Blackcurrant and diabetes: how to use the berry? The benefits and harms of black and red currants in diabetes Blackcurrant and diabetes.

In order to replenish the reserves of nutrients, people try to eat as many berries and fruits as possible during the season, as well as make preparations for the winter period. Many people know that the leader in the content of vitamin C is currant. But not everything is so simple with diabetics. The disease imposes a number of gastronomic restrictions on them, because. diabetes is associated with a violation of the absorption of glucose, and many berries are sweet in taste. Let's see if currants and some other berries are acceptable for diabetes.

What berries can be eaten with diabetes?

Knowing which berries you can eat with diabetes is very important for the patient. Summer time is a time to improve health, increase immunity, and just treat yourself, but there is a danger of harm by raising blood sugar levels. To avoid this, you need to have an idea about the chemical composition of each species and its effect on carbohydrate metabolism:

  • raspberries for diabetes are tasty, sweet, fragrant, juicy and at the same time have a low glycemic index (30 units), low calorie content (52 kcal / 100g). It is rich in vitamins A, C, PP, E, polyunsaturated fatty, malic, citric, folic, salicylic acids, essential oils, zinc, copper, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, pectins, tannins, glucose, fructose, etc. Thus, raspberries are useful in diabetes and for the prevention of its development, but with the only caveat - do not abuse the amount, with type 1 diabetes - no more than 100g one-time, so as not to cause a jump in sugar;
  • gooseberry in diabetes mellitus - the value of this berry in the presence of chromium in it in the amount necessary for normal functioning organism. It is this element that stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas. In order for the berry to give away its beneficial substances as much as possible, it must be combined with honey and butter;
  • cranberry in diabetes mellitus - among the people, the berry is famous for its healing properties, it is used to treat coughs, kidney stones, headaches, colds, liver, pancreas. The latter gives her the right to deservedly be used in diabetes. It lowers blood glucose and saturates the body with many vitamins, flavonoids, pectins and other substances necessary for a full existence. Moreover, in dried form, its properties are not lost, which allows you to include it in your diet. all year round;
  • apricot for diabetes - it is famous for its high content of iron, potassium, beta-carotene and is very useful for the heart, vascular system, and digestion. But for diabetics, its use should be strictly limited due to the large amount of sugar. After eating apricots, you need to adjust other foods in the direction of decreasing the glycemic index. Dried apricot is more suitable for diabetics - dried apricots;
  • cherry in diabetes - not limited to this pathology. It contains valuable ellagic acid, which prevents the development of cancer cells, anthocyanidins, which reduce uric acid, and anthocyanins, which improve insulin production.

The main question remains, is it possible to eat currants with type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Blackcurrant for diabetes

There are about 200 varieties of currants in the world, but the most common and favorite is black currant. Pharmacological properties of black currant are its bactericidal, diaphoretic, diuretic, fixing, antioxidant, immunity-strengthening action. And in diabetes, it is also valuable because its consumption does not lead to a rapid jump in blood glucose. With their healing properties it owes vitamins A, K, P, E, group B, phytoncides, pectins, tannins, organic acids, trace elements and other useful elements. Using it, a person receives a real vitamin-mineral complex, improves his metabolism, which suffers from the disease.

Red currant for diabetes

Many people look down on this berry as a second-class relative of the black one, and in vain. In terms of the content of coumarins, which prevent the formation of blood clots, it surpasses its eminent rival and is on a par with figs and pomegranates. It contains a lot of pectins, the role of which is to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, it is the leader in the amount of iodine among fruit and artisanal plants. Red currant weakens the stomach, it is good to use it for constipation, improves metabolism, and has a choleretic effect. Redcurrant in diabetes is a very desirable product.

White currant for diabetes

White currant is similar in chemical composition to red currant, therefore it is also useful for diabetes. It cleanses the blood of cholesterol, it has an excess of potassium and iron, therefore it is effective in the fight against atherosclerosis, hypertension. It makes the body more resistant to infections and bacteria, improves the motility of the digestive organs, and strengthens memory. It is also harvested for the winter: dried, frozen, and it also produces a fragrant bright red jelly, which in winter will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Currant leaves for diabetes

In this fruit crop medicinal properties possess all its parts, including leaves. They are very fragrant, this property is demanded even in cooking - during salting, housewives put them in pickles, add them to teas and drinks. Currant leaves are also used for diabetes. They are brewed both fresh and dried and drink infusions, teas, and fresh young leaves are used as an ingredient in dietary sugar-burning salads. They contain a lot of essential oils, ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides, which gives them a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect.

Black currant is very useful berry, since its composition contains a large number of vitamins of all groups, as well as substances such as pectin, phosphoric acid. Given that the glucose content in this product is negligible, it can also be consumed by diabetics.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

For many years I have been studying the problem of DIABETES. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

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Benefits and harms in diabetes

The use of blackcurrant in type 2 diabetes is permitted, in type 1 it should be eaten with great care. In addition to the fact that the berries of the plant themselves are useful, its other parts - leaves, buds - have healing properties. On their basis, decoctions, infusions, jams are made. It is important to note that blackcurrant is an antioxidant, that is, it accelerates metabolic processes in the body, contributing to the rapid removal of toxins.

Also, in addition to vitamins and pectin, it contains many trace elements that are essential for patients with diabetes.

Fructose deserves special attention, which contributes to the normalization of glycemia. Due to its unique composition, this plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the vascular wall. Regular consumption of currants improves immunity.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of these berries. These include liver disease, severe forms of thrombophlebitis. Given the high content of vitamin C, patients who have gastritis, peptic ulcers of the digestive system, gastroesophageal reflux disease in combination with diabetes mellitus are recommended to moderate the use of this product.

Among the contraindications should also be noted:

be careful

According to the World Health Organization, 2 million people die every year from diabetes and its complications. In the absence of qualified body support, diabetes leads to various complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development of cancerous tumors. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies while struggling with a painful disease, or turns into a real invalid.

What should people with diabetes do? The Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded make a remedy completely curing diabetes.

Currently, the Federal program "Healthy Nation" is underway, within the framework of which this drug is issued to every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS FOR FREE. For detailed information, see official website MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

  • allergic reactions;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system.

It is important to control the portion size. It is based on the glycemic index, so you can eat up to 150 grams at a time. Much greater benefit from this product when combined with other berries, especially if you make compote or some kind of dessert from them.

Forms of use

Usually, from the leaves, buds or fruits of black currant, patients with type 2 diabetes are recommended to make medicinal decoctions or infusions. But it is important to consider the norms for the use of products for such patients. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the patient must drink approximately 100 milliliters of the therapeutic substance 6 times a day.

There are many different recipes dosage forms. For the manufacture of infusion, fresh leaves are collected, which should be carefully crushed.

  1. After that, they are poured with about one glass of boiling water.
  2. Sometimes you can take dry leaves, but the effectiveness of such an infusion is somewhat lower.
  3. To prepare an infusion from dry raw materials, one tablespoon of leaves is taken, then they are poured with water and infused for about 30 minutes, after which the infusion can be taken.
  4. It is best to drink it in the morning, 200-250 milliliters, on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.

There are many recipes that use the combination of blackcurrants with plants such as blueberries, rose hips, or redcurrants. For example, you can make an infusion containing all these ingredients in approximately equal proportions. Chopped blackcurrant leaves are also added to them. Dry matter should be poured with one glass of boiling water, after which the product should be infused for about 30 minutes. Necessary condition the preparation of the infusion is that it must be covered with a lid, otherwise all the useful substances will simply evaporate.

Our readers write

Theme: Defeated diabetes

From: Lyudmila S ( [email protected])

To: Administration

At 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a few weeks I gained almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, vision began to sit down. When I turned 66 years old, I was already steadily injecting myself with insulin, everything was very bad ...

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Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article helped me completely get rid of diabetes, a supposedly incurable disease. For the last 2 years, I started to move more, in spring and summer I go to the country every day, my husband and I lead an active lifestyle, we travel a lot. Everyone is surprised how I manage to do everything, where so much strength and energy come from, everyone will not believe that I am 66 years old.

Who wants to live a long, energetic life and forget about this terrible disease forever, take 5 minutes and read this article.

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Rosehip infusion with currant berries is of particular benefit. To make it, everything must be done in sequence.

  1. Take about two tablespoons of dried or, better, ripe currants, and the same amount of rose hips.
  2. They need to be thoroughly mixed, then pour a large amount of boiling water - about two liters.
  3. This remedy should be infused for a long time, at least half a day.
  4. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the dishes in which the infusion will take place must be closed. A thermos is ideal for this purpose.
Defeated diabetes at home. It's been a month since I forgot about sugar spikes and taking insulin. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant fainting, emergency calls ... How many times I went to endocrinologists, but they say only one thing - "Take insulin." And now the 5th week has gone, as the blood sugar level is normal, not a single injection of insulin, and all thanks to this article. Anyone with diabetes should read this! Read full article >>>

There is a large number healthy recipes with blackcurrant for diabetics. These tools are methods traditional medicine. It is important to understand that before you start taking them, you should get the approval of your doctor.

