How to fly to Thailand cheaply: practical advice for tourists. How to get to Thailand cheaply - choose air tickets! From which countries is it cheaper to get to Thailand?

Updated 01/17/2020 Views 36485 Comments 212

I am often asked the question of how to fly to Thailand cheaply, where to look for cheap tickets, etc. In order not to answer every time, I decided to write a post about how I do it, so that later I can simply provide a link. Nothing supernatural, everything is very simple. For reference: I usually fly from Moscow, so it’s a little easier for me than for residents of other cities. By the way, I also wrote separately about how it is possible, because this is not immediately obvious to everyone, they ask.

The easiest way to fly to Thailand is to buy a ticket for regular flights in advance, 2-3 months before the trip. You can start monitoring ticket search sites earlier, but the easiest way to do this is to subscribe to the mailing list of offers. But remember, prices will not always be significantly lower if you book in advance.

Ticket search engines

I always use 2 search engines; I don’t see the point in using anything else. There are no flights that they do not show. Such aggregators contain offers from all airlines and ticket sales agencies. No additional extra charges. Below is a block with current ticket prices.

I really like this calendar from AviaSales. In fact, you don’t have to look for anything at all, just look at the desired month and then look at which dates it gives the cheapest flight. But this, of course, is convenient for those who can then adapt to these dates.

Reduction options

  • When looking for cheap flights to Thailand, try comparing flight prices between different cities. That is, look not only Moscow-Bangkok, but also Moscow-Phuket, maybe even St. Petersburg-Bangkok and St. Petersburg-Phuket. But usually the cheapest tickets are from Moscow and Bangkok. Well, from the rest of Russia there are cheap tickets from Novosibirsk and Irkutsk. But don’t forget about other cities besides the capitals, check just in case. Once I was looking for a ticket for a person and the price was good from Irkutsk to Chiang Mai, and cheaper than flying to BKK and then to Chiang Mai.
  • You can try to fly to another country, such as Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and then fly to Thailand using local airlines such as By the way, I advise you to subscribe to the mailing list of offers from AirAsia, it will come in handy.
  • Always look for connecting flights. Most often they are cheaper than direct ones. Just don’t forget to check the transfer time so you don’t have to spend the night somewhere.
  • Try playing with dates, give or take a couple of days, or a week, and the price may vary dramatically.
  • If you buy a round trip ticket at once, it will be cheaper than separately there and then back. But for those who are traveling for an indefinite period and do not want to buy a return ticket, it will not be convenient. Variable date tickets are available, but they are more expensive than regular tickets.
  • Buy tickets for a charter flight or fly on a tour.
  • On New Year's Eve and during peak season, tickets are more expensive (December-January-February). Therefore, during this period, you should not count too much on a cheap flight, only if there is some kind of promotion. Moreover, return flights during the season (if purchased separately) are usually more expensive than from Russia to Thailand.
  • Always check the price on the airline's website in case it's cheaper there.
  • A separate option is Rossiya Airlines. They have tickets for ~6400 rubles one way in the Moscow-Bangkok direction. Steep price for a direct flight. Tickets must be purchased 14 hours before the flight. And in general, once every 2-3 months Russia throws out cheap tickets. It also makes sense to look to neighboring countries such as Burma. From where, again, you can get to Tai on the same AirAsia.

Separately, I would also like to mention that if you have started monitoring tickets, then it makes sense to subscribe to the direction you need and then you will periodically receive offers by email. It is very comfortable! It’s enough to monitor it for a couple of weeks and see what the price will be, and then buy it. You can unsubscribe or change the direction of your flight at any time.

Prices from personal experience

There have been many flights already, I’ll try to list them. But you need to understand that prices change a little every year. Either the dollar exchange rate will change, or there are no shares at all, or just like that. Well, lately, I often sin by buying tickets 1-2 weeks before the trip, so the prices are higher.

  • November 2018: Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow on Qatar with a transfer in Qatar for 32,000 rubles/person
  • February 2018: Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow on Aeroflot direct flight for 22,000 rubles/person (there was a promotion)
  • January 2017: Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow on Aeroflot direct flight for 40,500 rubles/person
  • January 2016: Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow on Aerofolot without transfer for 45,000 rubles/person
  • December 2015: Moscow-Phuket-Moscow on Emirates with a transfer in Dubai for 36,000 rubles/person
  • December 2013: Moscow-Bangkok on Transaero one way without transfer for 20,000 rubles/person
  • December 2012: Bangkok-Moscow on S7 one way with a transfer in Novosibirsk S7 for 15,000 rubles/person
  • November 2010: Moscow-Bangkok on EgyptAir one way with a long layover in Cairo for 12,500 rubles/person

Tours and charter flights

There is a rule: you can fly from Thailand on a charter only if you also arrived on a charter. However, this is usually not checked, so see for yourself.

