Building energy efficiency passport. Energy passport of a building's energy efficiency How to read the energy passport of a residential building

Nikita Ivanov Energy passport according to project documentation, energy efficiency passport Energy passports according to project documentation, passport energy efficiency of MKD. Low prices, short deadlines, registration with SRO, examination. According to Order 400 of the Ministry of Energy.

The company "IC EnergoPartner" issues energy passports drawn up on the basis of design documentation for buildings, structures, structures put into operation after construction, reconstruction, and major repairs.

It is not allowed to put into operation buildings, structures, structures that have been constructed, reconstructed, undergone major repairs and do not meet energy efficiency requirements... (Part 6, Article 11 of Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009). Failure to comply with the above requirements of Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009. entails the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities from 500 to 600 thousand rubles. (Article 37 Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009, Part 3, Article 9.16 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses).

Energy efficiency passport

The company IC EnegroPartner offers services for the development of energy passports and energy efficiency passports for buildings and structures. Determination of the energy efficiency class of buildings.

Preparing a passport for apartment buildings, (passport of an apartment building), residential buildings and administrative buildings that are being put into operation, new and after reconstruction. This means a full range of work from concluding a contract to issuing a finished energy passport for the house and a technical report that includes all the necessary calculations and characteristics that are not included in the energy passport.

After drawing up a building’s energy passport (ECC), it is assigned an energy efficiency class, and the specific heating characteristic is calculated based on square meter building. These indicators are required when submitting documentation to architecture and administration and further commissioning of the building. A detailed technical report is attached to the building’s energy efficiency passport, which reflects all calculations, indicators and coefficients. We carry out thermal imaging and other instrumental surveys to determine whether the design documentation complies with the energy passport.

All home energy certificates (HIDs) are examined by a specialized expert organization, after which they are assigned a number and registered with the SRO. Upon completion of the work, the customer receives a house passport, a technical report, an expert opinion and an act of registration of the energy passport with the SRO.

The energy efficiency passport is drawn up on the basis of Order No. 400 of the Ministry of Energy dated June 30, 2014 “On approval of the requirements for conducting an energy audit and its results and the rules for sending copies of the energy passport drawn up based on the results of the mandatory energy audit”

The form and composition of the energy passport is presented below:


