Anita Tsoi tips for losing weight. Anita Tsoi - the secret of her slimness

Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.

What is Anita Tsoi's height and weight?

With a height of 157 cm, Anita Tsoi weighs 52 kilograms.

Basic parameters of the figure:

How does the singer lose weight?

Weight loss - 3-5 kg ​​Type of diet - low-calorie

Duration - 3 days

Many fans of Anita Tsoi remember the times when she was overweight and weighed almost 100 kg. But her character, desire to be healthy and look good helped her achieve impressive results - minus 44 kg. Now, with a height of 157 cm, her weight is only 52 kg. It is for this reason that the site decided to pay attention to this diet.

The path to losing weight was long. As the singer said in one of her interviews: “I am prone to being overweight, and nothing can be done about it.”

On her way to her ideal weight, Anita Tsoi tried many popular diets, used diet pills, and worked hard. As a result of trial and error, the singer developed her own weight loss system, which helped her gradually achieve the desired results. Now, with a height of 157 cm, the singer weighs 52 kg and is in excellent shape.

In her weight loss system, Anita Tsoi uses the following rules:

Separate nutrition according to Shelton, when you cannot combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal / see. product compatibility tables and rules for separate meals according to Shelton /;

It is necessary to have sufficient physical activity every day;

Drinking enough fluid daily in the form of plain water;

Try not to eat after 20.00;

Once a week, arrange fasting days.

Since the singer does not always manage to completely follow her nutritional system, in order to quickly lose extra pounds, Anita Tsoi offers the following express diet:

For three days you need to take 15 grapefruits and 15 eggs and divide it all into three parts.

Anita Tsoi's grapefruit diet menu for the day:

For breakfast you eat the white of one egg, an hour later one grapefruit. An hour later, again the white of one egg, replacing another hour with grapefruit, and so on, alternating eggs and grapefruits. This gives you 10 meals throughout the day.

It is best to use orange grapefruits and carefully peel them before eating and use only the grainy segments. Boil the eggs hard, discard the yolk.

During the diet, you must give up tea and coffee and do not salt eggs. It is advisable to drink more water - up to 2 liters per day.

If you feel a loss of energy during the day, you can drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon.

In three days of such a diet, you will saturate your body with vitamins and easily lose 3-4 kg, especially in problem areas for women (hips, buttocks and abdomen).

You can repeat this diet every month, unless, of course, you have any contraindications.

Once a week, the singer recommends having a fasting day to cleanse the body.

Fasting day on cucumbers and kefir from Anita Tsoi:

During the day you can eat 1-2 kg of fresh cucumbers, drink two liters of water, and at night a glass of low-fat kefir.

Such a fasting day allows you to get rid of 1-2 kg of weight and gain a fresh complexion.

The singer also uses optional fasting days to unload:

On pineapples - all day he eats only pineapples and drinks water;

On kefir - 2 liters of low-fat kefir per day;

On cottage cheese - low-fat cottage cheese and water all day.

Having tried everything, the artist chose, perhaps, the most difficult option: the right way, sports and proper self-care. This is the famous Anita Tsoi!


– Anita, what do you remember this summer for? What did you discover and learn?

– Summer for me is the most interesting time of the year. We live outside the city, in nature, and every season we always rearrange something, change the interior... Recently, a fence collapsed and had to be restored. (Laughs.)

– Anita, I know you’ve lost a lot of weight this summer...

- Yes. Firstly, because I was actively preparing for a big concert. Secondly, I worked a lot on the new album. Well, thirdly, we decided to make an unusual video for the song “Your_A”. This is an internet love story. A guy meets a girl, they fall in love, start dreaming, and suddenly at some point the connection is broken... In the video, this moment is shown using a trick - we are lying on the parapet, and I am falling from a great height. Into icy water. When they offered me to hire a stuntwoman, I answered: “Why? We’ll do everything ourselves!” Of course, then there were professionals on the site who calculated the height, suspended me on cables and checked the belts. But I trained myself for two and a half months. Preparation for the stunt also included losing weight. I needed to lose 10 kg in a month. And I decided that this time I would not lose weight alone. I have many friends, fans, and readers on Twitter. I called out - who wants it? And I started posting my menu every day, writing how I cook and what I eat. And can you imagine? Some people lost 10 kg with me, others 5... My happiness knew no bounds when I read the comments of the mother of three children. She couldn’t start losing weight and began to think that she would never get in shape. And suddenly I lost the first 7 kg!


– Anita, when did you first realize that you needed to lose weight?

– I started fighting for my 56 kg in 1993, after the birth of my son.

– Were you satisfied with everything before that?

