Terms of sowing curly beans in the middle lane. Planting beans in open ground with seeds

With such a culture as beans, many are familiar with childhood. Soups are boiled from it, added to salads, stews, and preparations are made. Beans belong to the legume family. It grows as a climbing herbaceous plant or shrub. The color of the fruit can be varied, with a very interesting pattern.

Beans are among the top ten useful products. Due to the content of about 20% protein energy value equated to meat, the balanced composition of the product supplies useful substances to almost all body systems.

Simple agricultural technology and unpretentiousness in care, the possibility of obtaining a generous harvest of healthy and nutritious fruits - all this encourages you to allocate a piece of land for beans in your area. Even a novice vegetable grower can handle growing beans. Beans are successfully cultivated in Belarus, Ukraine, the Moscow region, the Urals and even Siberia.

Terms of planting beans in open ground

Beans are heat-loving crops. Planting begins in the second half of May, when the threat of return frosts has completely passed. Maximum low temperature, which young seedlings are able to survive, is 0 ° C, at -1 ° C, seedlings die. If the frost was short, then the sprouts will survive, but their development will be slow, which will negatively affect the yield.

Covering with a film, agrotextile or building a temporary shelter will help to protect against a sudden drop in temperature, as an option - make a fire at night so that it smokes until the morning, this will help to ward off small short-term frosts.

When beans, be guided by weather conditions:

  • At a depth of up to 10 cm, the soil should warm up by 12-15 ° C (according to popular observations, this approximately coincides with the flowering period of chestnuts).
  • To start sowing a little earlier (in the future, this has a positive effect on yield), the soil should be “warmed up” by covering it with plastic wrap. After sowing, cover the beds again until the night temperature is +12 °C.

Upright varieties should be sown first, after a week, start sowing climbing varieties. Bush varieties are recommended to be sown in early July (just at this time the beds will be freed after harvesting early ripe vegetables).

Planting dates for beans in the middle lane and Moscow region

Experienced gardeners perform sowing in several stages. From mid-May to early June, beans can be sown at intervals of 10 days.

Dates of planting beans in Siberia and the Urals

AT open ground seeds can be planted in early June.

Should beans be soaked before planting?

Immediately in open ground without growing seedlings. Whether to soak the beans before planting, think carefully: the prepared seeds will need to be planted immediately, despite the weather conditions or sudden business that has appeared. Therefore, calculate your time so as not to spoil the seed in vain. In addition, soaked seeds must be planted in moist soil, because with a lack of moisture, the sprouts will simply die. Therefore, when planting, water the holes and plant the soaked seeds in the dirt or water after planting.

To get earlier shoots and protect young shoots from diseases, it is advisable to pre-treat the seeds before planting.

Start processing in the evening before sowing. The process takes place in several stages:

  • For 10 minutes, place in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse with water.
  • Next, soak for 2 hours in an infusion of wood ash, rinse again.
  • Wrap in a damp cloth and leave at room temperature until morning.
  • Immediately before sowing, dip in a solution of boric acid for 5 minutes.

When deciding whether to soak beans before planting, consider the following factors:

  • If you plant in dry soil and there is no way to water, it is better not to soak.
  • If it will rain soon and you are sure that you will have time to plant, you can soak and do not water when planting.
  • It is advisable to soak if it is already late, and you want to quickly get shoots.
  • When planting large areas in the field, it is better not to soak, you will not have time to water, and the seeds may die from lack of moisture in fairly dry weather.

Choosing a place to plant beans


For the cultivation of beans, choose a well-lit place, avoid drafts and strong winds. Young immature sprouts are very sensitive to this. Often beans are sown along fences, under apple trees.

Soil composition

Clay soils are contraindicated, since they do not pass water and air well, and the roots of the plant do not tolerate dampness (they simply rot). Loose soils with a nutritious top layer are best suited.


Take into account the crops that were previously grown on the site. Excellent predecessors are carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant.

Preparing a site for planting beans

Site preparation consists in digging to the depth of a shovel bayonet and introducing one of the nutrient compositions (per 1 m²):

  1. Compost or humus (4 kg), 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and dolomite flour, 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate.
  2. About 2 kg of humus or compost, 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of wood ash.

The scheme of planting beans in open ground and the depth of embedding

Planting bush beans scheme:

Holes are made at a distance of 20-25 cm, a distance of 40 cm is kept between the rows, planting depth of bean seeds is 5-6 cm.

Planting curly beans scheme:

For climbing varieties, the row spacing should be 45-50 cm. They will need support.

Place a few seeds (5-6 pcs) in each well, pour warm water over it. When seedlings appear and give one true leaf, leave 3 sprouts in the hole (the rest can be transplanted or simply removed).

Planting scheme for green or asparagus beans

It is also convenient to plant string beans, or asparagus, in rows: the depth of the grooves is about 5-6 cm, the row spacing is left 40-60 cm wide, 10 cm is enough in a row between the beans.

How to plant beans in rows, look at the video:

The method of planting beans described in the video is very convenient for use in summer cottages and backyards.

Joint planting of corn and beans

Curly beans are often grown together with corn. Planting is carried out under a chopper: they make shallow holes with a chopper, raking the ground in one direction, throw 2 corn seeds and 2-3 bean seeds each, rake the hole with their foot and move on. The distance between the rows is 0.7 m, in the row between the holes - 30-40 cm.

Further plant care is simple: timely weeding, if it is in the steppe. If at home, you can occasionally water to get a rich harvest.

Planting curly beans on video:

Should beans be watered after planting?

When planting in the steppe, the beans are not watered, if it is a personal plot, it is better to plant the beans in the mud and sprinkle with damp earth (before planting, pour some water into the holes or rows). This does not form an earthen crust on the surface, and it will be easier for young tender sprouts to break through.

How many bean seeds germinate

Germination is accelerated by seed treatment with a growth stimulator and soaking.

Untreated bean seeds begin to germinate 7-10 days after planting. If the air and soil temperatures are below the recommended values, then the seeds germinate longer by 5-7 days.

How to care for beans outdoors

Beans are unpretentious, require minimal effort on the part of a person. It is useful to spud young shoots to give them stability.

How to water

The plant is moisture-loving. It is important to ensure regular balanced watering if you want to get a lot of beans. Pay special attention to this moment during the formation of the pods. Watering is carried out about 1 time per week, determine the water rate for the bush “by eye”, the main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out. For irrigation, it is better to use softened water with a temperature of at least 18 ° C. To this end, you can install a barrel in the garden to collect rainwater or settling tap water.

How to feed

Beans are usually not fed. However, a high level of agricultural technology will allow you to get a much larger crop. The culture is responsive to, but don't overdo it. Otherwise, the tops will actively develop, which will reduce the ovary of the pods.

If you took care of laying the nutrient layer during planting, it is enough to feed three times per season.

  • The first top dressing is carried out 1-1.5 months after germination. Apply a complex of mineral fertilizers with an emphasis on nitrogen and phosphorus. Superphosphate can be added (30-40 g per 1 m²).
  • For the formation of fruits, a second top dressing should be carried out 3 weeks after the first. Apply 10-15 g of potassium salt per 1 m² of area.
  • The third time they are fed after another 3 weeks.

Remove weeds from the area regularly.

After watering, gently loosen the soil in the trunk circle.

Useful video about growing vegetable beans:

Diseases and pests of beans

Infected seeds are the source of disease, so discard poor-quality seeds (wrinkled, darkened, unevenly colored, with strange dots or spots) and be sure to pre-treat. Choose more resistant varieties (we talked about them earlier). In the southern regions, sow later so that the plants are formed at a temperature of 25 ° C. Also, a measure of the fight against diseases and pests is the observance of crop rotation (grown in the same place with an interval of about 4 years).

Bean diseases:

  • Anthracnose - the whole plant with leaves and fruits is covered with rusty spots.
  • Powdery mildew - is recognized by the presence of a whitish coating.
  • Ascochitosis - spots with a black core and a blurry contour appear on the leaf plates. The defeat most often occurs at the fruiting stage - it is too late to treat.
  • Rust - the leaves are covered with brown spots, which quickly flood the plant, literally killing it. Most often passes from weeds-euphorbia. If the disease occurs even before flowering, treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • Deforming and yellow mosaic - leaf plates are covered with yellow specks, they become wrinkled, growth rates slow down. However, the virus may not affect the fruit.
  • Bacterial wilt - the edges of the leaves become covered with yellow spots, then they turn completely yellow and fall off. The disease develops at high humidity, so avoid watering by sprinkling.

Bean pests

Pests are not often disturbed. Among them:

  • whitefly
  • bean weevil
  • sprout fly

In addition to the preventive measures described above, timely harvesting (before the pods crack) will help protect the beans from pests. To kill pests, keep the beans in the freezer for 3-4 days.

Before and after flowering, it is possible to treat with a broad-spectrum biological product.

The stems and leaves of beans can be attacked by slugs. It is important to carry out weeding in a timely manner, because gastropods love a cool, humid environment. These pests are collected manually or special traps are used.

Bean harvest time

The timing of harvesting depends on the variety and variety of crops.

Do not overexpose in the garden asparagus beans- in the dried state, the quality of the product is lost.

If you plan to use the fruits for preservation, they can be harvested slightly unripe. To store beans dry, you need to wait until they are ripe. But do not be late so that you do not have to collect beans from the ground.

Ripening can occur unevenly: in the shade of their own tops, some ovaries remain greenish, and at the tops - the pods are already dry. Remove the last, leave the rest to ripen.

It is not necessary to manually extract the beans from the pods. Take a sack or spread a blanket, lay out the well-dried pods, and with moderate force, walk with a stick or other similar object. Remove the husk, and sort the beans, dry and store. Store in glass jars with a tight-fitting lid (preferably glass or metal).

Varieties of beans with photos and descriptions

The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a cultivated species for beans. Among the varieties (curly or bush), bush beans are most often preferred.

A variety of varieties complicates the choice. Consider the classification depending on the adaptability of the variety to certain climatic conditions of a certain region.

Bean varieties for Ukraine, Belarus, Moscow region

Moscow white green 556 - forms bushes about 25 cm high. The beans are covered with a very thin parchment layer (it boils rather quickly). The variety is resistant to both drought and high humidity. The period from sowing to technical maturity is 100 days.

Nomad is a climbing variety with an average ripening time. The beans are egg-shaped, ocher in color with a pattern of pale purple. They do not have fibers and a parchment layer, which makes the structure soft and tender.

Varieties of beans for the middle lane and the Urals

Orange - bush plants 35-55 cm high. Early maturation (80-90 days). The fruits are distinguished by high palatability. From 1 m² you can harvest up to 200 g.

Pink - the bush winds, the stems reach a length of about 3 m, it needs support. The beans have a marble-pink color, delicate in texture (there is no fiber or interlayer). Universal in application (the unique taste is preserved in any form). The ripening period is 65-85 days.

Bean varieties for Siberia

The winner is a climbing variety. The fruits are large, the length of the pods is about 30 cm. Due to good immunity, resistance to cold, cultivation in Siberia is possible. The variety has fiery red flowers, which is why it is often used for decorative purposes.

The oil king is asparagus beans, the ripening period is 1.5 months. Tubular fruits will please even gourmets. The length of the pods is about 25 cm. The application is universal: freezing, canning, dry harvesting of beans.

Beans are a heat-loving plant, however, it can be grown in open ground almost throughout Russia. The benefits of its cultivation are not only in nutritional value, but also in early dates maturation.

Salads are made from beans, they are used for hot dishes, canned, eaten fresh, frozen and dried.

Beans are useful for people who are sick diabetes, hypertension, nervous diseases.

Valuable properties:

  • The protein contained in beans is easily digestible and is close to the animal in its characteristics.
  • It contains vitamins PP, E, and group B - almost completely.
  • Nicotinic acid lowers blood pressure and promotes heart function.
  • Minerals and trace elements necessary for a person are present in it almost in full composition.

Different varieties of beans do not pollinate each other, that is, when different species are grown in the neighborhood, varietal characteristics will not be weakened.

Biological processes take place in the nodules on the roots, enriching the soil with nitrogen.

Choice of bean variety

There are many varieties of beans. The first step is to decide for what purposes it is needed - for eating raw or for storage.

Types of beans:

  • sugar or asparagus (vegetable) has tender pods that can be eaten unripe;
  • semi-sugar or universal - its pods can be eaten while they are young;
  • shelling - in most varieties, only grains are eaten.

Among other things, these species differ in the presence of an inner parchment layer: the semi-sugar one has it, while the vegetable one does not.

But not every bean will have time to ripen in areas with a short summer, so when choosing a variety, the length of the growing season and regionalization are taken into account. For cultivation in the Non-Chernozem zone, it is better to choose early-ripening varieties.

According to the shape of the bushes, beans are:

  • bush (growth up to 50 cm, erect);
  • semi-curly (up to 2 m high);
  • curly (grows up to 5 m, requires support, has a high yield).

The best varieties

Variety View grain color
Bush deer king asparagus White
Moscow white green pod Shelling
Oil King asparagus golden yellow
Indiana White with a pattern
saxa greenish yellow
semi-curly Rachel vegetable White
Glowworm asparagus
Lika Sugar Ocher
curly Winner Asparagus, but requires boiling Light purple
(varieties may vary)
purple queen asparagus Beige
Mauritanian black
golden neck White

In terms of ripening, beans are early (less than 65 days), mid-ripening (about 75 days) and late-ripening (up to 100 days). The maturation period of asparagus varieties is from 44 days for early-ripening to 55 days for mid-ripening varieties.

Landing dates

The time when you can plant beans in open ground depends on the climate in the growing region. It may be the end of April or May, when warm weather sets in and the soil warms up to about +15°C. It will not grow in cold soil, because the grains will rot.

This is especially true for climbing varieties that need to be planted when fine weather lasts at least 10 days. Sometimes this period occurs in July. But in this case, you need to choose a variety with a short ripening period.

Beans grow well at temperatures above 0 C, preferably from +3–4°C. It will endure a short-term decrease to -1 ° C, but it will not survive the frost. The best temperature for legumes is +25°C.

Where the summer is long, asparagus can be planted several times with a 15-day break. This will make it possible to constantly remove young beans.

Soil preparation

A bed for beans should be prepared in the fall: dig deep, add up to 10 kg of humus, 40 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium salt per 1 m2 of soil. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers, like organic fertilizers, are added only on depleted soils.

Acidic soil is limed with ash, slaked lime. But best of all - limestone (dolomite) flour, saturated with magnesium.

In the spring, the ground is again loosened and weeds are removed no later than 3 days before planting the beans. To warm the soil, it is covered with polyethylene.

The soil is watered in advance. If necessary, before planting, it is again moistened and allowed to absorb water.

Processing beans before planting

To obtain planting material, healthy grains collected from the lower branches are left in the fall. AT good conditions bean seeds can be stored for many years.

Before landing, they must be prepared:

  • select healthy ones;
  • soak in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, rinse;
  • hold for 2 hours in an infusion of ash;
  • wrap in a soft cloth and soak for a day until swelling and germination;
  • 5 minutes before planting, dip in a solution of boric acid (1 g / 5 l of water).

Growth promoters can be added to the soaking water. It is impossible to keep seeds in water for a long time: they may die.

How to plant in open ground

Beans can be planted as seeds or seedlings. In areas with a short summer, seedlings will provide an opportunity to get a full harvest.

Seedlings are grown in a greenhouse for 2-3 weeks. It is better to do this in special containers that make it easy to move the plant to a permanent place without disturbing the roots.

For bush beans, the distance between rows is made at least 40 cm, between holes - 25 cm.

For climbing varieties, the aisles are left 50 cm wide, the holes are made 30 cm apart.

Up to 5 grains can be planted in each nest. After germination, when the first leaf opens, 3 sprouts are left in the holes.

To protect plantings from the night cold, for the first time the bed is covered with a transparent film.

Where is it better to plant and after what

Beans require loam or sandy loam with an acidity of 6.5-7.0 pH. Clay soil will not work. Places with close groundwater are unfavorable. It will develop poorly on heavy soil.

The place where the beans grow should be well warmed up and illuminated by the sun. In addition, it must be protected from drafts.

On the former site, the crop can be planted after 4 years: this will protect the plants from infection with diseases, the pathogens of which overwintered and multiplied in the ground.

For beans, beds are suitable after:

  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • root crops;
  • potatoes.

It is desirable that pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, beets, peas or cucumbers grow in the neighborhood. Undesirable - garlic, fennel and onions.

Curly varieties are conveniently placed along the hedge. Supports are built for them. These can be tapestries or cords attached to posts.

Do not use smooth materials for supports, as the lashes will not hold on to them.

planting depth

Seeds are immersed in the soil by 5 cm. With a deeper planting, they will rot. The density of the soil is also taken into account - if the earth is heavy, the grains are placed at a shallower depth.

Is it possible to plant in holes with potatoes

Sometimes bush beans are planted along with potatoes. It enriches the soil with nitrogen, Colorado beetles "do not understand" whether it is worth laying eggs in such a bed. Potatoes protect young bean sprouts from drafts.

But they cannot be placed in one hole, since the beans will take food from the potatoes and shade it. When planting these vegetables together, the beans should be 3 times less. It should not be planted between the rows, as this will complicate the care of both crops.

Landing Care

Planting beans does not require time-consuming care.


On wet soil, the beans will grow poorly, on dry soil, they will weaken and shed flowers.

With insufficient watering, the fruits will lose their taste. With excess water, the leaves grow rapidly, and the development of the pods slows down. Therefore, you need to ensure that the ground under the plantings is always wet, but not too wet.

The first time the bushes are watered after 10 days or once a week. At this time, 6 liters of water per 1 m2 are required.

When 5 leaves bloom, watering is stopped until the plantings bloom.

Before the formation of pods, plantings are watered after 10 days, after which they begin to moisten the ground 2 times more often.

Water is taken warm, settled, best of all - heated well or rain.


Bean roots need a constant supply of oxygen, so a dry crust should not be allowed to appear on the soil surface.

The first time the earth is loosened when the sprouts rise by 7 cm. They do this shallowly and carefully.

In the future, the soil is loosened after each watering. At the same time, weeds are removed.

Bush varieties spud as soon as they begin to stretch.


Beneficial bacteria develop on bean roots that can take nitrogen from the air and deliver it to plants. Therefore, on fertile soils, instead of applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers, a good loosening of the site is sufficient.

Top dressing under the bushes is applied in liquid form, otherwise the calcium, phosphorus and potassium necessary for this legume will not be absorbed.

They begin to fertilize the bed as soon as a few leaves appear - about 3 weeks after the first shoots appear. During this period, plantings require phosphorus. Superphosphate is applied - 40 grams per 1 m2 or complex fertilizers.

The second time the beans are fed with potash fertilizers during the appearance of buds - about 3 weeks after the first treatment.

To attract bees, you can spray bean plantings with sugar syrup.


Asparagus beans are harvested underripe: when ripe, they lose their nutritional value. Remove the beans gradually as they ripen.

You can use green pods, which are harvested within 8-15 days after the formation of the ovaries. The juiciest beans are those that are harvested in the morning while still wet in the sun.

Both unripe and fully ripe grains are harvested for processing.

Seeds for storage are collected after the pods dry. If the cut lashes are hung and left in a ventilated room, after 2 weeks the grains themselves will fall out of the opened doors. The beans are dried and stored in a tightly closed container.

The roots are left in the ground: having rotted, they will saturate the soil with nitrogen.

Possible problems

Beans are fairly disease resistant, but the leaves still need to be inspected from time to time. First of all, this applies to the non-chernozem zone, where, due to excessive moisture and low temperatures, plants can be affected by viruses and bacteria.

Slugs love beans. Removal of weeds, moderately dry soil, and the destruction of the mollusks themselves save them from raids. Henna scattered around the shoots and dry nettles spread out in the garden help to scare away slugs.

Moth moths lay their eggs on beans. Their larvae feed delicate greenery causing great damage to plants. Measures to combat them: removing weeds, loosening the soil, spraying with insecticides.

Since, after chemical treatment, the fruits cannot be eaten for some time, the bed can be irrigated with wormwood:

  • flowering wormwood - 300 g (grind);
  • wood ash - 1 cup;
  • liquid soap - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - a bucket;
  • insist 6 hours.

At the initial stage of pest infestation, bean plantings are treated with ash or superphosphate.

Possible bean diseases:

  1. Anthracnose. Brown spots appear on the leaves, which gradually turn yellow. Holes appear on the affected areas.
  2. Viral mosaic. White and green spots appear on the leaves and fruits. These areas die, the plants wither. Only the removal of diseased bushes will help.
  3. Bacteriosis. Bacteria penetrate into all tissues of the plant. Oily brown spots appear on the surface of leaves and fruits. The stems are cracking. You can spray with antibacterial drugs, but you need to observe safety measures and take into account the periods after which it will be possible to eat fruits.

After using chemicals to fight insects or diseases, the fruits should not be eaten for about a month. Since asparagus beans are eaten green, the use of such preparations on its plantings is unacceptable.

Eating shelling bean varieties is delayed in time, so they can be processed. Best compositions containing copper. Beans grown for grain are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid 2 times a month to prevent fungal diseases.

Affected plants are destroyed to prevent the development of the disease. For barely sprouted beans, for the prevention of diseases, it is advisable to shed "Fitosporin". It is worth doing this after harvesting.

Before flowering, you can use "Baktofit" or "Trichodermin".

P bean sludge from seeds and care is a very responsible job. Many inexperienced summer residents are wondering how to plant beans in open ground, because they don’t know when to do it and how to plant it correctly.

In fact, any gardener can handle growing beans from seeds. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions and provide proper care.

About when to plant beans from seeds, you can calculate on the Internet and in specialized literature. You can also plant in a greenhouse. However, many experienced gardeners believe that when grown in the ground, it is much easier to ensure proper care for her. It's connected with different reasons. If the landing goes well, there should be no serious problems during cultivation.

Growing beans

Planting in the ground has a lot of advantages, for example:

However, some gardeners believe that it grows much better in a greenhouse than in the open field. In the conditions of the Russian Middle Strip and more northern regions, this is true. However, in those regions where the climate is warm and dry, it is best to plant from seed in the ground. The main thing is to provide the plant with proper care after planting. Proper care is the key to a good harvest.

Some gardeners believe that planting on a personal plot green beans optional, as it is freely available in the vegetable departments of large supermarkets.

However there is nothing better than vegetables from their beds to grown using environmentally friendly technologies. Anyone who wants to be healthy and eat right knows that it is rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Same vegetables are high in protein, therefore, it is an ideal meat substitute product for those who observe Orthodox fasts. However, on the shelves of supermarkets, it appears already frozen. In spite of modern technologies"shock freezing", allowing you to save a large amount of nutrients in frozen vegetables, frozen, it loses many beneficial features.

Therefore, it is best to use vegetables from your own home for the preparation of hearty and tasty dishes. suburban area. Young beans of some varieties are consumed together with green pods, plucking it at the very beginning of ripening. Mature is cleaned of pods. Regular consumption of beans helps to strengthen the body a, because:

  • It quickly creates a feeling of fullness, so dishes from it should be periodically included in the menu for those who are on a diet;
  • This vegetable normalizes digestive processes;
  • Contains a high concentration of fiber;
  • Pods and beans also contain antioxidants- useful substances that effectively fight the aging of the skin and internal organs.

This product must be included in your diet by people who perform heavy physical work, as this protein-rich vegetable helps to restore strength. Dishes made from green beans have a pleasant taste. However, canned, especially those sold in stores, are not as healthy as fresh ones.

If the gardener has received a large crop, it is best to dry it and store it in hermetically sealed containers or in a canvas bag. And you can make homemade canned food using an autoclave. The advantage of home canning, compared to store-bought, is that there is definitely no excess of salt, hot spices and industrial chemical flavors in home canned food.

How to plant beans: seed preparation

You can choose seeds for planting from your own seed. However, many gardeners prefer to buy seeds for planting in specialized stores, as they want to grow different varieties. In some cases, using your own material is not recommended.

If she suffered from fungal or bacterial infections, it is better to purchase seeds for planting in a store or from garden neighbors.

Infection can be recognized very easily: when the vegetable ripens, brown, dark brown and black spots can appear on the pods in the form of concentric circles. Seeds from such pods should never be used for planting. Pods with signs of infection should be burned. Seeds are prepared for planting in open ground as follows:

  • During harvesting, you need to carefully remove the ripened pods and spread them out, for example, on a table or on a newspaper. It is desirable that they do not come into contact with each other, because the contact of the pods leads to their rapid decay;
  • When the pods dry out a little, you can start extracting the seeds. To do this, you need to take the pod in one hand, and gently break it with the other hand. You need to break the pod only with your hands so as not to damage the seeds located there;
  • Further, seeds - beans are removed from the pod with a slight movement;
  • After all the pods are peeled and the beans are collected in canvas bag or into a plastic container, the selection of beans for seeds begins. The largest beans are selected for seeds;
  • You should not save deformed beans and beans for seeds irregular shape, since deformation can be a sign of congenital deformities;
  • Beans selected for seed should be germinated;
  • Germinated seeds are planted in a greenhouse or in open ground.

When choosing seeds, you should pay special attention to their color. White beans are suitable for those who like to eat right. Dishes from it are often included in various diets. Fresh red beans contain toxic substances, so you should never eat fresh red beans. It is eaten only after conservation or prolonged heat treatment.

Black bean is rich in protein and other nutrients, but black bean dishes are quite a heavy meal. It is best to plant an ordinary, most common white beans. She matures quickly good harvest and has excellent taste.

Beans: planting and care

When planting beans in open ground, the gardener should keep in mind that this vegetable crop loves the sun. Excess moisture and high humidity, on the contrary, are detrimental to legumes.