Unfortunately, lately I rarely come across really inexpensive tickets for charter flights. It is usually cheaper to fly regularly with a transfer. But I often see inexpensive tours.

Tours online

Be sure to check how much a tour to Thailand costs on and.

There is nothing wrong with flying on a tour, even for a seasoned independent traveler. Please remember that the tour includes a direct flight ticket, accommodation, and transfer to the hotel. That is, it must be compared with the total cost of travel, including taxi.

Yes, when traveling on a tour there will be a choice of certain hotels, but if it is not important for you to get into a specific one and you must organize everything yourself, then the tour a good choice. Moreover, the sites have ratings and reviews of hotels.

Occasionally there are very cheap tours, in this case you can take a tour instead of tickets and check into a hotel from Booking.


According to my observations, now tours are more profitable than individual charter tickets. Only in cases where you need a one-way ticket, you need a direct flight, and the charter is last minute, then the price tag can be justified.

Prices for charters need to be compared with direct scheduled flights, which are always more expensive than flights with transfers. That is, you can get a direct flight cheaper. A significant disadvantage of last-minute charter flights is the departure a couple of days after purchase, which is not suitable for everyone.

Look for charters in essentially two places:

I have bought tickets on the exchange more than once. More precisely, the purchase did not take place on the exchange itself, because these are just text advertisements from travel agencies (you need to call the specified contacts). Alternatively, you can go to the travel agency websites themselves; they also have a “Last Minute Tickets” section.

I have come across prices for charters of 50-200 bucks one way, but this does not happen often. I myself did not always fly at the lowest price; I had to fly, but there was no time to wait. For example, Phuket-Moscow for 17,000 rubles/person, or Moscow-Bangkok for 15,000 rubles/person.

For example: a Moscow-Phuket charter ticket for 3,900 rubles

How to buy a return ticket to Russia while in Thailand

With regular flights, everything is clear - no matter where you are, the purchase is made via a bank card.

With charters, everything is different; they are sold by travel agencies. The sequence is as follows: monitor Tourdom, as soon as the required ticket appears, contact the travel agency by email or phone (via Skype, it’s cheaper) and ask how to pay for the ticket. Several options can be offered:

  • Go to a representative of this travel agency in Thailand and pay in cash. The problem here is this - if you are far from tourist places (Phuket, Pattaya), then you may even have to go there.
  • Ask relatives or friends in Moscow to come to the office and pay for your air ticket.
  • Transfer money from your account to the agency's account, or even pay by card on their website. This is the most convenient and easiest way, we finally thought of it. Once upon a time, no one offered this at all in agencies.

Addition for those who do not live in Moscow

I would like to add a little to the article, as I receive questions from residents of other cities. Unfortunately, I can’t give you much advice, since almost all of my flights are from Moscow.

Most likely, you won’t have to count on very cheap tickets. From most cities, flights will be more expensive than from Moscow, this applies to both regular flights and charter flights. Moreover, with last-minute charters there will most likely be a problem; at Tourdom, in addition to Moscow, tickets from Novosibirsk or Yekaterinburg very rarely slip through.

So the main rule is to look at flights from neighboring large cities if you live in a small city. For example, once there were very cheap tickets for regular flights from Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk from S7 airlines. They were even cheaper than from Moscow. Something around 10,000 round trip. Therefore, there is a chance to fly cheaply to Thailand from Siberia too. It is important to monitor tickets in aggregators, on airline websites, and on the Tourist Home.

It also makes sense to find travel agencies in your city, call them and find out if they have last minute tickets or tours. Sometimes even a tour is so cheap that no regular flights are needed.

P.S. Good luck to all of us in finding cheap tickets to Thailand :)

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I want to go to Thailand, Phuket.
Vacation will be in February.
I've never been abroad.
English is at the “how-much-it” level.

Why your first trip abroad to Thailand?
The weather in Thailand will be good in February.
I want a beach tropical exotica, normal sea, excursions.
Not interested in parties...

I started monitoring prices. I thought that buying plane tickets and booking a hotel through Booking would be cheaper than buying a tour.
I look at air tickets - with 1 or even two transfers they will cost about 70 thousand, and this is not in season.
While tour operators offer for 80-90 thousand a flight with some kind of hotel (3*) and, in some places, meals.
Those. It may well be that the tour will cost less than traveling on your own?

I’m somehow not used to this, because I traveled around Russia quite a lot.
And travel agencies always offered some kind of game in the ass of the world at an inadequate price.
But here... does it make sense to buy separate air tickets if the tour is almost comparable in terms of money? Or do I just not understand?

