Presidential Decree 597 of 07.05. President of the Russian Federation V




In order to further improve state social policy, I decide:

1. To the government Russian Federation:

a) provide:

increase by 2018 in the size of real wages 1.4 - 1.5 times;

bringing the average salary of teaching staff in 2012 educational institutions general education up to the average salary in the relevant region;

bringing the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region by 2013;

bringing by 2018 the average wages of teachers and industrial training masters of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, workers of cultural institutions to the average wage in the corresponding region;

increasing by 2018 the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and researchers to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region;

increasing the number of highly qualified workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least a third of the number of qualified workers;

creation annually from 2013 to 2015 up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities;

b) prepare and submit a draft to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation before September 1, 2012 federal law on amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the development, approval and application of professional standards;

d) develop and approve at least 800 professional standards by 2015;

e) in order to develop uniform principles of assessment vocational training workforce:

prepare and, before August 1, 2014, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accreditation of organizations carrying out activities to improve the professional level of workers;

create, in accordance with the established procedure, before December 1, 2015, a basic center for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration for workers in the public sector of the economy, conditioning the increase in wages on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing for:

increasing by 2018 the average salary of social workers, including social workers of medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), paramedical (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent of the average salary in the relevant region, employees of medical organizations with a higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education providing medical services (ensuring the provision of medical services) - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the relevant region;

establishing basic salaries for professional qualification groups;

increasing the wages of workers in the public sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of heads of organizations financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property-related obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers;

develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit, by March 1, 2013, proposals on the use of the regulatory per capita financing mechanism in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations, before April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, including the determination of criteria for the effectiveness of the work of such organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;

k) to introduce, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

l) develop a draft Long-Term Development Strategy by October 1, 2012 pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the size of pensions for citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working upon reaching retirement age and have decided to delay the assignment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and ensure profitability from their investment;

m) for the purpose of further preservation and development of Russian culture:

create at least five cultural development centers in small towns by 2015;

include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of book titles published in the Russian Federation;

provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, websites of museums and theaters on the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as posting films and performances of outstanding film and theater directors on the Internet for free;

ensure an increase until October 1, 2012 in federal budget allocations for the payment of scholarships for cultural and artistic workers, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects national significance in the field of culture and art;

ensure the creation, by March 1, 2013, of a mobile collection of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, and also create 27 virtual museums by 2018;

double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2018;

increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and artistic figures and young talented authors;

to increase by 2018, in order to identify and support young talents, the number of children involved in participation in creative activities to 8 percent of the total number of children.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchanging exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, for the work of museums in the evening and at night, and ensure their implementation;

c) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities, to ensure accessibility to vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for disabled children and persons with disabilities disabilities health, for the preparation of specialized programs vocational training disabled people, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in workplaces equipped for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming, respectively, the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, budget allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

4. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

“On measures to implement state social policy”

In order to further improve state social policy, I decide:

1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) provide:

  • an increase in real wages by 1.4 - 1.5 times by 2018;
  • bringing the average salary of teaching staff in educational institutions of general education to the average salary in the corresponding region in 2012;
  • bringing the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region by 2013;
  • bringing by 2018 the average wages of teachers and industrial training masters of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, workers of cultural institutions to the average wage in the corresponding region;
  • increasing by 2018 the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and researchers to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region;
  • increasing the number of highly qualified workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least a third of the number of qualified workers;
  • creation annually from 2013 to 2015 up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities;

b) prepare and submit, before September 1, 2012, to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the development, approval and application of professional standards;

d) develop and approve at least 800 professional standards by 2015;

e) in order to develop uniform principles for assessing the professional training of workers:

  • prepare and, before August 1, 2014, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accreditation of organizations carrying out activities to improve the professional level of workers;
  • create, in accordance with the established procedure, before December 1, 2015, a basic center for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration for workers in the public sector of the economy, conditioning the increase in wages on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing for:

  • increasing by 2018 the average salary of social workers, including social workers of medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent from the average salary in the corresponding region, employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education, providing medical services (ensuring the provision of medical services) - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region;
  • establishing basic salaries for professional qualification groups;
  • increasing the wages of workers in the public sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of heads of organizations financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property-related obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

  • prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers;
  • develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit, by March 1, 2013, proposals on the use of the regulatory per capita financing mechanism in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations, before April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, including the determination of criteria for the effectiveness of the work of such organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;

k) to introduce, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

l) develop, by October 1, 2012, a draft Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the size of pensions for citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working upon reaching retirement age and have decided to delay the assignment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and providing profitability from their investment;

m) for the purpose of further preservation and development of Russian culture:

  • create at least five cultural development centers in small towns by 2015;
  • include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of book titles published in the Russian Federation;
  • provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, websites of museums and theaters on the information and telecommunications network Internet, as well as the placement of films and performances of outstanding film and theater directors on the Internet;
  • to ensure an increase until October 1, 2012 in federal budget allocations for the payment of scholarships for cultural and artistic workers, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art;
  • ensure the creation, by March 1, 2013, of a mobile collection of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, and also create 27 virtual museums by 2018;
  • double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2018;
  • increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and artistic figures and young talented authors;
  • to increase by 2018, in order to identify and support young talents, the number of children involved in participation in creative activities to 8 percent of the total number of children.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchanging exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, for the work of museums in the evening and at night, and ensure their implementation;

c) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities, to ensure accessibility of vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and people with disabilities, to prepare specialized vocational training programs disabled people, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in workplaces equipped for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming, respectively, the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, budget allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

4. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president

Russian Federation

In order to further improve state social policy I decree:

1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) provide:

an increase in real wages by 1.4-1.5 times by 2018; bringing the average salary of teaching staff in educational institutions of general education to the average salary in the corresponding region in 2012; bringing the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region by 2013; bringing by 2018 the average wages of teachers and industrial training masters of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, workers of cultural institutions to the average wage in the corresponding region; increasing by 2018 the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and researchers to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region; increasing the number of highly qualified workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least a third of the number of qualified workers; creation annually from 2013 to 2015 up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities;

b) prepare and submit, before September 1, 2012, to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the development, approval and application of professional standards;

d) develop and approve at least 800 professional standards by 2015;

e) in order to develop uniform principles for assessing the professional training of workers:

prepare and, before August 1, 2014, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accreditation of organizations carrying out activities to improve the professional level of workers; create, in accordance with the established procedure, before December 1, 2015, a basic center for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration for workers in the public sector of the economy, conditioning the increase in wages on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing for:

increasing by 2018 the average salary of social workers, including social workers of medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent from the average salary in the corresponding region, employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education, providing medical services (ensuring the provision of medical services) - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region; establishing basic salaries for professional qualification groups; increasing the wages of workers in the public sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of heads of organizations financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property-related obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers; develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit, by March 1, 2013, proposals on the use of the regulatory per capita financing mechanism in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations, before April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, including the determination of criteria for the effectiveness of the work of such organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;

k) to introduce, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

l) develop, by October 1, 2012, a draft Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the size of pensions for citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working upon reaching retirement age and have decided to delay the assignment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and providing profitability from their investment;

m) for the purpose of further preservation and development of Russian culture:

create at least five cultural development centers in small towns by 2015; include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of book titles published in the Russian Federation; provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, websites of museums and theaters on the information and telecommunications network Internet, as well as the placement of films and performances of outstanding film and theater directors on the Internet; to ensure an increase until October 1, 2012 in federal budget allocations for the payment of scholarships for cultural and artistic workers, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art; ensure the creation, by March 1, 2013, of a mobile collection of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, and also create 27 virtual museums by 2018;

double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2018; increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and artistic figures and young talented authors; to increase by 2018, in order to identify and support young talents, the number of children involved in participation in creative activities to 8 percent of the total number of children.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchanging exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, for the work of museums in the evening and at night, and ensure their implementation;

c) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities, to ensure accessibility of vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and people with disabilities, to prepare specialized vocational training programs disabled people, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in workplaces equipped for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming, respectively, the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, budget allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

4. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin