Flexible dentures dentistry. What are soft or flexible dentures?

The most popular installations are made of nylon. They are presented in the form of a removable plate consisting of nylon, into which artificial teeth are installed. Nylon is an elastic material, as a result of which this type of construction is called flexible removable dentures.

In addition to the material from which the system is made, a nylon prosthesis differs from a clasp or plate prosthesis in the attachment pattern. Flexible dentures are installed in the oral cavity using clasps. This is a special hook that covers the molar, which is made of a similar material.

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Important! A special feature of a flexible denture is that there is no need to pre-grind adjacent molars; they fit tightly to the surface of the gum.

Thanks to their light pink tint, they blend in with the color of the gums, making them invisible to strangers. Despite the strong fixation in the oral cavity, there is no rubbing of the mucous membrane, since the nylon base takes the shape of the gum. Doctors recommend installing them for those people who lack supporting teeth.

What are the main advantages?

A flexible denture has the following advantages:

  1. They do not cause discomfort to a person, unlike.
  2. A short period of time during which addiction occurs.
  3. They are not subject to mechanical stress due to their flexibility and elasticity.
  4. If the chewing load is unevenly distributed, flexible dental prostheses are not able to change and deform.
  5. If it is necessary to replace missing molars, there is no need to grind adjacent teeth.
  6. Installation is allowed not only for an adult, but also for a child who is in the stage of active growth and development of the jaw apparatus.
  7. The design does not include metal materials. The denture is attached to the supporting tooth using a flexible nylon clasp. The clasp acts as a solid continuation of the installation, which is not noticeable if the person smiles.
  8. They do not require special care procedures.
  9. The presence of the structure in the oral cavity is not felt due to its lightness. This means that you can leave it overnight and perform physical activity without disturbing your usual rhythm of life.
  10. Nylon installations are not capable of causing allergies in patients who suffer from an allergic reaction to acrylic, vinyl, latex and other materials.
  11. Flexible dentures are not able to put pressure on the teeth that remain in the oral cavity.
  12. Dental flexible fittings are resistant to external factors, leaving the original color and shape intact.
  13. It is recommended to install it for people who suffer from periodontal disease, as chewing loads are evenly distributed.
  14. Nylon installations are not able to absorb odor and water. This indicates that they are protected from the penetration of pathogenic microflora, which provokes an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  15. The color of the base structure and clasps is selected individually, which makes it possible to hide the use of the prosthesis from other people.

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Note! The selection of shape and design depends on the structure of the gums, making it invisible.

What are the disadvantages?

In addition to the list of advantages, flexible dental installations have a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing a method for adjusting the dentition. Disadvantages include:

  1. In rare cases, a breakdown occurs that cannot be fixed. The situation requires ordering a new design.
  2. The nylon prosthesis differs from other installations in its high cost.
  3. After a certain period of time, the prosthesis can sag. This requires periodic adjustments.
  4. To clean, it is not recommended to use an everyday brush and toothpaste. Due to the abrasive substance they contain, they can cause damage to the surface of the structure. Requires the purchase of a special kit. If you do not use such a set, you can ruin the color of the prosthesis due to its constant contact with dyes.
  5. People are not always able to chew food that is too hard.
  6. If there is a need to remove a tooth, there is no possibility of attaching the dental unit to the prosthesis that is installed.
  7. Duration of use does not exceed six years.
  8. The bone under the structure atrophies. The volume of reduced bone tissue depends on how much pressure is applied to the installation. Over the course of 12 months, one millimeter of tissue atrophies. After the orthodontic system subsides by three millimeters, the possibility of its use disappears. To eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to replace the prosthesis. If you do not change the prosthesis in time, the risk of the clasp cutting into the mucosa and adjacent molars increases. This can cause injury to the gums.
  9. The product has a rough surface. A person feels this in the place where the base and the artificial tooth come into contact. This phenomenon will cause discomfort, to eliminate which it is necessary to carefully care for hard-to-reach areas. This will avoid the accumulation of food residues.
  10. Nylon has elasticity and flexibility, which contributes to the deflection of the frame when chewing food. Deflection occurs in the place where the maximum pressure is applied. This indicates that chewing food accelerates tissue atrophy located under the flexible prosthesis. If prosthetics were performed on a small number of teeth, there may be no discomfort.

