Beans on duty. How to eat legumes and how to cook them

Why can't you eat eggs and cheese at the same meal? When is it better to eat fruits, and how do cottage cheese and jam fit together? Natalya Davydova, a nutritionist at the Horizon Medical Center, tells how some useful substances can interfere with the process of assimilation of others eaten together.

Natalia Davydova
nutritionist of the medical center "Horizont"

Protein foods should not be eaten with cereals, pasta and potatoes (complex carbohydrates)

Proteins eaten simultaneously with potatoes, cereals, pasta, as well as with any dough, “stop” all processes in the stomach. The thing is that proteins and starches contradict each other. For the normal breakdown of complex carbohydrates (pasta, cereals, potatoes), a slightly alkaline environment is required. Acid is needed to digest proteins.

If protein foods (meat, fish) along with carbohydrate-containing foods (potatoes, pasta) enter the stomach at the same time, digestion begins to slip. This causes proteins to putrefy in the intestines at the same time as carbohydrates ferment. Enzymes - amylase and pepsin (responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins) - counteract each other. As a result, the body does not receive enough protein or carbohydrates.

Incorrectly eaten food is “stored” and converted into adipose tissue. There is heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness, fatigue and weakness. Such food poisons the blood, provokes gastritis, constipation, ulcers, and in the saddest outcome - stomach cancer (of course, slowly and imperceptibly). The pancreas in this case is forced to work hundreds of times more intensively, which over the years leads to wear and tear and, as a result, pancreatitis.

Meat and fish are best consumed with herbs and vegetables.

That's why meat and fish lovers should know that protein pairs well with vegetables. During the assimilation and decomposition of meat in the intestines, a dangerous substance (a special iron molecule) is formed, which has carcinogenic properties.

You can neutralize its harmful effects with the help of chlorophyll. This substance is found in abundance in all leafy vegetables: salads, spinach, sorrel, parsley, cilantro, dill, basil. It is also found in avocados and white cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, green peppers and cucumbers, and celery.

You can not combine nuts and meat, eggs and meat, cheese and nuts, cheese and eggs in one meal. Two proteins of different kind and composition require their own digestive juices. Moreover, the concentration and time of release of these juices in the stomach differ.

Meat is incompatible with nuts due to high energy value. After such a dish, there is heaviness and heartburn from the abundant release of acid. It is also better not to eat scrambled eggs with grated cheese. These are incompatible products. It is advisable to eat the egg separately or with herbs (green salad). Rule one: one protein per meal. If you want variety, eat them at different times.

Pulses are combined with both potatoes and vegetables

Lentils, beans, beans, soybeans, peas can be consumed with other foods with almost no restrictions. The peculiarity of the compatibility of legumes is explained by the dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially those that are easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream. As a source of vegetable protein, legumes are good with greens and starchy vegetables.

Mushrooms should not be eaten with potatoes

Mushrooms go well with many foods: herbs, cereals, bread, nuts, legumes, cheese and seafood. They are compatible with vegetables. However, it is difficult for them to “get along” with potatoes: potatoes contain too much starch.

Complex carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, potatoes) - self-catering

You should not “combine” cereals with meat - cereals contain phytic compounds that impair the absorption of iron from meat. An excellent addition to porridge or baked potatoes is vegetables. They are suitable in any form: fresh, stewed, baked, pickled (salted).

Cereals are tasty and healthy with seafood, seaweed, mushrooms, herbs. If you like sweet porridge, then you can add some dried fruits.

Pasta lovers should avoid meat sauces, but the use of sauces based on vegetables and herbs will suit your stomach.

Fruit should be eaten separately.

Fruits do not go well with other foods (such as cereals). The thing is that they contain simple sugars that are quickly digested. This means that fruits should not remain in the stomach for long. That is why it is advisable to eat fruit not before or after a meal, but as a meal.

Foods high in fat, protein and starch will take longer to digest. If you eat fruits after a hearty meal, then fruit sugar will wait for its turn, that is, stagnate and ferment in the stomach.

Alcoholic drinks with meat and sweets are not friendly

It is undesirable to drink alcohol along with meat dishes (especially fried ones). As a result of their combination, pepsin is precipitated, which is needed for the digestion of animal proteins. Fatty and fried foods exacerbate and prolong the effect of alcohols, while doubling the load on the liver and gallbladder.

