How to solve problems with the management company. Options for dealing with the management company

Many of us, when paying our rent bills, have probably encountered numbers that raise big questions. Services that residents cannot use due to the carelessness of the management company, for some reason continue to be included in payment receipts. For clogged garbage chutes and broken elevators, for dirt in the entrance and broken glass, the owners of apartment buildings continue to receive regular payments. Add here the now classic payment for radio points, which many owners square meters They have not been used for a long time, since this network has been dismantled in many houses. Add the cost of a common television antenna, which is no longer relevant in the world of cable and satellite television. Even with approximate rounding, the result is a fairly decent amount that goes nowhere. Utility services do not want to answer legitimate questions about this, either because they do not want to lose a tasty morsel in the form of additional funds, or simply because they do not know what is happening. Or they are completely silent and prefer not to pay attention to requests. Look at this elevator in St. Petersburg:

Well, how can you charge something for such a disgrace and demand timely payment? And in the city of Murmansk, the management company decided to fulfill its duties and clean the garbage chute... with a huge cobblestone:

What came out of this can be seen immediately, but payments continue to be accrued. All attempts to talk to employees of the management company end, as a rule, in scandals and paper wars. They do not want to resolve all problems peacefully and legally. Look at the reaction of utility workers and the attempt of apartment owners to resolve the accumulated issues:

Such boorish behavior becomes widespread, and residents are left alone with their troubles. Whole houses of people become hostage to communal troubles, as happened in Ust-Abakan:

Management companies sometimes cannot solve a single everyday problem, but they manage to charge for mythical services very well and in a timely manner. The list of payments on which disagreements constantly arise is quite extensive, but for many payments the owner of the premises is in apartment building you have the right not to pay, the main thing is to know your rights.

Residents apartment buildings have the right to unite in homeowners' associations. The general meeting elects the board and chairman of their HOA. The latter, on behalf of the residents, enter into an agreement with management company for home maintenance. From this moment on, all common property of the apartment building is under the control of public utilities. They are responsible for the good condition of this property, as well as for the order throughout the serviced territory. In turn, management companies send bills to residents every month, which the latter are required to pay on time. This is all revealed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which can be viewed here: The apartment itself is private property. Garbage chutes, elevators, common television antennas are common property and belong to all apartment owners in the building. What exactly does the tenants own? common property, and what is private is revealed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. You can view it using this link: For serviceability common property and the management company is responsible for the order in the common area, which means that apartment owners have the right to demand from them that the elevator is in good condition, the garbage chutes are clean and in good working order, the light bulb is replaced in a timely manner or broken glass and other property. Owners of apartment building premises have the right to refuse to pay for the elevator and garbage chute, despite the fact that they are common areas. Especially if they are in poor condition. To begin with, you should complain to the management company, by writing an official complaint, about the malfunction of the common property. If no measures are taken by the utility companies, then you should notify them that you are not going to pay for the emergency elevator and non-working garbage chute. Write a statement to the court, preferably a collective complaint, and do not forget to attach photographs of the elevator that is idle all the time and the clogged garbage chute. Having considered your case, the court will oblige the management company to return the money for the entire downtime of the elevator and garbage chute. You can also refuse the radio point. If you have cable or satellite TV, the same goes for a shared TV antenna. If a system is legally installed in the apartment autonomous heating, and the utilities continue to include the heating bill on the receipt, you can demand a refund of payments for this service through the court. It is worth remembering that when resolving controversial issues with management companies, the State Housing Inspectorate can help settle everything.

The chaos that occurs in payment receipts provided by management companies sometimes forces the owners of premises in an apartment building to overpay quite impressive amounts. Have to pay for a large number of services that residents have not used for a long time. Very often due to a malfunction for which the utility companies themselves are to blame. The courts, which take the side of defrauded apartment owners, will help to find justice in this matter and return all incorrect payments.

Russian legislation on housing and communal services is changing literally online. After the February series of amendments, the latest March additions to the current legislation have already come into force. How, with the help of all these changes, can we solve the main problems of the majority of residents: to achieve an improvement in the quality of housing and utilities and reduce unreasonably inflated amounts in utility bills”? Let's analyze the algorithm of actions taking into account the updated legislation

Aware means armed!

Let us remind you: in the first part of our “housing and communal education” we found out how to achieve radical changes - to sever relations with the current management company and choose a new management company (MC). This method is an extreme measure in case the residents are so fed up with the abuses and shoddy work of the “managers” that there can be no talk of any correction of the Criminal Code.

At the same time, in practice it may be more expedient to set less revolutionary goals. That is, not to “overthrow” the existing Criminal Code, but to act constructively - direct your efforts to reduce the amounts in payments for utility bills.

The first and most important assistant to you in this is the Standard for the disclosure of information by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731, the latest edition dated February 6, 2012). This document lists in detail what information about the maintenance of the house and in what order the management company is obliged to provide residents.

Please note: such information is a serious weapon in the fight against unscrupulous managers. After all, first of all, it is the secrecy, the declaration of many data as trade secrets, that allows the dodgers from the management company to successfully “fish in troubled waters,” pocketing the residents’ money under the pretext of abstract “house maintenance costs.”

So, any homeowner has every right to demand, in particular, the following valuable and indicative information:

- a complete list of services provided by the management organization for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building, including whether security services are provided for the entrance, parking lot, etc.;

- a description of the content of each work (service), the frequency of its implementation, the results, as well as an indication of the design features, the degree of physical wear and tear and the technical condition of the common property of an apartment building, which determine the choice of specific works (this allows you to find out how justified the need for certain works or services is) );

- the cost of each work (service) per unit of measurement (per 1 sq.m. total area premises in an apartment building, for 1 metering device for the corresponding utility resource, etc.);

— a list of utility resources that the management organization purchases from resource supply organizations, indicating specific suppliers, as well as the volume of purchased resources and the prices for such resources at which the management company purchases them from suppliers;

— tariffs (prices) for consumers established for resource supply organizations from which the management organization purchases utility resources. In this case, the management company is obliged to indicate the details of the regulatory legal acts that establish such tariffs;

— utility tariffs that are used by the management organization to calculate the amount of payments for consumers (residents).

Waiting for an answer

According to the current rules, information about the activities of the management company must be publicly available. Namely, first of all, they should be posted for public viewing on the websites of management companies on the Internet. However, in practice, few managers now reach such “achievements of progress.” Therefore, it is possible to apply alternative methods of obtaining information, which are also provided for by the Standard.

Any of the residents has the right to send an electronic request to the management company, and if you do not have information about e-mail UK - use a traditional written request. In the latter case, the management organization is obliged to provide the information you are interested in writing within 20 days from the date of receipt of the request (refer to paragraph 21 of the Standard). On email Managers must respond, that is, send all requested data by email, within 2 business days (clause 18 of the Standard).

“When you get a full breakdown of the work of the management company, amazing things may become clear,” says expert on legislation on consumer protection and housing and communal services, lawyer Dmitry Lesnyak. – For example, it often turns out that management organizations, on their own initiative, decided to “make happy” residents with services that are of zero use (or they actually don’t provide them at all), and money flows in an endless stream into the pockets of resourceful managers.

In practice, we have encountered such services imposed by building managers as payment for “monitoring the house security service” (this is in addition to the payment for the security itself!), payment for transporting electricity entering the house from the entrance doors to the apartment doors (!), payment for heating water (in addition to payment for cold water supply). “Residents are also often amazed by the size of the remuneration of directors and other management personnel of the management company,” says the expert. “Often these amounts are on the order of 200 - 300 thousand rubles.”

We prepare claims and complaints

When studying the information received, pay attention to the following important points:

1) what services and works are clearly imposed and are not justified by the real condition of the house;

2) which of the services (works) you pay for are not actually provided or are provided in violation of the stipulated conditions (irregularly, of poor quality, etc.);

3) what tariffs and prices look unreasonably high (including remuneration to management company personnel, cost of construction work local area etc.).

After conducting such an analysis, prepare a written complaint to the management company. Indicate the shortcomings you have discovered in the work of the management company, your demands (cancel some services and charge for them, reduce tariffs, etc.), and also set a reasonable period for the fulfillment of your requirements. Practicing lawyers recommend giving managers two weeks to one month to correct them. It would also be useful to warn in writing that in case of failure to comply with the requirements within the established period, residents plan to collectively file complaints with the relevant state control and supervisory authorities.

Keep in mind: for help and support in asserting your rights, you can contact the state housing inspection (it recently received new powers to protect the interests of residents in “showdowns” with management companies), as well as the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, which fights against unreasonable inflated tariffs.

What you should pay attention to when looking at your payment slip, and how to change your management company (MC) competently and without problems if the previous one has disappointed you

What you should pay attention to when looking at your payment slip, and how to change your management company (MC) competently and without problems if the previous one has disappointed you

Almost every one of us, having taken out mailbox a fresh utility bill and looking at the treasured “Total” column, did you at least once think: where does the management company get such beautiful sums, impressive for the average wallet? Am I, the recipient of services, an object of deception and fraud? How to check whether the receipt indicates the cost of payment for work actually done - or numbers copied from the ceiling by thoughtful businessmen?

Today we will deal with these questions. And at the same time, let’s remember how to competently, according to the law, change the management company if the previous one suddenly disappointed you with dishonesty or turned out to be dishonest.

The most popular methods of deception

First of all, let's find out what mechanisms the utility market players use to lure more money from gullible citizens. There are many of these mechanisms, but some are definitely used more often than others.

  1. One of the most popular types of cheating is overestimating heat costs. As a rule, apartment buildings now have communal heat meters (as well as water meters, by the way), but not all residents know about this. By default, management companies set payment for heat according to the standard for each square meter of living space. Overly meticulous residents may be told that the metering devices have not yet been sealed, and this means that they cannot yet be used nominally.

The secret is that the management companies themselves later pay the resource-supplying organizations precisely according to meter readings, which, of course, are significantly lower than the “square tariff”. The difference goes to the pockets of the businessmen. An ordinary five-entrance, nine-story building can thus generate “income” of one hundred thousand rubles per month. Ten such houses are already a million.

Without going far from the cash register, let's say in this regard that residents have the right to recalculate their bills. Once a year, you can submit a letter of petition to the Criminal Code itself or to the Housing Commission. The results may pleasantly surprise you. The several thousand rubles returned in this way will allow you, de facto, not to spend money on rent in the next couple of months.

  1. Fraud with estimates for repair work is very common. For their implementation, the management company enters into an agreement with the contractor, entering inflated amounts in advance. This is followed by fictitious acts of completed work. In especially criminal cases, repairs may not be performed at all; the money stolen from consumers is shared fraternally by the contractor and the management company.
  2. Renting out for shops, warehouses, various private needs of attics, basements, electrical rooms and others non-residential premises apartment buildings are a real goldmine for many management companies. Residents often do not think that the listed premises are common property, the rent for which should go to the needs of the house, in particular, for routine repairs. Instead, the money is appropriated by enterprising “managers” who sometimes manage to rent out even the shafts of non-working elevators.
  3. It’s the same story with billboards and banners placed – of course, by agreement with the management company, otherwise it is impossible by law – by advertising companies on the walls of houses. Do you know how the profits from these beauties are spent? That's it. But it should - again for the needs of the house. Not to mention that such structures cannot be placed without the consent of the residents.
  4. Businessmen do not hesitate to make money from such a dirty business as garbage collection. Workers hired specifically for this task compact the garbage into containers so that instead of two or three times a week, it can be collected once. And the documents, as you may have guessed, indicate three.
  5. The government decree regulating the activities of management companies states that their main responsibility is to regularly inspect the house and correct any deficiencies found. However, the frequency and scope of work are not specified in the laws, so management companies from time to time announce “unscheduled” inspections or inspections of the house, and charge an additional fee for this.

A few more “relatively honest” ways to take money from tenants

Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

Some management companies include a column “For major repairs” in their payments. It is illegal. The payment for repairs - both capital and current - is already included in the column “For the maintenance and repair of residential premises”.

The same applies to the lines “For servicing of metering devices” in receipts. Regulations for such a service simply do not exist by law. “Maintenance” in this case refers to the banal blowing of dust from the counters.

Elevators and garbage disposals in a home may not work, but maintenance fees will still apply. This violation occurs especially often in new buildings, where the same elevator, for example, has not yet been launched.

Funds collected from residents may be spent in inflated amounts on the purchase of stationery, fuels and lubricants and other consumables. A typical scheme for “inflating” amounts during procurement, which can only be proven by an audit or audit.

Finally, at times management companies enter into collusion with companies that install intercoms. It is more profitable for residents to pay for one-time intercom maintenance cases and for the repair of each specific breakdown. The management company includes in the receipt the monthly subscription fee for the intercom, regardless of the quality of its work, and before that it receives a “kickback” from the installer.