In the event of prolonged heavy rains, the shoots may begin to rot. If curly beans grow on the site, it needs to be supported. On this support, it will curl up.

When a legume grown in an open field grows, it becomes necessary to garter. To do this, thin pegs are stuck around the perimeter of the site. The plant is tied to these pegs on a thread. It is best to use nylon thread, as it holds well, is tied securely and perfectly holds rapidly growing shoots.

After watering, it is imperative to carry out loosening so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil. When it grows intensively, and its lashes fill the entire area, you need to loosen the ground very carefully so as not to hurt the leaves and roots.

The plant is very loves sunshine, so it is advisable to plant it closer to the sun. For top dressing, you can use mullein or mineral fertilizers. It never hurts to bring ground eggshells into the ground.

What can be cooked from beans grown in the country

A summer resident who managed to get a good harvest in the open field should know what can be prepared from this remarkable vegetable. At home, you can cook from beans:

  • Georgian or Armenian lobio;
  • Salads;
  • Soups;
  • Side dish for second courses.

If used for cooking dried beans, it should be pre-soaked. It should be cooked for quite a long time, until soft. In the Caucasus, it is traditionally customary to cook bean dishes with cilantro grown on own site, since cilantro gives the beans a very bright taste. Russian summer residents also willingly grow cilantro, so this herb can be safely added to bean dishes. If you cook beans properly, they retain all the nutrients: vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants.

It is not recommended to give bean dishes to children. younger age, as well as nursing mothers, because it can cause bloating and gas in the intestines in young children. But older children should definitely offer this dish, since it contains a lot of protein - a building material for the child's body.

Growing beans in a greenhouse or in open ground is definitely worth it. If the summer is dry and sunny, it will grow well and will not become infected with dangerous infections. If it is quite cold at night, you can cover this culture with a film at night. Boiled green beans are an indispensable dish for diet food. Growing beans on the plot will help save a significant amount on the purchase of vegetables. It may not be a big harvest the first time, but skill comes with experience.

Planting beans in open ground with seeds in your own garden, it would seem, is not difficult. But if you want to have tasty fruits and healthy bushes, you should devote at least a little time to the plant. How does string beans grow and how soon will the crop ripen? You should immediately decide on this and understand whether this variety is suitable for planting in the middle lane.

Features of the legume

Before buying seeds or seedlings, you need to decide which variety is best. Basically, the choice depends on the purpose of using the legume. Someone uses unripe beans, and someone prefers to cook soups from beans.

The bush plant is divided into 3 types:

  • asparagus beans are very tasty, but the yield of a vegetable crop can only be preserved when frozen;
  • shelling beans (planting and care in the open field can be viewed below). Only seeds can be used for food, which, when dried, retain their beneficial properties for several years;
  • semi-sugar beans. Young pods are eaten, but they harden over time, so they are suitable as planting material.

planting beans

One bush of homemade beans is completely different from the other. Shrubs are of the following types:

  • curly;
  • bush;
  • upright;
  • annuals;
  • perennial;
  • vegetable;
  • decorative.

String beans came to us from warm countries. Cultivation and care are not difficult, so even a beginner will cope with planting work. Beans actively grow and develop at positive temperatures. Seedlings are usually transplanted to a new place in the warm season - in the spring.

How to grow green beans in the country

How to plant beans? Several types of seeds can be sown on the same bed. If dry planting material of a non-hybrid variety is planted, seeds can be left for planting next year.

Preparing a place for planting beans

Beans are considered a fairly thermophilic crop, so they are planted in well-warmed soil. In the Moscow Region, legumes are planted at the end of May or in early June. During this period, the plant receives just a sufficient level of light. Now you should start preparing the soil before sowing. The earth should not contain too much nitrogen - this is the main condition for the cultivation of beans. Also, do not choose a soil that does not pass water well.

When and how to plant beans in open ground with seeds

It is better to choose sunny areas where the wind does not pick up.

By lunar calendar planting time for beans is in the spring. Legumes in one place you can grow only a season. You can return to the same hole no earlier than after 3 years.

For reference! If the soil is very poor and not enriched with nutrients, beans can be grown on such a site. And in subsequent seasons, in its place, the soil will be saturated with nitrogen and ready to accept vegetable crops.

In autumn, it is necessary to dig up the garden and fertilize the soil. For these purposes, the following composition is perfect: half a bucket of compost, 1.5 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. ash.

Landing in open ground

How to plant beans

Planting seeds is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. It is necessary to observe the interval between rows (40-50 cm).
  2. There should be an interval of 20 cm between the pits.
  3. If the ground is hard, the seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm. So that the beans do not suffer from night frosts, the bed must be covered with a film.

Planted beds can be covered with polyethylene. This will create a kind of greenhouse effect. Such a coating will transmit sunlight and retain heat.

Bean bush care

When the beans have already sprouted, the bushes should be hilled. For a curly look, it is necessary to build a trellis or cords going from top to bottom.

Important! You can not take slippery materials to support the stems: plastic, metal, otherwise the wattle fences will slip off. For these purposes, tall plants are suitable: corn, sunflower.

For irrigation take rainwater or settled. Moreover, its temperature should not differ from the surrounding air. Water from the well cannot be watered immediately, it is necessary that the water warms up.

bean sprout

Get a rich harvest will help proper watering:

  • After planting the seeds, water once a week. The earth itself will tell you when it got drunk.
  • When the 5th leaf looks out, watering can be stopped.
  • After the appearance of the flower, watering resumes again.
  • Over time, you need to increase the amount of liquid and reduce the intervals between watering.

Also, do not forget about the regular feeding of the bushes. After the appearance of the leaf, fertilization procedures begin. It is desirable if phosphorus predominates in them. During the appearance of buds, you need to water the bed with a solution of potassium salt, and when the beans are formed, sprinkle each bush with ashes.

sprouted beans

Diseases and pests

Beans and all legumes rarely get sick. Usually, if a plant is affected by something, then it did not receive enough care. Well helps the development of immunity soaking planting material in boric acid. After harvesting and removing the bushes from the beds, the land is treated with Fitosporin. If lesions appear on some plant, then these shoots should be dug up and burned, and the soil under them should be treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Most often, beans are exposed to:

  • viral mosaic (dead areas appear on the leaves);
  • bacteriosis (all plants die, and the disease remains in the ground for a long time);
  • anthracnose (brown spots form on the leaves).

