Aviatechniki Heroes of the Soviet Union Second World War. Mass heroism of Soviet pilots on the first day of the Great Patriotic War

The names of the Soviet ASs of the Great Patriotic War Ivan Kozjadba and Alexander Tashkin Known to everyone who is at least superficially familiar with the domestic history.

Keldadub and Tashkin are the most efficient Soviet fighter pilots. On the account of the first 64 enemy aircraft, shot down personally, on the second account - 59 personal victories, and another 6 aircraft he shot down in a group.

The name of the third performance of the Soviet pilot is known only to aviation lovers. Nikolay Gulaevduring the war years destroyed 57 opponent aircraft personally and 4 in the group.

Interesting detail - Kozhevabu to achieve its result it took 330 combat departures and 120 air bonds, topping - 650 combat departures and 156 air bonds. Gulaev also achieved its result, having carried out 290 combat departures and spending 69 air battles.

Moreover, according to premium documents, in their first 42 air battles, he destroyed 42 opponent aircraft, that is, on average, each battle was completed for Gulaev destroyed by an enemy machine.

Military statisticians were calculated that the efficiency coefficient, that is, the ratio of air bonds and victories, Nikolai Gulaeva amounted to 0.82. For comparison, Ivan Kozhevab has 0.51, and Hitler's Asa Erich Hartman, officially hitting the most aircraft for the second world war, - 0.4.

At the same time, people who knew Gulaeva and who fought with him argued that he generously recorded many of his victories on the ledbles, helping them to receive orders and money - the Soviet pilots paid for each opponent's shot down aircraft. Some believe that the total number of aircraft shot down by Gulaev, could reach 90, which, however, today it is impossible to confirm or refute.

Heroes of the Soviet Union pilots Alexander Tashkin (second left), Grigory Rchchkalov (in the center) and Nikolai Gulaev (right) on Red Square. Photo: RIA Novosti

Guy from Don.

About Alexander Tashkin and Ivan Kozhevube, three times the heroes of the Soviet Union, the Marshals of Aviation, a lot of books were written, a lot of films were shot.

Nikolai Gulaev, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, was close to the third "Golden Star", but she never received it and did not leave the marshals, remaining Colonel-General. And in general, if in the post-war years, Tishkin and Kozdadub have always been in sight, they were engaged in patriotic education of young people, then Gulaev, practically I did not give way to colleagues, remained in the shadows all the time.

Perhaps the fact is that the military, and the post-war biography of the Soviet ASA was rich in episodes that do not fit into the image of the perfect hero.

Nikolai Gulaev was born on February 26, 1918 in the Aksayskaya Stanice, which now became the city of Aksai of the Rostov region.

Donskoy Wolnitsa was in the blood and nature of Nicholas from the first days and until the end of life. After graduating from the sevenlet and the craft school, he worked as a mechanic at one of the Rostov plants.

Like many of the youth of the 1930s, Nikolai fucked by aviation, engaged in AeroClub. This hobby has helped in 1938, when Gulaeva called to the army. The amateur pilot was sent to the Stalingrad Aviation School, which he graduated in 1940.

Gulaeva was distributed in air defense aviation, and in the first months of war, he provided a cover of one of the industrial centers in the rear.

Reprimand with a reward

At the front, Gulaev found himself in August 1942 and immediately demonstrated both the talent of a combat pilot and the initial nature of the native of the Don steppes.

Gulaeva had no permission for night flights, and when on August 3, 1942 in the regiment's responsibility zone, where the young pilot served, Hitler's aircraft appeared, experienced pilots went to the sky.

But here Nikolai filed a mechanic:

- What are you waiting for? The plane is ready, fly!

Gulaev, deciding to prove that he is not worse than the "old people", jumped into the cabin and took off. And in the first battle, without experience, without the help of spotlights destroyed the German bomber.

When Gulaev returned to the airfield, who arrived General Ozrozk: "For what flew out, I declare a reprimand, and for bringing down an enemy plane, raising in the rank and present to the award."

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union pilot Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev. Photo: RIA Novosti


His star was especially brightly shone during the battle on the Kursk arc. On May 14, 1943, reflecting the row on the airfield, he entered into battle with three bombers "Yu-87", covered by four "Me-109". By knocking up two "Junkers", Gulaev tried to attack the third, but the cartridges were over. Do not hesitate for a second, the pilot went to the ram, knocking up another bomber. Unguided "Yak" Gulaev entered the corkscrew. The pilot was able to align the plane and put it at the front edge, but on its territory. Arriving in the regiment, Gulaev on another plane again flew to a combat task.

In early July 1943, Gulaev as part of the fourth of Soviet fighters, using the sudden factor, attacked the German Armada out of 100 aircraft. Upset combat order by knocking up 4 bomber and 2 fighters, all four safely returned to the airfield. On this day, Gulaev's link made several combat departures and destroyed 16 enemy aircraft.

July 1943 was generally extremely productive for Nikolai Gulaeva. This is what has been fixed in his flight book: "July 5 - 6 combat departures, 4 victories, July 6 - shot down" Fockey -Vulf 190 ", July 7 - As part of the group of enemy, three of the enemy aircraft, July 8 - shot down" Me-109 " July 12 - two "Yu-87" are shot down. "

Hero of the Soviet Union Fyodor ArchipenkoWho was able to command the squadron, where Gulaev served, wrote about him: "It was a pilot-nugone, which was part of the first ten Ases of the country. He never mandaned, quickly appreciated the situation, his sudden and effective attack created a panic and destroyed the fighting order of the enemy, which broke the sighting bombing of our troops. It was very bold and decisive, often came to revenue, sometimes the real excitement of the hunter was felt. "

Flying Snap Razin

On September 28, 1943, the Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 27th Fighter Aviation Regiment (205th Fighter Aviation Division, 7th Fighter Aviation Corps, 2nd Air Army, Voronezh Front) Senior Lieutenant Gulaevo Nikolai Dmitrievich was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In early 1944, Gulaev was appointed commander of the squadron. Its not too rapid proprietary growth is due to the fact that the methods of education of subordinates from ACA were not quite ordinary. So, one of the pilots of his squadron, who was fond of sewing to the Nazis to the near distance, he cured from fear of the enemy, giving a turn from the onboard weapons next to the slave. Fear of subordinate as hand shot ...

The same Fedor Aripenko in his memories described another characteristic episode associated with Gulaevoy: "Passed to the airfield, immediately saw from the air that the parking of the aircraft of Gulaeva is empty ... After the landing, I was told - all the Sisters Gulaeva shot down! Nicholas himself was injured at the airfield to attack aircraft, and nothing is known about the rest of the pilots. After some time, with advanced, two jumped off the aircraft and landed in the location of our troops, the fate of three more unknown ... And today, after many years, the main mistake of Gulaev, admitted then, see that he took with him in combat Departure immediately three young people, not at all chased pilots, who were shot down in the first of their battle. True, and Gulaev himself won 4 air victories at once, knocking 2 "Me-109", "Yu-87" and "Henchel". "

He was not afraid to risk himself, but with the same ease he risked and subordinate that sometimes it looked completely unjustified. The Gulaev pilot was not looked like a "air cutuzuz", but rather a rain on a lingerie, who mastered the combat fighter.

But at the same time he sought astounding results. In one of the battles over the river, the River at the head of the six fighters of the P-39 "Aeroker" Nikolai Gulaev attacked 27 enemy bombers who were accompanied by 8 fighters. In 4 minutes, 11 enemy machines were destroyed, of which 5 - personally Gulaev.

In March 1944, the pilot received a short-term vacation home. From this trip to the Don he arrived closed, undiscoverable, fierce. In the fight rushed istersvell, with some kind of furious rage. During the trip home Nikolai found out that during the occupation of his father, fascists were executed ...

On July 1, 1944, Guard Captain Nikolai Gulaev was awarded the second star Hero of the Soviet Union for 125 combat departures, 42 air combat, in which he hit 42 opponent aircraft personally and 3 in the group.

And here there is another episode, about which Gulaev, after the war, frankly told his friends, episode, perfectly showing his violent nature of the out suits from Don.

About what was twice the hero of the Soviet Union, the pilot learned after the next departure. At the airfield already gathered by the fellow soldiers who stated: the award must be "ricked", there is alcohol, but with a snack problem.

Gulaev remembered that when he was returning to the airfield, he saw grazing pigs. With the words "snack will be" the speakers again sits on the plane and after a few minutes it puts him next to Sarai, to the amazement of the mistress of pigs.

As already mentioned, the pilots paid for shot down airplanes, so that Nicholas had no problems with cash. The hostess willingly agreed to sell a boar that hardly immersed in a combat machine.

Some kind of miracle the pilot took off with a very small platform along with the chrysham distraught from horror. A combat aircraft is not designed to make the dusts of the filthy pig inside it. Gulaev hardly held the aircraft in the air ...

If the disaster happened that day, it would probably be the most ridiculous case of death twice the Hero of the Soviet Union in history.

Thank God, Gulaev reached the airfield, and the regiment fun noted the award of the hero.

Another annecdotic case is associated with the appearance of the Soviet ASA. Once in battle, he managed to knock off the scout, who piloted the Hitler Colonel, the cavalier of four iron crosses. The German pilot wanted to meet with those who managed to interrupt his brilliant career. Apparently, the German expects to see the Static Handsive, the "Russian Bear", who was not to lose to lose ... And instead, the young, low growth was a complete growth in Gulaev, who, by the way, had a heroic nickname "Kolobok" in the regiment. The disappointment of the German there was no limit ...

Fight with political subtext

In the summer of 1944, the Soviet command decides to withdraw from the front of the best Soviet pilots. The war goes to the victorious end, and the leadership of the USSR begins to think about the future. Those who have shown themselves in the Great Patriotic War must complete the Air Force Academy to then take leadership posts in the Air Force and Air Defense.

The number of those who were called to Moscow, and Gulaev. He himself did not rush to the Academy, asked to leave in the current army, but he received a refusal. On August 12, 1944, Nikolai Gulaev hit his last "Fockey-Wulf 190".

There are at least three versions of what happened, which unite two words - "Debuck" and "foreigners". Let us dwell on the one that meets most often.

According to her, Nikolay Gulaev, by that time the Major was already called to Moscow not only for study at the Academy, but also for receiving the third star Hero of the Soviet Union. Given the fighting achievements of the pilot, such a version does not look untrue. In the company Gulaeva and other well-deserved Assa who were awaiting awards were also.

The day before the ceremony in the Kremlin Gulaev went to the restaurant Hotels "Moscow", where his friends-flyers rested. However, the restaurant was crowded, and the administrator said: "Comrade, there is no place for you!".

It was not worth talking to Gulaev with his explosive character at all, but here, on trouble, the Romanian military was still hitting him, at that moment were also resting in the restaurant. Shortly before that Romania, since the beginning of the war, the allied in Germany, moved to the side of the anti-Hitler coalition.

The angry Gulaev said loudly: "This is not, the Hero of the Soviet Union is not there, but there are enemies?".

The words of the pilot heard Romanians, and one of them issued an offensive phrase in the address of Gulaeva. After a second, the Soviet speakers found himself near Romanian and loudly struck him in physiognomy.

There was no minute, as a fight between Romanians and Soviet pilots boiled in the restaurant.

When the fights spread out, it turned out that pilots took the members of the official military delegation of Romania. The scandal came to Stalin himself, who ruled: the award of the third star hero to cancel.

If it were not about Romanians, but about the British or Americans, most likely, the case for Gulaeva would have ended at all crying. But I did not break the life of your ACS because of yesterday's opponents of the leader of all nations. Gulaeva just sent to the part, away from the front, Romanian and any attention in general. But as far as this version is true, it is unknown.

General, friendly with Vysotsky

In spite of everything, in 1950, Nikolai Gulaev graduated from the Yukovsky Air Force Akademia, and after another five years - the Academy of General Staff.

Commanded the 133rd Aviation Fighter Division, located in Yaroslavl, 32nd Air Defense Corps in Rzhev, the 10th Army Air Defense in Arkhangelsk, who covered the northern frontiers of the Soviet Union.

Nikolai Dmitrievich had a wonderful family, he adored his granddaughter Irochek, he was a passionate fisherman, loved to treat guests in person with saline watermelons ...

He also visited the pioneer camps, participated in various veteran events, but still the feeling remained that there was an indication at the top, saying in modern language, not too piraen his person.

Actually, the reasons for this were and at the time when Gulaev had already wore the general epaulets. For example, he could invite him to speak to the House of Officers in Arkhangelsk Vladimir Vysotsky, ignoring the timid protests of the local party leadership. By the way, there is a version that some songs of Vysotsky about the pilots were born after his meetings with Nikolai Gulaev.

Norwegian complaint

Colonel Gulaev's resigned General in 1979. And there is a version that one of the reasons for this was a new conflict with foreigners, but this time not with Romanians, but with Norwegians.

Allegedly, General Gulaev arranged not far from the border with Norway hunting on white bears with the use of helicopters. Norwegian border guards appealed to the Soviet authorities with a complaint against the actions of the general. After that, the general was transferred to the staff position away from Norway, and then sent to a well-deserved rest.

It is impossible to argue with confidence that this hunt took place, although this plot fits very well into the bright biography of Nikolai Gulaeva.

Be that as it may, the resignation badly influenced the health of the old pilot, who did not think without the service, which was devoted to the whole life.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev died on September 27, 1985 in Moscow, aged 67 years. The Kuntsevsky cemetery of the capital became the place of its last rest.

Representatives of the Soviet air force made a huge contribution to the defeat of Hitler's invaders. Many pilots gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, many became the heroes of the Soviet Union. Some of them were forever included in the elite of the domestic Air Force, in the famous cohort of Soviet Asov - a thunderstorm of Luftwaffe. Today we will recall the 10 most efficient Soviet fighter pilots who recorded the enemy's aircraft lied into their own expense.

On February 4, 1944, the outstanding Soviet fighter pilot Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevyub was awarded the first star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. By the end of the Great Patriotic War, he was already three times the hero of the Soviet Union. During the war years, only one Soviet pilot could repeat this achievement - it was Alexander Ivanovich Tashkin. But on the two of these most famous Asians of Soviet fighter aviation, the time of the war does not end. During the war, another 25 pilots were added twice to the title of the heroes of the Soviet Union, not to mention those who were once awarded this Higher Military Award of the country of those years.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevyub.

During the war, Ivan Kozhevub made 330 combat departures, held 120 air fighting and personally hit 64 opponent aircraft. Flew on La-5, La-5FN and La-7 aircraft.

In the official Soviet historiography, 62 knocked enemy aircraft appeared, but the archival studies have shown that the lediedub knocked 64 aircraft (for some reason two air victories were missing - April 11, 1944 - PZL P.24 and June 8, 1944 - ME 109) . Among the trophies of the Soviet pilot-ACA were 39 fighters (21 FW-190, 17 ME-109 and 1 PZL PZL P.24), 17 dive bombers (JU-87), 4 bombers (2 JU-88 and 2 non-111), 3 attack aircraft (HS-129) and one jet fighter Me-262. In addition, in his autobiography, he pointed out that in 1945 two American fighters P-51 Mustang, which attacked him from a long distance, adopted for a German plane.

In all likelihood, start Ivan Kozhevub (1920-1991) War in 1941, his account of shot down aircraft could be even more. However, his debut had occurred only in 1943, and the first to his plane was shot down in the battle on the Kursk arc. On July 6, during a combat departure, he shot down the German piking bomber JU-87. Thus, the performance of the pilot really amazes, in just two hundred years he managed to bring his victories to a record in Soviet Air Force.

