Monopoly at McDonald's instant win. What are the chances of winning an apartment in McDonald's Monopoly? What products are included in McDonald's Monopoly?

12 secrets of a successful promotion at McDonald's

The Monopoly promotion at McDonald's is once again breaking records for customer response. 16,500,000 prizes and simple mechanics are the key elements to its success.

Why is this promotion causing such a stir - queues, sticker exchanges, sale of rare stickers on Avito for 15 thousand rubles.

Retail .ru asked business consultant for assortment management Ekaterina Buzukova to break down the mechanics of this promotion and describe with a professional look those reproducible secrets that are worth adopting.

1. The promotion is clear

"Tear off the sticker - get a prize." Even children understand what needs to be done. Don’t complicate things, don’t come up with complex structures like “300 bonuses, with which in a month you will be able to pay for a third of your purchase for an amount of no less than 1,299 rubles, provided you present a coupon redeemed at a store in Khimki.” Simplicity is our everything.

2. Availability

Does not require any extra costs. "Buy the same things you usually buy and you can win super prizes." Don't force people to buy something unnecessary or too expensive, or something you wouldn't normally buy. The availability of prizes for little money is always attractive.

3. Good prizes

There is something to fight for. An apartment, a car, a million, 120 thousand for shopping, a TV or at least a cheeseburger. Of course, it’s a matter of budget – how much can we invest in the promotion and what kind of sales growth we expect then. But sales growth is not always the only goal of a promotion. McDonald's has invested a decent amount, but the main bonus will be not only in sales growth, but in retaining the target audience.

4. Prize guarantee

You will definitely win something if you buy three or four products. And it will be something useful (like a coupon for 1000 rubles from the Eldorado store) or tasty (like a hot drink). Promotions where there may or may not be a prize have long been obsolete; there are too many promotions around in which you don’t win anything.

5. Immediacy

There are two types of prizes - instant or cumulative, and you will definitely receive any of them. The instant prize is recognized immediately, without leaving the cash register, and maybe you can eat it right away. Waiting three months kills any stock. Especially if your audience is young and impatient. Instantaneity is the motto of modern life, and this will definitely have to be taken into account.

6. Excitement

Cumulative prizes trigger people's inherent excitement. “Collect three pink/red/blue stickers and the car/shopping/apartment is yours.” Of course, it is unlikely that you will be lucky, but it seems that everything is so achievable - all that remains is to find Sretenka! The combination of instant and cumulative prizes gives a hype effect.

7. Namelessness

You can save with your whole family, trade with friends, buy or sell stickers. You don’t have to worry about name cards, phone numbers and other registrations (that is, you will have to when you go to get your treasured car, but that’s a completely different matter). A little more, and stickers would have acquired the scale of cryptocurrency... Just kidding. But the idea is clear - the more accessible, the better.

8. Limited time

Until 12/31/17 it forces you to buy more and faster. A month is more than enough to cause a stir, collect stickers (and gain four kilos). Do not delay the promotion in time, otherwise it ceases to be a promotion.

9. Mass character

The promotion is valid everywhere, in all corners of the country where there is a McDonald's. It is for everyone - adults, children, pensioners, women, men, taxi drivers and night butterflies. It’s terribly annoying when “the promotion is valid only in the store on Fifth Parkovaya Street” or “only for holders of a gold VIP card.” However, what do we want to achieve – coverage or personalization? If there is coverage, then there should be no restrictions.

10. The promotion is well advertised and promoted

The video calling for tearing off stickers is clear and interesting, there is a call to action (“and if you don’t tear it off, then I’ll get the apartment for you!”). If we are going to do a massive promotion with good prizes, then the advertising of the promotion itself must match. Don't save on prizes, but save on advertising - what's the point? “Secret promotions” remain secret not only for competitors, but also for buyers.

11. There are enough prizes for everyone!

Unlike the Perekrestok promotions, where the frying pans ran out before customers had accumulated the required seven/ten/one hundred stickers. I don’t argue that “hurry up before they’re sold out” also has its place, but it’s quite annoying. I definitely won’t participate a second time if I saved and saved my stickers and didn’t get them.

