Collocations for differentiation with sh. Speech therapy exercises and games Differentiation of sounds - in words

S - W 1

catfish, bear, pine, cat, reed, sand, Lusha, fox, sausage, wallet, landing, make noise.

2. “Remember, repeat”

4. Make up a sentence with the words “miner”, “napkin”.

1. “Listen, don’t yawn and show the letter: S or Sh”

S - W 2

Sonya, empty, noisy, stuffy, let's go, salt, porridge, sausage, last, tall, buns, ear, jump.

2. “Remember, repeat”

4. “I ..., you ..., he ..., we ..., you ..., they ...”

- stir the soup spoon/sh/koy

1. Speak

S – W 3

2. “Add the syllable SA or SHA”

3. “from 1 to 6 (10) and back” - light hat, big piece

4. come up with sentences with the words:

- millet soup

- sweet buns.

1. “Remember, repeat”

S – W 4

3. “I ..., you ..., he ..., we ..., you ..., they ...”

- With at w to my grandfather w kin With apogi

4. “Remember, repeat”

Sasha - rustle - listen

rush - scary - six

drying - glass - highway

1. Pronounce, distinguishing between the sounds S and Sh:

S – W 5

2. "1 10" - funny baby, delicious drying

3. “Confusion” - make sentences from words:

  1. dry, Masha, sundress, balcony, on – Masha is drying her sundress on the balcony.
  2. play, kitten, Pasha, fluffy, with - ...
  3. school, morning, Sonya, hurry, in - ...
  4. sandals, buy, Sasha, grandma, beautiful - ...
  5. car, highway, rush, along - ...

4. Learn

WITH A w A With be quiet With al With meh w Noah. WITH quiet down w en on w e With current.

The rain poured down torrentially. WITH at w it WITH A w A With howl With you w OK.

1. - Listen to the story.

Chauffeur was driving along the highway. He carried there are bags of potatoes on the car.

Suddenly the driver sees: along the edge of the path trudges horse The horse is pulling a cart, and on it, on top of such bags, is sitting man. Overtaking a trolley, the driver shouted to a man: “It’s a long way on a horse you won't leave!».

Suddenly the motor stalled. Car got up in the middle of the highway. Overtaking a car, a man on a horse shouted to the driver: “Hush! you're going- further you will! /Tkachenko T.A./

2. - Listen to the story again and name the action words.

3. Retell the story.

How do you understand the proverb “ The quieter you go, the further you'll get"?

Sasha, land, drying, pole, six, over, wool, prank, rush, rustle, listen, hear, Sashenka, senior, scary, sun, glass, highway, giggle, make me laugh, I'll mow, I'll make you laugh, I'm in a hurry, dry, make you laugh, hurry, poem, funny, carrying, grin, successfully, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, silent, little son, coward, old lady, made noise.


hat-funny naughty-salute

solve-cut miner-sapper

stir-write hut-salad

horse-planting sage-napkin


bag - fishing line fluff - piece top - sand strap - sock rustle - forty little mouse - sleepy - jokes - day noisy - bag


write - carry pasha - pass dance - dancer make noise - be able to sew - well-fed mice - rats

Shi-sy, shi-si

wide-cheese thorn-rash awl-strength decided-asked your-you our-us tower-fable scary-red


porridge-helmet cup-often arable land-pasta shirt-sausage

Osh - os, ysh - ys, yash - yas, yush - yus

Yashka-clear stick-chandelier went-grew reeds-kumys penny-grew

Yes - yes, ish - is, ish - is

pawns-songs-bags-revenge bear-bowl cherry-hanging rhymes-vice swift-rice

Shlya-slya, shme-sme, shto-sto, spa-spa

hat-slush bumblebee-dared curtains-watchman sleepers-slept

4. Exercise. Name the objects shown in the pictures.

bag, awl

Sasha has a car. Sasha has sandals. Sasha walked with the old woman. Pasha is a coward, he’s scared. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Cats sit on the window and bask in the sun. The cockerel got scared and fell from the roof onto the pole. Through the colored glass I looked at the sun. Six kittens are hungry. The jays and cuckoos made noise at the edge of the forest. Cars rush noisily along the highway. Long live scented soap and fluffy towels! The fishermen in the hut woke up. They took the nets off the poles and carried the oars to the boats. At midnight, sometimes in the wilderness of the swamp, the reeds rustle silently and barely audibly. The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often, the days were getting shorter.

6. Exercise

Misha has a hat on his head and a cod in his bag.

