Cadastre of an apartment building. How to register an apartment in a new building or in a residential apartment building for cadastral registration? How to express your disagreement with a land surveying project proposed at public hearings

Operations involving the registration of real estate and its commissioning require strict adherence to documentation in accordance with established legislative forms and acts. real estate is regulated on a state basis in accordance with Federal Law No. 221 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”.


For registration with the cadastral authority and commissioning of a new building ( apartment building– MKD) for operation, the developer must contact the appropriate authorities with an application and provide all documents for registration.

Documents are processed by government agencies or local governments (urban planning department). For registration, the developer is required to write an application, to which a package of documents is attached.

Documents for cadastral registration are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of government acts and forms. The list of required papers is specified in paragraph 3 of Article 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

List of documents for registration of apartment buildings:

The commission and employees of the urban planning department review the documentation and make a decision on putting the property into operation - the developer receives permission and the right to move in residents.

The permit is issued by the building supervision authority and allows the developer to put the house into operation based on compliance with all state requirements.

Staging process

After graduation construction work apartment building, the developer must contact government authorities to register the new building. The developer applies to the local government body or state authority at the location of the new building.

For example, the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of a city or district administration. To set it up, you need to perform a number of operations.

Setting up a land plot for an apartment building

  1. Completion of construction – carrying out technical inventory;
  2. Preparation and submission of applications and documentation for commissioning;
  3. Obtaining permission from the department and registration in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  4. Obtaining a cadastral passport.

IMPORTANT– if errors or inaccuracies are found in the papers, everything is corrected and the application is resubmitted.

Adjacent territory of the MKD

Registration procedure:

Deadlines: how long they set

The state local government body (urban planning department) accepts the application and package of documents from the developer, considers the case and issues a conclusion within 9-15 days. Afterwards, the case is submitted to Rosreestr, which, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, enters information about apartment building are entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Thus, cadastral registration is carried out by a state body, and not by the developer himself. The cadastral registration procedure takes from 7 to 10 days.


The cadastral registration of an apartment building is carried out by government agencies. The law does not provide the right for the developer to independently register his apartment building, since not only apartments are taken into account, but also common property and lands.

The basis for this procedure is -, which refers to the simultaneous cadastral registration of all located premises of an apartment building, including its components ( common property, parking space, land plots. sites).

Deadlines for registration Law No. 218-FZ establishes uniform periods for consideration of applications and registration on their basis of real estate objects in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, regardless of the method of submitting documents. In Part 1 of Art. 16 specifies a five-day period for entering information about property to begin cadastral registration of it. The registration procedure through multifunctional centers can be completed within 7 working days. If documents are submitted to two forms of registration measures at once (both for registration of rights and for assignment of an identification number), then the deadlines increase to 10 and 12 working days, respectively. When implementing registration measures based on a court decision, 5 days are allotted to complete the measures to enter information into a unified database. If real estate is seized, it must be registered within three days.

The procedure for registering an apartment building with cadastral registration

If inconsistencies are identified in the actual data and documentation data, the registration process may be suspended for up to 3 months. Formation of a site Considering the huge number of bureaucratic delays associated with the procedure for placing a house on cadastral registration, it is not difficult to imagine the volume of documentation that the administration must submit to Rosreestr after putting the house into operation.

It happens that the documentation drawn up by the engineer does not agree with the actual data, which makes the existing technical plan of the house and the surrounding area unreliable and, accordingly, illiquid. In such cases, repeated boundary work and the generation of new technical documentation are required.

Of course, all these actions, according to the law, must be carried out by the government agency that issued the permit to put the house into operation.

Cadastral registration of an apartment in an apartment building 2018

For the state, the importance of cadastral identification measures is due to the linking of information from real estate databases created by registrars to the calculation property taxes. Registration of a real estate property for cadastral registration is initiated:

  • owners;
  • tenant;
  • persons using the asset on an indefinite basis;
  • heirs;
  • by third parties.

