Homemade milk chocolate made from cocoa. How to make your own milk chocolate at home

Perhaps chocolate is rightfully considered one of the most favorite delicacies. The dessert has an amazing taste, moreover, it can improve your mood! But you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Still, the delicacy cannot be classified as a low-calorie dessert. Read below to learn how to make chocolate at home. .

Making dessert at home

Chocolate at home tastes the same as the factory version. Perhaps the most important advantage of preparing dessert is that you can independently monitor the quality of the products used. Is it worth talking about the excellent taste of homemade chocolate once again?

Homemade chocolate can take its rightful place in your cookbook. And by adding a little creativity and your own imagination, you can turn sweetness into real culinary dessert, which will not be a shame to present on the festive table.

To prepare this treat at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • 50 grams of softened butter.
  • A couple of tablespoons of full-fat milk.
  • 100 grams of cocoa powder.

This is a classic homemade chocolate recipe. Additionally, you will need a mold for pouring the chocolate mixture. If you don't have one, you can place the mixture in a bowl.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it on low heat. When the milk is warm, add sugar to it, stirring with a spoon. There is no need to bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Melt butter in the microwave and add it to the milk. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. We begin to sift the cocoa through a sieve, constantly stirring the chocolate mass with a wooden spoon. Let the chocolate boil for a couple of minutes and remove from heat.
  4. Pour the sweet mass into molds and place in a cool place until completely hardened.

Even a novice cook can prepare this homemade chocolate recipe. The only thing is that you definitely need to use non-stick cookware. The delicacy has a fairly rich and tart taste. To soften it, you can add vanilla or orange extract.

Cooking secrets

Homemade treats made from cocoa powder can be safely given to children. It does not contain harmful food colors, flavors or preservatives. Cocoa is the main ingredient in a homemade chocolate recipe, so the product must be of high quality and fresh.

How to make chocolate from cocoa and bring the dessert to perfect taste?

  1. The recipe for homemade cocoa treats involves the use of fresh food. Be sure to follow the prescribed proportions.
  2. To make a dairy-free dessert, you will need powdered milk or baby formula. Don't be afraid that the dairy analogue will spoil the taste of the dessert. On the contrary, the delicacy comes out more tender and airy.
  3. Don't be afraid to experiment with taste. You can add rum, liqueur, cognac, cookie crumbs, raisins, nuts, cardamom, cinnamon and marzipan to the finished mass of cocoa beans.
  4. The dark chocolate recipe involves using large quantity cocoa. Please note that the more cocoa beans you add, the richer and harder the dessert will be.
  5. Instead of classic sugar, you can add cane sugar. It is distinguished by its nutritional value and the presence of useful minerals, which is especially suitable for that category of people who adhere to proper nutrition. Beneficial features cane sugar has been proven in practice, the product has virtually no contraindications for use.

There are many chocolate recipes for every taste. Adherents of the classics will certainly be delighted with chocolates made from cocoa and milk. Creative individuals will be able to express themselves by diluting the composition with unusual but compatible ingredients.

Homemade milk chocolate

What could be tastier than homemade? The delicacy will amaze your household. Get ready to stand at the stove again and again to delight your loved ones with a delicious dessert.

Homemade milk chocolate recipe:

  1. Heat 5 tablespoons of full-fat milk in a saucepan.
  2. Add 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder and cane sugar, constantly stirring the ingredients and bringing the mixture to a boil.
  3. Add 50 grams of melted butter and a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream into the chocolate mass.
  4. Stirring the chocolate mass with a spoon, add 5 grams of wheat flour through a sieve.

To soften the taste, add vanillin extract. Pour the prepared chocolate mixture into molds and let it harden. Now you know how to cook milk chocolate Houses!

Dark chocolate recipe

The benefits of dark chocolate are invaluable. Sweets made with your own hands are doubly useful. The only disadvantage of such a dessert is that it needs to be eaten quickly, because due to the lack of preservatives, the delicacy can quickly disappear.

To make your own cocoa sweets, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a glass of cocoa powder.
  • 75 grams of cocoa butter.
  • Honey to taste.
  • 50 grams of any nuts.

Making chocolate at home is very easy! To prepare this delicious treat, you will need to prepare a dessert mold by pouring the required amount of nuts into it. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add cocoa powder. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add honey or cane sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Pour the warm liquid into the molds and enjoy delicious dessert. You can prepare this delicious dish without butter by replacing it with cream!

Making white chocolate - you will be delighted

If there is a paradise for those with a sweet tooth, then this paradise is found in a fragrant bar. In production, the white delicacy is made from cocoa butter, milk powder and sugar. The technology for preparing sweets requires the presence of additional ingredients - nuts, dried fruits and other food products.


