 hours per year. The employer is obliged to follow these standards.

Who is prohibited from engaging in overtime work?

The legislation of the Russian Federation has secured such privileges for the following citizens:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Citizens of Russia who have not reached the age of majority (18 years old).

With written consent, disabled people and women with dependent children under three years of age can be involved, of course, if they do not have contraindications due to health reasons. Besides, specified persons may refuse to perform these duties at any time.

Procedure for recalling an employee from vacation

Recall from regular leave due to production needs is not an easy procedure. Sometimes the word “production necessity” alone is not enough in an order; inspection organizations may have questions about this.

Besides, one order will not do it. The most difficult thing will be to find a worker who is on vacation. Often people prefer to spend their holidays visiting relatives or parents living in other cities and populated areas, and some like to “soak up” in warm countries outside their country. At the same time, no one is obliged to notify their superiors about their plans; labor relations it's not fixed. But it is possible that these provisions will be enshrined by the employer in the internal acts of the organization. At the same time, these orders and instructions are advisory in nature for employees, and HR employees, for their information, can ask for information about the whereabouts of employees going on vacation.

Before calling a vacationer, a memo is written, and after informing the worker about his early return to work, workplace it is necessary to wait for his written consent to this. And after this, the manager has the right to issue an order indicating the reasons for the call. Types of production necessity without the employee’s consent are enshrined in Article 722.

What is a memo?

The note describes all aspects of the unexpected situation that occurred and indicates the reasons for calling the employee to work. The text of the note is formatted in any form. A sample could be like this:

In connection with the changes that have occurred in the well-established work of the workforce (excavator operator Vladimir Ivanovich Ivanov’s illness), I propose calling citizen Nikolai Anatolyevich Petrov from his next paid leave to prevent a stoppage production process for the period until the full recovery of citizen Ivanov V.I.

The note is drawn up by the head of the team or site where the vacationer works. He submits it to the immediate production manager for resolution. He, in turn, can refuse, agree, or make his own changes to the text of the note, for example, call another citizen back from vacation, if there is one.

Notifying a vacationer about a call

You can inform the employee about the difficulties that have arisen by calling him, but it is best to issue a call in an official letter, where you indicate in detail the reason for the production necessity enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There were no changes in this regard in 2017. To avoid further conflicts, the citizen should be explained his rights regarding refusal of the offer.

How to properly recall a worker from vacation?

In order to avoid future problems with labor inspection organizations, the order must reflect the following information:

  1. If the employee plans to return to work after the recall, then this date must be indicated; if he plans to take further rest, then indicate the duration of the recall.
  2. In case of unfinished vacation, the method of using the remaining days is indicated.
  3. Data on recalculation of vacation pay and wages.

Recall from vacation due to work processes

Sometimes an employee is needed to sign important documents or collect certain information. Such points are not enshrined in law. Therefore, these cases are negotiated between the employer and the worker on a contractual basis.

How to manage the remaining vacation days?

There are several ways to spend your remaining days:

  1. Postponement of vacation due to production needs. Use free days next year or spend them during this calendar year.
  2. Take statutory monetary compensation.

How is vacation pay recalculated when a worker returns to work?

These problems will fall on the accounting staff. After all, the calculation of vacation pay and the calculation of wages are carried out differently. This different ways accruals, reporting and tax accounting.

Sometimes, for a spoiled vacation, an employee is paid a one-time monetary incentive, which, although not much, warms his soul.

A few words in conclusion

You always want relationships in your work team and with your superiors to be at their best. Harmony and mutual understanding bring good contribution into the common cause. Nevertheless, it is necessary to use Russian legislation. The concept (both previously and with amendments in 2017) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “production necessity” will always help the manager to take advantage of this right to solve urgent work problems, and the subordinate to know his rights during a well-deserved rest.


This business correspondence tool is especially popular in companies where there are many departments at different levels and it is quite difficult to control everything. But even in small enterprises people are often interested in how to write a memo correctly; The sample of such a report may be different, depending on the purpose for which it is drawn up. The need to write a note arises if you need to get a reaction to any extraordinary events. In addition, the note may indicate rational proposals for improving the operation of the enterprise. When writing a note, you need to follow certain rules, which will be discussed below.

