Accounting report of Sberbank for the year. Analysis of financial results and profitability of PJSC Sberbank of Russia

Analysis of the financial condition of Sberbank PJSC

Let's look at the balance sheet of Sberbank PJSC for 2015, 2014 and 2013 and draw conclusions.

Table 1

Balance sheet of Sberbank PJSC

Indicator name


Funds in a Russian bank

Net loans outstanding

Total assets

Bank of Russia funds

Bank funds

Client funds

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Other obligations

Provisions for other losses

Sources of own funds

Total liabilities

Based on the balance sheet indicators of Sberbank PJSC, we will compare 2015, 2014 and 2013, and calculate the indicators as a percentage. Table 2 calculates the balance sheet indicators as percentages.

table 2

Balance sheet of Sberbank PJSC, %

Indicator name


Funds in a Russian bank

Funds in credit institutions

Net investments in securities for sale

Net investments in securities held for redemption

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Net loans outstanding

Fixed assets, inventories

Total assets

Bank of Russia funds

Bank funds

Client funds

Debt issued

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Other obligations

Provisions for other losses

Sources of own funds

Total liabilities

We will also draw up the structure of the bank’s assets and liabilities as of 01/01/2016.

Assets for 2015 increased by 4.4% and amounted to 22,707 billion rubles. Their growth was mainly due to an increase in the customer loan portfolio. For all three periods under review, the largest share in the balance sheet asset is net loans and amounts to 74.3%, 73.1% and 73.6%, respectively, for 2015, 2014 and 2013. Net loan debt of clients for the year, in comparison with 2014, increased by 6.2% and reached a value of about 16,870 billion rubles.

financial asset liability capital Sberbank

Figure 1 - Structure of bank assets as of 01/01/2016

Figure 2 - Structure of the bank's liabilities as of 01/01/2016

Also, the growth of assets was influenced by an increase in net investments in securities for sale, which occurred mainly due to the acquisition of securities in the portfolio for sale, the effect of currency revaluation; over the year they increased by 32.7%, they amounted to 1,744 billion rubles in 2013. those. 10.8% of all assets; in 2014 they increased by 1 billion rubles. and amounted to 1745 billion rubles, in 2015 there is a sharp increase to 2316 billion rubles. 10.2% of all assets for 2015. For 2013 volume Money amounted to 717 billion rubles. and during 2014, they increased by 73.1% and amounted to 1,241 billion rubles, then they decreased to 733 billion rubles, mainly due to a decrease in demand for cash due to a decrease in the volatility of the ruble exchange rate.

The minimum indicator in the balance sheet assets is funds in credit institutions for 2015; they amounted to only 1.57% of all assets and 356 billion rubles, as in 2014.

In liabilities, the largest share is made up of customer funds. The influx of customer funds also allowed the Bank to repay ahead of schedule a number of expensive foreign currency borrowings. In 2014, customer funds amounted to 14,027 billion rubles (78.05% of all liabilities), and in 2015, 17,722 billion rubles (64.5% of all liabilities), which is 26.3% more than in 2014, in 2013 In 2018, customer funds equaled 68.4% of all liabilities and amounted to RUB 11,128 billion.

Despite the persistence of geopolitical tensions in 2015 and the remaining closed external markets, the Bank significantly reduced its dependence on government funding (the volume of Bank of Russia funds on the Bank’s balance sheet for the year decreased from RUB 3,516 billion to RUB 769 billion) by attracting additional funds clients.

Taking into account the ongoing sanctions and the unstable macroeconomic situation, in order to reduce liquidity risks, the Bank significantly increased the volume of liquidity reserves, mainly due to active work in 2015 to increase the collateral mass. In 2014, Provisions for other losses amounted to RUB 37 billion, and in 2015, Provisions for other losses increased by 2.7% and amounted to RUB 38 billion.

Sources of own funds in 2013 amounted to 1935 billion rubles. (11.9% of all liabilities), which is 2.4% less than in 2014 and 20.3% less than in 2015. Sources of own funds for 2014 and 2015 amounted to 1982 billion rubles (9.11% of all liabilities) and 2823 billion rubles (10.25% of all liabilities), respectively.

Table 3

Income statement

Indicator name

Interest income

Interest expenses

Commission income

Commission expenses

Net interest income

Net commission income

Net income from transactions with financial assets, securities and foreign currency

Other operating income

Operating income before provisions

Change in reserves

Operating expenses

Profit before tax

Tax reimbursement/expense

Net profit

Net interest income for 2015 amounted to 866.7 billion rubles, which is 9.7% less than the previous year:

  • - interest income increased by 329.2 billion rubles. due to the growth of the loan portfolio to legal entities and individuals;
  • - interest expenses increased by 430B2 billion rubles. due to the growth in the volume of client funds (both physical and legal entities), as well as by increasing the volume and cost of raising funds from the Bank of Russia;

Net commission income amounted to 265.9 billion rubles, which is 17.8% higher than last year. In 2014, net commission income amounted to 217.2 billion rubles, and in 2013, net commission income was 55.3% less compared to 2015, its value amounted to 171.2 billion rubles.

  • - commission income increased by 23.5%. The main contribution to this growth was made by transactions with bank cards and acquiring operations.
  • - in 2015, commission expenses amounted to 31.8 billion rubles, which is 33.1% more than the previous year and 79.7% more than 2013.

Net income from foreign exchange revaluation and trading operations on financial markets for 2015 amounted to 68.9 billion rubles, which is 26.9% less than last year.

In general, the volume of operating income before the creation of reserves decreased by 7.4% and amounted to RUB 1,221.1 billion.

Operating expenses increased by 3.5%, and there was also an increase in reserves by 1.3%, which affected the decrease in profit before income tax.

Profit before income tax decreased by 28.5% compared to 2014 and amounted to RUB 306.9 billion. Since 2013, profit before income tax has been constantly declining; in 2013, profit before tax amounted to 502.8 billion rubles, and in 2014, 429.2 billion rubles, which is 14.6% less than 2013 and decreased by 73.6 billion rubles.