name of the object (building, structure, structure), address

Energy efficiency class ___________________

Options Unit Parameter value
1. Thermal protection parameters of a building, structure, structure
1.1. Required heat transfer resistance:
- external walls sq. m x °C/W
- windows and balcony doors sq. m x °C/W
sq. m x °C/W
- ceilings over driveways sq. m x °C/W
- ceilings over unheated basements and crawl spaces sq. m x °C/W
1.2. Required reduced heat transfer coefficient of a building, structure, structure W/(sq.m x °C/W)
1.3. Required breathability:
- external walls (including joints) kg/(sq. m x h)
- windows and balcony doors (at a pressure difference of 10 Pa) kg/(sq. m x h)
- coverings and floors of the first floor kg/(sq. m x h)
- entrance doors to apartments kg/(sq. m x h)
1.4. Standard generalized air permeability of a building, structure, structure at a pressure difference of 10 Pa kg/(sq. m x h)
2. Estimated indicators and characteristics of the building, structure, structure
2.1. Space-planning indicators
2.1.1. Construction volume, total cube m
including the heated part cube m
2.1.2. Number of apartments (premises) PC.
2.1.3. Estimated number of residents (workers) people
2.1.4. Area of ​​apartments, premises (excluding summer premises) sq. m
2.1.5. Floor height (from floor to floor) m
2.1.6. total area external enclosing structures of the heated part of the building in total, including: sq. m
- walls, including windows, balconies and entrance doors to the building sq. m
- windows and balcony doors sq. m
- coverings, attic floors sq. m
- ceilings over unheated basements and crawl spaces, driveways and under bay windows, floors on the ground sq. m
2.1.7. The ratio of the area of ​​the external enclosing structures of the heated part of the building to the area of ​​apartments (premises)
2.1.8. Ratio of the area of ​​windows and balcony doors to the area of ​​walls, including windows and balcony doors
2.2. Level of thermal protection of external enclosing structures
2.2.1. Reduced heat transfer resistance:
- walls sq. m x °C/W
- windows and balcony doors sq. m x °C/W
- coverings, attic floors sq. m x °C/W
- ceilings over basements and crawl spaces sq. m x °C/W
- ceilings above driveways and under bay windows sq. m x °C/W
2.2.2. Reduced heat transfer coefficient of the building W/(sq.m x °C/W)
2.2.3. Resistance to air permeation of external enclosing structures at a pressure difference of 10 Pa:
- walls (including joints) sq. m x h/kg
- windows and balcony doors sq. m x h/kg
- ceilings above the technical underground and basement sq. m x h/kg
- entrance doors to apartments sq. m x h/kg
- joints of wall elements m x h/kg
2.2.4. Reduced air permeability of building envelopes at a pressure difference of 10 Pa kg/(sq. m x h)
2.3. Energy loads of the building
2.3.1. Power consumption of engineering equipment systems:
- heating kW
- hot water supply kW
- power supply kW
- other systems (each separately) kW
2.3.2. Average daily expenses:
- natural gas cube m/day
- cold water cube m/day
- hot water cube m/day
2.3.3. Specific maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy per 1 sq. m area of ​​apartments (premises):
- for heating the building W/sq. m
- including ventilation W/sq. m
2.3.4. Specific thermal characteristic W/(cubic m x ​​°C)
2.4. Indicators of operational energy intensity of a building, structure, structure
2.4.1. Annual expenses of final types of energy carriers for a building (residential part of a building), structure, structure:
- electrical energy, Total,
MW x h/year
for general house lighting MW x h/year
in apartments (premises) MW x h/year
for power equipment MW x h/year
for water supply and sewerage MW x h/year
- natural gas thousand cubic meters m/year
2.4.2. Specific annual costs of final types of energy carriers per 1 sq. m area of ​​apartments (premises):
- thermal energy for heating in cold and transition periods of the year MJ/sq. m year
- thermal energy for hot water supply MJ/sq. m year
- thermal energy of other systems (separately) MJ/sq. m year
- electrical energy kW x h/sq. m year
- natural gas cube m/sq. m year
2.4.3. Specific operating energy intensity of a building (generalized indicator of the annual consumption of fuel and energy resources per 1 sq. m of area of ​​apartments and premises) kg.t. /sq. m year
2.4.4. Total specific annual heat energy consumption:
- for heating, ventilation and hot water supply kW x h/(sq. m x year)
- maximum permissible deviations from the standardized indicator %
- for heating and ventilation W x h/(sq. m x °C x day)

The energy passport of a residential building is a document that is necessary for carrying out restoration work of a multi-storey residential building, financed by the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform. The abbreviated name of the Fund is FSR Housing and Communal Services. To order a document, you should contact the organization dealing with these issues.

Energy inspection of residential buildings

A home energy audit is carried out for the following buildings:

  • buildings for which measures to improve the efficiency of energy supply and its conservation are carried out from local budget funds;
  • objects that absorb electrical energy worth more than 10,000,000 rubles in 12 months;
  • multi-storey buildings included in the regional capital repair program, which is carried out at the expense of the local budget in whole or in part, and here the energy audit of residential buildings is included in the capital repair estimate;
  • new objects that are transferred for the use of residents with the receipt of an energy passport for apartment buildings.

Energy inspection of the building is carried out at the expense of the owners of residential premises in apartment building. The amount will be added to the costs of repairs and maintenance of the facility. An energy audit of a building is carried out every five years. The goal is to optimize the consumption of electricity and heat, thereby reducing fees for these types of resources.

What activities are included in an energy audit?

The energy auditor carries out the following activities:

  • measurement of energy parameters of a structure;
  • assessment of the quality of building materials used for the construction of a residential building;
  • processing the information received and writing conclusions;
  • calculation and development of heat balance;
  • identification of manipulations that will help improve the energy efficiency of the structure;
  • energy-efficient prevention that will help protect your home from heat loss;
  • progress report.

Why is an energy audit carried out?

An energy audit will allow us to establish the reasons for the loss of heat and energy resources in the apartments of owners and in places common use. This usually occurs due to the lack of insulation, poor-quality door and window openings, and cracks in the house. By eliminating these reasons, residents of the house receive thermal energy in full, without loss.

Audit Methods

To conduct a correct inspection of an object, the following methods are used:

  • collection of information and its complete analysis;
  • inspection of heating meters;
  • inspection of the power supply system and energy consumption;
  • inspection of the boiler house supplying the coolant is not a mandatory event and is carried out only at the request of the auditor or if such a need arises;
  • inspection of the heat supply and heat consumption system;
  • television examination;
  • comprehensive inspection of the building;
  • writing a report on the work done.

Analytical report

The analytical report on the work done contains the following information:

  • consideration of the issue of how efficiently users consume electrical and thermal energy;
  • coverage of methods for saving energy resources and ways of their implementation.

The report indicates brief information, and detailed explanations are given for each point. The auditor is obliged not only to list information about the work done, but also to give recommendations on how to correct the current situation. If the report contains numbers, they should be included in a table or presented in the form of diagrams.

Survey results

When an energy inspection of the house is carried out, an energy passport is issued. It contains all the audit information about the object.

What information does the energy efficiency passport contain?

Energy passport apartment building contains the following information:

  • general characteristics of the building - its type, functions, number of floors and area of ​​the object;
  • data about climatic conditions in the place where the house is being built;
  • information about the time of the heating period;
  • area of ​​heated space and enclosing structures;
  • air temperature maintained inside the building and methods of regulating it when the temperature outside changes;
  • characteristics of protecting the premises from heat loss;
  • degree of thermal energy consumption;
  • energy saving level;
  • the degree of natural gas consumption by users;
  • information on possible savings in heat and electricity;
  • degree of electricity use;
  • energy efficiency coefficient according to various types resources for 10 years;
  • energy efficiency coefficient by levels of protection against heat loss for the current period and with a forecast for four years;
  • degree of heat loss and energy balance over ten years;
  • balance of water consumption by users taking into account losses over ten years;
  • degree of electricity loss and energy balance over ten years;

The energy passport of a residential building also contains information about heating and water meters and information about electricity meters.

An energy auditor is a legal entity that has all the relevant permits and powers. After a building inspection, measures are taken to make the house warmer and users pay less for electricity and heating.

At disclosure of information by management companies(RF PP No. 731) on the Housing and Communal Services Reform portal and the Management Company website in form 2.1 “General information about an apartment building” there is a field in which you must indicate the energy efficiency class of the apartment building. In this article we will try to understand the issue of energy efficiency class and passport, by whom and how it is assigned, and also why it is needed.

What is an energy audit

As we mentioned above, when disclosing information according to forms approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction No. 882/pr, you must indicate residential building energy efficiency class if available. If an energy efficiency class has not been assigned, this field cannot be left blank, but a value can be entered there. In this case, it will be considered that the legal requirements on this issue of information disclosure are fulfilled in full, since according to the law the management company has no obligation to conduct an energy inspection of the apartment building.

But on the other hand, the absence of disclosure of energy efficiency class information in Form 2.1 may already become a reason to check the management company for the presence energy efficiency passports apartment building. Since the absence of an indication of the energy efficiency class of the MKD directly indicates a failure to carry out an energy audit of the house. Although the procedure is voluntary, one way or another it must be carried out without fail once every five years in accordance with the law.

Therefore, this issue still remains controversial and ambiguous. In general, relations on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency are defined in Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation" Clause 5 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 261 states that energy inspections are carried out on a voluntary basis. The exception is when, according to this federal law, an energy audit is mandatory.

  • obtaining objective data on the volume of energy resources used;
  • determination of energy efficiency indicators;
  • determining the potential for energy saving and energy efficiency;
  • compiling a list of energy saving and energy efficiency measures, as well as assessing their costs.

