What are the benefits of hematogen for the body? What is hematogen - benefits and harms

Hematogen is familiar to almost every one of our compatriots over the age of 30, because in Soviet time Almost every child begged this inexpensive sweet from their mother. At that time, hematogen was often prescribed during the period of recovery from illness, and it was possible to purchase a sweet bar made from animal blood only in a pharmacy.

Now hematogen has changed in appearance and in its composition (it often includes various additional ingredients), and you can also buy it in the store. However, the properties of this food additive remain the same.

Hematogen, as before, stimulates hematopoiesis, so use it in large quantities it is forbidden.

Many mothers are naturally interested in how old they are to give their children hematogen and what dosage of this sweetness should be observed in childhood.

Composition of hematogen

The main component of hematogen is represented by cattle blood, which is designated on the packaging as food albumin.

During the production of the bars, the blood is defibrated and thoroughly cleaned to eliminate any bacteria. To make children less likely to develop allergies, many modern views

hematogen is released without dry blood. It is replaced with purified hemoglobin.

Hematogen does not taste like chocolate, but more like toffee. The consistency of the tile is dense, but soft enough for a child to chew it. Additional ingredients of hematogen can be molasses, honey, coconut flakes, sugar, condensed milk, chocolate, nuts, candied fruits, sesame seeds and other products.

How is hematogen useful? So sweet food supplement

is a very nutritious product, since it is a source of essential and non-essential amino acids, easily digestible sugars, fat-soluble vitamins (especially vitamin A), animal fats, and vitamin C. What makes hematogen especially valuable is the presence of divalent iron in such a bar.

It is easily absorbed by the child's body and helps prevent iron deficiency anemia. In addition to iron, hematogen is rich in potassium, chlorine, calcium and sodium.

Indications Thanks to its high nutritional value

  • and the presence of useful substances in the composition of hematogen is recommended:
  • For iron deficiency anemia, as well as for its prevention.
  • Children with peptic ulcers of the digestive system, which may cause bleeding.
  • With hypovitaminosis, in particular with a lack of vitamin A.
  • During recovery after an acute illness.
  • For malnutrition, when the child is underweight or has growth retardation.


With prolonged and frequent use of hematogen, especially if its daily dosage is exceeded, it is possible:

  • An increase in iron levels in the body, resulting in damage to the cell walls of blood vessels, stomach cramps, blackening of stool, heartburn, and a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Development of an allergic reaction, such as hives.
  • Blood thickening, which can lead to thrombophlebitis.
  • Nausea, dizziness and diarrhea caused by fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract due to excess hematogen.
  • Gain excess weight if consuming hematogen increases your daily calorie intake.


  • Intolerance to any component of the sweet bar.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Obesity.
  • Anemia not caused by iron deficiency.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Child under 3 years of age.

Side effect

In some children, taking hematogen can cause irritation digestive tract, which is due to the presence of iron ions in the additive.

In such cases, the child will complain of abdominal discomfort and nausea.

Instructions for use

Most manufacturers offer consumers hematogen in the form of tiles, divided into cubes. Also, such a dietary supplement can be presented in bars, divided into plates.

  • Hematogen should be used in children taking into account the following nuances:
  • The duration of daily use of hematogen should not exceed 21 days.
  • In order for the sweetness to be better absorbed, cubes or plates of hematogen are given between meals.
  • It is allowed to drink dietary supplements with water or fruit juice, but in no case with milk or tea, since the combination of hematogen with dairy products or tannins will interfere with the absorption of iron and other beneficial compounds.

In addition, taking Hematogen should not be combined with the use of multivitamin preparations.

Komarovsky's opinion A popular doctor calls hematogen a healthy product, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and others. He emphasizes that the sweet bars with that name now sold in pharmacies do not always contain iron. In addition, Komarovsky focuses on the fact that any hematogen is not a medicine, but is only a food additive. If a baby has anemia, he cannot be treated with hematogen.

You can find out the opinion of a famous pediatrician about hematogen from the following video.

How to choose a hematogen for a child

On the shelves of stores and pharmacies nowadays you can buy hematogen, which has nothing to do with the real supplement. Manufacturers produce such bars with the expectation that mothers will pay attention to the well-known name and buy the sweetness. Therefore, when choosing a hematogen, you should always read its label. A quality product must include food albumin, which will be in the first place in its composition. If the percentage amount is indicated on the packaging, then 4-5% albumin from the total mass of the product is considered optimal.

For more information about the benefits and harms of hematogen, see the program “About the Most Important Thing.”