Net profit amounted to 218.4 billion rubles. against 311.2 billion rubles. in 2014. The main factors for the decline in profit in 2015 were significant expenses for reserves and the exclusion from the financial result of the revaluation of foreign currency investments in subsidiaries. In 2013, net profit amounted to 377.6 billion rubles, which is 42.2% more than in 2015.

The values ​​of mandatory ratios, which were taken from the Bank’s published reports, are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Indicator name

Normative value

Actual value

Basic capital adequacy ratio (N1.1)

Fixed capital adequacy ratio (N1.2)

Own funds (capital) adequacy ratio (N1.0)

Instant liquidity ratio (N2)

Current liquidity ratio (N3)

Long-term liquidity ratio (N4)

Standard maximum size risk on this borrower or a group of related borrowers (N6)

Standard for the maximum size of large credit risks (N7)

Maximum loan size standard bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) (N9.1)

Standard for the total amount of risk for bank insiders (N10.1)

Standard for the use of capital for the acquisition of shares of other legal entities (N12)

The basic and fixed capital adequacy ratio (N1.1, N1.2) as of 10/01/2016 is equal to 7.9%. This value fulfills the condition of the normative value.

The equity (capital) adequacy ratio (N1.0) is 11.9%. This value is quite close to the minimum (10%), which indicates the Bank’s low ability to cover possible financial losses at its own expense.

The instant liquidity ratio (N2) limits the risk of a bank losing its solvency within one day. In this case, it is equal to 116.4% and meets the standard value.

The current liquidity ratio (N3) regulates the risk of a bank losing its solvency within the next 30 calendar days (to the date of calculation of the ratio). In this case, current liquidity is 154.4%. This value corresponds to the standard value, which is a good indicator. That is, Sberbank PJSC is able to fulfill its obligations within the next 30 days.

The long-term liquidity ratio (N4) regulates the risk of a bank losing its solvency as a result of placing funds in long-term assets (for example, mortgage loans). It amounted to 65.5%, which indicates a low risk of the bank losing its solvency as a result of placing funds in long-term assets.

The standard for the maximum amount of risk per borrower or group of related borrowers (N6) regulates (limites) the bank’s credit risk in relation to one borrower or group of related borrowers and determines the maximum ratio of the total amount of the bank’s credit claims to the borrower or group of related borrowers to its own funds (capital) jar. It is equal to 19.99%, which is quite close to the standard value. This suggests that the Bank has enough a large number of issued loans, which increases risk.

The standard for the maximum amount of large credit risks (N7) regulates (limites) the total amount of large credit risks of the bank and determines the maximum ratio of the total amount of large credit risks and the amount of the bank’s own funds (capital). Its normative value is less than 800%. For 2015, this figure is 197.51%, which indicates quite good position Bank in this regard.

The standard for the maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) (N9.1), establishes a limit on the bank’s credit risk in relation to the participants (shareholders) of the bank, is defined as the ratio of the size of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) to the bank's own funds (capital). The standard value is less than 50%. In this case, this indicator is 0%.

The standard for the total amount of risk for bank insiders (H10.1) introduces a limit on the bank’s total credit risk in relation to all insiders, i.e. individuals, capable of influencing the decision to issue a loan by the bank. It is defined as the ratio of the total amount of credit claims to insiders to the bank’s own funds (capital). Its maximum value is 3%. Its actual value is 0.76%.

The standard for using the bank's own funds (capital) to purchase shares (shares) of other legal entities (N12) shows the share of the bank's investments (in relation to the authorized capital) in shares of enterprises, investment certificates of stock companies, bills of exchange and other not always liquid assets. Its maximum value is 25%. As of January 1, 2016, this figure is 10.59%.

Thus, during the period under study, Sberbank of Russia OJSC consistently complied with all mandatory standards established by the Central Bank of Russia, which confirms the Bank’s stable position, the Bank’s timely fulfillment of its debt and financial obligations to all counterparties and the Bank’s investment potential.

Having examined the Balance Sheet of Sberbank PJSC as of 01/01/2016, as of 01/01/2015 and as of 01/01/2014 and having analyzed and compared the assets and liabilities of all three periods, having studied the Statement of Financial Results for 2013, 2014 and 2015, as well as Having examined the Information on the actual values ​​of the bank's mandatory standards for 2015 and comparing them with the standard values, in general we can conclude: Sberbank of Russia is at the highest level - it has the highest category of reliability, having bypassed many other well-known and reliable banks in Russia.

In the period from 2013 to 2015, the bank increased the share of lending to individuals and legal entities; the increase in the Customer Funds item in the balance sheet liability indicates that Sberbank’s customer base is growing every year.

Having examined the Information on the bank’s mandatory standards, we can conclude that Sberbank, during the period under study, consistently complied with all mandatory standards established by the Central Bank of Russia, which confirms the bank’s stable and effective position, its investment potential and the Bank’s timely fulfillment of its financial and debt obligations to all counterparties.

Table 2.1 Balance sheet of PJSC Sberbank of Russia.

Article title

as of 01/01/2016, thousand rubles.

as of 01/01/2015, thousand rubles.

Structure in % of balance sheet currency

change(+, -)

Growth (decrease) rate,%


In the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Required reserves

Funds in credit institutions

Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss

Net loans outstanding

Net investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates

Net investments in securities held to maturity

Current income tax requirements

Deferred tax asset

other assets

total assets

Continuation of Table 2.1


Loans, deposits and other funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Funds from credit institutions

Funds of clients who are not credit institutions

Deposits of individuals

Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss

Current income tax liability

Deferred tax liability

Other obligations

Provisions for possible losses on contingent credit obligations, other possible losses and transactions with residents of offshore zones

Total liabilities


Funds of shareholders (participants)

Own shares (shares) purchased from shareholders (participants)

Share premium

Reserve Fund

Revaluation of securities reduced by deferred tax liability (increased by deferred tax asset)

Revaluation of fixed assets reduced by deferred tax liability

Retained earnings (uncovered losses) of previous years


Total sources of own funds

The largest share in the balance sheet asset is net loans and amounts to 73.04% and 73.6%, respectively, as of 01/01/2016 and 01/01/2015. In liabilities, the largest share belongs to funds from clients who are not credit institutions (64.5% and 68.37%). Among the sources of own funds, retained earnings have the largest share, namely 6.85% and 7.27% of the balance sheet currency.