How to check the numbers on a payment order

You will say: all this, of course, is good and useful to know. But how can I personally check whether I am being deceived?

This question was recently answered federal Service Russian Federation according to tariffs. She opened the website, where you can find out the cost of all standards and tariffs for utility services for all Russian regions, and, accordingly, calculate your own amounts that you must pay monthly for water, electricity, gas and heat.

The program developed for this is called “Housing and Utilities Calculator”. In it you need to indicate your locality (each region, as you know, has its own tariffs for different resources); square footage of the apartment, the number of citizens registered in it (the amount of payment for utilities also depends on this). The calculator will even show you the number of the municipal ordinance by which you are charged for a particular service.

If the data you received in the program differs greatly from that indicated on the payment slip, this is a reason to look into the issue more carefully and take action. There are several possibilities: you can first file a complaint with the management company itself; in more serious cases, the housing inspectorate and the prosecutor's office will help you.

I'll give you money, but not for you

If the management company disappoints you, you have every right to change it by choosing another manager for your home. For this, as Article 162 of the Housing Code regulates the procedure, you don’t even need any special grounds. A simple dissatisfaction with the quality of work is enough.

True, when changing the management company there are still certain nuances. Firstly, only legal owners of apartments, that is, owners of privatized housing, can participate in the procedure. In the case of non-privatized apartments, the municipality is considered their owner, and accordingly, it will make the decision.

Secondly, the decision to refuse the services of the management company must be made before the contract with the organization expires. If you are late, the contract will be extended and the procedure may drag on for many months.

The decision to move to another management company or change management to a HOA, according to the law, must be made by residents at a general meeting, where the corresponding minutes are drawn up. Residents must be notified in writing of the meeting.

One specific owner can refuse the services of a management company; True, if you decide to become such an owner, get ready to independently look for replacements for your managers and similarly enter into an agreement with new ones.

Finally, advice to everyone who is thinking about changing management companies: before choosing new company for home maintenance, carefully study the reviews of utility providers working in your area and city. This will help you avoid running into new scammers.

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How to fight the housing and communal services management company: ways in which they deceive us and how to find justice for them, as well as the secrets of the fight to protect the rights of citizens in this area

As I already said, I work as a director of a management company (housing and communal services). I would like to give some advice on how to “fight” with us, such bastards))

1. If something goes wrong, don’t hesitate to call the management company. If you think you didn’t clean the entrance properly, call, if you have internet, write. If you need a receipt, please tell me. As a rule, we react. 2. Don't yell about your problems. Yes, we got you, and in general life is a hard thing, but you want something from us, submit a request or leave a complaint. Information is perceived much better when it is spoken. When a person yells in my ear, I want to kill him. Honestly. At such moments, I internally persuade myself to calm down, I remember that I have three children. But I can’t work with a criminal record. Accordingly, after he leaves, I often cannot understand what he wanted from me, and I try to forget about his visit.

3. Trust but verify. Left a request to the dispatcher? Take the application number. Left the paper at the management office? Let them register your appeal.

4. Don't rush to complain. I have had cases when I learned about what happened from government agencies, and not from the tenant himself. Those. not in the apartment hot water, and the person, instead of calling the dispatcher, calls the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And the Ministry of Emergency Situations calls me on my cell phone. At 4 am, for example. I'm obviously evil. I pay a salary to the dispatcher and the mechanic, and I am not going to earn extra money for them. For example, you work as a manager, and the director offers you a part-time job as a loader, how do you like that?

5. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. The janitor didn't sweep the yard? Call the dispatcher. People come to me and say that the janitor hasn’t watered the flowers for a month. What's my first question? Did you call? No. Well, that means it should be so. When you leave the office, I will, of course, give it to the janitor, and then I’ll go and have a look myself. But initially the submission should be from you.

6. Can you figure it out yourself? Figure it out for yourself. Does your neighbor play loud music at night? I don't give a fuck. Don't have any parking spaces? I don't give a fuck. I don’t even have a car). Your wife left you. I don't give a fuck. I'm in the business of maintaining housing stock, not wiping your butt. Solve your problems yourself.

7. Would you like to see the documents? Call, agree on time and volume. Come. Don’t think that I can’t wait with ready-made photocopies of your visit. I'm always busy, even now, at night when I'm writing this post, I can be in the basement standing over the locksmith's soul))

8. You should not request documents that you do not need. So you asked me for a book of income and expenses. Why do you need it? I provide all the necessary information briefly in the form of an annual report. Yeah, you see the expense item “Greening and landscaping” there, but no flowers were planted this year. Come to the office and ask where the 3,000 rubles went. You will be reminded that the tree was bought for the New Year.

9. Clearly formulate what you want from us. Find out if we can provide this service. So you want us to replace the playground. Look at her, is she working? Yes. Painted? Yes. How much does the site you want cost? 150 thousand. Remember that pothole repairs are planned this year. Seek a compromise with me. I know the site is old. But she still serves. Let me bring the sand this year, and next year I’ll just replace the slide?

10. Don’t subject me to fines. Yes, I'm afraid of them. A fine of 200 thousand for any enterprise is a disaster. But let's think about where I will get this money? Yes Yes. I’ll take it from your money, from your own house. Where else? There are no other sources. Many people are too lazy to do the calculations themselves, but they know that the Housing Inspectorate can do it. Know that the Housing Inspectorate will consider the information I give it. At her request, I will send them a pack of paper, which we will print for a whole week, completely filling up on all the work. The inspector is also a person, he will check formally - everything is there, everything is in order. He won't read this pack. So you can just glance at it and that’s it.

11. You shouldn’t consider yourself the smartest. If the ventilation in your apartment is not working well, this does not mean that I am necessarily to blame. It also happens that we have nothing to do with it. Take a piece of paper and apply it to the grille, is it pressed? No? Open the window, now? Pinned? Congratulations, there is no air flow into the apartment. Install a supply valve, or change a window/door. You do not trust me? It's a pity, please justify your position. Can not? Well, what are you eating my brain for? Oh, grandma told you that we are to blame. Well, everything is clear then.

Therefore, the following advice:

12. Finally elect the House Council. And not the money, which I oh. I can’t explain anything, but normal, adequate people. There is no need to elect drunks to the Council either, I can’t resist and buy them by the bottle)) The House Council is your tool for working with the management company. This is not a formality. I cannot ignore the advice from home. I can see you because I know that you came to me once and will not come again because you work in the North.