Reasons for compilation and purposes of notes

Any employee can write a memo. As a rule, there are always two parts. In the first, management is notified of any fact or incident, and in the second, requests, proposals, and any other requests from the employee to a superior colleague are contained.

It’s worth taking hold of the handle if:

  • violations were committed that caused any unforeseen actions or that could lead to them;
  • management intervention is necessary, for example, there are not enough material and technical resources to complete a project;
  • one of the employees did not show up for work or showed up under the influence of drugs/toxic/alcohol;
  • there was a proposal to reward certain employees for outstanding results or other achievements;
  • it is necessary to send someone on a business trip;
  • it is required to call the employee back from vacation or a legal day off;
  • any other situation on which a decision cannot be made without a leader.

The service report can serve as proof of the fact that the employee responded properly to the problem he discovered in the enterprise’s activities. Thus, in some cases, drawing up a report is not a right, but a responsibility of a particular specialist. It confirms the fact that the employee was not inactive, but took the necessary measures: he informed his superiors and promptly made decisions on the problem.

Types of service boxes

Classification is usually carried out according to the type of information contained in the report:

  • request for data and information that the employee does not have;
  • reporting violations committed by an employee in the performance of official duties;
  • message about sending on a business trip;
  • proposal for additional bonuses;
  • informing about problems encountered in the work process, etc.

Thus, there are a lot of types of reports, because they can contain any information related to work issues. The form of the memo (the sample shows how to design a header in accordance with GOST requirements) is not strictly regulated and may change.

How to write a memo (sample according to GOST)

Companies have the opportunity to enter and use many different forms of written communication about any incidents or issues of an organizational and financial nature that require the intervention of senior management. But there are no unified forms for official notes.

As for the service report, this is a type of report. As such, the memo form is also not approved, but it must comply with the requirements of GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for drawing up documents." That is, it must contain the following details:

  • name of the organization or structural unit, as well as an indication of the person to whom the appeal is sent;
  • document's name;
  • text - what exactly needs to be communicated to management;
  • date, signature and necessarily the position of the author of the memo.

We have determined the mandatory requirements, now let’s look at an example of how to write a memo.

Example 1

This type of arrangement of details in a document is called angular. But they can be placed on the sheet in other ways.

Example 2

The picture shows the longitudinal placement of details in the memo. And both options will be correct.

But even if it is customary for your company to draw up documents in a completely different way, do not worry, this will also be correct, since officials have not provided for a mandatory form.

Example 3

Example of writing a memo

Almost no one has any difficulty writing the header of a memo. It is necessary to clarify to whose address the document will be sent, his position and last name, initials (full first and middle names are possible). In addition, we must indicate the originator, and if a group of workers applies, then their positions and full names must be listed. It should be noted that a written appeal is not always addressed to the director; it can also be sent to a person whose job responsibilities include consideration of a specific issue.

The first phrase with which a memo usually opens is “I would like to bring to your attention...” is the most common option. This is convenient for the employee because he can immediately move on to the subject of his message, and for the manager it reduces the time spent studying the letter.

The text itself should be short, to the point, with a mandatory listing of specific dates, times, circumstances, and information. This will make it easier for superiors to take note, check and respond to the subordinate’s appeal.

The memo must be signed, dated, if there are attachments, their presence must be indicated and listed.

Samples of memos for different occasions

How to write a memo: sample confirmation of a business trip

The information in the memo may contain different things; employees have the right to inform management both about problems arising in the process of activity and about the achievements of specific specialists.

Sample memo regarding payment of bonus

The immediate supervisor may well petition a higher-ranking manager for an increase in bonus remuneration.

To the director
LLC "Domostroy"
Semin I.G.

from the head of the sales department of Domostroy LLC
Nastina I.A.

Service memo
05.04.2019 № 4
Saint Petersburg

On increasing bonuses

I would like to bring to your attention that the seller Kareva Inna Igorevna exceeded the sales plan in March 2019 by more than twice. In this regard, I ask you to increase her bonus payment.