In the latter case, you will need a notarized and valid power of attorney.
It is allowed to do without registering an object in the state cadastral database if we are talking about areas used by the security service of the Russian Federation, objects in environmental or protected areas, forest lands. Features of accounting are manifested in the mandatory presence primary documents technical purpose for the property.

Registration of a real estate property in the cadastral register in 2018

You can come to the mentioned authority in person or issue an extract via the Internet. In the latter case, registration is available at any convenient time, without reference to the day of the week or time.

  • Through State Services.

    Another way to register an apartment is to use the State Services website. To do this, you will have to register and go through identification at the MFC.

See also: What is GPZU in construction? New conditions for registration During the registration process, it is important to provide access to the facility so that the engineer can draw up a technical plan.

Papers are submitted in person, with the assistance of a legal representative, by mail or electronically. When choosing the last option, you must have an electronic signature.
If documentation is sent by mail, all papers must be certified by a notary.

Is the developer obliged to register apartments in the cadastral register?


The registration service is free, the main part of the costs comes from paying the mandatory state fee and collecting certificates from the BTI. When using the services of individuals or specialized firms that provide support and assistance in registering real estate, the cost of registration increases to 10 thousand.

rubles for an apartment or a separate room, 25 thousand rubles in the case of homeownership.


If it is necessary to make changes to existing entries in the Unified State Register, you will have to pay 10 thousand rubles or more through intermediaries. Thanks to an established cadastral registration system, owners have the right to dispose of an apartment, house or plot at their own discretion - sell, exchange, donate, legalize redevelopment.

The most time-consuming step in the process of registering a cadastral number is collecting documents.

About registration of parking spaces for cadastral registration

The costs of these works are borne by the customer. The Department of State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography sends documents for the registration of the house on the CU, prepared by a cadastral engineer under an agreement with the developer. When registering an apartment building, the accounting of all premises in it is carried out simultaneously, including:

  • apartments;
  • non-residential premises;
  • parking spaces, if they are located in this house.

As of 2018
all residential buildings previously built at the expense of the state, enterprises and housing cooperatives are already included in the housing cooperative. The apartments in them are accounted for. Each apartment is assigned its own cadastral number when registering the house itself.

CG based on the technical plan.

  • percentage of readiness, designed purpose and main characteristics - for an unfinished facility;
  • number of storeys of the building/structure;
  • what floor is the room on?
  • information about common property;
  • material of enclosing structures;
  • year of commissioning;
  • information about non-essential premises;
  • information about the specialists who prepared the documents for the CG;
  • KN of objects included in the property complex;
  • type of living space;
  • data about part of the object;
  • list of CN of objects located in storage;
  • number of the cadastral quarter where the registered property is located.

In addition to the basic data, additional information is entered into the register: cadastral value, permitted use, purpose, name, etc. etc.

How to register an apartment in the cadastral register in 2018?

Federal Law dated July 13, 2015. The updated standards are aimed at combining operations for registering property rights with registration of cadastral documentation in one body. Content:

  1. Why do you need a cadastral number?
  2. Innovations of 2018 in the procedure for implementing cadastral identification
  3. Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a cadastral passport
  4. Registration of a land plot with the cadastral authorities: nuances
  5. Features of registration of cadastral passports of houses and apartments
  6. Registration deadlines

At the national level, object-by-object accounting of real estate is carried out by Rosreestr and its branches. Cadastral valuation and creation of a list of property owned by individuals and legal entities real estate are needed to confirm and guarantee the rights of owners to their property.

  • What objects are put on cadastral registration? general provisions
  • What is a cadastral passport (extract)?
  • Why is this necessary?
  • How to register an apartment in the cadastral register in 2018 - procedure
  • Documentation
  • Where to contact?
  • Procedure
  • Terms and price

What objects are put on cadastral registration, general provisions Identification of real estate is a mandatory procedure that applies to almost all objects. Since 2018, cadastral registration is mandatory not only for houses, apartments and land plots, but also for car spaces in special parking lots. Data on objects located on the territory of the Russian Federation are indicated in the state cadastre. This takes into account various information, such as the location of the structure, its parameters and features.