With a combination of alcohol and sweets (cake or chocolate), the cake will win in the fight for digestion. After all, glucose is more important for the body, and alcohol will be postponed for later. As a result, the body will have time to "poison" toxic substances.

Milk is an independent product

Milk does not combine well with other products, due to the presence of protein and fat in its composition. The only exception is sour fruits.

In the acidic environment of the stomach, milk coagulates and envelops particles of other food, while isolating them from the action of gastric juice. It turns out that until the milk is split, other food will not get access to digestion. Of the dairy products, the most harmless are fermented milk products, since the foreign milk protein has already been “decomposed” by lactic acid bacteria.

Dairy products are best consumed before bed. This contributes to the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the quality of sleep.

Cottage cheese does not go well with jam

Do not add sugar, jam, syrup to cottage cheese. If you want both taste and benefit, sweeten the cottage cheese with raisins, dried apricots or honey. You can also add seeds.

Jam, as a rule, contains a lot of sugar. If you eat cottage cheese with jam, the sweetness will be digested first, and only then the cottage cheese. While the latter is waiting for its turn to be digested, you may feel discomfort in the stomach.

"Food of the gods": the beneficial properties of legumes

The choice of legumes is huge. Even peanuts, which are usually classified as nuts, are actually legumes. In addition, everyone's favorite chocolate and cocoa are made from cocoa beans. Cheaper and more popular types of legumes are lentils, beans and peas.

Legumes are commonly used in soups, soups, and salads. Besides, legumes used to make side dishes.

It has been established that beans contain fibers that help lower cholesterol levels, and molybdenum, thanks to which there is another irreplaceable property in beans - they neutralize preservatives that are now found in almost any product produced under industrial conditions.

Thanks to pectins and fiber, beans remove salts of heavy metals, which is vital for those who live in areas with high radioactive background. For therapeutic purposes, legume seeds can also be used. They have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

"Food of the gods"

The armies of Ancient Rome captured half the world, eating mainly lentils and barley. Beans were the main food of the ancient warriors and to some extent helped to maintain the Spartan formula - muscles, endurance, beauty.

Legumes are one of the most ancient cultures, the so-called "food of the gods", which, along with nectar, was presented as a gift to the gods in ancient Rome and Greece. Mentions of various bean stews are found in the Old Testament. In general, the attitude towards legumes in ancient world was very respectful. I think it's a no-brainer.

We learned about legumes only in the 11th century. First of all, we admired curly flowers - we decorated dresses and hairstyles, and then we appreciated all the food qualities of the product. And already at the beginning of the 18th century, legumes gained popularity. Well, at least because it's profitable. Good for staying full long time. The high protein content saturates for a long time, and even after 3-4 hours a person still feels full.

Benefits of Legumes

Legumes have a low glycemic index, due to which they practically do not change blood sugar levels, because legume starch is very slowly absorbed into the blood. So, legumes are an effective tool in the prevention of obesity.

But valuable amino acids (tyrosine, lysine, methionine), on the contrary, are very easily absorbed in the body (subject to careful heat treatment or sprouting. Protein makes up 1/4 of all the substances that make up the beans and. In addition, it is an indispensable product for vegetarians.

At diabetes it is also a very valuable product, since the amino acid arginine is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. And an aqueous extract from bean pods reduces blood sugar by 30-40% for up to 10 hours. With a tendency to edema, a decoction of pods is very helpful, as well as simple bean soups - they have an excellent diuretic effect.

How to use beans?

Ideally, when legume dishes make up about 8-10% of the diet. It is recommended to use in a separate dish 2-3 times a week or as a minimal addition to other grains daily (in a ratio of 1:4). With caution, legumes should be used in the diet of the elderly and not abused in their quantity (200 grams per day and no more).

Legumes go well with vegetable oil, sour cream, green vegetables. It is not recommended to combine them with bread, potatoes, meat and nuts.

Legumes also have one minus, because of which many are wary of this product - they can lead to increased gas formation and bloating. However, fears are in vain if the product is prepared skillfully.

Rules for cooking beans

1. Legumes should be pre-soaked for 10-12 hours before cooking. The water in which the beans have been soaked should not be used for cooking.