Head of Sales Department Nastina I.A.

Sample report on absence from work

Often a notice is written in connection with violations of discipline.

About write-off of inventory items

If inventory items have reached the end of their service life, they have become unusable, they are written off and disposed of. You can read more about how inventory items are written off in the article “How to draw up a sample act of writing off material assets.” The package of documents may also include a write-off notice.

Sample service letter about the need for equipment repair

With the help of a report, management is informed about existing technical and technological problems that require the intervention of decision makers.

Sample: about a vacation review

It remains to add that any document must be drawn up on a standard A4 sheet. If the text of the report is large and does not fit on one sheet, you must use another. Writing on the back is not recommended, although it is acceptable. If the number of sheets is more than one, all others must be numbered. In addition, it is advisable to staple all the sheets so that they form a common document.

Electronic memos. It happens?

The number of companies that are switching to electronic document management is constantly growing. Therefore, we definitely need to say a few words about electronic memos. Of course, they can exist and already exist, and the rules for their design are practically the same. Unless users specify the addressee and sender of the memo, since message sending programs do this automatically.

It is important to remember here that documents for internal business correspondence within the company itself must be somehow separated from the general pile of letters so that it is clear where personal and where official materials are. There are already special programs that allow you to automatically send, register in the accounting log, send answers and resolutions to office notes. In this case, all electronic documents are affixed with an electronic signature of both the sender and the recipient after decisions are made.

If there is no general system, then an appeal or memo can be written to corporate email, which is usually checked by the secretary. He will be required to forward the letter to the final addressee. To ensure the delivery of a service note, you must set up receipt notifications when sending.

Retention period for memos

An official memo, like any documentation directly related to the activities of an enterprise or commercial organization, has its own shelf life. In accordance with such departmental regulatory document as the List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and commercial organizations, indicating their storage periods (the document was approved by the administrative act of the Ministry of Culture of Russia - order No. 558 of 08/25/2010) it is necessary ensure that forms in C3 form are stored for at least five years in the archives of the organization or enterprise.

The storage period for individual internal memos may be extended, but only on the basis of a decision and a confirming order from the director of the enterprise. This is done if it is recognized that there is a need to store specific official notes for a longer period (for example, during long-term proceedings in the courts). There is a peculiarity in establishing the storage period for official notes issued in electronic form. The period for ensuring their mandatory preservation can be established by a separate local regulatory act of the company: the charter or the Regulations on the nomenclature of affairs.

Many employees know about the internal documents of the organization only by hearsay - memos are confused with official documents and compiled incorrectly. This disrupts the main function of such documents - official communication within the team, which leads to the impossibility of coordinated work. That's why it becomes topical issue drafting a memo, its differences and similarities with other papers, writing specifications.


An official memo is a means of communication between officials and structural divisions. Sometimes defined as a document about the completion of some task/work, although it may have a different nature. The samples that will be discussed in this article precisely reflect the possible contents of the memo.

Officially, the classifier of management documents does not contain information about such paper as an internal memo. An example of how to write it is not provided, but this does not change the fact that such a document is widespread in the workplace for a number of reasons.

Reasons for using

A memo is known as a frequently used supporting document. She has the responsibility to ensure communication between the elements of the work system, that is, employees. Why is such a document so popular? Many work issues can and should be resolved without the intervention of management positions - this proves the independence and efficiency of departments autonomously and as a system as a whole.


The difference from the above-mentioned memo is that the latter implies an appeal to higher ranks, and a memo, an example of which will be discussed below, forms a connection at the horizontal level. This may be an appeal to the administrator of another department or the head of another division. In any of the cases, as long as the persons mentioned have equivalent positions, we can talk about a memo.

Due to production needs, I ask you

If the employer makes this transfer in order to replace a temporarily absent employee, the transfer can be made for the entire period until this employee returns to work.

