Sample work book form. Extract from the work book form download

Discussions about the abolition of work books have been going on for years. Since 2017, it has been proposed to abolish work books at small enterprises, and later extend the abolition to other employers: why do we need a work book if there is a personalized account, thanks to which the Pension Fund receives data on the length of service of employees? But so far this bill has not been adopted, and it is quite likely that we will not part with a paper document soon. In this article we will talk about work books and their completion.

What is a workbook for?

Each new employee, when applying for a job, presents his work book to the employer, if he has already worked somewhere before. The work book is the main document on the length of service, reflecting the entire labor activity of the employee (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the applicant has no work experience, and he has already worked for more than 5 days, the employer is obliged to create a work book for him.

Today, the availability of work books is convenient for both the employer and the employee himself:

  • Since information is entered into the work book for each place of work and positions of the employee, about rewards for success and about the reasons for dismissal, the employer can evaluate the candidate’s professional experience and his work path in order to make a decision on hiring him. Without this document, information about the professional activities and experience of the employee can only be seen from the resume and recommendations received from previous jobs, which may be far from objective.
  • The employee's work book is an official "paper" document that confirms his work experience. With electronic document management, technical failures are possible that lead to data loss, which means that the employee will have to prove his experience again.

Form of work book

The form of the work book is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Today, both old and new forms of work books are in use, from what year they are valid, it does not matter. These are the forms approved in 1938, in 1975 and in 2003. The last version was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/16/2003 No. 225, which contains the form of a work book and an insert to it, the rules for its maintenance, storage, as well as the form of magazines to account for the receipt-expenditure of forms and their movement.

The employer must have an empty form of the work book in stock in case of registration of an employee who has not previously worked anywhere. The work book is entered once, and if there is no room for new entries in it, then a special insert is filled in. The employer provides himself with such forms by purchasing them in retail trade. Since each book has its own unique number and printing protection, and only Goznak has the right to print work books, the form can be downloaded on the Internet only for informational purposes, but it cannot be used in work as a document.

Employment record (sample employment record)

All entries in the work book are made in accordance with the Rules, approved. Decree of the Government of 16.04.2003 No. 225 and Instruction, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The form of the work book is filled in manually, in black or blue ink, in Russian. Abbreviations, strikethroughs of previously made entries and corrections are not allowed.

In the new work book, the title page is first filled out, into which are entered:

  • FULL NAME. employee as indicated in his passport, without abbreviations,
  • Date of Birth,
  • education (not filled in if education is still ongoing),
  • profession and specialty as in the diploma.

The title page of the work book form (form) is certified by the employee himself and signed by the person responsible for issuing work books, the seal of the organization or personnel service is affixed.

Changes to the data entered in the title (for example, surnames) are drawn up by crossing out the previous data (except for data on education) and entering new ones, and the reason for the changes is indicated and certified by the employer on the inside of the cover.

Section "Information about work":

  • first, the name of the employer (organization or individual entrepreneur) is indicated in column 3 as a heading; if the name changes, then a separate entry is made about this indicating the new name, date of renaming and order;
  • column 1 - serial number of the record; consecutive numbering must go through all entries in the section;
  • column 2 - date of admission of the employee (in Arabic numerals in the format;
  • column 3 - a record of admission, or appointment to work, in which structural unit, job title, specialty, etc .;
  • column 4 - details of the order on the basis of which the entry was made.

At the request of the employee, an entry can be made in the work book about his part-time work, if there is a supporting document about this (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Such an entry is made by the employer at the main place of work, and its date may be earlier than the entries already in the book. For example, having got a main job in 2017, an employee asks to make a record of the part-time job where he worked in 2015-2016. In this case, the chronology of entries in the work book will be violated, but regulations do not contain instructions on making entries in the work book exclusively in chronological order.

Each of your places of work, as well as the duration of stay in a particular position, are recorded in the work book. It is this document that will be discussed in this article. But before talking about the features of the design and content of the document, it is necessary to give a definition.

A work book is an official document containing information about places of work. In particular, the employer, the period of tenure and the reason for dismissal.

The importance of this document lies in the need for the employer to obtain complete and reliable information about the newly minted candidate for a specific position. The key to a successful interview is work experience and a positive “work” history.

Document appearance

This document has a standard form, the same for all. Externally, TC can be of two types:

  • Size 10x14 cm - this indicates the release in 1977.
  • The size is 8.8x12.5 cm, which indicates a new sample of 2003, approved by the Government Decree "On work books".