2. During the cooking process, you can not add cold water (you can hot).

3. If you want to add an acidic product, such as tomatoes, add it at the end.

4. It is better to salt legumes at the end of cooking.

5. Do not use soda (in order to speed up cooking) - because it destroys almost all vitamins.

6. It is advisable to add parsley, dill or cilantro to ready-made dishes, which will reduce gas formation.

7. It is necessary to combine it with products correctly - only with herbs, vegetables, cereals, and, well, okay, with mushrooms.

8. You can not overeat.

In which diseases legumes should be used with caution:

In the presence of frequent exacerbations of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis (because they increase acidity); - with peptic ulcer;

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About the benefits of legumes

Lentils, beans and peas, soybeans and beans, chickpeas and other legumes are commonly considered "heavy" foods that take a long time to digest and cause congestion in the gastrointestinal tract. Let's try to figure out whether legumes are useful and who should not use them.

Variety of legumes

The choice of legumes is huge. Even peanuts, which are usually classified as nuts, are actually legumes. In addition, everyone's favorite chocolate and cocoa are made from cocoa beans. Cheaper and more popular types of legumes are lentils, beans and peas.

Legumes are commonly used in soups, soups, and salads. In addition, legumes are used to make side dishes. In Chinese cuisine, peanuts are very popular, and it serves as a side dish there - either for pork or chicken.

It is customary and convenient for everyone to use green peas and corn in salads. Many types of beans are indispensable for the diet, they can be seen on the table of any family. Green green beans very useful, it does not even require long heat treatment.

Russian cuisine most appreciates and uses peas for cooking. In addition to cereals and soups, very tasty and healthy jelly was cooked on the basis of peas.

Caucasian cuisine has an abundance of bean dishes; in their diversity, they are not inferior to the Mexican menu. In Georgian, beans are called lobio, lobio is prepared both spicy and spicy, and as cold appetizer. And Ukrainians are very fond of bean pies. No wedding or funeral is complete without these delicious bean patties.

Oil is also produced from legumes. Soybean oil is ideal for frying, it is used for making salads, for a variety of pastries. Soybean oil, like any other vegetable oil, is a useful and valuable product.

The calorie content of many cereals and legumes is approximately the same. But there is much more protein in these products, and they are valuable precisely for these reasons. Legumes are necessarily included in the diet of vegetarians, just because they contain a lot of vegetable protein. For example, peas, beans and lentils are almost a quarter protein, and soy is a third.

If you do not adhere to the principles of vegetarianism, it is recommended to use legumes as a side dish with animal protein. Vegetable and animal protein mutually improve the body's absorption of both.

According to nutritionists, legumes should make up 8-10% of the diet.

Legumes are consumed at almost any stage of their ripening. Very much appreciated for its palatability"milky ripeness" of many cultures.

To whom legumes are contraindicated

Despite the benefits of legumes, not everyone can use them. The protein contained in this product is difficult to digest and digest. In order for it to be well absorbed, long-term heat treatment is necessary. You can soak the product in cool water before cooking.

Legumes are contraindicated in diseases of the intestines and stomach, in diseases of the biliary tract in the acute phase. After the treatment of these diseases, the use of legumes is also limited.

Flatulence secured? Fresh legumes are eaten only in the stage of "milky ripeness", that is, not yet ripe. Dry or mature beans require heat treatment for cooking. Otherwise, you are provided with bouts of flatulence.

Legumes are best consumed either as a side dish or as another addition to a dish. For example, stewed chicken with beans, salad with canned corn. In these cases, the risk of flatulence will be minimized. In addition, you need to drink plenty of water so that there is no unpleasant effect.

Another way to make legumes easier to digest is to soak them in water for a few hours just before cooking. This procedure is safe from the point of view of the preservation of nutrients (vitamins and minerals), but it will allow you to wash out excess starch and reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.

Rules for cooking beans

During the cooking process, do not add cold water (you can use hot water), if you want to add an acidic product (for example, tomatoes), add them at the end, it is also better to add salt at the end of cooking.

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The benefits and harms of legumes

Beans, beans, peas. These oilseeds contain a lot of vegetable protein and vegetable fiber. However, some prefer to avoid this product, because for many, the benefits and harms of legumes are close concepts.

In order for the digestive system to work normally, the body simply needs plant fiber. This explains the main benefits of legumes - the intestinal microflora is maintained, inflammation is prevented and, according to some scientists, cancerous tumors. But still, do not overestimate these products.