There is a pipe on (the roof), in the basement there is (a rat)

Misha has (a cup), the soldier has (a helmet)

Nursery rhymes

I am my brother Lyosha

I wiped my galoshes with a rag.

So that the cat doesn’t follow,

I sewed boots for the cat.

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll smooth it with a comb

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Hush, hush, hush, hush

Mice rustling on the roof,

Under the mouse gray flag

They march step by step.

The elders go ahead

They sing the mouse anthem:

“Hush, hush, hush, hush.

Cheerful old lady

She's been sewing all day today.

Behind the round reel

A fluffy cat is watching.

The old lady is tired of sewing

And she sat down at the gate,

And with a round reel

The cat started to play.

(E. Stewart)

Keep your step even, mice!

People are full, cats are full,

The tables are set for mice.

The rustle of the tires fades away,

A mouse step comes.

At night, let the mice feast.

Hush, hush, hush, hush!”

I. Tokmakova

Gray rogue

Misha had a cat - a gray rogue. The cat has a fluffy tail and soft fur. He himself is gray and striped. The cat has a gentle voice and sharp teeth. Misha gave him milk and porridge. The cat didn’t like porridge and asked for meat. The cat was lazy and didn’t catch mice. The mice weren't afraid of him at all. It was good for the mice. It was good for the rogue too. He sleeps sweetly and drinks milk. He will jump onto the window and warm his back in the sun.

8. Exercise

Grandma's hands

Whose shirt is this - Whose sundress is this

Blue peas? White daisies?

Grandma tried, Grandma tried,

I sewed for Alyoshenka! Sewed for Natasha!

(L Brailovskaya)

Fox and jug

(Fairy tale)

A woman went out into the field to mow and hid a jug of milk in the bushes. A fox approached the jug. She stuck her head into the jug and lapped up the milk. But here’s the problem: he can’t get his head out of the jug. The fox says: “The jug was joking, that’s enough, let go!” The jug is not far behind. The fox got angry: “If you don’t want it in a good way, I’ll drown you.” The fox began to drown a jug in the river. But the jug drowned along with the fox.

Toy cockerel

There were cubs in the forest. They found a toy cockerel on the forest edge. The cockerel is funny, painted with bright colors. There is a comb on the head. The cockerel is nailed to the board, and the board is on wheels. The cubs liked the cockerel and they played well with him. Then they saw a fox and decided to play a joke on the fox. They placed the cockerel on a hillock and hid themselves. The cockerel is standing, and the red comb is glistening in the sun. The fox saw the cockerel. I was happy. “Here,” he thinks, “I’ll eat a cockerel.” The fox came up quietly and rushed at the cockerel. And then I just realized that the cockerel was a toy. The cubs laughed merrily at the fox. (According to G. Kupriyanov)


zha-za zho-zo zhu-zu zhi-zy

zhe-ze z-zha z-zhu zhu-zhu


it's important to wait and it's late
Izhma-izhli if-if-azna-azhna
ozda-zhda uzna-uzhna izma-izhma

Life, iron, yellowness, deposits, squeeze, run, delay, owe, neigh, charge, deserve, whirl.


sting-hall, heat-dawn, barge-base, fire-bazaar, pity-fill, hold-dare, lawn-bunny, jacket-sunset, lie-lick, lying-birch, plant-say, run-knit


Zhora-Zoya, hay-cart, duty-watch, meadow-pattern, flag-eye, one-jump


beetle-tooth, thunder-thunder, see-from below, knitting-carrying, wandering-gnawing, walking-crawling, looking-below

Zhi-zi, zhi-zi

knives-basins liquid-shaky fat-bubble hedgehogs-carts of skin-goats red-gray hedgehogs-tongues saffron milk caps-music walk around - show profit - name snowflake - basket lie down - carry

Other combinations

important-different everyone-much installer-prankster friendly-burly taiga-tearful alarming-threatening rain-carnation can-be-late road-locomotive cake-frosty wait-late monetary-useful wait-for-the-carnation bookish-capricious gentle-spirited

3. Exercise. Name the objects shown in the pictures.


We have large ore deposits. The foal ran into the yard and neighed. Zakhar loads the gun. Zhenya deserved the award. Zhenya helped detain the enemy. I held an iron nail in my hand. The dog lay and licked his paw. We tied Bug to the booth so she wouldn't run away. He shouts to the whole market as if there was a fire. The sun did not spare the heat for a good tan, and the wheat and rye tanned too. At noon the bunnies sat near a puddle on the lawn. We will go to the meadow and take a haystack from it. Zhenya was cutting rye bread. An iron saw squealed and a heavy hammer pounded. A green moth sat on a yellow stem.