The main factors for the growth of the Bank's assets in 2015 were loans to legal entities and individuals: an increase in assets of 71.5% was ensured by net loan debt. The growth of balance sheet items was significantly affected by the positive revaluation of their currency component due to the weakening of the ruble against major foreign currencies: the US dollar increased by 71.9% in 2014, the euro exchange rate by 52.0%.

In December, the bank provided loans to corporate clients in the amount of 1.4 trillion. rub. In total, about 8 trillion were issued in a year. rub. - 8.8% more than a year earlier. The loan portfolio of corporate clients increased by RUB 893 billion in December. In general, over the year the portfolio grew by 3.1 trillion. rub. or by 36.3% and amounted to 11.7 trillion. rub. The growth is due to both new loans issued and a positive revaluation of previously issued foreign currency loans, which arose due to changes in exchange rates.

More than 200 billion rubles were issued to private clients in December, and 2 trillion rubles since the beginning of the year. loans, which is 10% higher than the volume of loans issued over the past year, excluding turnover credit cards. The loan portfolio of private clients increased by RUB 55 billion in December. Over the year, the portfolio grew by 737 billion rubles. or by 22.1% and amounted to almost 4.1 trillion. rub. About half of the bank's retail portfolio consists of housing loans.

The share of overdue debt in the loan portfolio as of January 1, 2015 was 2.0%, having decreased by 0.2 percentage points over the year.

The volume of investments in securities for the year decreased by 35.9 billion rubles. or by 1.8%. Their balance as of January 1, 2016 amounted to 1.9 trillion. rub.

Funds of legal entities in December increased by 966 billion rubles. due to seasonal growth of time deposits and revaluation of previously attracted foreign currency funds. The increase for the year as a whole amounted to 1,949 billion rubles. or 62.5%. The balance of funds of legal entities as of January 1, 2016 amounted to 5.1 trillion. rub.

Individual funds increased by 192 billion rubles in December. both due to the influx of funds and due to the revaluation of foreign currency deposits. Over the year, funds from individuals increased by 473 billion rubles. or by 5.9% and as of January 1, 2016 amounted to 8.5 trillion. rub.

Table 2.2 Indicators of the financial results report of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Indicators (million rubles)


Net interest income

Net commission income

Net income from foreign exchange revaluation and trading operations

Operating income before total reserves

Expenses/income on total reserves

Operating expenses

Profit before income tax

Net profit

Net interest income amounted to RUB 853.7 billion, which is 18.3% more than the previous year:

  • - interest income increased by 313.4 billion rubles. due to the growth of the loan portfolio to legal entities and individuals;
  • - interest expenses increased by 181.2 billion rubles. due to an increase in the volume of customer funds (both individuals and legal entities), as well as due to an increase in the volume and cost of raising funds from the Bank of Russia; The cost of funds from the Federal Treasury and the Bank of Russia increased especially strongly in December after the key rate was raised to 17%.

Net commission income amounted to 276.9 billion rubles, which is 21.4% higher than last year. Fee and commission income not related to lending increased by 24.0%. The main contribution to this growth was made by transactions with bank cards and acquiring operations - their growth for the year amounted to 32.2% or 30.7 billion rubles, while in December 14.9 billion rubles were earned. This growth in December was due to a significant increase in the volume of transactions by cardholders. In 2016, commission income from the issuance of bank guarantees, the implementation of trade finance and documentary business transactions, and the sale of insurance and investment products also grew at a rapid pace.

Net income from currency revaluation and trading operations in financial markets for 2016 amounted to 81.2 billion rubles, which is 3.7 times higher than last year. The main impact was made by the creation of reserves for foreign currency loans due to the positive revaluation of these loans as a result of the devaluation of the ruble at the end of 2016 without deterioration in the quality of the loans themselves (only for the 4th quarter of 2016 - about 48 billion rubles). At the same time, according to the rules for regulating the open foreign exchange position of banks, reserves for the depreciation of foreign currency loans were included in foreign exchange requirements and obligations to manage the foreign exchange position. The revaluation of these claims and liabilities, as well as all foreign currency assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency, was reflected in the item of income from trading operations. Thus, the creation of reserves for foreign currency loans technically affected the growth of income from trading operations.

Overall, operating income before total reserves increased by 26.8% and exceeded 1.25 trillion. rub.

Operating expenses increased by 9.6%. The ratio of expenses to income decreased by 5.8 percentage points. up to 36.6% due to the cost optimization program carried out at Sberbank. The growth rate of operating income before total reserves (26.8%) significantly exceeds the growth of operating expenses (9.6%).

Expenses on total reserves for 2016 amounted to 397.7 billion rubles. against 104.8 billion rubles. a year earlier. More than 45% of the increase in reserves occurred in the 4th quarter. During this quarter, the volume of reserves was affected by the sharp depreciation of the ruble against major currencies, which technically entailed the additional creation of reserves for foreign currency loans without deteriorating their quality. In addition, a reserve was additionally created for a number of large Ukrainian borrowers due to the worsening situation in Ukraine.

In general, the bank continues to create reserves for possible losses in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia, adhering to a conservative approach to covering existing credit risks. The reserves created on the balance sheet exceed overdue debt by 2.6 times (as of January 1, 2016, 2.2 times).

Profit before income tax decreased by 14.3% compared to 2013 and amounted to 400.1 billion rubles. Net profit amounted to 305.7 billion rubles. against 377.7 billion rubles. in 2015. The main factors for the decrease in profit in 2014 were significant expenses for reserves, the exclusion from the financial result of the revaluation of foreign currency investments in subsidiaries, as well as the recognition of a deferred tax liability since May 2016 in connection with changes in the rules accounting.