When is it necessary to install a nylon prosthesis?

To restore the functionality of the dentition, it is necessary to install an orthodontic structure. The indications are:

  1. Missing one or more teeth.
  2. The need for treatment of abnormal uncontrolled teeth grinding.
  3. Elimination of articular disease of the lower jaw.
  4. The presence of periodontal disease, which has not progressed to a severe stage.
  5. Lack of desire in a person to treat living teeth.
  6. A person is allergic to acrylic and metal orthodontic appliances.
  7. If the child has lost his milk teeth early.
  8. Due to the strength of the nylon installation, it is recommended to install it for people whose activities involve an increased risk of injury.
  9. Nylon is used for more than just prosthetics. It is possible to form artificial gums from it, as well as to produce sports and whitening mouth guards.

When is a flexible prosthesis contraindicated?

There are a number of contraindications that prohibit or delay the installation of a flexible prosthesis:

  1. Excessive dental mobility.
  2. The bone tissue of the jaw has undergone severe atrophy.
  3. The abutment tooth has a low crown height. This will complicate the fixation of the prosthesis.
  4. A person is in the third or fourth stage of periodontal disease. If the tissue located near the tooth is destroyed and the molar is displaced, installation of a prosthesis is impractical.
  5. An inflammatory process in the gum, during which atrophy of the epithelium occurs, the edge of the gum shrinks, as a result of which it is not possible to install a prosthesis.
  6. If it is necessary to install a denture on the last teeth. This indicates a lack of structural stability.

In any case, your dentist will tell you about all contraindications. You should not make a decision on your own based on the advice of friends or the Internet, and insist on it while sitting in the doctor’s chair.

What is the cost?

To install a flexible nylon prosthesis, you should contact an experienced doctor at the clinic. The person will be provided with:

  • free consultation;
  • photodiagnostics;
  • making an individual impression;
  • selection of tooth shade and shape;
  • determine the bite;
  • fitting of a wax installation;
  • overlaying the structure;
  • take an x-ray;
  • will be adjusted if necessary.

The table shows the average cost of installing a prosthesis:

Now you know what flexible dentures are, when they need to be installed, and what the average cost of a full package of installation services is.

Removable prosthetics has not lost its relevance even with the advent of fixed structures and implants. Soft models allow you to achieve a flawless smile at a budget price with minimal tissue trauma. Removable dentures are available as single (replace 1 tooth in a row), partial (restore several teeth in a row), and complete (made for the entire jaw). The models also differ in material, and the most modern of them are acrylic, silicone and nylon. Let’s take a closer look at what soft dentures are and what is best to choose from the existing options.

These prostheses are the most common due to their budget cost and ease, but are used mainly as a temporary measure. Acrylic, in fact, is a type of plastic, so choosing a color to match natural enamel is not difficult.

Full acrylic denture

Mostly, acrylic options are chosen by elderly patients as a permanent and budget-friendly system. But as a temporary measure, for example, to replace an entire row of teeth or several teeth in a row, acrylic crowns are also installed on young people. Acrylic is also used for children's prosthetics during the period of change of milk teeth to molars. This allows you to prevent pathologies in the formation of the dentition or bite.

All such models can be either partially removable or completely, which depends on the design chosen by the client.

Let's look at the advantages of plastic products.

Let's look at the disadvantages of such products.

  1. Traumaticity. Plastic dentures are quite hard and rough, which often leads to damage to the oral cavity (chafing, microcracks). Mucosal wounds, in turn, are a breeding ground for bacteria, which can result in stomatitis, herpes, fungal infections and other inflammatory processes.
  2. Damage to healthy teeth. Despite the lightness, the structure is still attached to healthy teeth with metal elements, which can seriously damage the enamel and lead to the slow destruction of a healthy tooth.
  3. Toxicity of the component.

    Acrylic contains methyl ether, which over time begins to be released from the product and enters the patient’s blood, causing poisoning or severe allergies.

  4. Porous surface. The pores inside the plastic allow food debris, bacterial waste products, food dyes and pigments to settle. This point makes plastic systems undesirable for long-term prosthetics.

Silicone prostheses

Silicone soft dentures (photos and reviews from experts can be viewed below) imitate the oral cavity as much as possible. The translucent flexible component allows you to choose the natural color of the gums and crowns.