Find out if your baby's weight is normal by using the following calculator.

Height and weight calculator



Height, cm

Many adults remember the taste of hematogen from distant childhood, when for them it was delicious treat when there is a shortage of sweets. Even now, despite the abundance of various sweets of our and foreign production, some treat their children with hematogen. Why does it remain popular? What is the secret of this bar? Is hematogen necessary? Its benefits are due to its unique composition, which includes vitamins, proteins and pleasant taste plays an important role.

Only in hematogen it is found with proteins, which allows for maximum absorption of the drug and does not irritate the walls of the stomach. Special manufacturing technology allows you to preserve the necessary components of cattle blood in this form. Recently, new production technology has begun to be used, which uses purified hemoglobin instead of dry blood, reducing the possibility of allergic reactions.

The taste of hematogen is given by various additives - molasses, condensed milk, sugar. To add new taste sensations, manufacturers add nuts, honey, coconut and other ingredients.

Hematogen: benefits

Hematogen is very useful for children. It is during this period that it is especially important for them to receive the substances necessary for development that are in the bar. Proteins, macroelements and microelements will help support and normalize metabolic processes in babies. A large amount of vitamin A causes high antioxidant effect hematogen. It is very useful for people with vision problems to use this product. Eating hematogen has a beneficial effect in case of problems with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. If you have digestive problems, eat Hematogen, the benefits will be obvious.

In the event that it is not possible to eat properly and receive the substances necessary for the body, this delicacy will come to the rescue. People suffering from dry and inelastic skin can also be advised to remember hematogen. For a child who is lagging behind his peers in development and growth, hematogen will be extremely useful. Usually, during complex treatment of the visual organs, in case of a sharp deterioration, doctors prescribe hematogen.

In the cold season, when the time comes colds, eating the bar will help the body actively resist and not get sick. Doctors also recommend that patients with various chronic diseases, especially gastric and duodenal ulcers, often eat hematogen, the benefits of which in these cases are invaluable. After all, quite often with these diseases there is significant blood loss, which is not always obvious, but leads to a drop in hemoglobin levels and a deterioration in well-being. With the help of hematogen, this problem can be solved and

Hematogen - are the benefits and harm comparable? In our difficult times, in order to help the body overcome emerging emotional and physical overloads, constant stress is needed effective means, and one of them is hematogen. It is simply necessary for iron deficiency and anemia, since it allows you to support erythropoiesis.

Hematogen harm

Despite the usefulness of this bar, you need to know about those cases when you should not use hematogen. The large quantities of carbohydrates contained make this product unacceptable for people with obesity and diabetes mellitus.

If you have an individual intolerance to any component of hematogen, then you cannot eat it.

Its use by pregnant women and patients with thrombophlebitis is undesirable.

All of the above facts indicate the undeniable benefits of hematogen, provided that it is used correctly.

Hematogen is one of the therapeutic and prophylactic drugs that children of any age eat with pleasure. Adults also do not refuse a piece of a tasty, sweet dark brown tile.

What is the use of hematogen? Why does a bar with an original taste help in the fight against many diseases? Find out more about this useful product, learn the rules for taking hematogen for children.

Composition and method of production

A unique product with a specific, pleasant taste appeared in pharmacies in late XIX century. Dr. Hommel from Switzerland invented useful product, which the little patients immediately fell in love with. Hematogen is a sweet with a noticeable healing effect.

Components of hematogen:

  • iron in the form of hemoglobin;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin A;
  • fats.

How hematogen is produced:

  • a useful product created using defibrated cattle blood;
  • in special devices, plasma and fibrin are separated;
  • the result of the process is a base rich in iron and proteins;
  • Fillers are added to the resulting mixture to give the food additive a sweet taste.

Important! Parents should remember that Hematogen is a food supplement or medicine. It is forbidden to give children more than the prescribed amount of sweet bars containing a high percentage of iron.

Release form

Pharmacies and supermarkets supply bars weighing from 30 to 50 g. A healthy product with a high content of easily digestible iron has a dark brown color, plastic, slightly crumbling structure. Soft tiles easily break into pieces. The bars are packaged in a wrapper that protects from sunlight and moisture.


Manufacturers offer several varieties of the traditional product. Children's Hematogen contains fillers to increase nutritional value and beneficial properties, and improve taste.

