Cleft nose in women. What types of nose shapes exist and what can be said about the character of their owner?

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner. Let’s figure out what features immediately attract attention and are clear for interpretation

From an expert

German Teplyakov, doctor, teacher, psychologist, highly qualified specialist in the field of medical and psychovisual diagnostics:

- Scientists are still arguing about the mysteries of human origins. According to one version, our distant ancestors lived on the banks of reservoirs and got their food in the water. So a person lost his hair, which prevented him from swimming, acquired subcutaneous fat to keep warm in the water, and improved a device that allows him to search for food - his nose. The nose is an amazing gift of nature. It can be small and large, narrow and wide, straight and with a hump. And in all cases, this wonderful organ makes a person unique, giving him his own charm and special uniqueness.

Nose length

Lorenzo Villoresi

A person with a long nose (an example is the outstanding modern perfumer Lorenzo Villoresi) is thorough and knows how to appreciate beautiful and tasty things. Attaches great importance to the aesthetic side of the issue. He is well versed in haute couture and haute cuisine. The owner of a long nose should not be rushed - on the contrary, you should try to imbue him with his pace. Where the gift of diplomacy is required, long-nosed people will be simply irreplaceable.

Danielle Westbrook

People with short noses (for example, British actress and TV presenter Danielle Westbrook) are more specific, prefer to receive information quickly and immediately, in a compact form; the beauty of the packaging will not be of particular importance. Such people give out information in the same way - quickly and compactly. True, it is not always polite - which, however, is simply perceived by the short-nosed people themselves as frankness. Is it possible to be offended by the truth? And one more thing: people with short noses are invaluable if you need the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions.

Now the question is: which nose length is better for a sommelier, and which for a fireman?

With and without a hump

Paris Hilton

A straight nose (for example, the famous party girl Paris Hilton) is characteristic of people with the same straight character. It is usually easier to negotiate with them: they do not change the original conditions.

Adrien Brody

Another thing is a nose with a hump (for example, actor Adrien Brody). The owners of such noses are very changeable; new ideas constantly come to their minds, forcing them to change their path and, alas, sometimes retreat from previously reached agreements. If your child has a hooked nose, you should not ask him two weeks before his birthday what mobile phone he wants as a gift - new versions of “wants” will be announced every day.

Always remember that a person with a hump on the nose has a particularly sensitive pride. If in a conversation with him you notice that he has begun to rub his hump, know that you have inadvertently offended him.

So, the question is: will you draw up a contract in every detail or will you just take the word of a person with a hump on his nose?


The width of the nostrils is used to judge the degree of energy of a person (sometimes called temperament). Indeed, a person with wide nostrils is able to absorb more air at once, which serves our species homo sapiens as the main type of “fuel”.

Mikhail Pugovkin

A person with wide nostrils (an example is actor Mikhail Pugovkin) is easy-going, quickly lights up and... alas, quickly deflates. Long-term programs are not his thing. Such people are best suited to the “eat an elephant” technique, when a large task is posed successively in small fragments.

Roald Amundsen

Narrow nostrils (for example, the traveler Roald Amundsen) endow their owner with regularity and balance. Such a person is by nature capable of long-term work at a measured pace. In other words, if the term “sprinter” is better suited to wide nostrils, then narrow nostrils are always a stayer.

Business problem: which employee is more suitable for a startup and which one is more suitable for implementing a long-term project?

Nose ridge


The narrow ridge of the nose (for example, the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane) belongs to people who are sharp, sometimes hot-tempered, always ready to rush into battle. Combined with an aquiline nose - an explosive mixture! You need to negotiate everything with such people in a friendly, calm atmosphere, eliminating stress and quarrel.

Steve Wozniak

A wide ridge of the nose (for example, one of the founders of Apple, Steve Wozniak) reveals peaceful, kind, and sincere natures. These characters are always looking for (and successfully finding!) a peaceful way out of the most ambiguous situations. They have the rare gift of not only avoiding conflicts, but also stopping them at the very beginning.

Question: If you were to go on a space flight, which nose ridge would you prefer to choose as your neighbor in the orbital station?

bridge of the nose

Monica Lewinsky

A wide bridge of the nose (an example is the well-known Monica Lewinsky) inclines a person to investigative behavior. In science, psychology and the practice of investigative bodies, this is a most valuable quality, but in ordinary life it can lead to conflicts. In addition, people with this feature sometimes have difficulty setting goals - they need help with choosing a goal.