Silicone denture

The system is a silicone base into which plastic crowns are installed.

Micro gaps remain between artificial materials, where food debris, tartar and bacteria get in. Therefore, dentists do not recommend using silicone material for long-term prosthetics. As a rule, they are installed for 1-2 years.

There are other disadvantages besides the short lifespan.

Removable soft dentures made of silicone also have many advantages.

  1. Aesthetics. Silicone models are chosen mainly due to the maximum reproduction of the natural jaw with all its elements.
  2. Safety for your teeth. Installation of the structure does not require grinding down the supporting teeth.
  3. Ease. Silicone prostheses are even lighter than plastic ones, while being less massive and thinner.
  4. Hypoallergenic. Silicone is classified as an inert component suitable for maximum consumers.
  5. Secure fixation. The prosthesis is qualitatively placed in the oral cavity, adjacent to the palate and fixed with the help of clasps.
  6. Softness. One of the softest designs, due to which the pressure on the gums and healthy teeth is minimal.

Nylon removable dentures

Nylon is a material different from silicone, but retains many of its positive properties. In addition to the advantages mentioned above, nylon prostheses have 2 more positive qualities:

Nylon prosthesis

  • the most aesthetic– when fastening in the oral cavity, no metal elements are used, but only pink clasps, absolutely invisible to others;
  • the softest and most flexible, which makes wearing almost invisible.

Unfortunately, there are many more disadvantages of nylon products.

We looked at how to choose soft dentures among removable dentures, what advantages and disadvantages they have.

When choosing an individual prosthesis, it is important to pay attention not to the price of the product, but to quality, durability and, most importantly, wearing comfort. There are people who are ideally suited for short-lived plastic structures, but who are uncomfortable with nylon prostheses. Consult your doctor and jointly choose the appropriate material, because the health and service life of your own teeth depends on it!

Dental prosthetics is a technology that originated many years ago and is in great demand today. Every patient encounters situations in his life when he needs to restore damaged or lost teeth. In this regard, dentistry has stepped forward, since flexible dentures, which have many advantages, are available to everyone. Flexible prosthesis

What are flexible dentures

Dentures made from elastic materials are unique in that they do not have a negative effect on the oral mucosa, and are also securely fastened according to the “sea glass” principle. For the manufacture of such products, nylon is most often used, although recently acrylic and polyurethane have begun to be used. Each of them has its own indications, pros and cons.

Features of flexible dentures

Any removable denture has the form of a base plate with artificial teeth fixed in it. Flexible structures can be used in cases of complete absence of teeth or in case of replacement of several elements. In the second option, they will have the form of linings secured with clasps.

Clasp denture with clasps

The main advantage of flexible structures used for dental prosthetics is the softness of the product, which makes it easier for the patient to get used to the changes in the oral cavity. However, flexible prostheses are not strong and durable enough.

Indications for installation

Prosthetics with flexible systems are prescribed to patients in the following cases:

  • with severe allergies to materials made of metal, precious metal alloys, acrylic and other components;
  • complete or partial loss of teeth;
  • the patient has a history of certain diseases of the periodontal tissues and periodontium;
  • the patient’s lack of desire to repair teeth before prosthetics, grind enamel, or perform tooth depulpation;
  • in case of loss of teeth in several places, when the flexible prosthesis will be firmly fixed on the gum due to the tension of the elastic base.

Material for the manufacture of soft dentures


The popularity of these designs is associated with their high aesthetic qualities. The base on which the crowns are fixed is made of translucent nylon, which perfectly imitates the natural shade of the gums.

Nylon is a polymer component obtained artificially. He is characterized by such qualities as strength, softness And flexibility. It is biocompatible and hypoallergenic. The material does not lose its color under the influence of external factors of food coloring.

Removable Nylon Dentures


Acrylic dentures do not lose their original shape and appearance throughout the entire service life. Installation of the structure is simple, quick and inexpensive. Thus, you can restore an attractive appearance to your smile much faster than in other cases.

During the installation process, healthy dental elements are not subjected to grinding or adjustment, since the system is secured using hooks. Acrylic dentures can be used at any age, even children.


To produce them, flexible plastic is used. Polyurethane dentures are in great demand in dental practice, since they have all the advantages of dental structures, while being much more cheaper their.