When purchasing, pay attention to the place of sale and composition:

  • medicines. The bars are sold only in pharmacies. Names: Hematogen S, Hematogen New, Hematogen L. An obligatory component of the preparations is “food grade black albumin”;
  • biologically active additives. Sold in specialized stores healthy eating, pharmacies, supermarkets. Added fillers: honey, jam, nuts, condensed milk. The name of a useful product is always accompanied by a “decoding”: Children’s Lux, Super, Honey, with pine nuts and others.

Pharmacological action, composition (except for fillers), benefits of both types are identical. Nutritional supplements are allowed to be sold not only in pharmacies, which increases turnover and, accordingly, profits. This is the reason for the wide variety of dietary supplements based on processed cattle blood.

Effect on the body

Due to its rich composition and the presence of easily digestible components, hematogen actively influences processes in the body. Regular consumption of this healthy product improves blood composition and normalizes hemoglobin levels.

Under the influence of enzymes, metabolism in a growing body improves. Bars are often prescribed to children suffering from anemia to increase hemoglobin levels.

Benefits and harms

Disputes between different generations about the action of hematogen are often heard. Elders consider the healthy bar almost a panacea; it is recommended for many diseases and to strengthen the body. Young parents more often avoid uncontrolled consumption of sweet medicine and adhere to the norms and rules of use. Who is right?

The answer is clear: hematogen is a medicine, the dosage must not be exceeded, buy a delicious bar for daily use. A product with an active effect brings both benefits and harm. The result depends on strict adherence to the instructions and use only as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Benefits of hematogen:

  • albumin (a compound of protein and iron) has a positive effect on blood composition and improves metabolism;
  • the supply of oxygen to cells is normalized, the level of hemoglobin increases, the structure and composition of the blood are renewed;
  • high levels of iron are indispensable in the fight against childhood anemia;
  • vitamins, enzymes increase immune defense, improve visual function;
  • Regular intake of a healthy product improves the condition of the respiratory tract and digestive organs.

Negative influence:

  • The main danger is uncontrolled use. It’s hard to stop eating just 1-2 pieces of a healthy product with a pleasant taste. The children are capricious, demanding more “sweet medicine”, the parents follow the lead. Instead of a couple of pieces, a whole tile was eaten. The result is side effects, problems with hemoglobin levels;
  • if there are contraindications, the use of dietary supplements with a high iron content negatively affects metabolism, provokes stomach pain, heartburn, and increased blood density.

If the instructions are strictly followed, the question of the benefits and harms of hematogen does not arise. A valuable product causes side effects only if the rules of administration are violated and contraindications are not taken seriously.

Indications for use

How is hematogen useful? A bar based on defibrated cattle blood is recommended in the following cases:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • vision problems;
  • vitamin deficiency, poor digestibility of food;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines (ulcers, gastritis);
  • weakened immunity.


Please note the limitations:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • high hemoglobin level;
  • thrombosis.

Note! Expectant mothers should refrain from consuming hematogen. The use of a valuable product during pregnancy provokes Negative consequences for fetal development. During lactation, the popular dietary supplement is also prohibited.

Possible side effects

Violation of the dosage, use without taking into account restrictions provokes negative phenomena:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the upper respiratory tract;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • urge to vomit;
  • skin itching;
  • manifestations of urticaria.

How to give hematogen to children

Appoints useful remedy to improve the health of the body, a pediatrician or specialist who has identified a problem in a small patient. For blood diseases, a dietary supplement with high percentage easily digestible iron is recommended by a hematologist, for vision problems - an ophthalmologist, for illnesses gastrointestinal tract– gastroenterologist.


  • do not buy dietary supplements without a doctor’s prescription;
  • Hematogen is approved for children over 4 years old;
  • in a pharmacy or store, look for a useful product intended specifically for children;
  • daily dosage – no more than 30 g, after 7 years it is allowed to consume 40 g of useful product per day;
  • Do not give the child the entire amount at once, divide 30 g into 3 times, after 7 years - into 2 times;
  • the first couple of times, give a smaller amount, about 15–20 g, look at the body’s reaction. With absence side effects increase the dosage to the standard;
  • between doses vitamin complexes and the preparation from the blood of cattle must take 2 hours or more;
  • It is undesirable to eat hematogen on an empty stomach;
  • if the child drank kefir, milk, ate sour cream, and other dairy products, also wait a couple of hours with the food supplement. Calcium interferes with the full absorption of iron;
  • It is prohibited to consume more than the prescribed norm per day. Uncontrolled intake of medicinal sweets is harmful;
  • if the child receives mineral supplements, a break of at least two hours between taking medications of these groups is also important.