At the same time, Kozhezhebab never hit the whole war, although he returned several times at the airfield on a strongly damaged fighter. But the latter could be the first air battle, which took place on March 26, 1943. His La-5 was damaged by the queue of a German fighter, armored car saved the pilot from the incendiary projectile. And on the return home, his plane fired his own air defense, the car received two hit. Despite this, Kozdadub managed to plant a plane, which was no longer subject to complete recovery.

The first steps in aviation are the future best Soviet speakers, while learning in Skhotnsky Aerocluba. In early 1940, he was called up to the Red Army and in the fall of the same year graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation School of pilots, after which he continued to serve in this school as an instructor. With the beginning of the war, the school was evacuated to Kazakhstan. The war for him began since November 1942, when Kozhevyub was seconded to the 240th Fighter Fighter Fighter Fighter Aviation. The formation of the division ended only in March 1943, after which it flew to the front. As mentioned above, he won his first victory only on July 6, 1943, but the beginning was laid.

Also, on February 4, 1944, the senior lieutenant Ivan Kozhevubu was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, at that time he managed to make 146 combat departures and knock off 20 opponent aircraft in air battles. He got his second star in the same year. It was presented to the award on August 19, 1944 for 256 perfect combat departures and 48 shot down opponent aircraft. At that time, he was held by Captain by the post of Deputy Commander of the 176th Guards Fighter Aviamol.

In the air battles Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevab distinguished the fearlessness, the composure and automatic piloting, which he was brought to perfection. It is possible that he spent several years before sending to the front for several years as an instructor, played a very large role in his future successes in the sky. Kitedub could easily lead aiming fire on the enemy at any position of the aircraft in the air, and also easily performed complex pilots. Being an excellent sniper, he preferred to conduct air battle at a distance of 200-300 meters.

His last victory in the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevyub won on April 17, 1945 in the sky over Berlin, in this battle he knocked down two German fighters FW-190. Three times the hero of the Soviet Union The future marshal of aviation (the title was awarded on May 6, 1985) Major Kitedub became August 18, 1945. After the war, he continued to serve in the country's Air Force and held a very serious path of the career ladder, bringing a lot of benefits to the country. The legendary pilot died on August 8, 1991, was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Alexander Ivanovich Tashkin

Alexander Ivanovich Tires fought from the very first day of the war to the last. During this time, he made 650 combat departures, in which he spent 156 air fighting and officially shot down 59 opponent aircraft and 6 aircraft in the group. It is the second on the effectiveness of the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition after Ivan Kozhevab. During the war years, flew on airplanes MiG-3, Yak-1 and American P-39 "Aerocker".

The number of shot down aircraft is very conditional. Quite often, Alexander Pokshkinn performed a deep raid in the rear of the enemy, where he also managed to win victories. However, only those of them were counted, which could be confirmed by ground services, that is, if possible above their territory. Such unaccounted victories only in 1941 he could have 8. At the same time they copied the whole war. Also, Alexander Pokshkinn often gave them planes hit by him to his subordinate (mainly driven), stimulating them in this way. In those years it was a fairly common phenomenon.

Already during the first weeks of the War, Tashkin was able to understand that the tactics of the Soviet Air Force was outdated. At the same time, he began to bring his records to this account in a notebook. He led a neat recording of air fighting, in which he himself and his friends took part, after which he made a detailed analysis of the written. At the same time, at that time he had to fight in very difficult conditions of constant retreat of Soviet troops. He later said: "Those who have not fought in 1941-1942 do not know the real war."

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the massive criticism of everything that was associated with the period, some authors began to "trim" the number of victories of the Tashkin. This was due to the fact that at the end of 1944 the official Soviet propaganda finally made from the pilot "the light image of the hero, the main fighter of war." In order not to lose the hero in a random battle, it was ordered to limit the flights of Alexander Ivanovich Tashkin, who by the time he already commanded the regiment. August 19, 1944 after 550 combat departures and 53 official victories, he became three times the hero of the Soviet Union, first in history.

The wave of "revelations", which was flooded after the 1990s, passed on him also because after the war he managed to take the post of commander-in-chief of the military air defense system, that is, became a "large Soviet official." If we can talk about a low ratio of victories to perfect departures, then it can be noted that a long time at the beginning of the War of the Tashkin on its MiG-3, and then Yak-1 flew to the storming of the ground troops of the enemy or the execution of intelligence flights. For an example by mid-November 1941, the pilot has already performed 190 combat departures, but the overwhelming majority of them - 144 was on the storming of the terrestrial enemy troops.

Alexander Ivanovich Pokshkinov was not only a cold-blooded, brave and virtuoso Soviet pilot, but also by the thinking pilot. He was not afraid to act with the criticism of the existing tactics of the use of fighter aviation and advocated her replacement. The discussions on this occasion with the regiment commander in 1942 led to the fact that the flyer-Asa was even excluded from the party and sent the case to the Tribunal. Saved pilot the intercession of the commissioner of the regiment and the higher command. The point against him stopped and restored in the party. After the war, Tashkin has a long time conflicted with Vasily Stalin, which has fallen on his career. Everything changed only in 1953 after the death of Joseph Stalin. Subsequently, he managed to reach the title of Marshal Aviation, which was assigned to him in 1972. The famous pilot-AC died on November 13, 1985 at the age of 72 in Moscow.

Grigory Andreevich Rchchkalov

Grigory Andreyevich Rukkalov fought from the very first day of the Great Patriotic War. Twice hero of the Soviet Union. During the war years, more than 450 combat departures have completed, hitting 56 opponent aircraft personally and 6 in the group in 122 air battles. According to other data, the number of his personal air victories could translate over 60. In the years, the war flew on airplanes and-153 "Seagull", I-16, Yak-1, P-39 "Aerocker".

Probably, no other Soviet fighter pilot has no such diversity of such a diversity of the enemy's pitched machines, like Grigory Rchchylov. Among his trophies were fighters ME-110, ME-109, FW-190, JU-88 bombers, HE-111, Picking bomber JU-87, HS-129 attack aircraft, FW-189 and HS-126 intelligence planes, as well as Such a rare machine as the Italian "Savoy" and the Polish fighter PZL-24, which was used by Romania Air Force.

Surprisingly, but the day before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Rukkalov was removed from flights to solving the medical and flight commission, he was revealed by Daltonism. But on returning to his part with this diagnosis, it was still allowed to fly. The beginning of the war made the authorities simply close the eyes to this diagnosis, simply ignoring it. At the same time, in the 55th fighter airlock, he served since 1939 with the Tryschery.

This brilliant military pilot was distinguished by a very contradictory and uneven character. Being a sample of determination, courage and disciplines within one departure, in the other, he could distract from the fulfillment of the main task and also strongly begin the persecution of a random opponent, seeking to increase his victories. His combat fate in the war closely intertwined with the fate of Alexander Tishkin. He flew with him in the same group, replaced him as a squadron commander and regiment commander. The top quality of the top qualities of Gregory Rchukalov considered the best qualities and refrank.

Rukkalov, like Tashkin, fought from June 22, 1941, but with a forced break almost two years. In the first month of fighting, he was on his outdated fighter-biplane I-153 managed to knock down three opponent aircraft. He managed to fly and on the fighter I-16. On July 26, 1941, during a combat departure near Dubossars, he was wounded in his head and in his leg from the earth, but managed to bring his plane to the airfield. After that, he spent on the hospital for 9 months, during this time the pilot made three operations. And once again, the medical commission tried to put an irresistible obstacle on the path of the future famous Asa. Gregory Rchukalova was sent to serve in a spare regiment, which was equipped with aircraft U-2. The future twice Hero of the Soviet Union took such a direction as a personal insult. In the headquarters of the District, he managed to ensure that he was returned to his regiment, which at that time was called the 17th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. But very soon the regiment was withdrawn from the front to rearrange the Aerocker's new American fighters, which went to the USSR within the framework of the Land Liza program. For these reasons, the enemy of Rukov began to beat the enemy only in April 1943.