As a result, color differences may be present: gray, dark blue and dark green TCs.

Below is appearance TK, as well as the title page:

Russian legislation on work books

It should be noted a separate Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” (see the link, which regulates the general procedure for operating with this document (the procedure for registration, rules of conduct, as well as issuance after dismissal), as well as Art. 2-3, the form of the TC and the insert in the TC are established.

In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines the practical significance of the employment book. What Art. 63, Art. 66, art. 77. (see link

The legislator separately singled out instructions for filling out the document, which was approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on 10.10.03, No. 69 (see the link

Main settings

The problem that employers are afraid to face is a fake employment document. So, on the original document there is a distinctive feature - a watermark on each page.

  • For old-style shopping malls, this is a serpentine sign that can be seen through the light.
  • The TK of the new sample has a combination of the letters "TK", which are also visible through the light.

The next difference between the old and the new sample is in the number of pages. There are 40 of them in the old shopping mall, and 46 in the new one.

As a rule, there are three sections in the TC:

  • Information about the employee (name, date of birth, place of residence - all information is filled in on title page and backed up with a seal).
  • Employment data. In particular, hiring, as well as transfer, dismissal and their reasons. Each entry must contain the name of the position, company and, of course, the date. The information provided is confirmed by the seal of the organization and the number of the order.
  • Awards and achievements (separately records the fact of receiving an award for any achievement in the position held, supported by the date and number of the order).

Each entry has its own serial number. If one of the sections is completely filled out in the main work book, then a specialist in the personnel department draws up and pastes an insert.

It should be noted the peculiarity of the design of dates: they are written exclusively in Arabic numerals. Writing rules:

  • Year - XXXX.
  • Month and day - XX.

As a result, we get that the employee hired on March 1, 2017 will have the following written in the work book: 03/01/2017

The language of filling is the official language of the country/republic.

Important! There is a separate requirement for the pen used to fill out the document: it must be a purple, blue or black ballpoint pen. Gel pens are not allowed!

In addition, there should not be any abbreviations in the document, each word is spelled out in full, for accuracy of understanding.

You should also know the terms for issuing a work book:

  • After 5 days of the employee fulfilling his immediate duties, the employer is obliged to enter the relevant information into the Labor Code.
  • If the employee first got a job, the employer is given 7 days to issue a work book.

The validity of the work book itself is not limited. All the time the employee is fulfilling his official duties The TK is kept by the employer and is issued only after dismissal. However, often government agencies or banks require a copy of the Labor Code to confirm the labor activity of a citizen. In this case, the following periods apply:

  • The total period of validity of a copy of the TC is 1 month.
  • The exception is a certified copy of the work book for the bank - the terms in this case are limited to two weeks.

At the legislative level, a minimum age is also established when it is possible to issue a work book.

By general rule, the document is drawn up by the employer after 5 days when the employee fulfills his official duties.

It is generally accepted that official employment is possible only after reaching the age of 18. But the labor code establishes that a teenager who has reached the age of 14 can get a job, and accordingly draw up a work book, but under the following conditions:

  • written consent of one of the parents.
  • work will not interfere with studies.

From the age of 15, a teenager can get a job on his own, without the special consent of his parents, but for a job that is recognized as easy.

From the age of 16, a citizen has the right to independently conclude an employment contract and, together with it, draw up a labor contract.

Issuance of a blank form (download in doc)

Following from paragraph 3 of Government Decree No. 225 (see link above), the organization must provide the employee with a blank form of the employment book of the established form. It follows from this that the enterprise acquires this document at its own expense and draws it up for a new employee in the following cases:

  • if a citizen got a job for the first time.
  • if they had previously lost their work book.

This is what a clean TK form looks like:

Important! The form can not be used in the work as a document, only for informational purposes.

Entering data into a document

Information about the new place of work is entered by a specialist in the personnel department in accordance with clause 8 of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 (see the link above). The employee is only obliged to provide the necessary and reliable documents.

It should be noted that the admission of an employee to a new position does not begin with the registration of an entry in his employment book, but with the issuance of an order to conclude employment contract. Subsequently, the number of this order will be recorded in the shopping mall.

Important! The work book is not filled out by yourself individual, that is, its owner. This is done exclusively by an authorized person of the employing organization.