The values ​​of mandatory ratios, which were taken from the Bank’s published reports, are presented in table 2.3

Table 2.3 Information on mandatory standards (as of January 1, 2016 in percentage).

Indicator name

Normative value

Actual value

Basic capital adequacy ratio (N1.1)

Fixed capital adequacy ratio (N1.2)

>5.5 (01.01.15- 6)

Own funds (capital) adequacy ratio (N1.0)

Instant liquidity ratio (N2)

Current liquidity ratio (N3)

Long-term liquidity ratio (N4)

Standard for the maximum amount of risk per borrower or group of related borrowers (N6)

Standard for the maximum size of large credit risks (N7)

Standard for the maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) (N9.1)

Standard for the total amount of risk for bank insiders (N10.1)

Standard for the use of capital for the acquisition of shares of other legal entities (N12)

The basic and fixed capital adequacy ratio (N1.1, N1.2) as of 10/01/2016 is equal to 8.2%. This value corresponds to the standard value.

The equity (capital) adequacy ratio (N1) is 11.6%. This value is quite close to the minimum (10%), which indicates the Bank’s low ability to cover possible financial losses at its own expense.

The instant liquidity ratio (N2) limits the risk of a bank losing its solvency within one day. In this case, it is equal to 74.3% and corresponds to the standard value.

The current liquidity ratio (N3) limits the risk of a bank losing its solvency within the next 30 days (to the date of calculation of the ratio). In this case, the current liquidity is 66.4%. This value corresponds to the normative one, which is a good indicator. That is, Sberbank of Russia OJSC is able to fulfill its obligations within the next 30 days.

The long-term liquidity ratio (N4) limits the risk of insolvency of a credit institution as a result of placing funds in long-term assets (for example, mortgage loans). It is 111.2%, which indicates a low risk of insolvency of the Bank as a result of placing funds in long-term assets.

The standard for the maximum amount of risk per borrower or group of related borrowers (N6) regulates (limites) the bank’s credit risk in relation to one borrower or group of related borrowers and determines the maximum ratio of the total amount of the bank’s credit claims to the borrower or group of related borrowers to its own funds (capital) jar. This standard should not exceed 25%. In this case, it is equal to 19.2%, which is quite close to the maximum value. This suggests that the Bank has a fairly large number of issued loans, which increases risk.

The standard for the maximum amount of large credit risks (N7) regulates (limites) the total amount of large credit risks of the bank and determines the maximum ratio of the total amount of large credit risks and the amount of the bank’s own funds (capital). Its maximum value is 800%. In this case, this figure is 207.3%, which indicates a fairly good position of the Bank in this regard.

The standard for the maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) (N9.1), establishes a limit on the bank’s credit risk in relation to the participants (shareholders) of the bank, is defined as the ratio of the size of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) to the bank’s own funds (capital). The maximum value is 50%. In this case, this indicator is 0%.

The standard for the total amount of risk for bank insiders (H10.1) introduces a limit on the bank’s total credit risk in relation to all insiders, i.e. individuals who are able to influence the decision to issue a loan by the bank. It is defined as the ratio of the total amount of credit claims to insiders to the bank’s own funds (capital). Its maximum value set by the regulator is 3%. Its actual value is 1.0%. The value is quite acceptable.

The standard for using the bank's own funds (capital) to purchase shares (shares) of other legal entities (N12) shows the share of the bank's investments (in relation to the authorized capital) in shares of enterprises, investment certificates of stock companies, bills of exchange and other not always liquid assets. Its maximum value is 25%. As of January 1, 2016, this figure is 9.5%.

Thus, during the period under study, Sberbank of Russia OJSC consistently complied with all mandatory standards established by the Central Bank of Russia, which confirms the Bank’s stable position, the Bank’s timely fulfillment of its debt and financial obligations to all counterparties and the Bank’s investment potential.

Analysis of the bank's active funds table 2.4

Title of articles


Growth rate, %


Funds in the Central Bank

Mandatory reserves in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Net loans outstanding

Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories

Other assets

Total assets

Conclusion: The value of the bank's assets during the reporting year increased by 1460281579 thousand rubles. and amounted to 493,7814,349 thousand rubles, the growth rate was 142%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks of the stable, developing activities of the bank.

In the reporting year, loan debt increased by 1348549070 thousand rubles. amounted to 3988641545 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 106%. On the one hand, this indicates the bank’s business activity and an increase in its share of the lending market. But on the other hand, the risks of non-return increase.

In the reporting year, the amount of investments in securities increased by 132,973,814 thousand rubles. and amounted to 457863660 thousand rubles. The growth rate is 99%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... indicates that the bank is beginning to actively invest resources in securities transactions, which may indicate that it is very attentive to the development of the securities market in Russia and is gradually beginning to offer these services to its clients, as well as consolidating its position in the market valuable papers.

By the end of the reporting year, the amount of funds of credit institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decreased by 5,905,121 thousand rubles. and amounted to 81,793,071 million rubles. These resources are among the most liquid funds. However, the growth rate is lower than the overall asset growth rate. This suggests that the main sources of asset growth are the least liquid funds.

Progress of decision: Cash (changes) = 01/01/2016-01/01/2015.

Growth rate = 01/01/2016: 01/01/2015*100%

Structure of the Bank's assets, % table 2.5

Title of articles


Growth rate


Funds in the Central Bank

Mandatory reserves in the Central Bank of Russia

Funds in credit institutions less reserves

Net investment in trading securities

Net loans outstanding

Net investments in investment securities held to maturity

Net investments in available-for-sale securities

Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories

Continuation of Table 2.5

Requirements for receiving interest

Other assets

Total assets

Conclusion: The largest share in the bank’s assets is net loan debt (80.7%). In the reporting year, the value increased by 14,660 million rubles. amounted to 94955 million rubles. The growth rate was 106%. On the one hand, this indicates the bank’s business activity and an increase in its share of the lending market. But on the other hand, the risks of non-return increase.