Preschool education before setting up a residential building?

  • Answers
  • Why doesn’t the developer register the house with the cadastral register?
  • Is the developer obliged to register apartments in the cadastral register in 2018?
  • Where do you submit documents to register an apartment in a new building for cadastral registration?
  • Is the developer obliged to register apartments in the cadastral register in 2018?
    • How to register an apartment in a new building or in a residential apartment building for cadastral registration?
  • deadlines for the developer to register the house for cadastral registration
    • how to register an apartment in the cadastral register in 2018 - stages and cost of registration

Does Federal Law 218 allow registration in the cadastral and state accounting separate apartments in a new building according to DDU before the installation of a residential building? Comments are needed on paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 40 of Federal Law No. 218 of July 13, 2015 “On State Registration Number.”

Registration of apartment buildings for cadastral registration 2017

State cadastral registration of all premises in a building, structure, including those related to property common use, is also carried out upon submission of an application by the owner of a building or structure, the ownership of which is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and a technical plan of the building, structure containing information necessary for the state cadastral registration of these premises. 3.1. With the simultaneous implementation of state cadastral registration and state registration of ownership of the created building, structure, state cadastral registration of all parking spaces in such a building, structure can be carried out if the applicant submits a technical plan of the building, structure containing information necessary for the state cadastral registration of these vehicles -place

Registration of an apartment building for cadastral registration 2018

The official document is issued personally to the property owner or to an authorized representative. In addition, you can obtain an extract from the register confirming registration.

Often, obtaining a cadastral passport can be delayed if there are errors. Serious shortcomings include:

  • missing documents from the list;
  • there are no seals or signatures on forms and documents;
  • incorrect application format;
  • non-compliance with the law;
  • inconsistencies in acts during inspection of the object of registration.

In this case, the applicant receives an official refusal indicating the reason and recommendations for eliminating shortcomings and errors.

The decision of Rosreestr can be challenged in court. But for an effective process, you should contact a qualified lawyer. The specialist will make a forecast of the case and identify positive and negative aspects.

Advice from lawyers:

1. For what reason is an apartment building not registered in the cadastral register?

1.1. Apparently the house has not been put into operation yet.
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 55. Issuance of permission to put an object into operation
clause 2. To put the facility into operation, the developer applies to the federal executive body, the executive body of the subject Russian Federation, local government

P.10. Permission to put an object into operation is the basis for registering a constructed capital construction project with the state, making changes to the state registration documents of a reconstructed capital construction project.

11. The permit to put a facility into operation must reflect information about the capital construction facility to the extent necessary for its state cadastral registration.

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2. How to register an apartment building built in 1989 on the cadastral register.

2.1. I have an opinion that it can be registered as previously registered. If not, then the owner orders a technical and cadastral passport.

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3. Who should maintain the yard of the apartment building if the territory is not registered in the cadastral register?

3.1. The city administration should.

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4. According to the land surveying project, a plot of land was allocated to an apartment building. Residents don't mind renting out. But the administration has still not registered it with the cadastral register. This land plot is registered for another type of activity. Is it possible to conclude an agreement with residents without a clear understanding of the area and without cadastral registration of the site? And within what time period should the administration have put it in cadastral registration?

4.1. It all depends on what activity you want to rent a storage unit for?

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5. How to register part of a non-residential basement in a residential apartment building for cadastral registration.

5.1. Is this basement room not on the cadastral register at all?

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6. The land plot of the MKD has been registered in the cadastral register, but land surveying has not been carried out and the boundaries of the site have not been determined. The owners of the apartment complex pay for cleaning. What is more profitable for the management company when everything remains the same or when land surveying has been carried out and the boundaries of the site have been determined?
Thank you.