The main harm of legumes is that the vegetable protein they contain is difficult to digest. They are not in vain classified as heavy. Legumes also contribute to gas formation and the formation of stones not only in the kidneys, but also in the gallbladder. Legumes can be especially harmful to people suffering from ulcers and dysbacteriosis.

The benefits of legumes can manifest themselves only with limited consumption. Yes, they contain many vitamins, micro and macro elements, and other useful substances. Yes, Russian cuisine is especially fond of legumes, but you need to be very careful about them - do not eat every day and use them as an addition to the main dish.

The benefits and harms of legumes excite many minds. Someone unequivocally tends to one opinion, someone adheres to another. But it is better to stay in the "golden mean" - do not abuse legumes, but also do not forget about the need for vegetable proteins and fiber for the body.

Category: LegumesDate: 01/07/2013 No comments

We are familiar with certain types of legumes. These are the peas we use in soups and side dishes; beans used for salads and second courses; and lentil porridge has long been known and loved by housewives. In addition, many today grow soybeans.

The benefits and harms of beans are in a high concentration of protein, which regulates the functioning of the heart, stimulates the growth of the child, and is responsible for our hormonal levels. It is he who improves performance and is responsible for memory functions. Such benefits of beans are indispensable if there is no meat in the diet or there is a shortage of it.


Useful properties of beans

Beans are an indispensable source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. Beans are an excellent source of minerals, namely molybdenum, which is an essential component of the enzyme responsible for neutralizing harmful preservatives commonly added to prepared foods, as well as stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Due to the high content of fiber and pectins, which contribute to the excretion of heavy metal salts, including radioactive isotopes, from the intestines, they should be widely eaten by people living in areas contaminated with radionuclides. However, beans are bad for gout.

Rich in potassium and folic acid, beans can be considered a health food. They protect our body from infections and purify the blood. Beans contain a large amount of B vitamins, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Legumes have a beneficial effect on our digestion, as they contain a lot of fiber and dietary fiber. This is exactly what is sorely lacking in the diet of modern man. The beans contain, in sufficient quantities, manganese, thanks to which our hair becomes strong and beautiful.

Nutritionists say that after two to three weeks of daily consumption of 100-150 g of beans, there is a noticeable decrease in blood cholesterol. The Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences determines the minimum intake of legumes necessary for maintaining health at 15-20 kg per person per year. Another beneficial property of beans is that they supply our body with protein without being accompanied by fat, which is always present, even in lean meats. This makes them simply indispensable in dietary and vegetarian nutrition.

Legumes can be safely considered as food products of therapeutic effect. The effectiveness of their use as a prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver has been proven. Ideally, legumes should make up at least 8-10% of our diet.

AT folk medicine pureed beans or a decoction of them is used as an astringent for diarrhea. Chopped beans boiled with milk are applied to abscesses to speed up their healing.

Frequent consumption of beans can stop the growth of cancerous tumors.

A decoction of the flowers is used as a cosmetic product for washing and rubbing the face.

Dangerous properties of beans

Beans can be harmful when they are poorly processed or improperly cooked. During cooking, they must be fried or boiled, otherwise substances that are neutralized during heat treatment, can destroy the lining of the digestive system and cause serious harm to the stomach. Also, due to improper processing, you can get poisoning, which is accompanied by migraine, yellowing of the skin, nausea.

Limit the use of beans should be people who are sick with nephritis, pancreatitis, gout, as well as those who have stomach problems.

Beans - the benefits and beneficial properties of beans

author: Marina Kurochkinadata: 22.02.2013

Beans - seeds of a plant Bean is an ordinary bean from the legume family, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas are often called beans, all these plants are also from the legume family, but each species has a number of its own characteristics and certain useful properties.

Humanity has known for thousands of years the benefits of lentils, soybeans, peas, beans, these valuable crops have always been present in the diet of both ordinary people and the ruling elite. Beans differ from other leguminous crops in their shape and color, they are green seeds flattened on both sides, with a slight nutty flavor, which have many useful properties.

What are the benefits of beans

Beans, like other legumes, are rich in valuable amino acids and are a source of vegetable protein. Most of the amino acids found in beans are essential, not synthesized in the human body and are easily absorbed in the digestive tract.