The second largest share in the asset structure is investments in securities (9.27%). In the reporting year, their value increased by 132,973,814 thousand rubles. and amounted to 457863660 thousand rubles. The growth rate is 99%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... indicates that the bank is beginning to actively invest resources in securities transactions, which may indicate that it is very attentive to the development of the securities market in Russia and is gradually beginning to offer these services to its clients, as well as consolidating its position in the market valuable papers.

The amount of funds of credit institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (1.65%) by the end of the reporting year decreased by 5,905,121 thousand rubles. and amounted to 81793071 million rubles. The growth rate was 66%. The share in total assets for the reporting year decreased by 0.85 percentage points. These resources are among the most liquid funds. However, the growth rate is lower than the overall asset growth rate. This suggests that the main sources of asset growth are the least liquid funds.

Dynamics of bank liabilities, thousand rubles. Table 2.6

Title of articles


Growth rate, %

Funds from credit institutions

including deposits of individuals

Debt issued

Other obligations

Shareholders' funds

Share premium

Revaluation of fixed assets

Profit (loss) for the reporting period

Total liabilities (19+33)

Conclusion: The total amount of liabilities for the reporting year increased by 1460218579 thousand. rub. and amounted to 493,7814,349 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 141%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks of the growth of the bank's potential.

Structure of bank liabilities, % table 2.8

Title of articles


Growth rate

Loans received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Funds from credit institutions

Client funds (non-credit organizations)

including deposits of individuals

Debt issued

Obligations to pay interest

Other obligations

Reserves for possible losses on futures transactions...

Total liabilities (12+13+14+15+16+17+18)

Shareholders' funds

Registered ordinary shares

Registered preference shares

Unregistered authorized capital of non-joint-stock credit organizations

Own shares purchased from shareholders

Share premium

Revaluation of fixed assets

Costs and risks affecting own funds

Funds and profits from previous years left at the disposal of the credit institution

Profit (loss) for the reporting period

Total sources of own funds (20-21+22+23-24+25+26)

Total liabilities (19+33)

Conclusion: Liabilities have the largest share in the structure of liabilities. Their share during the reporting period decreased by -0.4 percentage points and amounted to 98.9%

Bank capital adequacy analysis Table 2.9

Name of articles, formula




Capital adequacy ratio (N 1)

Share of capital in balance sheet currency

Balance currency

Capital adequacy on deposits

Client funds

Debt coverage ratio

Loan debt

Capital protection coefficient (or immobilization coefficient)

Protected capital

Capital adequacy ratio based on redundancy indicator

Excess capital

Conclusion: During the reporting year, the N1 standard decreased by 0.2% and amounted to 10.6%. On the one hand, this indicates a deterioration in capital adequacy. On the other hand, the standard value of this indicator is 10.0, the actual value in the reporting year is 10.6%, therefore, the bank has a small margin to reduce the value of the standard without deteriorating the state of capital adequacy.

Dynamics of bank liabilities, thousand rubles. table 2.10

Title of articles


Growth rate, %

Loans received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (item 12 of the balance sheet liabilities)

Funds from credit institutions (Article 13)

Funds of clients (legal entities) (Article 14 minus Article 14.1)

Deposits of individuals (Article 14.1)

Debentures issued (Article 16)

Other liabilities (sum of items (17, 18)

Total liabilities

Conclusion: The share of funds from credit institutions during the reporting period decreased by 0.2 percentage points and amounted to 4.3%. The volume of funds from credit institutions during the reporting period decreased by 39,342,015 thousand rubles. and amounted to 183,703,088 thousand rubles. This indicates that the bank operates in the interbank lending market. On the one hand, this indicates insufficient equity capital; on the other hand, by attracting less funds from credit institutions, the bank is trying to reduce the use of expensive resources.

Structure of bank liabilities, % table 2.11

Conclusion: The largest share in the structure of liabilities belongs to the amount of funds from clients who are not credit institutions. Their share during the reporting year increased by 2.7 percentage points and amounted to 110%. This deserves a positive assessment and speaks of the stable and developing work of the bank.

Estimation of the value of the resource base (liabilities) in the period 01/01/2015 table 2.12

Article of obligations

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Interest expenses

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Cost of resources, %

Loans received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Funds from credit institutions

Client funds

By means of clients

Debt issued

For other obligations

Total liabilities

Total interest expenses

Conclusion: Issued liabilities reflect funds raised through the placement of own securities (except for shares issued to form the authorized capital). The share of issued liabilities for the reporting year increased by 1.33 percentage points and amounted to 2.96%. The volume of issued liabilities decreased by 323,434 thousand rubles. and amounted to 3161090 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 0.02%. This indicates that the bank reduced its presence in the securities market in the reporting year.

Estimation of the value of the resource base (liabilities) in the period 01/01/2016 Table 2.13

Article of obligations

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Interest expenses

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Cost of resources, %

Loans received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Article 12)

With funds received from the Central Bank

Funds from credit institutions (Article 13)

For funds raised from credit institutions

Client funds (Article 14)

By means of clients

Issued debt obligations (Article 15)

For issued debt obligations

Other obligations (amount of Articles 16, 17, 18)

For other obligations

Total liabilities

Total interest expenses

Conclusion: Analyzing the structure of raised funds, we can conclude that it is formed by 79.94% from client funds. These resources may include funds in current accounts and deposits of legal entities. Funds in customer current accounts are the most attractive for the bank, because... they are the least expensive (for the most part they are interest-free). Attracting funds into deposits increases the bank's liquidity. The growth of deposits (more expensive resources) indicates that the bank was conducting a special program to work with the population.

Table 9

Estimation of the cost of the resource base (liabilities), % Table 2.14

conclusion: The largest share in the structure of liabilities is the amount of funds received from credit institutions. Their share during the reporting year increased by 103.45 percentage points and amounted to 105.4%. This deserves a positive assessment and speaks of the stable and developing work of the bank.

Dynamics of assets grouped by economic content, thousand rubles. Table 2.15

conclusion: During the reporting year, the value of the bank's working assets increased by 13936330052 thousand rubles. and amounted to 4517771591 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 145%. This deserves a positive assessment and indicates the stable and developing work of the bank. At the same time, the value of immobilized assets increased by 1,594,261 thousand rubles. and amounted to 163415207 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 111%. This deserves a positive assessment and speaks of the dynamic development of the bank’s main activity.