Prince Charles

A narrow bridge of the nose (for example, Prince Charles) gives excellent goal setting and completely predictable behavior that is comfortable for others. Although... openness in behavior does not always please those who are nearby with its frankness.

Challenge: Which bridge of your nose would you choose to be the head of security for your corporation?

tip of the nose

On this basis they look at how neat a person is and is able to delve into details.

Steve Jobs

Let's remember Steve Jobs, whose nose was as sharp as a beak. Jobs paid exceptional attention to every detail of every device produced by his company. If you are negotiating with a sharp-nosed person, prepare for the fact that he will want to ask you about the smallest details related to the matter. And if your marriage partner has a sharp tip of the nose, pedantry in everything will be your constant companion.

Gerard Depardieu

A blunt tip of the nose (like, say, Gerard Depardieu) betrays a person for whom the big picture is much more important than small details. Hence, there is not so much attention to order and a reluctance to delve into details. Do not expect deep analytics and scrupulousness from such a person - this is not in his nature. But it will come in handy where you need to act quickly and in “broad strokes.”

Scarlett Johansson

Snub-nosed people (for example, actress Scarlett Johansson) are most often open and optimistic people, with a cheerful and easy-going disposition. They prefer to enjoy today without thinking too much about the future. It's another matter if the tip of the nose hangs down (for example, Microsoft owner Bill Gates). In ancient and medieval treatises on physiognomy, such a sign was noted as a nose for money. There really is something to this. A person with such a nose tip will not always be a millionaire, but in almost all cases he has some special talent that can be successfully monetized.

Question: Which nose tip shape would you choose as your personal financial advisor?

There is such a relatively young, popular science as physiognomy. Deals with the study of facial features and their correspondence to a person’s character. In fact, it goes deep into the past. Hippocrates himself used this term in his works. In Ancient China, the nose was treated with particular respect. In one of the treatises he is called the “emperor of the face.” Physiognomy believes that the characteristics of the nose can tell a lot about a person.

photo from the site

Nose shapes are varied and individual for each person, despite the fact that everyone has the same one. Nose shapes can be divided into certain types. Among them, the most elegant is the thin nose, a sign of intelligence and refined taste. Natures have a certain innate aristocracy and nobility. A person is sensitive to himself and to others. Capable of working hard. He approaches love responsibly. Able to listen and hear other people. Values ​​his time and the time of others.

Classic shape

There is also a generally recognized classical (ideal) form. As follows:

  • The bridge of the nose is straight, without bumps;
  • No wrinkles in the area between the eyes;
  • Smooth, rounded tip shape;
  • Nose with symmetrical nasal wings;
  • Medium size nostrils.

Nose is sharp

Persons with a sharp nose are also characterized by “sharp”, “prickly” character traits. This is the most obvious example of how the nose really shows the character of its owner. Such people are quick-tempered, harsh in communication, and categorical in their judgments. Sometimes it is impossible to come to an agreement with them because of their stubbornness. They stand their ground to the last. They are ready to achieve their goal no matter what. They love (and they are good at it) to make jokes. However, they have tendencies to be leaders, condescending to strangers weak points. They are generously gifted with musical talents.

Upturned tip

A nose with an upturned tip is characteristic of gullible and simple-minded people. They love communication and are always ready for it. Impulsive natures. Impressionability is inherent. They are no strangers to curiosity. The upturned tip speaks of a wasteful nature and difficulty in accumulating money.

Roman nose

Owners of the Roman form inspire confidence and reliability. You can really rely on them. They are serious, principled, and a pleasure to deal with. In addition, they are proud and independent, they know what they want and move straight towards the goal. Personalities having a nose with Greek form- leaders and dictators. They remain faithful to their friends and are merciless towards deceivers. Good family men, know how to manage finances. They are characterized by sarcasm.

Potato nose

A nose with a potato-shaped tip speaks of the openness and simplicity of a person. His friends love him for his good nature. He is responsive. Knows how to run a household. Loves comfort and convenience. Most often, these are phlegmatic natures. They are non-conflict, try to avoid quarrels and squabbles. In childhood they are slow and often get sick. They are popular with people of the opposite sex.

Eagle nose shape

A nose with the shape of an eagle beak belongs to individuals prone to analysis. They are demanding of themselves and demand the same from their partner. Attractive. In relationships they are calm and balanced. Show a high level of erudition. Self-confident, firm in decisions. These are purposeful natures. They manage finances skillfully. Good friends and partners, interesting interlocutors.