How much, on average, does a Phuket tour for two cost per season if it is not booked in advance?
Now, if you book six months in advance, you can find 3-4* for 90-100 thousand.
How much will prices rise after three months in winter?

I would like to note the fact that the author of the topic lives in Kazan.
I would like to note the fact that February is high season in Thailand. The off season in Thailand is our summer, when it rains there.
If you look at the cost of air tickets to Thailand in February from Kazan (let’s say for 2 weeks) on, then the lowest price is 35,000 rubles with normal airlines - flyDubai + Emirates with one transfer.

Replies to the author

Answer in a forum thread:
“As for comparing on your own and a tour, decide for yourself; even with the same cost, there are pros and cons. I didn’t see any information about the timing of my stay in Thailand. As a rule, the longer the stay, the more profitable it is to go on your own. Besides free choice for accommodation (which is not included in tours). Well, the flight is also important. Dead charters with very mediocre service fly on tours (for example, it’s quite normal for them if you spend an unplanned day from your vacation at the airport due to a postponement of your flight or waiting for board), “at your own pace” these will be flight comforts, depending on the choice of airline. »

Answer number two:

“Last year, at the beginning of December, we took the cheapest tour for 8 days for 70 for two to a 2* hotel with breakfast, bought two weeks before departure. By the way, this was my first trip on a tour; before that I had always traveled independently both in the Russian Federation and abroad. We decided to take the tour because it also seemed that the tour was cheaper (although in our case the difference was a maximum of a couple of thousand). And then traveling in a package seemed more convenient: a direct flight, no need to think about how to get to the hotel, etc. But during the trip we realized that it was better even more expensive, but on our own, because... We are very unaccustomed to depending on someone on a trip and feeling like such vegetables))) And the impressions from the trip turned out to be less than if we had gone on our own.

Most often, tours cost less than independent travel precisely in season and in popular destinations. If you are traveling abroad for the first time in your life, then the tour can justify itself, because... the first time may be scary, incomprehensible, etc., but the tour will provide you with peace of mind and a feeling of comfort, perhaps even for less money than if you went on your own. But here, to each his own"

Answer number three:

“Judging by what I dug up, doing it on your own is cheaper than taking a tour. Tours from 90 for 14 days, and self-propelled tours lasted 72 days. Of course there are also expenses for food and a scooter. But they will be there anyway.
I also chose a quieter place in Phuket. In the end, I chose the beaches of Nai Harn and Yanui. I chose the hotel further from the shore, because... I still plan to take a scooter.
As a result, it turns out that the local infrastructure is nearby, because The hotel is not on the shore and the beaches are 5 minutes away by scooter.”

Answer number four:

“It’s easier to do this, buy a tour and use it like air tickets (well, maybe a hotel, if it’s not too bad), and do the rest yourself. We arrived and went about our business without listening to the sweet speeches of the greedy guides. At the end of the trip, fly away with everyone else on a charter... At the same time, you will save money and be independent throughout the trip.”

My resume

In general, I agree with the responses to the author of the post.
Indeed, for the first time, a tour may be suitable, which, if desired, can be used as an air ticket + transfer, and you can get your bearings on the spot.
This option is suitable if you are ready for a charter flight with neighbors who have started celebrating their vacation in duty free.

Package hotels in overwhelming numbers - killed, with a peculiar audience.
But there is the Internet and there is booking system— already on site you can see what you found with booking before you book. Don’t forget about the booking option “minimum price” - if you find a hotel you like cheaper than on booking, it will refund you the difference in price.

Excursions you will buy on the spot cheaper than what Russian guides offer in a package hotel.
Don’t be confused by English at the “how-mach-it” level - for Thais it is also not their native language.

Regarding food- In Thailand this is all right.
I would simply advise you to avoid those places that are recommended by travel agencies, Russian guides, and also to visit restaurants in package hotels.

By the way about air tickets- I accidentally found a ticket from Kazan - a good option: decent airlines, short connection, travel time 13 hours.

Hello! Today you will learn how to fly cheap to Thailand! This question was asked to us by many friends in personal conversations or at meetings in a teahouse - it is very voluminous, it can be told for a very long time, so let’s now consider how to get to the capital of Thailand by plane at minimal cost to yourself. We'll leave the path on the ground for another time, when we've done it ourselves :-)

Of course, air tickets make up the lion's share of the budget for the entire trip to Thailand, but it is better to spend the money saved within the country on something interesting and exciting (there is more than enough of that here!). And for wintering it is very important to find inexpensive tickets, given that now life in Thailand has become more expensive due to exchange rates. In this article we will tell you everything we know about how to get to Thailand cheaply! Read to the end))

How to get to Bangkok - fly to Thailand cheap!

