Diabetes and everyday life. Diabetes Essay on Living with Diabetes

There are more than 20,000,000 diabetics in the world. This disease affects both sexes equally and is considered incurable. In this article we will take a closer look at the lifestyle of people with diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine pathology caused by disruption of the pancreas.

The essence of the disease is that, which is necessary for the natural saturation of cells with glucose, is disrupted. The types of diabetes are presented in the table.

Table 1. Main types of diabetes.

Type of diabetes Description Treatment

The disease occurs in young people under 30 years of age. Atrophy and complete destruction of pancreatic cells is observed. Insulin synthesis is stopped.

Doctors say the main reason for the development of the disease is a complication after suffering viral or infectious pathologies.

Type 1 disease is characterized by rapid, aggressive development. The symptoms are very pronounced.

Lifelong use of artificially synthesized insulin.

The disease proceeds in a “gentle” rhythm. The symptoms are smoothed out. The diagnosis can be made during the next blood donation. The risk group includes people who are obese. Performance physical exercise, compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor.

What is the life expectancy?

The health condition of a young man suffering is worsened by complications.

Table 2. Complications of diabetes.

Complication Description

There is a violation of the vascular walls. This leads to a failure in the process of transporting oxygen to the tissues of the body. The risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

Vision deteriorates sharply. Some patients develop blindness.

Against this background, renal failure develops or.

This occurs against the background of impaired glucose metabolism. The person complains of muscle weakness, the sensitivity of the limbs is lost. The condition can lead to paralysis.

Wounds and cracks do not heal for a long time. Appear. This leads to the development of diabetic foot.

The patient often suffers colds. His immune system is quickly wearing out.

The chart shows the % ratio of complications of type 1 diabetes.

Life expectancy for type 1 diabetes mellitus, if diagnosed at 14-15 years of age, is 26-36 years. Only 10-15% of patients survive to age 50. The prognosis for people with type 2 disease is more favorable. Many patients live to old age.

Type 1 diabetics experience premature death 2.5 times more often than people without any disease. Patients with type 2 diabetes survive to old age 1.5 times less often than healthy people.

Note! Life expectancy is influenced by gender. The life of a diabetic woman is shortened by 20 years. Men live 12 years less on average.

The life prognosis of children with diabetes worsens due to the fact that parents cannot always control their diet.

Junior children preschool age die due to ketoacidotic coma. The cause of death for children aged 5-15 years is hypoglycemia. The risk of mortality in adult diabetics increases due to the abuse of alcohol and tobacco products.

Features of the patient's lifestyle

Instructions for people with diabetes are as follows:

  1. Get a medical examination in a clinic that inspires trust. All questions regarding changes in condition should be discussed with your doctor.
  2. Scrupulously follow the prescribed diet.
  3. Maintain drinking regime.
  4. Regularly pay attention to sports training.
  5. Take medications prescribed by your doctor.
  6. Record test measurements regularly. A sheet for recording blood glucose levels is issued by the attending physician.
  7. Keep a food and exercise diary. If the situation worsens, this will help the doctor adjust the treatment regimen.
  8. Maintain a sleep schedule. A diabetic should sleep at least 6 hours.
  9. To live an active lifestyle. If the disease is not advanced, it does not interfere with traveling and communicating with people.

Mandatory medical examination

Living with diabetes forces a person to be registered at a diabetes center at his place of residence. Clinical observation of patients with diabetes mellitus is necessary to monitor treatment.

If a person is registered, he is prescribed medications and prescribed an annual examination. The patient is not admitted to the hospital.

Diabetes is monitored by an endocrinologist. If there is no such doctor in the district clinic, medical examination is carried out by a therapist or doctor general practice. The examination is preventive in nature. The main task is to identify complications of diabetes in early stage.

Table 3. Instrumental research methods.

Method Description What diseases can be detected? How many times a year?