  • Education.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Specialty awarded after graduation.
  • Date of completion.
  • Signature.

Documents required to fill out

As mentioned above, the registration of the work book is carried out by a specialist in the personnel department. To do this, you must provide a list of documents:

  • Employee Passport.
  • Document on higher or secondary education.

Based on these documents, the title page is filled out.

Title page template

It is not required to write an application for issuing a form of employment book, because it is drawn up according to the law, and not at the personal request of the employee. An exception when a statement is required is the situation when the previous document has been lost.

The list above is exhaustive. An additional list of documents can be supplemented in case of loss of the TC if it is necessary to restore data on the previous place of work.

Electronic work book

Today, with the development of technology and the introduction of electronic technologies into our lives, the Ministry of Labor is developing a plan for an electronic TC. It is a database of labor activity of the population.

We highlight the main distinguishing features of the electronic work book:

It should also be a practical example to distinguish between the TC in electronic and paper form:

  • The electronic version involves storing information in a specific database without the need for a physical medium, while the paper version assumes only the presence of the book itself.
  • The information in the electronic book is kept in printed form. Whereas on paper - exclusively in writing, by hand.
  • Interaction with other government services is possible only on the electronic TC.
  • Process automation is also used exclusively in electronic form.

What is the essential advantage of an electronic document? It is not subject to material wear and tear, as well as the possibility of being lost or stolen. The risk of illegal actions is also significantly reduced.

It should be said that a plan is being actively developed for the introduction of electronic work books. However, no draft relevant legal acts have yet been submitted for consideration.

Thus, the work book is an important and essential attribute confirming the labor activity of citizens. Correct filling all sections helps the employer to get an accurate picture of the new employee.

Expert opinion

Lawyer of civil law specialization. Works in the Kinelsky district court of the Samara region - the secretary of the court session.

The Ministry of Labor spoke about the introduction of electronic work books last year. This year, a gradual transition to a new format is planned, while maintaining the usual paper version.

From the middle of this year, new rules regarding the certification of a copy of the work book (GOST-2016) come into force, but they are voluntary.

Another innovation will be the possibility of concluding an electronic labor contract using the portal, with remote specialists, with the mutual consent of the employer and employee. The signing of such an agreement will be carried out through enhanced electronic signature. To obtain a paper copy of the document, you will need to contact the MFC.

In the meantime, many talk about the pros and cons of switching to electronic document management, I propose to recall what innovations took place in 2017: in February, the Ministry of Labor allowed employers to send electronic pay slips to their employees, and starting in July, electronic sick leave began to be used.

Currently, a work book is issued to an employee not only upon dismissal. The employee has the right to receive the original, and not a copy or extract from the work book, as it was before, in order to apply for a pension. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an application in any form.

Throughout the territory Russian Federation the work book is one of the most important and important personal documents of any citizen. The work book was adopted by law as early as January 1939, and since then it has been relevant in our time. All data on the labor activity of a person, as well as his paid work experience, are entered in the work book. All this is clearly regulated in Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. You can download a sample of the “Employment Book” form for free directly from our website.

The government of the country has established a unified form, rules for maintaining and storing work books. They start a work book for each employee of the organization who has worked more than five days.

For answers to questions that arise when filling out a work book, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on the topic “Filing a work book, a lecture for personnel officers”:

Well, the sample form of the “Employment Book” itself can be downloaded for free and without any registration, requests to send SMS, you can follow the links that are at the very bottom of this page.

Rules for filling out the employment record form and some nuances

Entries in the work book must include information about:

  • the employee himself;
  • taking him to work;
  • his positions;
  • his dismissal;
  • transfer to another job;
  • any awards;
  • disciplinary actions (if any).

The rules for keeping records in the work book allow you to enter data on the place of part-time work into it. Unfortunately, in our time, many mistakes are made when filling out and maintaining a work book. By different reasons don't attach much importance to it. These sin both young people who are not yet thinking about the onset of retirement age, and personnel officers at various enterprises. But competent record keeping is not only a guarantee of the correct calculation of a pension, but also a kind of resume when applying for another job. First of all, employers always look at previous jobs. On it you can immediately determine what kind of worker is standing in front of you. How many, in what positions he worked, what experience he has.

Another short video with tips on the topic “How to issue a work book for an employee for the first time”:

It will not be superfluous to recall that standard forms of work books have been adopted and it is they (printed in the printing house) that must be used in their activities.

Filling out work books in 2020 is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the specified normative is not a recommendation for execution, but clearly defined norms that approve a sample work book, and non-compliance with which is prosecuted.

Filling out the title page

The title form of the work book is filled out in two cases:

  • first employment;
  • duplicate design.

A sample of a new work book was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and has not changed since then.

All information about the owner of the labor is entered in black, blue or purple ink. When filling out, you must specify:

  • date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY);
  • education and profession;
  • profession.

Information is entered on the basis of the documents provided by the employee: as it is written there, we write. No entries "from the words" of the employee are written or made. The text is entered in neat, legible handwriting. Blots and errors are not allowed. Dates are entered in Arabic numerals. What documents does the employee provide when concluding an employment contract:

  • about education (if the job requires special knowledge, skills and abilities);
  • on military registration (if the person is liable for military service);
  • SNILS (if absent, the employer draws up this document himself);
  • the passport.

Labor is not listed, but we must remember that this is a mandatory document. You can see a sample of the work book for 2020 below.

Everything that is written on the title page is certified by the signature of a specialist responsible for filling out, maintaining and storing work books. In any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and direction of activity, one of the employees is responsible for the execution and storage of work books within the organization (clause 45 of the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225). Who it is - a personnel officer, an accountant, an employee of another service, or the director himself - does not matter. It is important that such a person be appointed by an order that has the same name - on the approval of the person responsible for filling out and storing the work book and inserts to them. It is more expedient to assign two employees to this direction. If one employee falls ill or goes on vacation, the second one will insure him for this time.

After the personnel officer enters the necessary information, the owner of the document signs in a specially designated line as a sign of agreement that all the data has been entered correctly. If mistakes were made, then such a document is invalidated and must be destroyed, and a new form is issued to the owner of the work book (at the expense of the organization).

Completed title page of the 2020 work book

What to do when an employee changes personal data? Do not throw away the book ... Yes, you don’t need to do this, for this case, the legislation provides for the possibility of making changes: the old data of the employee on the title page is carefully crossed out (we are talking about full name), and new information is entered on the spread of the labor. We certify this record with our signature with a transcript (if there is a seal, we also put it). For more details on how to fill out a work book in 2020 in this case, it is written in section III rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225. It must be borne in mind and remembered that the correction of entries on the title page and in other sections of the labor is carried out in different ways.

Fill in the section "Information about work"

After the title page is completed, go to the section "Information about the work." It is fixed here:

  • Company name;
  • day, month, year of making entries;
  • the very fact of hiring;
  • job movements;
  • translations (on a permanent basis);
  • part-time job (at the request of the employee at the main place of work);
  • reasons for terminating the employment contract.

Entries in the 2020 work book are made on the basis of an order issued by the head of the organization. Details of the document are indicated in the column provided for this. The entry must be made within 7 days from the date of issuance of the order (during admission, transfers, promotions, etc.), upon dismissal, entries are made on the last working day (paragraph 10 of the Rules approved by Resolution No. 225). Sometimes experts confuse the terms five and seven days. Five days is the period after which the employer is obliged to create a work book for his employee (clause 3 of the Rules). Each entry has a serial number. Only the headings in the Job Details section are not numbered.

Sample of filling out a work book (2020)

Rules for filling out a work book (2020)

How to enter information in this section:

  1. In the column "Information about work" enter data about the employer (without abbreviations).
  2. In the first column "№" of the record, a serial number is assigned.
  3. In the second column "Date" (DD.MM.YYYY) the date is indicated (in accordance with the order or the actual admission to work).
  4. In the third column, data on employment are entered indicating the position (as in the employment contract).
  5. The fourth section contains the details of the order or other normative act about hiring.

When the time comes, people leave the organization for various reasons. Information about the termination of the working relationship is entered here in the next entry. An example of how to fill out a work book in this case, see below.

How to make a notice of resignation

An entry in the labor is made in accordance with the order of the employer (exactly in the form that is in the order, without abbreviations). The grounds for dismissal are indicated (Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example: “Fired of his own free will, paragraph 3 of part 1 Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation". An example of filling out a work book on this basis is presented below.

If termination labor relations has other reasons, for example, loss of trust, then a reference to the article is applied, the entry is as follows: “The employment contract was terminated due to the commission of guilty actions by the employee directly servicing the commodity values, giving rise to a loss of confidence in him on the part of the employer, paragraph 7 of part 1 Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation". Regardless of the reason for the employee’s departure, they are introduced to this record and given a blank document in hand.