Order due to production necessity: sample

About recalling an employee from vacation

Due to the need to urgently depart on a business trip to participate in a conference in Irkutsk (business trip duration - 10 days; from March 12 to March 22, 2017)

  1. Recall N.V. Oleinik, head of the marketing department, from annual paid leave.
    from March 12, 2017;
  2. Provide Oleinik N.V. the remainder of the annual leave (10 calendar days) at a time convenient for the employee during the current calendar year;
  3. Chief Accountant R.V. Petrova recalculate vacation pay and offset the overpayment against wages for March 2017;
  4. Head of the HR Department Volnina D.V. make the necessary changes to the vacation schedule No. 1 dated December 15, 2016 and the time sheet for March 2017;
  5. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the head of the personnel department, D.V. Volnina.

Reason: invitation to the XI International Conference “IT in Retail”, notice of withdrawal from annual paid leave with written consent from Oleynik N.V. from 03/07/2017

CEO Nazarov Nazarov D.V.

The following have been familiarized with the order:

10.03.2017 Oleinik Oleinik N.V.

10.03.2017 Petrova Petrova R.V.

10.03.2017 Volnina Volnina D.V.

Sample memo

This article answers the question of how to write a memo. And since the article is placed in the topic “samples of documents,” you can always count on receiving a sample.

Due to production needs, I ask you to recall you from vacation


Due to production needs and the impossibility of trouble-free operation (which can lead to more serious breakdowns and costs), when carrying out work at the “ ” sites, purchase spare parts for the following equipment:


I ask you to instruct the relevant services to write off the following materials at the site “” used for the work.


Please list wages for October 201

Due to production needs, I ask you to use a comma

Hello! You can write: “I ask you to ensure the quality of grain preservation in the warehouse in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation, also establishing a grain loss rate for 1 year.”

How to write a memo asking for renovations to be made in the office in order to move there from the old office?

Hello! Write: “In order to create optimal working conditions, I ask you to ensure that high-quality repairs are carried out in the new office before moving from the old building.”

Good afternoon Help me write an explanatory note about the company’s use of the Internet during non-working hours

Hello! Write: “Due to the large volume of work, I have repeatedly had to stay late at work after 18-00. At the same time, there was a need to use the Internet to communicate with clients.”

Hello. Tell me how to correctly write a memo for writing off special clothing.

Hello! You can write: “Due to the wear and tear of the workwear, I ask you to create a commission to take inventory and write off the workwear.”

Good afternoon There are flowers in my office that need to be replanted, but due to my busy schedule, I simply don’t have time for this.
In our building there is a manager for agricultural affairs (he is also responsible for watering and growing flowers throughout the building). Please tell me how to correctly write a memo so that he is instructed to replant flowers in my office + put some new flowers.

Thank you!

Hello! Write: “I ask you to give instructions to the AHR manager about transplanting and updating ornamental plants office 3-31."

Good afternoon! help me write a memo for lawyers to obtain a power of attorney for management to sign contracts

Hello! Not quite clear.

Due to production needs, I ask you to purchase

How to write a request for stationery at the department

Hello! Make a list of the necessary stationery and write at the beginning of the memo: “Due to production needs, I ask you to purchase the following stationery:.”

Please help me write a memo about taking photos of a working day. Thank you in advance

Hello! You can write: “In order to establish the objective employment of employees and to further standardize labor, I ask for permission to take photographs of the working day at the enterprise.”

Please help me write a letter for the merger of two warehouses.
between them you need to break the walled door.

The point of this is for the warehouses to work together (everything is common). You also need permission from the fire department. Thank you in advance

Hello! You can write: “In accordance with the order of the director of the enterprise dated... No...., I ask you to merge two warehouses into one, dismantling the bricked-up door between the warehouses.

Hello, how to write a memo for purchasing a projector?

Hello! Just write: “Due to production needs (carrying out presentations), I ask you to purchase a projector for the sales department.”

Hello. I want to write a memo to ensure that uniforms and badges are allocated for those staff and waiters and to deduct this from their salaries.

Hello! You can write: “In order to improve the culture of customer service, I ask you to purchase a uniform and badges for waiters.

Due to production needs, I ask you to travel

A note is one of the most common and popular ways of interaction between employees of an enterprise and its management. Sample memo We will give below and tell you how to write a memo correctly.

Why do you need to write a memo?

Service memo is a form of internal document flow that allows you to most effectively and efficiently resolve current production situations.

The purpose of the memo is to notify any official about an existing problem, making proposals to resolve it or coordinate planned actions.

An additional benefit of these types of documents is that they are direct evidence that the specialist has covered a problem within his area of ​​expertise. If a specialist cannot resolve a problem on his own and, in the form of a memo, submits it for resolution by other specialists, he thereby relieves himself of responsibility for untimely or poor-quality consideration of the issue.

Special memo forms not provided, they are compiled in any form and can be transmitted on paper or via electronic means of communication.

An example of drawing up a memo, its form, template

We figured out in what cases the business paper we are considering is submitted.

These include:

  1. Mandatory indication of the addressee of the memo.

Due to production needs, I ask you to provide

Hello. Please help me write a memo.

Hello! Indeed, to access mobile operators you need to connect long-distance communications. Write like that.

Hello, please help me write a memo regarding making a new pension deposit

Hello! Not enough information. Examples of similar ones can be seen in the comments.

Help me write a memo to the manager to create a management accounting department at the enterprise

Hello! Unfortunately, you do not write anything about the nature of the activities of your enterprise. Different businesses may have different motivations for creating such a structure. For example, you can write: “In order to regulate, coordinate and control the activities of the enterprise’s departments and personnel, as well as to draw up strategic and tactical plans, I propose to create a management accounting department at the enterprise.”

Hello, I would like to write to my superiors about the following shortcomings of the guarded base (full lighting, fencing the area, installing video cameras). And also ask for the following (household items such as a kettle, stove, magazines) how to write it correctly. I'm a security officer myself

Hello! Write: “In order to improve the security and protection of the base and the surrounding area, I propose to provide full lighting, install fencing and video cameras in the protected area.

Let's take it in order.

Calling an employee back from vacation due to production needs

A specific list of cases in which an employee can be called back from annual leave ahead of time, as well as the reasons why this can be done, is not defined by law. Any production necessity can be cited as such a reason, that is, the employer urgently requires the presence of an employee at the workplace at a certain time.

A certain list of situations in which, in case of production necessity, the employer has the right to call an employee back from vacation ahead of time, can be recorded in local regulations, for example, in labor regulations.

Employers need to remember: you cannot simply call an employee back from vacation and deprive him of his rest.

Recall of an employee from vacation is possible only with his consent, no matter for what reason, including for production reasons (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You can review an employee's leave of absence in the following order:

  • justify the reason for recall from vacation. To do this, the person who initiated the call of the employee from vacation, for example, a manager, can draw up a memo;
  • the employee must agree to come to work. It is better if the consent is in writing;
  • the employer issues an order to call him back from vacation - the order must be signed by the employee.

The unified form of such an order on the operational necessity of recall from leave has not been approved, so the order should be drawn up in free form. Then you should record changes in the vacation schedule and note the fact that the employee was called back from vacation in his personal card.

Due to operational necessity (Labor Code, Article 125), certain categories of employees cannot be deprived of leave.

Due to production needs, I ask you to recall

The manager must sign all contracts anyway. Sample text of a memo for a power of attorney: “We ask you to issue a power of attorney for (position, full name) to sign contracts.”

Hello. Tell me how to write a memo correctly.

The program has been updated, but it is not supported, the computer cannot run it. We need a service one to replace it with a more powerful one.

Hello! Just write: “In connection with the installation new program I ask you to replace the computers in the technical department with more powerful ones.”

Help me write s/z

The workshop did not close the report within the framework of metrological supervision. A similar situation occurred in 2016. Please eliminate the discrepancies and submit the report on time...

Hello, help me write a service letter addressed to the manager about replacing the walkie-talkie in the hotel, since they don’t work here!!

Hello! Write: “I ask you to replace the radio in the supply department due to the failure of the old radio.”

Help me write a memo about replacing the gas lift of an office chair with a new one. Thank you!

Hello! You can write: “I ask you to repair the office chair lift (gas lift) or purchase a new chair.”