– You know, I was originally so... pedestal-shaped. Of course, I envied the girls, I remember very well, shedding tears - why, for example, do the boys stare at Masha, and when I go out into the yard, the boys offer me to be friends? And they even come up and ask: “What do you think I should give Masha?” Then I realized that there’s no need to be upset about this, because there are a lot of Mash, and I’m so bob-shaped, cheerful, lively - I’m alone. And that’s it – I decided to take it with just that: a fighting character!

– Why then did you decide to lose weight after the birth of the child?

– I have gained a lot of weight. I tried smoked lard with Borodino bread for the first time and was simply in seventh heaven - so delicious! They delivered it to me in chunks and said – eat, you need to eat for two! And, of course, I ate. One day I woke up and, as in that joke: “Can you see your legs? - No". My belly was so big that I couldn’t see anything but it. And, of course, it wasn’t just hormonal changes or the fact that I stopped actively playing sports. My overweight was due to an uncontrolled desire to benefit myself and my child... In general, at the age of 22, I weighed more than 100 kg. And then she started preparing porridge and mashed potatoes for the child... He eats a spoonful, and that’s it. It's a shame to throw it away. You remember how you used to get everything. She began to finish eating after the child.


– Was it difficult to accept your reflection in the mirror?

“I had no idea that I was no longer a beauty!” I felt so good - my beloved husband was nearby, I gave birth to a baby... But, you know, there always comes a moment in life when suddenly the bell rings and they seem to let you know that something is going wrong. I began to notice that my husband began to pay less attention to me, began to stay late at work... Our family has a trusting relationship, we live by the principle: if you want to ask, ask. And at some point I plucked up courage, walked up and asked the question: “What’s going on?” The answer I received was just as straightforward, straight forward and very unexpected: “Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” I literally froze. What is it? It turned out that in the mirror there was a housewife from the 90s, unkempt, wearing an apron... I then asked my husband: “How is this possible? You always said: people don’t greet you based on their clothes.” And he replied: “I appreciate you very much, you are a good mother, a wonderful friend, but I married another woman. Get yourself in order." I was insulted, humiliated, offended. Tears flowed like hail. My friends and family supported me, pitied me, but the situation did not change!

– And you started to lose weight. What was the most difficult, perhaps the scariest, for you?

– Turn on the brightest light, take off all your clothes, stand in front of the mirror. And look at yourself. But when I overcame myself and looked at it, I realized that my husband was right. And I decided to pull myself together. I bought a bunch of things - rubberized pantaloons, under which you had to apply weight loss gel, a vibrating massager, a machine for working out the inner surface of the thigh...

– Did any of this help?

“Because I threw myself into everything, I was blown away and got better again. But then at some point the bell rang again. I thought, since nothing helps, I’ll go in for sports again! Returned to equestrian eventing. And it so happened that I fell off my horse, broke my spine and ended up in the hospital for six months. And at this terrible moment, the husband proved that he is an absolutely amazing person. He was on duty at the hospital, spent the night in the ward, brought me salads... I can quite clearly say that over these six months we - not me, but we - got back on our feet. This is the first. And secondly, the doctors were afraid that I wouldn’t get out of bed, and they put me on a strict diet. I think I’ve never eaten so little and so tasteless in my life! But then I lost the first 15 kg, for me it was a huge step. And when my husband saw me lose weight, he was so pleased that I realized that I needed to move on. After leaving the hospital, it became clear that it was no longer possible to lose weight chaotically, and I began to look closely at proper nutrition. And then I decided to sing and brought my recordings to the Soyuz studio. And there they told me: “Lose weight, then come!”

- Was it offensive? Or not anymore?

- Not anymore. This was a new incentive. After some time, we signed a contract, and one of the conditions was to lose weight in six months while the album was being recorded.


– Did you manage to switch to proper nutrition right away?

“I tried, but it didn’t work out very well.” And then Thai tablets appeared on the market. I remember how I found them through some advertisement, bought them for crazy money, started taking them... And they began to melt before my eyes - it was an amazing feeling. Within a week, I got to the point where I stopped eating altogether, didn’t even remember about food, but drank huge amounts of water - I was incredibly thirsty. I ate 3 tablets and felt like an astronaut – my strength and energy were through the roof. After 2-3 months, having lost more than 10 kg, I suddenly felt: when I look at other people, it seems to me that they are terribly slow. And I have a quick reaction, all movements are clear, I do everything like lightning.

-What stopped you?

“I began to notice that my arms and legs began to twitch in my sleep. I also realized that diet pills can cause aggression. In general, many artists found themselves in ugly situations precisely because of Thai pills. All these yellow articles about someone beating someone, someone yelling at someone are the result of taking such drugs. They are a powerful psychotropic drug. After you stop taking these pills, the weight comes back, and nervous system"falls asleep." Some people, I know, have had problems with internal organs. It is very dangerous. At that moment - in 1997 - I weighed 56 kg. It seemed to me that I had never been so thin! Then the weight partially returned. But the system proper nutrition has already become “mine”. And at that moment I met an amazing acupuncturist who for a long time lived in China.