The record is certified by the signature of the head (or authorized person) with a transcript, the seal of the enterprise is affixed (provided that it exists). As a sign of familiarization with the record, the employee puts his signature on the form, indicates the surname and initials. Full name - important point, since the surname must match the data indicated on the title page. After that, the employee signs in the book (some call it a journal) of accounting for the movement of labor and inserts to them.

Proper completion of the work book (2020) is extremely important, especially in light of the latest reforms in pension legislation. The FIU will not accept documents drawn up incorrectly, or simply will not count the period of work of a person drawn up with errors. Someday we will all retire, and we don’t want to waste this time on correcting other people’s mistakes.

The work book, filling out, is not limited to filling out the title page and the section on work, the work book contains one more section - information about awards and incentives.

We make a record of promotion and awards

B are worn in the work book and records of the employee's professional merits, awards and incentives for good work (information about penalties is not entered). All new data is entered on the basis of the order of the employer. The entry algorithm is the same as in the case of employment, the sample and rules for filling out a work book are higher.

Insert in the work book

The insert is wound up and sewn into the workforce when there is no place left in the main document of experience and there is nowhere to enter new information. The form of the insert is approved by Government Decree No. 225.

From the important thing you need to know about the insert:

  • it is sewn in (directly with threads, in what way - it does not matter, it is important to attach);
  • when filling out the insert, the personal data in it must match the data indicated on the title page of the labor;
  • the insert number is entered in the book of accounting for the movement of labor;
  • all other filling is identical to labor.

For the Republic of Crimea, the procedure for making entries is similar, for a sample of how to fill out a work book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020), take the examples above.

One of the most important documents for a Russian is his work book. It is necessary not only for the duration of a working career.

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After retirement, the accrual of payments occurs on the basis of the entries made in it. Therefore, it is so important to thoroughly know all the nuances regarding the correct and clear filling.

Normative base

It is also determined there that the work book is filled out in Russian, with the exception of special cases when double filling is allowed for residents of republics that have their own national language.

The algorithm for filling out the form is indicated in a special one.

Who is responsible for maintaining, recording and storing?

Only organizations and private entrepreneurs can draw up and fill out work books in accordance with the rules of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

After hiring, the work book is transferred to the personnel department of the employer, and as long as the individual is working at this enterprise, it is his employees who are responsible for storing the form and filling it out in a timely manner.

Upon dismissal, the work book is issued to the employee, and, thus, he is responsible for the document until the moment he gets a job at a new job.

At the same time, he must sign in the accounting book of the enterprise.

He does not have the right to fill out the pages of the form on his own.

The personnel department in a large company is engaged in accounting for work books of workers. In a smaller enterprise, such authority may be vested in an accountant, secretary, or other executive officially authorized to do so by order.

Who fills in if there is no personnel officer?

If the enterprise does not have a personnel department or a person specially authorized to perform such actions, the registration, filling in and necessary correction of data in the work book is carried out directly by the director of the organization or a person officially authorized by him with the necessary qualifications.

When does it open?

The work book must be opened at the time of employment for the first official job.

In this case, an application should be written to the name of the employer with a request to issue a form in the name of the new employee.

The first filling of a new book is made within one week after the application is submitted in any form.

It should be carried out only in the presence of the person for whom the document is being drawn up, since at this moment all basic personal information is entered, and they must be drawn up correctly.

A sample of filling out a work book in 2020

Now let's look at the main points on filling out a work book.

Instructions and basic rules

Registration of a work book is carried out in accordance with a special instruction of the Ministry of Labor. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with its main provisions in order not to make mistakes, as well as to make sure that the form is maintained in accordance with all the rules.

When filling out the labor for the first time, the following data must be transferred to the title page:

  • Full name of the employee, as they are recorded in the presented identity card.
  • Full date of birth.
  • Information about education received
  • If a person has a specialist diploma, then, on the basis of this document, information about the profession and specialty is entered.

Labor is the most complete and relevant reflection of the employee's work path, therefore, all significant changes in his labor and public life must be recorded on the pages of the form.

The following points are mandatory:

  • the fact of admission of an employee to the staff, indicating the exact name of the position currently held;
  • the fact of transfer to another position, demotion or reinstatement in the previous position;
  • transfer to another company;
  • violation of the rules of the enterprise, the established work regime;
  • award for special merit;
  • change of surname and name;
  • additional education, courses;
  • changes in the name of the employer's organization;
  • the fact of dismissal with an indication of the reason.