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Currant is a sweet and sour berry with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Currant fruits are black, red and white.

What is the value of the product

1) Redcurrant includes a large amount of riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acid.

This berry is inferior to its black "sister" in the content of ascorbic acid, but at the same time it contains a greater number of antioxidants, carotene and pectin - it is thanks to this that red fruits are able to cleanse the body of toxins, cholesterol and other harmful substances.

Phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium and other trace elements are present in red currant.

Useful properties of fruits:

  • stimulate the body's immune function;
  • have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system (potassium - improves the function of the heart muscle; iron - is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, coumarins - prevent heart attack, stroke, pectins - prevent the development of atherosclerosis).
  • Restore vision (beta-carotene, present in red currants, helps to collect light on the retina, increases its sensitivity).
  • They improve intestinal motility, are used to combat constipation, gastritis, berries are indispensable for patients with low stomach acidity.
  • They regulate the hormonal background (due to the high content of iodine, they normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland).

2) The white berry is similar in composition and nature of the effect on the body with its red "relative".

100 g of red currant contains only 43 kcal, the berries are not high (24), so they can be safely included in the diets of obese people and patients with diabetes (daily rate - 100-120 g).

3) Black currant berries contain vitamins of groups C, E, P, K, tannins, essential oils, phosphoric acid, iron and potassium salts. 20 blackcurrant berries are able to satisfy the daily need of the human body for ascorbic acid.

Valuable properties of fruits:

  • demonstrate antimicrobial, antibacterial effect;
  • contain antioxidants that prevent premature aging of the body;
  • remove radioactive substances, toxins, slags;
  • improve the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulate immunity;
  • used in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, bronchi;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • regulate blood glucose levels;
  • used as a diuretic;
  • positively affect the condition of hair, nails, skin.

Rules of use

Black currant berries are low-calorie (44 Kcal per 100 g of fruit), are low (25), they can be present in moderate amounts in the diet of diabetics (daily rate - 100-120 g).

Due to its pleasant taste, currants are widely used in home cooking - they add it to pastries, make desserts, cook compotes, jam, jelly based on fragrant berries.

Currant leaf tea will also be useful for diabetics (it has a cleansing, diaphoretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect): 2 tbsp. fresh raw materials crushed in a blender are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. The healing drink is drunk 1 time per day on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals).

Precautionary measures

It is better to refuse the use of currants:

  • patients with peptic ulcer or increased acidity of the stomach;
  • people prone to thrombosis;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

In diabetes, metabolism is disturbed, insulin is poorly secreted or cells do not respond to this hormone, so blood sugar levels remain high.

Diet is an integral part of complex therapy.

Products with a low glycemic index and useful trace elements are selected. Currants for diabetes are recommended by doctors, but no more than 40 berries are consumed per day.


Blackcurrant contains:

  • a complex of vitamins;
  • potassium, phosphorus;
  • pectin;
  • phytoncides;
  • iron.

20 berries contain the daily norm of ascorbic acid.


  • the components that make up the composition improve vision, prevent the development of diseases of the circulatory system, symptoms of diabetes;
  • berries and petals are used for kidneys, lungs;
  • currant helps to treat atherosclerosis, remove excess cholesterol from the body;
  • fruits contain vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the immune system, they are distinguished by strong antioxidant characteristics.

Juice helps to treat sore throat, inhibits inflammation, cleanses the skin from infection. Used in small quantities for coughs, brewed with berries. Vitamins and useful microelements facilitate well-being in the heat and when. Their useful features currant preserves during the processing of berries in the process of home preservation.

Decoctions help with anemia, poor blood clotting, gastritis, ulcers on the gastrointestinal mucosa. When people develop a skin rash, a decoction based on the leaves of the plant is added to a hot bath. Such tinctures help remove acids from the body, control bleeding.

Red and black currants are recommended for diabetics due to their vitamins and other useful components. Berries improve the protective functions of the body, allow you to get rid of various diseases. Due to the high amount of pectin and fructose, currants can be used by diabetics in any conditions.

Dried, fresh or frozen fruits are allowed. Petals, buds and fruits are used to create decoctions that tone the body, eliminate inflammation, and provide the body with the right amount of vitamins for the day. Components stimulate sweating, have a diuretic effect.