Hello! I'am a teacher primary classes at a private school. I would like to write a memo asking for a psychologist. I have two students in my class who have dysgraphia and dyslexia. Parents are aware and are not against it. A psychologist in order to confirm my suspicions about the students and this situation.

Hello! What does “provided” mean? Call a specialist to the school? Perhaps the children should simply be referred for counseling. First, see a speech therapist. Then, perhaps, to a neuropsychiatrist, but not to a psychologist.

Due to production needs, I ask you to allow

It might be worth stating whose fault is behind the non-payment of funds.

About the breakdown

When writing a note about a breakdown, you need to name the broken equipment and indicate what type of breakdown occurred and why the equipment failed.

On failure to provide or transfer documents

First of all, here you need to indicate the name of the document, as well as the time frame within which the document must be transferred.

Thus, by observing all these nuances, you can competently draw up a memo that will help in resolving any important issue.

Importance of the document

To appreciate the importance of memos, it is worth understanding that this type of document will help to avoid many major misunderstandings between departments, downtime.

In order to accounting, as well as taxation, the memo plays an important role, since it financial questions, which require special attention and adherence to the slightest nuances.

Memos are also effective form of refusal in anything. This document implies a complete absence of negative tone. Criticism is possible, but it should not be directed at one person or department.

Thus, a memo is a universal means of solving many problems. A correctly drawn up document will ensure the effective and fruitful work of the organization.

An example of working with service notes in electronic system document flow is presented in the following video:

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How to write a memo: sample, example of text writing, form?

How to write a memo (sample)? Representatives of different fields of activity periodically have to face this question.

This type of document is closely related to acquisition notes and is similar in specification: for example, the head of a department with the above problem writes a similar note to the department that works with damaged property (as in the example about the computer: the appeal went to the information department).

Below is a sample of such a memo.

To the head of the control and audit department of Troyanda LLC, D. D. Sukhorukov.

I would like to inform you that at present the electronic computer owned by the information technology department is outdated and is not capable of performing calculations with a capacity sufficient for the full functionality of this department.

In connection with the above reason, I ask you to write off the above property as obsolete and notify the procurement department of the need to replenish the material and technical base.

Head of the information and technical department _signature_ Chashchenko V.T.

Dividing memos by type

All of the above examples can be divided into two types:

  • memo to the employee, director;
  • memo to any department.

The dilemma the first point causes has already been mentioned in this article.

Despite the fact that there is plenty of information on how to write a memo to the director, as well as examples and writing samples, essentially this is not entirely correct. This principle can only operate in corporate organizations where all departments are equal and there is no main boss.

Then writing notes between departments automatically becomes an official function, not a report. In all other cases, it is strongly recommended that when writing notes about recalling an employee from vacation, about his bonuses, dismissal, promotion, use the title of the document “Memorandum”.

Other writing requirements remain the same.

All other samples are classified as memos to departments - about write-offs, about acquisitions, etc.

Advance report - purchase of materials

An accountable person purchasing materials for cash must provide the accounting department with advance report the following documents:

The organization (IP) from which the materials were purchased is a VAT payer - the following documents must be attached to the advance report for the purchase of materials:

· Invoice for materials shipment

· Invoice for the delivery note of the established form, issued to an organization or individual entrepreneur

The organization (IP) from which the materials were purchased is not a VAT payer - exemption under Article 145 of the Tax Code - the following documents must be attached to the advance report for the purchase of materials:

· KKM check for payment for materials

· Sales receipt or invoice for materials shipment

· KKM receipt, which reflects all information about the product.

Important. The new KKM checks do not contain all the required details that should be in any primary document, the signature of the cashier is missing. There is a common belief that the cashier's signature must be added to such checks, but this is not justified.

1. A phrase beginning with the preposition “ in connection with", is isolated if it is of an adjunctive nature (if there is an intonation pause before these words). If there is no pause before these words, then a comma is not placed.

Mikhail did not want to appeal, but in connection with the above, he changed his decision.

Therefore, in connection with the above, the plan needs to be adjusted.