Prostheses made of polyurethane are even flexible and resilient superior nylon products. Polyurethane does not cause an allergic reaction, is resistant to high loads and temperature changes, and this significantly extends its service life.

Manufacturing process

To manufacture a flexible structure for prosthetics, the doctor is guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Carry out preliminary preparation, as a result of which plaque is eliminated, diseased teeth are cured, and gum inflammation is removed.
  2. Casts are made using plastic mass, according to which the model will be made.
  3. The casts are filled with plaster, resulting in a mock-up of the jaw.
  4. Based on the model, soft prostheses are made. For this purpose, a special device is used, the name of which is a thermopress. Its purpose is to melt the nylon granules and take the required shape.
  5. The resulting structure is polished and installed after fitting.

Jaw casts

Installation process

Once manufactured, the elastic structure can be installed on the patient. To do this, the doctor is guided by the following actions:

  1. Sanitation of the oral cavity. Before installing the structure, it is necessary to fully prepare the oral cavity, eliminating all microbes. Then the prosthesis will be installed, and the risk of possible complications will be reduced.
  2. Treatment of supporting teeth, if necessary.
  3. Installation of the structure. The newly made prosthesis must fit perfectly in all respects.

Advantages and disadvantages of soft dentures

Elastic dentures have the following advantages:

  1. Softness and flexibility. These properties contribute quick addiction to the gums, adjustment to their individual characteristics and reliable fixation without the use of special devices.
  2. Sturdy mount even in the absence of teeth. The structure simply sticks to the gum. Thus, the patient has to use less various adhesive agents, for example, Corega.
  3. High aesthetics. If solid structures are fixed to preserved or extended crowns using metal clasps, then flexible products are equipped with thin and invisible elastic hooks. Thin silicone pads are firmly attached to the gums and remain invisible.
  4. Easy to use. Compared to other types of dentures, plate dentures do not need to be removed at night. You can use them indefinitely. There are only two basic rules: clean them at least once a day with paste and remove them once a week for treatment in a disinfectant solution.
  5. Hypoallergenic. Very often, patients are allergic to metal constructions, but dentures made of soft materials have a high similarity to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which ensures the absence of a negative reaction from the body.
  6. Soft products make it possible to attach preserved dental elements to the crowns without turning them, which frightens so many patients.
  7. Relatively low price. The cost of soft dentures varies depending on the number of teeth, individual characteristics and the material used. But the price will not exceed 50,000 rubles, since on average, implantation of one tooth will cost 9,000-10,000 rubles.

If there is a complete absence of teeth, then flexible dentures are the best option. There is no need to take them off, leave them in a glass by the bed, and you don’t have to worry that the denture will fall out while talking, eating or laughing.

In addition to numerous advantages, flexible structures have the following disadvantages:

  1. Short wear period. Due to the visible bending strength, the prosthesis is not protected from rapid shrinkage and damage when eating solid food. The maximum service life of such products is 5-6 years.
  2. The elasticity of prostheses, which is considered their main advantage, has uneven pressure, as a result of which this can cause the development of chronic gingivitis.
  3. Soft materials cannot be sanded Therefore, the inner surface at the junction of the artificial teeth and the elastic plate is rough. This involves maintaining careful hygiene, since over time, food and salt residues will collect on the denture, and tartar will form. All this creates a danger for the teeth that are adjacent to the prosthesis.
  4. Pressure changes, soft hold and rough surface pose a threat to teeth on which the prosthesis is installed. Over time, the gums at the roots are injured and the enamel is destroyed. Initially, this leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth, and then to caries.
  5. Very fast shrinkage of the prosthesis, which leads to frequent adjustments. Moreover, the more teeth are prosthetized using an elastic plate, the more often you have to visit the dentist.

It is advisable to install flexible overlay structures if there are no 2-3 teeth in a row in a row. Then all negative points are reduced to a minimum, and the service life can reach 10 years. But due to their softness and high ability to attach, they create optimal conditions for the patient’s rapid adaptation, so that elastic products can be tried even in the absence of dentition.

Features of care

Even if you have artificial teeth in your mouth, this is not a reason to refuse to care for them. To do this, you need to clean the structures in the morning and evening, and after eating, rinse your mouth with water. The toothpaste should be a little softer than what you usually use.