– Have you tried to lose weight with acupuncture?

“He immediately told me that it wouldn’t work out that way.” But acupuncture will help restore metabolic processes in the body, and losing weight will become easier. I went for treatments, started eating right... and lost 10 kg. And then he was gone, and I found myself alone. I was scared that the extra pounds might come back to me again. Fortunately, at this moment I was advised to contact nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. We have been losing weight with her since 2005 - it was then that with her help I “finished off” my last extra 25 kg. I began to weigh 48 kg. In general, the achieved result was maintained. And two years ago I decided, as they say, to get high in last time. Many began to tell me that losing weight after 40 years is much more difficult, metabolism slows down, and so on. I love to cook and I love to treat guests...

– And you decided – when, if not now?

– Yes, when, if not at 38? And in two years I visited all my friends who know how to cook deliciously. I cooked it myself. Traveled to different countries all my favorite Michelin-starred restaurants... In general, I ate to my heart's content. As a result, in two years - plus 10 kg. But I was happy. And completely happy, I went to see a nutritionist again. In general, now I will try to eat unsalted food, according to the principle “more often, but less”, I will try to make the most of the vegetables and fruits that grow in my garden. And on holidays - even these dates are known to me in advance! – I know for sure that I will eat deliciously.


As many people know, thanks to the Golden Ten nutrition system, Anita Tsoi reduced her weight by 45 kg! This is simply a fantastic result.

The diet is divided into ten days, each of which offers a specific non-calorie menu. Following it is not at all difficult and even pleasant, because all the products offered are accessible, healthy and tasty.

A similar diet was proposed by the doctor Margarita Koroleva, and now many women, following this regimen, are losing more and more extra pounds every day.

Most often, people lose weight by 5–6 kg in 10 days. And also they can. These are pretty good results in a relatively short period of time. The most important thing is to unquestioningly follow the proposed menu, and then extra pounds will be a thing of the past.

Anita Tsoi's Golden Ten diet really works!

She helps thousands of women get their bodies into amazing shape. It is important to note that this diet is not suitable for people with stomach ulcers and gastritis.

If you are interested, then follow the recommendations described. The entire weight loss system using this method is quite simple.

It includes:

  • minimum calories;
  • large amounts of drinking.

Maya Plisetskaya's star diet Don't eat and eat healthy

Perhaps the first 4 days will seem the most difficult. It is during this period that the diet is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body. Certainly, ideal option It would be to comply not only with the diet, but also with exercise. It won’t hurt to do strength exercises to strengthen your muscles once a day.

How much weight did Anita Tsoi lose?

As the famous singer herself says, following this diet for three days allows the body to receive the necessary vitamins, after which it is easier to lose extra pounds. The best part is that fat deposits disappear from the most problematic areas.

Of course, the singer did not manage to lose almost 50 kg right away. She has been working towards this for 16 years! Anita Tsoi’s Golden Ten diet certainly helped her with this.

A brief description of the diet or how Anita Tsoi lost weight

On the first day you need to stock up fresh cucumbers, parsley and 1% kefir in the amount of 2.5 mugs. From these ingredients you will need to make a cocktail in a blender, and then divide it into 6 meals per day.

It is very important to drink all 6 glasses before 8 pm and be sure to drink 2 liters on the same day clean water. This combination will help remove all impurities and toxins.

Then from the second to the fourth day the same menu follows. Every day you will need to eat 5 grapefruits and 5 eggs, boiled for 15 minutes. The grapefruit must be peeled and divided into slices, which must be consumed, as always, before 8 pm.

Plus, 2–2.5 liters of water per day. Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva advises drinking one glass of low-fat and unsweetened fermented milk product if you are very hungry.

The most difficult first 3 days of the diet

On the fifth day, we make a salad of 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1.5 kg of cucumbers. Make small portions for the whole day and consume until 8 pm. Don't forget about 2 liters of water, which you need to drink.

If you cannot bear hunger, you are allowed to drink a glass of water with a little honey.

When more fluid is removed, it's time to adjust your diet.

It is believed that this diet should be repeated once a month for best result, and, of course, the rest of the time, don’t “break down” and eat right.

Another rule of Anita Tsoi is to observe a fasting day once a week. Thus, the body is cleansed and improves its functioning.

Remember that the key to success is also to drink 2.5 liters of water!

Anita Tsoi's Golden Ten diet will work even better if you follow it for 3 months. Now you know an excellent diet, and how Anita Tsoi got rid of extra pounds.


Celebrities like ordinary people In order to lose weight, they also go on strict diets and go to gyms. And if a beautiful young face can be created with the help of professional makeup and plastic surgery, then to maintain your figure you need to work hard.