Beans attract a large number of pests. The larvae can be killed with insecticides. Before planting, it is necessary to carefully sort out the crops so as not to provoke the appearance of a weevil. Only undamaged seeds should be planted in the soil. It is advisable to pre-treat them with boric acid.

How to properly harvest

Both green pods and beans are plucked for consumption. Already 2 weeks after flowering, you can collect green beans. Harvesting is done in the morning, as during this period the pods begin to gain a large amount of moisture, which makes the beans juicy.


When the pods dry out, they are harvested. To begin with, cut the stems and hang them by the bottom in a dry room. After 2 weeks, the pods will burst and beans will fall out, which should be collected and placed in a jar for storing cereals.

Note! If everyone in the household likes the beans, it can be planted next year. Beans from the bottom of the bush are ideal as seeds.

Scientists have long noted that beans grow best in the southern areas. If you plant seeds in June, then in September you can harvest. When buying seed, it is better to choose varieties of local selection, so there is a chance that the plant will quickly adapt to the area. It is also worth remembering that the seeds must be soaked before planting, otherwise they will not germinate.

It is worth checking the watering of the plant. If the care is sufficient, then in the middle of summer you can get a rich harvest of green pods, and before the onset of frost - healthy beans.

Beans by nutritional value refers to strategic crops and is among the top ten most useful vegetables. The amino acid and protein composition of beans is close to the proteins of meat and fish and in extreme conditions is able to replace them. Bean proteins are absorbed by the body by 75%, being a building and energy material for it. One of the few crops that is not used raw, but when hot cooked and preserved, it retains up to 70% of the vitamins and 80% of the minerals that make up the beans. Having such a high nutritional potential, beans are used not only as a food crop, but are used in official and folk medicine, helping to cure a large list of diseases.

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). © Javier Pelayo Content:

Origin and distribution area of ​​beans

The first mention of this wonderful culture dates back to years before the new era. More accurate information refers to 5000 BC. The place of origin is called South and Central America. In Russia, beans appeared around the 16th century, first as a decorative flower culture, and from the 18th century. has firmly taken its place in the kitchen as a vegetable crop, delighting housewives and cooks with an endless variety of nutritious dishes with excellent taste.

Briefly about the biology of beans

Beans (Phaseolus) in the plant system belongs to the family legumes (Fabaceae). Contains about 90 species, among which common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Under natural conditions, it grows in the warm zones of Europe and Asia. It is cultivated in the open field in the southern and adjacent regions of the European and warm regions of the Asian part of Russia.

Common beans - annual herbaceous plant with tap root branching, height from 0.5 to 3.0 m, bushy or climbing form.

Bean stalks are branched, covered with sparse hairs. The leaves are intensely green in different shades, trifoliate, long-leaved. Flowers are located in the axils of the leaves.

Bean flowers are irregular papilionaceous, 2-6 in a rare raceme. The color of the sepals: white, cream, pink, lilac, purple, violet, gives the plants an elegant look and is often used both as a food and ornamental crop in summer cottages and house adjoining areas.

The fruit of the bean is a bivalve bean (not a pod). Seeds in the form of beans, separated inside from each other by incomplete partitions.

The bean fruit is straight or curved, 5-20 cm long and 1.0-2.0 cm wide, contains inside from 3 to 8 bean-seeds of different colors and sizes. In appearance, the bean resembles a boat. From Greek it translates as "boat, canoe." Beans and young bean blades are used for food.

Growing beans

Environmental requirements

Beans are short-day plants with a light period of no more than 12 hours with good light intensity. To get a good harvest of beans, you can find out the data on the length of daylight hours at the nearest weather station or in the local calendar.

In conditions of a short day, the culture quickly passes to fruiting and forms a high yield. In regions with a long daylight period and a suitable climate for beans, sow early beans in the second half of summer (July) or artificially shorten the lighting by covering the beds with frames with an opaque cover material after a 12-hour period, and open them on the second day at sunrise.

It should be noted that beans impose a strict requirement on the length of the day only at the beginning of the growing season, later they grow and bear fruit normally even in conditions of prolonged illumination. Some modern varieties of beans, bred for temperate and northern latitudes by Russian breeders, are neutral to the length of daylight hours and grow and form crops with equal success in short and long light.

Planting beans in open ground

The southern culture does not tolerate cold weather, so sowing is carried out when the soil in the upper 10 cm layer warms up to +12 .. + 14 ºС and the threat of return spring frosts has passed. Approximately, the sowing of bush beans is started during the period of mass flowering of chestnut, and curly beans - 7-10 days later. In southern conditions, beans can be replanted after harvesting early vegetables.

Usually, beans are planted, depending on the variety, in several stages with an 8-12 day break. This allows you to extend the harvest period.

Since light intensity is important for beans, the planting site is chosen away from tall trees to avoid shading, and without drafts. A light breeze will not hurt.

Beans are a self-pollinating crop, so different varieties with different ripening times can be sown on the same bed.

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). © Susanne Wiik

Precursors for beans

Like other legumes, beans themselves are good predecessors, especially on depleted soils, saturating them with nitrogen. Beans improve physical properties soil deeply penetrating its branched root system. The beans are returned to the crop rotation to their original place after 4-5 years and are not planted after legumes. The best crops that will take beans next year (predecessors) are carrots, beets, onions, cucumbers, early cabbage, early and medium tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes.

Soil preparation for beans

For normal development, the culture needs a neutral soil (pH=6-7), permeable, fertile, light in physical composition. Does not tolerate long-term moisture beans and high nitrogen content in the soil. In the right quantities, beans extract nitrogen from the air. If the soil is clayey, heavy, rippers are introduced - humus, mature compost, sand, and other loosening mulch. Application rates are per sq. m for 8-12 kg of humus or 4-8 kg of mature compost.

With borderline acidity of the soil, dolomite flour of 40-50 g / sq. m. From mineral fertilizers for autumn digging, ammophoska is used at 30-40 g square. m. You can use ammophos or kemira in the same doses. Any complex fertilizer is suitable, on the container of which there is a marking (for autumn or autumn application). Beans respond well to alkaline fertilizers, so in the fall you can apply 100 g / sq. m of ash for digging or in the spring when preparing the soil for sowing beans.

sowing beans

Beans remain viable for up to 700 years (according to literary sources). Homemade or purchased beans will always germinate. If you select a full-weight, then the seedlings are friendly, and the seedlings are strong and highly viable.