Doctors recommend a useful product that improves blood composition in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. You cannot eat hematogen every day for a year. At least two to three weeks should pass between treatment and prophylactic courses.


Exceeding the daily norm causes negative manifestations, especially in weakened children. Sometimes kids mistake hematogen for chocolate and willfully eat a dietary supplement that their parents accidentally left on the table. Two or three bars is too high a dose for children.

Be sure to take your child to the doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the throat or chest when swallowing;
  • rashes, itchy skin;
  • bloody discharge in stool.

If you suspect angioedema, call immediately ambulance" Before the doctors arrive, be sure to give any antihistamine (Suprastin, Erius, Tavegil, Cetrin, Claritin, Diazolin), unfasten the collar, and provide fresh air. The task of parents is to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes as soon as possible and eliminate the possibility of suffocation.

Symptoms of giant urticaria (Quincke's edema):

  • swelling of the lips, larynx;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • large spots on the body, often purple;
  • severe swelling of the eyelids and face.


Hematogen is not only useful, but also an inexpensive therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The popular nutritional supplement has a low price. This is why an overdose of a healthy product is often diagnosed: many parents buy 4-5 small bars at a time.

The price of hematogen varies slightly in different regions, approximately from 9 to 30 rubles. Bar weight – 30.35, 40, 50 g.

A selection of natural supplements – for every taste:

  • vitamin C;
  • pine nuts;
  • raisin;
  • coconut;
  • condensed milk.

For children, some types are available in chocolate glaze. Ferrohematogen are chewable lozenges with various flavors.

Always pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and expiration date. Never give your children a damp/too dry bar: violating storage conditions will worsen the properties of the nutritional supplement.

Once upon a time, delicious “chocolate” from the pharmacy brought joy and benefits not only to children, but also to adults. Currently, the sweet treat that increases hemoglobin has been practically forgotten. But in vain! After all, this is a natural product with a minimal set of contraindications.

Hematogen is a food supplement in the form of a sweet bar, positioned as a medicinal product. All over the world, hematogen is used to treat iron deficiency anemia. The iron included in its composition stimulates hematopoiesis, while successfully increasing hemoglobin.

The benefits and harms of hematogen

Despite the taste and appearance, hematogen is still medicinal product, and should be used with caution.

The benefit of hematogen is to enrich the body with iron elements, amino acids and vitamins. The substances included in its composition have a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes and strengthen the body. Scope of application of hematogen:

  • Blood loss after serious injuries and operations
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Visual impairment
  • Reduced protective properties of the body
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Various problems in the digestive system leading to loss of appetite
  • Lack of adequate nutrition
  • Stunting

Valuable substances of hematogen actively renew the blood, improving the functioning of all systems. For growing children and adolescents, Hematogen is useful for its high content of vitamin A. Essential minerals promote strong skin, hair growth and healthy nails.

The main purpose of hematogen is to increase hemoglobin. In terms of the amount of iron, it is ahead of apples, porcini mushrooms and liver. Regular intake of sweet bars leads to improved blood quality and excellent health.

  • with excess weight problems
  • with diabetes mellitus
  • pregnant women
  • with thrombosis (blood viscosity increases)

Various additives in the form of honey, nuts and sweet molasses can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, hematogen should be consumed in moderation.

What was hematogen made from in the USSR?

The iron-containing drug was invented by the Swiss scientist Adolf Friedrich Hommel in 1890 and the first medicine was called “Hommel's medicine.” The mixture consisted of egg yolk and bovine blood. Hematogen began to be produced in the form of solid slabs much later. They began to make it from processed dried blood with the addition of ascorbic acid, honey and condensed milk.

In the USSR, the production of hematogen began in 1917. To produce the product, cattle blood components and various food additives were used.

By regulatory documents in the mid-1950s, the main composition of hematogen was as follows:

  • "dry blood" (5%)
  • "ascorbic acid" (0.12%)
  • “molasses, sugar, honey, condensed milk” (remaining percentage)

Hematogen was packaged as a dietary supplement and supplied to Ukraine and Belarus. Thanks to animal blood fractions, the hematogen had beneficial properties and was easy to digest.

Does hematogen contain bovine blood?

This question worries many buyers. If for some the blood elements in the bar do not matter, then for some this method of treatment seems unworthy. In modern products, bovine blood has not been used for a long time. Instead, use:

  • natural hemoglobin (components of processed blood)
  • synthetic hemoglobin

Both versions of hematogen are absolutely safe and effective products.