The level of platelets, hemoglobin, leukocytes, and erythrocytes is assessed. Anemia. 2

Total cholesterol, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and triglycerides are assessed. Fatty hepatosis, diabetic nephropathy, atherosclerosis. 2

The concentration of red blood cells, glucose, leukocytes, acetone, and bacteria is assessed. A specialist can determine the state of the urinary system and carbohydrate metabolism. Early stage of diabetic nephropathy. 4

The state of the immune system is assessed. Pulmonary tuberculosis. All diabetic patients are at risk. 2

Disturbances in the functioning of the heart are detected. Arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia. 2

Note! A diabetic undertakes to be checked by a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. Women must be registered with a gynecologist.

How to prolong the life of a diabetic?

How to prolong the life of people with diabetes?

People with type 1 diabetes, in addition to following a diet, need to do the following:

  1. Constantly monitor your blood sugar levels. Insulin injections should be regular.
  2. Maintain a normal weight.
  3. Learn to cope normally with stressful situations. Severe emotional shocks can cause an increase in glucose concentrations in the body.
  4. Take good care of your feet. This will help prevent the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

The lifestyle of people with diabetes does not involve following a very strict diet.

Proteins and fats do not affect blood sugar levels. For this reason, a diabetic can eat meat and fish in the same quantities as a healthy person. If the patient is overweight, the diet should be adjusted to reduce fat.

  • low-fat cheeses;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fruits;
  • low-fat milk.

If there are no weight problems, strict calorie tracking is not necessary.

Eating nuts

Table 4. Benefits of nuts.

Type of nuts What does the product contain? What's the benefit?

Proteins, unsaturated fats, microelements, vitamins. Reduces the level of “harmful” cholesterol.

Vitamin A, B, unsaturated fats. Improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, strengthens the immune system, reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Folic acid, vitamin E. Fights vitamin deficiency.

Phosphorus, calcium, iron. Improves metabolism, promotes healing of skin, hair, teeth.

Vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Relieve fatigue, improve the condition of hypertension.

Vitamin C. Helps with neuroses, improves the condition of the skin.

Products with chromium

The main effect of chromium is associated with increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin. This microelement also helps fight obesity. Products containing chromium (µg) are shown in the chart.

Note! Daily norm chromium is 0.2-0.25 mg.

Nutrition for type 1 diabetes

Dietary nutrition involves the inclusion of foods with a low concentration of carbohydrates in the diet. Recommended products for diabetics are presented in the table.

Table 5. What can you eat if you have type 1 diabetes?

Product Short description Daily value (g)

It is advisable to eat bran, rye or whole grain bread. 100

Soups should be cooked in low-fat broth. 1 serving plate.

You can eat chicken, turkey, diabetic sausage. 100-150

They can be boiled and baked. Particular attention should be paid to cabbage. 200-300

The menu should include peaches, oranges, and quinces. 200-300

Preference should be given to porridges made from buckwheat and oatmeal. 150-200
It is advisable to eat yogurt, fermented baked milk, and natural yogurt. Up to 250 ml.

You can eat cookies that contain a sugar substitute. 30-50.

The basic principles of nutrition in the % ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are presented in the diagram.

Note! It is advisable to include in the menu foods that are quickly absorbed by the intestines. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates and substances high in fiber and gluten.

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes

Approved products for diabetics are presented on the plate.

Table 6. What can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes?

Product Features of preparation and use


Boil and use in salads.

Eat in its pure form, without sour cream and sugar.

It is advisable to add a little milk.

It should be used when preparing dishes.

You need to drink it between meals.

All foods allowed for type 1 diabetes are also allowed.

Living a lifestyle with type 2 diabetes involves strict calorie control. You can eat high-calorie foods, but you need to make sure that your sugar doesn’t rise.

The daily intake of high-calorie products (g) is presented in the diagram.

Potatoes can be replaced with pasta. Water and drinks should be drunk before meals.

How to relieve hunger after dinner?

The last meal should be taken 4 hours before bedtime. If after dinner a person experiences excruciating hunger, he is allowed to eat any product containing a minimum amount of carbohydrates. These foods are called “loose snacks.”

Table 7. How to satisfy hunger after dinner?

Product A portion

1 jar

6 items.

2 pieces.

1 piece.

1 piece.

You should not overload your body at night. The digestive organs must complete their work, rest and recover.

Sports loads

Diabetes Is it a way of life or a disease?

If a person listens to his doctor, he can learn to perceive the disease correctly. This is largely facilitated by correctly selected sports training.

Note! Doctors call sport “invisible insulin.” On the background physical activity the need for this element is reduced.

Table 8. What sports can diabetics do?

Kind of sport Training time

40-60 minutes.

120-180 minutes.

40-80 minutes.

25 minutes.

120-180 minutes.

60-120 minutes.

60-120 minutes.

Living with diabetes allows you to consume the following: sports nutrition, containing no carbohydrates:

  • whey protein;
  • amino acids;
  • creatine

Gainers, protein-carbohydrate mixtures, and protein bars are strictly contraindicated for diabetics.

Professional activity

Where should I go to work?

The chart shows (in %) which professions are chosen by young people with type 1 diabetes.

Work and severity of illness

The sign indicates types of work that are contraindicated for diabetics.

Table 9. Specialty and severity of the disease.

Also, living with type 1 diabetes does not allow military service or work in infectious diseases hospitals and laboratories.

How to improve your sleep?

Proper sleep helps reduce various manifestations of diabetes. Blood sugar levels decrease, blood pressure returns to normal.

  1. Take 1 tablet of any antihistamine. The instructions should indicate that the medicine does not increase blood pressure. The safest antihistamine for diabetics is Corcidin-HBP. Its price is 150 rubles.
  2. If sleep is interrupted, you can take up to 30 drops of valerian tincture. There should be 4 hours between taking this medication and the antihistamine.
  3. As a preventive measure, you can take 1 tablet of calcium or magnesium.

Eating small amounts of protein foods helps improve sleep. You can eat some white chicken meat or a handful of almonds.


Every 10 residents of Russia suffer from diabetes. These statistics are getting worse every year. The reason for this, according to doctors, is the lifestyle that the vast majority of Russians lead.

It is not the disease itself that is scary, but its complications. The video in this article will tell you more about this, as well as other recommendations for diabetes.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 20 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

If you have diabetes, you're probably interested in maintaining your long-term health and quality of life. The disease can be successfully controlled by eating a healthy diet, being physically active and monitoring your condition for changes. better treatment. Quality of life also includes the ability to be happy, socialize, and enjoy life. Even if you have a disease that affects your physical condition, you can start every day with new energy and take care of your health, rather than subjecting your entire life to illness.


  1. Discuss your health status with a trusted physician. This important step: firstly, you can find out what you should or can do, and secondly, it is easier to deal with the disease when you have support. In particular:

    • Always discuss any questions or changes in your condition with a specialist.
    • Notice subtle changes. Even minor symptoms can indicate important changes, and it is best to tell your doctor as soon as possible.
    • If you violate your diet or take medications, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Follow the prescribed diet. Your doctor has most likely already given you dietary advice. A healthy diet is the key to staying well with diabetes. When making nutritional recommendations, doctors take into account the individual characteristics and condition of the body.

    • If your doctor doesn't give you nutritional advice, ask him about it.
    • Ask what you should include in your diet, what you shouldn't, and where you can buy diabetic foods.
    • Monitor the composition of not only food, but also drinks - many drinks, both factory-made and home-made, contain sugar and other additives, the use of which will disrupt your carefully followed diet.
    • If you find it difficult to stick to your diet, it may be worth keeping a food diary. It will help you track what psychological triggers make you crave food (for example, you tend to overeat when you're upset, or you crave sweets when you're tired), and it will help you plan your diet and break bad eating habits.
    • Read what is written on the package. It is advisable for everyone to read information about the composition and nutritional value of foods, but for diabetics this is a mandatory rule.
  3. Learn what foods are considered healthy for diabetes. The American Diabetes Association has guidelines for foods that are good for everyone, not just diabetics, so following them will help you not only manage your diabetes, but also be healthier overall. Here are some healthy foods recommended by this association:

    • Whole grains, legumes, pasta and starchy vegetables (including potatoes): 6 or more servings per day. Breads, cereals and cereals should be limited and kept low in sodium; It is better to exclude products made from white flour altogether.
    • Fruits: 2–4 servings per day.
    • Vegetables: 3–5 servings per day.
    • Meat, fish and cheese: 2-3 servings per day.
    • Milk and yogurt: 2-3 servings per day.
    • Fats, sweets and alcohol: in small quantities (depending on doctor's recommendations).
    • Seasonings should be low in sodium (table salt) and free of sugar. Check the information on the packaging of finished products: canned, pickled, salted, dried, smoked.
    • Stay up to date with the latest dietary guidelines for diabetics as they are revised from time to time. Subscribe to email newsletters and communicate regularly with your doctor to stay informed about the latest discoveries in diabetes nutrition.
  4. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of liquid daily. It's best to drink regular clean water, but you can also drink tea, coffee, soda or mineral water without additives, instant drinks with artificial sweeteners, low-calorie and other drinks for which there are no medical restrictions. In some cases, it is recommended to limit milk consumption, since it also contains natural sugars, so it’s better to consult a doctor here.

    • Drinks to avoid or minimize include: sugary sports drinks (high in salt and sugar), sodas, tonic water, fruit juices and milk (you can try almond milk, which contains only 30 calories per 250 ml).
  5. Include permitted “goodies” in your diet. Be sure to consult with your doctor about whether you can include “tasty” foods in your diet and what exactly you can do. Although sweets and baked goods with sugar are now on the black list, this does not mean that you have to completely give up sweets. You can find cookbooks and online recipes for diabetics and learn how to make amazingly delicious sugar-free sweets. Also, most stores or health food departments sell candy and other sweets for diabetics - try them and find what you like.

    • For a snack, you can eat a medium-sized fresh piece of fruit, a small serving of yogurt, a few whole grain crackers, or a handful of nuts.
  6. Take your prescribed medications. If you do not take your medications regularly, you risk complications and put your health and life at risk. Follow your doctor's directions for the proper dosage and timing of use.

    • Learn about drug interactions with drinks, foods, and other drugs. Talk to your doctor to find out what you can and cannot take your prescribed medications with and how to combine your medications with meals.
    • If you see a new doctor, tell him that you have diabetes and what medications you take. Some medications are incompatible, so this information is vital. Your doctor should know everything you take, including vitamins and herbs.
  7. Keep records regularly. Your doctor will give you a sheet to record your blood glucose levels. Record measurement results, even if it seems like a boring task. Keep accurate records and bring them to your doctor's appointment every time.

    • Keeping a food and exercise diary can also be helpful. The more information you can share with your doctor about your lifestyle, the easier it will be for him to give you advice on how to control the disease.
  8. Check your blood sugar levels (see below for adults). According to the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association, if you have type 2 diabetes, you should strive to keep your blood sugar levels within a safe range:

    • before meals (on an empty stomach) - from 70 to 130 mg/dl (from 3.9 to 7.3 mmol/l);
    • after meals (after 1–2 hours) - less than 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L);
    • before bedtime - from 90 to 150 mg/dL (from 5 to 8.3 mmol/L).
  9. Watch for signs of complications. Forewarned is forearmed: if you are aware of a possible danger, you are more likely to notice its early symptoms and be able to take timely action. Possible complications that can develop due to diabetes include:

    • Cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Diabetics should pay special attention to the health of the heart and cardiovascular system. Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and complications related to poor circulation.
    • Kidney diseases. Diabetes can lead to kidney failure and the kidneys losing their filtering ability.
    • Deterioration of vision. Diabetes can cause vision impairment, sometimes to the point of complete blindness. The risk of blindness in diabetics is higher than in people without the disease. Early diagnosis and treatment will save your vision.
    • Oral health problems. Diabetes increases the risk of gum disease, so regular dental checkups are recommended.
    • Diabetic neuropathy and nerve damage. One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy is the destruction of the nerves in the body that connect spinal cord with muscles, skin, blood vessels and other bodies.
    • Diabetic foot. Diabetics often suffer from various foot pathologies that are caused by nerve damage or impaired blood supply to the extremities.
    • Skin diseases. About a third of diabetics at one stage or another experience skin diseases caused or complicated by diabetes. In fact, such problems are often the first symptom of diabetes. Fortunately, most skin diseases can be prevented or treated if detected early enough.
    • Diabetic gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a decrease in the activity of the muscular apparatus of the stomach, which occurs in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
    • Depression. It's normal to feel sad from time to time. However, some people constantly feel depressed and life seems meaningless to them. If this feeling persists for two weeks or more, it is a sign of serious depression.
  10. Seek support from people who care about you and who are aware of your condition. Tell your friends and family about your illness and how it affects your life. If a person knows what is happening, he will support you. It's likely that friends and family will want to help you with exercise, food choices, and doctor's appointments. In addition to your circle of best friends, you can become closer to other diabetics. Find out if there are diabetes support groups in your area, or join one online. You can make new friends there, but more importantly, you will feel supported and see how other people cope and live fulfilling lives with diabetes.