Today we will tell you how Anita Tsoi, who used to be a very plump girl for a long time, lost weight. On the Internet there are many photos of the singer before and after the diet, where you can see the results.

Anita Tsoi's weight loss

Anita Tsoi herself says that if you have a lot of extra pounds and want to lose weight, then do not give in to express diets, but rather choose a slower way to lose weight and eat right. And only against this background can you later try one of the stricter diets. In addition, you need to lead an active lifestyle:

  • to go to gym;
  • swim;
  • actively spend your free time.

Look at the photos of Anita taken before and after losing weight. You might think that these are two different people.

All her life, Anita Tsoi was not just plump, but quite plump. But one day she revised her diet and lost more than 30 kilograms. Losing weight according to Anita Tsoi’s method is called the “Golden Ten” diet, which will be discussed below.

Features of losing weight using the “Golden Ten”

Anita Tsoi suggested this weight loss diet nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, which helped not only her, but also many other domestic celebrities to lose excess weight. But according to Anita herself, losing weight without having strong motivation and going on a diet is very difficult.

The “Golden Ten” diet has the following feature: every day out of ten consists of a mono-diet, where one or another product is the key. Within ten days of the diet, weight is rapidly lost, and metabolism does not slow down as noticeably as with other low-calorie diets for weight loss.

“Golden Ten” diet menu for 10 days

Our first day is cucumber day. It includes the following products:

  • 600 g fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir;
  • parsley - in unlimited quantities.

You can prepare a number of dishes, for example, cucumber salad, while cucumbers are grated, poured with kefir and chopped parsley is added. No salt is added to the salad. The last meal should take place no later than 6 pm. If you remain hungry, drink up to one and a half liters of non-carbonated mineral water during the day.

Second day of the diet – grapefruit. The diet will be like this:

  • 5 medium sized grapefruits;
  • plain water;
  • water with lemon.

To prepare it, squeeze the juice of half the fruit into a glass of water.

The third day is an egg day. Hard boil and eat during the day 4-6 times 5 chicken or 20 quail eggs. Mineral still water – without restrictions. If hunger is too strong, you can add half a liter of low-fat kefir to your daily diet.

Day four – grapefruit and eggs. During the day, alternate between eating grapefruit and hard-boiled eggs. Drink a glass on an empty stomach lemon water, and before bed, eat half a grapefruit. Water is available in unlimited quantities.

The fifth day consists of eggs and cucumbers. Make a salad based on these ingredients:

  • one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 chicken eggs (8 quail), hard-boiled.

Divide the finished salad into 5 servings and eat throughout the day. Drink up to 2 liters of pure still water.

The second half of the diet: food variety

The second half of the diet will be more varied in terms of filling, so if you “lasted” the first 5 days, then the second five will be much easier for you.

On the sixth day, you can add variety to the menu, even high-calorie foods, which maintains a stable metabolic rate. The daily diet is as follows:

  • for breakfast – a small portion of oatmeal with water. You can add a teaspoon of honey and a couple of apple slices to it;
  • second breakfast – boiled egg;
  • after a couple of hours - grated carrots with vegetable oil;
  • lunch – natural low-fat yogurt;
  • afternoon snack - pear;
  • dinner – raw beets with vegetable oil or orange.

On the seventh day, meat appears on the menu. It looks like this:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and honey;
  • second breakfast - one fruit or vegetable of your choice (kiwi, carrots, pear, pomegranate or apple);
  • lunch – 150 g of steamed veal or beef with vegetables without salt and spices;
  • afternoon snack - orange, pear or kiwi;
  • dinner – 150 g of lean sea fish, stewed with vegetables without spices and oil.

The eighth day consists of eggs and cucumbers and completely duplicates the menu of the fifth day of the diet.

The ninth day consists of buckwheat. Buckwheat can be boiled or steamed, vegetables and lemon juice. Breakfast includes a serving of 250 g of buckwheat with onions, carrots and celery. During the day, eat 150 g of porridge and 200 g of fresh cucumbers several times.

On the last day of the diet you can eat different foods. The diet might be something like this:

  • breakfast - an omelet of two whites and one yolk;
  • lunch - vegetables (zucchini, onions and red peppers), baked in the oven with boiled cod;
  • dinner – boiled jacket potatoes with herbs.

You can also have a couple of snacks during the day; a salad based on one tomato and one cucumber is suitable for this.

Depending on how many extra pounds you have, the weight loss diet can be continued several times, starting from its first day. However, the maximum duration of this diet is three months. Then you need to take a break for a week and partially resume your previous diet. A prerequisite for losing weight through this diet is moderate physical activity.