In winter he lay on the ground, in spring he ran into the river. (Snow)

He is always friendly with nails,

People need it at work. (Hammer)

6. Exercise. Complete sentences based on pictures. Say (read) sentences.

lapped milk with his tongue.

(knives) lie in

U and horns.

Zhenya blew his horn.

For strawberries

Zhenya and Zina went to the forest to buy strawberries. They had bodies. But there were few strawberries in the forest. Near the birch tree Zhenya noticed a hedgehog. The hedgehog did not run, but curled up into a ball. Zhenya put the box on the ground. He called Zina. They wanted to take the hedgehog. Zina began to hold the box. Zhenya took a stick and rolled the hedgehog into the box.

Zhenya and Zina ran home. Instead of strawberries they have a live hedgehog. At home they gave the hedgehog milk. Zina wanted to leave the hedgehog. But Zhenya gave it. him into a living corner. There was already one hedgehog there. Hedgehogs have more fun together.

Who's the boss?

Zhora and Zakhar had a dog. Her name was Zhuk. Zhora and Zakhar picked up the Beetle with a broken leg. They looked after him. The beetle has recovered. Who is the owner of the Beetle? Zhora and Zakhar talked about this every day. One day they were walking in the forest. The beetle ran ahead. Suddenly the shepherds attacked Zhuk. Zhora screamed and climbed a tree. But Zakhar did not run away: he took a stick and defended the Beetle. The watchman came running and drove the shepherds away. Zhora no longer argued who the owner of the Beetle was. (According to V. Oseeva)

SOUNDS Ш, Ж, С, 3,

interfere-lie-lick-fox hat-pathetic-bunny-bunny earflaps-terrible-knitting-sleigh decide-run-knit-write burden-press-rose-dew bag-horn-dab-sand powder-pie-body-voice fluff -meadow-cart-piece of joke-creepy-fuel oil-carrying-walking-carrying-carrying all day

2. Exercise, Name the objects shown in the pictures.

ski toad

Sasha, Zhenya and Lisa are sleeping. Misha runs after Sonya. Natasha and Zina are collecting saffron milk caps. Zhenya has fragrant green lilies of the valley. How beautiful and fresh fragrant roses are! If you chase two hares, you won't catch either. Sing me a funny song, I’ll give you a snowflake. Skis run across the snow and lick the fluffy snow. The winter cold has shackled the land. Shura and Zhenya took sleds and skis. Larisa and Zhora decided, Masha and Rosa wrote. The bush rustles and the bunny trembles. Bumblebees and dragonflies flew over the lawn. Misha put a bundle of firewood on the sleigh. There are cones on the ground in the forest.


The small dog lies curled up, does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house. (Lock)

4. Exercise. Complete sentences based on pictures. Say sentences.

in the bushes, in the grass.

In a hole, in the hay. On an oak tree (acorn).

Haymaking, haymaking!

The meadow was left without hair!

He has his hair cut in braids,

He is sprinkled with dew.

How's that hairstyle?

Good for summer!

(I. Tokmakova)


Rain We wanted to frolic

It poured out into the meadow. Got dizzy

There has become a lot of Zagaldeli...

There is a puddle around. I look:

They quickly roll up their pants and wear shirts.

Into the puddle of steel

The boys jumped. Like blotters.

(I. Vinokurov)

Mice cones

Once upon a time lived on a pine tree
Two serious bumps.

Once upon a time we lived under a pine tree

Two funny mice. And the mice shouted:

Hey! come down, bigwigs!

You know about us

Just hearsay.

The cones were surprised:

Silly mice!

Why is it bad for us to hang

Here on our tower!

We'd rather invite you:

Climb in, let's hang!


It became bad for the mice to live because of the cat. Every day, it will take two or three. Once the mice came together and began to judge how they could escape from the cat. They tried and tried, but they couldn’t come up with anything.

So one mouse said:

I'll tell you how we can save ourselves from the cat. After all, we are perishing because we do not know when he is coming. You need to tie a bell around the cat's neck so that it rings. Then whenever he is close to us, we will hear him and we will run away.

“That would be good,” said the old mouse, “but someone needs to ring the bell.” It's a good idea, but tie the bell around the cat's neck, then we'll thank you.

(L. Tolstoy)

Visiting Grandfather Frost

(Fairy tale)

Masha sleeps in bed and has a dream. She walks in the forest and sees: gray-haired Santa Claus sitting. He sits and eats snowballs.

Hello, Masha! Thank you for coming to visit. Will you help me? Prepare my bed and fluff the feather bed well.