    • Consider membership in a larger diabetes organization. In addition to personal support, such communities usually disseminate useful information about diets and medical advances.
  11. If you need help getting a good night's sleep, try the following remedies. (1) Take 1 tablet of an antihistamine that makes you drowsy but does not raise your blood pressure. Do not take antihistamine syrups that contain sugar. (2) Take valerian - this effective sedative helps you fall asleep and also alleviates pain of various types. If you wake up too early, drink water and you can repeat both of these remedies if at least 4 hours have passed since the first dose. (3) Take calcium with magnesium, vitamin D3, B vitamins, omega-3 and omega-3-6-9 fatty acids - all these supplements help the body relax, and also have many others useful properties. (4) Eat a small portion of protein - this also improves sleep. This could be lean turkey or chicken. Also eat almonds (get more fiber!) walnuts, pecans, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, pistachios, red peanuts with skin (these seeds and nuts also contain healthy oils!).
  • Always follow your doctor's recommendations. Diabetes is serious illness, which can cause serious consequences without proper treatment.
  • Sometimes there may be an unexpected reaction to increased insulin levels from injections. Warn your loved ones about the possibility of this happening, and also tell them what products you hardly need (for example, sugar/soda/milk/orange juice). Instruct your family to ask you about your blood sugar levels if your behavior seems strange or appears to be intoxicated. They may offer you some sweets to help bind excess insulin.
  • Sometimes the opposite happens - you overeat a little after an insulin injection, and then you need a little more insulin to normalize your blood sugar levels. Also explain this to your loved ones.

A proper lifestyle for people with diabetes is one of the key points of full interaction with the outside world. By adhering to certain principles, you can significantly improve your quality of life. AND we're talking about not about giving up delicious food and not about grueling physical activity, but rather about moderation in everything.

The lifestyle of people with diabetes is healthy image life, which ideally every person should adhere to. The main points are proper nutrition, physical activity, and supervision by the attending physician.


Diet comes first in the treatment of diabetes. Food is taken 5-6 times a day in small portions. What do you eat if you have diabetes?

1. Bread 200 grams per day (black from coarse flour or with bran)

2. Vegetable soups cooked in weak meat or fish broth.

3. Lean meat, poultry, boiled fish.

4. Cereals (oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley, rice, buckwheat), legumes and pasta. They eat only on days when they do not take bread. The least suitable food for diabetic patients is semolina. It's better to exclude it.

5. Vegetables. Carrots, beets and potatoes can be eaten, but in small quantities. You can eat cabbage, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini and greens as much as you like and in any form: raw, boiled, baked.

6. Eggs. In the diet of a diabetic patient, 2 eggs per day are acceptable. They can be eaten soft-boiled or cooked into an omelet.

7. Fruits and berries: apples, for example, Antonovka, lemons, oranges, cranberries, blueberries, etc.

8. Milk and dairy products. It is better to exclude whole milk altogether, but you can take fermented milk products 1-2 glasses a day. Of all lactic acid products, you can eat up to 200 grams of cottage cheese per day in the form of various cottage cheese dishes.

9. For drinks, fresh fruit juices, preferably diluted with water, are preferred, but you can drink weak coffee with milk and tea: black and green.

If you have diabetes, you should absolutely not eat sugar, sweets, pies, rolls, pastries and cakes. Bananas, grapes, and strawberries are contraindicated as fruits. You should learn to eat only freshly prepared food, carefully avoiding fast food. exclude/severely limit the intake of alcoholic beverages.

General principles of physical activity

Regular sports with moderate loads, without overload, are recommended. This applies not only to sports, but also to simply physical labor around the house or in the garden. The regularity, duration and type of training should be discussed individually with your doctor. For activities you can choose sports such as walking, swimming, aerobics, football or volleyball, cycling, tennis. Dancing classes are great.