The article is quite lengthy, so let’s roughly divide it into parts.

As a rule, no matter where or how you fly, prices in the high season (in Thailand this is September-March) are higher than in the low season (April-August). This is worth remembering when planning your trip. However, this applies not only to Tai.

The second point that I would like to draw attention to is that due to the increase in the exchange rate, the cost of air tickets has increased, so it is important to be able to find the cheapest option that is available.

Air ticket search engines, ingenuity, perseverance, and our advice will help you with this!

1. Direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg

Naturally, of the two Russian capitals, Bangkok has the most flights, and the prices are among the most attractive. But this applies to a lesser extent to direct flights.

From Moscow

Direct flights from Moscow to Bangkok are operated by Aeroflot and Thai Airways. By the way, prices from Thais are often cheaper than from Aeroflot, and you can fly directly not only to Bangkok, but also to Phuket, Krabi and Chiang Mai. Prices for direct flights to Bangkok from Moscow and back start from 32 thousand rubles (I write this at an exchange rate of 56 rubles per dollar). Travel time is a little over 9 hours.

Direct flight Moscow-Bangkok Aeroflot

From Saint-Petersburg

There are no direct flights to Bangkok from St. Petersburg at the moment. But even when they were, the prices were very high!

2. Flight to Bangkok with connection

There are many airlines flying from both Moscow and St. Petersburg that will take you to Bangkok after making a transfer at one of their hubs (main airports). These are primarily Gulf airlines, but there are also Chinese and European ones.

Etihad Airways - transfer to Abu Dhabi (UAE).

Emirates - transfer in Dubai or Abu Dhabi (UAE).

Qatar Airways - transfer in Doha (Qatar).

China Southern Airlines - transfer to Guangzhou (China).

Air Astana - transfer in Astana and Almaty (Kazakhstan).

Finnair – transfer to Helsinki (Finland).

Cathay Pacific - transfer in Hong Kong (announced the cessation of flights to Moscow from June 1, 2015).

Usually the cheapest tickets to Thailand from Moscow and St. Petersburg are from Etihad Airways, Emirates and Qatar Airways. By the way, these airlines are distinguished by their impeccable service, which has been repeatedly awarded)).

Look at the screenshot:

How to get to Thailand cheaply - Emirates flights

How to get to Bangkok - Qatar Airlines flights

The cost of air tickets from Moscow and St. Petersburg is not much different, in in this example for 3600 rubles. If you go first from northern palmyra to the capital, the savings are quite small, but much more time is spent.

How to fly cheaply from St. Petersburg to Thailand

3. With a transfer in Asian countries

This is a variation of the previous option, only in this case you buy a ticket to any Asian country, from where you can fly very cheaply with a low-cost airline to Bangkok. These may be the following cities: Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, cities. The main thing is to track the sales of low-cost airlines, for example, they often have sales, sometimes even the tickets themselves are free, you only pay airport and fuel taxes. This way you can combine two sales (for example Moscow-Hong Kong and Hong Kong-Bangkok) and fly cheap to Thailand.

Read also:

4. Flight to Thailand from the cities of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East

Thailand can be reached not only from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also from large cities in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

From Yekaterinburg

Tickets from the capital of the Urals to Bangkok are not the cheapest, but the most interesting prices are again offered by airlines from the Persian Gulf countries. For example, it is proposed to fly with two transfers (in Moscow and Abu Dhabi) for almost 29 thousand rubles, the travel time is 20 hours.

Cheap to Thailand from Ekaterinburg

From Novosibirsk

Residents of Siberia are luckier, since from Novosibirsk you can get to Bangkok quite cheaply. Flights are operated by S7, China Southern Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Aeroflot, Transaero. S7 usually has the best prices, which is not surprising, since Novosibirsk is the hub of this airline.

The cost of a direct flight from Novosibirsk to Bangkok is about 22-23 thousand rubles, the travel time is 7 and a half hours. But direct flights are not frequent, and you need to be able to plan for them.

Direct flights Novosibirsk-Bangkok airline S7

You can also choose a flight with a transfer in Irkutsk, Hong Kong or Beijing - in this case the cost will be slightly lower or the same. Either there is a direct flight there, and back with a transfer. The advantage of this option is that flights operate much more often, and you can choose convenient dates.

How to fly to Thailand cheaply - flight to Bangkok from Novosibirsk with a transfer in Irkutsk

From Krasnoyarsk

The cost of a direct flight Krasnoyarsk - Bangkok and back is from 20 thousand rubles, but usually around 24-25 thousand. Here again the best prices are given by S7 airline, and there are also many connecting flights for about the same price.