Diabetics are strictly forbidden to abuse any products, so there are daily norms that cannot be exceeded. You can use no more than 20 berries per day for problems with the endocrine system.

Pregnant women need to make a diet so as to supply the body with all the necessary substances. Products should be healthy, doctors advise other plant foods that contain a lot of fiber. Currant helps protect against respiratory diseases that constantly occur in pregnant women due to a weakening of the protective function internal organs.

Berries help:

  • decrease ;
  • do not allow anemia to appear due to lack of iron;
  • improve digestion.

The situation changes when during pregnancy it is possible to determine that glucose has decreased. The diet is completely changed, products that affect the growth of sugar are eliminated. Girls with gestational diabetes do not need to give up such berries. It is imperative to monitor the reaction upon penetration into the body, because the product contains. When the currant causes an increase in the amount of sugar, it will need to be discarded.

When compiling a low-carbohydrate menu, diabetics are recommended recipes that do not provoke sharp jumps in blood sugar. If it is possible to improve the performance at, the patient's well-being will not be aggravated.

Many need to control diseases when observed. The main component of the diet - fats, proteins, sugar should be minimized. The total glycemic index of each dish does not exceed 50 units.

You will have to give up different berries and fruits. There are few carbohydrates in the currant, so it is not prohibited. The use of such substances must be controlled, since fructose affects well-being.

Patients do not always have time to respond correctly to the increase. It takes longer to display than normal people. As a result, health deteriorates.


Several healthy recipes help diversify the diet of diabetics.

Sweets for diabetics are prohibited, but there is always the opportunity to use a sweetener.


  • fructose;
  • black currant;
  • water.

Tails and petals are removed from the berries. All components are added to, put on fire. The syrup will be ready when the fructose has dissolved. After boiling, the mixture is cooked for 7-8 minutes. Jam is packaged in jars, closed.



  • currant petals;
  • young branches;
  • water.


  1. petals and branches are immersed in water;
  2. boil for 15 minutes after boiling;
  3. you need to wait until the broth cools down;
  4. liquid is filtered.


  • boiling water;
  • simple large-leaf tea brewing;
  • currant leaves or dried twigs.


  • ingredients are poured with boiling water;
  • insist half an hour;
  • liquid is filtered.

The drink is consumed 5 times a day, regardless of the diet.

Berry juice


  • currant berries;
  • boiling water.

Berries must be crushed in a blender or in a mortar, pour boiling water, leave for several hours. You can use red or white currants. They also differ in useful properties and taste. To make the drink seem sweeter, you can use a sweetener.

Dried berry tincture

The same amount of currant berries is placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water, infused until the morning. Used 3 times in 1 day.


Small petals are cut, mixed with cheese, treated with olive oil, salted. The dish can be consumed every day without fear.

Diabetes is a complex disease. Elevated blood sugar negatively affects almost all human organs, leading to the emergence of new diseases. In this situation, the question of the right way of life and, in particular, proper nutrition.

The benefits of vegetables, fruits and berries for the human body have long been known. But patients with diabetes should be very selective in their use of the gifts of nature so as not to provoke an increase in blood glucose levels.

Is blackcurrant indicated for type 2 diabetes? The exhaustive answer lies in the composition of these berries. After all, not all vitamins and minerals will be useful in this disease.


Currant contains a rich set of substances:

  1. vitamins;
  2. trace elements;
  3. fiber, pectin.

First of all, black currants are famous for their high content of vitamin C. This vitamin is contained in berries twice as much as in kiwi fruits and four times more than in oranges.

Ascorbic acid is an effective antioxidant. It prevents the appearance of free radicals in the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancer.

The proper functioning of the human immune system also depends on a sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body. In addition, ascorbic acid normalizes the redox processes of the body. This is very important in diabetes, when everything in the body is slowed down.

Blackcurrant also contains other vitamins:

  • carotene - provitamin A;
  • vitamin B;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin P;
  • vitamin A.

Retinol is primarily responsible for eye health. Vision problems are very common with diabetes. and retinal detachment are indispensable companions of diabetes mellitus.

Vitamin A effectively protects and maintains the health of our eyes.

B vitamins

This is a large group of vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12. The elements of this group are primarily involved in the normalization of metabolic processes and the function of converting glucose into energy.

In diabetes, metabolic processes do not work well and an increased content of vitamin B1 in the diet of a diabetic will undoubtedly have the most beneficial effect on his body.