General cleaning is performed once a week. To do this, the structure must be soaked in a disinfectant solution for 2-3 hours.

You can purchase a concentrated product for dentures in tablet form at any pharmacy.

If the prosthesis needs to be removed, use a special container to store it.


Dentures made of soft and elastic material are valued by dentists and patients for their ease of installation, minimum contraindications, aesthetic qualities and relatively low cost. After they are attached, a person can again live a full life, not deny himself the pleasure of eating any food, laughing and talking.

Prostheses can be expensive and cheap, hard and flexible, removable and non-removable, durable and not very durable. The dentist will explain to you all the pros and cons of various dentures and recommend those that, based on his experience, are suitable for you personally. A person can try different of them and settle on those that suit him best.

This article will focus on flexible prostheses, which have become increasingly popular lately.

Flexible prostheses are made of nylon and can be of three types:

  • regular nylon dentures
  • flexible polyurethane dentures
  • flexible Quattro Ti prostheses, which are made of plastic and are more flexible and comfortable.

Flexible dentures are made entirely of plastic, which becomes soft after special processing.

These dentures are attached directly to the gums and palate due to the effect of adhesion (suction), using glue or gel specially developed for this purpose, as well as using almost invisible hooks made of the same material as the denture.

Advantages of flexible dentures People quickly get used to removable flexible dentures

, since they are soft and elastic, and therefore rub less on the gums and surrounding soft tissues. These prostheses are quite durable due to the properties of nylon

, capable of withstanding significant loads. The service life of such prostheses, if handled with care, is about 6 years. However, if there is any damage, the prostheses cannot be restored., and therefore it can be worn by people with a history of allergies and people with various pathological reactions to other types of dentures.

Flexible dentures are easy to insert and remove. They are just as easy to handle. To process it, you need to rinse them after eating and clean them several times a day with a special brush and paste.

These dentures are well fixed in the gums and distribute the load evenly throughout the jaw(although not like plastic prostheses), due to which the functional activity of the bone is maintained and its atrophy does not occur.

Disadvantages of flexible dentures

Slightly elastic chewing deformity associated with the properties of nylon.

Over time, with prolonged wear flexible prostheses, Maybe inflammation of the gums around the marginal teeth.

Gum subsidence accelerates due to pressure on it at the site of chewing. The rate of subsidence is usually about 1 mm per year.

These dentures are poorly polished and have a slightly rough surface. If dentures are not cleaned regularly and are poorly cared for, plaque can form on them and this can lead to bad breath.

Higher cost compared to other types of prostheses, for example, acrylic.

Cost of flexible dentures

Prices for flexible dentures are slightly higher than for plastic (acrylic) ones and range from approximately 13,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the volume of the denture itself, the complexity of its manufacture, and the clinic providing these services.

Photos of flexible dentures

Author of the article: Elena Vladimirovna Urakova ( | ), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of KSMA, Assistant Head. department of educational work. Awarded the medal "Excellence in Dentistry" in 2016.

Tooth loss occurs more often in old age. This is usually associated with various characteristic age-related changes in the body. However, dentists note that more and more young and mature people are also forced to look for an alternative to their teeth lost for various reasons. , as the most ideal type of artificial teeth, are not available to everyone, as they are significantly expensive. This is where the solution to the problem of toothlessness in the form of wearing teeth comes to the rescue. But there are many types of such devices in dentistry. Soft dentures are one of the modern species such designs, below we want to provide maximum information about their convenience and useful properties.

Just a few decades ago, there was no talk of any soft prostheses. All such structures were made only from hard materials (plastic or metal). Today, dentures for removable prosthetics made of soft materials (nylon or silicone) are popular among many patients.

Such designs are compact, elastic, and have a variety of shades, allowing the dentist to ideally select dentures to match the color of the patient’s gums. Even if the teeth of the upper or lower dentition are replaced from a soft material, then outwardly it will not be noticeable to others at all.

More often, soft removable structures are recommended to patients with partial loss of teeth. Occasionally, such a prosthesis can replace one or two missing “native” teeth.

What are soft dentures made of?

Many ordinary people do not distinguish any difference in what kind of soft material they are made of - nylon, acrylic or polyurethane. However, these are completely different materials with different chemical compositions.