Contraindicated extreme species sports or related to weight lifting. If the sugar level is more than 13 mmol/l, physical activity is canceled.

Start exercising gradually, with 10 minute sessions. Gradually you can increase the duration of classes to half an hour. You can simply walk regularly: in the morning and before bed for 20 minutes, do not take the elevator, but walk up the stairs.

People with diabetes may experience an attack of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) during physical activity. Therefore, you should not start exercising on an empty stomach or with blood sugar levels less than 5.5 mmol/l. To eliminate possible hypoglycemia, you must carry foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, candy, fruit juice).

Smoking and diabetes

According to numerous studies, the risk of premature death in smokers with diabetes is 1.5-2 times higher than in non-smokers. Many people are afraid to quit smoking due to fear of weight gain. However, it has been proven that the harm from smoking is much higher than the slight weight gain that can be avoided with a balanced diet.

Choosing a profession with diabetes

Unlike other chronic diseases, diabetes does not interfere with studying, playing sports, communicating, getting a good education, making a career, or raising a family. In other words, live a normal, fulfilling life.

For type 1 diabetes mellitus (diagnosed in early age) children, as a rule, mature earlier than their peers, become responsible, lead a correct lifestyle, which in the future has a positive effect on their professional activity. In addition, there are benefits provided for sick children upon admission to educational establishments. This type of diabetes is called "diabetes of the young." When choosing a profession, a young person needs to understand that it must correspond not only to his interests and abilities, but also ensure compliance with the daily routine, nutrition and the ability, when necessary, to take insulin injections. Not recommended: work in hot shops (steel production); associated with physical activity (loader, miner); with an unfavorable microclimate (high or low temperatures); with long business trips; staying at the workplace for a long time in one static position; contacts with toxic substances (in chemical production); severe visual stress; shift work, especially at night.

Work associated with a risk to the life of the patient and the people who depend on him, and which, as a rule, requires serious neuropsychological stress, is strictly contraindicated. These types of activities include: service in the armed forces (air, sea and submarine fleets), in the police, fire departments; specialties related to various types transport (air traffic controllers, drivers of passenger vehicles, underground and water transport, air and rail transport management).

Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed at an age when the question of choosing a profession is no longer an issue: a person has long been educated and may even have made a career in the chosen field. If insulin therapy is not prescribed, and diabetes compensation is achieved with the help of diet therapy and glucose-lowering pills, a person can engage in any type of work. The only exceptions are aviation and some other professions that involve risk to the lives of other people. It is necessary to provide a diet in the workplace.

Should you keep your diagnosis a secret?

A child with diabetes should not be embarrassed by his diagnosis or feel like a stranger, different, different from everyone else. Statistics show that there is no difference in the level of knowledge between healthy children and children with diabetes. Diabetes is not a hindrance to scientific achievements, creativity, or business.

When applying for a job, you should hardly focus on whether you have diabetes. First of all, we should talk about your experience, professional skills and talents. Whether or not to warn an employer about the presence of diabetes is a personal matter for everyone. If the working conditions do not provide for serious disturbances in the daily routine and nutrition of the patient, the interests of the case do not conflict with the interests of the person with diabetes, this information is not mandatory.

Be sure to attend diabetes school at your clinics. Here you will be taught how to live with diabetes, proper nutrition, will recommend physical activity, and tell you how to behave in a given situation.

Chief physician of the State Budgetary Institution RO "City Clinical Hospital No. 10" Olga Bystrova
Deputy Chief Physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 10 Svetlana Spirkova

Every person suffering from excess blood sugar knows that a healthy lifestyle for diabetes contributes to successful treatment and prevents the development of complications due to the underlying disease. In addition to regular use of medications and insulin administration, a diabetic must adjust diet, leisure time, and sleep. Only a responsible attitude towards one’s own health will ensure the patient’s well-being and a fulfilling life.

How does diabetes affect quality of life?