Sorry for the style of presentation and veiled obscenities.

We talk about how to deal with housing and communal services management companies - what needs to be done and where to find control over them

Russian citizens became acquainted with the concept of Management Company relatively recently.

Unfortunately, confrontation between representatives of these organizations and residents of apartment buildings began almost immediately.

Having chosen managers, apartment owners hope that management companies will be able to provide residents with all the necessary conditions. But in reality, residents are often faced with dishonest performance of duties and begin to defend their rights.

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When does the need to protect your rights arise?

What doesn’t suit the owners and why does it become necessary to file claims against the management company? The reasons for dissatisfaction among apartment building residents most often are the following actions of the management company:

Ideally, all tariffs should be discussed and adopted at a general meeting of owners.
In practice, notifications of fees for services are established in absentia, since only a few are present at meetings. It is not possible to influence the formation of the fee size.

  • The management company, without informing the residents, rents out common square meters and puts the rent in its own pocket.
  • Ways to deceive residents

    Along with the problems of providing utilities and paying for them, some companies earn incredible sums using fraudulent schemes.

    Fraud by the management company can be carried out in the following ways:

    Creation of lookalike companies. Management companies collect fees from residents, but the money does not reach the real service providers, but is scattered among shell companies. The donor company accumulates a huge debt. At this time, the attackers create a double of the management company, change the statutory documents and renew contracts with suppliers for it.

    This scheme is common due to gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The fact is that there are no sanctions for failure to fulfill obligations to transfer funds to suppliers, and management companies, taking advantage of this, steal millions.

    Opening personal accounts. Building managers, using residents' money, open personal accounts, deposits and even mini-banks.

    Owners pay for housing and communal services in good faith, and managers, by inflating tariffs, put the difference into their accounts, and sometimes distribute these funds at interest.

    Inappropriate use of funds for major repairs. Special funds are allocated for the repair and maintenance of an apartment building. But the money in special accounts is not used for its intended purpose.

    Major repairs of buildings are either not carried out at all, or are carried out using shell companies that carry out the work unqualifiedly, but at the same time charge high fees for poor-quality work.

    Possible solutions to the problem

    When the residents of a house are not satisfied with something, they begin to think about who should provide for them comfortable accommodation. Unfortunately, until this moment, many do not think about who manages their home and with whom contracts for its maintenance have been concluded.

    First of all, the owner needs to study the contract, which should be in the hands of every owner of residential premises in an apartment building. If you do not have such an agreement, this is wrong.

    Come to your management company in person and demand that they give you a document. Don’t wait for managers to bring you contracts; they are least of all interested in you having this document.

    After receiving the document, please read it carefully. It should specify the responsibilities of the management company.

    The management company is obliged to provide residents with utility services of adequate quality and in full, to carry out repairs and maintain common property, and to eliminate problems in the event of any occurrence of engineering and technical equipment.

    The minimum list of services provided is regulated by law and agreed with the owners. The approval procedure must be carried out annually.

    In addition, the list of services must be listed in the contract. Failure of the management company to comply with the terms of the contract is the basis for filing claims.

    The fight against the management company’s failure to properly fulfill its duties consists of 2 main stages, which we will consider below.

    Filing a complaint with the Criminal Code

    First, you need to send a complaint to the management company itself. A document addressed to the head of the management company is drawn up on behalf of a group of owners or on behalf of one person in 3 copies. The statement describes in detail the nature of the complaint and the demand.

    The document is submitted directly to the management company or sent by registered mail with notice. On your copy, request the date of registration of the document and the signature of the person who accepted it.

    If after this period the problem is not resolved, or the management company does not respond to your complaints, take the next step.

    Appeal to higher authorities

    After communicating about the claim directly with the management company, you can complain about her inaction to the Housing Inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. In this appeal, you must describe the situation with the management company and demand an assessment of the legality of its actions.

    From the video you will learn what to do if the activities of the management company do not suit you and how you can make the management company work normally:

    Procedure in some situations

    As practice shows, there are many similar types problem situations that arise during communication between homeowners and management companies. We will describe the most common of them.

    Inflated tariffs for utilities

    Many residents are faced with the problem of non-working elevators, garbage chutes, unlit or dirty entrances, broken glass or non-functioning radiators in stairwells. Wherein, For services that are not actually provided, the management company continues to charge considerable amounts.

    There are also frequent cases when the management company makes adjustments to tariffs for payment of heat, electricity, water supply and sewerage. Inflates the figures for the services consumed. The difference naturally ends up in the company’s accounts.

    In advance, independently or with the help of specialists, study the pricing standards, check the accuracy of payment calculations, inspect the metering devices in the house, assess their condition and correct installation, take measurements of water pressure and hot water supply temperature. If service rates do not comply with the law, act.

    You should start by filing a collective or individual complaint directly to the management of the management company. After submitting the application, get the signature of the person who accepted it on your copy and wait for a response within the next two weeks.

    It is possible that utility companies may ignore your request altogether. In this case, and also if you receive an answer, but are not satisfied with the result, contact the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or the Prosecutor's Office. In the application, describe the problem and the process of your appeal to the Criminal Code.

    Inaction of the management company

    Major repairs of the building, troubleshooting the technical equipment of the house - all this is the responsibility of the management company servicing the house. However, management often refers to the lack of funds to eliminate these problems.

    If such situations arise, start by asking for a list of work done recently and the amounts that were spent. Assess the ratio of actual work done to fictitious work.

    If you identify unreasonably spent amounts, demand that the management company eliminate the violations and carry out the work that was reported on paper.

    Often, residents of a home see that the home’s equipment is in disrepair. In these cases, you should also contact the management company with a request to eliminate the problems. Please attach photographs of equipment or parts of the building that are in disrepair or require repairs to your application.

    The application should require a technical examination of the condition and prompt elimination of problems. If the company continues to ignore your demands, contact higher authorities.

    Please attach to your appeals the complaint you filed with the Criminal Code and documents confirming the facts of unreasonable waste of funds.

    The most extreme case is filing a lawsuit. For this request, it is better to use the services of professional lawyers. Sometimes the prosecutor's office goes to court if violations are discovered. Just keep in mind that the prosecutor may initiate an appeal to judiciary only on collective complaints. Individual claims are filed by citizens in person.

    Emergency situation

    Eliminating breakdowns of technical equipment inside a separate apartment is the responsibility of the homeowner himself. If it occurs, he can turn to the Criminal Code for help, and it will take care of the elimination. But for an appropriate fee.