In addition, silicone is much softer than other materials used in prosthetics. Often on the pages of Internet publications all soft prostheses are called “silicone” due to the fact that most articles are written by people who are not related to professional dentistry, and do not capture the nuances in the qualities of the raw materials for prosthetics. However, the difference even in appearance structures made of nylon or silicone are noticeable to any practicing orthodontist.

Soft acrylic dentures

Acrylic allows the prosthesis to achieve maximum resemblance to the patient’s gums.

Manufactured using injection molding techniques. The disadvantages of this material are:

  • frequent occurrence of allergic reactions due to the chemical elements contained in it;
  • the porosity of this material contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and various inflammations in the oral cavity.

Polyurethane dentures

It is also considered a suitable material and is known to:

  • promotes good fixation of the prosthesis in the mouth;
  • due to its plasticity, it does not lead to injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • Due to its non-hygroscopicity, it does not accumulate bad odor in the mouth.

Nylon dentures

  • elastic;
  • withstands heavy loads;
  • rarely contributes to allergies;
  • does not injure mucous membranes.

Indications for soft dentures

Most often, soft dentures are used in the following cases:

  • absence of back teeth (supporting ones for attaching dentures);
  • partial loss of teeth;
  • if grinding of teeth is contraindicated for other types of prosthetics;
  • with contraindications for other types of prosthetics.

Benefits of soft dentures

Soft designs have many rave reviews on the Internet. Indeed, often people who have worn bulky dentures made of hard materials for years and suffer from constant chafing or loss of taste are incredibly happy about the emergence of alternative materials for prosthetics. And not in vain, because soft structures have a lot of advantages for the patient:

  • also used for completely missing teeth (edentia);
  • do not cause discomfort while wearing;
  • perfectly replicate the relief and color of the gums (“invisible dentures”);
  • impact resistance and fall safety (due to good flexibility) in contrast to plastic structures;
  • can be used if you are allergic to metal types prostheses;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent fixation in the mouth (similar to “wet glass”), often without the additional use of auxiliary products (gel, glue, cream);
  • quick adaptation (about 2 weeks);
  • softness and protection from;
  • Possibility of use after injuries and diseases of the jaw;
  • do not lose shape and color with proper care;
  • the only option for prosthetics in case of contraindications to teeth grinding;
  • effective for preventing the process of deformation during temporary loss of teeth in childhood and in adolescents;
  • There is no need to cover abutment teeth with crowns.

About the disadvantages of soft removable dentures

Before you choose optimal view prostheses, you need to know about all the shortcomings of these designs. What “pitfalls” can you encounter when wearing soft dental structures?

These include:

  • easily scratched and change color;
  • absorb foreign odors;
  • rapid subsidence of the prosthesis (more than 2-3mm) forces it to be adjusted or replaced;
  • frequent visits to the dentist for periodic correction of dentures;
  • excessive elasticity and flexibility interfere with normal chewing of food;
  • lack of polishing of the prosthesis contributes to the accumulation of plaque and the deposition of food particles on it;
  • faster onset of gum atrophy than when using rigid structures;
  • short service life (5-6 years);
  • high price.

When to choose solid dentures

  • deep atrophic changes in the jaw bones;
  • tooth mobility;
  • inflammatory diseases of the jaw;
  • low height of adjacent teeth;
  • with missing front teeth;
  • in the absence of more than 3 back teeth.

Are dentists against it?

It would seem that soft dentures should fill the dental market, because they have so many different advantages. In reality, everything is somewhat different.

Many patients cannot use such removable structures for a long time and, after 1-2 months of suffering, order new rigid prostheses. Why is this happening?

Chewing problems

It’s great, of course, that soft dentures are ideally suited to natural teeth in terms of their aesthetics. However, we must not forget that what is most important is the functionality of dental appliances and their ability to chew food normally. But with this, the situation with soft plates is not so great.

Alas, dentures made of silicone or nylon cannot provide the necessary rigidity in fixing the crowns for comfortable chewing of food.

Many patients complain of pain and excruciating discomfort while eating, when chewing food becomes a chore.

And in their polyurethane products, the seemingly comfortable soft frame is not able to cope with normal food loads.

