Sample act of visiting a truant at home. Act on the absence of an employee from the workplace

The act of absenteeism of an employee is drawn up by the composition of a pre-formed commission. The sample can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

An employee who joins a company is obliged to comply with the terms of the contract and the internal regime of the organization. Absenteeism from work is a malicious violation subject to punishment by the employer. Absenteeism from work is recorded in writing by issuing a report. Many cases of absenteeism end in the dismissal of a specialist. Therefore, such an important step is to record in writing the absence of a specialist at the workplace. A sample document can be downloaded for free via a direct link. Let's look at the main components of this local resolution.

Like all internal company decisions, certificate of absence from work drawn up by a pre-formed commission. Each member of the commission must personally verify that the employee is absent from the workplace. Having verified this information, he signs and decrypts it at the end in the appropriate section. It is important to record on paper the time period during which the employee was absent. Based on the results of the group’s conclusion, a responsible decision is made, so you should approach filling out the report on absence from work responsibly.

Mandatory clauses of the act of absence from work

  • Title, place of drawing up the act, date;
  • Full name of the compiler and group members;
  • A list of factual circumstances indicating the absence of a certain person from work;
  • Truant details;
  • Designation of the period of absence;
  • Written explanations of the offender, reasons for absence from work;
  • Signatures of all people participating in the event. There is also a mark of delivery or familiarization.
A second copy of the act is given to the employee when he deigns to appear. Upon approval, he is given a second copy, and the materials are transferred to a higher authority for a verdict. The manager, having examined the package of offenses, must make a decision on the punishment of the specialist. Subsequent days of absence from work and further neglect of work by the employee forces the employer to send him a package of papers by notification method, using postal services. All written decisions are sent by registered letters with a description of the attachment.

Many people who are aware of their value at work can allow themselves frequent absenteeism, knowing that the problem can be solved by a simple explanation for absenteeism.

Those managers who are extremely tired of the frequent absences of employees do not hesitate to draw up an act recording this and all other frivolous attitudes of employees towards work.

If an isolated incident can only be known to a person and his immediate supervisor, then repeated cases will be recorded in a report and transferred to higher authorities.

This document must be drawn up with a special commission of one or two witnesses. It is possible that the very ones who will confirm your devil-may-care attitude.

Accordingly, it must contain information about these people (position, initials). It is also necessary to compile information about the violations, the reasons for the violations and the measures taken in connection with this. And, of course, the dates of the employee’s absence from attendance must be entered. workplace. At the end - the signature, city and date of drawing up the act.

How to draw up a truancy report?

As for the employee’s actions in response to the drafted act presented to him, he must read it and sign it. In case of refusal to sign, a corresponding note about this is made on the form.

If an employee refuses to sign a document drawing up a disciplinary sanction against him for violating the work schedule, this in no way means that these responsibilities have been removed from him. On the contrary, this action indicates that the person does not know how to admit his mistakes and is disloyal to the company’s senior managers.

Sample employee absenteeism report

Check it out and draw the right conclusions - no absences without a good reason!

Punishment for absenteeism

The punishment for this offense can be drawn up in different ways, depending on the degree of “impudence” of the employee and the kindness of the employer.

An act of truancy implies a document drawn up about punishment, in the form of a reprimand or deprivation of work. In case of a long absence and the impossibility of clearly formulating its reason, the last option is one hundred percent.

Can you be fired for absenteeism?

Of course, they cannot fire someone for an ordinary failure to appear if it happened for the first time or for a good reason and timely warning about it.

But if the employer is concerned about the frequent repetition of this, there is no need to guess about his reaction - immediately draw up a dismissal order, based on the fact of your open indifference to work.

An act of absenteeism for several days in a row is drawn up as follows:

  • Draw up a form indicating the absence of an employee at the workplace during one shift;
  • In case of repeated cases, it is not necessary to draw up a new document; it is enough to add a few notes about this to the existing one.

Everything here turned out to be simple, but only for those who will have to draw up this document. For employees who don’t give a damn about the rules of the organization, everything is much more complicated - immediate dismissal and a note about it in the employment record.

Act of explanation for employee absenteeism

In order to have any chance of continuing to work after, let’s say, a short unauthorized “day off,” you need to write an explanatory note to your immediate supervisor.