Determining character by the shape of the nose

When determining a person’s character, the science of physiognomy focuses on the form, which includes such a characteristic as proportionality.

There are different types of nose depending on the type of face, the shape of the nostrils, proportionality and other characteristics.

  • A short one of small size speaks of its owner’s openness, kindness, and cordiality;
  • Thin and long indicates sensitive people who respect themselves and others. They are serious. They have an innate sense of dignity;
  • Upturned is typical for capricious, frivolous individuals. They are impulsive, impetuous, sociable;
  • A nose with a deflection distinguishes extraordinary, very talented individuals. Modern, easy-going, creative. They are characterized by self-control, flexibility, adaptability;
  • Asymmetrical - natures have a complex structure. They are fickle and have a lot of talents. Having found harmony with themselves, such individuals are able to “move mountains”;
  • A “potato” nose is a sign of thriftiness and love of convenience. Such people are warm and friendly.

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose

Did you know that the nose has a back? It is the outer area just under the bridge of the nose. It is the junction of both nasal sides. The structure of the back can tell a lot about its owner.

  • A back with a hump is typical for creative, extraordinary people. They constantly produce new ideas. Erudite. There is a nuance in the localization of the hump.

When it is located close to the tip, its owner is mobile, able to quickly make decisions and act.

When located in the center, its owner is noble and has a sense of justice. Able to support those who need it.

When the nasal curve is located at the bridge of the nose, such a nose speaks of a person as capable of aggression, ready to stand up for himself.

  • A convex back characterizes an inveterate individualist. A person works quite successfully alone, not subordinate to anyone. Does not tolerate power over himself. Hardy, ready to work hard, which is what he does.
  • The high, wide back is distinguished by the well-known “Greek nose”. First of all, these individuals are strong-willed and purposeful. They clearly understand what they want and achieve it. There is a certain amount of stubbornness, which adorns them more than is a hindrance. Great leaders.

What is the tip of the nose silent about?

An important element in characterizing a person is the tip of the nose.

  • Curved up characterizes an impressionable, emotional person. Please note that if he is held up very high, do not trust your secrets to this person;
  • Pointed upward speaks of wastefulness, a frivolous attitude towards money;
  • The tip directed downwards indicates the owner's suspicion and prudence. It is good to do financial business with such people.
  • If your interlocutor has a sharp tip downward, be extremely attentive and careful when communicating. This form often reveals people who are tough and selfish;
  • There are tips like an eagle's beak, which gives a person the image of a “predator”. This is no accident. They are very cunning and capable of taking revenge. You also need to be careful with such people;
  • When the tip looks like it is drooping, this may indicate a person's preoccupation with sexual issues;
  • There are split ends. They belong to individuals who are in constant search, often changing jobs. For such a person it is very important to be emotionally satisfied with his work activity. Modesty and shyness are inherent;
  • Sharp-nosed individuals are characterized by self-control and reflection. They are often musically gifted.

What do the nostrils symbolize?

  • Small nostrils distinguish a person who is not wasteful. He is careful with money. That's a sufficient amount for him Money. The motto is: “There is never too much money”;
  • Large nostrils distinguish a generous person with great ambitions. He is characterized by rancor and arrogance. Sometimes he takes on more than he can handle;
  • Round nostrils are characteristic of individuals capable of dedication. They are generous without demanding payment for this generosity;
  • Nostrils in the form of a rectangle indicate the conservatism of its owner. Everything is fine with his money;
  • Triangular-shaped nostrils are characteristic of stingy and extremely thrifty people;
  • Narrow and long are characteristic of people who are able to support emotionally. They are characterized by empathy. They are good friends.

It is impossible to say unequivocally: this is a “beautiful nose” or this is a “correct nose”. Yes, there is a standard that does not mean beauty at all. Each is beautiful in its own way, precisely with its individual “irregularities” and asymmetry.

So, now you understand a little and can determine the character of a person by the shape of his nose. Apply this knowledge in practice. Observe people from a physiognomy perspective. You'll see, this is very interesting.

Incredible facts

Without exaggeration, the nose is the most prominent part of our face.

It is this part of the body that is the key element of our face, which plays a very important role in determining the appearance of a person as a whole.

The nose can both decorate us and spoil our appearance.

Nose shape

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Noses can be different: long, short, hump-shaped or potato-shaped.

Each nose shape is unique and different, and can tell a lot about our personality. The shape of the nose reveals a whimsical insight into our inner selves.

Well, you see, it’s very interesting to study your own nose and analyze what it says about your character traits and other aspects of life.

So, find your nose type in the descriptions below and see how accurate your personality analysis is!

Character by nose shape

Small nose

© NorthernLand/Getty Images

A small and neat nose should not be misleading. Yes, as a rule, owners of this nose shape have a light and cheerful disposition.

But sometimes this friendliness can disappear, and those around you are faced with a real beast. Lightness and kindness are their nature, but sometimes they can lose their composure and then they become truly crazy.

In other words, despite their apparent calmness and peacefulness, owners of neat noses can be scary when angry. In addition, their partners should be aware of their very unusual preferences in bed.

A long nose

© romanwhite/Getty Images

If you have a long, straight nose, it means this: you are someone who was born to be a leader.

You have an excellent sense of business activity, innate high ambitions, keen instincts and a developed instinct to conquer heights. You easily create your own path to success.

The biggest problems often happen to you precisely because you are a strong and independent person.

A big nose

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The bridge of this nose shape can be either short or long. However, the nostrils tend to be wide on large noses.

Nose size is directly related to feelings of strength, drive, leadership, ego and desire to work.

Those with a large nose are endowed with an independent and strong mind. It is difficult for such people to obey anyone. Therefore, it is much easier for them to work for themselves. In addition, they hate small conversations that lead nowhere.

Button nose

© Valua Vitaly

A button nose is the cutest and cutest nose shape out there.

Women with a button nose are usually gifted with a rich imagination. They usually take pride in the shape of their nose. They are caring, loving, optimistic and kind natures.

However, not everything is so smooth in their character. People with this nose shape are also known to be emotionally unstable. They are usually suppressed by people with stronger and developed strength will and powerful character.

Large fleshy nose

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This definition mainly includes noses that have a narrow base and gradually widen towards the tip.

People with this nose shape are usually people who are very fast in everything they do. They think quickly and act even faster!

These are active people who do not spend a lot of time thinking about something, but immediately begin to implement plans. Sometimes they seem too aggressive to others.

But they are also caring and sensitive partners towards their significant other.

Greek nose

© Jack Hollingsworth/Photo Images

The Greek nose is a completely straight nose that has fairly narrow nostrils.

People with the so-called Greek profile are very intelligent and developed natures, guided primarily by their own logic.

They are naturally very intelligent and therefore reliable. You can fully count on the fact that they will always provide a reliable shoulder and help you out in any difficult situation.

Roman nose

© adrianstewart/Getty Images

This is a nose that has a slight hump that attracts the attention of others. People with this nose shape tend to be particularly stubborn and ambitious by nature.

They can even influence others in simple words and they do it perfectly. The organizational skills and leadership qualities of those with a Roman profile are certainly noteworthy!

Nubian nose shape

© Syda Productions

Like a long nose, the Nubian nose has a wide base that makes its wearer stand out.

A classic example of someone with this nose shape is ex-president USA - Barack Obama.

These people are usually emotional, bright and very inquisitive. They are attractive and charismatic, have an open mind, are excellent communicators and can handle problems with ease.

"Heavenly" nose

© JoeGough/Getty Images

The so-called sky nose is characterized by a slight indentation in the middle of the nasal bridge, with the tip turned upside down. This is one of the most attractive nose types.

People with this nose shape are usually lively, optimistic people with an unbridled desire to live and strive for something.

Their warm and sincere nature makes them great and true friends, and they readily take on all the blows of fate.

A small note: those with celestial noses are very adventurous in bed, they like to experiment.

Roman nose

© LaureniFochetto/Getty Images

Do you remember what the beak of a hawk or eagle looks like? The so-called eagle nose in humans is very similar to that of a bird.

Slightly curved in the center, with sharply defined edges, this nose shape can be easily recognized among other types.

People with an aquiline nose are confident in themselves and their abilities; they never ask for anything, preferring to achieve everything themselves. They believe in life and the opportunities it provides them.

These people always stand out among their peers both in appearance and in their character.


The nose is one of the useful elements in determining character from facial features. It is permissible to describe a human character by the shape of this part of the face, but it is important to understand that this must be done taking into account other facial features. In addition, you cannot see the whole picture based on one sign.