Table 2.16

Structure of assets grouped by economic content, %

Conclusion: The value of the bank's working assets increased from 90 to 91 percent of the table value. The growth rate was 145%. This deserves a positive assessment and indicates the stable and developing work of the bank.

Risk analysis of active bank operations, % Table 2.17

Name of articles, formula





Share of working assets

Performing assets

Correlation between immobilization and working assets


Performing assets

Asset coverage ratio from reserves formed to cover possible losses on them

The amount of assets and reserves to cover losses on active operations

Coverage ratio for working assets using reserves formed to cover possible losses on them

Amount of reserves to cover losses on active operations

The amount of working assets and reserves to cover losses on active operations

Loan debt coverage ratio from reserves formed to cover possible losses on it

The amount of reserves to cover losses on credit operations

The amount of loans and equivalent debt and reserves to cover losses on credit operations

Asset collapse ratio

Conclusion: During the reporting year, the amount of the reserve decreased by 1% of the table value. The change in the reserve amounted to RUB 4,331 million. The data for the reporting year amounted to 91%. The reserve for possible losses on accrued interest income includes reserves for loans, debt obligations and bills. Consequently, the reason for the increase in reserves may be an increase in the reserve in one of the areas.

Assessment of the profitability of the bank's operating assets in the period 01/01/15 table 2.17

Operating assets item

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Interest income

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Return on working assets

From investing in securities

From loans to clients

Total operating assets

Total interest income

The amount of funds in credit institutions minus reserves for the reporting year amounted to 22,859,059 thousand rubles. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks about the efficient and developing work of the bank.

Assessment of the profitability of the bank's operating assets in the period 01/01/16 table 2.18

Operating assets item

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Interest income

Value, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Return on operating assets, %, %

Funds in credit institutions less reserves (Article 3)

For loans provided to credit organizations

Net investments in securities (Articles 4, 6, 7)

From investing in securities

Net loan debt (Article 5)

From loans to clients

Total operating assets

Total interest income

Conclusion: The amount of funds in credit institutions minus reserves for the reporting year amounted to 16,631,126 thousand rubles. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks about the efficient and developing work of the bank.

Table 2.19 Estimation of the return on the bank's working assets, %

Conclusion: Taking into account the data in tables 13 and 13.1, the amount of income for the reporting year increased by 18.49% compared to the previous year and amounted to 57.98%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks about the efficient and developing work of the bank.

Table 2.20 Ratio analysis of the bank’s return on assets, %

Name of articles, formula





Advance coefficient

Growth rate of loan assets

Growth rate of total assets

Total return on assets

Percentage return on assets

Interest income

Ratio of net interest income and assets

Net interest income

Profitability of assets (based on profit before tax)

Profitability of assets (by net profit)

Net profit

Total return on working assets

Performing assets

Percentage return on working assets

Interest income

Performing assets

Ratio of net interest income and working assets

Net interest income

Performing assets

Profitability of operating assets (based on profit before tax)

Profitability of operating assets (based on net profit)

Conclusion: The total return on assets for the reporting period increased by 4.86% of the table value and amounted to 25.16%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks about the growth of the bank's potential

Coefficient analysis of the use of the bank's resource base, % table 2.21

Conclusion: The value of working assets and liabilities in the reporting year amounted to 92.3% of the table indicator. The growth rate was 4.8%. These changes deserve a positive assessment and indicate the stable and developing activities of the bank and the growth of the bank’s potential.

Analysis of economic standards for bank activities, % Table 2.22




Bank's own funds (capital) adequacy ratio - N1

Bank instant liquidity ratio - N2

Bank current liquidity ratio - N3

Long-term bank liquidity ratio - N4

Maximum risk per borrower or group of related borrowers - N6

Maximum size of large credit risks - H7

The ratio of the total amount of loans and borrowings issued to shareholders (participants) of the bank and capital - N9.1

The standard for using the bank’s own funds (capital) to acquire shares (shares) of other legal entities is N12 (max 25%)

Conclusion: During the reporting year, the instant liquidity ratio increased by 5.8% and amounted to 55.9%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... indicates that the bank has the necessary combination of quick assets and demand funds. The current value of the N2 standard is more than 2 times higher than the standard value, therefore, the bank can, if necessary, reduce the amount of quick-liquid assets without changing the liquidity of assets.

Alternative analysis of bank liquidity and solvency, % of table 2.23

Name of articles, formula





Share of liquid assets

Liquid assets

Ratio of liquid assets and working assets

Liquid assets

Performing assets

Liquidity ratio (liability coverage)

Liquid assets


Liquidity ratio (covering customer funds)

Liquid assets

Client funds

Liquidity ratio (covering citizens' deposits)

Liquid assets

Citizens' deposits

Conclusion: During the reporting year, the value of the mandatory liquidity ratio (liability coverage) decreased by 0.8% and amounted to 5.43%. The standard value of this indicator is 50%. This means that the bank has a margin for reducing quick-liquidity inventories without harming the liquidity of the balance sheet.

Analysis of the dynamics of bank income and expenses, thousand rubles. table 2.23

Title of articles


Growth rate, %

Interest income

Interest expenses

Commission income

Commission expenses

Administrative and management expenses

Conclusion: Interest income has the largest share in the income structure. Their share during the reporting year increased by 130.5%. points and amounted to 1094015347 thousand rubles. On the one hand, this may indicate that the bank is diversifying its activities. On the other hand, a decrease in the share of the main activity may indicate a decrease in the stability of the bank. The amount of interest income for the reporting year increased by 256,127,531 rubles. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks about the profitability of the main activity.

Analysis of bank profit and absolute margin table 2.24

Conclusion: During the reporting year, profit increased by 1376.6 million rubles. and amounted to 3449.1 million rubles. The growth rate was 166.42%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... profit creates conditions for the development of the bank. The amount of net profit for the reporting year increased by 867.5 million rubles. and amounted to 2456.1 million rubles. The growth rate was 154.61%. The amount of net profit differs from the amount of profit by the amount of tax paid and contributions to the reserve fund.