Tissue atrophy

Any removable structures to some extent lead to atrophy of the jaw bones over time. Dentistry has not yet learned how to combat this phenomenon.

An uneven food load when wearing removable dentures unnecessarily overloads some teeth and excessively spares others. Ceasing to participate in chewing, the jaw is less well supplied with blood and unpleasant atrophic processes develop in it. Excessively loaded areas of the bone also suffer due to the gradual processes of destruction in it.

The process of atrophy when using soft devices occurs faster than when using hard devices.

Typically, the rate of atrophy in this case reaches 1 mm per year. And when the jaw subsides by 2-3 mm, the prosthesis already needs to be redone. In this case, the patient suffers from unbearable pain when chewing and cannot continue to use the denture.

Options for removable soft structures

There are two types of soft dental appliances – partial and full.

Partial ones are used when 1-2 or several teeth in a row are missing.

It is this type of construction that most often has good reviews from patients, since the function of chewing food is perfectly compensated by neighboring teeth.

Complete dentures are used when there is absolutely no teeth in one of the jaws.

Sometimes such devices are fixed on supporting molars. Implants, clasps or are usually used as fixators for soft prostheses. The price of the product largely depends on the type of fasteners.

Installation and care of soft dentures

The soft structures are very easy to use. To do this, the oral cavity is cleaned with a special solution. The removable structure is then put on to connect to the existing mount. For better adhesion to the gums, many patients use special glue when putting them on.

Caring for such soft removable devices is not at all labor-intensive.

They put on and take off easily and simply. Here are the basic rules for caring for soft dentures. For long-term service of such devices it is necessary:

  • Daily cleansing with a brush (preferably 2-3 times a day, after meals).
  • The use of abrasive pastes is prohibited, as it can damage the surface and lead to rapid failure of the prosthesis.
  • Rinsing with water after eating is mandatory.
  • Daily treatment with special disinfectant solutions and pastes (such as) to disinfect and combat unpleasant odors.
    • Removing the structures at night is not necessary.
    • After installing the structures, the food load should be increased gradually, starting with liquid food and then moving on to more solid types of food.
    • It is prohibited to eat hard foods (crackers, nuts, large pieces of vegetables), as well as viscous foods (toffee, chewing gum).
    • There may be a temporary deterioration in diction after installation.
    • It is important to have your dentures professionally cleaned in a technical laboratory at least once a month.

If a breakdown occurs

Occasionally, flexible devices may also break. This can happen when:

  • violation of the rules of use;
  • defects during the manufacturing process.

However, most often such a problem can be corrected and the plate can be repaired. And any repair is still cheaper than manufacturing new structures.


Prices for soft dental appliances in various clinics and cities in Russia vary from 25,000 rubles (full denture) to 15,000 rubles (micro denture). For a partial structure to replace 10 teeth, you will have to pay about 20,000 rubles.

Patient reviews


We ordered nylon prostheses for my mother. At first everything was fine, but now she suffers from pain while eating. The doctor promised that everything would get better soon. We've been waiting for three months now, but the pain still remains.


My brother has been wearing a soft prosthesis for 4 years. He is missing one tooth and cannot afford implants. The main thing is not to forget to clean it immediately. In general everything is good.


It took me a very long time to get used to this device in my mouth. But the food that keeps getting under it is still annoying. And cleaning takes a lot of time.


I'm still young, and I'm missing 3 teeth. The doctor recommended a soft partial denture. I was so afraid that he would be noticeable. But no, the color was matched perfectly to my gums. They have a chic aesthetic.


I've been wearing a nylon prosthesis for a year now. I don't like the fact that it absorbs all odors. Yes, and they cost me a lot. But on the outside, the teeth look like their own.

In any case, before installing any dental devices, it would be a good idea to read reviews from other patients who have already installed similar structures. After all, the modern beauty and health industry, thanks to powerful advertising, does not always live up to our expectations. Therefore, you should not make decisions frivolously that cost a tidy sum of money, but quickly lead to disappointment. Health to you and the right choice in everything!

Sources used:

  • “Partial removable dentures” (Zhulev E.N.)
  • National Library of Medicine (USA)
  • Chalifoux, Paul R. (2015). "Acrylic and other resins: Provisional restorations." Acrylic and other resins: Provisional restorations – Esthetic Dentistry (Third Edition)