Vitamins B6, B12 activate the function of metabolism, regulate the work nervous system, participate in the synthesis of antibodies, strengthening the immune system. Cell division, which means the regeneration of organs and tissues, is provided by the participation of vitamin B9.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol. This fat-soluble vitamin plays an important role in reproductive function. Its constant deficiency leads to oncological diseases and muscular dystrophy. In the body, it protects cell membranes from the effects of negative factors, maintains cell health.

Vitamin P

The presence of vitamin P in the body cleanses and restores the elasticity of the walls of small blood vessels.

This vitamin prevents the occurrence of many - stroke, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis and many others.

Vitamin P is especially active in combination with ascorbic acid. therefore black currant in type 2 and type 1 diabetes effective remedy to restore capillary elasticity.

For proper metabolism, a person needs various trace elements. Currant fruits have an extensive set of these important components. This is especially important in diabetes, when metabolic disorders occur first.

Blackcurrant contains trace elements:
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • silver;
  • sulfur.

Potassium ensures that the body maintains the correct water and acid-base balance. Potassium is also responsible for muscle contraction. If you experience cramps or muscle pain after exercise for a long time does not stop, then you do not have enough potassium in your body. The heart is a large muscle and its proper functioning depends on a sufficient amount of potassium in the human body.

Sufficient phosphorus content ensures healthy strong bones and strong teeth. It plays an important role in metabolic processes. For example, calcium in the body can only be absorbed in the presence of phosphorus.

The production of hemoglobin, which means providing enough oxygen to all organs and tissues, depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of iron in the body. It is what makes our blood red.

Magnesium is actively involved in muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium oxide and salts are actively used in such areas of medicine as neurology, cardiology and gastroenterology.

Silver is bacteriostatic. This metal actively inhibits the growth and reproduction of staphylococci, Escherichia coli and many other pathogenic bacteria. Due to the content of silver, currant actively helps our immune system during periods colds and epidemics.

Sulfur is involved in photosynthesis and in redox reactions in obtaining energy for cells. In diabetes mellitus, these processes are disturbed, and the presence of sulfur contributes to their restoration.

Fiber and pectin help cleanse the intestines from fecal deposits and improve peristalsis.

The intestines clogged with feces are the cause of constant constipation and poisoning of the whole organism with decay products. Such an intestine is one of the likely causes of diabetes.

The use of currants contributes to the normalization of peristalsis and creates conditions for the healthy functioning of the pancreas.

Application methods

Traditionally, berries are eaten raw, and also stored for future use, making all kinds of jams, compotes and jams from them.

You can simply freeze, in which case all its properties are also preserved. In the case of heat treatment, many beneficial features currants are lost.

In the case of preservation, it must be borne in mind that when heated to more than 60 degrees, vitamins are destroyed. As a result, you will get a sweet, fragrant, reminiscent of the past summer, jam, but far from being as useful as we would like. Only trace elements, fiber and pectin will remain there.

To maintain health, you can use not only berries, but also leaves of currant leaves for diabetes. Blackcurrant leaf tea is very useful. 8-10 fresh leaves or one tablespoon of dried leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. It is recommended to drink half a glass of this decoction up to six times a day.

Currant juice effectively treats a sore throat. It should be drunk when coughing, mixed with a little honey.

A decoction of berries is used to treat anemia and bleeding gums.

Blackcurrant leaves are used in canning. In pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut fresh leaves are added. Marinades from this become not only tastier and more aromatic, but also healthier.


With all the usefulness of currant fruits, there is a possibility of exacerbation of diseases. Keep in mind that vitamin C is ascorbic acid. And, like any acid, it corrodes the mucous.

If you have problems with gastrointestinal tract- duodenitis, ulcer, gastritis, then the use of blackcurrant in large quantities can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

With a constant overdose, even a violation of blood clotting may occur. Such a disease can lead to death as a result of even a small wound or elemental bleeding from the nose.

Diseases such as pancreatitis, thrombophlebitis, inflammatory diseases in the liver are a contraindication for the use of ascorbic acid. Often these diseases are concomitant with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, patients with diabetes need to use currants with caution.

Berries can and should be eaten. Its benefits are enormous. You just need to know the measure. Twenty berries are enough to replenish daily allowance vitamin C.

Nature has given us a huge variety of plants containing a wide variety of vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances.

Blackcurrant is a prime example of just one of these plants. If you want to be healthy and active, live a long and happy life, eat a varied diet. This is especially true for patients with diabetes.

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Plants have everything that is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. And, if vegetables and fruits prevail on your table, the body will receive all the necessary components for proper metabolism. This is a miracle drug that can defeat even such a terrible disease as diabetes.