Analysis of the spread and interest margin coefficient, % table 2.25

Conclusion: The return on working assets for the reporting year amounted to 26.6% of the table values, which indicates the positive dynamics of the bank’s development and a promising future.

Analysis of profitability indicators of banking activities % table 2.26

Conclusion: Return on assets for the reporting year amounted to 3.2% of the table indicator. Growth rate 1.5%. This deserves a positive assessment, because... speaks about the profitability of the main activity.

Let's analyze the dynamics of absolute profitability indicators. Data for analysis were taken from the consolidated financial report of PJSC Sberbank of Russia for 2013, 2014 and 2015 and are presented in the Appendices. A, B and. B accordingly.

From January 2013-2015 PJSC Sberbank of Russia demonstrated a negative trend in activity. The bank's main performance indicators can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2 - Key performance indicators of Sberbank of Russia PJSC

For 2013 - 2015

Indicators As of 12/31. 2013 billion rubles As of 12/31. 2014 billion rubles As of 12/31. 2015 billion rubles Dynamics 2013-2014 Dynamics 2014-2015
Billion rub. IN % Billion rubles IN %
Capital 1881,7 2020,1 2375,0 +138,4 +7,4 +354,90 +17,6
Assets 18210,3 25200,8 27334,7 +6990,5 +38,4 +2133,9 +8,5
Net interest income 862,2 1019,7 988,0 -157,5 -18,3 -31,70 -3,1
Profit 455,7 374,2 331,2 -81,50 -17,9 -43,00 -11,5
Net profit 362,0 290,3 222,9 -71,70 -19,8 -67,40 -23,2
Loan portfolio 32404,9 +9064,9 +38,84 +2478,1 +7,65
Loans to individuals 18626,1 19924,3 +5082,1 +37,52 +1298,2 +6,97
Loans to legal entities 13778,8 14958,7 +3982,8 +40,66 +1179,9 +8,56
Earnings per share (EPS) 16,78 13,45 10,36 -3,33 -19,8 -3,09 -23,1

The Bank's capital during the analyzed period 12/31/2013-12/31/2015 increased from 1881.70 billion rubles. up to 2375.00 billion rubles.

During 2013-2014, total assets increased by 6990.50 billion rubles. (38.4%) and amounted to 25,200.80 billion rubles as of December 31, 2014, and 27,334.70 billion rubles as of December 31, 2015). This growth was caused by an increase in the securities portfolio and an increase in the volume of customer lending.

In 2013, Sberbank's profit amounted to 455.70 billion rubles; in 2014, there was a negative trend in the profit growth rate (455.70-374.20 = 81.50 billion rubles) and as of December 31, 2014, the profit amounted to 374.20 billion rubles, for 2015 profit also continued to decline and as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 331.2 billion rubles. (374.20-331.20=43.00 billion rubles).

Due to the decline in profits, the volume of net profit decreased, which amounted to 362.0 billion rubles as of December 31, 2013. as of December 31, 2014 – 290.30 billion rubles, and as of December 31, 2015, 222.9 billion rubles, which is 61.6% less than the 2013 figure.

The portfolio of loans to customers in 2013-2015 increased by 73.3% due to an increase in the volume of lending to both individuals and corporate clients. (13/31/2013 - 13544.0 billion rubles, 12/31/2014 - 18826.1 billion rubles, 13/31/2015 - 19924.7 billion rubles).

Earnings per ordinary share for 2013 amounted to 16.8 billion rubles. which is 3.33 billion rubles. more than in 2014 and by 6.42 billion rubles. more than in 2015.

Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank Russian Federation and CIS. Its assets account for more than a quarter banking system countries (26%), and the share in bank capital is at the level of 30% (2015). Founded in 1841, Sberbank of Russia today is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of banking services. Sberbank occupies the largest share in the deposit market and is the main creditor of the Russian economy.


Carrying out horizontal and vertical analysis balance sheet is the first stage of assessing the financial condition of a commercial bank.

The structure of assets and liabilities is analyzed not only to determine the degree of diversification of banking operations and to identify the dangers that an excessive increase in similar (even very profitable at the moment) operations poses to the bank. For a more detailed analysis of Sberbank of Russia PJSC, below are tables of the structure and dynamics of assets (Table 3, 4) and liabilities (Table 5, 6), which indicate the Bank’s indicators for 2013, 2014 and 2015 (data in Appendix A, B and B, respectively), the specific gravity and dynamics of the given indicators are also calculated. A conclusion is drawn based on the data presented.

Table 3 - Analysis of the asset structure of the balance sheet of PJSC Sberbank of Russia for 2013 - 2015

Index As of December 31, 2013 As of December 31, 2014 As of December 31, 2015
billion rubles Ud. weight,% billion rubles Ud. weight,% billion rubles Ud. weight,%
Cash 1237,0 6,79 2308,8 9,16 2333,60 8,54
251,50 1,38 365,70 1,450 387.90 1,42
330,50 1,81 240,80 0,960 750,60 2,75
2141,20 11,76 1969,70 7,820 1665,00 6,09
12933,70 71,02 17756,60 70,460 18727,80 68,51
477,30 2,62 496,40 1,970 499,20 1,83
Other assets 839,10 4,61 2062,80 8,190 3358,50 10,87
Total assets 18210,30 100,00 25200,80 100,00 27334,70 100,00

In the asset structure, the dominant items throughout the analyzed period are Cash, Net loans and Net investments in securities. The remaining indicators have an insignificant share, but still form the total assets.