My grandfather’s house is icy, and there are snow stars on the walls. Instead of a feather bed there is fluffy snow. Masha began to whip up a snowball, and underneath it was green grass.

Why are you, grandpa, keeping green grass under a snowy feather bed? - asked Masha.

We can't let her out. Winter will catch and freeze the grass. So I covered the greens with snow. In spring the snow feather bed will melt. The grass will grow, and there will be glorious rye.

Then Masha woke up.

Winter silence

Winter is not always evil with its frosts and snowstorms. There are good days too. It's wonderful when snow falls in calm weather. Snowflakes are rushing and spinning slightly in the air. They lie on the ground, on the roofs of houses... Silence. Even the snow does not creak under the soles of passers-by. Listen and hear the snowflakes rustling and rustling. If you put your palm up, the silver snowflakes immediately melt.

6. Exercise. Learn a poem by heart.

Autumn morning

The yellow maple looks into the lake,

Waking up at dawn.

The ground froze overnight,

All the hazel is in silver.

The belated redhead shudders,

Pressed down by a broken branch,

On his chilled skin

The light drops tremble.

(O. Vysotskaya)

Heavy burden

The fox bought a pound of grain from the bear. She carries it home, and somehow the burden seems light to her. “The bear deceived me,” the fox thinks, “he poured less grain than a pound. Return to hang? They will say that she poured out the grain.” The fox moved on, but the burden seemed heavier to her. “I shouldn’t have slandered the clubfoot: there may be more than a pound of grain.” The fox is walking, and it is no longer bearable to carry the bag. She dropped the bag and thought: “There’s no less than one and a half pounds here. Eh, Misha, Misha, if you hang on to everyone like that, you’ll bargain!...” (According to I. Rakitin)

About grandma and fox

(Fairy tale)

Grandma was walking. She was carrying a goose. A fox saw a goose. The fox wanted to profit. The fox ran ahead. She lay down on the road and tucked her paws. Grandma thinks: “These are miracles! Okay, I'll go. I don't need a fox." And the fox ran ahead again. Lying on the road. Grandma is waiting. Grandma thinks: “Gee!” And then she went on. She walked and walked. He looks - the fox is lying on the road again. Granny thinks: “The third fox! Yes, such wealth cannot be dreamed of. I'll take everyone. Yes, I’ll sew a doha on fluffy fox fur!” Grandma left the goose on the road. And she went to collect foxes. The granny returned with nothing - no fox, no goose!

How a hedgehog changed his fur coat

Snow has already fallen in the forest, but the hedgehog is not prepared for winter. I didn’t bring leaves into my home so that it would be warm to sleep. He walks through the forest, covered with the first snow, and meets a hare. Not in the gray fur coat that he ran around in in the summer, but in a new, snow-white one.

The hedgehog asks the hare:

Where did you change your fur coat?

Right there, by the old blackbird.

Am I not allowed to change my fur coat?

I don't know, go and ask. The hedgehog went to the blackbird and said:

I also want to wear a white fur coat.

I have this only for hares. But so be it, I’ll change it. Take off your needles.

The hedgehog took off his fur coat with needles. I put on a white one, like a bunny's. The new fur coat is soft, fluffy, warm.

And suddenly a fox. The hedgehog wanted to release his needles, but there were none. I tried to run away from the fox - a hedgehog cannot run fast like a bunny. And the fox is about to grab it. Luckily for the hedgehog, his hole is nearby. it turned out. He dashed there, sat there, trembling all over with fear.

He waited until the fox left, climbed out of the hole - and again to the old oak tree. I came to the blackbird.

Give me back my needles, take this beautiful fur coat back!

Since then, the hedgehog has been walking around in his fur coat and hasn’t changed it. It is not as beautiful as the hare's, but it is reliable. In it, the hedgehog is not afraid of either the fox or even the wolf itself. Just try to touch someone - you won’t be happy! (A. Sukontsev)

Sound production of Shch.

Speech therapy exercises and games

Differentiation of sounds [w] - [s] in words

1. Repeat the words.

1.1. Sheela - strength

step - bend,

wide - cheese,

Masha mass,

porridge cash register,

hiss - sniffle,

rat roofs,

went - ambassador,

sew in, bring in,

asked - asked,

scale - rock,

scar - disgrace,

ear - narrow,

brooches - throws,

minced meat - farce.

1.2. Scale, wide open, senior, rack, little son, weightlifter, parachutist, chess player, driver, funny, pole, beveled, Stesha, Ksyusha, highway, dryer, sweet tooth, binder, shepherd, too, stitched, fluffy, eared, rush, russula.