    But in the event of problems with common house equipment, the owner informs the relevant services, whose responsibilities include the timely elimination of accidents. The management company must react and go to the site no later than 30 minutes after receiving the information.

    But the consequences of a breakdown of common house equipment in separate apartment managers must eliminate it absolutely free of charge and in the shortest possible time. It is in these cases that most often residents are faced with refusal or delay in elimination actions on the part of managers.

    Most often, apartments are flooded due to the fault of utility workers who did not correct equipment malfunctions in a timely manner. If your apartment is flooded due to a burst of common pipes or a roof leak, call specialists and document the damage caused to your property.

    Draw up an act and submit it to the Criminal Code along with the application containing a claim for damages.

    If the management company refuses to compensate for losses or does not do so within 30 days, submit statement of claim to court. In the claim, indicate the amount of damage, attach an expert opinion and the application that you submitted to the Criminal Code.

    Concluding lease agreements without the knowledge of tenants

    Management companies, without the knowledge of residents, can enter into agreements with outsiders for the rental of common property.

    From the point of view of the law, these actions are a violation, since only the HOA, that is, directly the owners of residential premises, can conclude such agreements and receive profit from transactions.

    If you notice that strangers or organizations have appeared in the common area (basements, attics, technical rooms), and that foreign objects (advertising boards, antennas) have been installed on the facade or roof, it means that your management company has decided to make money on your property without your participation.

    In this case, immediately contact Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office. Describe the situation and request a check this fact, since only owners can make decisions and enter into lease agreements for common property.

    The actions of the Criminal Code in this case are a direct violation of Article 290 of the Civil Code. The management company can enter into agreements with the consent of the residents and together with them and spend the funds received for the needs of the apartment building.

    Article 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Common property of apartment owners in an apartment building

    1. The owners of apartments in an apartment building own, by right of common shared ownership, the common premises of the house, the supporting structures of the house, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment outside or inside the apartment that serves more than one apartment.
    2. The owner of an apartment does not have the right to alienate his share in the ownership of the common property of a residential building, as well as perform other actions entailing the transfer of this share separately from the ownership of the apartment.

    Thus, the management company is an organization that should work to ensure the comfort of homeowners. If her actions somehow do not correspond to this purpose, you have the right to demand protection of your interests.

    How to make a claim to the management company? How to force a management company to fulfill its obligations

    The owners of an apartment building are consumers of utilities, as well as services for the operation, maintenance and repair of common property. And they can protect their rights by all legal means, including through the courts. And this is perhaps the most effective method. Remember that the inaction of the management company violates the rights of residents arising from the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the management agreement for apartment buildings. According to procedural legislation, both individual citizens and their public associations (for example, the council of MKD) can file a claim for the protection of consumer rights. In this case, you will be exempt from paying state duty.

    If the housing and communal services management company deceives: how to fight to protect your rights

    And it says quite clearly that if the annual general meeting of residents was not held and they themselves did not decide how much they need to invest in the repair and maintenance of their common home, then the Management Company will do it for them itself - also adjusted for the inflation rate. Taking advantage of this, dishonest housing developers inflate rents by 2 or even 3 times.

    Options for dealing with the management company

    Disputes between residents and management companies are not as rare as we would like. Taking advantage of their position, companies often neglect their responsibilities and ignore the rights of residents. You can find a remedy for improper services if you act correctly. The most important thing to get positive result– the struggle is not alone. The popular wisdom that one man in the field is no warrior takes on a new meaning when a person is faced with the question of how to deal with a management company that does not fulfill the terms of the contract.

    How to deal with deception and inaction of housing and communal services management companies: advice from lawyers

    IN judicial practice There are many situations when residents file applications in relation to any criminal codes. However, these claims are not always justified. This happens mainly due to the fact that the owners do not fully understand the main content of the agreement concluded with the management company. In this regard, they begin to put forward demands that may not relate to the responsibilities and activities of the management company.

    How to make a management company work for the benefit of the owners: laws in simple language and procedures

    Management companies collect fees from residents, but the money does not reach the real service providers, but is scattered among shell companies. The donor company accumulates a huge debt. And at this time, the attackers create a double of the management company, change the statutory documents and re-sign contracts with suppliers for it.

    How to deal with the housing and communal services management company

    When purchasing the apartment, there was no debt due to the management company. However, time has passed, and now the company is demanding a debt of 3,100 rubles from me! They don’t indicate which year. I have payment receipts from 2010, where should I go in this case?

    How to deal with the housing and communal services management company

    How do we usually fight a management company? And why, in fact, should we fight? The answer is quite simple - because when faced with a real confrontation with the need for active action, perseverance, courage, the majority of dissatisfied and “abandoned” residents give up and give up.

    Where can I find the housing and communal services authority? Management company anti-fraud methods

    How to make a management company work? If the management company does not perform its actions properly, resulting in you cannot carry out your daily activities normally, and also dishonest performance of duties threatens your life and health, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor.

    How to deal with the housing and communal services management company

    Please note that according to Resolution No. 731 of September 23, 2010, the provision of the requested information to me must be carried out by sending (in writing) to the consumer postal item. Until I receive comprehensive information, I consider it impossible to pay for services provided. If information is not received within two months, a collective letter from the residents of house XXXXXXX will be sent to the prosecutor's office of XXXXXXX.

    How to deal with the housing and communal services management company

    Now I’m exaggerating greatly, VERY greatly. But by and large it is. We also have our faults. Yes, I have. But personally, I review ten requests, complaints, applications, and papers a day. I check the accountant’s work, because she’s nearby and she always has a lot of questions. I negotiate with suppliers, make purchases, handle claims, answer calls. I meet with municipal and government agencies. Plus I have a family that also needs attention. Sometimes I just can't check the mechanic's work. Check, you are a resident of this house, if you don’t want to do it yourself, look for the Timurites (House Council). Is anyone interested? Well then, what do you want from me if you don't care?

    Types of fraud among management companies

    1. there is no list of work to be carried out overhaul indicating the cost of each of them, as well as the timing of implementation;
    2. payment for utility services contradicts and violates the rules adopted at a previously held general meeting, for example, it was decided to take part in a program of federal significance (regulated by Federal Law No. 158), therefore, it is necessary for the owners to pay 5% of the fee, but the payment is calculated continues even after the owners have already contributed their share, which is a contradiction.