The most common planting pattern for bush beans is the row bean. Beans are placed at a depth of 5-6 cm after 20-25 cm. Between the rows they leave 30-40 cm, depending on the variety. Curly varieties, due to the formation of a large aboveground mass, are less common: 3 sometimes 4 holes per meter with a distance between rows of at least 50 cm. Seedlings appear on the 6th - 10th day. Several beans are placed in the hole and after germination, 2-3 sprouts are left. Seedlings can be planted. After planting, the beds are compacted and watered. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, plantings can be covered with lutrasil or film.

Green bean pods. © 16:9clue

bean care

Beans do not like high humidity, but they need an increased amount of air. Therefore, the soil under the beans must be constantly loose and clean from weeds. The first loosening is carried out when the beans reach 6-7 cm in height, the second - simultaneously with hilling, is performed after 12-14 days. The third loosening is carried out before closing the rows.

If the bushes or climbing shoots have grown strongly, you can cut out some of the leaves, thin out the plantings. In some thickened plantings, individual bushes are removed from the garden. This is the nature of beans. It needs a sufficient amount of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases for the normal functioning of the roots and leaves in order to provide nutrition for the emerging fruits of this crop.

If the bushes grow quickly and branch little, their tops must be pinched. This technique will contribute to branching, which means an increase in yield, and will accelerate its ripening. They usually pinch 3-5 cm, depending on the growth rate and size of the bush.

Watering time for beans

After germination and until the 4-5-leaf phase, the beans are watered so that the soil is moist. From 4-5 leaves until the beginning of budding, watering is practically stopped. Approximately by the 2nd or 3rd decade of June, the beans enter the budding phase. During this period, she needs an increased amount of water. Watering is carried out once a week. But if the soil surface is wet, watering is delayed for 1-2 days. In the mass flowering phase, the watering rate and frequency are increased by almost 1.5-2.0 times. As the blades grow during the transition to maturation, watering is again reduced and gradually stopped. Watering is carried out with warm settled water. Changes in soil temperature during irrigation cold water(from a well, artesian) negatively affect the formation of the crop.

Summer feeding beans

Beans are fed during the growing season 2-3 times.

The first top dressing is carried out when the first pair of true leaves is formed. Phosphorus or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are usually applied at 30 and 15-20 g/sq. m.

The second - is performed during the period of mass budding - the beginning of flowering. At this stage, the beans need an increased amount of potassium, preferably chloride at 15-20 g / sq. m, for faster delivery of nutrients to the plant organs. You can replace potash fertilizers with wood ash (a glass per square meter).

The third top dressing during fruit ripening is carried out, if necessary, again with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at a dose of 25-35 and 15-20 g / sq., respectively. m area. It is impossible to feed beans with nitrogen. The increased growth of biomass will begin to the detriment of the formation of the crop.

A bunch of beans. © Susanne Wiik

bean garter

Bean garter is needed only for climbing asparagus varieties. They are used for food in technical ripeness in the form of whole shoulder beans and in biological - when beans are fully ripe. Delicate, with a sweetish aftertaste, they are used in many dishes. They are grown on trellises, stretched in rows of wire, thick twine or a special coarse mesh. Some vegetable growers, in order not to mess with the poles, simply drive 1.5-2.0 m stakes near the bush or carry out a nest planting around the central stake, directing the winding stems of 3-5 bushes to it along the twine.

Protection of beans from diseases

The main diseases of beans are fungal, bacterial rot and viral diseases.


There are no effective drugs to fight viral diseases. Diseased plants are destroyed. Distinguishes a viral disease from others by the dwarfism of the plant, mosaic coloring in the form of inclusions in the main color of the leaf (mosaic), wrinkling of the leaves, and sometimes swelling in the form of bubbles. For cultivation in household plots and dachas, varieties resistant to mosaic Robusta and Corbetta are recommended.

White and gray rot beans

White rot affects the stems and beans of the bean. The main signs are the appearance of white mycelium, which is accompanied by whitening and softening of diseased tissues. Unlike white, the manifestation of gray rot begins with a grayish coating, which gradually envelops the stems and leaves, causing decay. The end result of the disease is the death of plants.


The source of damage by anthracnose are imperfect fungi of different species. The external manifestation begins with the leaves, on which rounded spots appear, and on the stems - elongated light brown spots. The fruits rot, and the seeds in them become carriers of the infection.

root rot

Root rot affects seedlings, in which the tip of the main root dries out, and in adult plants growth stops, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Flowers and ovaries also fall off.

powdery mildew

Like other legumes, beans are affected by powdery mildew. On the affected leaves, the mycelium of the fungus appears as a white powdery coating or resembles a cloth sprinkled with flour. Over time, the affected organs, including the stems, turn yellow and dry out.

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). © Carl Lewis

Measures to combat fungal diseases of beans

The success of the fight against fungal diseases depends on the quality preventive work related:

  • with the cleaning of post-harvest residues and tops on garden beds,
  • sowing healthy, necessarily disinfected seeds,
  • timely implementation of all agrotechnical practices in the care of crops,
  • use varieties that are resistant to rot, including Turkish, Rant, Triumph Sugar 764, Viola and others.

On bean plantings, when growing a small amount in open or closed ground, the use of chemicals is not recommended.

If an unforeseen outbreak of the disease immediately covered a large number of plants, then copper-containing preparations can be used. Spray before flowering bean plants 1-2 times with a 10-day break with 1% Bordeaux mixture. After flowering, spraying can be repeated, if necessary, only late varieties, since the waiting period after treatment with Bordeaux mixture is 25-30 days.

Of the other drugs, biofungicides are well opposed to fungal diseases. These biological preparations are developed on the basis of living beneficial microorganisms. They do not harm humans, animals, beneficial insects. They need to spray the plants systematically in 10-12 days. 1-2-3 sprays may not be effective, as well as increasing the concentration of the spray solution. The waiting period for these drugs is from 1 to 3-5 days. All necessary output data is written in the recommendations, on the label or other accompanying document.

  • Phytosporin - treat seeds, soil and plants. Treatments begin when the plants reach 10-15 cm in height. Repeat after 12-20 days if there was no rain.
  • Mikosan is effective in the initial stages of the disease. At a later date, it is better to switch to other biological products.
  • Gamair, Alirin-B, which successfully protect bean plants from rot, anthracnose, powdery mildew.
  • Baktofit successfully destroys powdery mildew.
  • Trichodermin destroys up to 60 soil fungal pathogens. Used in the fight against root rot.
  • An aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur is used against powdery mildew and anthracnose.

The article lists the most common diseases and used plant protection products. Almost every year, scientists offer new, more effective and gentle chemical and biological products, lists of which are published in special journals and on the Internet.