Gregory Rukkalov, being one of the domestic stars of fighter aviation, could well interact with other pilots, guessing their intentions and working together by the group. Back in the years of the war, a conflict arose between him and Tscheshkin, but he never sought to throw out some kind of negative or blame his opponent about this. On the contrary, in the memoirs, he responded well about the coverskin, noting that they managed to unravel the tactics of German pilots, after which they began to apply new techniques: they began to fly by couples, and not links, it is better to use to guide and communicate radio, to echelonize their cars so-called " sheine ".

Gregory Rukchov won 44 victories, more than other Soviet pilots at the Aerokobré. Already after the completion of the war, someone asked the famous pilot, that he mostly appreciated in the Aeroket fighter, which was obsessed so much victories: the power of fire volley, speed, overview, motor reliability? On this question, the pilot-speaker replied that all of the above, of course, was the meaning, these were the obvious advantages of the aircraft. But the main thing that he said was in the radio. At the "Aerokoba" was excellent, rare radio communication in those years. Thanks to this connection, pilots in battle could communicate with each other, as if by telephone. Someone saw something - immediately all members of the group are aware. Therefore, in combat departures, we did not have any surprises.

After the completion of the war, Grigory Rukchov continued its service in the Air Force. True, not as long as other Soviet Aces. Already in 1959, he went to the reserve in the rank of major general. After that, lived and worked in Moscow. Died in Moscow on December 20, 1990 at the age of 70.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev

Nikolay Dmitrievich Gulaev was at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War in August 1942. In total, during the war years, 250 combat departures made 49 air fighting, in which she personally destroyed 55 opponent aircraft and 5 more aircraft in the group. Such statistics makes Gulaev the most efficient Soviet ASA. For every 4 departure, he had a knocked plane or an average of more than one aircraft for every air battle. During the war, I flew on fighters I-16, Yak-1, P-39 "Aeroket", most of their victories, like Tashkin with Rukkalov, he won at Aerokobr.

Double Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev knocked not much less aircraft than Alexander Pokshkinin. But according to the effectiveness of the fighting, he threw him and skin and skinned. At the same time he fought less than two years. At first, he was engaged in the protection of important industrial facilities in the deep Soviet rear as part of the air defense troops, protecting them from the raids by enemy aviation. And in September 1944, it was practically enforced to study at the Air Force Academy.

The Soviet pilot committed its most efficient battle on May 30, 1944. In one air battle over the whisen, he managed to bring 5 enemy aircraft at once: two ME-109, HS-129, JU-87 and JU-88. During the battle, he himself was seriously injured in his right hand, but concentrating all his strength and will, he was able to bring his fighter to the airfield, expiring to the blood, landed and already, shivering in the parking lot, lost consciousness. The pilot came to himself only in the hospital after the operation, he learned about the first title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

All the time, while Gulaev was at the front, he fought desperately. During this time, he managed to make two successful Taran, sowing after that put his damaged plane. Several times during this time was injured, but after injuries, it was invariably returned to the system. In early September 1944, pilot-ACA was enforced to study. At that moment, the outcome of the war, everyone was already clear and the famous Soviet Arsov tried to preserve, in an orderly, sending to the Military Aircraft. Thus, the war unexpectedly ended for our hero.

Nikolai Gulaeva was called the brightest representative of the "Romantic School" of air combat. Often, the pilot was drunk to the commission of "irrational actions", which shocked German pilots, but helped him to win victories. Even among others, the Figure of Nikolai Gulaeva, Nikolai Gulaeva, was distinguished by his coloring. Only such a person who has unparalleled courage, would have been able to spend 10 supertultitive air fighting, writing two of their victories for a successful taran of the opponent's aircraft. The modesty of Gulaev in humans and in his self-esteem was dissected with his exclusively aggressive and persistent manner of air combat management, and openness and honesty he with the boyish immediacy managed to carry through his whole life, keeping until the end of life and some youthful prejudices that did not prevent him from reaching The title of Colonel Colonel Aviation. The famous pilot died on September 27, 1985 in Moscow.

Kirill Alekseevich Evstigneev

Kirill Alekseevich Evstigneev twice the hero of the Soviet Union. Like Kozadub began his combat path relatively late, only in 1943. During the war years, 296 combat races made 120 air fighting, personally hitting 53 opponent aircraft and 3 in the group. Flying on fighters La-5 and La-5pn.

Almost a two-year-old "intake" with the appearance on the front was due to the fact that the fighter pilot suffered from the stomach ulcery disease, and with this disease did not allow the front. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he worked as an instructor in a flight school, and after that he distilled the Lenid Lizovsky "Aerocobras". The work instructor gave him a lot, as well as the other Soviet ACU Kozjadubu. At the same time, Evustigneev did not stop writing reports to the command with a request to send it to the front, as a result they were still satisfied. Kirill Evstigneev received his fighting baptism in March 1943. As well as Kozadub, he fought as part of the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment, flew to the La-5 fighter. In the first of the same military departure on March 28, 1943, two victories won.

For all the time of the war, the enemy never managed to knock Kirill Evstigneev. But he got twice from his own. The first time was fascinated by the airfall Pilot Yak-1 crashed into his plane from above. The Yak-1 pilot immediately jumped out of the aircraft, which was deprived of one wing, with a parachute. But La-5 Evstigneyev suffered less, and he managed to reach the plane to the position of his troops, putting the fighter next to the trenches. The second case is more mysterious and dramatic occurred above its territory in the absence of an enemy aircraft in the air. The fuselage of his plane flashed, damaging Eustagneyev's legs, the car caught fire and entered the peak, and the pilot had to jump from the aircraft with a parachute. In the hospital, doctors were inclined to amputate the pilot of the foot, but he caught up with them such fear that they refused their venture. And after 9 days, the pilot escaped from the hospital and with the crutches made it before the location of his native part of 35 kilometers.

Kirill Evstigneev constantly increasing the number of his air victories. Until 1945, the pilot wasgered by Kozhevab. At the same time, the doctor of the part periodically sent him to the hospital to pumped ulcers and the wounded leg, which the pilot-speavers was terribly opposed. Kirill Alekseevich was seriously ill with prevailed times, in his life he suffered 13 surgical operations. Very often, the famous Soviet pilot flew, overcoming physical pain. Evstigneev, what is called, was obsessed with flights. In his free time, he tried to interpret young fighter pilots. He was the initiator of conducting educational air fighting. For the most part of his opponent in them turned out to be Kozhevub. At the same time, Evustagneyev was completely deprived of a feeling of fear, even at the very end of the war it walked in the frontal attack on the six-step "fockers", won over them. Kozhevuba spoke so about his battle comrades: "Pillar-flint".

War Guard Captain Kirill Evstigneev graduated from the navigator of the 178th Guards Fighter Aviamol. The last pilot spent his battle in the sky of Hungary on March 26, 1945, on his fifth for war La-5 fighter. After the war, he continued to serve in the USSR Air Force, in 1972 he retired in the rank of Major General, lived in Moscow. He died on August 29, 1996 at the age of 79, was buried in the Kuntsevsky cemetery of the capital.

Information sources:

Probably, the most important factor in the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War was massive heroism. About 500 Soviet pilots applied a ram in air combat. Dozens of crews, like Captain N. Gastello, sent their last-minute aircraft to the accumulation of the fighting force of the enemy. Today we will tell about some heroes - the pilots of the Great Patriotic War, who forever entered their name in this heroic list.

1. Popkov Vitaly Ivanovich (05/01/1922 - 06.02.2010)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the pilot-speaker, the commander of the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 207th Fighter Aviation Division. Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

By February 1945, 325 combat departures made 325, in 83 air battles personally shot down 41 and in the group 1 opponent's aircraft. Participant of the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 in Moscow.

The facts of the biography of Vitaly Ivanovich lay on the basis of the film Leonid Bykov "Only" old men "go to battle."