    Sue housing and communal services or how to fight the system

    The most important thing is the coordinated work of public utilities in the winter season. Few people don't know about negative consequences snow, icicles, ice on the roof not removed in time. For causing damage to property, or even more so to the health of residents, as a result of failure to fulfill the obligation to clear the area of ​​snow or ice, utility workers face full compensation for all losses caused, as well as administrative and sometimes even criminal liability.

    Illegal payments

    Residents of apartment buildings have the right to unite in homeowners' associations. The general meeting elects the board and chairman of their HOA. The latter, on behalf of the residents, enter into an agreement with the management company for the maintenance of the house. From this moment on, all common property of the apartment building is under the control of public utilities. They are responsible for the good condition of this property, as well as for the order throughout the serviced territory. In turn, management companies send bills to residents every month, which the latter are required to pay on time. This is all revealed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which can be viewed here: The apartment itself is private property. Garbage chutes, elevators, common television antennas are common property and belong to all apartment owners in the building. What exactly belongs to residents as common property and what is private is revealed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. You can view it using this link: The management company is responsible for the serviceability of common property and order in the common area, which means that apartment owners have the right to demand from them that the elevator is in good condition, garbage chutes are clean and in good working order, timely replacement of light bulbs or replacement of broken glass and other property. Owners of apartment building premises have the right to refuse to pay for the elevator and garbage chute, despite the fact that they are common areas. Especially if they are in poor condition. To begin with, you should complain to the management company, by writing an official complaint, about the malfunction of the common property. If no measures are taken by the utility companies, then you should notify them that you are not going to pay for the emergency elevator and non-working garbage chute. Write a statement to the court, preferably a collective complaint, and do not forget to attach photographs of the elevator that is idle all the time and the clogged garbage chute. Having considered your case, the court will oblige the management company to return the money for the entire downtime of the elevator and garbage chute. You can also refuse the radio point. If you have cable or satellite TV, the same goes for a shared TV antenna. If an autonomous heating system is legally installed in an apartment, and the utilities continue to include the heating bill on the receipt, you can demand a refund of payments for this service through the court. It is worth remembering that when resolving controversial issues with management companies, the State Housing Inspectorate can help settle everything.

    The fight against the arbitrariness of management companies

    The third step has common roots with the second step. Residents must request documents confirming the expenditure of funds. This includes various payment documents, certificates of work performed, employment contracts with employees of the management company. Russian courts reviewed about 12 thousand claims, satisfying about half. According to Oleg Sukhov, the demands of the residents turned out to be quite understandable - some management companies actually demanded from the plaintiffs cash for services not provided.

    Payment for housing and communal services: how to fight for your rights? Ufa experience

    Several years ago Zukhra Gabdullovna returned from Tyumen region to my native Ufa to quietly meet old age. She headed the housing department for 35 years, was the chairman of the budget committee of the largest oil city, and a deputy. Has three higher education, including in the field of economics and management.

    The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

    However, these claims are not always justified. This happens mainly due to the fact that the owners do not fully understand the basic content. In this regard, they begin to put forward demands that may not apply to the activities of the management company.

    But in most cases, claims have serious grounds. These include:

    1. Dishonesty in the performance of its direct duties by the management company (poor quality, incomplete scope).
    2. Refusal to fulfill the clauses stipulated in the concluded agreement.
    3. Raising tariffs without reason. must necessarily be agreed upon at a general meeting of residents of an apartment building. Without this, any increase is illegal.
    4. Incorrect information about consumed services. Managers have the opportunity to inflate the figures for electricity consumption and appropriate the difference for themselves.
    5. Renting out communal square meters to a management company without the consent of the residents of the house.
    6. When funds are spent inappropriately. Management companies often collect funds, but no one knows where they are spent. And when I try to check the documents, the company refuses.

    There are also many other reasons. Therefore, if owners feel that their rights have been violated, they should not remain silent and wait. You should seek help from authorized authorities. We will talk further about how to find a management company.

    About fraud schemes

    Management organizations often misappropriate residents' funds, which were sent to improve the condition of the residential property. Unfortunately, the activities of many management companies are based not on improving the maintenance of housing, but on deceiving owners and various frauds.

    Ways to deceive residents

    Let's look at ways of fraud.

    How to make a management company work?

    How to force the management company to fulfill its requirements? First, you should try to understand the current situation on your own. You can try to improve relations with the management company. Perhaps at this stage it will be possible to find a compromise solution, which will lead to a positive result.

    At this stage, you can write, correctly stating the essence of the problem, and submit it to the office of the managing organization.

    The Criminal Code must accept the application, issue a visa and register it. If the office is closed, you can put the letter in the mailbox. In any case, the management company is obliged to provide a response to the appeal no later than 14 calendar days.

    Important: if there is no response to your appeal, then this may be regarded as a refusal and unwillingness of the management company to satisfy your requirements. If you receive a positive answer, you need to come to a compromise solution to the problem.

    If the answer is negative, then this is grounds for filing a claim with higher authorities. At the same time, you can confidently say that your attempt to solve the problem on your own was a failure, and the management company refused you.

    How to deal with housing and communal services management companies?

    How to fight and where to find justice for a company if it has been caught embezzling funds? Of course, it is necessary to contact the prosecutor's office. Exactly in a statement intended for the prosecutor's office, it is necessary to set out all the grounds and arguments, and also ask for an inspection. After an inspection and violations are identified, an employee of the prosecutor’s office will represent the interests of the tenant in the judicial authorities.

    So, here's your action plan:

    1. contacting the prosecutor's office with a completed statement;
    2. request to conduct a prosecutorial review;
    3. after the inspection, a statement of claim follows to the judicial authorities;
    4. participation in the trial, where the interests of the applicant will be represented by a prosecutor.

    In case of non-fulfillment or incomplete fulfillment of its direct duties, the management company must write a complaint to the regional housing inspection authorities. It is within its competence to combat this type of violation. After the inspection, representatives of the housing inspection will write an order to eliminate all errors of the Criminal Code.

    If the management organization improperly fulfills its obligations or does not fulfill them in general, which threatens the life and health of the resident, then the owner has every right to seek help from Rospotrebnadzor. Rospotrebnadzor is a body that is authorized to conduct relevant inspections and, if serious violations are identified, issue an order to correct all negative aspects within a certain time frame.

    In a situation where clauses are violated, the owner has every right to influence the company. Every person has the right to protect his rights, especially when he contributes money every month. If there is an accident in the house, then eliminating it is the problem of every owner. However, the tenant has the right to seek help from the management organization, respectively, for a certain fee.