1.3. You stand, you sow, you bite, you tear down, you go down, you fall, you laugh, you rush, you give up, you knock, you rush, you are afraid, you pay, you fluff up, you crumble.

  1. Look at the pictures.

2.1. Name first the words that have the sound [w], and then the words that have the sound [s].

2.2. Name words in which the sound [w] is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

2.3. Name words in which the sound [s] is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

3.4. Combine objects into groups and select generalizing concepts for them.

Sample. Bus, trolleybus, car, plane - transport.

  1. Repeat the words in forward and reverse order.

Sasha - drying - rush.

Funny - fragrant - obedient.

Hurry - listen - make laugh.

  1. Game "Third Man".

Listen to three words, divide them into syllables and name the odd one.

Sasha - pole - land (2-1-2).

Little son - rush - old lady (3-2-3).

Folding bed - chess player - russula (4-3-4).

  1. Continue with the example.

5.1. Sample. Laughter is funny.

Pooh - (fluffy),

wool - (woolen),

scale - (scale),

success - (successful),

spirit - (fragrant),

ears - (eared),

luxury - (luxurious).

5.2. Sample. To demolish - worn out.

Bevel - (beveled),

sew - (stitched),

mix - (mixed),

hear - (heard),

dry - (dried),

ask - (asked).

5.3. Sample. Fast - even faster.

Funny - (even funnier)

successful - (even more successful),

eldest - (even older)

luxurious - (even more luxurious),

obedient - (even more obedient),

dry - (even drier).

  1. Name the word according to the description.

Hot, dry time - (dryness).

Dry trees, brushwood - (dry wood).

High school student - (high school student).

6th grade student - (sixth grader).

An athlete lifting a barbell is a (weightlifter).

An athlete involved in pole vaulting is a (pole vaulter).

An athlete playing chess is a (chess player).

A person jumping with a parachute is a parachutist.

The specialist who operates the train is the driver.

A worker grazing cattle - (shepherdess).

  1. Game "Whose object?"

Sasha's shorts - (Sasha's shorts).

Ksyusha’s bag – (Ksyusha’s bag).

Shepherd's horn - (shepherd's horn).

Old woman's coat - (old woman's coat).

  1. Say the words and explain what they mean

Dry it - dry it - dry it

You listen - you listen - you listen.

You add salt, you add salt, you add salt.

You rearrange - you rearrange - you substitute.

  1. Game “Who needs these items?”

Look at the pictures. Connect a line between the person and the item he needs.

To check whether you connected the pictures correctly, read (listen) to this poem. In it you will find the correct answers to the task.

A weightlifter needs a barbell,

Chess - to the chess player,

Horn for the shepherdess,

Hockey stick for the old lady

Pacifier for baby

The car is for my son.

Did it work out the same way for you?

  1. Game “How are the words different?”

The day is a joke

bowl - bear,

helmet - porridge.

  1. Game "Tricky words".

11.1. What word will you get if you replace the first sound in this word with the sound [s]? Guns - (drying),

Pasha - (Sasha),

cats - (bipods),

sew - (sew),

bruise - (knocked down),

Mashenka - (Sasha).

11.2. What word will you get if you add the sound [s] to this word?

Sew - (sew),

suture - (dry),

pawn - (haste),

ears - (sushi),

above – (above),

ears - (drying).

11.3. What word will you get if you pronounce this word without the first syllable?

Silent - (noisy),

dry - (sew),

bear - (joke),

beauty - (weaving),

rhyme - (shock),

temple - (juice),

sewed - (sewed),

Summary of individual speech therapy classes for 2nd grade

Topic: Differentiation of sounds [С]-[Ш].

Target: teach to differentiate the sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words, sentences.


Correctional educational: consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds [s] and [sh]; differentiation of sounds [s] and [sh] according to acoustic and articulatory features in syllables and words, sentences; identifying them when conducting sound-syllable analysis of words.

Correctional and developmental: development of fine and articulatory motor skills, development of phonemic hearing and auditory attention, improvement of grammatical standing of speech, enrichment of students' vocabulary and stimulation of children to complete speech utterances through various training exercises and educational games.

Correctional and educational: developing the ability to listen and clearly follow the instructions of the speech therapist; formation of control over one’s own speech, development of positive motivation for educational activities.

Equipment: thematic pictures, task cards, mirror, notebook and pen.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment


II. Main stage

    Articulation gymnastics

    Breathing exercises

    Announcing the topic of the lesson

    Training exercises

III. Summing up the lesson




Child activity


I. Organizational moment

Schoolboy Pasha writes

Hat, puck, porridge

Mouse, midge, joke,

Chess, little bear.