How to get from Krasnoyarsk to Thailand

From Irkutsk

As you understand, in all cities east of Novosibirsk, S7 is the most suitable option to get to Bangkok. Also from Irkutsk - from this city there are usually the lowest prices for flights to Thailand from Russia - about 20-22 thousand rubles (round trip).

We fly to Thailand cheaply from Irkutsk!

From Khabarovsk

Unfortunately, prices for flights from Khabarovsk to Bangkok are not very reasonable - they start at 30 thousand rubles for a flight with a transfer.

From Vladivostok

It’s also not possible to fly cheaply from Vladivostok to Thailand - air tickets cost from 28 to 32 thousand rubles (with transfers). Again, there are not many options for residents of the Far East. I can advise you to fly separately to Hong Kong - here you can get a good sale from Aeroflot. And then - on local low-cost airlines, for example Air Asia.

— Buying tickets to Thailand immediately there and back is almost always more profitable than buying separately there and back separately. One-way air tickets cost at least 60%, or even 70-80%!

— Try to play with dates, sometimes tickets for neighboring days are significantly cheaper. The low price calendar will help with this - it’s very convenient when you can see what the price is on what day.

— Look for air tickets to Thailand with flights from neighboring cities, the difference can also be significant. The only thing, keep in mind that then transportation costs are added to get to the departure city.

— Most often, cheap air tickets to Thailand are sold specifically to Bangkok, but there are exceptions: you can grab tickets directly to Phuket cheaper than to the capital of Thailand.

— This advice is associated with sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, and you can also win from this: airlines change their internal exchange rates once a week, on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. Keep this in mind when you are planning to purchase your coveted air tickets - especially if the exchange rate drops, you should wait a little, and the price will expectedly drop.

6. Cheap flights to Thailand, special offers - sales and airline promotions

You can fly to Thailand cheaply by purchasing a ticket at an airline sale. Etihad Airways, Emirates, Qatar Airways often hold sales - their price for round-trip tickets is about 20-22 thousand rubles (in the best case, usually 23-25 ​​thousand rubles). Aeroflot sometimes has sales - the cost of an air ticket to Bangkok from Moscow and back is about 26 thousand rubles, from St. Petersburg - about 30 thousand rubles, which is not bad for direct flights. I recommend subscribing to the email newsletter about airline promotions - this way you will be the first to know about new offers.

Also, for example, on Aviasales, there is a function to subscribe to a specific destination - as soon as the price changes, the search engine will immediately notify you! To subscribe, enter your email in the form at the top right of the flight search window. As soon as you see a good price, grab it immediately! In the paragraphs above I gave examples of prices.

7. Charters to Thailand

It is possible to get to Thailand cheaply using charters. These are blocks of seats purchased from tour operators, and when they are not sold out, they are sold, often very cheaply. True, almost all options require departure from Moscow or St. Petersburg. This tendency is also typical - the closer to departure, the cheaper. So this option is suitable for active people from the capital region who are not tied to specific dates. Air tickets for charters to Thailand can be viewed at.

Here are a few examples; there are especially many charter tickets in the off-season.

Ticket to Phuket for $200

In my opinion, flying to Phuket from Moscow for $200 great option! Even taking into account the new course, and even if you count on the old one, it’s a fairy tale :-)

How to get to Bangkok - charter tickets to Thailand for 9900 rubles!

Tourdom has both one-way and round-trip air tickets, plus ready-made packages.

Well, the ticket is almost in your pocket, now it’s a good idea to figure out how much money to take with you.

Are you going on holiday to Thailand? Find out how to buy the cheapest tickets! My tips on how to fly to Bangkok inexpensively will help you save on your flight. Why overpay for tickets? Better spend your money on seafood, fruits and massages.

How did I gain my experience? Over the past four years, I have flown to Thailand three times. Each time I tried to find the cheapest tickets. In addition, I wrote about airline promotions and sales and advised many people. I have accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge - I share it with you.

Find out everything and a little more about how to fly to Thailand inexpensively!

This review will tell you how to fly to the capital of Thailand. From Bangkok you can easily reach Pattaya and other resorts. Do you want to fly directly from Russia to Phuket? Read the special material:

(photo © Robert Mehlan /

To get to Thailand as cheaply as possible, follow a few rules when searching and booking air tickets.

  • Compare prices. Look for tickets on the Skyscanner and search engines. They compare prices and flight conditions of hundreds of airlines. This way you will find the most profitable and convenient option.
  • Check tickets for different dates. The difference even in one day can be huge. Select the dates that suit you manually or use low price calendars. This will greatly increase your chances of finding the cheapest flight ticket.
  • Check different departure cities. Maybe it will be cheaper to fly to Thailand from a neighboring city? Check it out!
  • Check out tickets to Phuket- sometimes they cost less.
  • Buy round trip tickets. Flying one way is not profitable - one-way air tickets to Bangkok usually cost 70-80% of the cost of round-trip tickets. At the same time, return tickets from Thailand to Russia are even more expensive.
  • Want to fly for free? Earn miles from all airlines with.
  • Find out:

Traveling hotels I recommend searching on the service - it compares prices of different booking systems and finds the best offer.