12. Rarity and originality of the promotion

“Monopoly” is cool, unusual, funny, fresh, it doesn’t happen often, so it attracts attention. Lenten advertising campaigns have stuck in my teeth, in which you should receive bonuses for purchases from the amount of xxx, which I don’t remember. And no one remembers (except marketers who get their salaries for this). Come up with something worthwhile, because “purchase bonuses” cannot be considered a promotion.

This is what distinguishes Monopoly from many other uninteresting promotions (where you save and save, then after three months you receive points that can only be used for a third, and then under certain conditions and only upon presentation...).

Every December, McDonald's throughout Russia hosts a Monopoly promotion. The point is to find winning stickers that come with some of the restaurant's products. For example, stickers can be received along with a Big Mac, a glass of coffee or a large portion of potatoes. The main prizes of the promotion are an apartment in Moscow, a car, a million rubles and tickets to the semi-final of the World Cup. The Village talked to last year's Monopoly winners about how their lives changed after winning and what it's like to win a million by buying a cappuccino.

Vitaly Istomin

37 years old, chef

1,000,000 rubles

I can’t start my day without cappuccino and that’s what I most often buy at McDonald’s. Like all normal people, I didn’t believe that I would win. I bought coffee, took it off, looked at it, and moved on with my life. Last October, I was driving to work and was running late, but I ended up stopping at McDonald's for a drink. I tore off the sticker, and it said: “Instant win - a million rubles.” The first thing I did was post a photo on Facebook with the words “The Universe smiled at me.” Later I thought that this was some kind of nonsense and, most likely, the winnings were not real, but potential, and I would have to do a lot of things to get the money. Since childhood, I’ve gotten used to not rolling my lip, especially if there’s a chance of losing, so after three hours I deleted the post from Facebook so as not to scare away my luck. And when I received the money three months later, I quickly got used to the idea that I was a millionaire and forgot to brag to my friends.

I put that sticker in my wallet, later scanned it, made a copy and wrapped it in 20 pieces of paper so as not to lose it. I didn’t feel like a millionaire, but I was hooked. I also thought that it would be more fun to win a million dollars rather than rubles. A million rubles is an amount that is not enough for a super-large purchase, but it’s a pity to spend on small things, so I didn’t have any plan on where I would spend the money. As a result, I went to Cyprus, bought 60 thousand worth of clothes and spent a little on small things. A year has passed and I have about half of my winnings left.

I used to go to McDuck every morning before work. The coffee there is of average quality: not great, but not bad either. Moreover, it is fast and on the way. Sometimes I had a snack at McDuck in the evenings - most of all I like the spicy Gourmet burger. In general, McDonald's has ideal food: unhealthy and very tasty. I am a cook, but I love food at McDonald's - there is no dissonance: chefs, in principle, rarely cook healthy food, usually the other way around.

There are three people in all of Russia who won a million rubles with one sticker last year - the operator told me this over the phone. I also accidentally found out that one of the winners was from Kaliningrad, because they first sent me his application form to fill out. My victory is incredible luck, it happens only once in a lifetime, but still, why was my luck, my only opportunity, not for a million dollars, but for a million rubles? I never participated in lotteries, but after this incident I believed in them.

I generally consider myself lucky. One day I was late for the metro, all the trains had already left, and I stood on the platform with an upset face. The train arrived, but the doors to the carriages did not open. Then I asked the driver to give me a ride a couple of stations, and he gave me a ride in the cab. In my personal rating this kind of hitchhiking is the second success in life after winning a million.

This year I was busy with work, and I also live in another place, so I completely forgot about the promotion. Just about three weeks ago I remembered and thought: “Damn, maybe I would have won this year too.” After that, I even went to McDonald’s several times on purpose, but I didn’t come across anything worthwhile. I'll try again next year.