2. Gulaev Nikolai Dmitrievich (02.26.1918 - 27.09.1985)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Fighter pilot, Colonel-General Aviation. Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

In total during the war, 250 combat departures made. In 49 air battles personally shot down 55 opponent aircraft and 5 - in a group.

3. Rukkalov Grigory Andreevich (09.02.1918 (or 1920)- 20.12.1990)

In total, during the war, Rukkalov was made 450 combat departures, 122 air combat. Data on shot down aircraft will differ. By one sources, 56 aircraft personally and 6 - in a group.

4. Golovachev Pavel Yakovlevich (12/15/1917 - 07/02/1972)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the pilot-speech, Major General Aviation, twice the hero of the Soviet Union.

During the war, 457 combat departures made, in 125 air battles, he knocked first 31 and in the group - 1 opponent's aircraft. He won his last victory on April 25, 1945 in the sky over Berlin.

5. Borovykh Andrei Egorovich (10/30/1921 - 07.11.1989)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, Colonel-General of Aviation, Commander of the Aviation Air Defense Forces of the USSR (1969-1977), twice the hero of the Soviet Union.

In total, over the years of the war, more than 470 combat departures made over 130 air fighting, he knocked up personally 32 and in the group - 14 enemy aircraft.

6. Evstigneev Kirill Alekseevich (04 (17) .02.1917 - 29.08.1996)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Fighter pilot, AU, Major General Aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

By the spring of 1945, about 300 combat departures made about 300 battles, participated in 120 air battles, hit 53 opponent aircraft personally, 3 - in the group; In addition, one bombarder was not counted.

7. Koldunov Alexander Ivanovich (09/20/1923- 07.06.1992)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet military and statesman, the main Marshal of the USSR Aviation, twice the hero of the Soviet Union. Member of the CPSU Central Committee, Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In total, during the war years, 412 combat runs made 96 air fighting, during which 46 enemy aircraft were personally shot down as part of the Group.

8. Skomorokhov Nikolai Mikhailovich (05/19/1920- 14.10.1994)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the fighter pilot, Marshal Aviation, twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Military Pilot of the USSR. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In total, during the Great Patriotic War, 605 combat departures made more than 130 air fighting, a personally hit 46 fascist aircraft and 8 aircraft in the group, and also destroyed the enemy bomber on Earth. The crochets himself never was injured, his plane was not burning, he was not shot down. Had a call sign "scrooch". On finding him in the sky, the Nazis warned their pilots as a serious danger.

9. Efimov Aleksandr Nikolaevich (02/06/1923- 31.08.2012)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Honored Military Pilot of the USSR, Marshal Aviation. Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a member of the CPSU Central Committee. Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

In total, during the war years, 288 combat departures at the IL-2 attack aircraft, during which they personally destroyed 85 enemy aircraft at the airfields (which is the highest achievement among the Soviet pilots of all kinds of aviation) and 8 aircraft shot in air battles, destroyed A large number of live strength and enemy techniques.

10. Clubs Alexander Fedorovich (01/18/1918- 01.11.1944)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Fighter pilot, Soviet AC, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

In just over the war years, 457 combat departures made. Personally hit 31 opponent plane and 19 more - in the group. Alexander Clubov died on November 1, 1944 during the training flight on the newest fighter La-7.

11. Beschelo Anatoly Konstantinovich (01/28/1923 - 13.05.2008)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the squadron commander of the 75th Guards Aviation Regiment of the 1st Guards Assault Aviation Division of the 1st Air Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Lieutenant General of Aviation, twice the hero of the Soviet Union.

Captain Anatoly Babor committed 209 combat departures, applying large losses in a living force and technique to the enemy.

12. Safonov Boris Feoktistovich (13 (26) .08.1915- 30.05.1942)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the first twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

In total, during the hostilities, Boris Safonov made 234 combat departures, hit 20 enemy aircraft personally.

On May 30, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel B. F. Safonov, being already the commander of the 2nd Guards Mixed Red Band Air Ward, flew by the head of fighters to cover the caravan of Courts PQ-16, going to Murmansk. During the battle with the superior forces of the enemy, Boris Safonov died.

13. Spargeikin Arseny Vasilyevich (15 (28) .10.1912- 23.05.2001)

Participant of battles at the Khalhin-goal, the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic War, the fighter pilot, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, the First Deputy Commander of the Air Flood of the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR, Major General Aviation.

In total, about 400 combat flyer, 52 personally shot down opponent aircraft (6 - on Chalchin-goal) and 14 in the group.

14. Griseodubova Valentina Stepanovna (14 (27) .04.1909- 28.04.1993)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet pilot, Colonel. The first woman is the hero of the Soviet Union, the Hero of Socialist Labor, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, from March 1942 to October 1943, commanded the 101st Aviation Aviation Aviation Aviation. She personally made about 200 combat departures (including 132 nights) on the Li-2 aircraft on the bombing of enemy objects, to deliver ammunition and military cargo to the forefront and to support communication with partisan detachments.

15. Pavlov Ivan Fomich (06/25/1922- 12.10.1950)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the 6th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment of the 3rd Air Army of the Kalininsky Front, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Major.

In total, during the war, there were 237 combat flights on the IL-2 attack aircraft. Participated in the Rzhevsk-Sychevskaya, Velikoluksky and Smolensk operations, in the liberation of Belarus and Baltic States.

16. Glinka Boris Borisovich (14 (27) .09.1914- 11.05.1967)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel.

In total, during the war, 30 aircraft were shot down personally and 1 in the group.

17. Odintsov Mikhail Petrovich (11/18/1921- 12.12.2011)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet military pilot of bomber and assault aviation, warlord. Honored military pilot of the USSR, Colonel-General Aviation, twice the hero of the Soviet Union.

During the war, 14 opponent aircraft shot down in air battles, which is the highest achievement among attachment-attack aircraft.

By the end of the war, 215 combat flights made, completed the war in the rank of Major's Guard.

18. Covered Petr Afanasyevich (08.24.1914- 22.08.1967)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Pilot-speakers, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Aviation.

By August 1943, he made 282 combat departures, participated in 50 air battles and had 22 shot down enemy aircraft and 7 in a personal account.

19. Valley Maria Ivanovna (12/18/1920- 03.03.2010)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Performed 72 combat departures on the PE-2 aircraft, dropped 45,000 kilograms of bombs. In six air battles, her crew shot down 3 enemy fighter in the group.

20. Maresyev Alexey Petrovich (07 (20) .05.1916- 18.05.2001)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet military pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.

In total, during the war, 86 combat departures made 10 enemy aircraft. On April 5, 1942, Maresev plane was shot down. 18 days made a pilot to his. As a result, the doctors were forced to amputate both frostite feet of the pilot.

In the hospital, Alexey Maresyev began training, preparing to fly with prostheses.

In February 1943 made the first trial departure. I achieved shipment to the front. In June 1943, arrived in the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment.

On July 20, 1943, Alexey Maresyev during an air combat with the superior enemy's forces saved the lives of two Soviet pilots and hit 2 enemy FW-190 enemy fighters, covering the JU-87 bombers.

21. Tashkin Alexander Ivanovich (06 (19). 03.1913- 13.11.1985)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet military leader, Marshal Aviation, Pilot-speakers, the first three times of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Candidate of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In the Soviet Union, it was officially believed that during the war years, the Tashkin made 650 departures, conducted 156 air fighting, hit 59 enemy aircraft personally and 6 in the group.

22. Kozhevube Ivan Nikitovich (06/08/1920- 08.08.1991)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet military leader, Marshal Aviation, Pilot-AS. Three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, People's Deputy of the USSR.

By the end of the war, Ivan Kozhevub, by the time Guard Major, flew to La-7, made 330 combat departures, 62 aircraft of the enemy hit 120 air battles.

On the first day of the Great Patriotic War on June 22, 1941, the Soviet pilots showed the wonders of heroism.

Taran - weapons of heroes. Poster of the period of the Great Patriotic War.
Artist A. Voloshin.