In addition to protein, beans contain vitamins: groups B, C, PP, carotenoids, mineral salts of potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, molybdenum. Also, beans contain fiber, which helps to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins, as well as salts of heavy metals and radionuclides.

Remarkably, the calorie content of beans is quite low: 57 calories per 100 g of product, while the benefits that they bring to the body are enormous. Getting into digestive tract, beans envelop the walls of the stomach and are there until the carbohydrates are completely converted into glucose, which allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. Many girls who dream of losing weight or controlling their weight choose dishes with beans because it allows you to easily, quickly and effectively reduce weight without feeling hungry. In addition, the body receives a large dose of the necessary protein and vitamins, and is saturated with minerals.

Despite the abundance of useful properties, beans also have significant drawbacks, the most important “minus” is their high gas-forming ability. That is, even with a completely healthy digestive tract, after taking the beans, bloating and flatulence will be observed. This property of beans is endowed with oligosaccharides contained in in large numbers, and poorly digested in the stomach. Carminative foods that can be used with beans (dill, fennel, mint) will help to somewhat reduce these properties of beans.

What else are beans good for health? This product has a choleretic property, perfectly removes cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Boiled beans, crushed in puree, are used as a nourishing and anti-inflammatory face mask. A gruel from beans boiled in milk perfectly “pulls out” boils and abscesses.

To get all the benefits of beans for the body, you need to cook them correctly. Usually the beans are boiled, in some countries the beans are fried, causing the outer shell to crack, revealing the contents that taste like nuts. In order for the beans to cook faster, they are pre-soaked in cold water(in hot, they can turn sour in 4-5 hours, which are allotted for soaking).

Beans are boiled without salt, for 1.5-2 hours, the amount of water should be three times more than the volume of beans. Nothing else is added to the pot during the cooking process, sauces, vinegar and other products containing acid will slow down the boiling of the beans. You should also not add soda, which will spoil the taste of the beans and cause the destruction of vitamin B1.

Important! Undercooked and raw beans should not be eaten, they contain toxins that can cause severe poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of beans:

cereals Random cooking tip:

61. About 70% of vitamins are destroyed if vegetables are boiled in salt water. Therefore, it is better to salt them before the end of cooking.

Read the article: Useful properties of beans.

Today, such a product as beans is very much in demand by man. For the most part, this is so, thanks to the beneficial properties of this culture. It's about useful properties beans, we will be happy to tell you ...

Beans are a valuable source of easily digestible proteins, as well as other useful trace elements. They do not contain cholesterol. Such a product is great for people who suffer from heart disease, diabetes, anemia, hypertension. Those who consume stewed beans are instantly satiated, they have additional strength, the work of the intestines is much more active.

Beans, along with other legumes, contain valuable amino acids and are a rich source of vegetable protein. Most of the amino acids found in beans are indispensable, not synthesized in the human body and are quite easily absorbed by the digestive tract.

Due to the huge protein content, which can easily be compared with meat, beans are very popular among vegetarians.

Along with protein, beans contain vitamins B, C, PP, as well as elements such as mineral salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, molybdenum, iron, and carotenoids. Plus, the beans contain fiber, which helps cleanse our body of toxins, harmful toxins, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

Beans of various colors are also used to lower cholesterol. For some, beans are an excellent remedy for constipation.

No less often beans are used in folk medicine. For example, a decoction of bean seeds is used for diarrhea and to treat coughs. Often beans are used as a diuretic. With various inflammations of the skin, bean seeds, which were boiled in milk, are applied to them. Decoctions of green beans help with diseases such as dropsy, hemorrhoids, nocturnal enuresis, and often with thrombophlebitis. Some healers claim that certain varieties of legumes can inhibit the growth of malignant tumors.

Hello friends!

Winter in Moscow began exactly with the advent of 2016, and for three weeks now it has been frosty and snowy - in best traditions my childhood. In such weather, you want warm, but at the same time light and nutritious food, after which you won’t pull on the sofa or social networks. And if in the summer I am almost on a raw food diet, then in winter my choice is vegetable stews, whole grains and legumes.