6.1. Of course, it is better when the boundaries of the site are defined.

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7. Rural settlement, apartment building, apartments are privatized and are registered in the cadastral register. The apartment building is not serviced (no management), money for major renovation They are not assembled and no repairs are being made. The local administration says that the houses are not registered with them. Nobody cares. What should we do?

7.1. Initiate a general meeting of owners of the apartment building and make a decision - the conclusion of a management service agreement.

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8. The following is indicated on the public cadastral map. Information:
Purpose of the house: apartment building, year of construction 2012, full name of cadastral engineer, registered status, date of registration, form of ownership: property of public legal entities.
The city administration said that no permit was issued for the construction of this house. The apartments are all sold. Should residents be afraid of something?

8.1. If a permit to build a house was not issued, then it turns out that this house was an unauthorized construction, Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the apartments are sold, have the buyers registered their ownership rights in Rosreestr? If you have registered, then there is nothing to fear. If there was no registration, then problems will arise.

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9. Please tell me, if cadastral registration of the adjacent territory of an apartment building has been carried out, is the adjacent area considered common property? Or does it need to be redeemed? Thanks in advance for your answer.

9.1. Go to the website of the public cadastral map of your region and see who owns a specific piece of land.

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10. Who is responsible for the trees in the local area, if Management Company says that this land plot on which the apartment building is located has not been formed and state cadastral registration has not been carried out in relation to it. Although, according to the cadastral certificate, the territory belongs to the management company.

10.1. The land plot under an apartment building belongs to the right of common shared ownership to the owners of the premises (apartments).
If information is received from the real estate register for a land plot, then it must contain a description of the area.
Based on this, you can calculate where the local area is.
Note: information about objects (houses, land plots, etc.) is issued in the form of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, not a cadastral certificate.

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11. The land plot under our apartment building is registered in the cadastral register. category of lands - LAND OF SETTLEMENTS.
The form of ownership is marked with a DARK.
Question - WHO owns this site?

11.1. No one. Cadastral passport in this case, as a photo on the honor board. Everyone can see, but who is the leader - they forgot to attach a signature.

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12. Apartment house built in 2015.
Common local area...
Do residents need to register ownership of this territory in order to fence the area and install gates?
There are land surveys and boundaries of the site, it is registered in the cadastral register...

12.1. According to Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 189-FZ:

If the state cadastral registration of the land plot on which the apartment building and other real estate objects included in the building are located is carried out, such land plot passes free of charge into the common shared ownership of the owners of the premises in the apartment building.
The property does not need to be registered additionally.

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13. The developer put the house into operation, on the cadastral register it is listed as a blocked residential building of 6 sections, he cannot refuse the land plot because in order to convert each section to residential use, 4 acres of land are needed for each, there is not enough, and as a single plot this is not an apartment building, how can this issue be resolved?

13.1. The building does not comply with the parameters established by the territory planning documentation, land use and development rules, or mandatory requirements for building parameters contained in other documents. A detailed study of the documents is necessary in order to talk about the prospects.

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Consultation on your issue

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14. I, an adult, and my parents are participants in the shared construction of an apartment building under the DDU per apartment. Father - 2/4 share, mother and I - 1/4 share each. The house is a new building, built, put into operation and registered in the cadastral register. Parents are pensioners and have a property tax benefit individuals. Therefore, when registering property rights in the Registration Chamber, I would like to transfer my 1/4 share to my mother. Is this possible? How to do it?

14.1. There is no way to do this in the Registration Chamber. You need to contact a notary, because... Currently, all transactions with shares are subject to mandatory notarization.

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15. If the apartment building and the land on which the house is located were registered in the cadastral register in 2011. Does this mean that the land plot is formed or are these two different concepts? Do residents of the house need to contact the local government with an application for the formation of a land plot? ?