At dawn (at 04:25) on June 22, 1941, the deputy commander of the squadron of the 46th Fighter Aviation Regiment, Senior Lieutenant I.I., received its first and last battle in the sky over the Rivne region. Ivanov.

Raised after alarm, he made an departure at the head of fighter fighters to the interception of an enemy air group (from 6 to 9 non-111 bombers) approaching the Mlyn airfield. In the course of the rapid attack, our pilots hit one of the German bombovoz. The rest, dropping random bombs, turned back. Upon returning to your airfield Ivanov, I noticed the next German bomber directly at the rate. Without thinking, the Soviet pilot went on rapprochement with him. By this time he ended with ammunition, and was on the outcome of fuel. Despite the dense machine gun enemy, the Soviet pilot managed to hide an enemy aircraft and a shot to knock him down. Eyewitnesses who observed the Taran from the Earth, noted that the German pilot saw the Soviet fighter in his tail and, trying to avoid attack, began to fall on the wing to go to the dive, but Ivanov, having made a slide, shook the wine to the tail of the bombarder. After Tarana and 16 senior lieutenant Ivanov, with a strong roll led to the side. From the car something fell off, but it was clear that the pilot was trying to manage a strongly damaged fighter and put it in the field. However, a few meters from the ground, the aircraft began to swing hard, and then almost stuck down. From the injuries received and injuries, the brave flyer died in the hospital of Dubno. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 2, 1941, the senior lieutenant I.I. Ivanov was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. He turned out to be the only one of the Soviet pilots who committed on June 22, airstrip Taran and honored for this feat of the High Award of Motherland.

Senior lieutenant
I.I. Ivanov

Senior Lieutenant I.I. Ivanov Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (8.10.1909 - 22.06.1941), Soviet military pilot, senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union (1941, posthumously). In the military service from 1931 he graduated from the 8th Odessa Military Aviation School of Pilotov (1934), fighter pilot courses (1940). He served as Krasnoarmese (1931 - 1932), the pilot, the commander of the light-bombarding aircraft regiment of the Kiev Military District (since 1934). A participant in the campaigns of the Red Army (1939), the Soviet-Finnish War (1939 - 1940). Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 46th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1940). At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in his previous position. Made an air fence of the opponent's airplane on the first day of the war, died from the wounds received in the air battle.

Tragically ended with the meeting with our fighter and for the German bombarder. From the strike of the non-111, piloted by the Unter-Officer H. Wolfylele (H. Wohlfeilem), lost control, crashed into the ground and exploded on his bombs (5 km from Dubno). At the same time, the entire crew died (according to other data - the enemy pilots, except for the deceased air arrow, were missing).

One of the first to deliberate collision with the enemy aircraft, the commander of the 124th Fighter Aviation Regiment (IAP) Junior Lieutenant D.V. Kokorev. At the beginning of the war, the airlock was based on the border airfields of high-Mazowieck, Lomza, Bialystok (Western Special Military District). To reflect the second airway (the first flair, German aviation was carried out from 04:30 to 05:10 22.06.1941. Without any loss) several groups of MiG-3 fighters were raised into the air. According to an extract from the magazine of hostilities regiment, D.V. Kokorev took off in 10 MiG-3 at 05:10 (Moscow time). His goal was the DO-17Z from the headquarters of the German bombarding squadron KG-2. Shot by all the ammunition (during the shelling the crew was injured by various gravity), the Soviet pilot decided to finish the enemy plane to the shuffle. After a successful combat mission, he made a forced landing. However, the honored reward bypassed the hero. According to researchers, Junior Lieutenant D.V. Kokorev, carried away by the persecution of the German bomber, left his group and left the covered object. Later he continued to adequately fulfill his military debt, protecting the air approaches to Moscow and the blockade Leningrad. On October 12, 1941, Dmitry Kokorev did not return from the next combat task. Just at that time, he made more than 100 combat departures and hit 4 opponent aircraft: three personally, one - in the group. A few days before the death of the brave pilot, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe awarding of his red banner was signed, including, including, recognition of his feat on the first day of war.

Head of the headquarters of the 41st Fighter Airport I.I. Volkov puts the task of the younger lieutenant D.V. Kokorev (right). Bialystok, Winter 1939-1940.

In the morning of the first day of the war (at 05:20), the Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 33rd Fighter Aviamal (10th Garden, the Air Force of the 4th Army, Western Military District) was performed in the sky (10th Garden, Air Force) Goudimov.

As part of a fighter and 16 squadrons, he flew to reflect the German aviation plates (20 non-111 bombers accompanied by a small group ME-109) at the airfield near Kobrin of the Brest region. Another three squadrons returned from combat patrols were connected to the attack. In the air battle S.M. Goudimov labeled the shooting knitted by the enemy bomber, the second (due to the lack of ammunition) was struck by a shock blow. When you try to escape the lines of the parachute of the pilot hooked for fragments of the aircraft, which led to his death. Later for his feat Lieutenant S.M. Gudimov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree (posthumously).

Monument to Lieutenant S.M. Gudimov in the city of Pruzhany Brest region, Belarus.


Gudimov Stepan Mitrofanovich (07.11.1913 - 06/22/1941), Soviet military pilot, lieutenant. He graduated from the 7th grades of an incomplete high school and the factory-factory school school, worked as a mechanic on the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. In the military service since 1934 he graduated from the Aviation School No. 7 of the Stalingrad Red Banner Proletariat. A participant in the campaigns of the Red Army 1939 - 1940. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 33rd Fighter Aviation Serb of the 10th Mixed Aviation Division of the Union of the Belarusian Special Military District. In the air combat in the area of \u200b\u200bPruzhany, the Brest region knocked down two enemy aircraft (one of them by air ram). Heroic died on the first day of war.


In a similar situation, the commander of the 12th Fighter Aviation Regiment (64 Garden, Air Force 12th Army, Kiev Special Military District) Junior Lieutenant L.G. Bugatin.

Early in the morning June 22 (05:15, according to other data - 05:42) On the alarm, he climbed along with other duty crews to interception by an enemy airgroup, heading for the bombardment of the Bovshev Aerodrome of the Stanislav aerial. During the air combat, he managed to hit the enemy JU-88. When the cartridges ended, he directed his fighter and-153 into the tail of another German bomber and the airplane screwed it. "Junkers" lost control, fell on the wing and exploded at the fall. The air ram was also worth the life of the Soviet pilot. Due to the low height (up to 200 m), he could not use parachute and died. His body is one of the locals of the village of Neshin Golichinsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region later buried near the village. For your feat, the junior lieutenant L.G. Butanin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (posthumously).

In addition to individual pilots on the first day of the war, the air ram made entire crews. At 06:05 The crew of the high-speed bomber (Sat) of the 86th nearby Bombardvar Aviation Regiment (16 Garden, Air Force of the 5th Army, Kiev Special Military District) under the command of Lieutenant TS Malienko, flew from the airfield "White Church" at the head of the SB service to reflect the rotation of enemy aviation on his airfield in Terebed Ternopil region. When the German Messerschmitt is detected, BF.110C-5 has taken a "mental attack" against him. With a response shelling Sat TS Malienko caught fire. The crew of our aircraft took a single decision - to go to the ram. When a collision in the air, both cars turned into a pile of metal and collapsed to the ground. Lieutenant Malienko, Svurman S.I. Katin and arrows-radist N.D. Petrov went to immortals.

Almost at the same time, the commissioner of the 10th Fighter Aviation Regiment Lieutenant V.S. joined the air gripper with the enemy Loboda (Baltic Special Military District). Rising at 06:30 a second time in the morning in the air on the fighter I-16 in the squadron, in the area of \u200b\u200bSchauliai (Lithuania) at an altitude of 2 km, our pilots discovered a group of enemy bombers JU-88 accompanied by ME-109 fighters. Loboda link attacked aircraft. Soon the link commander recorded the first air victory. In the second attack, extinguishing the comrade (official version), Taranized another enemy fighter and died himself.

