Dialogue in English seller and buyer. Dialogue in English in a clothing store

Hello travel lovers! You and I have already analyzed exemplary dialogues in, and today I decided to bring to your attention some typical dialogues on English language in the shop clothes, shoes and toys. Of course, you can communicate with the sellers on your fingers, trying to convey to them your wishes for a particular product, but it is much more pleasant when you can calmly explain what size, style or color you would like to purchase.

Dialogues in stores

1. In the first dialogue, a woman went to a clothing store to buy a sweater for her husband.

Salesman: Hello! Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, I was looking at that sweater in the window.

salesman: The gray and pink one?

Woman: No, the blue one.

salesman: Oh! The man's sweater.

Woman: That's right. It's for my husband. What colors does it come in?

salesman: We have navy blue, light green and pale blue.

Woman: Do you have a navy blue one in extra large?

salesman: Let's see ... small, medium, large ... oh yes, here you are. Extra large. It's a good quality sweater. 100% wool, made in Italy.

Woman: Sure. I'll take it. How much is that?

salesman: Eighty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents.



Female: Yes, I was looking at the sweater in the window.

Salesman: Grey-pink?

Female: No, blue.

Salesman: BUT! Men's sweater.

Female: Yes. For my husband. What colours are there?

Salesman: Dark blue, light green and pale blue.

Female A: Do you have navy blue size XL?

Salesman: I'll take a look now... S, M, L... yes, here it is. XL. This sweater good quality. 100% wool, made in Italy.

Female: Certainly. I'll take it. How much does it cost?

Salesman: 89.95 $

2. In the second dialogue, the man came to the toy store.

salesman: hello there. May I help you?

Man: Hello. Yes, I guess so. I'm looking for a toy, for an eight-year-old boy.

salesman: Does he have a video games console?

Man: Yes, he does.

salesman: We have some new games. This is Mega Mario 20. It's very popular.

Man: OK. How much is it?

salesman: Thirty-nine, ninety-nine.


Salesman: Hello! Can I help you?

The male: Hello! I think yes. I am looking for a toy for an eight year old boy.

Salesman: Does he have a game console?

The male: Yes.

Salesman: We have several new games. Here is Mega Mario 20. This is a very popular game.

The male: Good. How much does it cost?

Salesman: 39.99.

3. In the third dialogue, a woman came to a shoe store.

Woman: Excuse me, do you have any Nike trainers?

salesman: right over there. They are between the Reeboks and the L.A. gear.

Woman: Oh yes. I didn't see them. Do you have a pair of these in size three and a half?

salesman: Yes, we do. Do you want to try them on?

Woman: What? Oh no. They're way too small for me. They are for my daughter.

salesman: Oops! Sorry… They are eighty-nine, forty-five. How would you like to pay?

Woman: VISA

salesman: OK.


Female: Excuse me, do you have Nike sneakers?

Salesman: There. They sit between Reeboks and L.A. gear.

Female: Oh yeah! I didn't see them there. Do you have these shoes in size 3.5?

Salesman: Yes. Would you like to try them on?

Female: What? Oh no. They are too small for me. They are for my daughter.

Salesman: Oh sorry. They cost $89.45. How will you pay?

Female: By Visa card.

Salesman: Good.

Here we have sorted out examples dialogues in English in the store clothes, toys and shoes. If you have any questions about a more detailed translation of some expressions or words, do not hesitate and write them in the comments. I'm sure others will find the answers helpful as well.

Shopping for clothes

  • May I see that skirt, please? … Do you have it in black? I am looking for a skirt for a business meeting.
  • No, sorry. We only have it in white and grey. I suggest a gray one.
  • thank you. OK then. May I try the gray skirt on?
  • sure you can. What size do you usually take?
  • Mainly I wear a medium size.
  • Here you are. The fitting room is on your left over there. …. So how is it?
  • Mmm. I am afraid it's too short for me. Do you have it a bit longer?
  • Let me check. I'll have a look. … Well, here it is.
  • Now it's really beautiful and comfortable. I like it.
  • Yes, it suits you. And its color matches the color of your hair.
  • How much is it?
  • It's on sale now. We sell it at 50 per cent discount and it's only 15 euros.
  • Really? I'll take it. And I also need some office shoes to match the skirt. But not too expensive, please. I have a size 36 and I prefer heels.
  • OK. I'll get them for you. … So how do they fit?
  • Oh, the shoes are too tight. Can I have a bigger size? …Yes, these are cute and stylish.
  • I agree with you, they look really nice on you, especially with your new skirt.
  • I will buy them. Please pack the shoes.
  • OK. Will you pay by card or by cash?
  • I want to pay by card. Here it is.
  • OK. Would you put a signature on your receipt, please, and return a copy to me? Thank you for shopping at our store.
  • Can I see that skirt? Do you have the same black one? I need a skirt for a business meeting.
  • No, sorry. We only have white and grey. I suggest grey.
  • Thanks to. Okay then. Can I try on gray?
  • Of course. What size do you usually wear?
  • Basically, I wear medium size.
  • Here, take it. The dressing room is over there on the left. … So what do you think?
  • Mmm. I'm afraid it's too short for me. Do you have a little longer?
  • Let me check. I'll see. … Here you go.
  • Now it's really nice and comfortable. I like.
  • Yes, it suits you. And the color matches the color of your hair.
  • How much does it cost?
  • She's on sale now. We sell it with 50% discount and it costs only 15 euros.
  • Indeed? I take. And I also need office shoes to match the skirt. But not too expensive, please. I'm a size 36 and I prefer heels.
  • Okay, I'll bring it. … Well, does it fit?
  • Oh, the shoes are too tight. Can you try a bigger size? ... Yes, these are lovely and stylish.
  • I agree, they look very nice on you, especially with your new skirt.
  • I'll take them. Pack your shoes, please.
  • OK. Will you pay by card or cash?
  • I want to pay by card. Here, take it.
  • Please sign your check and return a copy to me. Thank you for shopping in our store.

We all face the need to buy new things. Someone does this rarely, from season to season, and someone cannot live a day without buying some trinket. Well, if you are a shopaholic or just like to go to clothing stores or flea markets abroad - this topic is definitely for you.

Today we will talk about how to make purchases and conduct a dialogue in a clothing store in English, how to ask for the right size or color, and we will also learn a lot of new vocabulary and phrases related to the topic “shops”.

Shopping is shopping in English. The word has already become so firmly established in the Russian language that when we talk about buying clothes or accessories, we use “shopping”.

Let's imagine that you are in a hotel abroad. In order to find out the addresses of the nearest stores, you can open an online map or ask the person at the reception about it:

  • Where is the nearest shopping mall? - Where is the nearest shopping center?
  • Is there an outlet center in the area? - Is there an outlet somewhere in the area?

Outlets are shops or entire shopping centers where brands sell clothes from past collections at great discounts. They are very popular in Europe and are usually located on the outskirts of the city.

So how to conduct a dialogue in the store in English? Let's start with the fact that in a clothing store, the customer (customer) always tries on (to try on) some thing to find out if it fits (to fit). You can do this in the fitting room (fitting room), and if the size does not fit, then you can ask the sales assistant (shop assistant(brit.)/ store clerk, sales associate(Amer.)) bring a different size (size) or color (colour) of the item you like. You can also find out about discounts and sales from him.

As for sales, you can often see the following special offers in the store:

  • Buy two for the price of one - Buy two for the price of one
  • Buy 2 get 1 free - Buy 2 get 1 free
  • Buy 2 get 1 half price - Buy 2 get 1 half price
  • Buy one get 40% off your second item - Buy one item and get 40% off your second item

A favorable price is indicated on the price tags as good value, but the final sale, when discounts can reach maximum - clearance sale. Discounted items are marked as reduced.

Other words you will need in the store:

  • basket - a basket in a supermarket
  • buy/purchase - purchase
  • cash - cash
  • cash desk - cash desk
  • cashier - cashier
  • change - surrender
  • cheap - cheap
  • check - check
  • coin - coin
  • counter - counter
  • credit card - credit card
  • expensive - expensive
  • high-quality - high quality
  • note (banknote) - banknote
  • receipt - receipt, check
  • refund - refund of the cost of goods
  • scales - scales
  • second hand - used
  • shop window - showcase
  • trolley - trolley in the supermarket
  • to choose/select/pick - choose
  • to go shopping - go shopping
  • to haggle/bargain - haggle
  • to pay (in) cash - pay in cash
  • to pay by/with credit card - pay by card
  • to pay for - pay for (something)
  • to queue up, to line up, to stand in line - stand in line for (something)
  • to take off - take off (thing)
  • to try on - try on

Now let's move on to phrases that will help you conduct a dialogue in English in a clothing store.

Typically, consultants themselves approach buyers and ask the following questions:

  • Can I help you? - I can help you?
  • What would you like? - What would you like?
  • What can I do for you? - How can I help you?
  • Are you looking for something special? - Are you looking for something specific?
  • Are you being served? - Are you being served?
  • Which do you prefer? - What do you prefer?

If you do not need the help of a consultant, just say: "I'm just browsing, thanks" (I'm just looking, thanks) or "I'm just looking" (I'm just looking).

You can contact the seller yourself if you need help:

  • Could you help me? / Can you help me? - Could you help me?
  • Excuse me, could I ask you something? - Excuse me, can I ask you something?

If you need specific things or departments, it is better to ask about it right away:

  • Can you tell me where the hats are? - Could you tell me where the hats are sold?
  • Where can I find dresses? - Where can I find dresses?
  • Do you have clothing in stock? - Do you sell outerwear?
  • Excuse me, I can't find the woman section - Sorry, I can't find the women's section.
  • Where is the fitting room? - Where is the dressing room?

Read about how different wardrobe items are called in English in the article, and about various types of shoes -.

We are looking for the right clothes, size and find out the price

  • What is the price of this dress? - How much is this dress?
  • How much is it? / How much does it cost? - How much is it?
  • It's very expensive/cheap - It's very expensive/cheap.
  • This is amazing value for money - This is an amazing value for money.

The phrases "What is the price of..." and "How much is it?" universal for any store and suitable for both a grocery supermarket and a flea market.

Find out the size and ask for another:

  • What size do you wear? / What is your size? - What size do you wear? What is your size?
  • Do you have a larger/smaller size? - Do you have a larger/smaller size?
  • Do you have this in size 10? - Do you have this item in size 10?
  • I am size 8 - I have a size 8.
  • I wear European size 37 - I wear European size 37.
  • Does it fit right? - Does it suit you?
  • What about this? - How about this?

By the way, the dimensional grid in different countries has its own designations. So, in the UK, women's clothing sizes start at 4, and then 2 are added: 6,8,10 and so on, but European sizes, thanks to the mass market, are well known to us. To get our size - just add 6 to the number on the label. For example, the 36th is the Russian 42nd.

The standard designations accepted everywhere are XS (Extra Small), S (Small), M (Medium), L (Large), XL (Extra Large), etc.

After searching for information about the thing you need, the consultant can answer the following:

  • This is on sale - This is on sale.
  • Sorry, we are short of it at the moment - Sorry, we're out of it.
  • Sorry, we do not have any left - Sorry, this is not left.
  • Sorry, we do not sell them - Sorry, we do not sell such things.

The next step is to try things on.

  • Would you like to try it on? - Would you like to try it on?
  • I would like to try it on - I would like to try it on.
  • May I try it on? - Can I try it?
  • These shoes are tight - These shoes are tight.
  • It seems to fit well - It seems to fit well.
  • It's too loose/tight - It's too loose/tight.
  • This is too big/small - This is too big/small.
  • It does not fit me - This does not fit me (in size).
  • It does not suit me - This does not suit me (in color, style).
You can ask questions about a specific thing using the following phrases:
  • I would like another color - I would like a different color.
  • Have you got this in another color? - Do you have this item in another color?
  • Is this made of cotton? - Is it made of cotton?
  • What is this bag made of? What is this bag made of?
  • Is this new or second hand? - Is it new or used?
  • Does it come with a guarantee? - Is it covered by the warranty?

In case we have not yet decided to buy, we can say the following:

  • I do not like this - I don't like it.
  • It is not what I am looking for - This is not what I am looking for.
  • It is not quite what I wanted - This is not quite what I wanted.
  • I just can't make up my mind - I can't decide what to get.
  • Sorry, that is more than I thought it would be - Sorry, this thing is more expensive than I thought.
  • Do you have something cheaper? - Do you have anything cheaper?

The universal polite answer to the question of whether you will buy a thing or not: I will come back later. Which means "I'll come back later."

If everything suits us, we happily inform the consultant that I will take it (I will take it) and go to the cashier, after asking “Where is the cash desk?” (Where is the box office?). The consultant can take the purchase himself, saying “I will take this to the cash desk for you” (I will take this to the cash desk for you).

at the checkout

Questions that will help you:

  • Are you in the queue? - Are you standing in line?
  • Can you write down the price? - Can you write down the price?
  • Do you accept/accept credit cards? - Do you accept credit cards?
  • Can I pay by credit card? - Can I pay credit card?
  • What is the price after the discount? - What is the price of the item, taking into account the discount?
  • What is the total? - What is the total amount?
  • How much do I owe you? - How much do I owe you?
  • Can I buy it tax-free? - Can I buy it without tax?
  • Can I pay by cash? - Can I pay in cash?
  • Unfortunately, I do not have any small change - Unfortunately, I don't have any small change.
  • Would you have changed for this? - Will you have change from this amount?
  • I am afraid, you gave me the wrong change - I'm afraid you gave me the wrong change.