According to the law, energy inspections are required to be carried out by management companies if (Clause 1, Article 16 of Federal Law No. 261):

  • apartment buildings are put into operation after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 261 of November 27, 2009, or have undergone reconstruction or major repairs (clause 6 of Article 11 of Federal Law No. 261). For such MKD, an energy audit is carried out once every 5 years;
  • the maximum value of total costs for the purchase of energy resources has been exceeded. The criterion for determining the need for an energy audit is the volume of total costs of the management company for the purchase of natural gas, heat, coal and electricity.

The maximum amount of total costs is specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 818 of August 16, 2014 “On establishing the volume of energy resources in monetary terms for the purposes of conducting mandatory energy surveys.” This limit is equal to 50 million rubles.

Consequently, if the total amount of expenses of a management company for a calendar year exceeds 50 million rubles, such a company must necessarily conduct an energy audit (clause 5, clause 1, article 16 of Federal Law No. 261). Otherwise energy survey is voluntary.

The law does not say anything about the need to conduct an energy audit in relation to the old housing stock. But it is legislated that every facility consuming fuel and energy resources must undergo at least 1 inspection within 5 years from the date Federal Law No. 261 came into force.

Responsibility for failure to comply with the deadlines for conducting a mandatory energy audit under clause 8 of Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation arises for the Criminal Code in the form of imposing an administrative fine for:

  • officials - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities - from 50 to 250 thousand rubles.

An energy audit of an apartment building consists of the following activities:

  • energy inspection of an apartment building through thermal imaging, collection of statistical information, measurements;
  • assessing the quality of structural materials used in building a house;
  • analyzing the information received, drawing conclusions;
  • development of the heat balance of apartment buildings and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the building;
  • drawing up a report with conclusions on all points and assessing the potential amount of savings.

Why do you need an energy audit of MKD?

An energy survey of apartment buildings is designed to identify and eliminate the causes of energy losses in the entrances and apartments of the owners of premises in a given building. Heat can escape from homes through uninsulated roofs, window cracks, old doors, and cold, damp basements. Knowing the source of the heat leak will help you take corrective action.

Energy efficiency measures MKDs will allow each owner of premises in a residential building to save costs on the use of energy resources.

Energy efficiency class and passport

The rules for determining the energy efficiency classes of apartment buildings were approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 161 dated April 8, 2011. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building is assigned to monitor and collect information about the level of its energy efficiency, generate a list of energy saving measures and increase the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources.

By law energy efficiency class assigned by GZhN authorities (Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261). To do this you need:

  • conduct an energy audit by a specialized organization that is part of the SRO;
  • submit an energy efficiency passport to GZHN;
  • place a sign with energy efficiency class D for all residential buildings on the corner of the facade of the apartment building, at a height of at least 2 meters;
  • bring to the attention of homeowners a list of annual measures to improve the energy efficiency of apartment buildings, determined by a specialized organization based on an energy audit.

According to the Order of the State Construction Supervision No. 1 dated January 24, 2014, when commissioning newly constructed structures and buildings after major reconstruction, it is necessary to issue an energy passport and assign an energy efficiency class to the facility.

The energy passport is compiled based on the results of an energy survey of the apartment building or analysis of project documentation and reflects the energy efficiency indicators of the resources used. Residential building energy efficiency passport is an official document and allows you to determine the technical condition of a residential building or energy-intensive equipment. You can add energy saving measures and recommendations to your passport.

The energy efficiency passport is issued according to the approved form No. 24, which is determined by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 182 dated April 19, 2010 “On approval of the requirements for an energy passport drawn up based on the results of a mandatory energy audit, and an energy passport drawn up on the basis of project documentation, and the rules for sending a copy energy passport compiled based on the results of a mandatory energy audit.”