The columns of the work book are filled in in strict order:

  1. Each column, with the exception of the section "Information about the employer", is assigned a serial number.
  2. In accordance with the order for amendments, the date is entered in the format day / month / year.
  3. Information is entered directly.
  4. The number and details, the date of issue of the order to amend the employee's form are indicated.

Which pen to fill?

According to paragraph 1.1 of the instructions, entries are made in black, blue, purple ink.

Under no circumstances are inks of other colors allowed.

Is it possible to fill out a work book with a gel pen? Yes. When filling out the pages, it is permissible to use a ballpoint, fountain, as well as a gel pen.

All other writing utensils are not suitable for the design of the form and will lead to its damage.


The numbering of information in the work book, according to the established rules, is carried out strictly in chronological order and nothing else.

Can you write in block letters?

Filling in the columns with the data is carried out in capital letters. There is one exception, namely: when signing an employee on the title page, you can indicate your full name and do it in block letters, in order to avoid possible questions and confusion.

This must be done carefully, without errors and blots.

The entry is made without abbreviations, all words must be indicated clearly and legibly. The information required for entering must be indicated in the appropriate columns according to the filling rules, certified by the signature of the person making the changes and the seal of the personnel department, or the seal of the enterprise.

Foundation Documents

These are documents that serve as the basis for making additions and changes to the work book.

These include:

  • personal documents of the employee (identity card, certificate of marriage/dissolution of marriage, education);
  • internal working documents (orders for hiring, dismissal, promotion, transfer, etc.).

Title page

The title of the work book should be filled out with great care. In the presence of any blots and corrections, this page is considered invalid, the book is subject to write-off and replacement.

The first page contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME. in full, as indicated in the passport;
  • date of birth, date and year are written in Arabic numerals, month - in a word;
  • on the basis of a document on completed or continuing education, its level is recorded;
  • the exact name of the profession and specialty is entered, also based on information from documents on education;
  • at the very end of the sheet, the date is put in the above format and the personal signature of the owner of the work book, confirming the accuracy of all the specified data;
  • the signature of the responsible person, the seal of the organization or the personnel department are mandatory.



When an employee is dismissed, column 3 indicates the reason for dismissal, the details of the order are recorded, on the basis of which the action was carried out.

Records made during the time of work in the organization must be certified by the signature and seal of the head before labor document will be issued to the employee.


Upon dismissal due to staff reduction, an entry is made in the labor form about the reduction of the employee on the basis of an order with the details of this document.


If an employee disputes in court the decision to dismiss him, then, upon passing a favorable verdict, he must be reinstated in his last position immediately.

Refusal to execute a court decision leads to administrative liability.

In this case, an entry is made in the work book, on the basis of which the dismissal record should be considered invalid. The details of the writ of execution are indicated as the basis document.

Death of an employee

In the event of the death of an employee, the head of the enterprise issues a decree to terminate the employment contract based on the fact of death.

After that, a detailed entry is made in the work book based on the documents:

  • Identity card of the deceased (passport).
  • Death certificate.
  • Statutory documents of the enterprise.
  • Documents provided by the personnel department.
  • Accounting.

Reprimands and reprimands

Records of disciplinary sanctions cannot be entered into the labor book in a legal manner. The dismissal can be recorded on the form, indicating the reason, which may be a disciplinary violation.

Changes and fixes

How are changes and corrections made to outdated information? Let's figure it out.

When changing the surname and assigning qualifications

If there is a change in the surname, name, qualifications of the employee, then according to clause 2.3 of the Instruction, the changes are made as follows: the existing entry is crossed out with one line, new information is entered on top of it.

Its reliability is confirmed by the name and number of the document on the basis of which the change was made (for example, a marriage certificate). The correction is certified by the signature of the employee and the seal of the enterprise.

Renaming an organization

Although changing the name of the employer's organization does not in any way affect the change in the working conditions of the employee, according to paragraph 2.2 of the Instructions, this information must be entered in the work book.

This is done as follows:

  • the first and second columns of the record remain blank;
  • the third column contains information about the change in the name of the organization, where the former and present names are indicated in full and abbreviated form;
  • the fourth column contains the date and details of the document on the basis of which it is made.

The entry is invalid

If you need to correct an entry made in the section "information about the work", you should remember that you cannot cross it out.

After the entry containing the error, the next numbered entry is made, the date of entry is affixed, and in column 3 it is written: “entry No. ... considered invalid”, followed by a corrected, correct entry.

Column 4 is filled in two options:

  • a footnote is re-given to the number and date of the order that became the basis for the invalid entry;
  • indicate the number and date of the order issued for the purpose of making changes.

How to make a missed

If, for some reason, a record of the changes made was not made in the workbook in a timely manner, the employee can apply to the employer by submitting an official document confirming the event that has occurred, which must be recorded.

When making this entry, the actual date of the event is indicated. The rest of the TC is filled in according to a standard sample.

If the employer refuses to make changes retroactively, you should file a complaint with the labor inspectorate.

Oral statements cannot be grounds for retrospective entry.

Filled in later

What is the risk of post-dated entries? For an employee, this may Negative consequences, as it is reflected in his length of service and, accordingly, the accrual of a pension subsequently may not be in his favor. Such situations should be avoided whenever possible.

How to fill out the insert

When filling all clean pages in the Labor Code, the following data is entered on an insert form, which is additionally paid by the employee:

  • The insert is filled in by the employer.
  • The date is stamped on the title.
  • Up-to-date information regarding the worker is added.
  • The entry is certified by the personal signature of the person who filled it out and the seal.

The legislation does not establish the maximum allowable number of inserts for one work book.

Usually the form is sewn under the cover at the end of the completed book.

It should be remembered that:

  • damage to the cover itself is unacceptable;
  • correction of errors is unacceptable, all entries must be drawn up according to the rules of the TC;
  • without the labor book itself, the insert has no legal force;
  • when changes are made to the form, they are entered on all pages, including pasted forms.

Data entry date

It is affixed to the stamp at the top of the insert. It can also be affixed without a stamp. There is no strict place for putting down the date in the document.

Making a duplicate

If a book is lost, it is damaged (when it becomes impossible to read the entries on the pages), it is necessary.

If the loss or damage occurred at the time when the shopping mall was in the hands of the employee, then to restore the document, you should contact the last employer.

To do this, an application is submitted in the prescribed form, which is considered within 15 working days. Additionally, it may be necessary to provide all available information about previous jobs: certificates of enrollment, dismissal, career movements, orders.

In the new work book, the word “Duplicate” is put on the title page at the top, then the title page is filled in according to the standard pattern.

On the first spread, the total work experience is affixed, then the specified information about the places of work based on the information provided.

If the damage or loss of labor occurred due to the fault of the current employer, he is responsible for collecting information and restoring information regarding the employee's labor history.


Like every other document, a work book has its own nuances of design and filling. Let's consider the main ones.

Do individual entrepreneurs make entries for themselves and employees?

An individual entrepreneur can enter data in the work book on himself independently if he is registered as entity and received the corresponding status of the head of the organization.

This gives him the right to also make entries in the shopping mall of his employees.

If an individual entrepreneur combines his activities with work at another enterprise, then in that company a form is kept for him as for an ordinary employee, which does not relieve the entrepreneur from the obligation to pay tax on private business.

When filling out the TC, instead of the name of the organization, “IP” is affixed, then the full name of the employer is indicated.

What data is entered by civil servants?

Upon admission to public service the work book is filled out in the usual manner, only instead of the name of the organization in column number 3, the structural unit of the public authority is indicated.

The title of the position of the new employee is indicated in accordance with the register of positions of the state civil service.

Can I make entries myself?

According to the law, a private person does not have the right to make any changes and make new entries on his own. However, there is an exception.

If an employee was awarded a bonus by a third-party or higher organization and received an order to enter an extract about this in the Labor Code, but a record of this fact was not made before he left his last job, he has the right to make this entry himself, guided by the sample.

Does it have to be a hologram?

A hologram is an additional means of protecting a document from forgery. It is not necessary to paste it in the Labor Code, but the employer can add this element to the form.

A clear place for pasting a hologram is not indicated by the Legislation, but most often it is entered on the title page of a work book.

Is it possible to enter data without printing?

No, the seal of the personnel department must certify the entry made without fail.

In 2020 became topical issue Do you need a company seal? It's not obligatory. It can be affixed if there are no personnel officers in the organization. Then the record is certified by the personal seal of the director or the official seal of the organization.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the site.