Speaking of beans. According to Ayurveda and the 6 Taste Theory, most legumes have an astringent taste that balances Kapha. This is important for people whose constitutions are dominated by Kapha, as well as for everyone else in the second half of winter and early spring - that is, during the Kapha season. And mung dal beans (mash) in the homeland of Ayurveda are called "golden beans", as they have a beneficial effect on all three doshas. Mung dal is part of the main cleansing dish of Ayurveda - kitchari. I wrote about how to cook kitchari and why this dish is so useful.

At the same time, in our country, I see everywhere how people are wary of legumes. This is because, in fact, few people know how to cook legumes in order to neutralize their unpleasant and irritating properties in the intestines. But first, let's figure out why there is such a problem with legumes at all.

What's wrong with beans?

The problem with legumes is the phytic acid they contain. This acid is not digested or absorbed by the body. Moreover, it blocks the intestinal absorption of magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc, and interferes with the absorption of fats and proteins by blocking digestive enzymes in the stomach. This reduces the nutritional value of the food and can lead to a deficiency in essential minerals.

The World Health Organization (WHO) lists phytic acid as the #1 cause of anemia (iron deficiency). This acid is also one of the causes of food allergies and sensitivities to certain foods.

There are four ways to improve the absorption of legumes and remove the unpleasant consequences of their use:

1. Soak Everything Except Lentils

Phytic acid is destroyed by phytase, an enzyme also found in cereals, legumes, and nuts. It is activated by soaking, sprouting, or pickling, so soaking legumes is a must.

How to soak?

The process itself is very simple. All you need is warm filtered water and a natural oxidizing agent (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice). It is best to soak beans in the evening.

Proportions: 1 tablespoon of natural oxidizing agent for every glass of water. Pour enough warm filtered water to completely cover the beans. Try to avoid plastic utensils.

Fill the beans with water, cover the bowl with cling film or a lid. Put in a warm place. On average, it takes 12-18 hours to activate the phytase enzyme. Rinse beans well after soaking.

And one more thing: be careful with the recommendations on the packages. My package of beans (mung dal from Mistral) says no soaking is required. At the same time, the recommended cooking time is 1.5-2 hours. Let me tell you right now that this is not the best option cooking beans. Prolonged cooking destroys useful trace elements, and the taste of overcooked legumes is a so-so pleasure.

It turns out much tastier and healthier if the beans are pre-soaked for several hours, and preferably overnight. This applies to all legumes except red and yellow lentils.

2. Legumes + blender =

Crushed beans are easier to digest, so the creamy consistency is preferable for children and people with poor digestion. And the taste is richer and richer, and the texture is velvety. Puree the beans in a blender or food processor. By the way, chickpea puree is the basis of hummus, which is very popular with vegans today as a hearty snack.

3. Spare no spices!

When cooking legumes, add cumin, coriander seeds, turmeric, black pepper, paprika, dill, asafoetida, cayenne, or ginger. These spices help stoke the digestive fire and help legumes be better digested. Remember that turmeric and black pepper work especially well in tandem.

4. Match it right

Legumes should never be combined with meat, bread, cereals, sour cream, nuts and cheese. Any of these combinations turns legumes into heavy food, after which you only want to sleep. Add more greens to all bean meals and wait 3-4 hours before eating anything else. Read more about the rules of food combinations.

The most favorable way of eating is a balanced, frequent and fractional meal. If we consider how food is digested according to the speed of digestion, then vegetable and fruit juices, broths, vegetables - cucumbers, lettuce, greens, as well as fruits and berries, sour-milk products are most and completely absorbed. Grains, grains, and legumes digest much more slowly—one to two hours—and nuts, seeds, and eggs take even longer. Fish, seafood, poultry and meat are considered the longest in terms of digestion speed - from two to five hours.

digestible protein

Dishes from meat, offal or poultry are considered the most useful for the body, because they contain the building element necessary for the body - protein. Dishes from these products are best cooked boiled or steamed, then the products will lose a small amount of trace elements and allow the body to easily and without much harm absorb everything you need.

Eggs are also useful for the body - quail, chicken, duck and others. They contain a lot of potassium, vitamin D. In order not to lose all these useful substances during cooking, it is best to boil hard-boiled eggs - this way they will be better absorbed. But you shouldn’t drink them raw - the risk is very high, and the antitryptase substance in a raw egg will only slow down the digestion process.

Egg yolks contain a large amount of valuable amino acids needed by the human body.