(photo © FriskoDude /

Direct flights

From Moscow. You can fly to Bangkok on Aeroflot and Thai Airways flights. Travel time is 9-10 hours. The price starts from 30 thousand rubles for a round trip flight.

From Saint-Petersburg. Everything is bad with direct flights to Thailand from St. Petersburg. The prices are fierce - tickets can cost 70 thousand or more. It is better to fly with a transfer or on a tour.

From Irkutsk. One of the best ways cheap and fast way to get to Thailand! Flight prices are often lower than in Moscow (after all, the flight is closer) - from 22,000 rubles. You can buy cheap tickets from S7 Airlines. Convenient, fast, inexpensive.

From Novosibirsk. You can fly to Bangkok on board S7 airlines for 28,000 rubles.

From Vladivostok. S7 flies, tickets cost from 29,000 rubles.

There are no direct regular flights from Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk, Kazan and other Russian cities to Bangkok. You can fly to Thailand either with a transfer or a charter.

conclusions. You can fly to Thailand cheaply on direct flights from Moscow, Irkutsk, and Novosibirsk.

(photo © Alexis Gravel /

Flights with transfers

It is cheaper to fly to Thailand with a transfer. You can save a lot, and there is a wider choice of airlines. You can find flights with a short connection, or vice versa - buy tickets to Thailand with a stopover (long connection). For example, I recently flew to Bangkok from Moscow with a stopover in the Emirates and spent 4 days in Dubai. In fact, I flew to the UAE for free!

Connecting flight options:

  • Emirates flies via Dubai (UAE).
  • Etihad - via Abu Dhabi (UAE).
  • Qatar Airways - via Doha (Qatar).
  • China Southern Airlines - via Guangzhou (China).
  • Air Astana - via Astana and Almaty.
  • Finnair - via Helsinki (Finland).
  • Cathay Pacific - via Hong Kong.
  • and so on.

From Moscow. The average price for a round trip flight is about 25 thousand rubles. During the period of promotions and price reductions from airlines, it is even cheaper.

From Saint-Petersburg. From 22-25 thousand rubles you can usually buy only tickets with two transfers. You can fly to Thailand from St. Petersburg with one transfer from 28 thousand.

From Yekaterinburg. Inexpensive tickets are offered by S7 with connections in Irkutsk or Novosibirsk. Price - from 29 thousand.

From Irkutsk. A direct flight is a more attractive option. Ural Airlines has flights to Bangkok on Mondays with a transfer in China (DSN airport). You can buy such tickets to Thailand from 22,000 rubles. This option is only good if there are no cheap direct flights.

From Novosibirsk. It is easier to fly to Thailand on a direct flight. However, perverts and those who want to save a thousand rubles can fly to Bangkok with a transfer in Irkutsk.

From Khabarovsk. S7 flies through Irkutsk. Ticket prices start from 30 thousand rubles.

From Vladivostok. There are painful flight options with two connections in China (I assume you need a visa) - tickets cost from 23,000 rubles. A more humane option is to fly to Bangkok from S7 via Irkutsk for 30 thousand rubles.

Finding cheap flights

(photo © @Doug88888 /

Promotions and sales of tickets to Bangkok

Inexpensive tickets to Thailand can be purchased during airline promotions.

  • There are sales for both connecting and direct flights.
  • Most promotions are carried out for flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but there are also for the regions: Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Omsk, Kazan and other cities.
  • Often sales are organized by Etihad, Emirates, Qatar Airways, UIA, Vietnam Airlines, Thai Airways.
  • The cost of promotional tickets is usually 10-20% lower than usual.

How can I find out about promotions and availability of cheap tickets? Follow

Difficult route

You can get to Bangkok cheaply with one trick. From time to time, when planning a complex route (when you fly from point A, arrive at point B, and fly back to point C instead of A), you can save on air tickets.

Two or three years ago similar situations arose frequently. You could buy tickets to Thailand! Nowadays this rarely happens.

It’s difficult to find such an option, and it’s suitable for few. I recommend using difficult routes in order to see another country on the way to Thailand. For example, I flew to Bangkok from Moscow with a long stop (4 days) in the Emirates. For the same money as a regular ticket to Thailand, I got the opportunity to see Dubai. Very satisfied!