The prosecutor's office is already conducting inspections of the management company to determine whether apartment buildings have energy efficiency classes and passports. In the absence of these, issues fines based on:

  • Article 154 of the RF Housing Code, which states that fee for maintenance and repair of residential premises includes payment for services and work on management of apartment buildings, maintenance, current and major renovation common property in the house;
  • Article 12 Federal Law-261, which states that the rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings include requirements for carrying out energy saving measures and increasing the energy efficiency of the house;
  • Clause 11 in RF PP No. 491, which determines that the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings also includes the implementation of mandatory energy saving measures.

Energy saving measures

According to Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009, in order to increase the level of energy saving of a residential building and its energy efficiency, it is necessary to include a list of relevant measures in the rules for the maintenance of common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings.

Regional executive authorities approve a list of one-time or regular measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency in relation to the common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings.

In accordance with the approved list Management Company is obliged to carry out energy saving and energy efficiency measures residential building. The exception is cases of carrying out these activities earlier while preserving their results. All costs for carrying out these events are borne by the owners of the premises in the apartment building.

Energy passport An energy passport is a document developed based on the results of an energy survey, which reflects data on the characteristics of the enterprise as a whole, buildings and structures, energy-consuming equipment, data on the consumption of energy resources and specific indicators of the energy intensity of manufactured products or services provided, as well as energy efficiency indicators. efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and individual technological processes. Among other data, the energy passport includes Appendix 21 “Energy Saving Potential of Consumed Energy Resources” and Appendices 20 and 22, containing a list of organizational and technical energy-saving measures recommended for implementation.

The energy passport is drawn up in accordance with Federal law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” The form of the energy passport is established by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 400 dated June 30, 2014.

Energy passport classification

  1. The energy passport of an organization (legal entity) includes Appendices 1 – 34 to the Order of the Ministry of Energy. This passport is necessary to fulfill the requirements of Federal Law-261 regarding the mandatory energy inspection. Such an energy passport is developed at least once every 5 years.
  2. The energy passport of a separate building is drawn up in accordance with the form of Appendix 35 to Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 400. This passport is required solely for provision to construction supervision as part of a package of documents when putting buildings (structures) into operation. Such an energy passport is developed only once.

Which organizations and in what cases are required to have an energy passport?

A valid energy passport of an organization (legal entity) must be available to all legal entities subject to the requirements of Federal Law-261 on conducting a mandatory energy inspection. Article 16 of Federal Law-261 “On Energy Saving...” establishes the following criteria for mandatory energy inspection. If an organization falls under at least 1 of these criteria, an energy audit is mandatory for it.

  1. Bodies of state power and local self-government.
  2. Organizations with the participation of the state or municipality. This item includes organizations directly owned by the state or municipality, and organizations in the chain of owners (or shareholders) of which companies with state participation can be traced.
  3. Organizations carrying out regulated types of activities (heat supply, water supply and sanitation, electricity supply, gas supply, solid waste disposal, etc.).
  4. Organizations that are engaged in the production of thermal energy (including for their own needs), water production (including for their own needs), electrical energy (including for their own needs) and any other types of energy resources (natural gas, oil, coal, petroleum products, natural gas and oil processing). This paragraph also applies to companies that transport any energy resources. This point is the main one, which most honest legal entities fall under. Previously, some legal entities believed that the presence of production of energy resources exclusively for their own needs (for example, thermal energy for heating their own building) is not a criterion for mandatory energy inspection.
  5. Organizations whose total costs for all fuel and energy resources exceed 50 million rubles. in year.
  6. Organizations that implement energy saving measures using budget funds.

The process of obtaining an energy passport (with deadlines).

Only specialized organizations that are members of SROs in the field of energy inspections and have qualified specialists on staff have the right to issue an energy passport.