Here is the required order of points that are needed in order to compose it correctly:

  • company name;
  • date of filling out the note;
  • text title;
  • content;
  • position, initials and signature of the employee.

Time limits for explaining employee absenteeism

Typically, an employee must write an explanation for his unplanned absence immediately upon arriving at work. If he was forced to be absent for health reasons, the report may require additional days of collecting the necessary information.

Act on absenteeism for several days in a row

A notice of absence from the workplace for several days in a row is drawn up, as they say, rarely, but accurately. That is, the chances of “surviving” at work after signing it are very small.

To avoid such a “danger”, it is better to warn management in advance, in the person of your immediate superior, that for certain reasons you will not be able to come.

Since you still won’t be able to avoid playing truant, no matter how much you convince yourself of this, it’s better to do it for a good reason, and even better, if there are no reasons at all!

An employee absenteeism report - sample 2019-2020 may be needed by the head of any organization. This is an evidentiary source that gives the company the right to fire an employee who has committed a neglectful attitude towards work. The specifics of its preparation are discussed in this article.

In what cases is an employee absenteeism report drawn up?

“Absenteeism Act” is an unofficial term, and it is not advisable to use it in documentation. The fact is that absenteeism is a proven fact of an employee’s absence from work for 4 or more hours in a row without good reason (Clause 4 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And it can be proven only after the employee provides management with an explanatory statement regarding his absence from work or being significantly late for work and there are no compelling arguments in it (or he refuses to give an explanatory statement).

This document is only the basis for subsequent presentation to the employee of the need to write an explanatory note, therefore the word “absenteeism” should not be in it. The certificate should only certify the absence of the employee from the workplace for 4 or more hours in a row.

Let's consider who should draw up an employee's absenteeism report, as well as what structure this document may have.

Who should draw up and certify the truancy report?

An act of absence of an enterprise employee from work is a document that, along with such sources as a report or memo, is used to record the fact that an employee has violated his or her job duties. However, it has a distinctive feature: it is not filled out with just one (as is the case with a report or memo), and several employees.

The immediate supervisor of the employee who committed absenteeism can draw up a report. He can also certify the document:

  • a representative of the organization's management (for example, deputy director for human resources);
  • head of human resources;
  • representative of a trade union organization (if the employee is a member of a trade union).

Some companies prefer to call the group of the above persons a commission - by analogy with the certification commission, which is formed to assess the suitability of an employee’s qualifications for the position held when considering the possibility of his dismissal under clause 3 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Absenteeism report: document structure

The truancy report must indicate:

  • company name;
  • date, time, place of drawing up the act;
  • name of the document: “Act on the employee’s absence from work for more than 4 hours in a row during the working day”;
  • Full name of the employee who committed absenteeism, his position;
  • Full name and position of the person who drew up the act;
  • Full name and position of the persons certifying the fact of absenteeism along with the employee who drew up the report;
  • wording reflecting the fact that the employee did not show up for work on time.

If the organization decides to name the group of persons certifying acts of violation labor discipline, commission, then the appropriate notes can be made in the document. For example, in the form of the following wording: “The act was certified by a commission consisting of ...”, “The commission drew up this act stating that ...”.

The completed document is signed by its drafters, the commission, and also (preferably) an employee. The 1st copy is transferred to the personnel department, the 2nd - to the employee. If he refused to sign the document, a note about this is put on the act, after which one copy is transferred to the personnel service, and the other to the employee.

Where can I download a sample employee absenteeism report?

You can download a sample employee absenteeism report on our portal. Our experts have prepared a document for you in accordance with the structure we have discussed.

If an employee is absent from the workplace and it is not possible to contact him, it is necessary to draw up an absence report. We’ll tell you right now how to correctly draw up this document, a ready-made example of how to fill it out, and the procedure for dealing with such non-standard situations.

Absenteeism is one of the most serious violations of labor discipline. At the same time, the legislation contains specific criteria for defining this concept. All of them are related to cases of absence without a valid reason, including:

  • throughout the day (shift);
  • from 4 hours;
  • premature termination of work and leaving the workplace;
  • unauthorized use of time off (including due to existing overtime), without approval from management.

References to the legal norms of the Labor Code are presented in the diagram below.

Along with drawing up an act, the employer has the right to apply liability measures to the employee, up to and including dismissal:

  1. The comment is oral and/or written.
  2. Written reprimand.
  3. Dismissal can be applied in cases where the employee was not at work for 4 hours or more. Read more about the procedure for dismissal in such cases.