Pros and cons of Anita Tsoi's diet

The huge and main advantage of this diet is its effectiveness. Within the first month you can lose 15 kilograms. The diet is constantly different for ten days, so all systems of our body are able to work stably. And such variety will not allow you to get tired of the diet and quit it.

During the first five days of the diet, the stomach reduces its volume due to the minimal calorie content of foods and their small portions. Then the body begins to receive adequate nutrition again, but the fat still disappears along with the unnecessary kilograms.

The key disadvantage of the diet is its strictness. In order to adhere to it and not deviate from the instructions, you need to have enormous willpower and motivation, like Anita Tsoi.

Another disadvantage of this food system is that it is not suitable for busy people, since it requires you to carefully control your menu and always carry portions of prepared food with you.

This diet also has its contraindications. It should not be practiced for diseases such as:

As you can see, any woman who suffers from excess weight and dreams of becoming slim can lose weight using Anita Tsoi’s method.

The popular singer said goodbye to being overweight quite a long time ago, but many are still concerned about the question of how Anita Tsoi lost weight, how she was able to “deceive” genetics, because she could not boast of a good figure since her youth, and what efforts she made for this.

Anita Tsoi lost as much as 54 (!) kilograms, changing beyond recognition, because she managed to completely get rid of excess weight. The secret of her weight loss is iron discipline, which she cannot do without, and separate nutrition, the principles of which she relentlessly followed.

How Anita Tsoi lost weight: the Golden Ten diet

Anita Tsoi's Golden Ten diet is considered low-calorie, but balanced, which is especially valuable. The diet is quite varied, but you need to adhere to it strictly.

  • Day 1: cucumbers (a glass of kefir is allowed);
  • Day 2: grapefruits;
  • Day 3: grapefruits (a glass of kefir is allowed);
  • Day 4: grapefruits (water with honey is allowed);
  • Day 5: cucumbers + eggs;
  • Day 6: oatmeal + carrots + boiled eggs + orange + beets;
  • Day 7: oatmeal + nuts + fruits + stew or fish;
  • Day 8: oatmeal + nuts + fruits + stew or fish;
  • Day 9: buckwheat + vegetables;
  • Day 10: one egg omelet, steamed fish, vegetables, apples.

The optimal result is achieved in combination with physical activity.
Anita Tsoi's ten-day diet is quite strict, and if you decide to repeat it, start on day 6, be sure to leave fasting days.

Weight loss, according to reviews and recommendations of the singer herself, occurs due to a decrease in caloric intake in combination with motor activity. The diet can help even those who have been overweight since childhood and have always had a tendency to be overweight (like Anita herself). The main thing is to follow the recommendations. Which?

  • Methods of preparing food - boiling and steaming, or in the oven.
  • Sweet, fried, fatty, flour, salty, smoked foods are prohibited.
  • Last meal no later than 20-00.
  • The drinking water norm is 2 liters per day.
  • Physical activity - every day, the more, the better.

Anita Tsoi's diet: pros and cons

The benefits, of course, include a balanced diet. The singer's menu included cereals, proteins, fruits and vegetables. Another advantage is the availability and low cost of products. Kefir, carrots and boiled eggs are affordable for everyone.

There are a lot of vitamins on the menu - the skin becomes smooth and radiant. A lot of fiber - the body is carefully cleansed of toxins and waste, which promotes even faster loss of excess body weight.

Disadvantages: strictness (if you can’t cultivate discipline in yourself, perhaps this diet is not really for you).

Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, adolescence, pregnancy, lactation, the presence of cancer and other severe and chronic diseases.

Articles on how other stars lost weight are available at the following links:

  • How Svetlana Permyakova lost weight– minus 16 kg
  • How Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight– minus 20 kg
  • How Anastasia Khodchenkova lost weight - minus 22 kg
  • How Anfisa Chekhova lost weight– minus 25 kg
  • How Polina Gagarina lost weight– minus 40 kg
  • How Olga Kartunkova lost weight– minus 61 kg

Diet results

Anita Tsoi's diet is a fast low-calorie diet - you can lose up to 8 kg in a week (the average calorie intake per day is no more than 1300 kcal).

If you want to lose even more weight, the diet can be repeated 2-3 more times, but from the sixth day, not from the first.

The diet is generally well tolerated if you already have some experience. If you have never tried kefir or apples, get ready that it will be more difficult, especially in the first days.

Please note that the body will cope worse with everyday stress, headaches and fatigue are possible. If it doesn’t go away after a couple of days, stop the diet. If you have any health concerns, be sure to consult your doctor before starting.

After Anita had her baby, she weighed more than a hundred kilograms. She struggled with excess weight throughout her life, and now this issue has become even more pressing. Not all methods helped, although the singer drank tea to lose weight, worked out in the gym, and did acupuncture. As a result, she managed to achieve the desired result. This article will talk about Anita Tsoi’s diet and advice on how to lose weight, which she happily shares in the press, various interviews and programs.