It’s not for nothing that doctors say that diabetes is a way of life. A person with such a pathology needs to radically change his habits and quality of life in general. Only making adjustments will help a diabetic not face a stroke, gangrene or premature death. He must understand that he cannot self-medicate. Only constant checks and advice from the attending physician will help the patient live a long and full life. The main task for a patient who has received a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is health monitoring.

To identify the disease at an early stage and prevent its further development, blood sugar levels should be checked every 2 years in children and adults.

With this disease, you can live a full life by adhering to certain rules.

If a patient is faced with such a pathology, then do not despair - diabetes is not an obstacle to a full life. By taking a responsible attitude towards health and observing a number of simple rules, a person remains highly active at work and does not complain about his health. The main task of a diabetic is to:

  • Check your blood sugar levels daily and arterial pressure;
  • take special medications;
  • create a healthy diet and strictly adhere to it;
  • carefully choose a profession, taking into account the recommended restrictions;
  • do not overexert yourself physically;
  • avoid stress;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • maintain a clear daily routine;
  • get enough sleep;
  • completely give up cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.

Special aspects of healthy lifestyle for diabetes mellitus

Proper nutrition

Living with diabetes requires a special approach to nutrition. To improve health, the patient should exclude from the diet foods containing a large number of sugar, and also limit the consumption of cereals, potatoes, and bread. Every day, a diabetic should consume lactic acid products, vegetables and fresh fruits. An important point is timely nutrition. The patient should eat 15 minutes after insulin administration, and then eat small portions every 3 hours. The amount of nutrients a diabetic needs per day is shown in the table.

Physical activity

The quality of life in diabetes mellitus largely depends on the patient’s physical activity, since this is an important addition to drug therapy. They reduce the risk of mortality by healing the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. Physical activity affects the diabetic body in the following ways:

  • The muscles involved actively consume sugar from the blood, reducing its level.
  • During physical activity, energy expenditure increases, which promotes the use of fat deposits and weight loss. The patient’s cell sensitivity to insulin also increases, which is important for type 2 diabetics.
  • Blood pressure and metabolism are normalized.
  • The moral and physical condition of the patient improves.

Exercises, duration of procedures and their frequency should be discussed with your doctor.

Whatever type it is, one way or another requires fundamental changes in a person’s life.

As you know, this disease can pose a great threat to health. To minimize the risk of severe diabetes, diabetics have to adhere to a number of rules.

This list includes regularly taking medications prescribed by a doctor, monitoring glycemic levels, and following specialized guidelines. Lifestyle with diabetes differs in many ways from normal.

Lifestyle with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2

At the first appointment with an endocrinologist, each patient will receive not only a list of medications necessary to take, but will also listen to a lecture on the correct lifestyle.

The fact is that with diabetes, the body is greatly weakened, immunity decreases, and yet it is the main barrier to infection with all sorts of infections. Thus, a diabetic becomes more susceptible to the negative influences of the environment than a healthy person.

This requires him to pay extra attention to his body. At first, it can be difficult and difficult to scrupulously approach your diet and other changes in life, but, as a rule, everyone adapts to this quickly.

Blood Sugar Control

Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is an integral part of life as a diabetic. This is the main indicator that indicates the condition of the patient as a whole. Taking into account the age and characteristics of the course of the disease, the doctor will tell you what limits the glucose level should not exceed.

  • in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • before each main meal, sometimes required two hours after it;
  • if ;
  • during illness (up to 8 times);
  • before and after ;
  • (up to 8 times);
  • at 4 o'clock in the morning (sometimes) to ensure absence during the night;
  • before driving a vehicle;
  • If it is necessary to obtain a daily profile, 5-6 measurements should be taken at the same time over several days.

Principles of nutrition

The second most important thing to follow when you have diabetes is nutrition. The basic rule is to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions, and the break between them should not exceed 3 hours. It is equally important to know what exactly you should eat and what you should avoid.

The following products are considered permitted:

  • (up to 2 pieces per day);
  • black bread from coarse grinding or with (no more than 200 grams per day);
  • baked or boiled low-fat;
  • lean (chicken, beef, turkey);
  • from allowed and ;
  • Only one of them is prohibited, the rest can be consumed, but on this day you should refuse bread;
  • from can be consumed , and . , and should be limited;
  • allowed only from durum varieties wheat instead of bread;
  • legumes can also be eaten only without bread in the daily diet;
  • citrus and green fruits are allowed;
  • should be in vegetable, meat or fish low-fat broth;
  • you should give up whole yogurt, instead use up to 500 milliliters of yogurt or. Can also be replaced with 200 grams;
  • honey in small quantities;
  • black and, freshly squeezed, but diluted with water, weak with milk;
  • persimmon, etc. may be present in minimal quantities in the diet.