During the route of a large group of opponent aircraft to the only preserved black airfield (45 km south-west of Lida), the 11th Mixed Aviation Division in the air managed to raise only the Sat's command under the command of Captain A.S. Protasova (16th high-speed bombardment airlock). It immediately entered an unequal battle with the superior forces of the enemy. Fire from the automatic weapon crew of Protasov managed to knock off the Fighter of the Football, the following goal was the leaded squadron multipurpose fighter Me-110. In a tight accumulation of enemy aircraft, our satisfied was not to maneuver and he crashed into the enemy "messerschmitt". Both planes scattered into pieces. Together with Captain A.S. Protasov Heroic killed Sturman Senior Lieutenant A.K. Yarullin and the shooter Rasteist Sergeant A. Bessarabov. Later, the new commander of the 11th mixed air traffic police twice the hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General of Aviation G.P. Kravchenko presented Protasov to the award, but the question of the awarding of the hero remained only on paper.

Captain A.S. Protasov

Protasov Anatoly Sergeevich, Soviet military pilot, captain (1940). He graduated from the Comruus course (1931), the military-theoretical school of the pilots of the Leningrad Military District (1933), the 3rd Military School of pilots and pilot-observers Leno (1935). He served in positions: Junior pilot of the 15th Aviation Squadron of the 4th Heavy Aviation Brigade BWO (1935-1937), commander of the ship of the same brigade (1937-09.1939), the commander of the 16th heavy air team of Kalininsky, I.D. Assistant commander of the 16th Speed \u200b\u200bAviation Regiment (09.1939 - 11.1940), Commander of the 1st Squadron of the same Regiment (from 11.1940). Member of the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940). At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in his previous position. He died in airship, having made an air fever of an opponent aircraft as part of the crew.

The air raid ended with a safe outcome, which made the commander of the 126th Fighter Aviation Regiment (9th Garden, Western Military District) Junior Lieutenant E.M. Panfilov. On the morning of June 22 (08:30) in the air combat over his airfield in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Butsk (under the city of Bialystok, Belarus) made a rag of an enemy fighter me-109. Despite the wound, the pilot landed on the parachute and spent about 20 days in the hospital. Later fought in the Western, Southwestern, South, Bryansk, Stalingrad, Southeast Fronts. A total of 286 combat departures made 33 air combat, in which he shot down personally 5 and as part of a group of at least 1 opponent aircraft. He was awarded the Order of Lenin and two orders of the Red Banner. It seemed to be the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He died in air battle on August 12, 1942

At about 10:00 on June 22, 1941, a deputy commander of the 1st squadron at the political part of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regiment (11th Garden, Western Special Military District) was performed near the already mentioned airframe. Danilov. Earlier, in the first battle, he managed to knock down a German plane. Then followed a series of new air bows. When reflected on the airfield of the 16th high-speed bomber aviation regiment of the enemy bombardment group Danilov, who received several bullets, made a taran of the enemy ME-110 and knocked him down. Despite the damaged plane, he managed to safely put it at the village of Cullen Skander district. A certain time was believed that the senior Politruk Danilov died. On July 8, 1941, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding His Order of Lenin (posthumously) was published. After a long-term treatment in the hospital, the Hero found a well-deserved award. Guard Lieutenant Colonel A.S. Danilov passed the whole war, completing it in the defeated Berlin as a commander of the aviation regiment. In August 1945, as part of the Trans-Baikal Front participated in the war with Japan. In total, during military operations, 134 combat departures committed, 9 enemy aircraft were shot down in air battles personally and 1 - as part of the group. He is the only one who lived to victory from all the pilots who committed a air raid on the first day of the Great Patriotic War.

Senior Politruk A.S. Danilov

Danilov Andrey Stepanovich (1910 - 1964), Soviet military pilot, Guard Lieutenant Colonel. He graduated from the 3rd Orenburg Military Aviation School of Pilots and Lands them. K.E. Voroshilova. During the Great Patriotic War: Deputy Commander of the 1st Squadron at the political part of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Made one of the first air taranans in the war (06/22/1941). Deputy Commander of the 18th Guards Fighter Shelf on the Political Part, commander of the 168th Fighter Aviation Regiment (from 07.1943). Member of the Soviet-Japanese War (1945). In the post-war period worked in the management of agriculture.

The hot air battles in the morning of June 22, 1941 began over the legendary Brest Fortress, which became a "strong nutrition" for the enemy. In area 10:00 Four fighter fighters and 153 under the command of Captain N.P. Mazhaeva (123rd Fighter Aviation Regiment) entered into battle with 8 enemy fighters ME-109. Our pilots managed to knock down two enemy aircraft, the third taranny blows destroyed the commander of the link Lieutenant P.S. Ryabets. He spent in battle all the guests, he, not believing with danger, led his plane on the fascist vulture and tagged him. I managed to get out of the damaged machine and landed on a parachute. This feat, unfortunately, was not appreciated. In the future ps Ryabtsev fought on the Leningrad Front and died in one of the air fighting with superior enemy forces. In May 1965, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (posthumously).

On the first day of the war (around 11:00), Grodno Air Taran has made a pilot of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regiment (11th Garden, Western Special Military District) Lieutenant A.I. Pacin. On his fighter I-153, he shot down the enemy bomber with a punch with a shot (JU-87 is erroneously) and he died himself.

Defend Death, went to the taran of the enemy bomber JU-88 pilot of the 62nd assault aviation regiment Lieutenant I.I. Kovtun. In air combat (12:00 22.06.1941) y with. Lysytichi Stone district of the Lviv region, having consumed all the ammunition, the Soviet pilot with a shuffle of his I-153 destroyed an enemy aircraft (presumably from the composition of the 51st bombarding squadron).


Kovtun Ivan Ignatievich (1915 - 06/22/1941), Soviet military pilot, Lieutenant. In 1939 he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation School of pilots. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the pilot of the 62nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 63rd Mixed Aircraft Division of the 26th Army of Kiev special in, Porther Regiment. In the course of air combat y with. Lysytichi Lviv region Made one of the first air taranans in the Great Patriotic War. During the battle died.


Miscellaneous of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regiment Senior Lieutenant P.A. Kuzmin made the first day of the war at the countercourse of the first day of war, having shot down one opponent's plane. At 13:00 during air combat in the area with. Kamenka Grodno region, shooting all the ammunition, being seriously wounded, made a decision to turn the enemy fighter ME 109. Three times the enemy managed to dodge, but in the fourth attempt to Kuzmin Nastig an opponent and hit. Himself died when making Taran. According to experts, our pilot hit the aircraft piloted by the commander JG-27 Major Wolfgang Schellmannom, one of the best German pilots, the Kavitar of the Knight's Cross and the Golden Spanish Cross with swords and diamonds. He had 25 shot down aircraft (including one I-16, destroyed on the morning of June 22). He managed to escape on a parachute, but the German speaker became a victim of local residents, not particularly complaining of enemy pilots.

Senior Lieutenant P.A. Kuzmin

Kuzmin Peter Aleksandrovich (08/16/1908 - 22.06.1941), Soviet military pilot, senior lieutenant. He studied at Rabafak at the Kuibyshev Planning and Economic Institute, graduated from the Engel and Borisoglebsk school of pilots. He served in the 102nd Rifle Shelf (Commander of the Department), 48th and 72nd Fighter Aviation Shelves. Member of military conflict on Oz. Hasan (1938) and the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940). At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Made one of the first air taranans in the war during which he died.

On individual sources on the first day of the Great Patriotic War, the air ram made another number of Soviet pilots: senior lieutenants A.I. Moklyak, V.I. Sivolobov, Lieutenant N.P. Yeroshin, Junior Lieutenant D.V. Rokirov.

Monument to the senior lieutenant A.I. Moklyak in p. Cubes of the Bolgradsky district of Odessa region, Ukraine.