How did Anita Tsoi lose 54 kilograms?

After following a certain diet, the weight loss was amazing. The singer’s method is called the “golden ten”: the diet is designed for ten days. Following this diet, Anita Tsoi both lost weight and toned her body, which made her figure slim and toned.

Sample diet menu:

This menu is quite difficult to endure, but this is an effective secret from Anita Tsoi on how to lose weight.

In addition to this, you need to constantly move, run in the morning or go to the Gym. Anita Tsoi, answering the question: “How to lose weight?” He will definitely tell you that you shouldn’t eat after six o’clock in the evening. You also need to take into account that some foods are not absorbed by the body when taken at the same time.

Detailed menu of Tsoi's diet

Anita Tsoi's rules for losing weight

The rules of eating behavior that Anita adheres to echo the principles healthy eating, so sticking to them is easy and even very beneficial for the body:

  1. fractional meals- you need to eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions, in this case the feeling of hunger is eliminated, and the metabolism in the body is also accelerated;
  2. separate meals- Anita eats separately according to Shelton’s theory, that is, she never mixes protein and carbohydrate foods on a plate;

  3. precise meal plan- it is advisable to eat at the same time every day, and also not to overeat at night, organizing your last meal no later than 19:00;
  4. correct drinking regime- you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day;
  5. healthy diet- consume only foods that are healthy for the body (in particular, more fruits and vegetables), and exclude everything harmful (sweet, flour, fatty, smoked);
  6. systematic fasting days - the singer sometimes allows for slight “cheating”, so after “belly holidays” she always arranges fasting days on mono-products (kefir, apples, grapefruits, etc.).

Two main diets of Anita Tsoi

Anita practices two diet regimens aimed at quickly losing extra pounds - a strict express diet and a more gentle ten-day diet.

Express diet

This is a strict diet aimed at instant results, so it is recommended to stick to it for no longer than three days in a row. During this time, you can lose up to 5 kg, and specifically in women's problem areas - around the waist, hips and buttocks.

The daily ration of the express diet consists of five grapefruits and the whites of 5 eggs. In the morning on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of water, then eat a hard-boiled egg white, and an hour later - peeled grapefruit. Thus, you need to alternate foods, eating them every hour, for a total of 10 meals.

During the diet, do not forget about drinking water(at least 2.5 liters per day), if there is a loss of strength, we encourage the body by adding a few drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey to a glass of water.

We continue the diet for a maximum of 3 days and admire the results obtained.

Diet "Gold Ten"

Anita Tsoi also has a longer weight loss method - a 10-day plan, which involves eating one or more specific foods per day. “The Golden Ten” was compiled by star nutritionist Margarita Koroleva; it was thanks to this method that the singer lost 7 kilograms in 10 days for the first time, and then periodically lost weight with it again and again.

Detailed weight loss plan for the “Golden Ten Days”:

Day #1:

We use only a special cocktail, the preparation of which requires 0.5 kg of cucumbers (blended in a blender) and 0.5 liters of kefir. Divide the resulting mixture into 6 equal portions and consume throughout the day at 2-hour intervals.

Days No. 2, No. 3, No. 4:

Breakfast and dinner:

egg white - 1 piece;

half a grapefruit.

Lunch, afternoon snack and an hour before bedtime:

whole grapefruit.

boiled whites - 3 pieces.

Days No. 5 and No. 8:

Breakfast and afternoon snack:

cucumbers - 300 grams.

cucumbers - 400 grams.

mix of 300 grams of cucumbers and one boiled egg.

boiled chicken egg - 1 piece.

One hour before lights out:

cucumbers - 200 grams.

Attention: if you manage to get enough of a smaller portion, do not overeat.

The second half of the diet is considered more varied in terms of filling, therefore, if you managed to “hold out” the first five strict dietary days, That the second five will be much easier. So, on the sixth day, a little variety is introduced into the menu; even high-calorie foods are allowed that maintain a stable metabolic rate.

Day #6:

oatmeal (50 grams) in water with honey or pieces of sweet and sour apples.

hard-boiled egg.

grated carrots, drizzled with olive oil.

a glass of fermented milk drink (kefir 0%).

any non-starchy fruit.

chopped beets with lemon juice.

Before going to bed:

an orange or two tangerines.

Day #7:

oatmeal with apples and honey.

Lunch and afternoon tea:

any fruit or vegetable.

baked turkey - 150 grams;

steamed broccoli.

boiled pollock - 150 grams;

vegetable stew.

Day #9:

buckwheat steamed with boiling water - 200 grams;

carrot salad with onion, celery and lemon juice.

Lunch and afternoon tea:

a couple of cucumbers.

Dinner and supper:

morning portion of buckwheat.