  • To obtain an energy passport, first of all you need to send us a completed questionnaire according to our form questionnaire in Word format (download link) , or send basic information from the questionnaire in free form.
  • After receiving the completed questionnaire, our company’s specialists will calculate the exact cost and timing of the work and send you an official commercial proposal. Calculating the cost of work and preparing a commercial proposal, as a rule, takes no more than 24 hours from the receipt of the questionnaire.
  • You decide to conclude an Agreement and send us a card with the company details.
  • Our specialists prepare a draft Agreement and send it to you for approval and signing.
  • After signing the Agreement, our specialists, together with the company’s employees, collect initial data for the development of the organization’s energy passport. Depending on the scale of the enterprise, collecting initial data can take from several days to several months.
  • When all the necessary data has been collected, energy auditors begin to make all the necessary calculations and fill out the energy passport form. At this stage, energy-saving measures are developed, balances are drawn up for all types of energy resources, energy consumption forecasts are drawn up for the next 5 years and a schedule for the implementation of energy-saving measures is agreed upon, and an Energy Inspection Report is drawn up.
  • After development, the energy passport is agreed upon with the Customer and sent for independent examination to the SRO.
  • Based on the results of the examination, an expert opinion is issued on the compliance of the energy passport with legal requirements and the passport is assigned a registration number in the SRO register.
  • After registration with the SRO, the original energy passport, certified by the signature and round seal of the SRO and our company, is transferred to the Customer, and an electronic copy of the passport is sent to the Ministry of Energy of Russia for registration. After registering a copy of the passport with the Ministry of Energy, the procedure for obtaining an energy passport is completely completed. The validity of the passport will be 5 years from the date indicated on the title page.

Price list

The cost of obtaining an energy passport depends entirely on the scale of the organization, the number and area of ​​buildings and the composition of the enterprise’s energy sector. The exact cost can only be determined after receiving a completed questionnaire. The estimated cost for organizations in various fields of activity is indicated below.

Sanctions for the lack of an energy passport for an organization.

Federal Law 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency...” established the fine for violating the terms of a mandatory energy inspection in the amount of up to 250,000 rubles, as well as a fine for an official (responsible employee) from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles. Imposing a fine does not exempt an organization from conducting a mandatory energy audit. When a fine is imposed, an order is issued to eliminate the violation. The elimination period is determined based on the actual period of energy inspection, usually 2-4 months.

The requirements for the form of an energy passport are established by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2014 No. 400. The energy passport consists of the following forms (applications):

  • Appendix No. 1 title page.
  • Appendix No. 2 general information about the object of energy inspection.
  • Appendix No. 3 information about the equipment with metering devices.
  • Appendix No. 4 Information on the consumption of energy resources and water and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 5 Information on the balance of electrical energy and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 6 Information on the balance of thermal energy and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 7 Information on the balance of boiler and furnace fuel consumption. Information on CO2-equivalent emissions from the use of energy resources for the reporting (base) year. Information on CO2-equivalent emissions from the use of energy resources and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 8 Information on the use of motor fuel.
  • Appendix No. 9 Information on water balance and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 10 Information on the use of secondary energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 11 Indicators of the use of electrical energy for lighting purposes. Information on lighting systems and energy efficiency indicators of the use of electrical energy for the purpose of external lighting of enterprise sites, settlements and highways outside populated areas.
  • Appendix No. 12 Basic specifications energy resources and their consumption by main technological complexes.
  • Appendix No. 13 a brief description of object (buildings, structures and structures).
  • Appendix No. 14 Information on energy efficiency indicators. Assessment of compliance of actual indicators with passport and calculated-normative values.
  • Appendix No. 15 Descriptions of energy and water transmission lines.
  • Appendix No. 16 Information on the length of overhead cable power transmission lines.
  • Appendix No. 17 Information on the number and installed power of transformers.
  • Appendix No. 18 Information on the number and power of reactive power compensation devices.
  • Appendix No. 19 Information on the amount of losses of transferred energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 20 Recommendations for reducing losses of transferred energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 21 Energy saving potential and assessment of savings in consumed energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 22 Information on recommended supporting measures for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency. Information on recommended measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency.
  • Appendix No. 23 Information about officials responsible for ensuring energy saving and energy efficiency measures.
  • Appendix No. 24 Information on personnel qualifications.
  • Appendix No. 25 – 34 (to be completed only for gas transportation organizations).