And now in another poem:

We'll build the plane ourselves

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.

Says hello, identifies the sounds Sh, S.

Articulation gymnastics


Main stage

    Let's remember what you need to do in order to pronounce these sounds correctly.

    We begin our exercises for the tongue and lips:



    “Pancake” count to 5/ cooled down,

    “Brush your teeth” (from the inside at the top/bottom; from the outside), press your tongue to the lower teeth,

    “Cup” (count to 10),

    “Delicious jam” (5 times),

"Painter" (5 times),

Breathing exercises


A child does articulatory gymnastics.

What else is needed to ensure that the sounds of our speech sound correctly and are understandable to others? Breathe correctly:

1. “Coachman”: the speech therapist and the child take turns playing the role of the horse (clack) and the coachman (with their lips closed they say “whoa-whoa”) - we develop the power of exhalation.

2. “Warming our hands”: we blow on our palms, changing the force of exhalation.

The child does breathing exercises.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today we will distinguish between the sounds S and Sh.

The child gives an affirmative answer.

    Analysis of sound articulation

Characteristics of sounds

Let's remember how these sounds are made and give them a description:

Now let's characterize these sounds: (common - consonants, voiceless, paired; difference - the sound S - can be hard and soft, and the sound Ш - always hard).

What letters represent these sounds? Let's name them and write them: the letter [es] and the letter [sha].

The child listens and makes sounds.

The sound “C” is the lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, a cold stream of air flows through the middle of the tongue.

Vocal folds don't work. The sound “SH” - the lips are extended forward, the tongue takes the shape of a cup, is at the top, there is a warm feeling in the middle of the tongue air jet

air. Vocal folds don't work. We'll show you

The child gives a description of the sound [S] - consonant, voiced, hard.

The child gives a description of the sound [Ш] - consonant, deaf, always hard.

The child names and writes sounds.

Mirror, notebook, pen

S-Sh differentiation in syllables

1. Game “Old and young parrot”: repeat after me like a parrot:

You made a wonderful young parrot!

2. Now we read the syllables by

table from left to right:

3. Try to repeat after me the simple sayings:

SA-SA-SA - a fox lives under a pine tree.

SHA-SHA-SHA - we walk slowly.

SU-SU-SU - I bring honey to Sonya.

SHU-SHU-SHU - we are preparing porridge.

SO-SO-SO - the car has a wheel.

SHO-SHO-SHO - very good in summer.

SY-SY-SY - we are not afraid of wasps.

You did great!

The child repeats.

You did great!

The child is reading.

Table with syllables

S-Sh differentiation in words

4. If I say a word with the sound [c], you should lower your handles down, and if I say a word with the sound [w], you raise your handles up:


You are very attentive! Good girl!

5. Let’s compare pairs of words by sound and meaning:

Card No. 1








6. Now please write in the missing letters and name the extra word:

Card No. 2

...ashka, we...i, kry...a, bir...a, ma...ina, katu...ka.

Play this

a number of words from memory (in forward and reverse order).

It was a difficult task and you did it well!

7.Complete the word by adding the syllable SA or SHA:

Card No. 3

li-..., ka-.., ko-.., su-.., roof-..., kole-..., flask-..., but-..., ro-....

Did a great job!

8. Children choose pictures whose names contain the sounds [С, Ш], arrange them into two groups and determine the place of the sound in the word (the child is presented with the pictures).

Well done!

9. You must answer all questions with a complete answer:

Who plays hockey? (hockey player)

Who drives the trains?


Who drives the taxi? (taxi driver)

Who plays the piano? (pianist)

Who plays the guitar? (guitar player).

What words did we come up with (taxi - taxi driver, guitar - guitarist)? - single-rooted.

10. Confusion rhymes:

Help them put sounds and words back into place and pronounce the rhymes correctly.

The cat catches the "bowl"

Mom washes the mouse.

In front of the kids

The “Rat” is being painted by painters.

A fireman wears a "porridge"

Sasha ate "helmet".

Misha dances in a "mashka"

The candy was given to the “mask”.

You did it!

The child raises/lowers his arms.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

The child completes the task.

The child arranges the pictures into two piles.

The child answers.

The child restores the correct order of sounds and words.

Task card

The child restores the correct order of sounds and words.