Moklyak Alexander Ignatievich, Soviet military pilot, senior lieutenant. After graduation in 1932, the FSU under the Poltava steam location worker worked as a blacksmith and studied at Rablika at the Kharkov Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. In 1934, he was sent to the 9th school of military pilots, after which in 1937, in 1937, distributed in the 47th Fighter Aviation Regiment (IAP) of Leningrad. In 1940, he was translated into the 67th IAP of the Odessa Military District as a commander of the aircraft. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Deputy Commander of the 4th Squadron of the 67th Fighter Aviamar. In air battles, several opponent bombers were shot down, one of them with a shock. Died during air combat.


Sivolobov Viktor Ivanovich, Soviet military pilot, senior lieutenant. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the 16th high-speed bombardment aviation regiment of the 11th mixed aviation division of the Belarusian specialty. In the area of \u200b\u200bGrodno on June 22, 1941, during an air battle, the opponent was tagged and he died himself. Yeroshin Nikolai Pavlovich, Soviet military pilot, lieutenant. In the military service from 1934 in 1938 he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation School of pilots. He served in the 17th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Kiev Special Military District. As part of the 72th mixed air strike, he participated in the Soviet-Finnish War 1939-1940. Since April 1940, as part of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 11th Mixed Aircondvisia of the Belarusian specialty. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the link of the same regiment. On June 22, 1941, in the air combat near G. Grodno, an opponent fighter was tagged in the frontal attack and died. Rokirov D.V. [? -?], Soviet military pilot, junior lieutenant. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the 124th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Made one of the first air taranans in the war (06/22/1941).


It should be noted that in the history of world military conflicts of the XX - early XXI century. On June 22, 1941, it became the day of the mass heroism of Soviet pilots, 22 of which were made by aerial tarana of enemy aircraft (personally and in the crews of combat vehicles).

Alexey Lashkov,
senior Researcher of Research
institute of Military History of the Military Academy of General
Headquarters of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Historical Sciences



Zhirohov MA, Kotlobowsky A.P. "I go to the ram!" The last argument of Stalin Sokolov. M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. P. 92.

Ibid. P. 98-99.

Airborne Defense Countries / Historical Essay. M.: Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, 1968. P. 69-70.

Zhirohov MA, Kotlobowsky A.P. Decree. op. P. 108.


Editor's response

Before attacking the USSR, the Military Air Forces of Fascist Germany did not consider the Soviet pilots as serious opponents. In Luftwaffe, it was believed that the German Assa could create only enemy air defense air defense. However, soon after aggression, the Hitlerians had to radically change their attitude towards Soviet pilots. Our aviation had invaders such a rebound, which Nazis did not meet anywhere in Europe.

Look in the infographics of AIF.RU, which of the Soviet pilots-Asov shot down the most German aircraft.

Click to enlarge

Ivan Kozdalub

Photo: RIA Novosti

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevyub. Born in the village of the conjugation of the Glukhovsky County Chernihiv province (now the Shostkinsky district of the Sumy region of Ukraine). The first meeting of the Kozjadbab with aviation began in the aircraft of the chest and technological technical school of the city of the Shostka, where he came after school. It was there in April 1939 he made his first flight. The beauty of the native land, which opened from the height of 1,500 meters, made a strongest impression on the young man and predetermined all his further life. In early 1940, Kitedub was adopted in the Chuguev military aviation school. According to memories of classmates, he flew a lot, often experimented, honing aerobatic skills and adored the theory of aircraft theory. The skills received during study were subsequently useful to Kozhevab: a combat machine, according to his comrades, he knew better than his five fingers. For the entire war, the pilot never was shot down, even a badly damaged fighter he risking his life, always returned to the airfield. After the defeat of fascist Germany, Kozdadub continued his studies, in 1949 he graduated with honors from the Red Banner Affiliate Academy. Strong knowledge and rich pilot experience have already very soon found their application. In 1951-52 Kozhevub during the war in Korea commanded the whole aviation division, his falcons were shot down in that conflict 258 enemy aircraft.

Alexander Tashkin

Photo: RIA Novosti

Alexander Ivanovich Tashkin Born in Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk). He was fond of aviation at the age of 12, when he saw the flight of aircraft in the sky. Subsequently, Cashkinov entered the 3rd military school of aircraft, and at the end of 1934 he became the senior aircraft in the 74th Taman Railway Division.

However, in order to become not an aircraft, but a pilot, the tashkin had to go through a long and difficult path. To get this profession, he persistently studied the history of flights and military history, physics and mathematics, physiology and descriptive geometry. Tashkin wrote 39 reports commanders with a request to let him down in a flying school, but every time he received a refusal. The situation in the root did not suit the young man in the root and in September 1938 during the next vacation for seventeen days, he mastered the two-year program of the Krasnodar Aeroklub and externally to "excellent" passed the exam. Finally, in his 40th report he posted a certificate of the end of the Aerocluba and already in November 1938 he became a listener of the Kaczyn military aviation school. A year later, he graduated with honors, now becoming a pilot.

The trained training path was worth it: already in 1941, healing the virtuoso of a flying case, Senior Lieutenant Tashkin was appointed deputy commander of the squadron. There exists a legend that, having received information about the approach of the fighter of this pilot, the Germans began to transmit urgent messages to each other: "Akhtung, Akhtung! In the sky Tashkin! "

Nikolay Gulaev

Photo: RIA Novosti

Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev Born in the village of Aksayskaya (now the city of Aksai Rostov region). He graduated from the 7th grades of an incomplete high school and school FSU, in the evenings studied at the aero cluck. This passion helped him in 1938, when Gulaeva called on the army. The amateur pilot was sent to the Stalingrad Aviation School, which he graduated in 1940.

During the war, Gulaev used the reputation of the Sorvigolov. In August 1942, an incident was happened to him, which showed both courage and some kind of characterity of his character. The young pilot had no permission for night flights, and when on August 3, 1942 in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the regiment, where Gulaev served, Hitler's airplanes appeared, experienced pilots went to the sky. Together with them, Gulaev, who decided to prove that he is not worse than the "old people." As a result, in the first battle, without experience, without the help of spotlights destroyed the German bomber. When Gulaev returned to the airfield, who arrived General Ozrozk: "For what flew out, I declare a reprimand, and for bringing down an enemy plane, raising in the rank and present to the award."

Gregory Rchchkalov

Photo: RIA Novosti

Grigory Andreevich Rchchkalov Born in the village of Khudyakovo, the Irbit County of the Permian province (now the village of Zakicovo Ibit district of the Sverdlovsk region). With aviation, he met while studying in a circle of planyrists in the factory school of the top-sash plant of Surchant. In 1937, he entered the Perm military school of pilots and subsequently finished her success. In 1939, in the rank of sergeant, he was enrolled in the 55th Aviation Fighter Regiment in Kirovograd.

The main feature of Rukchylov was perseverance. Despite the fact that the medical board identified Dalton's pilot, he achieved the right to continue the service and in 1941 was sent to the 55th Fighter Aviamal. According to colleagues, Rukchylov was distinguished by a rather uneven character. Being a sample of discipline in one fly, in the next it could be distracted from the fulfillment of the main task and just as strongly begin the persecution of a random opponent.

Kirill Evstigneev

Photo: RIA Novosti

Kirill Alekseevich Evstigneev Born in the village of Khokhli Poultry volost Chelyabinsk district of the Orenburg province (now the village of Khokhli Kushmyansky village council of the Shumihinsky district of the Kurgan region). According to memories, fellow villagers, he grew up a strong and very hardy boy.

Classes in the Aerocluba Evstigneev combined with work at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. Later he graduated from the Birm Military School of Pilotchik. Watching the light and accurate cascade of figures performed in the air in the air, it was difficult to assume that Evustigneev suffers from the ailment, having which, it was forbidden to serve in aviation, a peptic illness. However, like the other pilot-speaker Rukchkalov, Yustigneev showed perseverance and achieved him to be left in service. The skill of the pilot was so high that, according to the stories of colleagues, he could land the fighter on one wheel or on a narrow track cleared of snow between two meter ice barriers.