    If the problems are related to common house equipment, then the resident must inform the management company and wait for the accident to be resolved by its efforts. must arrive no later than 30 minutes after the signal. An accident involving common property must be repaired by the management company’s employees free of charge and within a short period of time. It is in such situations that owners are often refused to eliminate the accident.

    Sometimes, due to the fault of utility workers, apartments are flooded due to untimely elimination of problems. If the apartment is flooded due to a problem roof or pipes have burst, then you should call an employee of the competent organization and document the damage. Next, a document (act) is drawn up and forwarded to the management company office with an application for compensation of losses.

    If the company refuses to compensate for losses, you can safely go to court with a claim, in which you must indicate the amount of losses, an expert’s opinion and a copy of the application that was sent to the Criminal Code.

    To summarize, it can be noted that in any situation where the rights of residents are violated, they should not remain silent. It is necessary to act and fight against unscrupulous management companies in order to ensure comfortable living.

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    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, each owner of an apartment in an apartment building, which is under the jurisdiction of a management company or HOA, is obliged to pay utility bills on time. Their amount is not fixed, if there are meters, and is completely calculated based on the services consumed by the people living in the apartment. If there are no meters in the apartment, payment is made according to the established tariffs.
    In practice, some tenants neglect their responsibilities as responsible tenants and pay late or refuse to pay receipts at all. Therefore, there is a struggle with housing and communal services debtors. How to work with debtors in HOAs, sanctions for non-payment, ways to deal with defaulters, whether they have the right to turn off utilities for non-payment and answers to other questions will be given below.

    Types of utility debts

    Before you find out what reasons contribute to non-payment utility payments, you should understand what types of debt there are. The measures taken directly depend on the type of debt.

    Types of utility debts:

    • current - debt incurred from the 1st to the 10th of the current month (according to Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment must be made before the 10th day of the month following the month that must be paid, unless otherwise established by the HOA or management company) - fines and sanctions are not applied, because the rights of creditors are not infringed;
    • overdue - a debt for which the payment deadline has already come and passed (begins on the 11th day of the next month, unless otherwise established by agreement with the company providing home maintenance).
    • Debt up to 3 months – work with defaulters has not yet been carried out, only pennies are accrued. Non-payment is caused, for example, by receiving a salary after the 10th.
    • Debt from 3 to 12 months is a deliberate evasion of payment.
    • Debt of 12 months or more – the amount cannot be repaid by the debtors. Non-payment is associated with unstable or low income, the inability to pay the utility bill due to legal (lack/change of the creditor’s personal account number) or practical obstacles.

    Why do citizens become defaulters on utility bills?

    As you can see, the above were subjective reasons why the apartment owner cannot pay utility bills on time. In addition to them, there are also objective reasons.

    Subjective reasons for non-payment:

    • low income;
    • receiving income after the 10th;
    • high level of seasonal expenses – New Year holidays, summer time vacations, getting children ready for school, etc.;
    • failure to collect payers, i.e. forgetting to pay payments on time;
    • physical condition of the citizen - payment is impossible without outside help;
    • temporary absence from locality where the apartment is located.

    Objective reasons for non-payment:

    • high tariffs for utilities do not correspond to their quality, frequent changes in cost and payment details;
    • incorrect accrual of amounts - the tenant has the right to receive full information for what and how the accrual is made and, in case of disagreement, to challenge it;
    • weak notification system for payments - receipts did not reach the apartment owner;
    • long registration of various benefits and subsidies - for several months, accrual may be made at the old tariffs;
    • low level of public awareness about penalties for non-payment. This point is worth considering separately.

    Ways to deal with debtors for utility services, are the actions of the management company legal?

    A separate category of citizens believes that the low quality of public services provided to them allows them not to pay for them. This is not true. According to current legislation, a homeowners association or other organization responsible for housing and communal services has the right, if payment is delayed for several months, to file a claim and charge penalties.

    Can they turn off the lights for non-payment of rent or put a cap on the sewer for debtors - read on.

    Claim from a management company (housing association, etc.) to non-payers, sample

    The management company has a claim template that can be sent out from the first day of debt formation under the CG (as mentioned above, if payment is not received before the 10th day inclusive). In practice, such a letter of claim to the debtor is printed 2-3 months after the debt is formed.

    Information to be included in the claim:

    • from what date the payment was not received and for what months;
    • payment period;
    • responsibilities of the apartment owner;
    • consequences of non-payment.

    Sample: claim from the management company to defaulters

    Penalty charges

    The standard amount of penalties for non-payment of utilities is 1% per day of the entire debt incurred.

    Accordingly, every day the debt will grow exponentially, increasing significantly.

    Utility shutdown

    In case of long-term non-payment (for a period of 3 months), according to the law of the HOA or housing and communal services, it is legal to disconnect the apartment in which the debt from utilities has arisen: electricity, water supply, etc.

    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the disconnection should be carried out only in this apartment, and not in the entire entrance.

    Power outage

    Question: “Is it legal to cut off power?”

    Answer: Yes.

    This is possible by notifying the owner of the apartment in advance, within 3 days. Those. a person is given the right to repay the debt in full. If the amount is not received or he does not appear at the HOA with a document confirming payment (cash receipt, receipt), they have the right to turn off the electricity.

    Sewer plug for debtors

    Question: “Is it legal to install sewer caps for non-payers?”

    Answer: Yes.

    Similar to electricity, plug for drainage and sewer pipe for debts they have the right to deliver, notifying about it 3 days in advance.

    If work is carried out without notification, the owner of the apartment can appeal such a decision in court.

    Restrictions on travel abroad

    Recently, all defaulters of the Customs Code are blacklisted by OVIR and the customs service. A visa is issued for such people, they are allowed to travel to the Russian border, but they will not be allowed to leave it. Departure will be permitted only after full payment of the rent arrears.

    Another option is for a person to receive permission to leave the country (for example, for shopping). Upon entry back, all purchased goods are confiscated and returned after the debt is repaid.

    Seizure of property

    Housing and communal services have the authority, through the court, to confiscate household appliances, vehicle and other things representing material value. Subsequently, they will be put up for sale, and the proceeds will be used to pay off utilities.

    Eviction from the apartment

    Today, eviction from an apartment is extremely rare. A few cases where housing and communal services filed a claim in court against the debtor for eviction. Housing litigation can drag on for months. Even more rarely, the claim was satisfied. This is possible if HOA side will establish that the owner of the apartment has a constant income, which is enough to repay the debt. After the completion of the trial, a writ of execution is issued to the owner of the apartment. It specifies the deadlines for vacating the premises.