Task card, notebook, pen

Subject pictures

S-Sh differentiation in sentences

11.Change the phrases according to the example:

Card No. 4

You wear - I wear

You're in a hurry -

Are you sleeping -

You draw -

You are pouring -

You sow -

I wear - you wear

I ask -

I'm in a hurry -

I'm drawing -

I'm pouring -

12.Make up phrases, matching the words in the first column with words from the second column that are suitable in meaning:

Card No. 5

Merry Highway

Clear shepherdess

dry sun

Interesting cat

Gray journey

You chose everything correctly!

13. Come up with sentences with these phrases:

Card No. 6 Delicious noodles

, fragrant lily of the valley, sledding, washing in the shower.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

You made some wonderful complete sentences!

Task cards


Lesson summary

What sounds did we recognize today?

Let's repeat the rule.

What did you like about the lesson?

How do you evaluate your work (if everything worked out, raise your right hand up, if not everything worked out, right hand to chest level, if nothing worked out, lower your right hand down).

The child arranges the pictures into two piles.

Tongue up...shh.

Tongue down...ssss.

The child evaluates himself.



Complete the sentences by inserting the missing letters:

Kuku...ka ve...elo cuckoos. Sa...and gr...u. Pa...tu...ok...go home. Se...tra...sewed Sa...e's shirt...ku.

Table with syllables

Card No. 1


Card No. 2

...ashka, we...i, kry...a, bir...a, ma...ina, katu...ka.

Card No. 3

You wear - I wear

You're in a hurry -

Are you sleeping -

You draw -

You are pouring -

li-..., ka-.., ko-.., su-.., roof-..., kole-..., flask-..., but-..., ro-....

I wear - you wear

I ask -

I'm in a hurry -

I'm drawing -

Card No. 4

You wear - I wear

I wear - you wear

Card No. 5

Merry Highway

Clear shepherdess

dry sun

Delicious noodles, fragrant lily of the valley, sledding, washing in the shower.

Complete the sentences by inserting the missing letters:

Kuku...ka ve...elo cuckoos. Sa...and gr...u. Pa...tu...ok...go home. Se...tra...sewed Sa...e shirt...ku.

Exercise 1. a) Select initial sounds from words: sleigh, hat.

b) Compare the sounds s and sh by articulation.

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference between these sounds?

Task 2. Select the initial sounds from words. The speech therapist pronounces the words, emphasizing the first sound with his voice, and the children repeat it.

Sample. Catfish (s), noise (sh).

Himself, noise, shawl, sleigh, bag, neck, lard, branch, walked, tire, strength, blue, sugar, rustle.

Task 3. a) Pronounce the sound s or sh with the support of the speech therapist’s hand.

The speech therapist reminds children that when pronouncing the sound c, the tongue is located below, behind the lower teeth, and when pronouncing the sound w, the tongue rises up, behind the upper teeth. If the hand is raised up, children pronounce the sound sh, down - s.

S Shs Shs Shs Sh S, etc.

b) Pronounce the sound s and sh along the supporting arrows.

The speech therapist shows the children cards with images of arrows pointing up or down, and the children pronounce the corresponding sound.

Sample, with w

c) Pronounce the sound s and sh according to the conventional symbols.
The speech therapist reminds children that when pronouncing a sound with

lips smile, when pronouncing the sound sh - lips with a mouthpiece. The speech therapist shows the children cards with symbols: s, w. Children pronounce the corresponding sound.

Task 4. Say the syllables reflectively.






Game "On the contrary".

The speech therapist pronounces a syllable with the sound s, children with the sound and, and vice versa.




Task 5. Remember and reproduce a number of syllables.




Task 6. Listen to the words: a) Highlight the initial syllable. The speech therapist emphasizes the syllable the children highlight with their voice.

Sample. Sleigh (sa), shawl (sha).

Sleigh, shawl, dry, tire, lard, awl, honeycomb, neck, catfish, steps, boot, damp, sewed, sat down, noise.

b) Highlight the last syllable. Sample. Fox (sa), I wear (shu).

Fox, porridge, noses, braids, ours, carry, kids, cat, Masha, mice, carry, yours, Lusha, Alice.

Task 7. Complete the word by adding the syllables sa or sha based on the pictures (selected by the speech therapist). Say the whole word.

Li... (sa), on... (sha), ring... (so), halo... (sha), roof... (sha).

Add the syllables sy or shi. Say the whole words.

U.. .(shi), u.. .(sy), but.. .(sy), we.. .(shi), roofs.. .(sy), roofs.. .(shi).

Task 8. Say the words in pairs in a reflective manner.

mustache - ears nose - knife

rat - roof socks - legs

bowls - bears us - ours

What sounds do pairs of words differ in?

Ears - mustache; rat - roof; fable - tower; us - ours;

you - yours.

Exercise 9. Look at the pictures. Name them.

Task 10. Say the words reflectedly.

Dry, hurry, fluffy, drying, freckles, highway, shepherdess, rhyme, laugh, old lady, heard, hurried, made me laugh, made me laugh, squawk, smart, driver, smart.

The speech therapist finds out whether children understand the meaning of these words.

Task 11. Remember and name a number of words.

To hurry - hastened - haste; sew - sewed - embroider; dry - dried - dried - drying - dried.

Task 12. Remember words similar to the word dry.

Task 13. Answer the questions in one word. The speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of the sounds s and sh.

Who's driving the train?

What shines for people during the day?

What is the body of a cat or dog covered with?

What other word can be used to describe small bagels?

The teacher read the story to the children, and the children laughed.

What was the story?

Task 14. Complete the sentences with one word.

The speech therapist reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Moidodyr”. He starts a sentence, the children finish it with one word.

Long live soap... (scented). And a towel... (fluffy). And dental... (powder). And thick... (comb).

Task 15. Select the pictures in three columns: with the sound s, with the sound w, with the sound s and sh.

The pictures are selected by a speech therapist.

List of suggested pictures: beets, Shower, wardrobe, socks, chamomile, forest, radish, bag, sun, icicle, checkers, grandmother, old woman, drying, highway.

Task 16. Determine the place of sounds s and sh in words. Old lady, highway, sunshine, scary, smart.

Task 17. Complete the sentence with one word using the reference pictures.

The hare has long... (ears). The cat has long... (whiskers). There is a rustling noise under the floor... (rat). The house has a new... (roof). Sasha helped... (to the old lady). Shura has new... (boots).

Sounds s-sh in sentences

Task 18. Say the phrases reflectively.

Gray-haired grandfather. Fluffy snow. Fragrant hay. Red pencil. Dry buds. Funny story. Mossy swamp. Terrible beast. Silky grass. Silk head, butter beard.

The speech therapist finds out whether the children understand these phrases.

Task 19. Answer the questions. Say the entire sentences.

Sample. What kind of snow? Fluffy. (The snow is fluffy.)

What pencil? What story? What animal? What kind of grass? What kind of head? What kind of beard? What kind of hay? What kind of swamp? What kind of cones?

Who has a silken head and an oily beard?

Task 20. Listen to the suggestions. Answer the questions.

Reeds grow in the swamp. The reeds are thick and tall. Sasha and Sima cut the reeds.

What grows in the swamp?

What reed?

Who cut the reeds?

Task 21. Say the sentences in reflection.

The cuckoo crows merrily. Masha drinks jelly. Sasha is carrying pears. The shepherd hurries home. My sister sewed a shirt for Sasha. The elephant has big ears.

Task 22. Make up sentences based on plot pictures about Sasha and Masha.

Who is doing the right thing?

Task 23. Say proverbs, sayings, and sayings in a reflective manner. Memorize the speech therapist's choice. Find out the meaning of each proverb and saying.

As you make your bed, you will sleep. Oh, what a frost, all the windows are covered!

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold. Sits with his legs dangling, like noodles on a spoon

Don't rush with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds. Stands like a cat over a mouse.

Owl, owl, Big little head. Stands like a reed over a river.

You can't plow a field with songs. Leaves? whispering as if they were alive,

If you hurry, you will make people laugh. and the time will come - and they will make noise. Nine mice pulled together -

The lid was pulled off the tub.

You hurry and hurry, but there is no time to rest.

The cat will shed the mouse's tears.

Task 24. Say the tongue twisters at three speeds: slow, medium and fast.

The speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of the sounds s and sh.

The pine tree makes noise from sleep,

The pine tree rustles from sleep.

Sasha is small,

Sasha is nice.

Sasha washed his ears with soap.

Task 25. Listen to the riddles. Find the answers. Learn them by heart. Make riddles to your mom, dad, grandma, and your friends.

The speech therapist displays pictures depicting answers to riddles.

I'm sitting by the window,

I look at it for the whole world.


And the roof is with me.


I'm a fluffy ball

I turn white in a clean field.

And the breeze blew -

A stalk remains.


I left the house

And took out the roof.

Returned home

Worth Antoshka

On one leg.

Smooth, fragrant,

Washes clean.

I stand on a thick leg,

I stand on a smooth leg.

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.


(P. Russ-Silver.)

Lesson summary.

Subject. Sounds s and sh.