  • cookie;
  • lemonade;
  • pate;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • and similar sauces;
  • salty fish;
  • and the like;
  • pickles and marinades.

Physical exercise

Diabetes mellitus is not a limitation; on the contrary, physical activity is very useful for this disease.

  • Firstly, you cannot train too intensely. Exercises should be performed smoothly and without sudden movements, without lifting weights;
  • secondly, you should eat something an hour before the start of class; stress on an empty stomach can lead to hypoglycemia and;
  • thirdly, if severe weakness occurs, you should urgently stop training and rest.

Doctors also advise measuring glucose levels before and after training. Normally, they should not go beyond 6 to 11 mmol/l.

Diabetics can engage in the following sports:

  • volleyball;
  • swimming;
  • dancing;
  • football;
  • tennis;
  • fitness;
  • easy running.

The duration and number of training sessions should be determined by the attending physician.

Labor activity

Not every job will allow you to lead the correct lifestyle recommended for diabetes.

You should avoid professions where you have to deal with chemically harmful substances, those with irregular work schedules, those that require a lot of concentration, as well as those involving work in hot workshops or in the cold.

  • lawyer;
  • accountant;
  • librarian;
  • pharmacist;
  • archivist and the like.

Bad habits

Bad habits are unacceptable. increases the risk of developing, which is already increased due to weak immunity.

It also has a detrimental effect on the patient’s body.

It leads to a deterioration in heart function and reduces blood glucose levels, and also increases the risk of hypoglycemia.

This is due to the fact that even with mild intoxication, the patient may not feel the symptoms of the approach of this state. Also, because of this, a person may take the wrong dose of insulin, or even ignore taking it altogether.

Insulin therapy and the associated quality of life of patients

The intake has a positive effect on lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolic processes in the body.

It normalizes blood counts due to the movement of glucose, promotes active fat metabolism, removes half-life products from the liver, and helps to endure any inflammatory processes more painlessly.

It is especially important for patients, but it is practically impossible to do without it. Many diabetics strive to avoid insulin treatment for as long as possible.

But in fact, the quality of life from taking it will in no way become worse. The sooner insulin therapy is started, the faster the body can work fully, and the patient will get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of diabetes.

How to live with diabetes long, happily and without complications?

No matter how much one would like to believe in this fact, diabetes actually shortens the life of the one who develops it. However, this diagnosis cannot be considered a death sentence, because the correct approach to therapy and following the doctor’s recommendations can significantly slow down the development of the disease, and subsequently prolong the years.

The basic rules of “longevity” are:

  • nutrition correction, exclusion;
  • normalization of weight when it deviates from the norm;
  • regular but moderate physical activity;
  • taking prescribed medications;
  • constant monitoring of blood sugar levels;
  • timely consultation with a doctor.

The main thing is not to delay going to the hospital and stop considering yourself “different.” If your goal is to maximize your life, you should be prepared for drastic changes.

Can a person overcome a disease?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee.

No matter what type of illness a person has, it is most likely impossible to get rid of a terrible diagnosis once and for all.

The only thing that can be done is to make every effort to prolong life as much as possible. In the case of the first type of diabetes, it is extremely difficult for patients to slow down the progression of the disease.

Mandatory conditions for such patients are compensation of natural hormones through injections, an active lifestyle, and avoidance of nicotine and alcohol.

Type 2 diabetes can be put into remission or with great effort. But there are very few actual cases of recovery from the disease.

Video on the topic

About what awaits a diabetic in the future in the video:

A healthy lifestyle for diabetes is the most important part of treatment. Without following the doctor’s recommendations, the patient will only worsen his condition, even if he takes all the necessary medications.

The greatest effectiveness in the fight against this disease can only be achieved with an integrated approach - medications and lifestyle adjustments.