15.1. there is no need, since the administration allocated the adjacent territory to you, it determined the boundaries of your site - the adjacent territory, and the adjacent territory, according to Article 16 of the Law “On the Enforcement of the Housing Code,” belongs to all apartment owners on the right of shared ownership. If there is a dispute, it is possible to register a boundary case.

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16. Please explain the difference between a house in disrepair, a house unsuitable for habitation and a house that is not economically feasible to use? It's about about an apartment building. In what case should I pay for a privatized apartment in such a building if no one lives in the apartment, is not registered, and the land with landscaping elements is not registered in the cadastral register.

16.1. Dear lawyers! Please explain what is different emergency house, house not suitable for habitation and house not economically feasible to use? We are talking about an apartment building. In what case should I pay for a privatized apartment in such a building if no one lives in the apartment, is not registered, and the land with landscaping elements is not registered in the cadastral register.
1. Part 4 of Article 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes that residential premises may be declared unfit for habitation on the grounds and in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. The procedure for recognizing a premises as a residential premises and the requirements that a residential premises must meet, including its adaptation taking into account the needs of people with disabilities, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Code and other federal laws (Part 3 of Article 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

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17. A certificate of registration of the right to a share in the unfinished construction of a residential apartment building has been issued. The building has 110 apartments. After the bankruptcy of the developer, the house was completed using the funds of the equity holders. The house was commissioned 10 years ago and put into operation. But I haven’t yet issued a certificate of title to an apartment in completed construction. My apartment is registered in the cadastral register. How can I apply? What documents are needed? Where to contact?

17.1. in this case, most likely, ownership of the completed construction must be formalized by recognizing the ownership of the apartment in court. We can answer your question more accurately after reviewing the documents you have and clarifying additional questions.

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18. The EGR extract indicates that the non-residential premises are the common property of the owners of the apartment building. Houses, removed from cadastral registration. What does this mean and on what basis can this be done?

18.1. Probably on the basis that common property, the common property of an apartment building, is not subject to state registration for individual owners.

But, when carrying out state cadastral registration of an apartment building, state cadastral registration of all residential and non-residential premises located in it is simultaneously carried out, including those constituting the common property in such an apartment building, as well as parking spaces located in such an apartment building.

When state registration of ownership of an apartment or non-residential premises in an apartment building is carried out, state registration of a share in the right is simultaneously carried out common property on the premises and land plot constituting the common property therein. State registration of ownership of an apartment building is not carried out.

Maybe someone is trying to claim it as their personal property?

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19. The adjacent territory of a multi-apartment residential building has been demarcated and registered in the cadastral register. How can I determine the exact boundaries of my local area? Since we have a tree in our yard, which the administration refuses to cut down, citing the fact that the tree is located on the territory of the owners of the premises in an apartment building?

19.1. If there are no boundary signs that allow you to visually determine the boundaries of the site, this can only be done on the ground with the help of a cadastral engineer.

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20. I live in an apartment building. The local area has been formed, demarcated and registered in the cadastral register. Can we count on free work (financing from the city budget) to trim green spaces in the local area of ​​a residential building?

20.1. If trees overgrown outside the window interfere with comfortable living, then they can be pruned or cut down. But under no circumstances should you do this yourself. Unauthorized cutting down of plants is illegal and is punishable by a fine.
This issue should be considered by the management company or HOA.

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21. Who should carry out the work of sawing green spaces in the local area of ​​an apartment building? If the land plot for the operation of a residential building has not been formed, demarcated and not registered with the cadastral register. Where is this stated?

21.1. Zelenkhoz should. But for this it is necessary to conclude an agreement. And the owner of the land plot enters into an agreement with the green farm.
Contracts must be reviewed according to 44-FZ.
All the best to you and successful resolution of your problems.

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22. To fence the local area of ​​​​the apartment building with a fence, it is necessary to survey the land plot and register it with the cadastral register, after which residents will have the right to install a fence.
Based on what law and article? Please tell me.