Alla Plotnikova

32 years old, housewife

Travel for two adults and one child under 12 years old

I was never lucky in competitions, I never won anything and generally thought that it was all a lie and a deception. Yes, I never participated, only sometimes I bought lottery tickets at Sberbank. I had never even heard of Monopoly until my husband and I took our kids on holiday last year. shopping mall. They were taken to the children's room, and they themselves went to the food court - to McDonald's. There I noticed a stir around the action - some boys were actively asking everyone if anyone had any unnecessary stickers.

When we ordered food, my husband offered to buy medium potatoes, and I said: “No, give me a big one, we rarely come here.” And it was on this big potato that there was a sticker with the inscription “Travel from the tour operator TUI for two adults (and one child under 12 years old).” I still can’t believe that we won, because there were seven such stickers throughout Russia, and one of them went to us. Moreover, we had two more stickers with street names - we gave them to the boys who collect them.

Our friends, who were also sitting in the food court, did not believe us - they said that we were all lying and that this could not happen. But then we called the McDonald's hotline and TUI, where the win was confirmed. Then everyone started saying that McDonald's is a serious organization, but we still thought that we would have to pay extra for something.

The journey lasted eight days. Among the options to choose from, besides Sochi, there were quite decent: Croatia, Montenegro, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. But since we could only go either in spring or autumn, we chose Cyprus in September. My husband has a birthday this month, and we usually celebrate it abroad - in a word, everything turned out very well. We were accommodated in a luxurious five-star hotel, and we really didn’t have to pay extra for anything, not even for a visa - I was surprised. The entire trip cost exactly 130 thousand rubles.

I have a negative attitude towards McDonald's because the food there is terribly unhealthy, but sometimes I still want it. My husband and I go there once every three to four months. I can’t say what I like most there, I just sometimes want to eat a Big Mac or a cheeseburger.

Among my friends, no one has won anything like this. I don’t know if they envied me or not, but no one voiced it out loud. But all my friends who know about my victory began to actively participate in Monopoly and other events. But no one won anything more than a thousand rubles discount at Eldorado.

Of course, after winning, I believed in miracles. No, I didn’t participate in other promotions, but I realized that it was really possible to win. I'm generally lucky in everything except lotteries. I have a happy life, a wonderful family, I have always worked where I liked. I want to participate in the new Monopoly, but so far all hands have not reached.

Daria Ermakova

18 years old, student, McDonald's employee

Certificate for purchases at the Lamoda store for 120,000 rubles

I live in Odintsovo, and McDonald's is located right next to my house, so my friend and I go there often - literally every other day. Most often we drink coffee, eat potatoes and just chat. Last year a boy came up to us and asked if we had any Monopoly stickers. That’s how we learned about the action and immediately began to participate in it.

At McDonald's you can win instant prizes: a pie, a cheeseburger, potatoes, coffee, coupons for Yandex.Music, a million rubles, and so on. Such gifts are won with one sticker, but most often you come across street names. Each street has its own color. There seem to be seven of them in total: orange, blue, brown, green, purple, pink and red. If you collect three streets of the same color, you will win an apartment or a car. At the same time, two out of three streets are often encountered, and the last third is very rare, and everyone is hunting for it.

In two weeks, my friend and I collected an impressive stack of stickers - about a centimeter and a half - I kept them at home on a special shelf. And then one day I look at my stickers and realize that I have three streets orange color. Of course, my friend and I thought that this was a scam and they wouldn’t give us anything, but it turned out that we won 12 coupons of 10 thousand rubles each at Lamoda. The winnings were divided in half.

Lamoda has low prices and items good quality, so we ordered with the whole family. I took for myself a white blouse with ladybugs, jeans torn at the knees, another pair of jeans, a pink blouse, a blouse with the Batman sign, T-shirts - in a word, a lot of things, I can’t even remember them all. We also bought boots for my brother and mom, and a jacket and T-shirt for dad.

After winning, my friend and I continued to go to McDonald's and collect stickers: we had hope that we would win for the second time in a row, but for this you need to be too lucky. And, of course, there were instant edible prizes.

McDonald's came up with a good promotion. It is clear that not every third person will win, but one in a million, but the system works: people really go to the restaurant more often. In addition, the promotion is held in the winter before the holidays, when everyone is in the appropriate mood and rest.

I don't think you can win Monopoly by cheating. You won’t be able to print the sticker yourself, because to confirm your win you need a unique code printed on the sticker. To win you only need luck.

I heard that in groups on VKontakte they exchange stickers and sell them, but I think there are a lot of scammers there. If you come across a rare sticker, why sell it for less than what you can get from the prize?

This summer, after passing my exams, I wanted to start earning money, so I got a job at McDonald's. Since then I've been working there five days a week and I love it, we have a friendly team. At work, I eat foods that we are allowed to eat - a Big Mac, a Cheeseburger, coffee, cold drinks and potatoes. But if you only eat this food, you can get fat, so sometimes I take lunch from home.

McDonald's employees are prohibited from participating in the action - I don't know why. But I have no desire, it seems to me that I won’t win anything. Of course, I come across stickers - I give them to a friend who plays.

Arsen Dallakyan

consumer behavior consultant

Have you ever played Monopoly? Collected syndicates and businesses with street names? Then this event is definitely for you! From November 26 to December 31, the Monopoly promotion at McDonald's 2018 starts. The gifts include 22 million prizes, apartments, cars, smartphones, and travel. This time the organizers of the event did their best. You can eat deliciously and be guaranteed to receive gifts. Instant prizes include food ones. But there are also those that can dramatically change your life for the better.

The New Year's time is always famous for the abundance of promotions and other opportunities to receive gifts. Even now, almost all retail outlets hold events that will allow you to take your mind off everyday worries and feel lucky. For example, it will help you win a car. Until the end of the year you can wash your car at one of the Neste car washes and. You can win an apartment or a car for the New Year. Read more about these events by following the links.

Conditions of the event "Monopoly at McDonald's 2018"

In order to become a participant, you need:

  • during the promotion period from November 26 to December 31, 2018, you need to buy promotional products at one of the McDonald's enterprises;
  • find a sticker on the surface of promotional product packages with information about the instant prize;
  • carefully study the inscription and follow further recommendations. For example, find a message about receiving an instant food or non-food prize, collect a collection of stickers with objects (streets) that are needed to receive a collection prize;
  • carefully peel off the sticker in the direction of the directional arrows shown on it;

To receive a prize you need:

  • give the received sticker to a McDonald's employee to receive an instant prize;
  • apply for participation online using the website or the McDonald's mobile application;
  • To receive a Super Prize you need to register a sticker on the website or in mobile application.

Products participating in the "Monopoly at McDonald's" promotion

If you see a sticker with promotional inscriptions on the surface of a product purchased at McDonald's, it means you can receive an instant or other prize. Here is a list of such products:

Where to look for stickers and what they mean

  1. You will find one sticker on each product.
  2. On the products “Western Gourmet”, “Grill Gourmet”, Chicken Gourmet Exotic you will find two stickers at once.
  3. There are two types of stickers:
  • "Instant Prize";
  • “Gather a collection” of streets.

Thus, you can receive instant grocery or non-grocery prizes. The stickers themselves indicate what you will receive as a prize.

There is a tear-off part of the sticker on which there is a personal code. It consists of 9-10 characters and numbers. Or a 13-digit code. The code can be found at the bottom of the sticker.

There are 58,751,578 products with stickers across all McDonald's locations. There are at least 22,399,521 winning products. Almost every third product will be a winning product.

How to get instant grocery prizes

Read the message written on the sticker. If we're talking about about receiving an instant prize, then give the sticker to the employee who served you. Look in the table to see what food prizes you can receive:

Important! You can only receive instant product prizes if they are currently on sale.

If you order food from McDonald's, you cannot get instant winnings.

Instant non-product prizes

The sticker attached to the product may indicate that you are receiving an instant non-product prize. Here is their list:

  • three one-room apartments in Moscow;
  • Skoda Rapid car - 14 pieces;
  • Travel from Tour Operator TUI - 60 pcs.;
  • Certificate for 100 thousand rubles for annual shopping on - 27 pcs.;
  • Electronic Certificate for 30 thousand rubles for the purchase of air tickets on - 55 pcs.;
  • Certificate for 1 million rubles for purchases in the application on the Yula website - 3 pcs.;
  • Instax SQ6 instant camera, Pearl white – 500 pcs.;
  • HUAWEI P20 Pro smartphone from the Yula service - 18 pcs.;
  • Electric scooter from the Yula service - 40 pcs.;

You can find the rest of the prizes in the table:

McDonald's Monopoly Collectible Prizes

The sticker may contain street names, which means you must follow the directions and act accordingly. The collection of streets is as follows:

  • Nagatinskaya st., Zhitnaya st., Pervaya Parkaya st., st. Ogareva, Varshavskoe highway, Rostov embankment;
  • st. Sretenka, st. Polyanka, Rublevskoe highway, st. Vavilova, Ryazansky prospect, st. Tverskaya, st. Pushkinskaya;
  • Mayakovsky Square, st. Rimsky-Korsakov, st. Mosfilmovskaya, st. Presnensky Val;
  • Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Gogolevsky Boulevard, st. Shchuseva, st. Arbat, st. Malaya Bronnaya.

The Collectible Prize Chart gives you an idea of ​​what stickers you need to receive a prize. Each cell contains the name of the streets that need to be collected to receive a prize. The name of the prize is indicated in the same column. However, let's look at the table to figure it out:

In other words, you will have to collect all the street names from one cell of the first column and see what prize you are entitled to.

Important! If the winner does not contact the staff to receive the prize or does not register the code, the prize is considered unclaimed.

Monopoly carried out throughout the territory Russian Federation in existing McDonald's fast food outlets
Participation in Monopolies open only to Russian citizens who have reached the age of 18 at the time of participation in Monopoly.

Procedure for informing Participants

— The Terms and Conditions can be found on the website (“Monopoly website”).

— Hotline: For all questions regarding participation in Monopoly, Participants can call the 24-hour Hotline! Telephone hotline
8 800 333 09 19

— For any additional questions, please contact: ASK.MCDONALDS.RU

Deadline for the "Monopoly at McDonald's 2016" promotion

- With November 28 By December 31, 2016 taking into account the operating hours of McDonald's fast food establishments.

Prizes for the "Monopoly at McDonald's 2016" promotion


1,000,000 rub. from VISA

50,000 rub. from VISA

  • ŠKODA Octavia liftback
  • Family trip from tour operator TUI
  • DJI Phantom 3 Standard4 quadcopter
  • Annual shopping certificate for 120,000 rubles.
  • Hoverboard iconBIT Smart Scooter 105
  • Polaroid Snap2 camera
  • New Nintendo 3DS XL Pokemon Edition1 + 1 game
  • Game console Nintendo Classic Mini: NES3
  • Voucher for 2000 rubles. to purchase
  • Vouchers for 1 of 400 e-books and 100 audiobooks
  • Promo code for 2 months subscription
  • Subscription for 1 month “The best TV series from ABC Studios”
  • Promotional code for 1000 rubles. when purchasing from 3000 rub.
  • Waffle cone
  • Cherry pie
  • Cold drink standard
  • Standard cappuccino at McDonald's
  • Standard portion of French fries
  • Cheeseburger

In Monopoly Each of the following products that has a Sticker and Monopoly information affixed to its surface is an “Eligible Product”:

a) Big Mac®;
b) Big Tasty®;
c) Steak House Classic;
d) Cheeseburger De Luxe;
d) Grand Cheeseburger
f) Double Cheeseburger De Luxe;
g) Filet-o-Fish®;
h) Double Filet-o-Fish;
i) Double Grand Cheeseburger;
j) Chicken McNuggets® (9 pieces);
l) French fries (large portion);
l) Medium portion of Coca-Cola®, Coca-Cola® Zero, Fanta®, Sprite®, Lipton® Green Tea and Lipton® Lemon Tea, as well as a large portion of milkshakes with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry syrup and orange juice, and also apple juice (only for restaurants in the Samara region and Kostroma) - then together “Cold Drink 0.5 liters”;

m) Large Coffee, Large Cappuccino, Coffee Glaze, Latte, Large Black and Large Green Tea - hereinafter collectively referred to as “Hot Drink 0.3 liters”.


  • To start the game, you need to purchase a product participating in the promotion.
  • You need to find a black sticker on the package, carefully peel it off and look at what is written on it. back side.

There may be your instant or collection winnings. How they differ, see the Complete Rules.

To play, the Participant must, during the period from November 28, 2016 to December 31, 2016 inclusive:

(a) purchase one or more Participating Products from one of the Quick Service Locations while supplies last;

b) carefully peel off the Sticker affixed to the Participating Product as shown on the surface of the Participating Product to read the Monopoly message

McDonald's is back with its famous Monopoly promotion. This year, almost 16 million prizes are being awarded, including apartments in Moscow. To understand how and what you can win, we read all 37 pages of the promotion and calculated the chances of success.

Monopoly scheme Same as last year, 22 McDonald's food and drink packages feature special Monopoly stickers. The promotion includes several burgers (for example, Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Chicken De Luxe, etc.), Chicken McNuggets (serving 9 pieces), a large portion of French fries and medium and large portions of drinks. The back of the sticker has either the name of the prize or the name of the street printed on it. In the first case, you will immediately find out what prize you received, in second, you can collect a collection of certain stickers or take part in a drawing for a super prize.

A total of 49,340,139 stickers were produced. They were randomly distributed in all McDonald's restaurants in Russia.

What can you win?

In total, McDonald's will give away 16 million prizes.


You can win one of 6 options:

    Cheeseburger (424 thousand burgers)

    French fries (1.2 million regular size servings)

    Cherry Pie (1.6 million servings)

    Waffle cone (477 thousand servings)

    Cold brew (795.5 thousand standard size servings)

    Cappuccino (795.5 thousand standard size servings)

How to get

Important Details

1. You can only get dishes when they are on the menu (for example, during breakfast, a cheeseburger is not sold until 10 o’clock, and a vanilla cone cannot be obtained at McAuto from 02:00 to 07:00 in the morning).

2. The sticker cannot be used for delivery through Uber Eats.

Tickets, certificates, promotional codes

    2 tickets to the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (10 prizes)

    2 tickets to the semi-final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (10 prizes)

    Certificate for 120 thousand rubles for annual shopping on (15 prizes)

    Promotional code for 1,000 rubles for orders over 4,000 rubles on (1 million prizes)

    Promo code for 1 book out of 400 electronic or 100 audio books on (4 million prizes)

    Promo code for 2 months of subscription to audiobooks (1.2 million prizes)

    Promo code for 350 rubles from tvzav (2.5 million prizes)

    Coupon for 1000 rubles when purchasing at Eldorado (2.5 million prizes)

How to get

Promotional codes from tvzav,, Lamoda and Litres must be entered on store websites. The Eldorado promotional code can be used both in the online store and in offline locations. Football tickets will be delivered to the winners by courier.

Important Details

1. In some cases, promotional codes are valid for a limited number of products. For example, in an e-book storeLitres you can choose not any book, but only from a limited list (400 e-books and 100 audiobooks).

2. To cash out a promotional code for 1,000 rubles in the online clothing store, you will first have to place an order there for at least 4,000 rubles, and then the price will be recalculated taking into account the promotional code. The offer does not apply to products of some brands (for example, Mango, Lacoste, “TVOE” and others).

3. Some coupons need to be cashed in a short time. For example, a coupon for 1,000 rubles in the Eldorado electronics store is valid only until January 14, 2018.

4. To get to the football match, you will need to obtain a fan passport.


    1,000,000 rubles (2 prizes)

    100,000 rubles (20 prizes)

How to get

Register on the promotion website or in the application and enter the sticker code on. The money will be transferred to a bank account opened in one of the Russian banks.

Important Details

Cash will not be issued.


    Smartphone SAMSUNG Galaxy S8 (13 prizes)

    Ultra HD TV (10 prizes)

    Hoverboard POLARIS PBS 0601 (69 prizes)

    Game console XBOX ONE S 500 GB (30 prizes)

    INSTAX mini 9 instant camera (450 prizes)

How to get

To receive a prize, you must register on the McDonald's website or mobile app no ​​later than January 31, 2018. The distribution of prizes begins on the first working day of 2018 and ends on February 28, 2018.

Important Details

As reported on the hotline"Monopolies" , these prizes can be obtained in stores"Eldorado" . To do this, you will need to present the winning sticker.


In "Monopoly" 12 stickers with a prize in the form of a car were releasedŠKODA Rapid (in branded car dealerships it costs 819,719 rubles).

How to get

To receive a car, you need to register on the promotion website or in the McDonald's app and provide your details and sticker number. The vehicle must be handed over no later than 30 weeks from the date of first contact by the organizer with the winner.

Important Details

A car donation agreement is drawn up. No monetary compensation will be provided. You must pick up the car yourself from the Volkswagen Group Rus dealership.

Apartment in Moscow

Perhaps this is the most desired prize"Monopolies" . The advertisement for the promotion says that five 1-room apartments in Moscow are up for grabs. The terms and conditions clarify that what is actually being played out is not an apartment, but the right to conclude an agreement for participation in shared construction. The developer is PJSC PIK Group of Companies. The prize is a future apartment finished in in New Moscow. It is 2 km from the Buninskaya Alley metro station and 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

There are three ways to win an apartment. Either find a sticker on which this prize is indicated (three such stickers have been released), or collect a collection of three specific stickers, or take part in a super game (this is discussed in detail below).

Important Details

The area of ​​the apartment is not specified in the rules, but the smallest one offered has an area of ​​45.2 square meters. m and costs 5,505,360 rubles. The date of putting the house into operation under the terms of the promotion is not announced. The McDonald's press service did not respond to's request about the size of the apartment and the time it was received. The McDonald's hotline also failed to explain the conditions.

How to get

If you are lucky enough to find a sticker with an apartment, you need to register it on the promotion website or in the McDonald's app. After the new year you will be given a certificate for receiving the prize. It will contain contacts of a representative of the PIK, who will also need to be contacted, and before March 1, 2018. Or the winnings will be cancelled.

Collection prizes

    ŠKODA Rapid car (7 prizes)

    Smartphone SAMSUNG Galaxy S8 (7 prizes)

    Ultra HD TV LG (5 prizes)

    1,000,000 rubles (1 prize)

    Certificate for annual shopping worth 120,000 rubles. Online(10 prizes)

    100,000 rubles (10 prizes)

    Game console XBOX ONE S (10 prizes)

How to win

To get one of these prizes, you need to collect 3 stickers of certain streets. For example, if you manage to find stickers “Kutuzovsky Prospekt”, “Gogolevsky Boulevard” and “st. Shchusev”, then you will win a car. A complete list of streets for each prize can be found on page 14 .

Coupons must be registered on the McDonald's website before 23:59 (Moscow time) on January 31, 2018. After this, the organizers will contact the winners.

Super prizes

    Tickets for two to the final match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (3 prizes)

    ŠKODA Rapid (1 prize)

    One-room apartment in Moscow (1 prize)

    Travel voucher for four adults and two children under 12 years old (3 prizes)

How to win

You need to leave a request with any (not previously used) stickers on the site until 23:59 on December 24, 2017. The results will be announced on December 25 during a broadcast from a McDonald's restaurant (the time will be determined by the organizer at its discretion) and published on the website no later than January 16, 2018. The organizers will contact the winners themselves.

What else do you need to know

  • Only citizens of the Russian Federation over the age of 18 can participate.
  • Stickers must be kept until you receive the prize.
  • The winners do not need to pay income tax - McDonald's will do this themselves.

The missing sticker can be bought for 70,000 rubles

In general, you cannot exchange or sell stickers under the terms of the promotion. Paragraph 88 The monopoly states: “You may not purchase, sell, auction, or otherwise transfer a sticker to another person. Any such transferred sticker is void."

But this does not stop the protesters. While preparing this material, we found on Avito about the sale of a sticker from Monopoly for 70,000 rubles. And in" In contact with " there is a special