    More often than not, there are reasons why eviction is not possible. One of such reasons is the privatization of an apartment and the registration in it of children under 18 years of age. According to the law, it is allowed to turn off utilities, but not to evict.

    The fight against persistent defaulters

    In each city or even in individual houses, debtors for utility services have to be dealt with using different methods.

    Methods of dealing with persistent defaulters:

    • Posting lists of debtors at the entrance for everyone to see. This method is not only ineffective (the times of conscience ended in the USSR), but also gives the right to those listed on the list to file a lawsuit against the HOA for disclosing personal confidential information.
    • Multi-colored receipts. It has long been proven that colors have different effects on psychological perception. Regular receipts are printed on white paper, debts up to 3 months are printed on blue paper, and debts over 3 months are printed on green paper.
    • Notification by phone. An automatic answering machine dials the apartment owner's number every hour or two and reminds him of the outstanding debt and tells him about the consequences of non-payment.

    So, failure to pay utility bills due to poor quality, low income or other subjective and objective reasons will only lead to negative consequences. The owner of the apartment will have the power supply turned off and/or a sewer cap will be installed. These are the methods of dealing with debts from organizations that provide utility services.

    Thus, depriving them of favorable living conditions in the apartment. If the debt is large, it may lead to seizure of property or eviction. Also, if you want to go on vacation outside the Russian Federation, the owner of the apartment will face a ban. Therefore, if it is impossible to pay utility bills in full, you should either notify the housing and communal services and submit documents for benefits for the poor, or try to start paying for utilities partially.

    Disputes between residents and management companies are not uncommon. By choosing an organization, people hope to provide for everyone necessary conditions, but end up running into problems. A company may neglect its responsibilities or even engage in fraud using various illegal schemes. As a result, all residents of the house suffer from these actions. However, your rights can and should be protected, and if the management organization is found to have committed unlawful actions, it should be dealt with.

    When can you make a claim?

    The management company has a number of obligations that it must fulfill. If utilities are not fully provided, this is a reason for complaints. Various problems with tariffs may also arise, which also should not be tolerated and left to chance:

    • If a company inflates tariffs without any reason, this is wrong. Such issues should be resolved at a general meeting of owners, but since few people go there, organizations often engage in arbitrariness.
    • There are also frequent cases of overestimation of the amount for utility bills, when in the end they charge more than was actually spent. Unscrupulous managers naturally keep the difference for themselves.
    • Some management companies rent out common space without informing residents and pocket the rent.
    • In addition, the company may not fulfill its direct obligations related to the quality of public services.

    All this is illegal, and residents have the right to complain about the actions of the management company. However, many people are in no hurry to contact the relevant authorities, because they do not know exactly what to do and how to deal with arbitrariness. Some residents simply stop paying for utilities as a sign of protest. It is worth noting that this is definitely not a solution, since a debt is accrued for non-payment, and as a result, the owner of the apartment will be responsible to the management company, since he is obliged to pay under the contract. That is why such problems must be resolved with the involvement of supervisory authorities, which have the right to conduct all necessary checks to identify violations.

    How to recognize scammers?

    In addition to issues related directly to utilities, their payment, and the choice of tariffs, some companies launch entire fraudulent schemes to enrich themselves illegally. Residents may not even suspect or guess about this, but have no significant evidence. There are several common scams that you should be aware of to avoid falling into this trap:

    • When performing repairs, they use the cheapest and low-quality materials, which quickly results in breakdowns and even emergency situations. All residents have encountered requests to hand over for repairs, but not everyone knows that after the work is completed, the owners have every right to demand a report where all expenses should be reflected.
    • “Dead souls” can be accepted into the organization - these are people who are on the staff, but do not actually work there. At the same time, a salary is calculated for them, which goes into the pocket of the accountant or director, and the residents of the house do not receive the services they are entitled to under the contract.
    • A fake bankruptcy scheme can be used, when the management company collects money from all residents, but does not transfer it to electricity and water suppliers, but begins to accumulate debts. In this case, the funds are sent to the accounts of shell companies, and the management company declares itself bankrupt, and suppliers are forced to write off debts by turning off water and electricity. In this case, the residents will suffer, who will not only be left without amenities, but will also be forced to prove that they paid for everything correctly, and this is not always easy to do.

    There are other fraudulent schemes, so you should always be careful about payments and, if possible, monitor the actions of the management company. There are certain gaps in the legislation that give scammers the opportunity to make money, but this phenomenon can still be fought. The specific strategy depends on the specifics of the situation faced.

    What can residents do?

    If the amount in the receipt seems too large or it is unclear what contributions are required for, then the owner has the right to contact the management accountant. He must explain how prices are formed, why this or that amount is charged, and how the amounts are calculated for each specific service. In addition, when donating money for repairs, residents can demand a report on where these funds will go. They also contact an accountant or director of the company for this.

    By law, management companies must provide such information. If you refuse, you can refer to the document on information disclosure standards relating to the activities of the management company. It says not only about the obligation to inform residents upon request, but also that the data should be regularly displayed on a special stand in the entrance of the house, or published on the company’s website. If this is not the case, then residents can go to court to defend their rights.

    Before going to court, you need to write a statement from one person or group, which sets out the essence of the claims. One copy is given to the management company, the second remains with the residents. If after 30 days the situation has not changed in any way, then you can contact the prosecutor’s office or the housing inspectorate so that these bodies can check the activities of the management organization. If violations are found, further proceedings will be scheduled.

    What is the importance of an agreement with a management company?

    The relationship between residents and the management company is determined by an agreement signed by both parties. That is why it is important to take this document seriously, because it determines how possible it will be to later prove any shortcomings on the part of the Criminal Code. In addition, a copy of the agreement must be in the hands of the owner, and if it is not there, then you can come to the company and demand that the document be returned.

    The contract must indicate a complete list of services provided, as well as periodic repair work performed by the company. Also, the minimum list of services must be agreed upon with the owners, and approval is carried out annually. Failure to comply with any points noted in the contract is a violation and a reason to file a complaint against the company.

    Residents should not be afraid to fight for their rights. Throwing everything to chance is not an option; it is better to draw up a competent application and contact first the Criminal Code, and then the supervisory authorities, if the company does not react in any way. The prosecutor's office and the housing committee have more powers, so they will be able to understand the situation and take action.