22.1. In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 36), the owners of apartments in an apartment building own, by the right of common shared ownership, the common property in the apartment building, in particular the land plot on which this house is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping, other intended for maintenance , operation and improvement of this house and the objects located on the specified land plot, which includes the fence, which is also common property.
Hold a general meeting of owners and if installing a fence will not violate the rights of third parties, then install a fence.

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23. What to do if the developer has not registered the apartment building with the cadastral register, but the house has been put into operation and the owners cannot register their apartments at the moment. What can you do?

23.1. You can register the apartment with the cadastral register yourself. If the acceptance certificate is not signed, then demand it from the developer.

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24. I am an employee of the village administration; we own all the apartments in an apartment building that is in disrepair. How can I register the land under the ownership of the village administration under an apartment building if it is subject to demolition and deregistration?

24.1. You won’t be able to formalize it, only at the discretion of the administration, apply for a decision on this issue. Good luck to you.

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25. MKD built in 1993. Only the area under the house is registered in the cadastral register; it has been there since March 2005. To this day there is no adjacent territory. Where to start, how to do it correctly and what to pay attention to? Thank you in advance.

25.1. If I understand you correctly, a plot of land for an apartment building residential building Is it still registered with you in the cadastral register? This land plot is in the common shared ownership of all owners of residential premises. Therefore, if you still want to register the adjacent territory, then contact cadastral engineers to survey such a plot of land near your house and register the rights to it through the city or district administration.

The applicant does not agree with the refusal to register land ownership

The applicant does not agree with the refusal to register the right (share in the right) of ownership of real estate (except land)

1. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to a created building, structure, or unfinished construction project, if the applicant’s right to the land plot on which such a building, structure, or unfinished construction project is located is not registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, are carried out simultaneously with state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of the applicant’s right to such land plot, except for the case provided for in part 10 of this article.

2. State registration of rights to the created building, structure is also carried out if at the time of state registration of rights to the created building, structure, the lease agreement or gratuitous use of the land plot provided for the purpose of construction of the specified real estate objects has expired, and at the time of commissioning for the operation of the specified real estate objects, the validity period of the relevant agreement has not expired.

3. With the simultaneous implementation of state cadastral registration and state registration of ownership of the created building, structure, state cadastral registration of all premises in such a building, structure, including those related to public property, may be carried out if the applicant submits a technical plan of the building, structure, containing information necessary for state cadastral registration of these premises. State cadastral registration of all premises in a building, structure, including those related to public property, is also carried out upon submission of an application by the owner of the building or structure, the ownership of which is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and the technical plan of the building, structure containing information necessary for state cadastral registration of these premises.

3.1. With the simultaneous implementation of state cadastral registration and state registration of ownership of the created building, structure, state cadastral registration of all parking spaces in such a building, structure can be carried out if the applicant submits a technical plan of the building, structure containing information necessary for the state cadastral registration of these vehicles -place State cadastral registration of all parking spaces in a building or structure is also carried out upon submission of an application by the owner of the building or structure, the ownership of which is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and the technical plan of the building, structure containing the information necessary for the state cadastral registration of these vehicles. places

4. When carrying out state cadastral registration of an apartment building, state cadastral registration of all residential and non-residential premises located in it, including those constituting the common property in such an apartment building, as well as parking spaces located in such an apartment building, is simultaneously carried out.

5. When state registration of ownership of an apartment or non-residential premises in an apartment building is carried out, state registration of the share in the right of common ownership of the premises and land plot constituting the common property in it is simultaneously carried out. State registration of ownership of an apartment building is not carried out.