Table 4 - Analysis of the dynamics of balance sheet assets of PJSC Sberbank of Russia for 2013-2015

Indicators As of December 31, 2013, billion rubles. As of 12/31. 2014 billion rubles As of 12/31. 2015 billion rubles Dynamics 2013-2014 Dynamics 2014-2015
billion rubles V % billion rubles V %
Cash 1237,0 2308,8 2333,6 +1071,8 +86,6 +24,8 +1,1
Funds in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 251,5 365,7 387.9 +114,2 +45,4 +22,2 +6,1
Funds in credit institutions 330,5 240,8 750,6 -89,7 - 27,1 +509,8 +211,7
Net investments in securities 2141,2 1969,7 1665,0 -171,5 - 8,0 - 304,7 -15,5
Net loans outstanding 12933,7 17756,6 18727,8 +4822,9 +37,3 +971,2 +5,5
Fixed assets, inventories 477,3 496,4 499,2 +19,1 +4,0 +2,8 +0,6
Other assets 839,1 2062,8 3358,5 +1223,7 +145,8 +1295,7 +62,8
Total assets 18210,3 25200,8 27334,7 +6990,5 +38,4 +2133,9 +8,5

During the analyzed period (01.2013-31.12..2015), total assets increased by 50.1% and reached 27,334.7 billion rubles. The growth was based on loans to customers and investments in securities.

The share of funds located in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation until 2013 had an average value of 33% and as of December 31, 2013 amounted to 251.5 billion rubles, then a negative growth trend appeared in funds located in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (as of December 31, 2014 - 365.7 billion rubles, as of December 31, 2015 - 387.9 billion rubles).

Net investments in securities for 2013 decreased by 171.5 billion rubles. or 8.0% and amounted to 12/31/2013 - 1969.7 billion rubles. In 2014, the volume of securities decreased by 304.7 billion rubles. or by 15.5% and as of December 31, 2015 amounted to 1,665.0 billion rubles.

In 2013, cash increased significantly by RUB 1,071.8 billion. or by 86.6% and amounted to 2308.8 billion rubles as of December 31, 2014. During 2015, their growth continued, but not as significant as over the past year and as of December 31, 2015, this value is equal to 2333.6 billion rubles, or by 1.1%.

Funds invested in other assets increased during the analyzed period by approximately 300%, and from 839.1 billion rubles. increased to 3358.5 billion rubles.

During the analyzed period (December 31, 2013-December 31, 2015), total liabilities increased by 52.9% and reached 24,959.7 billion rubles as of December 31, 2015. The growth was based on loans to customers and funds from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, equity capital amounted to 2111.3 billion rubles, in 2014 it increased by 1528.7 billion rubles, and amounted to 3,640.0 billion rubles, but then there was a significant decrease in equity capital by 2594.1 billion rubles . and as of December 31, 2015 amounted to 1,045.9 billion rubles.

From December 31, 2013 to December 31, 2015, funds from individuals increased from 8,435.8 billion rubles. up to 12,043.7 billion rubles. (December 31, 2014 - 9328.4 billion rubles)

The amount of issued debt obligations increased by 61.5% and amounted to RUB 1,378.5 billion as of December 31, 2015. (12/31/2013 - 853.4 billion rubles, 12/31/2014 - 1,302.6 billion rubles).

Table 5 - Analysis of the dynamics of balance sheet liabilities of PJSC Sberbank of Russia for 2013-2015

Indicators As of 12/31. 2013 billion rubles As of 12/31. 2014 billion rubles As of 12/31. 2015 billion rubles Dynamics 2013-2014 Dynamics 2014-2015
billion rubles V % billion rubles V %
Bank funds 2111,3 3 640,0 1 045,9 +1528,7 +72,4 -2594,1 -71,3
Funds of individuals 8435,8 9 328,4 12 043,7 +892,6 +10,6 +2715,3 +29,1
3628,4 6 234,5 7 754,6 +2606,1 +71,8 +1520,1 +24,4
853,4 1 302,6 1 378,5 +449,2 +52,6 +75,9 +5,8
Others borrowed funds 499,1 537,2 398,0. +38,1 +7,6 -139,2 -25,9
23,80 45,3 132,0 +21,5 +90,3 +86,7 +191,4
291,7 1 271,8 1 330,9 +980,1 +336,0 +59,1 +4,6
60,7 51,4 69,6. -9,3 -15,3 +18,2 +35,4
Subordinated loans 424,7 769,5 806,5 +344,8 +81,2 +37,0 +4,8
Total liabilities 16328,9 23 180,7 24959,7 +6851,8 +42,0 +1779,0 +7,7

Funds from corporate clients in 2013 amounted to 3628.4 billion rubles, and in 2014 the funds increased by 2606.1 billion rubles. or by 71.8%. And they amounted to 6,234.5 billion rubles, and as of December 31, 2015 they amounted to 7,754.6 billion rubles, which is 1,520.1 billion rubles. or 24.4% more than the previous year.

The bank's borrowings increased to 398.0 billion rubles. (12/31/2013 - 499.1 billion rubles, 12/31/2014 - 537.2 billion rubles)

The main resource base of the Bank remains deposits of individuals, whose share in total liabilities constitutes the largest percentage.

Table 6 - Analysis of the liability structure of the balance sheet of PJSC Sberbank of Russia for 2013 - 2015

Index As of 12/31. 2013 As of 12/31. 2014 As of 12/31. 2015
billion rubles Ud. weight,% billion rubles Ud. weight,% billion rubles Ud. weight,%
Bank funds 2111,3 12,9 15,7 1045,9 4,2
Funds of individuals 8435,8 51,7 9328,4 40,2 12043,7 48,3
Corporate client funds 3628,4 22,2 6234,5 26,9 7754,6 31,1
Debt securities issued 853,4 5,2 1302,6 5,6 1378,5 5,5
Other borrowed funds 499,1 3,1 537,2 2,3 1,6
Deferred tax liability 23,8 0,1 45,3 0,2 0,5
Other financial liabilities 291,7 1,8 1271,8 5,5 1330,9 5,3
Other non-financial liabilities 60,7 0,4 51,4 0,2 69,6 0,3
Subordinated loans 424,7 2,6 769,5 3,3 806,5 3,2
Total liabilities 16328,9 100,0 23180,7 100,0 24959,7 100,0

In the structure of liabilities, the dominant items throughout the analyzed period are Customer Funds and the Bank’s Own Funds, with a small share of funds from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The remaining indicators have an insignificant share, but still form total liabilities.