  • 100 grams of milk powder.
  • 70 grams cow's milk.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • Vanilla extract.
  • 50 grams of cocoa butter.

Bring the cow's milk to a boil, adding milk powder to it. Stir the mixture constantly. Melt the butter in a water bath and add it to the milky liquid. Add sugar and stir the mixture. Let the chocolate boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and pour into molds. As you can see, preparing the white delicacy is practically no different from the dark chocolate recipe. It's just a matter of ingredients!

Homemade coffee chocolate

A homemade chocolate bar begins to please the cook even at the moment of preparing the dessert. The coffee dessert will surely surprise confectionery gourmets with its excellent taste qualities. It has an amazing aroma, and to prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A teaspoon of ground coffee.
  • 100 grams of water.
  • Orange zest to taste.
  • Half a kilogram of sugar.
  • A glass of powdered milk.
  • 250 grams of butter.
  • 10 tablespoons of cocoa.
  • Vanilla to taste.

Brew strong coffee. Add a teaspoon of coffee to 100 grams of water and bring to a boil. Add orange zest and vanillin to the Turk, and let the liquid steep for 20 minutes. Pass the drink through a sieve and boil it again.

Pour the coffee into a saucepan, placing the dishes on the fire. Add sugar and cocoa powder. After boiling, start adding dry milk, constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon. Remove the chocolate drink from the heat and add the chopped, softened butter into the mixture. Place the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon. If you find it not thick enough, add flour to it. Remove the dessert from the heat and pour into the mold. Write down the recipe , how to make chocolate from cocoa and coffee in your cookbook. He's incredible!

Hot chocolate is always a popular drink

– this is exactly the drink that will delight you in the autumn-winter period. It will not only warm you up after the Christmas frosts, but will also take you back to the atmosphere of childhood.

To prepare the drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a liter of full fat milk.
  • A bar of dark chocolate.
  • Half a bar of milk chocolate.
  • 100 grams of heavy cream.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla to taste.
  • A pinch of salt.

Bring half the milk to a boil. Remove from heat and add the delicacy broken into pieces. Stir the chocolate mixture until the consistency is smooth.

Pour the rest of the milk, cream, as well as vanilla, cinnamon and a pinch of salt into the saucepan. Without bringing the drink to a boil, remove the saucepan from the heat. Mix the milk mixture with the chocolate mixture and pour into cups. You can use marshmallows as decoration.

Well, now you are familiar with several recipes for making chocolate from cocoa. It's time to stock up on the necessary ingredients and start preparing lungs and simple dishes. Best Recipes The preparations are already in your piggy bank!

Did you like the recipe?


Have you ever eaten REAL chocolate?! No, not the kind that contains milk fat, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), vanillin flavoring identical to natural and the like... Real chocolate!....... I think not many! Then come in and help yourself, especially since making real chocolate at home will not be difficult...

  • 100 g cocoa powder
  • about 50 g butter
  • a teaspoon of sugar.

This is the basic proportion, and you can increase the number of products while maintaining this ratio. The butter must be cut into small pieces and melted (you can use a water bath rather than over a fire). When it melts, you need to add cocoa and sugar.

If the consistency of the mass is like thick sour cream, then everything is done correctly. This mixture must be brought to a boil, and then cooked for another two minutes, stirring constantly. After this, let it cool and pour into any form, which is then cooled either in the freezer or in a regular refrigerator.

Recipe 2: How to Make Plain Milk Chocolate Without Cocoa Butter

  • 100 g cocoa powder
  • 50 g butter
  • two tablespoons of milk.

The more cocoa there is in the product, the more bitter the taste it will have, and vice versa, the less cocoa, the milder the taste.

But let's get back to milk chocolate. The cooking technology will be exactly the same as in classic recipe. Only in this case, sugar must be mixed with cocoa powder and milk. So, first you need to melt the butter, in the same way ─ either over a fire or in a water bath, then mix sugar, cocoa and milk, add them to the melted butter, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about a couple more minutes.

After the mixture has cooled, you can pour it into molds and place it in the freezer or refrigerator. For milk chocolate, you can use vanilla or vanillin, just be very careful so that the chocolate does not start to taste bitter.

You can also do coffee chocolate. To do this, you first need to brew the coffee in the usual way; when it boils, add the zest to it, cook for another five minutes, then add melted butter, cocoa powder and sugar - that is, return to the original recipe.

Recipe 3: how to make homemade chocolate (raw)

You can make the most natural chocolate without harmful additives or sweeteners yourself.

  • cocoa beans -100 gr,
  • cocoa butter - 80-100 g,
  • raisins, pistachios - to taste
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup, agave, cinnamon, vanilla - to taste.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to purchase cocoa beans and cocoa butter. But if you set a goal, then it’s not so difficult. The number of people seeking to eat tasty and natural products is increasing, and demand creates supply.

Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, grind the cocoa beans in a coffee grinder, chop the pistachios with a knife or in a chopper.
Mix all the ingredients, pour into a mold lined with cling film, and place in the refrigerator to harden for 1-2 hours. That's all!

Recipe 4: How to make milk chocolate at home


  • Cocoa beans (grated) - 100 g
  • Cocoa butter - 50 g
  • Condensed milk - 3-4 tsp.
  • Powdered milk (if you want a milkier chocolate) - 1-2 tsp.
  • Raisins (+ nuts, optional)

Here are our ingredients (although there is no condensed milk in the photo, but it is included in the composition). The fact that black is cocoa mass - it comes in briquettes, like mine, it comes in powder, you can simply grind the cocoa beans in a coffee grinder, but to get chocolate with the consistency of store-bought chocolate, it is better to use it in briquettes; the fact that white is cocoa butter, it comes in lumps, and it comes in powder or pellets - you can use anything.

Place the cocoa products in a deep bowl and microwave at maximum power for 2-3 minutes, depending on the power of your microwave, mine is quite weak, so it takes a little longer. You can also melt the cocoa products in a double boiler or over very low heat. Cocoa mass melts faster than butter, but to equalize the speed of their melting, you can grind the cocoa butter into smaller pieces.

Next, add condensed milk - 2-3 tsp. at this stage, then it will be possible to add more,

and milk powder - if you like milk chocolate. I also love milk chocolate, well, at least that’s what it seemed to me before, but now, having tried real homemade chocolate - it’s quite bitter, I just fell in love with it........ oh, that’s what got me))) ).......

And we begin to beat, first at slow speed, then at the highest speed. In general, the ratio of cocoa butter/cocoa mass is ½, this is quite “fat”, usually it is made 1/5 or even 1/10, then the finished product will be harder, more chocolatey, but at the same time more bitter. Cocoa butter softens the taste, but at the same time, so that it does not peel off, you need to beat it very thoroughly and for a long time, about 5-7 minutes;

At first, our mixture will have a consistency similar to icing, then, as we beat it, it will thicken...


and in the end it will turn into something like “dough”; it will stick to the spatula.

Then we add our favorite fillings, these can be nuts, raisins, waffle crumbs, coconut flakes, candied fruits, etc., etc....

And mix - either at low speed with a mixer, or just with a spatula.

Well, the mixture is ready, you can pour it into molds. I have silicone ones, you can also put them in special molds for chocolate made of polycarbonate, in them the candies will turn out glossy, you can also use metal ones, but I couldn’t get them out of them, although they say that they should be easy to get out, but I don’t want anything anymore experiments)))...

After this, you need to shake the molds a little so that the mixture, so to speak, thickens, so that the air bubbles go away, they will still be there, but if you don’t shake, then there will be more of them, but this is not so important, you can leave it like that, and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. All our chocolate is ready, pour some tea and enjoy...

Recipe 6: Making homemade chocolate with milk and flour (without cocoa butter)

  • 5 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 6-8 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 1 teaspoon of flour.

Pour milk, cocoa, sugar into a container. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and put on low heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and add butter to the mixture. Continuing to stir, add flour. After the flour has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat, pour into molds and put in the freezer.

My chocolate froze after a few hours. It turned out very tasty and without any preservatives.

You can add raisins, nuts, wafer crumbs, or candied fruits as a filling.

Making homemade chocolate from cocoa powder is not at all difficult. The recipe contains a minimal set of ingredients, which in a matter of minutes turn into natural useful product made with your own hands. Allergy sufferers, children and people who prefer healthy eating. Homemade bars do not contain harmful substances that store-bought sweets are filled with.

Plain milk chocolate

To make delicious milk from cocoa powder at home, the housewife will need the following products:

  • cocoa powder – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - a large spoon;
  • butter - a quarter of a pack;
  • cream/milk with high percentage fat content – ​​100 ml.

Sugar and cocoa are poured into heated milk standing on the stove. After mixing, melted butter is added to the resulting composition. The mixture continues to be heated until it boils, then it is boiled at low temperature for a couple of minutes with continuous stirring. The mass is removed from the oven and poured into the mold. In the refrigerator, the product will harden in 2 - 3 hours.

Chocolate “Fragrant Vanilla”

When making homemade chocolate from cocoa powder, the main ingredients can be supplemented with vanilla and walnuts. This is the recipe for the vanilla treat. Pour 100 ml of milk into a deep bowl and heat it. Dilute 1 glass of sugar with a pinch of vanillin in a warm liquid and stir the mixture until all the grains are dissolved.