Day #10:

  • an omelette made from yolk and two whites cooked in a dry frying pan.

steamed cod;

fruit assortment.

baked vegetables.

boiled potatoes in their jackets - 2 pieces;

The exit from the “Golden Ten” should be gradual - Anita recommends not to indulge in high-calorie foods, but to try to eat low-fat foods, and in moderate portions.

Depending on the weight loss goal that the person losing weight has, the 10-day period can be continued several times, starting from the first day. However, the maximum duration of this diet is three months. Then you definitely need to take a break for a week and partially resume your previous diet. A prerequisite for losing weight through this diet is moderate physical activity.

Anita Tsoi's approximate diet during non-diet times

The singer goes on strict diets from time to time when she urgently needs to lose a couple of extra pounds. The rest of the time, Anita simply eats according to the rules of a healthy diet.

An important rule of the star is to start the day with a full breakfast of hearty porridge with the addition of vegetables.

Anita's daily menu:

  • breakfast: cereal porridge with water or a salad of non-starchy fruits or low-fat cottage cheese with green tea;
  • snack: unsweetened organic yogurt;
  • lunch: vegetable puree soup and salad from any vegetables except potatoes;
  • afternoon snack: grapefruit or other citrus;
  • dinner: low fat chicken breast and several tomatoes.

Also, the artist at least once a week arranges a fasting day on one of the products:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • cucumbers;
  • citrus fruits;
  • chicken - 1 kg of steamed chicken is divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day.

Not a day without sports!

Intense sports activity is an important tool in Anita maintaining an ideal figure. The celebrity runs 7-12 kilometers every day, does fitness with a personal trainer, and also swims in the pool at least three times a week and attends a dance class.

According to the singer, a woman’s body after 40 especially needs care, so to maintain skin tone, she takes courses in manual massage and also uses the services of professional cosmetologists.

Pros and cons of Anita Tsoi's diet

The singer’s dietary marathons have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • efficiency- quickly help get rid of excess fat in the most problematic female areas;
  • normalization of the functioning of organs and systems- with the help of diets, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed and metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, as a result - active fat burning processes are stimulated
  • improving the condition of the skin - Due to active detox, the skin becomes smooth and radiant.

However, there are also obvious disadvantages:

  • Diet complexity- the diet is low-calorie, so it is difficult to complete both the express diet and the “Golden Ten”;
  • nutritional imbalance- there is not enough in Anita’s diet useful substances, which means it’s better to combine weight loss with taking a vitamin-mineral complex;
  • contraindications- both diets are not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, teenagers, as well as those who have chronic gastrointestinal diseases and high stomach acidity.

In any case, Anita Tsoi is a worthy example of how you can transform from a chubby girl into a sophisticated oriental beauty and long years keep the result!

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In our regular column about beauty secrets, singer Anita Tsoi talked about protein fasting days, a golden face mask, as well as how to overcome laziness and force yourself to lift dumbbells.

- Anita, you managed to accomplish a real feat - losing more than 40 kilograms...

Yes, this is a real achievement. I must say that I seriously faced the problem of excess weight after giving birth. No, before that, I admit, I wasn’t skinny - I had such a strong figure. Like in that joke: “90 - 90 - 90, where are we going to make the waist?” (Laughs.) This is about me. But there was no obvious obesity in any case. It all started when I got pregnant. At first everyone around said that you need to eat for two. I diligently followed these calls and slowly gained weight. Then I sat with my little son and at the same time learned to be a good housewife: I cooked borscht, baked pies... As a result, I didn’t notice how by the age of 22 I began to weigh more than a hundred kilograms. The most interesting thing is that it didn’t bother me. The main thing was that the husband and son were well-fed, the house was clean, everything was washed and ironed. I created my ideal world in which I felt comfortable. The alarm bell rang when my husband stopped paying attention to me as a woman and began to stay late at work. I plucked up my courage and asked directly: “What’s the matter?” And he answered just as directly: “Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” It was from this unpleasant conversation that my battle to save my family and fight against excess weight began. I am proud that I managed to win confident victories on both fronts.

- How did you manage to lose so much weight?

Proper nutrition and exercise. My fans know that I have tried dozens of ways to lose weight. But chaotic tossing from pills to diets, from sports to anti-cellulite creams did not give a stable result. Then I gave up on experiments and decided to just try to eat right under the supervision of a professional nutritionist. I still adhere to this nutrition system. Its principles are quite simple. Firstly, you need to eat often, but in small portions - this speeds up your metabolism. Secondly, you need to drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day. Thirdly, do not overeat at night, and ideally do not eat after seven o'clock in the evening. It is also necessary to separate the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates in time, do not forget about fruits and vegetables and remove fatty, fried and salty foods from the diet as much as possible. If you still have a belly celebration, then give your body time to unload. Low-fat kefir, berries or cucumbers are excellent for this purpose - your choice. By the way, in the cold season, it is more comfortable to arrange a protein fasting day: steam a kilogram of chicken, separate the meat from the skin and bones, divide into six equal portions and eat during the day. Without forgetting about water, of course.