Features of the nose

Let's try to understand the key features that will help us understand the whole complex. But what features of the nose give a chance to determine character traits?

It is believed that the proportional length of the nose is 1/3 of the length of the face. For ease of determination, this size is used as a reference point. Therefore, a nose that is shorter than this indicator is considered short, and one that exceeds this length is considered long.

The nose has the greatest variety compared to other facial features. This indicates a significant deviation from the ideal in nature. And only this indicates the use of certain types of nose as a guide, which indicates differences in character.

Perfect nose

The area located between the eyes is called “moon dust”. The Star Point is located in this place, which characterizes success in entrepreneurial activity. This area should have a smooth surface, then good luck will certainly come. Folds in this zone indicate failure in business and relationships.

A smooth nose, which is perfectly formed, promises career heights, as well as good luck in relationships. If the bridge of the nose is straight, then a person can count on excellent health and long years life. If a person has a flattened nose bridge, then he has a lot of work to do. The tip of the nose is the zone of wealth. To be successful in this area, it must have a clear and round shape.

Widened round nostrils indicate a successful life. And wide and full ones show that a person is sociable. If they are narrow and thin, then this is evidence of greed.

But a perfect nose alone will not lead to success. His form and human characteristics are related to each other. If the nose is perfect, then it has all the makings to achieve success.

Nose shape and human character

The process of formation of the nose is completed only by the age of 21

Often an unaesthetic nose is an ideal for achieving heights. In physiognomy, character traits and the nose are related in that they determine fate.

Initially, you need to pay attention to the shape of the nose, this will help determine the character:

  • narrow nose– this is an indicator of high efficiency, the ability to value the time of others and one’s own. But such people treat love as hard work;
  • a long nose makes its owner talented. Such individuals have abilities in science and creativity. They try to realize themselves spiritually. It is not worth running your own business, since failure in such an area is expected. This is due to the fact that such individuals are supporters of conservative views and are wary of innovation. Common features are the desire to gain power, balance of character;
  • man with short nose characterized by narrow thinking, he has a superficial attitude towards life. Such a person does not try to burden his person with responsibility. Lives for himself, does not take into account moral principles. TO general features It is worth including: openness, excessive impulsiveness, as well as attractiveness;
  • slightly upturned nose shape gives a person some frivolity, especially with members of the opposite sex. People with similar noses do not try to have relationships, they prefer long time to be lonely. In work, they also do not show initiative and responsibility. These are connoisseurs of freedom;
  • snub nose- This is evidence of the good nature, generosity and extravagance of a person. Owners of such noses live one day at a time, without thinking about the future. They appreciate what they have now and know how to enjoy life;
  • man with sunken nose distinguished by ease in the ability to express feelings. Such people are calm about money, they are generous in everything: money matters and love affairs;
  • bulbous nose makes its owner businesslike. Such people are not capable of feeling easily; they do not know how to feel joy and happiness. They are distinguished by an aggressive attitude towards the pursuit of success;
  • bony high nose evidence of inordinate pride. These people try to subjugate everyone to themselves and their desires. In the soul they remain true tyrants;
  • Aquiline nose speaks of an active position and an ambitious personality. The owners of this nose look at life soberly and do not live in dreams. They are trying to fulfill them. Usually, a nose with a hump gives an individual qualities that help him quickly achieve heights in his career and relationships;
  • wide flat nose indicates coldness in decisions, prudence, especially in financial matters. Such people are fluent in the art of love, but are loyal to their spouses and family. They are distinguished by their good nature and unpretentiousness;
  • smooth straight nose speaks of indifference to art and a down-to-earth attitude towards the world. Such people are characterized by a materialistic mindset;
  • fleshy nose speaks of kindness and charm. People with such a nose are good housewives/hosts, but unlucky, emotional, loyal and devoted to loved ones. They are easy-going and love to travel;
  • greek nose shape shows the independence and pride of its owner. Such people are excellent leaders, they are true to principles and are supporters of dictatorship. Loyal to friends and family, they hate lies.

Nose tip shape

But form is not the only criterion that tells about character traits. It is worth paying attention to the tip of the nose.

  1. full convex. The owners of the convex tip are soft-hearted people who are distinguished by their warmth and generosity. These individuals are open to others, they help in difficult moments;
  2. with bifurcation. Split tips indicate a doubtful personality, closedness and inability to solve important matters. Usually such people have a difficult time. They are talented and smart, but due to lack of faith in their abilities they are not able to realize themselves;
  3. bulb-shaped tip speaks of the desire for success and love of life;
  4. downward curved tip speaks of the owner’s cunning and rancor;
  5. at chopped tip shape a person becomes tenacious, able to stand up for himself and others, independent. Such people are hypersexual;
  6. If tip of the nose with a dimple, then the person is distinguished by his emotional experience of failures, sensitivity, and readiness to help.

Nostril shape and character

In addition, when determining character, the shape of the nostrils is taken into account, because this is also part of the nose. There are only 4 types of nostrils:

  1. nostrils triangular forms. They talk about the stinginess of the individual, a cautious attitude towards life;
  2. nostrils square forms evidence of an active position, health, reliability and determination. Such people are ready to fight to the end;
  3. rounded nostrils are characteristic of inventive and rational individuals who know how to find a creative way out of a situation;
  4. oval the form speaks of a love of adventurism and the search for adventure.

Wings of the nose are involved in creating the shape of the nose, therefore they also influence human character:

  • if they correspond to the size of the nose and are symmetrical, then this is a factor that enhances success;
  • wings that are too large and thick indicate a person’s ability to part with money easily. But swelling wings help achieve true wealth;
  • small wings are evidence of a cautious attitude towards life, an unwillingness to take risks in financial matters;
  • Too narrow nostrils indicate a problem with receiving money and spending it. Such people are greedy and stingy.

Nose color and character

It should be mentioned that the color of the nose will help determine the character. This characteristic is also involved in facial analysis. A shiny nose, perceived by the weaker sex as a disaster, is considered in Chinese philosophy to be a positive sign that will help in business.

The most attractive nose color, which promises success in money matters, is considered to be peach, pink or a shade of gold. Red skin on the nose indicates loss.

A grayish-sallow color of the skin on the nose indicates hidden diseases, and a greenish tint indicates a tendency to fail to comply with financial obligations.

You will learn to predict character traits by the nose if you learn the main principles of the science of physiognomy. But remember that the main factors depend on the person himself. If he does not do anything to achieve it, then well-being itself will not come.

18 March 2014, 18:18

Nose size and shape The nose is one of the most important organs. If you doubt this, try not breathing for at least a couple of minutes! Air is a vital necessity. For some peoples, it personifies the soul and vitality. If the air provides us with vital energy, then the nose serves as an inlet valve for this energy. Due to the importance of the nose for breathing, it is not surprising that in physiognomy the nose represents our ability to provide for ourselves and others. The size and shape of your nose determine not only the amount of vital energy available to you, but also your attitude to work, as well as your ability to handle money.

It is believed that the ideal nose has a rounded tip and shaped wings. A person with an ideal nose has the nature of a lion, that is, he is distinguished by courage, passion, and assertiveness.

Big nose - conflict, masculinity.

Wide nose - non-impulsiveness, non-musicality, gullibility, sociability.

The width of the nose at the base is determined by the distance between the extreme points of the wings of the nose covering the nostrils. The size of the wings of the nose indicates the support you provide or receive from others.

Wide nose (at the base)
Helping your loved ones
Ready to share everything

You provide comprehensive assistance to your loved ones, as if covering everyone who is close to you with an umbrella of protection and support. You believe that being a provider, sharing with others, helping others is an important part of your life mission. If necessary, you do not refuse and accept help from others.

A thick and wide nose means a thoughtless, deceitful, rude person, intemperate in love.

A wide nose with a small depression in the middle, upturned, means a proud, arrogant, talkative and absurd person.

Large, long, wide noses with wide nostrils mean courage, purity of character, and innocence.

Narrow nose (as if pinched at the base)
Don't rely on others for help

You have received very little emotional and/or financial support from others throughout your life and have become accustomed to relying only on yourself. You are independent and provide yourself with everything you need. You are sure that nothing is done for free, and you find it difficult to accept even sincere help from others.

A big nose

Need for leadership
Desire to make the greatest contribution

You want to play as big a role as possible in your work life, so you are best suited for leadership positions where you can make the greatest contribution to the greater good. You are not satisfied with unskilled work, where significant effort does not provide much effect.

A long nose
The need to control the work environment

It is important for you to control the environment in which you work, as well as independently determine the style of your work. You are most productive when you set your own pace and prioritize your work.

A long nose is usually a sign of a strong personality.

A bony, long nose is an indicator of pride, arrogance, and quarrelsomeness.

A large, long, drooping nose speaks of insight, greed and the ability to keep evil intentions secret.

An aquiline nose indicates ambition and vanity.

Long and straight nose (when viewed in profile)

Logical working style
Long-term planning

Your most strong point- development of long-term plans and strategies. You are ahead of everyone else in developing new ideas and rely on logic and common sense in your work.

Short nose

Hard work

Once you get down to business, you always bring it to the end. You are not afraid of hard work and have an exceptional ability to do the boring little things that are so tedious for most people.

A short nose speaks of “openness of soul” and optimism.

Snub nose (like a ski jump when viewed in profile)

Need for recognition of your efforts

Your feelings and emotions have an impact big influence for your job. If your company has a positive, mutually supportive environment, you are capable of great things. But in an emotionally negative atmosphere you work very hard. You work from your feelings and need emotional satisfaction from the work you do. Recognition of your efforts, even in the form of a simple “thank you,” is also very important to you.
Snub nose - optimism, gullibility, desire to communicate.
The wide ridge of the nose is a secretive character.

Thickening of the bridge of the nose (the nose widens under the bridge of the nose)
You get angry when you find yourself in a difficult situation

You can get really angry when you're backed into a corner. One of common reasons This is your reaction when people give up a previously taken position. You can avoid conflict by allowing people to establish their opinions before reacting.

The nasal septum is visible - avoidance of physical activity, carelessness, optimism.

Wide bridge of the nose - high aspirations, dependence.

Deep bridge of the nose - masculinity, hard work.

Humped nose (curved outward when viewed in profile)
Creative approach to problem solving
Active and practical thinking
The desire to control others

You appreciate beauty and elegance, but your true talent lies in creative problem solving. You usually find new ways of doing things and are not afraid to try them. You are quite aggressive and practical in your thinking. You consider yourself an expert and enjoy leading others. You enjoy seeing your innovative ideas implemented and appreciated by others.

A nose with a hump - self-control, poor visual memory.

The hump located closer to the tip of the nose is the ability to self-defense and strengthen one’s position.

The hump located in the central part of the nose is a tendency to protect others. People of this type are fair and noble. They always take the side of children and the weak.

A hump located closer to the bridge of the nose indicates a tendency to attack, a cocky and scandalous character.

No ridge (the area between the eyes is almost flat)
You work better as a team
You work best in a team environment. You enjoy working with other people, being able to communicate and share experiences. If you have to work alone, you feel uncomfortable. Your strength is in teamwork, and you know how to gain support from others.

High ridge (nose protrudes high above the face)
You work better alone
You prefer to work independently and achieve best success when you have the opportunity to choose your own rhythm of work. You don't like having someone look over your shoulder while you're working (this is especially true for those people whose nasal ridge flattens out in the center).

High and wide ridge (like a direct extension of the forehead, without notch)
Iron will

You have incredible willpower and determination. Nothing can stop you from achieving your goal. Just such a nose, reflecting iron will its owner can be seen on ancient Roman statues. You turn your thoughts into actions with unbending determination.
Nostril shape and size
The air we breathe in to sustain life passes through our nostrils. The size of the nostrils indicates the amount of energy flow. It also talks about our attitude towards money. It is important how the size and shape of the left and right nostrils match. Remember, the left side is associated with a person’s personal life and his inner world, and the right side is associated with his business life and the outer world.

Very small nostrils

Thrift and conservatism
Afraid of poverty

Your friends may call you a miser, but you are simply frugal and conservative because you know the value of money. Your only problem is that no matter how much money you have, it always seems to you that it is not enough.

Very large nostrils

Extreme Generosity


You are confident. Life energy overwhelms you, so you tend to overestimate your capabilities and go to extremes. You want others to appreciate your achievements. Possessing big creative abilities and a rich imagination, you consider yourself invincible and often take on too much. You need to learn to avoid extremes.

Low hanging septum (between nostrils)

Analytical mind
A low hanging septum between the nostrils indicates good analytical abilities.

Fold (on the wing of the nose)
Find it difficult to accept help
You are independent and achieve everything in life yourself. Although you yourself readily help others, it is psychologically difficult for you to receive help from others. It is easier for you to give than to receive.

Groove (deeper fold on the side of the nose)
Extreme independence
You sacredly guard your independence and completely refuse financial and emotional support from family and friends. You often put other people's needs and desires before your own.

The nostrils seem to descend their entire length along the face to the upper lip - a rich imagination. Such people learn easily and have a good understanding of people.

Large and wide open nostrils - life comes down to increasing wealth.

Small nostrils with a rounded tip of the nose indicate gullibility, compliance and a tendency to boast.

Rectangular nostrils
Traditional attitude towards money
You are quite conservative in your spending, always trying to stay within your budget. You don’t waste your money, but you don’t tremble over it either.

Small triangular nostrils
Afraid there won't be enough
Perhaps, since childhood, you have developed the attitude that there is never enough money. You are extremely thrifty and tremble for every penny.

Round nostrils


You are willing to give of yourself and are generous with your money and time. It seems to you that your resources far exceed your needs, so you don’t hesitate to share them with loved ones.

Tip of the nose, angle of inclination

If you draw an imaginary line from the point where the nose meets the upper lip to the tip of the nose, it will determine the angle of the tip of the nose, as shown in the illustration. The angle of inclination indicates your willingness to trust others, whether you treat others with skepticism and distrust or, conversely, are too trusting.

Nose up
You are talkative and impulsive in your actions. You love to have fun and are hardly good at keeping secrets. You are very emotional and live in the here and now. Open to others, you are ready to trust the first person you meet, even if he tells you that aliens are hunting you.

The tip of the nose is strongly turned up - in people who are overly curious. To be expected large quantity unnecessary questions. The “turned up nose” is keenly interested in the secrets and mysteries of other people.

Raised up and pointed


You are very curious, especially about those around you. You are also different in that your money flows like water. Your attitude towards money is: “If I need more, I can always earn money.” It is very difficult for you to save a large enough amount.

Horizontal (no tilt up or down)

Thoroughness and reliability
Don't let yourself be deceived

You are thorough and endowed with common sense, you can be relied upon. You are able to trust others, but you will not allow yourself to be deceived.

Bent down

Suspicion and skepticism
Do you want to see everything with your own eyes?

You are suspicious, skeptical, calculating, even towards the people closest to you. You trust others only when they prove themselves in action. Your attitude is: “Of course, I believe you, but you must prove it to me first.”

Bent down and strongly pointed


Such a nose tip often indicates cruelty, selfishness and even, perhaps, dishonor. If you don't believe me, ask Hansel and Gretel what they think about people with long, pointed, downward noses.
A drooping tip of the nose means dishonesty, cunning, impulsiveness, musicality.

Fleshy (potato nose)

You attach great importance to financial well-being

Perhaps you experienced financial need as a child, and therefore now attach great importance to acquiring material wealth, especially a constant flow of income. You are well versed in money matters and may be a collector. You are entirely focused on acquiring everything you need to maintain your standard of living and hobbies.

Forked (groove or dimple at the tip of the nose)

You find it difficult to find your place in life
Work should bring emotional satisfaction

You've probably asked yourself the question many times: "What is my mission in life?" It seems to you that you still have not found your place in life. You're probably the type of person who changes jobs and hobbies many times throughout your life, and you won't be satisfied until you've tried everything. The job should bring you emotional satisfaction, it should be “made for you.” You won't settle for anything less.
A split tip of the nose is the ability to meet circumstances and adapt to them, it is also evidence of timidity, decreased self-control, and a desire to communicate.

Round (small ball at the tip of the nose)

Artistic taste
Appreciate beauty

You are a true connoisseur of art and are drawn to beautiful things. You might even be an artist yourself. You know quality when you see it. You are an esthete, and it is important for you to be surrounded by everything beautiful.

Narrow (as if squeezed from the sides)
It's easy to part with money
You don't hold onto money and spend it easily. You value them only as much as they can buy you. “Saving for a rainy day” is not your style. You subscribe to the philosophy that life is too short to worry about money. This is especially true if you have a thin nose tip and wide nostrils.

Heart-shaped (the tip of the nose is shaped like a plucked chicken tail)
The tip of the nose sags down, as if plugging the nostrils. You need to be more generous: learn to share with others from a pure heart.

A sharp tip of the nose - dishonesty, musicality, self-control. People with a bent nose and a steeply rising forehead above it are brave, eloquent, proud, generous and generous.
A pointed nose means people who are quick-tempered, strict, harsh, and cannot stand contradiction.