Composition of classic hematogen according to GOST now

Nowadays, it is not easy to purchase a natural product or medicine; you can even run into a fake when purchasing the drug at a pharmacy. Self-respecting manufacturers all try to adhere to GOST standards. According to standards, a hematogen bar weighs 50 grams (with a deviation of 2 grams).

Standard components in the bar:

  • “food albumin black” (2.5%)
  • “starch molasses” (12.5%)
  • "condensed milk" (19.9%)
  • "pure sugar" (22.8%)
  • “vanillin” (no more than 0.06%)

Albumin is used instead of blood. This drug contains an increased amount of vitamin A and iron, which perfectly stimulates the production of new red blood cells.

Calorie content

The nutritional value and calorie content of the product per 100 g is:

  • proteins (6 g)
  • fats (3 g)
  • carbohydrates (75.5 g)
  • calories (354 kcal)

Daily intake of hematogen

Manufacturers indicate the introduction of hematogen into the diet of children from 3 years of age. But experts recommend increasing the age to 5 years. The daily intake of an adult should not exceed 50 grams, that is, 1 bar. Children are allowed to consume the product from 20 grams. up to 40 gr. (depending on equipment and age). If you follow the daily dose, you can use the product for an unlimited time. In general, the product is well tolerated and has no side effects, the main thing is compliance with the dosage.

In case of an overdose of the product, which rarely happens, the signs may be the following:

  • nausea, vomiting)
  • bloody diarrhea or constipation
  • severe pain in the intestinal area
  • migraine
  • joint pain

Contraindications for use

Despite the absence of negative reviews, Hematogen has contraindications:

  • women on early stages pregnancy
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug
  • thrombophlebitis
  • children under 5 years old
  • taking medications

Hematogen is an inexpensive, tasty and healthy product. During the Second World War, this remedy helped soldiers gain strength after being wounded, reduced the feeling of hunger and had a beneficial effect on recovery.

Video: choosing the right hematogen composition

The benefits of hematogen were undeniably proven back in Soviet times. Brown tiles and standard packaging are familiar from childhood. Despite the changed composition, it has not lost its essence. For parents, this is generally a lifesaver: it’s both tasty and healthy. But children don’t care whether it contains blood or not.

Hematogen is a prophylactic agent containing hemoglobin used to treat iron deficiency anemia.

Release form and composition

Hematogen is produced in the form of embossed dark brown tiles, distributed lengthwise and crosswise with marks on separate plates, in films of 30 and 50 g. The product has a weak specific aroma and sweet taste.

Each Hematogen tile contains food grade black albumin (defibrinated blood of slaughtered cattle). Depending on the manufacturer, the product may contain various additional components. Among them, the most common are starch syrup, vanillin, honey, raisins, ascorbic acid, condensed or whole milk powder, vitamin A, dried apricots, peanuts, flavorings and sugars.

Indications for use

Hematogen is used in cases of iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition, and during the period of convalescence after infectious and other diseases. The drug is prescribed for chronic diseases, especially for peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

Due to the fact that Hematogen contains vitamin A, it can also be prescribed to patients with visual impairment.


The use of Hematogen is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product, as well as in cases of anemia not associated with iron deficiency. Also, the drug is not prescribed to children under two years of age and to all patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Due to the fact that the drug contains easily digestible carbohydrates, it should not be taken by patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity.

During pregnancy and throughout the period breastfeeding Hematogen can be used only according to indications and provided that the expected benefit from therapy for the mother outweighs the possible risk for the child or developing fetus.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is taken orally during meals. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient, namely:

  • Children 2-6 years old take 30 g of the drug per day;
  • Patients 7-14 years old are prescribed 35-40 g of Hematogen per day;
  • Teenagers and adults take 40-50 g of the drug per day.

The duration of drug therapy varies between 1-2 months.

The dose of the drug for patients during the period of convalescence after iron deficiency anemia is 100 g of Hematogen per day for 60 days.

Side effects

Hematogen, according to the instructions, can cause nausea, diarrhea and allergic reactions. No cases of drug overdose have been reported to date.

special instructions

Thanks to the vitamin A included in Hematogen, the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The drug does not affect the patient’s ability to drive vehicles or complex machinery.


Synonyms medicine they don't release. Analogues of Hematogen are the drugs Totema, Ferroplex, Fenyuls, Aktiferrin, Ferro-Folgamma and Ferlatum Fol.

Terms and conditions of storage

The instructions for Hematogen indicate that the product should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry place, out of reach of children and protected from light, at room temperature.