Anita Tsoi's weight loss

Anita Tsoi herself says that if you have a lot of extra pounds and want to lose weight, then do not give in to express diets, but rather choose a slower way to lose weight and eat right. And only against this background can you later try one of the stricter diets. In addition, you need to lead an active lifestyle:

  • to go to gym;
  • swim;
  • actively spend your free time.

Look at the photos of Anita taken before and after losing weight. You might think that these are two different people.

All her life, Anita Tsoi was not just plump, but quite plump. But one day she revised her diet and lost more than 30 kilograms. Losing weight according to Anita Tsoi’s method is called the “Golden Ten” diet, which will be discussed below.

Features of losing weight using the “Golden Ten”

Anita Tsoi suggested this weight loss diet nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, which helped not only her, but also many other domestic celebrities to lose excess weight. But according to Anita herself, losing weight without having strong motivation and going on a diet is very difficult.

The “Golden Ten” diet has the following feature: every day out of ten consists of a mono-diet, where one or another product is the key. Within ten days of the diet, weight is rapidly lost, and metabolism does not slow down as noticeably as with other low-calorie diets for weight loss.

“Golden Ten” diet menu for 10 days

Our first day is cucumber day. It includes the following products:

  • 600 g fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir;
  • parsley - in unlimited quantities.

You can prepare a number of dishes, for example, cucumber salad, while cucumbers are grated, poured with kefir and chopped parsley is added. No salt is added to the salad. The last meal should take place no later than 6 pm. If you remain hungry, drink up to one and a half liters of non-carbonated mineral water during the day.

Second day of the diet – grapefruit. The diet will be like this:

  • 5 medium sized grapefruits;
  • plain water;
  • water with lemon.

To prepare it, squeeze the juice of half the fruit into a glass of water.

The third day is an egg day. Hard-boil and eat 5 chicken or 20 quail eggs 4-6 times during the day. Mineral still water – without restrictions. If hunger is too strong, you can add half a liter of low-fat kefir to your daily diet.

Day four – grapefruit and eggs. During the day, alternate between eating grapefruit and hard-boiled eggs. Drink a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach and eat half a grapefruit before bed. Water is available in unlimited quantities.

The fifth day consists of eggs and cucumbers. Make a salad based on these ingredients:

  • one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 chicken eggs (8 quail), hard-boiled.

Divide the finished salad into 5 servings and eat throughout the day. Drink up to 2 liters of pure still water.

The second half of the diet: food variety

The second half of the diet will be more varied in terms of filling, so if you “lasted” the first 5 days, then the second five will be much easier for you.

On the sixth day, you can add variety to the menu; even high-calorie foods are allowed, which maintains a stable metabolic rate. The daily diet is as follows:

  • for breakfast – a small portion of oatmeal with water. You can add a teaspoon of honey and a couple of apple slices to it;
  • second breakfast – boiled egg;
  • after a couple of hours - grated carrots with vegetable oil;
  • lunch – natural low-fat yogurt;
  • afternoon snack - pear;
  • dinner – raw beets with vegetable oil or orange.

On the seventh day, meat appears on the menu. It looks like this:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with fruit and honey;
  • second breakfast - one fruit or vegetable of your choice (kiwi, carrots, pear, pomegranate or apple);
  • lunch – 150 g of steamed veal or beef with vegetables without salt and spices;
  • afternoon snack - orange, pear or kiwi;
  • dinner – 150 g of lean sea fish, stewed with vegetables without spices and oil.

The eighth day consists of eggs and cucumbers and completely duplicates the menu of the fifth day of the diet.

The ninth day consists of buckwheat. Buckwheat porridge can be boiled or steamed; vegetables and lemon juice are also allowed. Breakfast includes a serving of 250 g of buckwheat with onions, carrots and celery. During the day, eat 150 g of porridge and 200 g of fresh cucumbers several times.

On the last day of the diet you can eat different foods. The diet might be something like this:

  • breakfast - an omelet of two whites and one yolk;
  • lunch - vegetables (zucchini, onions and red peppers), baked in the oven with boiled cod;
  • dinner – boiled jacket potatoes with herbs.

You can also have a couple of snacks during the day; a salad based on one tomato and one cucumber is suitable for this.

Depending on how many extra pounds you have, the weight loss diet can be continued several times, starting from its first day. However, the maximum duration of this diet is three months. Then you need to take a break for a week and partially resume your previous diet. A prerequisite for losing weight through this diet is moderate physical activity.