In a separate container, melt 100 g of butter, which is subsequently poured into general composition. Now you can add cocoa in the amount of 4 tbsp. l., thoroughly stir the whole mass and boil it for about 25 minutes. Nuts are added as desired and in any quantity. The hot mass is poured into molds and cooled.

Making homemade chocolate from cocoa powder with coffee taste requires the following set of ingredients:

  1. cocoa – 2 large spoons;
  2. sugar – 100 g;
  3. milk powder – 120 g;
  4. ground coffee - a teaspoon;
  5. butter – 100 g;
  6. vanilla, dry lemon peel - according to taste.

The first step in obtaining sweetness is preparing coffee - pour the specified amount with a cup of boiling water and leave for 4 minutes. The drink is filtered, poured into a convenient bowl and heated on the stove for another 3 minutes. At this time, you can add vanillin and zest.

After waiting for the coffee to boil, add cocoa and sugar and cook the whole mixture a little more. Then the milk powder is dissolved in the mixture and the liquid butter is stirred. Coffee chocolate in molds is cooled at room temperature for 2 days. On the eve of casting into the mold, you can add almonds and dried raspberries to the hot mass. The tile will turn out very tasty.

It's not easy for most of us to get everything. necessary ingredients for making chocolate. This instruction will tell you how to make chocolate from cocoa powder at home. At home it means what we will use regular ingredients, which are easily accessible, what you already have at home or in the nearest store.

So, first of all, real chocolate is cocoa butter plus cocoa mass. Do you have such ingredients in your kitchen? No? Well, if not, then we’ll cook from what we have, namely from cocoa powder. Another classic ingredient“real” chocolate is milk powder. We will replace him regular milk and use a little flour as a thickener.

Step 1: Ingredients

Ingredients for homemade chocolate:

  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Cocoa powder - 220 g.
  • Butter - 160 g.
  • water - 230 ml.
  • Flour - 30 g.
  • Sugar - 120 g (preferably use powdered sugar)

Step 2

The powder should be as finely ground as possible. This is how he is on the left side, not on the right.

Chop the butter as finely as possible, it will be easier to mix everything.
Like this.

Take 220g. (2 cups) cocoa powder (cocoa should be as finely ground as in the picture) and place it in a bowl. Then take 160g. butter, cut it and put it there. Using a spoon, crush the pieces of butter while mixing it with cocoa powder.

Now place the contents in a mixer (or food processor) and beat until homogeneous mass(How on last photo). If you don't have a blender, you can use a spoon, but I warn you that it can be messy, the powder is quite volatile.

Step 3

Pour 230 ml. water in a saucepan and place the pasta prepared in the previous step there. Heat, but do not bring to a boil.

After this, pour what you got back into the bowl and add 150 ml. milk, 30g. flour and 120g. sugar (preferably powder) while the mixture is still hot.

Whisk everything well, there should be no lumps.

Step 4

Pour chocolate into molds. You can use an ice tray, saucer, etc. To obtain various shapes chocolate. Place in the refrigerator or freezer for at least 6 hours.

Once the chocolate has hardened, remove it from the mold and enjoy your homemade DIY chocolate!

Since the strange cocoa beans arrived on the European continent, confectioners have had no peace.

They invent more and more delicious sweets from products obtained from the exotic fruits of chocolate trees.

Those with a sweet tooth can't sit still either.

At least once, each of them was lucky enough to make a delicacy at home, using both specially purchased ingredients and various little things from home supplies: nuts or vanilla, raisins or dried fruits.

Inventors of new forms of antidepressant (namely, chocolate) do not stop there, improving their culinary skills, inventing fresh sweet combinations and configurations. But first, a newcomer to the home chocolate industry would do well to familiarize himself with basic recipes and general principles for making real chocolate at home.

Chocolate at home - general principles of preparation:

Don't skimp on products! The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa powder, butter, sugar or honey, as well as nuts and raisins. If you buy a little less ingredients, you risk getting a delicacy of inadequate quality and taste.

When making chocolate at home, remember that the normal temperature for making quality chocolate is not too high: no higher than 32 degrees Celsius. This is easy to check manually: touch the mixture with your hand - and if it does not burn your skin, then your chocolate has not yet been ruined.

Experts say that the mixture should not be placed on an open fire, although some recipes indicate this method. But it is better to use a double boiler or water bath.

Don't start making chocolate on an industrial scale. Start with a small portion. If you are satisfied with the taste and quality, then you can make a larger portion of the delicacy.

To ensure that the filling is “inside” your sweets, add it in layers alternately with chocolate.

Filling for making delicious chocolate at home:

The filling for homemade chocolate can be any sweet you like. Some sweet tooths prefer nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), others prefer citrus zest, and others prefer cracker or waffle crumbs. The filling is crushed and added to the hot mixture, then stirred and poured into molds.