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). © Scamperdale

Protection of beans from pests

The most common pest of green plants is aphid, which is also a carrier of fungal diseases, thrips, spider mites, codling moth, and ripe beans are actively devoured by bruchus (pea weevil) and pea weevils. Slugs and a number of pests from the polyphagous group damage beans.

Slugs can be collected and physically destroyed by placing pieces of cardboard, rags, burlap and other waste covering materials between the rows. There they hide at night and from the scorching rays of the sun. You can powder the soil around the plants with lime or ash. This trick will scare away the slugs.

The fight against aphids on beans is carried out with the same preparations as on other crops. Use infusions of onion peel, celandine, walnut leaves, tomato tops, green or laundry soap (not bleaching), tobacco infusions, celandine.

Against thrips, a powdered biopreparation Boverin is used, from which, according to the recommendations, a working solution is prepared and the plants are sprayed. Treatments are repeated after 7-10 days at least 3 times. Treatments are most effective at high humidity, when the revival and germination of fungal spores is accelerated. In dry weather, the plants are pre-watered.

Thrips and mites are effectively destroyed with a solution of kerosene (2-5 ml per 10 liters of water). Stir the working solution thoroughly and spray the plants.

Against other pests (aphids, spider mites, pea codling moth, whiteflies), biological preparations Gaupsin, Bikol, Boverin, Verticillin, etc. are used. They are effective against thrips, mites, whiteflies. Gaupsin is the best. It is effective against both fungal diseases and pests during the growing season. It can be used almost until the biological ripeness of the crop.

Cereals (bean, pea weevil) directly damage bean beans. Grains die at negative temperatures. To preserve the food product, the grain is placed in linen bags soaked in salt water and dried. You can also put a head of garlic in there. Store in the refrigerator until frost, and in winter in an unheated room with a negative temperature. Other ways to preserve grain include:

Place the grain in the freezer. At -12 ºС, adult beetles and pest eggs die within an hour.

Hold the grain in the oven at +90 ºС for several minutes. The pests are dying. In the future, store the grain in glass jars with ground-in lids (not plastic) in a cold room.

Harvesting beans

Shoulders of beans for use in food are harvested 2 weeks after flowering. Young shoulder blades are cut with scissors in the morning every 2-3 days. Stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life is not more than 2 weeks. Prepare sauces, soups, side dishes for meat and other dishes.

Grain beans are harvested in full biological ripeness. Dry bushes are cut off, and the root is left in the soil. As it decomposes, it will enrich the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients.

Cut bean bushes are tied into loose bushes and hung in a draft for drying. After 10-12 days, the grain is husked and stored by the methods described above.

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). © Forest and Kim Starr

Varieties of beans for growing in the country

When growing beans in open ground, it is necessary to choose varieties like this. to suit the climatic conditions of the area.

In terms of ripening, beans, like other vegetable crops, are divided into early, middle and late. Early varieties of beans form a biological yield within 65-75 days from germination, medium - 75-90-100 and late - 100 or more days. In private households, it is best to grow early and medium beans with a growing season of no more than 75 days.

By palatability beans are divided into several groups:

  • grain (husking), for permanent use and conservation,
  • asparagus (sugar), for fresh summer use and preservation of shoulder blades,
  • semi-sugar.

In peeling varieties, a wax layer is formed on the wings of the bean, in sugar (asparagus) it is absent. Characteristic of many sugar varieties and the absence of hard fibers on the wings of the blade, which makes it especially tender. In semi-sugar, the wax layer is formed late or clearly underdeveloped.

Considering that the beans are a self-spitting crop, different varieties of bush and climbing can be planted nearby.

Cereal beans

In the Siberian regions, in the Far East and in central Russia, the recommended peeling varieties are early maturing, North Star, Martin.

From sugar varieties are more in demand Green string 517, Triumph sugar 764.

Semi-sugar varieties - Moscow white, Gribovskaya-92.

In the middle lane, grain beans of medium ripeness are not grown, as they do not have time to ripen. Only early and early ripe varieties are suitable for this region. Of the medium ones, only varieties with a short growing season, related to mid-season, can be used for cultivation.

In the southern regions, all varieties of beans are grown in open ground.

The recommended peeling grades are Triumph sugar, Sugar -116, saxa, Dialogue, Glowworm, Antoshka, Yubileinaya-287 other. Young shoulder blades and mature grains of biological ripeness are used for food.

Of the climbing varieties, the most famous and used in decorative and vegetable plantings are varieties Lambada, Winner, Gerda, golden nectar, Mauritanian, Turk, Fatima other.

From the average in the country you can grow a good crop of varieties

  • Gribovskaya-92 bush variety, forms a harvest of biological ripeness in 90 days.
  • hostess dream, mid-season with wide yellow bean pods and white grain.
  • Ballad average maturity. The bean pods are green, and the grains are beige with purple flecks.
  • Ruby mid-season variety. Interesting grain of cherry color.

Among the early and medium peeling or grain varieties, others are also popular, zoned for the climatic conditions of the region. barbarian, Lilac, Generous, Light, Ufimskaya, Fantasy, Welt, Martin other.

Varieties of sugar (vegetable) beans

Sugar (asparagus) varieties of beans are also called vegetable. They differ from grain in the absence of a parchment layer inside the bean shoulder. These varieties are used for food along with a green tender spatula. It has the ability to remove excess moisture from the body and is often included in the diet menu. Early varieties of this group can be grown in all regions that meet the requirements of the culture.

Early varieties: Melody, precocious, curly. Each stem forms up to 9 flat blades. Butter king - early delicacy, curly. Blades are yellow. For lovers of mushrooms, we can recommend the climbing variety Ad Rem. Its fruits have a pleasant mushroom flavor, which is preserved and enhanced in hot dishes (soups, sauces).

Of the other early ripe varieties, vegetable growers use the Triumph Sugar, Dialog, Sakharnaya-116, and Vestochka varieties.

Medium: Crane, grows in the form of a compact 50 cm bush. Blades are green. Forms a high yield.

The purple queen forms long, up to 15 cm, dark purple shoulder blades. The variety is highly resistant to viral diseases. Always high yield.

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). © Rebsie Fairholm

Varieties of semi-sugar beans

Of the semi-sugar varieties, the early ripe Sekunda variety is popular with vegetable growers. Welt is a high-yielding variety resistant to anthracnose and other rots. An early maturing Indiana variety that produces two harvests per season in the south. Often there are planting varieties Nastena, Antoshka and others.

Considering that about 300 varieties of beans have been bred different types and groups, the listed varieties make up a small part. Any vegetable grower can choose the variety he likes from the catalog, grow and independently select seeds for subsequent plantings.