Fermented milk products are well absorbed by the body - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurts, cheeses, which contain a lot of protein, calcium, as well as microorganisms necessary for the gastrointestinal tract.

The most valuable products in terms of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and protein are fish and seafood. It is preferable to choose sea fish, it contains the iodine necessary for the body. And it is best to cook dishes from such products also steamed or boiled.

Fish protein is devoid of "heavy" fats, and nutritionally comparable to meat.

Combination of cereals and vegetables

From cereals for the benefit and good digestibility, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal can be distinguished. Buckwheat contains a lot of iron, but in simple form it is not fully digested. To get the maximum benefit from this cereal, you need to combine it with vegetables - white cabbage, sauerkraut, broccoli or sea ​​kale. This will provide the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is better to choose unpolished rice, there is too much peeled rice, which slows down its digestibility. And oatmeal is considered the queen among cereals. It can be boiled in milk or water, pour boiling water or kefir overnight.

The main thing to remember is that it is not enough to choose natural, unrefined products, you need to learn how to cook them correctly. If you choose poultry meat and fry it in a large amount of oil until golden brown, you are unlikely to get much benefit from eating such a dish. This is a big load on the stomach, gallbladder, liver and other internal organs.

As you know, legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, mung beans, lentils, peanuts, soybeans) are the most valuable source of vegetable protein (including essential amino acids), many vitamins and trace elements, as well as fiber, which is extremely important for our immunity.

However, many people are still afraid to eat legumes because they are difficult to digest. Europeans, to whom we also belong, are not accustomed to legumes in their diet, so our gastrointestinal tract often reacts to legumes with irritation, the symptoms of which are indigestion, heaviness, bloating and increased gas formation. But it is quite possible to cope with this and introduce legumes into your diet and get from them all the benefits that nature has in them, and calmly enjoy their wonderful taste. As a person who naturally has a sensitive digestion, I confirm this to you: legumes can be eaten with pleasure and feel very good after that! But before I tell you the secrets of cooking legumes, let's talk about why, in fact, we have such a reaction to them.

What's the problem, Bob?

Legumes keep well, as they are dry and do not like insects and rodents. What helps plants survive makes life difficult for you and me when we try to eat them. The fact is that legumes contain antinutrients : growth inhibitors and saponins. Saponins give soapy lather when washing and boiling beans, they protect plants from insects, but at the same time they do not allow proteins to be absorbed in our digestive tract. This causes stagnation of contents in the intestines and gas formation, as well as the accumulation of toxins.

In addition, legumes contain phytic acid , or phytate, is an organic compound in legumes and some grains that has a powerful binding effect on minerals. They irritate the human gastrointestinal tract and can cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating and gas. Phytates block digestive enzymes and form indigestible complexes with minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. As a result, we cannot absorb these minerals.

The oligosaccharide fibers found in legumes like chickpeas and beans are very hard, we don't have the right enzyme to break it down (alpha-galactic oxidase).

Legume protein is incomplete - it must be supplemented with grains, herbs and seeds. You can read more about increasing the digestibility of protein from legumes and grains in the article.

The value of legumes

However, legumes, when cooked properly, have their own benefits. First of all, they have a lot vegetable protein , which is not as acidifying on the body as meat protein. As a result, our diet becomes less heavy. For vegans, as well as people in whose religion it is forbidden to eat meat, legumes help more than replenish the daily protein requirement. The rest of the people are advised to supplement their diet with legume protein at least two to three times a week.

Photo from an open source

In legumes rich vitamin and mineral composition : a lot of B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, PP, pantothenic and folic acid), A, C, E, K, as well as a lot of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and copper.

Another important advantage of legumes is the high content fiber. The champion in it is lentils. One cup of lentils contains about 17 g of fiber, which is half daily allowance(for comparison, a serving of buckwheat - 5.4 g, quinoa - 5.6 g, oatmeal 12 g, 200-gram apple 3.6 g, avocado 13.4, broccoli 8 g). Fiber is essential for proper metabolism, as it binds glucose, thereby lowering the glycemic index of foods and preventing a spike in blood sugar. It is vital for our microflora, as it is food for the millions of bacteria that inhabit our intestines. Bacteria, in turn, produce the vitamins we need (for example, B12) and participate in the formation of immune cells. In addition, fiber is a kind of brush for our intestines, binding heavy metals and toxins and sweeping them out of the body, which is very important for preventing poisoning, for the prevention of cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Meanwhile, do not forget that legumes are primarily carbohydrate foods, which means they have a lot of starch, and it can cause a jump in blood sugar, so diabetics and pre-diabetics are still not recommended to make legumes the basis of their diet, it is better to use legumes in limited quantities (half a glass a day).

