Beautiful autumn - beautiful autumn. Autumn colors Quotes related to autumn in English

Autumn is translated into English as: Autumn [autumn] - autumn, also in the colloquial version fall [fall] - autumn (literally - fall, fall) is most often used.

If you want to say that it is autumn, then you need to use the following phrase:
it is autumn [it from autumn] - it’s autumn now.

In order to explain what autumn it is like now, we use the following phrases:
damp autumn [damp autumn] – damp autumn
backward autumn [backward autumn] - belated autumn

To express that autumn will soon come, you need to say:
autumn is drawing on [autumn is drawing on] – autumn is approaching
autumn is coming [autumn is fireplace] - autumn will come soon

Autumn can also be translated not only as autumn [autumn], but by the phrase:
Fall of the year [fol of the iaar] - autumn
If we want to say that autumn came early at this time, then we use the following phrase:
Early fall [eli foul] - early autumn

And if autumn is late this year, then we say:
late fall [late fall] - late autumn
For example: I do not like late fall [Ay do not like late fall] - I don’t like late autumn.

If we need to describe autumn weather, then these phrases would be very appropriate:
It is very cold this autumn [It is very cold zis autumn] - It is very cold this autumn.
It is very hot this autumn [It is very hot zis autumn] – It is very hot this autumn

In autumn the weather is very often bad and it often rains:
rain [rain] – rain
heavy rain[heavy rain] – heavy rain
it is look like raining [it is bow laye raining] - it seems that it will rain soon.
it is raining [it is raining] – it’s raining
I like rain [ah like rain] - I like the rain
raindrops [raindrops] – raindrops
rain pours [rain purs] – it’s pouring rain
rain stops [rain stops] - the rain stops

If it so happens that you are caught in the rain, then in order to describe your condition you should use the following phrases:
I am all wet [aye mol vet] - I’m all wet
I am soaked [ay em soakd] - I got wet to the skin

In order to avoid finding yourself in such a stupid situation, you should always take an umbrella with you in the fall.
umbrella [umbrella] – umbrella
to take an umbrella [to take en Umbrella] - take an umbrella
You should take an umbrella with you in case it rains [Yu Shud Taken Umbrella Visa Yu In Case It Rains] – You should take an umbrella with you in case it starts to rain
I forgot my umbrella and that is why now I am soaked [Ay forgot may Umbrella and Zet from vai nau ay em soakd] - I forgot my umbrella and that’s why I got completely wet.

In autumn you can often observe leaf fall: fall of the leaf[fall of the leaf]

Example sentences:
I saw the fall of leaves today at the park [Ay so ze foul of livs today in the park] - Today in the park I saw leaf fall

In autumn, you need to take care of your health and dress warmly to avoid getting sick.
We need to wear warm clothes in autumn [Vin id to wer vorm closes in autumn] – In autumn we need to dress warmer
It is getting colder and darker soon [It is getting colder and darker soon] - It is getting colder and getting darker earlier.
I caught a cold this fall [Ay cat e cold zis fall] - This fall I got sick

Dialogue about autumn in English

— I like autumn very much. And what about you?
— I don’t like autumn.
— Can you please explain why you don’t like it?
— I caught a cold last fall so now I don’t like it!
— I am sorry to hear that.

A story about autumn in English

I like autumn. In autumn, nature is especially beautiful. Crimson trees. Paths strewn with colorful leaves.

I love walking in the autumn park, I love wandering along the embankments.

Autumn rains are wonderful.

The autumn air is fresh, invigorating, and gets you ready for active work.

At the same time, this is a contemplative time of year: the fading nature is stunning.

I remember the words of the poet:

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time:
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant.

I love autumn. In autumn, nature is very beautiful. Crimson trees. Tracks strewn with variegated leaves.

I love walking in the autumn Park, I love to wander along the quays.

Autumn rain are beautiful.

The autumn air is fresh, it invigorates, it sets up active work.

However, it is a contemplative time of the year: fading nature is awesome.

Remember the words of the poet:

In the autumn of the original
Short but marvelous time:
All day is like crystal,
And radiant evening.

All seasons are charming in their own way. Autumn is most often associated with rain, leaf fall and romance.

This is such an amazing time that it seems we can talk about it endlessly. If the topic “Autumn” is necessary for homework, then you need to focus on the vocabulary used in the story.

Sample plan:

  • A short introduction.
  • Main part (you can describe the features of autumn, its weather).
  • Conclusion (here you can express your attitude towards autumn, express what you like or dislike most about it).


It is advisable to start a story about autumn in an elegant way, because the beauty of autumn nature has often inspired many writers, artists and creative personalities. You can start with a famous saying. It could even be a favorite poet or writer.

Juliet Salon, an English writer, once said: autumn paints in colors that summer has never seen. One cannot argue with it! Everything around you transforms, becoming more colorful. Autumn is the brightest season.

Eliot George, an English writer, once said: autumn paints colors that summer has never seen. We cannot but agree with this! Every day everything around is transformed, becoming more colorful. Autumn is the brightest time of the year!

Main part

In the main part, the story can be continued with whether autumn is your favorite time of year. Here you can talk about the weather and changes environment that occur in the fall. You can also touch on the topic of animals and plants, talking about their preparation for winter.

It might look something like this:

Every season has pleasant sides to it, but autumn gives us something that is difficult to find in any other season of the year. I especially like early autumn. During this time the weather still grants us with some warm days. Leaves of the trees are painted in bright colors. In the course of time they begin to fall, covering the ground with a colorful tapestry. Bright sunny days are fewer. The nature begins to prepare for the upcoming cold. Many birds are preparing to fly to warm countries, and they teach their young to fly. Squirrels collect nuts. Many animals change their color. The air grows cooler and seems to be fresher.

I like every season in its own way, but there is something about autumn that is hard to find at other times of the year. I especially like early autumn. At this time the weather still gives warm days. The leaves of the trees are painted in bright colors. Over time, they begin to fall off, coloring the ground. Bright days is getting smaller. Everything around is starting to prepare for the coming cold weather. Many birds are preparing to fly to warm countries, and teach the younger generation to fly. Squirrels stock up on nuts. Many animals change their coats. The air becomes cooler and seems fresher.

Feel free to express your thoughts, adding reflections to the story, because the autumn weather itself often leads to them.

In autumn one often changes his perspective, because life and current events are perceived from a specific point of view. Many people can start rethinking their lives and preparing themselves for the changes. Autumn can give inspiration to start something new. Statistics shows that the largest number of weddings is arranged in autumn. This time seems to be the most fruitful period for any new projects.

In autumn, a person often begins to think differently, perceiving life and current events from a special point of view. Many people may begin to rethink their lives and prepare for changes. Autumn can bring inspiration to start something new. Statistics show that the largest number of weddings takes place in the fall. This time seems to be the most fruitful for any business.


Every time autumn comes I fall in love with it, and the combinations of colors of the scenery never fail to amaze me. Surrounding beauty and cool weather sometimes make people feel melancholy and sad, so it is the right reason to dress warmer, prepare a delicious cup of tea and enjoy the genuine splendour of the nature.

With every arrival of autumn, I fall in love with its beauty, and the combination of natural colors never ceases to amaze me. The beauty and cool weather can make people sad, so this is a reason to dress warmly, make delicious tea and enjoy the natural beauty.

October is a month of contradictions. In its first half, the weather is usually pleasant with warm days, parks and gardens are full of colorful colors. Then they are gradually replaced by rains. Some people associate October with dampness and coolness, for others it’s a great opportunity to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, brew delicious tea and pick up your favorite book. But, be that as it may, the calendar cannot simply be flipped forward a couple of months; each of them must be lived. And in order to enjoy life regardless of the weather outside, you just need to learn to notice the beauty around you. Just look at what a talented artist nature is! Take a look around and you will undoubtedly love the second month of the golden guest!

Beautiful quotes about October

The autumn rain has gathered in puddles under my feet, I feel lonely and empty, my memories are fading. October - hope alone promises happiness.

I'll pick up a pile of leaves,
After all, they are everywhere now.
In October, young and old
Watching the leaves fall.

The October leaves have already fallen, they no longer feel the passing heat. New life ahead - like a paper boat - it will either survive or become limp.

October . Cold. It's windy. Slush. The weather is perfect for hot tea, jam, melodramas and fascinating books.

October is approaching, but the forest day is bright. And autumn smiles at the blue skies

In October we get older
Cooling down from the passionate summer
And under a blanket, tired from work,
We are hiding somewhere in apartments.
Brew green tea
Instead of rum, tequila, sambuca,
We watch old soap films,
Warming cold hands.
Sometimes we have a cold,
It's almost like a blizzard outside.
In October we are supposed to be bored,
Remembering each other without words. (Jikki Vian)

Damp October is breathing through my window, autumn let me go... I inhale October, I inhale autumn, I inhale hatred, I inhale the resin of pine trees.

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love, I lie to myself that I forget

Like a butterfly in amber -
Not to breathe, not to flap a wing -
Freezing in my October
In a shower of light that's ahead
Flooded into my empty garden,
On the golden filigree of the birches...
Indian summer streak -
There is a line between life and death.

On a warm October morning, I will write my story on fallen leaves, and then sail away on a soggy paper boat to a new life.

You need to leave pleasantly and barely audible, like the rustling of leaves in October

In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

Quotes of great men

In October, when the leaves have already turned yellow, withered, and drooped, there are blue-eyed days; throw your head back on such a day so as not to see the ground - and you can believe: there is still joy, there is still summer. (Evgeny Zamyatin).

October is the month of sadness and colds, and sparrows - the proletariat of birds - capture birdhouses in abandoned penates, like the Smolny Institute. (Joseph Brodsky).

Have you noticed that each month of the year has its own smell? For me, October and May smell best. (Lisa Kleypas)

I hate October. - What did he do wrong to you? - This month buries summer. (Mark Levy)

There is no need to be afraid of October, October is beautiful, perhaps more beautiful than all the months of the year, even May. May torments you with hope, with promises that never come true, October promises nothing, does not give even a shadow of hope, it is all within itself. And behind it - darkness, cold, slush, sleet, huge night, the end. But how beautiful it is now! What gold! What copper! And how wonderful is the greenery of the spruce trees in the forest and the vines above the river! And how green is the grass that is not at all wilted. And above everything there is a clear blue sky. (Yuri Nagibin).

October is the only pleasant and disturbing month, the only time of truly empty parks and old ghostly trees, when everything around is deserted, abandoned and eerie. The only time of the year when the cloudy sky takes your breath away and makes me feel like I'm being hunted Serial killer wearing a mask. (Mike Dylan Raskin).

Quotes from books about this month of autumn

From the cell one could clearly see the middle of October and there was silence in it an hour's walk long and two hours wide. (Khazar Dictionary, Milorad Pavic)

“I’m not sick,” said the colonel. “It’s just that in October I feel like my insides are being gnawed by wild animals.” (No one writes to the Colonel, Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

You should know that October is the first month of spring. (Year of the Gardener, Karl Capek)

You are in my difficult October, exposed by the rains and wind, in the lonely wet dawn, in that sadness of autumn retro. (Feeling of the year, Oleg Yushkevich).

October,” he said with passion in his voice. - God, this is my favorite month, I’m ready to eat it, inhale it, smell it. Ah, this rebellious and sad month. Look how the foliage glowed from meeting him. In October the world is on fire... (Literary Encounters, Ray Bradbury)

October - swift, so juicy, so fragrant in its golden-scarlet radiance, with early white frosts, with the bright transformation of leaves - this is a completely different, magical time, the last daring, jubilant splash in the face of the approaching cold. (Five Quarters of an Orange, Joan Harris).

October is a symphony of constancy and change. (Bonaro Overstreet)

Autumn remains throughout October, and in rare years - until November. Overhead, day after day, one can see the clear, austere blue of the sky, along which (always from west to east) calm white ships of clouds with gray keels sail. During the day, an irrepressible wind rises, it urges you on as you walk along the road and the unimaginably colorful mounds of fallen leaves crunch under your feet. This wind creates an aching pain, but not in the bones, but somewhere much deeper. Perhaps it touches something ancient in the human soul, a certain string of memory about nomads and migrations, and it repeats: on the road - or you will die... on the road - or you will die. (The Lot, Stephen King).

The sky was gloomy and gray,
The leaf on the tree was dry and gray,
The leaf on the tree was withered and gray,
That was the October atmosphere,
The darkness of the years was darker than the caves... (Ulalum, Edgar Poe).

Funny and cool statuses about October

I break the traditions of nature,
I grab October by the mustache
And to spite everyone under a gray robe
I'm putting on flowered panties!
Coffee languid aroma
Plus a little optimism...
You can definitely survive
In October, since autumn has turned sour.
October is some kind of mysticism
Or general neurosis...
There is not a single leaf
On the branches of aspens and birches...

I finally felt what global warming is! This is when it’s October, and you can’t sleep because of these nasty mosquitoes...

It was October, there was no date on that day...

October. The girls' legs quickly hid under skirts and trousers.

In October, in October there is frequent rain in the yard.

October... Cats are scratching at my soul...
Only I usually - at least give a damn..!
I'm calm... like a sack of potatoes,
Laying down for the winter until spring...

In October, before lunch it is autumn, and after lunch it is winter.

Goodbye October. Do not be bored. I'll brew myself green tea. Tomorrow is already November. Which means a new life...

October fled, autumn laughed, cats froze in the window sills; you finished smoking me and abandoned me, my genius of pure beauty.

Summer has come to a close and October has come into its own.

October - the season of rains and self-pity is open!

October, stop acting like you're December.

Quote in English with translation

First of all, it was October, a rare month for boys. Not that all months aren’t rare. But there be bad and good, as the pirates say. Take September, a bad month: school begins. Consider August, a good month: school hasn’t begun yet.

First of all, let us note that it was October, a wonderful month for boys. This is not to say that the other months are bad, but as pirates say, there are bad months and there are good months. Let's take, for example, September - a bad month: school starts. Or August is a good month: the holidays are not over yet.

October is a month full of colors

As they say in famous song, "There is no bad weather". But this is really so. If it’s sunny outside, you can safely walk the streets, watching how October paints everything around in crimson tones. Is it raining outside the window? It doesn’t matter either, because it exists so that each of us takes our own colorful umbrella and makes the world even brighter. Agree, this month is wonderful, the main thing is that there are people dear to you in it!

This article contains beautiful quotes about autumn in English with translation into Russian. Autumn sayings, phrases, descriptions of the autumn season.

“My soul is in a state of perpetual Autumn.” - Nichole McElhaney
« My soul is in a state of eternal autumn». Nicole McElhaney

“Life is like an Autumn; short but colorful.” ― Zain Baloch
« Life is like Autumn; short but colorful» — Zain Baloch

« What is autumn? Here is a very simple definition: “Autumn is a queen, a beauty queen

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.– Stanley Horowitz
Winter is an engraving, spring is a watercolor, summer is a painting, and autumn is a mosaic of them all.– Stanley Horowitz

Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Autumn is a time of picturesque calm».- Sir Christian Goldmund Aumann

Autumn is the season of liberty. Instead of being green, leaves can choose between yellow, red, brown, orange.
Autumn is the season of freedom. Instead of being green, the leaves can choose between yellow, red, brown, orange.

Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year’s end and day’s beginnings.- Terri Guillemets
Autumn mornings: sunshine and fresh air, birds and calm, end of year and beginning of day.- Terry Guillemets

Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.- Lauren Destefano
Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. The time when everything awakens with its final beauty, as if nature had been saving all year for a grand finale.
— Lauren Destefano

Notice that Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.- Friedrich Nietzsche
Note that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature..-Friedrich Nietzsche

Two sounds of autumn are unmistakable…the hurrying rustle of crisp leaves blown along the street…by a gusty wind, and the gabble of a flock of migrating geese. ― Hal Borland
Two sounds of autumn are unmistakable... the hasty rustle of crisp leaves blown along the street... by a gusty wind, and the murmur of a flock of migrating geese― Hal Borland

“The tints of autumn...a mighty flower garden blossoming under the spell of the enchanter, frost.” ― John Greenleaf Whittier
Colors of autumn...a mighty flower garden blooming under the spell of a sorcerer, frost.― John Greenleaf Whittier

“A moral character is attached to autumnal scenes; the leaves falling like our years, the flowers fading like our hours, the clouds fleeting like our illusions, the light diminishing like our intelligence, the sun growing colder like our affections, the rivers becoming frozen like our lives- all bear secret relations to our destinations.” ― François-René de Chateaubriand, Mémoires d’Outre-Tombe
« Moral character is tied to autumn scenes; leaves fall like our years, flowers disappear like our watches, clouds rush like our illusions, light decreases like our intellect, the sun gets colder like our affections, rivers freeze like our life - everything that happens has a hidden meaning in our lives.” François-René de Chateaubriand, Memoirs of Outre-Tomb

“Time remorselessly rambles down the corridors and streets of our lives. But it is not until autumn that most of us become aware that our tickets are stamped with a terminal destination.” ― Joe L. Wheeler
« Time runs mercilessly through the corridors and streets of our lives. But it's only in the fall that most of us realize that our tickets are stamped with our final destination.» ― Joe L. Wheeler

“Outside there’s a chill in the air that reminds me autumn is on the way, even though it's still only September. This time of year is my absolute favorite; the leaves start to turn golden and wither away after their summer of hard work, and the sun seems to shine a lot more clearly as the mist from the summer heat disappears. Everything just seems a little brighter and fresher—a clean slate. That’s exactly what I need.”
« There's a chill in the air, which reminds me that fall is on its way even though it's still only September. This time of year is my favorite; the leaves begin to turn to gold and die back from the summer's hard work, and the sun seems to shine more clearly as the fog from the summer heat fades. Everything seems a little brighter and newer - Blank sheet. This is exactly what I need."

“She dreamed of autumn. Of chilly autumn winds and soft fall rains. She could even feel the cool moisture as the rain drops touched her face and ran down her cheeks." ― Grace Willows
She dreamed of autumn. From cold autumn winds and soft rains. She even felt the cool moisture when the raindrops touched her face and ran down her cheeks» ― Grace Willow

“I love autumn despite the drench weather. I think it symbolizes the end of misery and the beginning of glee. It gives hopes that sooner or later, flowers will bloom again, green buds will sprout from trees.”
“I love autumn, despite the cold weather. I think it symbolizes the end of suffering and the beginning of joy. This gives hope that sooner or later the flowers will bloom again, green buds will bloom on the trees.”

“It was one of those sumptuous days when the world is full of autumn muskiness and tangy, crisp perfection: vivid blue sky, deep green fields, leaves in a thousand luminous hues. It is a truly astounding sight when every tree in a landscape becomes individual, when each winding back highway and plump hillside is suddenly and infinitely splashed with every sharp shade that nature can bestow — flaming scarlet, lustrous gold, throbbing vermilion, fiery orange.” ― Bill Bryson
“It was one of those luxurious days when the world is full of autumnal masculinity and tactile, crisp perfection: bright blue skies, deep green fields, leaves in a thousand luminous shades. It is a truly astonishing sight, when every tree in the landscape becomes individual, when every winding highway on the hillside is suddenly and endlessly covered in the brightest hues that nature can bestow - blazing scarlet, glittering gold, pulsating bright red, fiery orange." Bill Bryson

Topic of the section: quotes about autumn in English with translation into Russian.