Note. If a sentence begins with this phrase, then, as a rule, it is not isolated.

In connection with the above, I request you to provide access to the database.

2. Not always, but in many cases you can be guided by the following rule. If the turnover is with " in connection with” can be removed from a sentence while maintaining the logical structure of the text, then it is adjunctive and stands alone. If this is not possible, then no commas are used.

We needed additional cars and fuel. In connection with the above, I ask you to increase the budget.

In this example, if you remove the phrase, the text will be inconsistent and inharmonious. Therefore, here the turnover is not connecting and is not isolated.

And in the example below it can be removed, and it is connecting.

We needed additional cars and fuel. Therefore, in connection with the above, I ask you to increase the budget.

The memo is drawn up by the employee in the name of his immediate supervisor or in the name of the head of another department. It allows you in a short time:

  • notify the manager about the current problem;
  • make proposals to eliminate it or agree on an action plan with another employee;
  • induce a manager to make a decision or issue an order.

It is also proof that the specialist who discovered a problem in the work process did not let the situation take its course, but notified his management about it so that they could make a prompt decision. That is, he was not idle.

Types of notes

Let's look at the main types of service letters:

  • about requesting information;
  • about violations committed by an employee while performing his job duties;
  • on employee bonuses.

In addition, a memo (a sample is presented below) can accompany the transfer of a package of documents between divisions, divisions, departments within the organization (for third-party organizations it is necessary to prepare cover letters). It can also be sent to employees with a requirement to explain the reason for their absence from work.

The memo may contain any questions regarding work issues.

Compilation rules

The main rule that must be followed when drafting is brevity. The document should clearly state the essence of the problem, as well as ways to solve it. As a rule, the text should not take more than 6-7 lines. There is no unified form for paper; arbitrary forms are used.

Example of a memo

Despite this, when writing, you should take into account provisions that require the following details:

  • the paper must contain a header. It indicates to whom the document is addressed (position and full name of the employee in the dative case);
  • then the name of the document is indicated;
  • the date of its compilation and number are entered;
  • a description of the current situation due to which the note is drawn up: “I bring to your attention...”, then the text must contain a specific request;
  • Below is the position and full name. compiler, signature with transcript.

The document drawn up should be registered with the secretary of the enterprise as incoming correspondence. After this, you can be sure that the director will receive the memo and review it personally.

How to submit electronically

Many enterprises have adopted electronic document management. Therefore, the memo, an example of which was written above, can be issued electronically. In this case, it is sent to the enterprise’s corporate email. The secretary is responsible for further sorting and forwarding of letters to recipients.

This transfer method saves paper and employee time. In this case, the document is drawn up in the same way as on paper. It is advisable that it bears the electronic signature of the sender. To make sure that the sent document has been read by the manager, you should request a “read receipt” when sending postal item" by checking the box on the submission form.

Sample document

Often, when solving work issues, it becomes necessary to transfer important information to the manager. Sometimes circumstances require that an explanation of the situation and a warning against mistakes be presented in writing.

In this case, it is necessary not only to correctly present the facts, but also to correctly draw up the document. Compiling it often causes difficulties, especially in the absence of experience. But this is not difficult to do if you have examples before your eyes. That is why we have prepared samples, after reviewing which you will be able to correctly draw up the document.

An official memorandum on bonuses is the basis for issuing an order to reward an employee. It is drawn up by the employee’s immediate supervisor addressed to the director of the organization. The document indicates the merits of the worker, the request for incentives, the data of the employee and the compiler. After review and acceptance positive decision the director issues an order on bonuses.

Sample memo on how to ask the director for a bonus for an employee

If during work circumstances arose due to which the employee could not fully perform his labor function, explanatory is used. It indicates the reasons.

Sample explanatory note

A memo is used if an employee needs to contact the manager with a request for allocation Money for work needs. In this case, the document sets out the facts of the production need to purchase materials.

How to write a memo correctly, sample

Shelf life

According to the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, internal memos must be stored in the archives of the enterprise for at least five years. If necessary, the director of the organization has the right to extend the storage period. The storage period for documents issued electronically may be determined by the company's charter.