6. State cadastral registration of premises, parking spaces in connection with changes in their characteristics or newly created or formed premises, parking spaces located in a building, structure, as a result of reconstruction of which the parameters of the building, structure have been changed (number of floors, area, height, superstructure, reconstruction, expansion was carried out), is carried out simultaneously with the state cadastral registration of changes in the characteristics of such reconstructed buildings, structures in the event that in relation to the specified premises, parking spaces, state cadastral registration was previously carried out.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. When removing from the state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of termination of rights to a building, structure in connection with the termination of their existence, removal from the state cadastral registration and state registration of termination of rights to all premises and parking spaces in such a building, structure are simultaneously carried out . Removal from the state cadastral register of an unfinished construction object due to the termination of its existence is carried out simultaneously with the state registration of termination of rights to it.

(see text in the previous edition)

8. Removal from the state cadastral registration of an unfinished construction object and state registration of termination of rights to this object, if the state cadastral registration and state registration of rights in respect of it were carried out earlier, are carried out simultaneously with the state cadastral registration of buildings and structures created as a result of the completion of construction of this object or all premises or parking spaces in them and state registration of rights to them.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. For state registration of the transfer of the right to residential premises, the technical and economic indicators and parameters of which correspond to the conditions for classifying this residential premises as standard housing, established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of producing public policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning (hereinafter referred to as standard housing), on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement for such residential premises (hereinafter referred to as a purchase and sale agreement for standard housing), an extract from the list of citizens entitled to purchase standard housing is also required housing built on land plots of a unified development institute in the housing sector or on land plots for which state ownership is not delimited and which the unified development institute in the housing sector disposes of on behalf of the federal executive body exercising management functions federal property, transferred for free use or lease for the construction of standard housing, including for their comprehensive development for the purpose of constructing such housing, or lease for the construction of standard housing in the minimum required volume, including for their comprehensive development for the purpose of construction in the minimum required volume standard housing and other housing construction, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by Federal Law of July 24, 2008 N 161-FZ “On promoting the development of housing construction”. This extract must contain information about the citizen who is a party to the purchase and sale agreement for standard housing.

(see text in the previous edition)

10. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to a created building or structure are carried out on the basis of a permit to put the corresponding property into operation and a title document for the land plot on which such a property is located. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to an unfinished construction project are carried out on the basis of a permit for the construction of such an object and a title document for the land plot on which such a property is located. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to a created building or structure, for the construction of which, in accordance with federal laws, a construction permit is not required, as well as to the corresponding object of unfinished construction, are carried out on the basis of the technical plan of such real estate objects and the title document for the land plot, on in which such real estate objects are located, or a document confirming, in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the possibility of placing such created structures, as well as corresponding unfinished construction objects, without the provision of a land plot or the establishment of an easement.

11. For state registration of the ownership rights of the unified development institute in the housing sector for residential and (or) non-residential premises in a real estate facility created in accordance with the lease agreement for land plots of the unified development institute in the housing sector for housing construction, for the integrated development of the territory, within which includes housing construction, and (or) for other development of the territory, in accordance with the distribution of the area of ​​​​the corresponding property between the parties to such an agreement, concluded in the manner and on the terms provided for in Article 16.6-3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2008 N 161-FZ "On promoting the development of housing construction", along with other documents provided for by this Federal Law, a document signed by the parties is presented confirming the fulfillment of their obligations under such an agreement, taking into account the agreement provided for in paragraph 5 of part 4 of Article 16.6-3 of the Federal Law of July 24 2008 N 161-FZ “On promoting the development of housing construction” and containing a description of specific residential and (or) non-residential premises in the specified property.

12. For state registration of the lessor’s ownership of residential and (or) non-residential premises in a real estate facility created in accordance with a land lease agreement concluded in accordance with Article 10.1 of the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ “On Investment Activities” in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments", along with other documents provided for by this Federal Law, a document signed by the parties is presented confirming the fulfillment of their obligations under such an agreement, taking into account the agreement provided for in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2 of Article 10.1 of the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ "On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments" and containing a description of specific residential and (or) non-residential premises in the specified property.