(photo © Rushen! /

Last Minute Tours to Thailand

What is a tourist package? This is a complex product: air tickets, hotel accommodation, transfer, insurance. Surprisingly, but true: a comprehensive tour package is often cheaper than air tickets alone! If your goal is to have an inexpensive vacation in Thailand, then traveling on a tour will allow you to save money.

How much do tours to Thailand cost? Vacation packages from Moscow to Pattaya and Phuket for two cost from 60 thousand rubles for 7-14 nights of vacation. Last minute tours can cost cheaper - or less. Try to find tickets to Thailand for 18 thousand! And here the price also includes a hotel, transfer, and insurance. Find out about last-minute tours to Thailand from.

How to buy a last minute tour? You can find and book cheap tours on services and (1-3% discounts for our readers) - search for 130 tour operators. Choose and buy tours online; you don’t have to go to travel agency offices.

How to fly to Bangkok on charters

An option for risky people! Sometimes cheap tickets to Thailand for charter flights go on sale. You can find them on the Skyscanner and search engines. Such offers are only available for upcoming departure dates. Are you ready to wait until the last minute in hopes of buying inexpensive tickets? Think carefully - last-minute tickets don't appear often.

(photo © tarotastic/

We are flying to Thailand through a third country

Another way to get to Thailand inexpensively is to plan your route through a third country. See if there are cheap flights from your city to Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh City or another city in Southeast Asia. From these cities you can fly to Bangkok on local flights (for example, Air Asia). Tickets can cost $10-$50.

This way to get to Thailand is good not only because it helps you save money. Having visited another new country, you will make your holiday brighter.

Availability of a return ticket

Upon arrival in Thailand, you may be required to present a return ticket or a ticket to a third country with a departure date no later than 30 days from the date of arrival. Not always, but it happens - once I was asked to show a ticket.

If you have round trip tickets, then there is nothing to worry about. If you are flying one way, there are several options:

  1. give up everything and take risks;
  2. make an air ticket reservation before departure, which can be canceled later;
  3. fake e-ticket by drawing the required dates, name and route in Photoshop;
  4. buy cheap ticket from the low-cost airline Air Asia (for $10-20) to Malaysia, Vietnam or another country.

Personally, I fly to Thailand with air tickets to a third country in hand, or I make an unpaid reservation in advance with the possibility of cancellation.

  • Check different dates departure/arrival on the Skyscanner search engines and - on New Year's Eve, the difference in price can be crazy.
  • Over several years of annual search for inexpensive tickets to New Year I discovered an interesting pattern. Buy tickets to Thailand by best price possible with departure on December 20-23 and return on January 1-3 (the cheapest option would be to return on December 31, but this option is unlikely to suit anyone).

    Save even more if you can fly out as early as possible and return as late as possible. Holiday surcharges on air tickets appear for departures after December 20. Tickets become cheaper after January 10th. So fly to Thailand ten days before the New Year and relax there more.

    Fly to Thailand for free

    Introductory image source: © Rawipad C.KKU /

    We studied information about how to fly to Thailand cheaply. We'll tell you how much a ticket to Thailand costs, when is the best time to buy it, and how to get to Thailand on your own without spending a lot of money.

    The article was written primarily for travelers who plan to fly to Thailand on their own, rather than going on a tour. It will be useful both for those traveling one way and for those interested in round-trip tickets.

    Let's start!

    To search and compare prices, we personally use the air ticket search engine Aviasales. It is enough to find the lowest prices for tickets to Thailand, and the site has convenient functionality that makes searching easier (price calendars, ticket cost statistics, etc.)

    1. Where is the cheapest place to fly?
    2. Overview/pricing examples
    3. Lifehacks and tips for finding tickets
      • Tickets via a third country
      • Tours and packages
      • Airline sales and promotions
      • Price tracking
    Photo: Bangkok Temple © Selda Eigler /

    1. Where is the cheapest place to fly?

    Direct flights from Russia to Thailand are carried out only in two directions - to Bangkok and Phuket. These are the cities that are cheapest to fly to – both direct flights and flights with transfers.

    Airplanes fly to Bangkok more often and, as a rule, tickets there are cheaper. Phuket is generally more expensive to get to, but flight options often appear with approximately the same price as to Bangkok.

    What if I want to go to another resort?

    Some Thai resorts can be reached by purchasing a separate ticket for a domestic flight - this way you can fly to Samui, Krabi, etc.

    Other cities can be reached by land (for example, a transfer from Bangkok to Pattaya takes only 2 hours).

    2. Cost of tickets to Thailand from Moscow and St. Petersburg

    The cheapest tickets to Bangkok are usually from January to May, and to Phuket from February to June.

    2.1 Direct flights

    Direct flights between Moscow and Phuket are operated by Aeroflot, Azur Air and Nordwind Airlines, and to Bangkok only by Aeroflot and THAI Airways.