The employer has the right to choose any measure at its discretion. That is, it is not necessary to go through this entire sequence - if you are absent for more than 4 hours for unexcused reasons, you can immediately raise the question of dismissal.

What does not apply to truancy

It is also important to keep in mind that the law guarantees certain employee rights, including the right to absence from work due to valid reasons that are not considered absenteeism:

  1. Temporary disability (due to illness).
  2. Maternity leave.
  3. Absence in connection with passing a diploma exam (for this purpose, student leave must be pre-arranged in the prescribed manner).
  4. Mandatory appearance in court or any law enforcement agencies (forcibly).
  5. Force majeure circumstances that the employee could not objectively influence: natural disasters, robbery, emergency with a close relative, fire, etc.

Sample and example 2018

A strict form of the act has not been approved, therefore, to confirm the absence of an employee from his workplace, each company has the right to use its own version. Usually the document is drawn up on a standard A4 sheet, and it contains the following information:

  1. The date of compilation is usually written in the upper left corner, and the number is written on the right side at the same level. The numbering is arbitrary - usually continuous (for similar documents) throughout the year.
  2. Next you should write down the name of the document – ​​i.e. act of absence of an employee from the workplace.
  3. Then the actual absence of the citizen is stated: in the first person, the representative of the commission indicates his position and full name and establishes the fact of non-appearance.
  4. Next, you need to write down which employee did not show up - last name, first name, patronymic, position, personnel number (if available).
  5. Once again, the date of no-show and the exact time are indicated: for example, from 09:00 to 15:55. On the other hand, it is enough to simply record the fact that the employee was absent for 4 hours in a row, for example, write from 14:00 to 18:00 (these are common cases when he did not return from lunch).
  6. Further, you can indicate that the absence was not due to valid reasons, if such a fact was actually clarified (for example, the employee generally refuses to explain his absence).
  7. The composition of the commission, which recorded the fact of non-appearance, is prescribed: they indicate the full name, position, and sign.
  8. At the very end of the document, the employee who was absent must sign that he has read the report on this event (the signature is placed along with a transcript - last name, initials).

You can use the following form as a basis:

And as a ready-made example of a document, use the sample below:

Compilation procedure: step-by-step instructions

Careful adherence to the procedure for recording absenteeism is a very important task for the employer, since otherwise the absenteeist may go to court and even be reinstated to work. Moreover, the court may take his side, including because the employer did not fulfill all obligations under labor legislation and was in a hurry to accuse his employee of absenteeism.

The main task of the company's management is to make sure that the reason for absence is definitely not valid. The reverse logic applies here: the citizen himself is obliged to provide all the documents that confirm the valid circumstances of his absence from work. If there are no such documents, the employee refuses to give a written explanation or gives clearly disrespectful reasons (overslept, was not in the mood, etc.), then the employer has legal grounds for dismissal for absenteeism.

Thus, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, management is obliged to organize the implementation of several tasks at once:

  1. Written recording of the fact of absence from his workplace by drawing up a report on this event.
  2. Receiving written explanations from the employee about the reasons for his absence.
  3. Recording the fact of a citizen’s refusal to explain the reason for failure to appear in writing.

The sequence of actions in the general case looks like this:

  1. Employees discover that a colleague has not yet shown up for work and immediately notify their superiors.
  2. The immediate supervisor to whom the employee reports (foreman, department head, division manager, branch director, foreman, etc.) tries to get in touch with the employee by all available means at his own discretion - i.e. the employer is not required to attempt this.
  3. The start time of the absence is recorded, and after 4 hours, a report must be drawn up, which is signed by at least 2 (preferably 3) witnesses - colleagues of this employee. It is advisable to choose colleagues from other departments, since in this case the likelihood of personal likes, dislikes, and possible conflicts in the future is minimal.
  4. After this, if the employee shows up for work, the employer requires written explanations and evidence that the reasons for absence are truly valid. The employee has 2 working days to write an explanatory note (its form is free). The countdown begins on the working day following the day you appear at work.
  5. Also, the employee must be required to immediately sign the previously drawn up document.
  6. If he refuses to perform any of these actions, the employer does not risk anything - it is important to record these facts in the relevant acts. Their form and order of compilation are similar to those discussed above. Documents are also signed by 2-3 witnesses.
  7. In case of unexcusable reasons for non-appearance, the employer has the right to dismiss the employee without working off.

Possibility of appeal and cancellation

In fact, the document simply records a fact, but does not describe the reasons. If it later turns out that in fact the citizen did not get to work for good reasons, then the act is automatically canceled.

This is possible in two cases:

  1. When the employee presents the relevant documents proving the valid reason for absence from work:
  • sick leave;
  • certificate from the police;
  • certificate from the court;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • other evidence.
  1. When the act was drawn up incorrectly - this mainly applies to cases where there is no confirmation of the non-appearance of witnesses. Thus, a document without witness signatures is invalid.

NOTE. If the employee insists on recognizing the act as invalid, the employer may, but is not obliged to listen to his arguments. Therefore, in controversial cases, a citizen has the right to appeal to labor inspection or immediately at Judicial authority to conduct proceedings and compensate for possible harm.

Legal consequences of employee absence from work

In accordance with sub. “a” clause 6, part 1, art. 81 Labor Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), absenteeism is grounds for dismissal of an employee. In this case, absenteeism according to the specified norm refers to the following situations:

  • when the employee was absent from work for more than 4 hours in a row;
  • when the employee did not show up at all during his work day or shift, no matter how long it was.

In order for absence to be considered absenteeism and dismissal for it to be legal, the reasons for absence must not be valid.

It is also important for the employer to properly document absenteeism, for which an absence from work report is drawn up. A sample absence from work report will be available for download in the next section of the article.

At the same time, the mere drawing up of an employee’s absence from work does not automatically mean the application of liability measures to the employee, since:

  • As noted, the employee can provide evidence that the absence is excused. Request for written explanations based on the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the responsibility of the employer. In this case, the employee is given 2 working days to submit them.
  • Application of disciplinary action in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a right and not an obligation of the employer, and therefore, even in the absence of confirmation of the justification of the absence, there is a possibility that liability measures will not be applied to the employee.

Form of certificate of absence of employee from work

The completed form for an employee’s absence from work report can be downloaded from the link: Absence from work report - sample 2018 - 2019.

Despite the absence of formal requirements for the act in the legislation, the given sample act of absence from work reflects the basic necessary information to confirm the fact of absence from work.

In particular, a sample act on the absence of an employee from the workplace contains the following information:

  • indication of the employing organization (name and address of location);
  • information about the employee who drew up the act (last name, initials, position);
  • information about the employees in whose presence the act was drawn up;
  • circumstances that are recorded in the act (the fact of absence);
  • information about the absent employee;
  • duration of absence at the time of drawing up the report;
  • presence/absence of information about the reasons for absence from work.

After the employee appears, the act is presented to him for review, to which he puts his signature on the act. If you refuse to sign, a note is made in the act confirming this circumstance with the signatures of the persons who were present when the act was presented to the employee for review.

IMPORTANT! Failure to draw up an absenteeism report is one of the grounds for declaring dismissal illegal (appeal ruling of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court dated June 29, 2017 in case No. 33-10549/2017).

Valid reasons for employee absence

In order for the dismissal to be recognized as legal, in addition to drawing up the act, it is necessary to take into account the following comments derived from judicial practice, regarding the validity of the reasons for absence:

  • failure by the court to clarify the reasons for absence is grounds for sending the case for a new trial (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2017 No. 9-KG17-10);
  • undergoing an examination in the absence of a document exempting from work is an unexcused reason for absence (appeal ruling of the Rostov Regional Court dated July 13, 2017 in case No. 33-11733/2017);
  • Despite the sufficiency of dismissal for one-day absenteeism, if the employer dismisses for absenteeism for several days, the absence must be proven unexcused for all days for which liability in the form of dismissal applies (appeal ruling of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court dated August 10, 2017 in case No. 33-13127 /2017);
  • a dismissed employee cannot justify his absence from work by leave without pay wages, if the parties labor relations such leave was not properly formalized (appeal ruling of the Perm Regional Court dated March 2, 2016 in case No. 33-2260/2016).

So, in this article, a sample act of absence from work, corresponding to legislation and law enforcement practice, was presented for downloading. The said act reflects data about the organization, the employee who drew up the act, the persons present during its preparation, information about the absent employee, the duration of absence, the presence/absence of information about the reasons for absence from work at the time of drawing up the act.