What can you hear from the cashier:

  • Would you like it wrapped? - Would you wrap it up?
  • Would you like a bag? - Do you need a package?
  • That is 50 euros altogether - The total amount is 50 euros.
  • Enter your PIN, please - Enter your PIN, please
  • Remove the card - Remove your card.
  • Sign, please - Sign, please.
  • Here is your change - Your change.
  • Here is your receipt - Here is your check.

Remember that by law you can return an item if it does not fit in size or for some other reason. It is better to clarify this point in advance in the store: Can I bring this back if it does not fit? (Can I return an item if it doesn't fit me?).

If, nevertheless, you find yourself in a situation where you need to return an item to the store, get a refund or exchange an item, then the following phrases will come in handy:

  • I'd like to return this - I would like to return this thing
  • I would like to return a purchase and get a refund - I would like to return a purchase and get a refund.
  • I would like my money back - I would like to return my money.
  • Can I change it for another thing? - Can I exchange it for something else?
  • I bought this here yesterday - I bought this here yesterday.
  • I bought the wrong size - I took the wrong size.
  • I "d like to change this for a different size - I would like to exchange this item for a different size.
  • It is faulty - The thing is damaged.
  • It is broken - The thing is broken.
  • Could I have a refund? - Can I get my money back?
  • I would like to speak to the manager - I would like to speak to the manager.

Remember, in order to exchange an item or return it to the store for full value, you must be sure to keep the purchase receipt and the tags on the clothes. Pay attention to the conditions for the return and exchange of things: in large stores they are usually written right next to the checkout. There will be text like this:

You can bring any clothing items back up to two weeks after purchase, but you must keep the receipt

This rule does not apply to all categories of goods. So, underwear is usually not refundable and exchangeable (Underwear is not refundable and exchangeable).

Now you know how to communicate in English in a clothing store, how to find your size and find out more about the item you want to buy. We hope that our advice will be useful, and your shopping abroad will become even more pleasant. Have fun shopping!

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In this article you will find all the necessary vocabulary on the topic of shopping and shopping in stores. How to buy, what to ask the seller, what to answer his questions and so on.

The topic is extensive, so for convenience we will divide the article into several parts. Let's look at words first, then phrases. In the end, we give some examples of dialogues between the buyer and the seller.

Let's start with basic words.

Words on the topic of shopping in English with translation

Where can I buy goods

shop/store- score

department store- supermarket

convenience store- small convenience store

grocery store- grocery store

online store— online store

toy shop / toy store- a toy shop

book shop- book store

jeweller's / jewelery store- jewelry shop

charity shop / second hand shop— second hand

shopping centre/shopping mall/mall– shopping center / complex

supermarket- supermarket

market- market

People associated with the sale/purchase

customer- buyer, customer

cashier / clerk- cashier / salesman

attendant / assistant- service person, assistant, salesman

manager- manager

A few more words related to shops

receipt- check, receipt

cash— cash

note- banknote

coins- coin

chip and pin machine— acquiring terminal

credit card / debit card— credit/debit card

loyalty card— loyalty card

trolley- cart

basket- basket

fitting room / changing room- dressing room

Phrases that can be heard in the store

Questions of the seller / consultant / manager

Can/May I help you?- Can I help you with anything?

Are you looking for anything in particular?- Looking for something specific?

Can I help you find something?— Can I help you find something?

What color would you like?- What color would you like?

What size would you like?- What size do you need?

Is there anything else I can help you with?- Is there anything else I can help you with?

Would you like to try it on?- Would you like to try it on?

What can I do for you?- How can I help? (What can I do for you?)

How about this one?— How about this?

Anything else? / Would you like anything else?- Anything else? / Would you like something else?

How would you like to pay? How would you like to pay for the purchase? (How will you pay?)

Will that be cash or credit?— Cash or credit card?

Do you have anything smaller? Do you have a smaller bill?

Do you have a loyalty card?— Do you have our card?

Would you like a bag?- Do you need a package?

Will that be all?- It's all?

Buyer Questions

Excuse me, do you work here?— Excuse me, do you work here?

Could you help me please?- Could you help me?

Could you tell me where the …. is, please?“Could you tell me where is…?”

How much is this? / How much does this cost?- How much is it?

How much are these?— How much does it cost (plural)?

How much is that…. in the window?- How much does that / that ... in the window?

Where can I find the …. ?- Where can I find…?

Do you sell…. ? / Do you have any … ?- You are selling…? / You have?

Would you have this in another color? Do you have it in a different color?

Have you got anything cheaper? / Do you have something less pricey (expensive)? Do you have something cheaper?

Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size?- Do you have a smaller size?

Where is the changing/fitting room?- Where is the dressing room?

Where can I weigh my groceries? Where can I weigh food?

Do/Can you deliver?- Do you deliver?

Do you take credit cards?- Do you accept credit cards?

Could I have a receipt, please?— May I have a check?

Possible answers and phrases of the seller

I'm afraid that's the only color we have.— I'm afraid that's the only color there is.

We don't have any more left.“We don't have that anymore.

I have exactly what you're looking for. I have exactly what you are looking for.

This one is on sale right now! This item is on sale!

The changing / fitting rooms are that way.- Fitting rooms - there.

That one is .... (price).- It (she/he) is worth...

They're ….(price) each.- They stand ... each.

We take / accept all major credit cards.— We accept all major types of credit cards.

Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. Sorry, we don't accept credit cards.

I'm afraid we take cash only. I'm afraid we only accept cash.

Put your card into the machine, please.- Insert a card, please.

Enter your PIN, please.- Enter your PIN.

That comes to ….(amount), please. / The total is ....(sum). / That's ....(amount), please.- With you ... / You must ...

Buyer phrases

I'm looking for a …- I'm looking for…

I'm trying to find a …- I'm trying to find...

I don't need any help. I'm just browsing, thank you. I don't need help, I'm just looking. Thank you.

No, I'm just looking, thanks. No, I'm just looking, thanks.

Oh, that's expensive.- It is expensive.

That's a little over my budget. This is a little over my budget.

That's not exactly what I'm looking for.“That's not exactly what I'm looking for.

I'll take it.- I take this.

I'll pay in cash.— I will pay in cash.

I'll pay by card.— I will pay by card.

Here's..., keep the change!- Here (money), change is not necessary!

That's all, thanks.- Nothing more, thank you.

I'd like to return this please.- I would like to return it.

I'd like to make a complaint.— I would like to complain.

I'd like to change this for a different size please. I would like to exchange for another size.

Related Dialogues

Here is a dialogue skeleton that can be used in a variety of situations:

customer: good morning! Good morning!
shop assistant: good morning! Can I help you? Good morning! Can I help you?
customer: Yes, please. Do you have a ___ (any ___)? Yes please. You have ___?
shop assistant: Sorry, I don't have any ___ . But I have a (some) nice ___ . Do you want a ___ (any)? Sorry, I don't have ___ , but I have ____ . You want ___ ?
customer: Yes, please. Yes please.
shop assistant: Here you are. Here you go.
customer: thank you. Thank you.
shop assistant: You're welcome. You are welcome.

In a clothing store:

From the phrases suggested earlier, you can create a variety of dialogues on your own, if you have such a need. Use your imagination!

Shopping is an integral part of how Everyday life and travel. When traveling abroad, we often have to make purchases in English. How to organize a dialogue in the store in English, keep up a conversation with the seller, demand and get exactly what you need? These tasks seem sometimes impossible for an unprepared user. But not for those who spend time on the pages of our site. Talking to the seller in English is a breeze for them! Join now, enter the store prepared!

Phrases that can be heard in the store

Table 1. Dialogue in the store in English.

Phrases to start a conversation with a salesperson

Table 2. Conversation with the seller in English.

We discuss the price in the store

Table 3 How much does it cost in English.

How much is it?

Is this in the sales?

Is this on sale?

Is this item on sale?

There's a discount of 20% on this.

This is 20% off.

These jeans are discounted by 20%.

These jeans are 20% off.

This is a bargain.

It is cheap.

It is expensive.

Here you are. (Take it.)

As a rule, our compatriots prefer clothing stores abroad. Therefore, it will be useful to shoe you in this area.

Discussing discounts

Table 4 How to ask for a discount in English.

Leading questions about buying

Do you have this in …

And you have it...

Size indicators: small S / medium M / large L / extra large XL

Color indicators: blue / black / beige

Trying on

Table 5 Phrases for trying on clothes in English.

We pay for the purchase

Table 6 How to pay for a purchase in English.

What else might be helpful

to suit = to suit (to the color of the hair, to the eyes)

to fit = fit, sit

These jeans don't fit very well.

These jeans don't fit very well.

Clothes can be...

Table 7 Clothing sizes in English.

universal size, fits S-L

too big

too small

too tight, narrow

too wide, loose

too long

too short

to go well with / to match

goes well with other clothes

This jumper goes well with my trousers.

This jumper goes well with my trousers.

"XS" ​​(eXtra small)

very small (40)
big size(48/50)

"XL" (eXtra Large)

extra large (52)

"XXL" (eXtra eXtra Large)

super big(54/56)
one size