    At the same time, it’s unlikely to be possible to fly to Thailand inexpensively: direct flights are usually 20-30% more expensive than flights with transfers.

    From Moscow to Bangkok

    Prices for flights from Moscow to Bangkok start from 24,500 rubles, but most options range from 26,000-27,000 rubles.

    From Moscow to Phuket

    Tickets for direct flights to Phuket cost a minimum of 29,000 rubles.

    From Saint-Petersburg

    It is impossible to fly to Thailand cheaply on a direct flight from St. Petersburg: tickets to Bangkok cost from 40,000 rubles and, in general, rarely appear on sale. Prices for flights to Phuket start from 56,000 rubles.

    2.2 Flights with transfers

    For those who are looking for a cheap way to get to Thailand, the best option is a flight with transfers. Most airlines fly this way, and it is easier to find such tickets.

    The following companies fly with transfers:

    • Qatar Airways – with a transfer in Doha (Qatar);
    • Etihad – transfer to Abu Dhabi (UAE)
    • Emirates and Flydubai – fly through Dubai (UAE)
    • China Southern – via Guangzhou (China)
    • Turkish Airlines – with a transfer in Istanbul (Türkiye)
    • Finnair – Helsinki (Finland)
    • and some others

    When choosing flights, pay attention to the duration of the transfer: sometimes you come across good-priced tickets, but with a travel time of 35-40 hours.

    From Moscow

    The cost of a flight from Moscow starts from 20,900 rubles, but the flight duration is not the most convenient (16-30 hours). At prices starting from 22,800 rubles, you can find options with a flight to Bangkok in 13-15 hours. Flying to Phuket will be 1000-2000 rubles more expensive.

    From St. Petersburg

    Tickets from St. Petersburg to Bangkok with transfers cost from 24,500 rubles, but for that price the flight time will be 18-20 hours or more. Prices for short flights start from 27,000-28,000 rubles.

    You can find even cheaper tickets to Phuket (from 22,000 rubles), but good options cost about the same as to Bangkok.

    For a more visual search for cheap air tickets, use the calendar:

    1. Look for tickets in advance– it is advisable to buy them 2-3 months before departure, and the search can begin even earlier. The closer to departure, the higher the price.
    2. Experiment with departure dates: a ticket for neighboring dates can sometimes be one and a half times cheaper.
    3. View airline promotions- they slip through there good propositions. You can view them.
    4. View tickets to other locations– cities in Thailand or nearby countries. Alternative option– look for tickets not from your city (even if there is an airport there), but from a larger one located nearby (for the central part of Russia - from Moscow and St. Petersburg, for the regions - from Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, etc.). S7 airline has direct flights to Thailand from many cities in Siberia and the Far East.
    5. Keep track of ticket prices on the desired dates or date range through the aviasales service - as soon as the price drops, a notification about this will be sent to your email. This is relevant if you started your search in advance and are willing to wait some time before making a purchase.

    A few nuances worth paying attention to:

    • a round-trip ticket usually costs 30-40% cheaper than separate round-trip tickets
    • If you decide to fly to Thailand with one ticket and return with another, remember that without a return ticket in hand, Thai border guards may simply not let you into the country
    • The cost of flights is usually higher when Thailand is in tourist season - that is, in late autumn and winter
    • tickets for New Year's dates are always the most expensive of the year

    Photo: © Rushen /

    3.1 Tickets through a third country

    Sometimes you can fly to Thailand cheaper if you look for tickets through a third country - for example, Malaysia or Vietnam. The method often works for one-way tickets, but sometimes there are also good round-trip options.

    Low prices for tickets to a third country may be due to the seasonality of holidays there or to airline promotions on certain flight routes.

    In this case, you can fly cheaply, for example, to Kuala Lumpur, and from there get inexpensive tickets to Phuket through a low-cost airline. In total, such a flight may be cheaper than a direct ticket to Phuket.

    In our experience, it is easier to find flights from low-cost airlines on Skyscanner, but there are also options on Aviasales.

    Where to look for flights:

    • Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
    • Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
    • Hong Kong
    • Singapore

    IN last time We saved money this way: we flew to the north of Thailand and the flight to Bangkok cost more (22,000 rubles) than a ticket to Hong Kong (14,000 rubles) + a ticket from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai (6,000 rubles). In addition, we had the opportunity to see Hong Kong.

    Image: ©melenama /

    3.2 Tours and vouchers instead of tickets

    Another tricky way to fly to Thailand cheaply is to buy not an air ticket, but a ready-made tour to the desired destination. Sometimes the cost of a trip (especially a last-minute one) can be significantly lower than the price of a ticket for a regular flight. There are cases when a trip costs less than a one-way ticket.