Another plus is that beans are several times cheaper than meat, especially organic (and only it, in fact, is worth eating), or other sources of protein such as wild fish and seafood. For many people, the economic factor is far from the last.

Simple Tricks

Photo source: Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

If we look at the culture of eating legumes in different countries, we will see that all traditions use fermentation (tofu, tempeh, bread sourdough, etc.) and soak legumes. Lactobacilli break down phytic acid, water washes out saponins and activates the legume enzyme phytase, which neutralizes phytates, as the grains wake up and begin to grow.

If you are currently eating very little legumes, then here are some tips on how to accustom yourself to them with the least discomfort:

  1. It's not worth the haste! Start eating legumes once or twice a week, literally half a cup (100 g), gradually increasing the serving to three, four, and then once a week. Focus on the middle of the day, when digestion is most active (from about 12:00 to 14:00 hours). When your digestive system gets used to legumes, you can easily eat them even for dinner. For example, I love vegan dinners, which consist of julienned vegetables and chickpea or lentil hummus, which I use as a dipping sauce. It turns out quite light (compared to meat dishes), hearty, tasty and very quick dinner.
  2. Soaking is everything. The minimum is 8 hours, and preferably 48 hours, that is, for 1-3 days. Red and yellow lentils do not require soaking. Mung dal (mung beans) also boils well, although the package says that it needs to be boiled for 1.5 - 2 hours, in fact it takes me 40 minutes to cook. However, if your digestive tract is not accustomed to beans, soak the mung beans as well - in any case, this will improve its absorption and reduce the cooking time.

How to soak properly: in a large bowl in a large amount of warm (40-60 degrees) drinking or clean filtered water for at least 8 hours (for example, at night), and preferably for a couple of days. Warm water will speed up the process and help the hard oligosaccharides break down more quickly. It is also useful to add a little apple cider vinegar to the water or lemon juice- soft water also helps to get rid of harmful substances from legumes. The proportion is about 1 tbsp. l. acids for every 250 ml. It is better to use glass, porcelain or iron utensils, but not plastic. If we soak for a long time (2-3 days), then rinse and change the water every 7-8 hours. Before cooking, drain the water, rinse the grains thoroughly under running water.

  1. Start easy. Of all legumes, lentils are the most easily digested (chickpeas are the most difficult). Among its many varieties, at first it is worth choosing chipped red or yellow. They cook quickly and, as a rule, you can do without soaking. After that, you can switch to crushed mung beans (mung dal), beans, peas and chickpeas. For dishes with lentils and other legumes, choose easy-to-digest dishes: vegetarian soups with a small amount of ingredients, kitchari (a mixture of rice and lentils), and hummus. The best thing for bean unaccustomed tummies is bean puree. Arm yourself with a blender and cook this one or the classic one.
  2. Chew! Any thoroughly chewed food is digested much easier, the same applies to legumes.
  3. Use spices to improve absorption: ginger (dry and fresh), turmeric, black and red (cayenne) pepper, turmeric, paprika, coriander, fennel, cumin, asafoetida.
  4. Add lemon juice in ready meal- acid will also help absorption.
  5. The simpler the bean dish, the better.. You should not eat legumes and meat, fish, or milk at the same time - these foods are already difficult to digest in themselves, and legumes will only exacerbate the matter. The same applies to the combination of legumes with fruits, since fruits are best eaten separately from other foods. Instead, cook legumes with vegetables and grains. It will be great to combine the use of legumes with fermented foods: for example, with sauerkraut (just choose natural sauerkraut- without vinegar and sugar, otherwise it will not be of any use).
  6. Prepare bean dishes for a long time and on a quiet fire. The longer they languish, the better. You can do this in a saucepan or deep saucepan on the stove, in the oven or slow cooker.

I am sure that these tricks will help you change your mind about legumes and love them, because they really are delicious! I have a lot of recipes for dishes with legumes on my blog, you can take note of them for inspiration:

Salads and appetizers: